blob: 69c9aab79feb00f581c74b91d50a23fe49cd1b48 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package com.adobe.linguistics.spelling
import com.adobe.linguistics.spelling.UserDictionary;
import com.adobe.linguistics.spelling.framework.ResourceTable;
import com.adobe.linguistics.spelling.framework.SpellingConfiguration;
import com.adobe.linguistics.spelling.framework.SpellingService;
import com.adobe.linguistics.spelling.ui.HaloHighlighter;
import com.adobe.linguistics.spelling.ui.IHighlighter;
import com.adobe.linguistics.spelling.ui.SparkHighlighter;
import com.adobe.linguistics.spelling.ui.HaloWordProcessor;
import com.adobe.linguistics.spelling.ui.IWordProcessor;
import com.adobe.linguistics.spelling.ui.SparkWordProcessor;
import com.adobe.linguistics.utils.TextTokenizer;
import com.adobe.linguistics.utils.Token;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.utils.Dictionary;
import mx.controls.RichTextEditor;
import mx.controls.TextArea;
import mx.controls.TextInput;
import mx.core.UIComponent;
import mx.core.mx_internal;
import spark.components.RichEditableText;
import spark.components.TextArea;
import spark.components.TextInput;
import flashx.textLayout.tlf_internal;
import flashx.textLayout.compose.TextFlowLine;
import flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionManager;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow;
use namespace mx_internal;
use namespace tlf_internal;
* UI implementation for spelling.
* <p>This class is a simple UI for some standard Flex UI components.
* It is not intended to address a complete user interface.
* Instead, it presents a basic user interface for some commonly used Flex UI components.</p>
* <p>For advanced text editing applications, more complex features are likely required.
* For those applications, we recommend bypassing this class and utilizing the <code>SpellChecker</code> class directly.</p>
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @langversion 3.0
public class SpellUI
private var hh:IHighlighter;
private var hw:IWordProcessor;
private var _checkLastWord:Boolean = true;
private var _spellingEnabled:Boolean;
private var _actualParent:*;
private var isHaloComponent:Boolean;
private var isSparkComponent:Boolean;
//New Added below
private var mTextField:*;
//private var mTextField:RichEditableText;
private var _dictname:String = new String();
private var _hundict:HunspellDictionary = new HunspellDictionary();
private var _userdict:UserDictionary = null;
private var _sharedobj:SharedObject = null;
private var scm:SpellingContextMenu;
private var _newchecker:SpellChecker = null;
private var _resource_locale:Object = null;
private var _spellingservice:SpellingService = null;
private static var _contextMenuEntries:Object = {enable:"Enable Spelling", disable:"Disable Spelling", add:"Add to dictionary"};
private static var _spellingConfigUrl:String = "AdobeSpellingConfig.xml";
private static var _UITable:Dictionary= new Dictionary();
private static var _parentTable:Dictionary= new Dictionary();
private static var _cacheDictTable:Dictionary= new Dictionary();
private static var _configXML:XML = null;
private static var _configXMLLoading:Boolean = false;
private static var _configXMLLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
// Work around for the memory usage problem, ideally a better fix is to provide a dicitonary unload function
private static var _cache:Object = new Object();
* Enables the spell checking feature for a UI component.
* <p>Note: This version provides only enabling function but no disabling function.</p>
* @param comp A text editing Flex UI component.
It can be a <code>TextArea</code>, <code>TextInput</code> or <code>RichTextEditor</code>.
* @param dict A URL for the dictionary to be used with the <code>SpellChecker.</code>
* @includeExample Examples/Flex/SquigglyUIExample/src/SquigglyUIExample.mxml
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @langversion 3.0
public static function enableSpelling(comp:UIComponent, lang:String):void
if ( lang == null ) return;
// TODO: Change dict parameter type to a SpellCheck class or a URL string.
var txt:* = getComponentTextModel(comp);
/*var comp1:UIComponent = txt.parent;
var comp2:UIComponent = txt.owner;
var comp3:UIComponent = txt.parentApplication;
var comp4:UIComponent = txt.parentDocument;
var comp5:UIComponent = txt.parentDocument.hostComponent; <--spark parent UICOmponent*/
if ( txt==null || _UITable[comp]!=undefined )
// TODO: dangerous, is garbage collection going to clear this?
