blob: d109040c1348973d0e94d78a85385be4bc85007d [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package spark.components
import flash.utils.Dictionary;
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
import mx.collections.IList;
import mx.collections.ISort;
import mx.core.ClassFactory;
import mx.core.IFactory;
import mx.core.IVisualElementContainer;
import mx.core.mx_internal;
import spark.collections.Sort;
import spark.collections.SortField;
import spark.components.calendarClasses.DateAndTimeProvider;
import spark.components.calendarClasses.DateSelectorDisplayMode;
import spark.components.calendarClasses.DateSpinnerItemRenderer;
import spark.components.calendarClasses.YearProvider;
import spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableComponent;
import spark.formatters.DateTimeFormatter;
import spark.formatters.NumberFormatter;
import spark.globalization.supportClasses.CalendarDate;
import spark.globalization.supportClasses.DateTimeFormatterEx;
use namespace mx_internal;
[Exclude(name="textAlign", kind="style")]
// Events
* Dispatched after the selected date has been changed by the user.
* @eventType
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion AIR 3
* @productversion Flex 4.6
[Event(name="change", type="")]
* Dispatched after the selected date has been changed, either
* by the user (i.e. interactively) or programmatically.
* @eventType
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion AIR 3
* @productversion Flex 4.6
[Event(name="valueCommit", type="")]
// Styles
include "../styles/metadata/"
* The locale of the component. Controls how dates are formatted, e.g. in what order the fields
* are listed and what additional date-related characters are shown, if any. Uses standard locale
* identifiers as described in Unicode Technical Standard #35. For example "en", "en_US" and "en-US"
* are all English, "ja" is Japanese. If the specified locale is not supported on the platform, "en_US"
* will be used. To determine if a locale is supported, use
* <code>DateTimeFormatter.getAvailableLocaleIDNames()</code>
* <p>The default value is undefined. This property inherits its value from an ancestor; if still
* undefined, it inherits from the global <code>locale</code> style.</p>
* <p>When using the Spark formatters and globalization classes, you can set this style on the root
* application to the value of the <code>LocaleID.DEFAULT</code> constant.
* Those classes will then use the client operating system's international preferences.</p>
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion AIR 3
* @productversion Flex 4.6
[Style(name="locale", type="String", inherit="yes")]
* Color applied for the date items that match today's date.
* For example, if this is set to "0x0000FF" and today's date is 1/1/2011, then the month
* "January", the date "1", and the year "2011" will be in blue text on the spinners. This color
* is not applied to time items.
* <p>The default value is inherited from the global styles; see the framework defaults.css for
* the specific value.</p>
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion AIR 3
* @productversion Flex 4.6
[Style(name="accentColor", type="uint", format="Color", inherit="yes")]
// Other metadata
* The DateSpinner control presents an interface for picking a particular date or time.
* <p>The DateSpinner control can display the date, the time, or the date and time, based on the
* value of the <code>displayMode</code> property.</p>
* <p>The following images shows the three modes of the DateSpinner control:</p>
* <p>
* <img src="../../images/datespinner_types.png" alt="DateSpinner types"/>
* </p>
* <p>The UI for the control is made up of a series of SpinnerList controls wrapped inside
* a SpinnerListContainer that show the
* currently-selected date. Through touch or mouse interaction, users
* can adjust the selected date.</p>
* <p>The DateSpinnerSkin only defines some sizing properties.
* To change the appearance of the DateSpinner control, you typically reskin the underlying
* SpinnerListSkin or SpinnerListContainerSkin.</p>
* @mxml <p>The <code>&lt;s:DateSpinner&gt;</code> tag inherits all of the tag
* attributes of its superclass and adds the following tag attributes:</p>
* <pre>
* &lt;s:DateSpinner
* <strong>Properties</strong>
* displayMode="date|time|dateAndTime"
* maxDate="null"
* minDate="null"
* minuteStepSize="1"
* selectedDate=""
* <strong>Styles</strong>
* accentColor="0x0099FF"
* /&gt;
* </pre>
* @see spark.components.SpinnerList
* @see spark.components.calendarClasses.DateSpinnerItemRenderer
* @see
* @includeExample examples/DateSpinnerExample.mxml -noswf
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion AIR 3
* @productversion Flex 4.6
public class DateSpinner extends SkinnableComponent
// Class constants
* Specifies to the <code>createDateItemList()</code> method that the list is for showing
* years.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion AIR 3
* @productversion Flex 4.6
protected static const YEAR_ITEM:String = "yearItem";
* Specifies to the <code>createDateItemList()</code> method that the list is for showing
* months.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion AIR 3
* @productversion Flex 4.6
protected static const MONTH_ITEM:String = "monthItem";
* Specifies to the <code>createDateItemList()</code> method that the list is for showing
* dates of the month or year.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion AIR 3
* @productversion Flex 4.6
protected static const DATE_ITEM:String = "dateItem";
* Specifies to the <code>createDateItemList()</code> method that the list is for showing
* hours.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion AIR 3
* @productversion Flex 4.6
protected static const HOUR_ITEM:String = "hourItem";
* Specifies to the <code>createDateItemList()</code> method that the list is for showing
* minutes.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion AIR 3
* @productversion Flex 4.6
protected static const MINUTE_ITEM:String = "minuteItem";
* Specifies to the <code>createDateItemList()</code> method that the list is for showing
* meridian options.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion AIR 3
* @productversion Flex 4.6
protected static const MERIDIAN_ITEM:String = "meridianItem";
