blob: d3f25cb38030733a0c498be2f20825b608978467 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.gcp.pubsub.common;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.state.CheckpointListener;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.checkpoint.ListCheckpointed;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import static;
* Helper class for SourceFunctions to acknowledge messages to external systems after a successful checkpoint.
* <p>The mechanism for this source assumes that messages are identified by a unique ID.
* When messages are taken from the message queue, the message must not be dropped immediately from the external system,
* but must be retained until acknowledged. Messages that are not acknowledged within a certain
* time interval will be served again (to a different connection, established by the recovered source).
* <p>Note that this source can give no guarantees about message order in the case of failures,
* because messages that were retrieved but not yet acknowledged will be returned later again, after
* a set of messages that was not retrieved before the failure.
* <p>Internally, this class gathers the IDs of elements it emits. Per checkpoint, the IDs are stored and
* acknowledged when the checkpoint is complete. That way, no message is acknowledged unless it is certain
* that it has been successfully processed throughout the topology and the updates to any state caused by
* that message are persistent.
* @param <ACKID> Type of Ids to acknowledge
public class AcknowledgeOnCheckpoint<ACKID extends Serializable> implements CheckpointListener, ListCheckpointed<AcknowledgeIdsForCheckpoint<ACKID>> {
private final Acknowledger<ACKID> acknowledger;
private List<AcknowledgeIdsForCheckpoint<ACKID>> acknowledgeIdsPerCheckpoint;
private List<ACKID> acknowledgeIdsForPendingCheckpoint;
private AtomicInteger outstandingAcknowledgements;
public AcknowledgeOnCheckpoint(Acknowledger<ACKID> acknowledger) {
this.acknowledger = acknowledger;
this.acknowledgeIdsPerCheckpoint = new ArrayList<>();
this.acknowledgeIdsForPendingCheckpoint = new ArrayList<>();
this.outstandingAcknowledgements = new AtomicInteger(0);
public void addAcknowledgeId(ACKID id) {
public void notifyCheckpointComplete(long checkpointId) {
//get all acknowledgeIds of this and earlier checkpoints
List<ACKID> idsToAcknowledge = acknowledgeIdsPerCheckpoint
.filter(acknowledgeIdsForCheckpoint -> acknowledgeIdsForCheckpoint.getCheckpointId() <= checkpointId)
.flatMap(acknowledgeIdsForCheckpoint -> acknowledgeIdsForCheckpoint.getAcknowledgeIds().stream())
//only keep acknowledgeIds of newer checkpointIds
acknowledgeIdsPerCheckpoint =
.filter(acknowledgeIdsForCheckpoint -> acknowledgeIdsForCheckpoint.getCheckpointId() > checkpointId)
outstandingAcknowledgements = new AtomicInteger(numberOfAcknowledgementIds(acknowledgeIdsPerCheckpoint));
public void notifyCheckpointAborted(long checkpointId) {
public List<AcknowledgeIdsForCheckpoint<ACKID>> snapshotState(long checkpointId, long timestamp) {
acknowledgeIdsPerCheckpoint.add(new AcknowledgeIdsForCheckpoint<>(checkpointId, acknowledgeIdsForPendingCheckpoint));
acknowledgeIdsForPendingCheckpoint = new ArrayList<>();
return acknowledgeIdsPerCheckpoint;
public void restoreState(List<AcknowledgeIdsForCheckpoint<ACKID>> state) {
outstandingAcknowledgements = new AtomicInteger(numberOfAcknowledgementIds(state));
acknowledgeIdsPerCheckpoint = state;
private int numberOfAcknowledgementIds(List<AcknowledgeIdsForCheckpoint<ACKID>> acknowledgeIdsForCheckpoints) {
return acknowledgeIdsForCheckpoints
public int numberOfOutstandingAcknowledgements() {
return outstandingAcknowledgements.get();