_UITable[comp]=new SpellUI(txt, lang);
_parentTable[txt] = comp;
// Customize the spelling related entry in spelling contextMenu
public static function setSpellingMenuEntries(entries:Object):Boolean
if (entries.enable && entries.disable && entries.add && (entries.enable != "") && (entries.disable != "") && (entries.add != ""))
_contextMenuEntries = entries;
return true;
return false;
* Get the spelling context menu entries.
* @return A flex <code>Object</code> containing the spelling context menu entries. If you haven't customized the entries, you get the default associative array <code>{enable:"Enable Spelling", disable:"Disable Spelling", add:"Add to dictionary"}</code>
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @langversion 3.0
public static function getSpellingMenuEntries():Object
return _contextMenuEntries;
* The URL for the spelling config xml file. If you haven't specify it, the default URL is [applicationDirectory]/AdobeSpellingConfig.xml. Note that we don't validate the URL, if the file doesn't exist, you will get an error when calling enableSpelling() function.
* @example The following code customize the spellingConfigUrl before enabling spell checking.
* <listing version="3.0">
* SpellUI.spellingConfigUrl = "./config/MySpellingConfig.xml";
* SpellUI.enableSpelling(textArea, "en_US");
* </listing>
public static function get spellingConfigUrl():String
return _spellingConfigUrl;
public static function set spellingConfigUrl(url:String):void
if (url == null) throw new Error("URL can't be null");
_spellingConfigUrl = url;
* Disable the spell checking feature for a UI component.
* @param comp A text editing Flex UI component.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @langversion 3.0
public static function disableSpelling(comp:UIComponent):void{
if ( _UITable[comp] == undefined )
var _ui:SpellUI = _UITable[comp];
if ( _ui != null) _ui.cleanUp();
var dictName:String = _cacheDictTable[comp];
var cleanUPDictionaryCount:int = 0;
for each ( var _dictName:String in _cacheDictTable ) {
if ( _dictName == dictName )
if ( cleanUPDictionaryCount == 1 ) {
_cache[dictName] = undefined;
delete _UITable[comp];
delete _cacheDictTable[comp];
(This property is for Squiggly Developer use only.)
public static function get UITable():Dictionary {
return _UITable;
(This property is for Squiggly Developer use only.)
public function set spellingEnabled(value:Boolean):void {
_spellingEnabled = value;
(This property is for Squiggly Developer use only.)
public static function get parentComp():Dictionary {
return _parentTable;
private static function getComponentTextModel(comp:UIComponent):* {
var txt:TextField = null;
var txt2:RichEditableText = null;
if ( (comp == null) || !( (comp is mx.controls.TextArea) || (comp is mx.controls.TextInput) || (comp is RichTextEditor)
|| (comp is spark.components.TextArea) || (comp is spark.components.TextInput) || (comp is spark.components.RichEditableText)) )
return null;
if ((comp as RichTextEditor) != null) {
txt = (comp as RichTextEditor).textArea.getTextField() as TextField;
else if ((comp as mx.controls.TextArea) != null){
txt = (comp as mx.controls.TextArea).getTextField() as TextField;
else if ((comp as mx.controls.TextInput) != null) {
txt = (comp as mx.controls.TextInput).getTextField() as TextField;
else if ((comp as spark.components.TextArea) != null) {
if ((comp as spark.components.TextArea).textDisplay is TextField)
txt = (comp as spark.components.TextArea).textDisplay as TextField;
txt2 = (comp as spark.components.TextArea).textDisplay as RichEditableText;
else if ((comp as spark.components.TextInput) != null) {
if ((comp as spark.components.TextInput).textDisplay is TextField)
txt = (comp as spark.components.TextInput).textDisplay as TextField;
txt2 = (comp as spark.components.TextInput).textDisplay as RichEditableText;
else if ((comp as spark.components.RichEditableText) !=null) {
txt2 = comp as RichEditableText;
else {
// do nothing if it's not a valid text component
return null;
if (txt != null)
return txt;
return txt2;
* Constructs a SpellUI object.
