blob: fe2147a11d3f667e19aff7aef3e1d78d8c6ed22f [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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// limitations under the License.
package qs.controls.fisheyeClasses
import flash.display.DisplayObject;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import mx.core.ClassFactory;
import mx.core.IDataRenderer;
import mx.core.IFactory;
import mx.core.UIComponent;
import qs.controls.CachedLabel;
import qs.controls.LayoutAnimator;
/** the horizontal alignment. */
[Style( name="horizontalAlign", type="String", enumeration="left,center,right,justified", inherit="no" )]
/** the vertical alignment */
[Style( name="verticalAlign", type="String", enumeration="top,center,bottom,justified", inherit="no" )]
/** the amount of space, in pixels, between invidual items */
[Style( name="defaultSpacing", type="Number", inherit="no" )]
/** the amount of space, in pixels, between invidual items when hilighted*/
[Style( name="hilightSpacing", type="Number", inherit="no" )]
/** the property on the item renderer to assign to when the renderer' state changes */
[Style( name="stateProperty", type="String", inherit="no" )]
/** the value to assign to 'stateProperty' on the renderer when the item is hilighted */
[Style( name="rolloverValue", type="String", inherit="no" )]
/** the value to assign to 'stateProperty' on the renderer when the item is selected */
[Style( name="selectedValue", type="String", inherit="no" )]
/** the value to assign to 'stateProperty' on the renderer when some other item is selected */
[Style( name="unselectedValue", type="String", inherit="no" )]
/** the value to assign to 'stateProperty' on the renderer when the item is in its default state */
[Style( name="defaultValue", type="String", inherit="no" )]
/** the scale factor assigned to renderers when no item is hilighted or selected */
[Style( name="defaultScale", type="Number", inherit="no" )]
/** the minimum scale factor assigned to renderers on screen. The actual scale factor assigned to
* an item will range between minScale and hilightMaxScale based on its distance from the hilighted or selected item */
[Style( name="hilightMinScale", type="Number", inherit="no" )]
/** the maximum scale factor assigned to renderers on screen. The actual scale factor assigned to
* an item will range between minScale and hilightMaxScale based on its distance from the hilighted or selected item */
[Style( name="hilightMaxScale", type="Number", inherit="no" )]
/** how quickly or slowly items scale down from the hilightMaxScale value to minScale value. A value of 1 will scale linearly down from the hilighted item out to the item at scaleRadius.
* A value higher than wone will descend slowly from the hilight, then drop off quicker at the edge. A value lower than one will drop off quickly from the hilight Should be greater than 0*/
[Style( name="hilightScaleSlope", type="Number", inherit="no" )]
/** The radius, in items, around the hilighted item that are affected by the hilight. A value of 1 means only the hilighted item will scale. A value of three means the hilighted item plus the two items
* to either side will scale up. How much each item scales is affected by the scaleSlope style.*/
[Style( name="hilightScaleRadius", type="Number", inherit="no" )]
/** how quickly items animate to their target location when the layout of the renderers change. A value of 1 will
* snap instantly to the new value, while a value of 0 will never change */
[Style( name="animationSpeed", type="Number", inherit="no" )]
[Event( name="change", type="" )]
[Event( name="loaded", type="" )]
[DefaultProperty( "dataProvider" )]
public class FisheyeBase extends UIComponent
public static const LOADED : String = "loaded";
/** the data items driving the component
private var _items : Array = [];
/** when a new dataprovider is assigned, we keep it in reserve until we have a chance
* to generate new renderers for it. This is the temporary holding pen for those new items
private var _pendingItems : Array;