private static const MS_IN_DAY:Number = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
// choosing January 1980 to guarantee 31 days in the month
private static const JAN1980_IN_MS:Number = 315561660000;
// meridian
private static const AM:String = "am";
private static const PM:String = "pm";
// default min/max date
private static const MIN_DATE_DEFAULT:Date = new Date(DateTimeFormatterEx.MIN_YEAR, 0, 1);
private static const MAX_DATE_DEFAULT:Date = new Date(9999, 11, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999);
// Emphasized constant
mx_internal static const EMPHASIZED_PROPERTY_NAME:String = "_emphasized_";
// Constructor
* Constructor.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion AIR 3
* @productversion Flex 4.6
public function DateSpinner()
// Variables
private var dispatchValueCommitEvent:Boolean = false;
private var dispatchChangeEvent:Boolean = false;
private var populateYearDataProvider:Boolean = true;
private var populateMonthDataProvider:Boolean = true;
private var populateDateDataProvider:Boolean = true;
private var populateHourDataProvider:Boolean = true;
private var populateMinuteDataProvider:Boolean = true;
private var populateMeridianDataProvider:Boolean = true;
mx_internal var refreshDateTimeFormatter:Boolean = true;
// the internal DateTimeFormatter that provides a set of extended functionalities
mx_internal var dateTimeFormatterEx:DateTimeFormatterEx = new DateTimeFormatterEx();
private var dateTimeFormatter:DateTimeFormatter = new DateTimeFormatter();
// the DateTimeFormatterEx that uses MMMEEEd skeleton pattern to identify
// the longest dateList item in DATE_AND_TIME mode
private var dayMonthDateFormatter:DateTimeFormatterEx;
// the NumberFormatter to identify the longest yearList item in DATE mode
private var numberFormatter:NumberFormatter;
// caching the longest digit (the array value) between index and 9, inclusive, and refresh when locale changes
private var longestDigitArray:Array = new Array(-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1);
private var dateObj:Date = new Date();
private var use24HourTime:Boolean;
// store the longest dateList item and updates only when locale changes
private var longestDateItem:Object;
private var longestYearItem:Object;
// controls whether we should snap to or animate to spinner values
private var useAnimationToSetSelectedDate:Boolean = false;
// keep track of which lists are currently animating for programmatic animations
private var listsBeingAnimated:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
// Skin parts
* The default factory for creating SpinnerList interfaces for all fields.
* This is used by the <code>createDateItemList()</code> method.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion AIR 3
* @productversion Flex 4.6
public var dateItemList:IFactory;
* The container for the date part lists.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion AIR 3
* @productversion Flex 4.6
public var listContainer:IVisualElementContainer;
// Properties
* The SpinnerList that shows the year field of the date.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion AIR 3
* @productversion Flex 4.6
protected var yearList:SpinnerList;
* The SpinnerList that shows the month field of the date.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion AIR 3
* @productversion Flex 4.6
protected var monthList:SpinnerList;
* The SpinnerList that shows the date field of the date.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion AIR 3
* @productversion Flex 4.6
protected var dateList:SpinnerList;
* The SpinnerList that shows the hour field of the date.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion AIR 3
* @productversion Flex 4.6
protected var hourList:SpinnerList;
* The SpinnerList that shows the minutes field of the date.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion AIR 3
* @productversion Flex 4.6
protected var minuteList:SpinnerList;
* The SpinnerList that shows the meridian field (AM/PM) of the date.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion AIR 3
* @productversion Flex 4.6
protected var meridianList:SpinnerList;
// displayMode
private var _displayMode:String = DateSelectorDisplayMode.DATE;
private var displayModeChanged:Boolean = false;
[Inspectable(category="General", enumeration="date,time,dateAndTime", defaultValue="date")]
* Mode the DateSpinner is currently using for display. You can set this value to the constants defined in the
* DateSelectorDisplayMode class, or to their string equivalents.
* <p>The following table describes the possible values:
* <table class="innertable">
* <tr><th>Mode (String equivalent)</th><th>Description</th></tr>
* <tr><td><code>DateSelectorDisplayMode.DATE</code> ("date")</td><td>Displays the month, day, and year. This is the default mode.</td></tr>
* <tr><td><code>DateSelectorDisplayMode.TIME</code> ("time")</td><td>Displays the day of week, month, day, and time.</td></tr>
* <tr><td><code>DateSelectorDisplayMode.DATE_AND_TIME</code> ("dateAndTime")</td><td>Displays the hours and minutes, and, if the locale supports it, the AM/PM selector.</td></tr>
* </table>
* </p>
* @see spark.components.calendarClasses.DateSelectorDisplayMode
* @default DateSelectorDisplayMode.DATE
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion AIR 3
* @productversion Flex 4.6
public function get displayMode():String
return _displayMode;
* @private
public function set displayMode(value:String):void
if (_displayMode == value || value == null)
_displayMode = value;
displayModeChanged = true;
if (value == DateSelectorDisplayMode.TIME)
populateHourDataProvider = true;
populateMinuteDataProvider = true;
populateMeridianDataProvider = true;
else if (value == DateSelectorDisplayMode.DATE_AND_TIME)
populateYearDataProvider = true;
populateMonthDataProvider = true;
populateDateDataProvider = true;
populateHourDataProvider = true;
populateMinuteDataProvider = true;
populateMeridianDataProvider = true;
else // default mode is DATE
populateYearDataProvider = true;
populateMonthDataProvider = true;
populateDateDataProvider = true;
syncSelectedDate = true; // force lists to spin to current selected date
// maxDate
private var _maxDate:Date = new Date(MAX_DATE_DEFAULT.time);
private var maxDateChanged:Boolean = false;
* Maximum selectable date; only this date and dates before this date are selectable.
