blob: 555d6a330070b5b3e4a6bf9a7e2fa07f6b1b97f5 [file] [log] [blame]
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package com.adobe.linguistics.spelling.core.container
* BinaryHeap implementation of priority queue. The heap is either a
* minimum or maximum heap as determined by parameters passed to constructor.
public final class Heap implements Collection
private var __size:int;
private var __count:int;
private var __compare:Function;
public var __heap:Array;
* Create a new heap.
* @param size The heap's maximum capacity.
* @param compare A comparison function for sorting the heap's data.
* If no function is passed, the heap uses default function.
public function Heap(size:int=1000, compare:Function = null)
__count = 0;
__heap = new Array(__size = size + 1);
if (compare == null)
__compare = function(a:int, b:int):int { return a - b; };
__compare = compare;
* The maximum capacity.
public function get maxSize():int
return __size;
public function isEmpty():Boolean
return false;
public function toArray():Array
return __heap.slice(1, __count + 1);
public function toString():String
return "[Heap, size=" + __size +"]";
public function dump():String
var k:int = __count + 1;
var s:String = "Heap\n{\n";
for (var i:int = 1; i < k; i++)
s += "\t" + __heap[i] + "\n";
s += "\n}";
return s;
* The front item.
public function get front():*
return __heap[1];
* Enqueues.
* @param obj The data to enqueue.
* @return False if the queue is full, otherwise true.
public function enqueue(obj:*):Boolean
if (__count + 1 < __size){
__heap[++__count] = obj;
var i:int = __count;
var tmp:* = __heap[i];
var v:*;
var parent:int = i >> 1;
if (__compare != null)
while (parent > 0){
v = __heap[parent];
if (__compare(tmp, v) < 0){
__heap[i] = v;
i = parent;
parent >>= 1;
else break;
while (parent > 0){
v = __heap[parent];
if (tmp - v < 0){
__heap[i] = v;
i = parent;
parent >>= 1;
else break;
__heap[i] = tmp;
return true;
return false;
* Dequeues.
* @return The heap's front item or null if it is empty.
public function dequeue():*
if (__count >= 1){
var o:* = __heap[1];
__heap[1] = __heap[__count];
delete __heap[__count];
var tmp:* = __heap[i];
var i:int = 1;
var v:*;
var child:int = i << 1;
if (__compare != null) {
while (child < __count) {
if (child < __count - 1) {
if (__compare(__heap[child], __heap[int(child + 1)]) > 0)
v = __heap[child];
if (__compare(tmp, v) > 0){
__heap[i] = v;
i = child;
child <<= 1;
else break;
while (child < __count){
if (child < __count - 1){
if (__heap[child] - __heap[int(child + 1)] > 0)
v = __heap[child];
if (tmp - v > 0){
__heap[i] = v;
i = child;
child <<= 1;
else break;
__heap[i] = tmp;
return o;
return null;
* Tests if a given item exists.
public function contains(obj:*):Boolean
for (var i:int = 1; i <= __count; i++){
if (__heap[i] === obj)
return true;
return false;
public function clear():void
__heap = new Array(__size);
__count = 0;
public function getIterator():Iterator
return new HeapIterator(this);
public function get size():int
return __count;
import com.adobe.linguistics.spelling.core.container.Heap;
import com.adobe.linguistics.spelling.core.container.Iterator;
internal class HeapIterator implements Iterator
private var __values:Array;
private var __length:int;
private var __cursor:int;
public function HeapIterator(heap:Heap)
__values = heap.toArray();
__cursor = 0;
__length = __values.length;
public function get data():*
return __values[__cursor];
public function set data(obj:*):void
__values[__cursor] = obj;
public function start():void
__cursor = 0;
public function hasNext():Boolean
return __cursor < __length;
public function next():*
return __values[__cursor++];