protected var itemsChanged : Boolean = false;
/** true if the renderers need to be regenerated */
protected var renderersDirty : Boolean = true;
/** the renderers representing the data items, one for each item */
protected var renderers : Array = [];
/** the currently hilighted item
protected var hilightedItemIndex : Number = NaN;
/** the currently selected item
protected var selectedItemIndex : Number = NaN;
/** @private */
private var _selectionEnabled : Boolean = true;
/** the factory that generates item renderers
private var _itemRendererFactory : IFactory;
* the object that manages animating the children layout
protected var animator : LayoutAnimator;
/** Constructor */
public function FisheyeBase()
_itemRendererFactory = new ClassFactory( CachedLabel );
addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, updateHilight );
addEventListener( MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, removeHilight );
addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, updateSelection );
var maskShape : Sprite = new Sprite();
addChild( maskShape );
mask = maskShape; 0 ); 0, 0, 10, 10 );;
animator = new LayoutAnimator();
animator.layoutFunction = generateLayout;
/** the data source
public function set dataProvider( value : Array ) : void
_pendingItems = value;
renderersDirty = true;
itemsChanged = true;
dispatchEvent( new Event( LOADED ) );
public function get dataProvider() : Array
return _items;
public function set selectionEnabled( value : Boolean ) : void
if ( _selectionEnabled == value )
_selectionEnabled = value;
selectedIndex = selectedIndex;
public function get selectionEnabled() : Boolean
return _selectionEnabled;
[Bindable( "change" )]
public function get selectedItem() : Object
return ( isNaN( selectedItemIndex ) ? null : _items[ selectedItemIndex ] );
public function set selectedItem( value : Object ) : void
var newIndex : Number;
for ( var i : int = 0; i < _items.length; i++ )
if ( value == _items[ i ] )
newIndex = i;
selectedIndex = newIndex;
[Bindable( "change" )]
public function get selectedIndex() : int
return ( isNaN( selectedItemIndex ) ? -1 : selectedItemIndex );
public function set selectedIndex( value : int ) : void
var v : Number = ( value < 0 || value >= _items.length ) ? NaN : value;
if ( v != selectedItemIndex )
selectedItemIndex = v;
dispatchEvent( new Event( LOADED ) );
/* These private get properties are wrappers around styles that return defaults if unset.
* It saves me from having to write a CSS selector, which
* I really should do at some point */
protected function get defaultSpacingWithDefault() : Number
var result : Number = getStyle( "defaultSpacing" );
if ( isNaN( result ) )
result = 0;
return result;
protected function get maxScaleWithDefault() : Number
var result : Number = getStyle( "hilightMaxScale" );
if ( isNaN( result ) )
result = 1;
return result;
* by making the itemRenderer be of type IFactory,
* developers can define it inline using the <Component> tag
public function get itemRenderer() : IFactory
return _itemRendererFactory;
public function set itemRenderer( value : IFactory ) : void
_itemRendererFactory = value;
renderersDirty = true;
override protected function commitProperties() : void
// its now safe to switch over new dataProviders.
if ( _pendingItems != null )
_items = _pendingItems;
_pendingItems = null;
itemsChanged = false;
if ( renderersDirty )
// something has forced us to reallocate our renderers. start by throwing out the old ones.
renderersDirty = false;
var mask : DisplayObject = mask;
for ( var i : int = numChildren - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
removeChildAt( i );
addChild( mask );
renderers = [];
// allocate new renderers, assign the data.
for ( i = 0; i < _items.length; i++ )
var renderer : UIComponent = _itemRendererFactory.newInstance();
IDataRenderer( renderer ).data = _items[ i ];
renderers[ i ] = renderer;
addChild( renderer );
animator.items = renderers;
private function removeHilight( e : MouseEvent ) : void
// called on rollout. Clear out any hilight, and reset our layout.