* <p>Note that the Date object returned by the getter is a copy of
* the internal Date, and the one provided to the setter is copied
* internally, so modifications to these will not be reflected in the
* DateSpinner.</p>
* @default Dec 31st, 9999
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion AIR 3
* @productversion Flex 4.6
public function get maxDate():Date
return new Date(_maxDate.time);
* @private
public function set maxDate(value:Date):void
// don't allow minDate to be outside of the defaults
if (value &&
(value.time < MIN_DATE_DEFAULT.time || value.time > MAX_DATE_DEFAULT.time))
value = null;
// ignore if no change
if ((_maxDate && value && _maxDate.time == value.time)
|| (_maxDate == null && value == null))
_maxDate = new Date(value != null ? value.time : MAX_DATE_DEFAULT.time);
populateYearDataProvider = true;
populateDateDataProvider = true;
maxDateChanged = true;
syncSelectedDate = true;
// minDate
private var _minDate:Date = new Date(MIN_DATE_DEFAULT.time);
private var minDateChanged:Boolean = false;
* Minimum selectable date; only this date and dates after this date are selectable.
* <p>Note that the Date object returned by the getter is a copy of
* the internal Date, and the one provided to the setter is copied
* internally, so modifications to these will not be reflected in the
* DateSpinner.</p>
* <p>The value of the minDate property's year must be greater than or equal to 1601 because
* the DateTimeFormatter class supports only the range from 1601 to 30827.</p>
* @default January 1st, 1601
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion AIR 3
* @productversion Flex 4.6
public function get minDate():Date
return new Date(_minDate.time);
* @private
public function set minDate(value:Date):void
// don't allow minDate to be outside of the defaults
if (value &&
(value.time < MIN_DATE_DEFAULT.time || value.time > MAX_DATE_DEFAULT.time))
value = null;
// ignore if no change
if ((_minDate && value && _minDate.time == value.time)
|| (_minDate == null && value == null))
_minDate = new Date(value != null ? value.time : MIN_DATE_DEFAULT.time);
populateYearDataProvider = true;
populateDateDataProvider = true;
minDateChanged = true;
syncSelectedDate = true;
// minuteStepSize
private var _minuteStepSize:int = 1;
private var minuteStepSizeChanged:Boolean = false;
* Minute interval to be used when displaying minutes. Only
* applicable in TIME and DATE_AND_TIME modes. Valid values must
* be evenly divisible into 60; invalid values will revert to
* the default interval of 1. For example, a value of "15" will show
* the values 0, 15, 30, 45.
* @default 1
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion AIR 3
* @productversion Flex 4.6
public function get minuteStepSize():int
return _minuteStepSize;
* @private
public function set minuteStepSize(value:int):void
// adjust for invalid values
if (value <= 0 || 60 % value != 0)
value = 1;
// short-circuit if no change
if (value == _minuteStepSize)
_minuteStepSize = value;
minuteStepSizeChanged = true;
populateMinuteDataProvider = true;
syncSelectedDate = true;
// selectedDate
private var _selectedDate:Date = todayDate;
// set to true initially so that lists will be set to right values on creation
private var syncSelectedDate:Boolean = true;
* Date that is currently selected in the DateSpinner control.
* <p>Note that the Date object returned by the getter is a copy of
* the internal Date, and the one provided to the setter is copied
* internally, so modifications to these will not be reflected in the
* DateSpinner. To modify the DateSpinner's date, get and modify the
* current selectedDate and then re-set the selectedDate.</p>
* @default the current date
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion AIR 3
* @productversion Flex 4.6
public function get selectedDate():Date
return new Date(_selectedDate.time);
* @private
public function set selectedDate(value:Date):void
// no-op if null; there must always be a selectedDate
if (value == null)
value = todayDate;
// short-circuit if no change
if (value.time == _selectedDate.time)
_selectedDate = new Date(value.time);
syncSelectedDate = true;
dispatchValueCommitEvent = true;
mx_internal function animateToSelectedDate(value:Date):void
// no-op if null; there must always be a selectedDate
if (value == null)
value = todayDate;
// short-circuit if no change
if (value.time == _selectedDate.time)
selectedDate = value;
useAnimationToSetSelectedDate = true;
// todayDate
mx_internal static var _todayDate:Date = null;
* @private
* Function to retrieve the current Date. Provided so that
* testing can override by setting the _todayDate variable.
private static function get todayDate():Date
if (_todayDate != null)
// use a copy, not the original that was passed in
return new Date(_todayDate.time);
return new Date();
// Overridden methods
* @private
override protected function attachSkin():void
displayModeChanged = true;
* @private
override protected function commitProperties():void
var localeStr:String = getStyle("locale");
if (refreshDateTimeFormatter)
if (localeStr)
dateTimeFormatterEx.setStyle("locale", localeStr);
dateTimeFormatter.setStyle("locale", localeStr);
use24HourTime = dateTimeFormatterEx.getUse24HourFlag();
refreshDateTimeFormatter = false;
// stop any animations if we might be resetting the visible values
if (syncSelectedDate)
// ==================================================
// switch out lists if the display mode changed
if (displayModeChanged)
displayModeChanged = false;
syncSelectedDate = true;
// ==================================================
// populate the lists with the appropriate data providers
// ==================================================
// correct any integrity violations
if (minDateChanged || maxDateChanged || syncSelectedDate || minuteStepSizeChanged)
// check min <= max
if (_minDate.time > _maxDate.time)
// note assumption here that we're not using the defaults since they
// should always maintain minDate < maxDate integrity
// correct min/max dates, one day apart
if (!maxDateChanged)
_minDate.time = _maxDate.time - MS_IN_DAY; // min date was changed past max
_maxDate.time = _minDate.time + MS_IN_DAY; // max date was changed past min
// make sure there's at least one minuteStepSize between the min and max
if ((_maxDate.time - _minDate.time) < (minuteStepSize * 60 * 1000))
_maxDate.time = _minDate.time + (minuteStepSize * 60 * 1000);
var origSelectedDate:Date = new Date(_selectedDate.time);
// check minDate <= selectedDate <= maxDate
if (!_selectedDate || _selectedDate.time < _minDate.time)
_selectedDate = new Date(_minDate.time);
else if (_selectedDate.time > _maxDate.time)
_selectedDate = new Date(_maxDate.time);
minDateChanged = false;
maxDateChanged = false;
if (minuteStepSizeChanged)
// verify minutes are a multiple of minuteStepSize
if ((_selectedDate.minutes % minuteStepSize) != 0)
// adjust to the closest number evenly disible by minuteStepSize
_selectedDate.minutes = Math.round(_selectedDate.minutes / minuteStepSize) * minuteStepSize;
// last adjustment to make sure we didn't accidentally go outside of bounds
if (_selectedDate.time < _minDate.time)
_selectedDate.minutes += minuteStepSize;
else if (_selectedDate.time > _maxDate.time)
_selectedDate.minutes -= minuteStepSize;
minuteStepSizeChanged = false;
if (origSelectedDate.time != _selectedDate.time)
dispatchValueCommitEvent = true;
// ==================================================
// update selections on the lists if necessary
if (syncSelectedDate)
syncSelectedDate = false;
if (dispatchChangeEvent || dispatchValueCommitEvent)
// dispatch the events: now or after animation?
