blob: d3705292f431a0d9a72dea9839ebba0f0e2ff057 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This script generates a manifest compatibile with the expectations set forth
# by docker-library/official-images.
# It is not compatible with the version of Bash currently shipped with OS X due
# to the use of features introduced in Bash 4.
set -eu
self="$(basename "$BASH_SOURCE")"
cd "$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$BASH_SOURCE")")"
# get the most recent commit which modified any of "$@"
fileCommit() {
git log -1 --format='format:%H' HEAD -- "$@"
# get the most recent commit which modified "$1/Dockerfile" or any file COPY'd from "$1/Dockerfile"
dirCommit() {
local dir="$1"; shift
cd "$dir"
fileCommit \
Dockerfile \
$(git show HEAD:./Dockerfile | awk '
toupper($1) == "COPY" {
for (i = 2; i < NF; i++) {
print $i
# Inputs:
# - tags: comma-seprated list of image tags
# - latestVersion: latest version
# Output: comma-separated list of tags with "latest" removed if not latest version
pruneTags() {
local tags=$1
local latestVersion=$2
if [[ $tags =~ $latestVersion ]]; then
# tags contains latest version. keep "latest" tag
echo $tags
# remove "latest", any "scala_" or "javaXX" tag, unless it is the latest version
# the "scala" / "java" tags have a similar semantic as the "latest" tag in docker registries.
echo $tags | sed -E 's|, (scala\|latest\|java[0-9]{1,2})[-_.[:alnum:]]*||g'
extractValue() {
local key="$1"
local file="$2"
local line=$(cat $file | grep "$key:")
echo $line | sed "s/${key}: //g"
# get latest flink version
latest_version=`ls -1a | grep -E "[0-9]+.[0-9]+" | sort -V -r | head -n 1`
cat <<-EOH
# this file is generated via$(fileCommit "$self")/$self
Maintainers: Patrick Lucas <> (@patricklucas),
Ismaël Mejía <> (@iemejia)
for dockerfile in $(find . -name "Dockerfile"); do
dir=$(dirname $dockerfile)
commit="$(dirCommit "$dir")"
architectures=$(extractValue "Architectures" $metadata)
tags=$(extractValue "Tags" $metadata)
tags=$(pruneTags "$tags" $latest_version)
# newline
# The tabs here are necessary for the heredoc to work right
cat <<-EOE
Tags: $tags
Architectures: $architectures
GitCommit: $commit
Directory: $dir