blob: a5c6783c9e0ed71391ab427c96fc67d8393101b1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.adobe.internal.fxg.dom.text;
import static com.adobe.fxg.FXGConstants.*;
import com.adobe.fxg.FXGException;
import com.adobe.fxg.dom.FXGNode;
import com.adobe.internal.fxg.dom.DOMParserHelper;
import com.adobe.internal.fxg.dom.types.Kerning;
import com.adobe.internal.fxg.dom.types.LineBreak;
import com.adobe.internal.fxg.dom.types.WhiteSpaceCollapse;
* A base class for text nodes that have character formatting.
* @author Peter Farland
public abstract class AbstractCharacterTextNode extends AbstractTextNode
protected static final double FONTSIZE_MIN_INCLUSIVE = 1.0;
protected static final double FONTSIZE_MAX_INCLUSIVE = 720.0;
// Attributes
// Character Attributes
/** Character Attribute: The font family. */
public String fontFamily = "Times New Roman";
/** Character Attribute: The font size. */
public double fontSize = 12.0;
/** Character Attribute: The font style. */
public String fontStyle = "normal";
/** Character Attribute: The font weight. */
public String fontWeight = "normal";
/** Character Attribute: The line height. */
public double lineHeight = 120.0;
/** Character Attribute: The text decoration. */
public String textDecoration = "none";
/** Character Attribute: The white space collapse. */
public WhiteSpaceCollapse whiteSpaceCollapse = WhiteSpaceCollapse.PRESERVE;
/** Character Attribute: The line break. */
public LineBreak lineBreak = LineBreak.TOFIT;
/** Character Attribute: The tracking. */
public double tracking = 0.0;
/** Character Attribute: The kerning. */
public Kerning kerning = Kerning.AUTO;
/** Character Attribute: The text alpha. */
public double textAlpha = 1.0;
/** Character Attribute: The color. */
public int color = COLOR_BLACK;
/** Character Attribute: The line through. */
public boolean lineThrough = false;
// FXGNode Implementation
* This implementation processes character attributes that are common to
* <TextGraphic>, <p>, and <span>. Delegates to the
* parent class to process attributes that are not in the list below.
* <p>
* The right hand side of an ActionScript assignment is generated for
* each property based on the expected type of the attribute.
* </p>
* <p>
* Character attributes include:
* <ul>
* <li><b>fontFamily</b> (String): The font family name used to render the
* text. Default value is Times New Roman (Times on Mac OS X).</li>
* <li><b>fontSize</b> (Number): The size of the glyphs that is used to
* render the text, specified in point sizes. Default is 12. Minimum 1
* point. Maximum 500 points.</li>
* <li><b>fontStyle</b> (String): [normal, italic] The style of the glyphs
* that is used to render the text. Legal values are 'normal' and 'italic'.
* Default is normal.</li>
* <li><b>fontWeight</b> (String): [normal, bold] The boldness or lightness
* of the glyphs that is used to render the text. Default is normal.</li>
* <li><b>lineHeight</b> (Percent | Number): The leading, or the distance
* from the previous line's baseline to this one, in points. Default is
* 120%. Minimum value for percent or number is 0.</li>
* <li><b>tracking</b> (Percent): Space added to the advance after each
* character, as a percentage of the current point size. Percentages can be
* negative, to bring characters closer together. Default is 0.</li>
* <li><b>textDecoration</b> (String): [none, underline]: The decoration to
* apply to the text. Default is none.</li>
* <li><b>lineThrough</b> (Boolean): true if text has strikethrough applied,
* false otherwise. Default is false.</li>
* <li><b>color</b> (Color): The color of the text. Default is 0x000000.</li>
* <li><b>textAlpha</b> (alpha): The alpha value applied to the text.
* Default is 1.0.</li>
* <li><b>whiteSpaceCollapse</b> (String): [preserve, collapse] This is an
* enumerated value. A value of "collapse" converts line feeds, newlines,
* and tabs to spaces and collapses adjacent spaces to one. Leading and
* trailing whitespace is trimmed. A value of "preserve" passes whitespace
* through unchanged.</li>
* <li><b>lineBreak</b> (String): [toFit, explicit] This is an enumeration.
* A value of "toFit" wraps the lines at the edge of the enclosing
* TextGraphic. A value of "explicit" breaks the lines only at a Unicode
* line end character (such as a newline or line separator). toFit is the
* default.</li>
* <li><b>kerning</b> (String): [on, off, auto] If on, pair kerns are
* honored. If off, there is no font-based kerning applied. If auto,
* kerning is applied to all characters except Kanji, Hiragana or Katakana.