if (useAnimationToSetSelectedDate)
// we animated the list ourselves; wait for lists
// to report VALUE_COMMIT before dispatching our events
var numEls:int = listContainer.numElements;
var sl:SpinnerList;
for (var elIdx:int = 0; elIdx < numEls; elIdx++)
sl = listContainer.getElementAt(elIdx) as SpinnerList;
sl.addEventListener(FlexEvent.VALUE_COMMIT, waitForSpinnerListValueCommit_handler);
// dispatch our events immediately
// reset flags
useAnimationToSetSelectedDate = false;
* @private
override public function styleChanged(styleProp:String):void
// if locale changed, all date item formats need to be regenerated
if (styleProp == "locale")
displayModeChanged = true; // order of lists may be different with new locale
populateYearDataProvider = true;
populateMonthDataProvider = true;
populateDateDataProvider = true;
populateHourDataProvider = true;
populateMinuteDataProvider = true;
populateMeridianDataProvider = true;
refreshDateTimeFormatter = true;
syncSelectedDate = true;
longestDateItem = null;
longestYearItem = null;
// Methods
* Create a list object for the specified date part.
* @param datePart Use date part constants, e.g. YEAR_ITEM.
* @param itemIndex Index of the date part in the overall list container.
* @param itemCount Number of date parts being shown.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion AIR 3
* @productversion Flex 4.6
* @return A SpinnerList that contains the part.
protected function createDateItemList(datePart:String, itemIndex:int, itemCount:int):SpinnerList
return SpinnerList(createDynamicPartInstance("dateItemList"));
* @private
* Sets up the date item lists based on the current mode. Clears pre-existing lists.
private function setupDateItemLists():void
// an array of the list and position objects that will be sorted by position
var fieldPositionObjArray:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
var listSort:ISort = new Sort();
listSort.fields = [new SortField("position")];
fieldPositionObjArray.sort = listSort;
// clean out the container and all existing lists
// they may be in different positions, which will affect how they
// need to be (re)created
var fieldPosition:int = 0;
var listItem:Object;
var tempList:SpinnerList;
var numItems:int;
// configure the correct lists to use
if (displayMode == DateSelectorDisplayMode.TIME ||
displayMode == DateSelectorDisplayMode.DATE_AND_TIME)
fieldPositionObjArray.addItem(generateFieldPositionObject(HOUR_ITEM, dateTimeFormatterEx.getHourPosition()));
fieldPositionObjArray.addItem(generateFieldPositionObject(MINUTE_ITEM, dateTimeFormatterEx.getMinutePosition()));
if (displayMode == DateSelectorDisplayMode.DATE_AND_TIME)
fieldPositionObjArray.addItem(generateFieldPositionObject(DATE_ITEM, dateTimeFormatterEx.getMonthPosition()));
if (!use24HourTime)
fieldPositionObjArray.addItem(generateFieldPositionObject(MERIDIAN_ITEM, dateTimeFormatterEx.getAmPmPosition()));
// sort fieldPosition objects by position
numItems = fieldPositionObjArray.length;
for each (listItem in fieldPositionObjArray)
hourList = createDateItemList(HOUR_ITEM, fieldPosition++, numItems);
tempList = hourList;
minuteList = createDateItemList(MINUTE_ITEM, fieldPosition++, numItems);
tempList = minuteList;
meridianList = createDateItemList(MERIDIAN_ITEM, fieldPosition++, numItems);
tempList = meridianList;
dateList = createDateItemList(DATE_ITEM, fieldPosition++, numItems);
dateList.wrapElements = false;
tempList = dateList;
if (tempList && listContainer)
tempList.addEventListener(IndexChangeEvent.CHANGE, dateItemList_changeHandler);
else // default case: DATE mode
fieldPositionObjArray.addItem(generateFieldPositionObject(MONTH_ITEM, dateTimeFormatterEx.getMonthPosition()));
fieldPositionObjArray.addItem(generateFieldPositionObject(DATE_ITEM, dateTimeFormatterEx.getDayOfMonthPosition()));
fieldPositionObjArray.addItem(generateFieldPositionObject(YEAR_ITEM, dateTimeFormatterEx.getYearPosition()));
// sort fieldPosition objects by position
numItems = fieldPositionObjArray.length;
for each (listItem in fieldPositionObjArray)
monthList = createDateItemList(MONTH_ITEM, fieldPosition++, numItems);
tempList = monthList;
dateList = createDateItemList(DATE_ITEM, fieldPosition++, numItems);
tempList = dateList;
yearList = createDateItemList(YEAR_ITEM, fieldPosition++, numItems);
yearList.wrapElements = false;
tempList = yearList;
if (tempList && listContainer)
tempList.addEventListener(IndexChangeEvent.CHANGE, dateItemList_changeHandler);
* Populate the currently existing date item lists with correct data providers using the
* provided locale to format the date text correctly.