hilightedItemIndex = NaN;
/** finds the item that would be closest to the x/y position if it were hilighted
protected function findItemForPosition( xPos : Number, yPos : Number ) : Number
return NaN;
/** called on mouse click to set or clear the selection */
protected function updateSelection( e : MouseEvent ) : void
if ( _selectionEnabled == false )
var newSelection : Number = findItemForPosition( this.mouseX, this.mouseY );
if ( selectedItemIndex == newSelection )
selectedIndex = -1;
selectedIndex = newSelection;
/** called on mouse move to update the hilight */
private function updateHilight( e : MouseEvent ) : void
var newHilight : Number = findItemForPosition( this.mouseX, this.mouseY );
if ( newHilight == hilightedItemIndex )
hilightedItemIndex = newHilight;
* update the state properties of all of the items, based on
* the current hilighted and/or selected items
protected function updateState() : void
var stateProperty : String = getStyle( "stateProperty" );
if ( stateProperty != null )
var rolloverState : String = getStyle( "rolloverValue" );
var selectedState : String = getStyle( "selectedValue" );
var unselectedValue : String = getStyle( "unselectedValue" );
if ( unselectedValue == null || ( isNaN( selectedItemIndex ) && isNaN( hilightedItemIndex ) ) )
unselectedValue = getStyle( "defaultValue" );
for ( var i : int = 0; i < renderers.length; i++ )
renderers[ i ][ stateProperty ] = ( i == selectedItemIndex ) ? selectedState : ( i == hilightedItemIndex ) ? rolloverState : unselectedValue;
* each item get scaled down based on its distance from the hliighted item. this is the equation we use
* to figure out how much to scale down. The basic idea is this...we have two parameters that play a part
* in how quickly we scale down, scaleRadius and scaleSlope. scaleRadius is the number of items on either
* side of the hilighted item (inclusive) that we should be able to use to scale down. scaleSlope affects
* how whether we scale down quickly with the first few items in the radius, or the last few items.
* This equation essentially does that.
private function calcDistanceFactor( params : FisheyeParameters, distance : Number ) : Number
var mult : Number = 1 / params.scaleRadius;
return Math.max( 0, 1 - Math.pow( distance * mult, params.scaleSlope ) );
* populates a set of items to fit into the distance axisLength, assuming nothing is hilighted, so they
* all scale the same. It will attempt to scale them to match the defaultScale style */
protected function populateMajorAxisForDefault( pdata : Array, axis : FisheyeAxis,
axisLength : Number ) : FisheyeParameters
var vp : Number;
var itemCount : int = pdata.length;
var params : FisheyeParameters = new FisheyeParameters();
populateParameters( params, false );
var summedSpacing : Number = params.spacing * ( itemCount - 1 );
var sizeSum : Number = 0;
var pdataInst : FisheyeItem;
for ( var i : int = 0; i < itemCount; i++ )
sizeSum += pdata[ i ][ axis.EOM ];
if ( sizeSum > 0 )
var maximumMinScale : Number = ( axisLength - summedSpacing ) / sizeSum;
params.minScale = Math.min( params.minScale, maximumMinScale );
vp = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < itemCount; i++ )
pdataInst = pdata[ i ];
pdataInst.scale = params.minScale;
pdataInst[ axis.pos ] = vp;
vp += pdataInst[ axis.EOM ] * params.minScale + params.spacing;
return params;
* takes the parameters used in the fisheye equation, and adjusts them as best as possible to make sure the
* items can fit into distance 'axisScale.' Right now it does this by scaling down the minScale parameter if necessary. That's
* not entirely sufficient, but it does a pretty good job. For future work: If that's not sufficient, adjust the scaleRadius, scaleSlope,
* and spacing parameter
private function adjustParameters( pdata : Array, targetIndex : Number, params : FisheyeParameters,
axisSize : Number, axis : FisheyeAxis ) : void
var itemCount : int = pdata.length;
var summedSpacing : Number = params.spacing * ( itemCount - 1 );
var maxSum : Number = 0;
var minSum : Number = 0;
// given the constraint:
// W(0) * S(0) + spacing + W(1) * S(1) + spacing + ... + W(N) * S(N) <= unscaledWidth
// here we adjust the numbers that go into the calculation of S(i) to fit.
// right now that just means adjusting minScale downward if necessary. We'll probably add some more complex heuristic later.
for ( var i : int = 0; i < itemCount; i++ )
var pdataInst : FisheyeItem = pdata[ i ];
var distanceFromItem : Number = Math.abs( targetIndex - i );
var distanceFactor : Number = calcDistanceFactor( params, distanceFromItem );
var maxFactor : Number = params.maxScale * distanceFactor;
var minFactor : Number = ( 1 - distanceFactor );
var itemSize : Number = pdataInst[ axis.EOM ];
maxSum += itemSize * maxFactor;
minSum += itemSize * minFactor;
var minScale : Number = ( minSum > 0 ) ? ( ( axisSize - summedSpacing - maxSum ) / minSum ) : 0;
// if we've got lots of extra space, we might calculate that we need to make our ends _larger_ to fill the space. We don't want
// to do that. So let's contrain it to minScale.