* @param textFiled A Flex UI component to include spell-check capability
* @param dict A URL for Squiggly spelling dictionary.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @langversion 3.0
public function SpellUI(textModel:*, lang:String)
// TODO: Consider making this method invisible to user, only expose the static function.
if ( textModel is TextField ) {
//New Added below -- check if text field needs to be extracted from textModel
//mTextField = textModel;
}else if (textModel is RichEditableText ) {
textModel.selectRange(textModel.text.length, textModel.text.length);
//New Added below -- check if text field needs to be extracted from textModel
//mTextField = textModel ;
}else {
// do nothing, we only accept textField and TextFlow here....
_actualParent = textModel;
mTextField = textModel ;
mTextField.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, handleFocusOut);
mTextField.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, handleFocusIn);
mTextField.addEventListener(ScrollEvent.SCROLL, spellCheckScreen);
mTextField.parent.addEventListener(Event.RENDER, spellCheckScreen);
mTextField.parent.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, handleChangeEvent);
_dictname = lang;
private function spellCheckScreen(event:Event):void
private function handleFocusOut(event:FocusEvent):void
_checkLastWord = true;
private function handleFocusIn(event:FocusEvent):void
_checkLastWord = false;
private function handleChangeEvent( event:Event ) :void {
_checkLastWord = false;
/*private function doSpelling():void
_checkLastWord = true;
(This property is for Squiggly Developer use only.)
public function doSpellingJob():void
if (_spellingEnabled == false) return;
spellCheckRange(getValidFirstWordIndex(), getValidLastWordIndex());
private function spellCheckRange(start:uint, end:uint):void {
//hh.preSpellCheckRange(start, end);
if ( isHaloComponent ) {
//if (end <= start) return;
var firstLine:int = mTextField.getLineIndexOfChar(start);
var rect:Rectangle = mTextField.getCharBoundaries(start);
var counter:uint = start;
var numLines:Number = 0;
/* mTextField.getCharBoundaries returns null for blank lines and for end of line characters. Placing this workaround
to count line heights until a non-null bounding rectangle is found */
while (rect == null) {
if (++counter > end) {
rect = new Rectangle(0,0,0,0);
numLines += mTextField.getLineMetrics(firstLine).height;
rect = mTextField.getCharBoundaries(counter);
var yoffset:Number = rect.y - numLines;
var pleft:uint = (mTextField.parent as UIComponent).getStyle("paddingLeft");
var ptop:uint = (mTextField.parent as UIComponent).getStyle("paddingTop");
var offsetPoint:Point = new Point(pleft, ptop-yoffset);
hh.offsetPoint = offsetPoint;
var tokenizer:TextTokenizer = new TextTokenizer(mTextField.text.substring(start,end));
var tokens:Vector.<Token> = new Vector.<Token>();
for ( var token:Token = tokenizer.getFirstToken(); token != tokenizer.getLastToken(); token= tokenizer.getNextToken(token) ) {
var result:Boolean=_spellingservice.checkWord(mTextField.text.substring(token.first+start, token.last+start));
if (!result){
if (_checkLastWord || (token.last+start != mTextField.text.length))
//hh.highlightWord(token.first+start, token.last+start-1);
//tokens.push(new Token(token.first+start, token.last+start-1));
hh.drawSquiggleAt(new Token(token.first+start, token.last+start-1));
//hh.postSpellCheckRange(start, end);
//hh.offsetPoint = offsetPoint;
private function getValidFirstWordIndex():int{
var index:int;
if ( mTextField is TextField ) {
index = mTextField.getLineOffset(mTextField.scrollV-1);
}else if (mTextField is RichEditableText ) {
// Check for computeSelectionIndexInContainer which throws when lineindex == 0
try {