private function populateDateItemLists(localeStr:String):void
var today:Date = todayDate;
// populate lists that are being shown
if (yearList && populateYearDataProvider)
yearList.dataProvider = new YearProvider(localeStr, _minDate.fullYear,
_maxDate.fullYear, today);
// set size to longest string
if (!longestYearItem)
longestYearItem = findLongestYearItem();
yearList.typicalItem = longestYearItem;
if (monthList && populateMonthDataProvider)
monthList.dataProvider = generateMonths(today);
// set size
monthList.typicalItem = getLongestLabel(monthList.dataProvider);
if (dateList && populateDateDataProvider)
if (displayMode == DateSelectorDisplayMode.DATE_AND_TIME)
dateList.dataProvider = new DateAndTimeProvider(localeStr, _minDate, _maxDate,
// set size to longest string
if (!longestDateItem)
longestDateItem = findLongestDateItem();
dateList.typicalItem = longestDateItem;
dateList.dataProvider = generateMonthOfDates(today);
// set size to width of longest visible value
dateList.typicalItem = getLongestLabel(dateList.dataProvider);
if (hourList && populateHourDataProvider)
hourList.dataProvider = generateHours(use24HourTime);
hourList.typicalItem = getLongestLabel(hourList.dataProvider);
if (minuteList && populateMinuteDataProvider)
minuteList.dataProvider = generateMinutes();
minuteList.typicalItem = getLongestLabel(minuteList.dataProvider);
if (meridianList && populateMeridianDataProvider)
var amObject:Object = generateAmPm(AM);
var pmObject:Object = generateAmPm(PM);
meridianList.dataProvider = new ArrayCollection([amObject, pmObject]);
meridianList.typicalItem = getLongestLabel(meridianList.dataProvider);
// reset all flags
populateYearDataProvider = false;
populateMonthDataProvider = false;
populateDateDataProvider = false;
populateHourDataProvider = false;
populateMinuteDataProvider = false;
populateMeridianDataProvider = false;
// set the selected index on the SpinnerList. use animation only if requested
private function goToIndex(list:SpinnerList, newIndex:int, useAnimation:Boolean):void
// don't do anything if it's already on that index
if (list.selectedIndex == newIndex)
if (useAnimation)
listsBeingAnimated[list] = true;
list.selectedIndex = newIndex;
// generate objects to populate a SpinnerList with months
private function generateMonths(today:Date):IList
var ac:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
var todayMonth:int = today.getMonth();
var monthNames:Vector.<String> = dateTimeFormatterEx.getMonthNames();
for (var i:Number = 0; i < 12; i++)
var item:Object = generateDateItemObject(monthNames[i], i);
if (i == todayMonth)
return ac;
// generate objects to populate a SpinnerList with dates, e.g. "1, 2, 3, ... 31"
private function generateMonthOfDates(today:Date):IList
var ac:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
var todayDate:int = today.getDate();
dateTimeFormatter.dateTimePattern = dateTimeFormatterEx.getDayOfMonthPattern();
// guarantee 31 days in the month
dateObj.time = JAN1980_IN_MS;
for (var i:int = 1; i <= 31; i++)
{ = i;
var item:Object = generateDateItemObject(dateTimeFormatter.format(dateObj), i);
if (i == todayDate)
return ac;
// generate hour objects for a SpinnerList
private function generateHours(use24HourTime:Boolean):IList
var ac:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
var minHour:int = use24HourTime ? 0 : 1;
var maxHour:int = use24HourTime ? 23 : 12;
dateTimeFormatter.dateTimePattern = dateTimeFormatterEx.getHourPattern();
for (var i:int = minHour; i <= maxHour; i++)
dateObj.hours = i;
ac.addItem( generateDateItemObject(dateTimeFormatter.format(dateObj), i) );
return ac;
private function generateMinutes():IList
var ac:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
dateTimeFormatter.dateTimePattern = dateTimeFormatterEx.getMinutePattern();
for (var i:int = 0; i <= 59; i += minuteStepSize)
dateObj.minutes = i;
ac.addItem( generateDateItemObject(dateTimeFormatter.format(dateObj), i) );
return ac;
private function generateAmPm(value:String):Object
dateTimeFormatter.dateTimePattern = dateTimeFormatterEx.getAmPmPattern();
dateObj.hours = (value == AM)? 1 : 13;
return generateDateItemObject(dateTimeFormatter.format(dateObj), value);
private function findDateItemIndexInDataProvider(item:Number, dataProvider:IList):int
for (var i:int = 0; i < dataProvider.length; i++)
if (dataProvider.getItemAt(i).data == item)
return i;
return -1;
private function getLongestLabel(list:IList):Object
var idx:int = -1;
var labelWidth:Number;
// Even if all 0 because font not embedded correctly, want to return 0 as the longest
// so the typicalItem is non-null.
var maxWidth:Number = -1;
for (var i:int = 0; i < list.length; i++)
// note: measureText() measures UITextField while our labels will be
// shown in StyleableTextField, but that's okay because we're only
// looking for the text that is relatively longest in the list
labelWidth = measureText(list[i].label).width;
if (labelWidth > maxWidth)
maxWidth = labelWidth;
idx = i;
if (idx != -1)
return list.getItemAt(idx);
// The case where the list is empty. This shouldn't happen.
