| 1. create a directory 'closure' somewhere |
| 2. get Closure Library and install it in 'closure/library' |
| - svn checkout http://closure-library.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ library |
| 3. download Closure Compiler and unzip in 'closure/compiler' |
| - http://closure-compiler.googlecode.com/files/compiler-latest.zip |
| 4. install Closure Linter into 'closure/linter' |
| - https://developers.google.com/closure/utilities/docs/linter_howto |
| 5. get Closure Builder and install it in 'closure/builder' |
| - svn checkout http://closure-library.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/closure/bin/build/ builder |
| 6. edit 'build.properties' to reflect the location of the 'closure' directory |
| 7. build FalconJS (see README) |
| 8. run the publish script with the 'ant -Dapp.name=[your.app.name.here] -Dapp.location=[your.app.location.here]' |
| |
| As of 2012-12-06, the FalconJS compiler doesn't output JS that can be parsed |
| by the new tool set. While this is being corrected, you'll have to create your |
| own 'intermediate' JS project, or modify one of the examples (I've included |
| 'FlexJSTest_dummy' in the repo). Make sure to not include the 'falconJS' |
| dependency (?) in the build.xml and if you don't want to loose your work, |
| make sure to set CLEAN_INTERMEDIATE_JS to 'false' in build.properties. |