index = SelectionManager.computeSelectionIndex(mTextField.textFlow, mTextField, mTextField, 0 + mTextField.horizontalScrollPosition, 0 + mTextField.verticalScrollPosition);
} catch (err:Error)
//TODO: report error
index = 0;
return index;
private function getValidLastWordIndex():int{
var index:int;
if ( mTextField is TextField ) {
index = mTextField.getLineOffset(mTextField.bottomScrollV-1)+mTextField.getLineLength(mTextField.bottomScrollV-1);
}else if (mTextField is RichEditableText ) {
// Check for computeSelectionIndexInContainer which throws when lineindex == 0
try {
index = SelectionManager.computeSelectionIndex(mTextField.textFlow, mTextField, mTextField, mTextField.width+mTextField.horizontalScrollPosition, mTextField.height+mTextField.verticalScrollPosition);
} catch (err:Error)
//TODO: report error
index = 0;
return index;
private function loadConfig():void{
_resource_locale = SpellingConfiguration.resourceTable.getResource(_dictname);
if ((_resource_locale != null) || (SpellUI._configXML != null))
else {
SpellUI._configXMLLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadConfigComplete);
if (SpellUI._configXMLLoading == false)
SpellUI._configXMLLoader.load(new URLRequest(_spellingConfigUrl));
SpellUI._configXMLLoading = true;
private function loadConfigComplete(evt:Event):void{
if (_resource_locale == null) {
if (SpellUI._configXML == null)
SpellUI._configXML= new XML(;
//New Added
_spellingservice = new SpellingService(_dictname);
_spellingservice.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadDictComplete);
private function loadDictComplete(evt:Event):void
//_newchecker = new SpellChecker(_hundict);
// Lazy loading the UD only when the main dict is loaded successfully
if ((SpellUI._cache["Squiggly_UD"] as UserDictionary) == null)
_sharedobj = SharedObject.getLocal("Squiggly_v03");
var vec:Vector.<String> = new Vector.<String>();
if ( {
for each (var w:String in
_userdict = new UserDictionary(vec);
SpellUI._cache["Squiggly_SO"] = _sharedobj;
SpellUI._cache["Squiggly_UD"] = _userdict;
_sharedobj = SpellUI._cache["Squiggly_SO"];
_userdict = SpellUI._cache["Squiggly_UD"];
// Add the context menu, this might be not successful
scm = null;
try {
catch (err:Error)
// TODO: error handling here
_actualParent.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, addContextMenu);
private function addContextMenu(event:Event):void
if ( scm != null ) return;
if ( isHaloComponent ) {
hh= new HaloHighlighter( _actualParent);
hw= new HaloWordProcessor( _actualParent );
}else if ( isSparkComponent ){
hh = new SparkHighlighter( _actualParent);
hw = new SparkWordProcessor( _actualParent);
} else {
trace("error now, later will be true");
scm = new SpellingContextMenu(hh, hw, _spellingservice, _actualParent, _actualParent.contextMenu);
scm.setIgnoreWordCallback( addWordToUserDictionary );
// Halo need this
if (_actualParent.contextMenu == null)
_actualParent.contextMenu = scm.contextMenu;
_spellingEnabled = true;
try {
catch (err:Error)
// If it fails here, it should later triggered by the render event, so no need to do anything
private function addWordToUserDictionary(word:String):void
// TODO: serialization here might affect ther performance = _userdict.wordList;
* @private
private function cleanUp():void {
_actualParent.removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, addContextMenu);
mTextField.removeEventListener(ScrollEvent.SCROLL, spellCheckScreen);
mTextField.parent.removeEventListener(Event.RENDER, spellCheckScreen);
mTextField.parent.removeEventListener(Event.CHANGE, handleChangeEvent);
mTextField.removeEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, handleFocusOut);
mTextField.removeEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, handleFocusIn);