return {};
// set textAlign on list based on position, listType, or typicalItem content type:
// left list => align right
// right list => align left
// HOUR list => align right
// MINUTE list => align left
// numeric or (numeric + text) => align right
// (text + numeric) => align left
// all other cases => align center
mx_internal function alignList(list:SpinnerList):void
// set outside alignments tight; set alignments for HOUR and MINUTE
if (list == listContainer.getElementAt(0))
list.setStyle("textAlign", "right");
else if (list == listContainer.getElementAt(listContainer.numElements - 1))
list.setStyle("textAlign", "left");
else if (list == hourList)
list.setStyle("textAlign", "right");
else if (list == minuteList)
list.setStyle("textAlign", "left");
var testString:String = list.typicalItem["label"];
if (testString == null)
// nothing to test; use default
list.setStyle("textAlign", "center");
var numericPattern:RegExp = /^\d+$/;
var numericWithTextRight:RegExp = /^\d+\D+$/;
var numericWithTextLeft:RegExp = /^\D+\d+$/;
if (numericPattern.test(testString) || numericWithTextRight.test(testString)) // e.g. ja-JP month
list.setStyle("textAlign", "right");
else if (numericWithTextLeft.test(testString))
list.setStyle("textAlign", "left");
list.setStyle("textAlign", "center"); // default
private function updateListsToSelectedDate(useAnimation:Boolean):void
var newIndex:int;
if (yearList)
dateTimeFormatter.dateTimePattern = dateTimeFormatterEx.getYearPattern();
newIndex = yearList.dataProvider.getItemIndex( generateDateItemObject(dateTimeFormatter.format(_selectedDate), _selectedDate.fullYear) );
goToIndex(yearList, newIndex, useAnimation);
if (monthList)
goToIndex(monthList, _selectedDate.month, useAnimation);
if (dateList)
if (displayMode == DateSelectorDisplayMode.DATE)
goToIndex(dateList, - 1, useAnimation);
else // DATE_AND_TIME mode
newIndex = dateList.dataProvider.getItemIndex( generateDateItemObject(dayMonthDateFormatter.format(_selectedDate), _selectedDate.time) );
goToIndex(dateList, newIndex, useAnimation);
if (hourList)
newIndex = use24HourTime ? _selectedDate.hours : (_selectedDate.hours + 11) % 12;
goToIndex(hourList, newIndex, useAnimation);
if (minuteList)
newIndex = findDateItemIndexInDataProvider(_selectedDate.minutes, minuteList.dataProvider);
goToIndex(minuteList, newIndex, useAnimation);
if (!use24HourTime && meridianList)
newIndex = _selectedDate.hours < 12 ? 0 : 1;
goToIndex(meridianList, newIndex, useAnimation);
// modify existing date item spinner list data providers to mark
// as disabled any combinations that could result by moving one spinner
// where the resulting new date would be invalid, either by definition
// (e.g. Apr 31 is not a valid date) or by limitation (e.g. outside of the
// range defined by minDate and maxDate)
private function disableInvalidSpinnerValues(thisDate:Date):void
var tempDate:Date;
// disable dates in spinners that are invalid (e.g. Apr 31) or fall outside
// of the min/max date range
if (dateList)
if (displayMode == DateSelectorDisplayMode.DATE)
var listData:IList = dateList.dataProvider;
tempDate = new Date(thisDate.time);
// run through the entire list of dates and set enabled flags as necessary
var cd:CalendarDate = new CalendarDate(thisDate);
var numDaysInMonth:int = cd.numDaysInMonth;
var listLength:int = listData.length;
var minMonthMatch:Boolean = (tempDate.fullYear == _minDate.fullYear
&& tempDate.month == _minDate.month);
var maxMonthMatch:Boolean = (tempDate.fullYear == _maxDate.fullYear
&& tempDate.month == _maxDate.month);
for (var i:int = 0; i < listLength; i++)
var curObj:Object = listData[i];
// is the date invalid for this month?
var newEnabledValue:Boolean = i < numDaysInMonth;
if (newEnabledValue)
// test for outside min/max range =;
if (minMonthMatch && <
newEnabledValue = false;
if (maxMonthMatch && >
newEnabledValue = false;
// note this is where future support for more complex unselectable dates could be added
if (curObj[SpinnerList.ENABLED_PROPERTY_NAME] != newEnabledValue)
var o:Object = generateDateItemObject(curObj.label,, newEnabledValue);
listData[i] = o;
// disable months that fall outside of the min/max dates
if (monthList && displayMode == DateSelectorDisplayMode.DATE)
tempDate = new Date(thisDate.time); = 1; // avoid accidental rollover to next month
listData = monthList.dataProvider;
for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)
newEnabledValue = true;
tempDate.month = i;
if ((tempDate.fullYear == _minDate.fullYear
&& tempDate.month < _minDate.month) ||
(tempDate.fullYear == _maxDate.fullYear
&& tempDate.month > _maxDate.month))
newEnabledValue = false;
curObj = listData[i];
if (curObj[SpinnerList.ENABLED_PROPERTY_NAME] != newEnabledValue)
o = generateDateItemObject(curObj.label,, newEnabledValue);
listData[i] = o;
// disable hours that fall outside of the min/max dates
if (hourList && (displayMode == DateSelectorDisplayMode.TIME || displayMode == DateSelectorDisplayMode.DATE_AND_TIME))
tempDate = new Date(thisDate.time);
listData = hourList.dataProvider;
listLength = listData.length;
var minDateMatch:Boolean = (tempDate.fullYear == _minDate.fullYear
&& tempDate.month == _minDate.month
&& ==;
var maxDateMatch:Boolean = (tempDate.fullYear == _maxDate.fullYear
&& tempDate.month == _maxDate.month
&& ==;
for (i = 0; i < listLength; i++)
curObj = listData[i];
newEnabledValue = true;
if (!use24HourTime)
tempDate.hours = (i + 1) % 12 + ((_selectedDate.hours >= 12)? 12 : 0);
tempDate.hours = i;
if (minDateMatch && tempDate.hours < _minDate.hours)
newEnabledValue = false;
if (maxDateMatch && tempDate.hours > _maxDate.hours)
newEnabledValue = false;
if (curObj[SpinnerList.ENABLED_PROPERTY_NAME] != newEnabledValue)