* The default is auto.</li>
* </ul>
* </p>
* @param name - the unqualified attribute name
* @param value - the attribute value
* @throws FXGException if a value is out of the valid range.
* @see com.adobe.internal.fxg.dom.text.AbstractTextNode#addChild(FXGNode)
public void setAttribute(String name, String value)
fontFamily = value;
else if (FXG_FONTSIZE_ATTRIBUTE.equals(name))
fontSize = DOMParserHelper.parseDouble(this, value, name, FONTSIZE_MIN_INCLUSIVE, FONTSIZE_MAX_INCLUSIVE, fontSize);
else if (FXG_FONTSTYLE_ATTRIBUTE.equals(name))
fontStyle = value;
else if (FXG_FONTWEIGHT_ATTRIBUTE.equals(name))
fontWeight = value;
else if (FXG_LINEHEIGHT_ATTRIBUTE.equals(name))
lineHeight = DOMParserHelper.parsePercent(this, value, name);
textDecoration = value;
whiteSpaceCollapse = getWhiteSpaceCollapse(this, value);
else if (FXG_LINEBREAK_ATTRIBUTE.equals(name))
lineBreak = getLineBreak(this, value);
else if (FXG_TRACKING_ATTRIBUTE.equals(name))
tracking = DOMParserHelper.parsePercent(this, value, name);
else if (FXG_KERNING_ATTRIBUTE.equals(name))
kerning = getKerning(this, value);
else if (FXG_TEXTALPHA_ATTRIBUTE.equals(name))
textAlpha = DOMParserHelper.parseDouble(this, value, name, ALPHA_MIN_INCLUSIVE, ALPHA_MAX_INCLUSIVE, textAlpha);
else if (FXG_COLOR_ATTRIBUTE.equals(name))
color = DOMParserHelper.parseRGB(this, value, name);
else if (FXG_LINETHROUGH_ATTRIBUTE.equals(name))
lineThrough = DOMParserHelper.parseBoolean(this, value, name);
super.setAttribute(name, value);
// Remember attribute was set on this node.
rememberAttribute(name, value);
// Helper Methods
* Convert an FXG String value to a Kerning enumeration.
* @param value - the FXG String value.
* @param node the FXG node
* @return the matching Kerning value.
* @throws FXGException if the String did not match a known
* Kerning value.
public static Kerning getKerning(FXGNode node, String value)
if (FXG_KERNING_AUTO_VALUE.equals(value))
return Kerning.AUTO;
else if (FXG_KERNING_ON_VALUE.equals(value))
return Kerning.ON;
else if (FXG_KERNING_OFF_VALUE.equals(value))
return Kerning.OFF;
//Exception: Unknown kerning: {0}
throw new FXGException(node.getStartLine(), node.getStartColumn(), "UnknownKerning", value);
* Convert an FXG String value to a LineBreak enumeration.
* @param value - the FXG String value.
* @param node the FXG node
* @return the matching LineBreak rule.
* @throws FXGException if the String did not match a known
* LineBreak rule.
public static LineBreak getLineBreak(FXGNode node, String value)
if (FXG_LINEBREAK_TOFIT_VALUE.equals(value))
return LineBreak.TOFIT;
else if (FXG_LINEBREAK_EXPLICIT_VALUE.equals(value))
return LineBreak.EXPLICIT;
//Exception:Unknown line break: {0}.
throw new FXGException(node.getStartLine(), node.getStartColumn(), "UnknownLineBreak", value);
* Convert an FXG String value to a WhiteSpaceCollapse enumeration.
* @param value - the FXG String value.
* @param node the FXG node
* @return the matching WhiteSpaceCollapse rule.
* @throws FXGException if the String did not match a known
* WhiteSpaceCollapse rule.
public static WhiteSpaceCollapse getWhiteSpaceCollapse(FXGNode node, String value)
return WhiteSpaceCollapse.PRESERVE;
else if (FXG_WHITESPACE_COLLAPSE_VALUE.equals(value))
return WhiteSpaceCollapse.COLLAPSE;
//Exception: Unknown white space collapse: {0}
throw new FXGException(node.getStartLine(), node.getStartColumn(), "UnknownWhiteSpaceCollapse", value);