minScale = Math.min( params.minScale, minScale );
params.minScale = minScale;
* populate a parameters structure from the various styles
private function populateParameters( params : FisheyeParameters, hilighted : Boolean ) : void
if ( hilighted == false )
params.minScale = getStyle( "defaultScale" );
if ( isNaN( params.minScale ) )
params.minScale = .5;
params.spacing = defaultSpacingWithDefault;
params.minScale = getStyle( "hilightMinScale" );
if ( isNaN( params.minScale ) )
params.minScale = getStyle( "defaultScale" );
if ( isNaN( params.minScale ) )
params.minScale = .5;
params.spacing = getStyle( "hilightSpacing" );
if ( isNaN( params.spacing ) )
params.spacing = defaultSpacingWithDefault;
params.maxScale = getStyle( "hilightMaxScale" );
if ( isNaN( params.maxScale ) )
params.maxScale = 1;
params.scaleRadius = getStyle( "hilightScaleRadius" );
if ( isNaN( params.scaleRadius ) )
params.scaleRadius = 2;
params.scaleRadius = Math.max( 1, params.scaleRadius );
params.scaleSlope = getStyle( "hilightScaleSlope" );
if ( isNaN( params.scaleSlope ) )
params.scaleSlope = .75;
* populates a set of items to fit into the distance axisLength, assuming targetIndex is hilighted.
protected function populateMajorAxisFor( pdata : Array, targetIndex : Number, axisSize : Number,
axis : FisheyeAxis ) : FisheyeParameters
var vp : Number;
var itemCount : int = pdata.length;
var pdataInst : FisheyeItem;
var params : FisheyeParameters = new FisheyeParameters();
populateParameters( params, true );
adjustParameters( pdata, targetIndex, params, axisSize, axis );
vp = 0;
for ( var i : int = 0; i < itemCount; i++ )
pdataInst = pdata[ i ];
var distanceFromItem : Number = Math.abs( targetIndex - i );
var distanceFactor : Number = calcDistanceFactor( params, distanceFromItem );
var scale : Number = Math.max( 0,
params.minScale + ( params.maxScale - params.minScale ) * ( distanceFactor ) );
pdataInst[ axis.pos ] = vp;
pdataInst.scale = scale;
vp += pdataInst[ axis.EOM ] * scale + params.spacing;
return params;
* given a set of scaled and laid out items, adjust them forward or backward to match the align property
protected function align( pdata : Array, axis : FisheyeAxis ) : void
var majorAlignValue : String = getStyle( axis.align );
var itemCount : int = pdata.length;
var pdataInst : FisheyeItem;
if ( itemCount == 0 )
switch ( majorAlignValue )
case "right":
case "bottom":
pdataInst = pdata[ itemCount - 1 ];
var offset : Number = this[ axis.unscaled ] - ( pdataInst[ axis.pos ] + pdata[ itemCount - 1 ][ axis.EOM ] * pdataInst.scale );
for ( var i : int = 0; i < itemCount; i++ )
pdata[ i ][ axis.pos ] += offset;
case "left":
case "top":
case "center":
var midIndex : int = Math.floor( itemCount / 2 );
pdataInst = pdata[ itemCount - 1 ];
var rightPos : Number = pdataInst[ axis.pos ] + pdataInst[ axis.EOM ] * pdataInst.scale;
offset = ( this[ axis.unscaled ] / 2 - ( rightPos ) / 2 );
for ( i = 0; i < itemCount; i++ )
pdata[ i ][ axis.pos ] += offset;
* overridden in the subclasses
protected function generateLayout() : void
override protected function updateDisplayList( unscaledWidth : Number, unscaledHeight : Number ) : void
graphics.moveTo( 0, 0 );
graphics.beginFill( 0, 0 );
graphics.drawRect( 0, 0, unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight );
// update the mask
mask.width = unscaledWidth;
mask.height = unscaledHeight;
override public function styleChanged( styleProp : String ) : void
if ( styleProp == "animationSpeed" )
animator.animationSpeed = getStyle( "animationSpeed" );