o = generateDateItemObject(curObj.label,, newEnabledValue);
listData[i] = o;
// disable minutes that fall outside of the min/max dates
if (minuteList && (displayMode == DateSelectorDisplayMode.TIME || displayMode == DateSelectorDisplayMode.DATE_AND_TIME))
tempDate = new Date(thisDate.time);
listData = minuteList.dataProvider;
listLength = listData.length;
var minHourMatch:Boolean = (tempDate.fullYear == _minDate.fullYear
&& tempDate.month == _minDate.month
&& ==
&& tempDate.hours == _minDate.hours);
var maxHourMatch:Boolean = (tempDate.fullYear == _maxDate.fullYear
&& tempDate.month == _maxDate.month
&& ==
&& tempDate.hours == _maxDate.hours);
for (i = 0; i < listLength; i++)
curObj = listData[i];
newEnabledValue = true;
tempDate.minutes =;
if (minHourMatch && tempDate.minutes < _minDate.minutes)
newEnabledValue = false;
if (maxHourMatch && tempDate.minutes > _maxDate.minutes)
newEnabledValue = false;
if (curObj[SpinnerList.ENABLED_PROPERTY_NAME] != newEnabledValue)
o = generateDateItemObject(curObj.label,, newEnabledValue);
listData[i] = o;
// clean out the container: remove all elements, detach event listeners, null out references
private function cleanContainer():void
if (listContainer)
if (yearList)
yearList.removeEventListener(IndexChangeEvent.CHANGE, dateItemList_changeHandler);
yearList = null;
if (monthList)
monthList.removeEventListener(IndexChangeEvent.CHANGE, dateItemList_changeHandler);
monthList = null;
if (dateList)
dateList.removeEventListener(IndexChangeEvent.CHANGE, dateItemList_changeHandler);
dateList = null;
if (hourList)
hourList.removeEventListener(IndexChangeEvent.CHANGE, dateItemList_changeHandler);
hourList = null;
if (minuteList)
minuteList.removeEventListener(IndexChangeEvent.CHANGE, dateItemList_changeHandler);
minuteList = null;
if (meridianList)
meridianList.removeEventListener(IndexChangeEvent.CHANGE, dateItemList_changeHandler);
meridianList = null;
// convenience method to generate the standard object format for data in the list dataproviders
private function generateDateItemObject(label:String, data:*, enabled:Boolean = true):Object
var obj:Object = { label:label, data:data };
obj[SpinnerList.ENABLED_PROPERTY_NAME] = enabled;
return obj;
// generate the fieldPosition object that contains the date part name and position based on locale
private function generateFieldPositionObject(datePart:String, position:int):Object
var obj:Object = { dateItem:datePart, position:position };
return obj;
// returns true if any of the lists are currently animating
private function get spinnersAnimating():Boolean
if (!listContainer)
return false;
var len:int = listContainer.numElements;
for (var i:int = 0; i < len; i++)
var list:SpinnerList = listContainer.getElementAt(i) as SpinnerList;
// return true as soon as we have one list still in touch interaction
if (list && list.scroller && list.scroller.inTouchInteraction)
return true;
return false;
// identify the dateList item that has the longest width in DATE_AND_TIME mode
private function findLongestDateItem():Object
var labelWidth:Number = -1;
var maxWidth:Number = 0; = 1;
dateObj.hours = 11;
dateObj.minutes = 0;
dateObj.seconds = 0;
dateObj.milliseconds = 0;
// 1) find the longest month
var longestMonth:int = 0;
dateTimeFormatter.dateTimePattern = dayMonthDateFormatter.getMonthPattern();
for (var month:int = 0; month < 12; month++)
dateObj.month = month;
labelWidth = measureText(dateTimeFormatter.format(dateObj)).width;
if (labelWidth > maxWidth)
maxWidth = labelWidth;
longestMonth = month;
dateObj.month = longestMonth;
// 2) find the longest date
var longestDate:int = 0;
var longestDateWidth:Number;
maxWidth = 0;
for (var date:int = 1; date <= 28; date++)
labelWidth = measureText(numberFormatter.format(date)).width;
if (labelWidth > maxWidth)
maxWidth = labelWidth;
longestDate = date;
longestDateWidth = maxWidth; = longestDate;
// 3) find the longest date item
var longestDateItemObj:Object = dateList.dataProvider.getItemAt(0);
var formattedDateStr:String;
maxWidth = 0;
for (var year:int = 2000; year <= 2010; year++)
dateObj.fullYear = year;
formattedDateStr = dayMonthDateFormatter.format(dateObj);
labelWidth = measureText(formattedDateStr).width;
if (labelWidth > maxWidth)
maxWidth = labelWidth;
longestDateItemObj = generateDateItemObject(formattedDateStr, dateObj.time);
// 4) compare to date 29, 30, 31
var trueLongestDate:int = longestDate;
maxWidth = longestDateWidth;
for (date = 29; date <= 31; date++)
labelWidth = measureText(numberFormatter.format(date)).width;
if (labelWidth > maxWidth)
maxWidth = labelWidth;
trueLongestDate = date;
if (trueLongestDate != longestDate)
formattedDateStr = String(longestDateItemObj.label);
// replace all the occurrence of the previous longest date to the true longest date
longestDateItemObj.label = String(longestDateItemObj.label).replace(new RegExp(numberFormatter.format(longestDate), "g"),
// since the result can be wrong date such as "Wed, Feb 31," assign null to data = null;
return longestDateItemObj;
// identify the yearList item that has the longest width in DATE mode
// the range of year should be from 1601 to 9999
private function findLongestYearItem():Object
// instantiate the number formatter and set its locale to the DateSpinner's locale
// and refresh longestDigitArray to pick the longest digit in a current locale format.
// generate the longest width year
var longestYear:int = getLongestDigit(1) * 1000;
// if the first (left-most) digit is greater than 1, then the rest digit is just the longest digit of 0~9.
if (getLongestDigit(1) > 1)
longestYear += getLongestDigit() * 111;
// if the first digit is 1, then the second digit should be greater than or equal to
// (1) 7 if none of last two digits is 0.
// (2) 6 if both last two digits are 0.
longestYear += ((getLongestDigit() == 0)? getLongestDigit(7) : getLongestDigit(6)) * 100 +
getLongestDigit() * 10 + getLongestDigit();
dateObj.fullYear = longestYear;
dateTimeFormatter.dateTimePattern = dateTimeFormatterEx.getYearPattern();
return generateDateItemObject(dateTimeFormatter.format(dateObj), longestYear);
// return the longest digit between min and 9, inclusive
// call updateNumberFormatter() before calling this function to refresh longestDigitArray
private function getLongestDigit(min:int = 0):int
var longestDigit:int = longestDigitArray[min];
var labelWidth:Number = -1;
var maxWidth:Number = 0;
if (longestDigit == -1)
for (var i:int = min; i < 10; i++)
labelWidth = measureText(numberFormatter.format(i)).width;
if (labelWidth > maxWidth)
maxWidth = labelWidth;
longestDigit = i;
longestDigitArray[min] = longestDigit;
return longestDigit;
// instantiate the number formatter and update its locale property
private function updateNumberFormatter():void
numberFormatter = new NumberFormatter();
// reset to -1
for (var i:int = 0; i < longestDigitArray.length; i++)
longestDigitArray[i] = -1;
var localeStr:String = getStyle("locale");
if (localeStr)
numberFormatter.setStyle("locale", localeStr);
// instantiate the dayMonthDateFormatter and update its locale property
private function updateDayMonthDateFormatter():void
if (!dayMonthDateFormatter)
dayMonthDateFormatter = new DateTimeFormatterEx();
dayMonthDateFormatter.dateTimeSkeletonPattern = DateTimeFormatterEx.DATESTYLE_MMMEEEd;
var localeStr:String = getStyle("locale");
if (localeStr)
dayMonthDateFormatter.setStyle("locale", localeStr);
// used to delay the dispatch of change events from this DateSpinner until
// the underlying SpinnerLists have stopped animating (signified by
// a VALUE_COMMIT event)
private function waitForSpinnerListValueCommit_handler(event:FlexEvent):void
// if listsBeingAnimated contains remove it
if (listsBeingAnimated[])
delete listsBeingAnimated[];
// if we're still waiting on any lists, don't dispatch yet
for (var key:Object in listsBeingAnimated)
// if no more in listsBeingAnimated, dispatch
// clean up
var numEls:int = listContainer.numElements;
var sl:SpinnerList;
for (var elIdx:int = 0; elIdx < numEls; elIdx++)
sl = listContainer.getElementAt(elIdx) as SpinnerList;
sl.removeEventListener(FlexEvent.VALUE_COMMIT, waitForSpinnerListValueCommit_handler);
// dispatch the appropriate events when selectedDate changed
private function dispatchSelectedDateChangedEvents():void
if (dispatchChangeEvent)
if (hasEventListener(Event.CHANGE))
dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE));
dispatchChangeEvent = false;
if (dispatchValueCommitEvent)
if (hasEventListener(FlexEvent.VALUE_COMMIT))
dispatchEvent(new FlexEvent(FlexEvent.VALUE_COMMIT));
dispatchValueCommitEvent = false;
private function stopAllAnimations():void
if (spinnersAnimating)
var len:int = listContainer.numElements;
for (var i:int = 0; i < len; i++)
var list:SpinnerList = listContainer.getElementAt(i) as SpinnerList;
// return true as soon as we have one list still in touch interaction
if (list && list.scroller && list.scroller.inTouchInteraction)
// Event handlers
* Handles changes in the underlying SpinnerLists; applies them to the selectedDate
* @param event
private function dateItemList_changeHandler(event:IndexChangeEvent):void
if (spinnersAnimating)
// don't commit any changes until all spinners have come to a stop
// start with the previous selectedDate
var newDate:Date = new Date(_selectedDate.time);
var tempDate:Date;
var cd:CalendarDate;
var numLists:int = listContainer.numElements;
var currentList:SpinnerList;
var dateRolledBack:Boolean = false;
// loop through all lists in the container and adjust selectedDate to their values
for (var i:int = 0; i < numLists; i++)
currentList = listContainer.getElementAt(i) as SpinnerList;
var newValue:* = currentList.selectedItem;
switch (currentList)
case monthList:
// rollback date if past end of month
if (dateList)
tempDate = new Date(_selectedDate.fullYear,, 1);
cd = new CalendarDate(tempDate);
if ( > cd.numDaysInMonth)
{ = cd.numDaysInMonth;
dateRolledBack = true;
newDate.month =;
case dateList:
// for DATE_AND_TIME mode data is a Date.time value
// Must set date before the month to ensure the date is valid for the
// month. If newDate is Jan 31 and you set the month to Feb it will change
// the month to March since Feb 31 is not a valid date.
if (displayMode == DateSelectorDisplayMode.DATE_AND_TIME)
var spinnerDate:Date = new Date(;
newDate.fullYear = spinnerDate.fullYear;
else if (!dateRolledBack) // don't tamper with date if we already rolled it back
{ =;
case yearList:
// rollback date if past end of month
if (dateList)
tempDate = new Date(, _selectedDate.month, 1);
cd = new CalendarDate(tempDate);
if ( > cd.numDaysInMonth)
{ = cd.numDaysInMonth;
dateRolledBack = true;
newDate.fullYear =;
case hourList:
if (use24HourTime)
newDate.hours =;
// a little trickier; need to convert to 24-hour time
// assumption is that if !use24HourTime, meridianList exists
newDate.hours = (( + 12) % 12) + ( == "pm" ? 12 : 0);
case minuteList:
newDate.minutes =;
case meridianList:
if ( == "am" && newDate.hours > 11)
newDate.hours -= 12;
else if ( == "pm" && newDate.hours < 12)
newDate.hours += 12;
// unknown list; don't know how to handle
dispatchChangeEvent = true;
if (dateRolledBack)
selectedDate = newDate;