blob: a9c5bfd731fa98b3938f070a4e6449234a7f7fa6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package com.adobe.linguistics.spelling.core
import com.adobe.linguistics.spelling.core.env.InternalConstants;
import com.adobe.linguistics.spelling.core.rule.PrefixEntry;
import com.adobe.linguistics.spelling.core.rule.SuffixEntry;
import com.adobe.linguistics.spelling.core.utils.*;
import flash.utils.Dictionary;
import flash.utils.getTimer;
public class SuggestionManager
private var _attributeMgr:LinguisticRule;
private var _maxSug:int;
private var _languageCode:String;
private var _ckey:String;
private var _cUpperTry:String;
private var _cLowerTry:String;
private var _cAllTry:String;
private var _maxngramsugs:int;
private var _fastMode:Boolean;
private var _word:String;
private var _guessSuggestions:SuggestionsResult;
private var _guessWordList:SuggestionsResult;
private var guess:Array = new Array (InternalConstants.MAX_GUESS);
private var gscore:Array = new Array ( InternalConstants.MAX_GUESS);
public function SuggestionManager( attrMgr:LinguisticRule, fastMode:Boolean = true )
this._maxSug = InternalConstants.MAXSUGGESTION;
this._attributeMgr = attrMgr;
this._ckey = this._attributeMgr.keyString;
this._cAllTry = this._attributeMgr.tryString;
this._cUpperTry = "";
this._cLowerTry = ""; // lower and netual...
for ( var i:int = 0; (this._attributeMgr.tryString != null)&&(i < this._attributeMgr.tryString.length); ++i ) {
if ( this._attributeMgr.tryString.charAt(i) == this._attributeMgr.tryString.charAt(i).toLocaleLowerCase() ) {
} else {
this._cUpperTry+= this._attributeMgr.tryString.charAt(i);
this._maxngramsugs = InternalConstants.MAXNGRAMSUGS;
this._fastMode = fastMode;
//initialized viriable for performance...
_guessSuggestions = new SuggestionsResult(InternalConstants.MAX_ROOTS, compareSuggestion );
_guessWordList = new SuggestionsResult( InternalConstants.MAX_GUESS, compareSuggestion );
if ( this._attributeMgr.maxNgramSuggestions > 0 ) this._maxngramsugs = this._attributeMgr.maxNgramSuggestions;
public function get fastMode():Boolean {
return this._fastMode;
public function set fastMode( value:Boolean ) :void {
this._fastMode = value;
private static function compareSuggestion( obj1:*, obj2:*):int {
return (obj1.score-obj2.score);
public function set languageCode(value:String) :void {
this._languageCode = value;
public function get languageCode():String {
return this._languageCode;
public function nsuggest( result:Array, word:String ):int {
if ( !((result.length+this._maxngramsugs) <= this._maxSug) ) return result.length;
var nsug:int = result.length;
var i:int,j:int,sc:int, opt:int, n:int = word.length;
var arr:Array;
var sd:SquigglyDictionary;
var dict:Dictionary;
_word = word;
var initCap:Boolean = (word.charAt(0) == word.charAt(0).toLocaleLowerCase() )? false:true;
var wordCapValue:int = word.charAt(0).toLocaleUpperCase().charCodeAt(0);
/* A filter based on string length, it could be */
var rangeOffset:int =5;
var endRange:int = word.length + (rangeOffset-2);
var startRange:int = (word.length>(rangeOffset+2)) ? (word.length-rangeOffset):2 ;
var counter:Number=0
var startTime:Number = getTimer();
// exhaustively search through all root words
// keeping track of the MAX_ROOTS most similar root words
// word reversing wrapper for complex prefixes
// set character based ngram suggestion for words with non-BMP Unicode characters
//a filter for performance improvement...
var firstCodeValue:Number =word.charCodeAt(0), lastCodeValue:Number = word.charCodeAt(word.length-1);
for ( i=0;i<this._attributeMgr.dictionaryManager.dictonaryList.length; ++i ) {
sd = this._attributeMgr.dictionaryManager.dictonaryList[i];
dict = sd.dictionary;
var lowerS:String;
var he:HashEntry;
opt = InternalConstants.NGRAM_LONGER_WORSE + InternalConstants.NGRAM_LOWERING;
for( var key:String in dict ) {
if ( (key.length < startRange) || (key.length > endRange) ) continue;
if ( (this._fastMode) && (firstCodeValue != key.charCodeAt(0)) && (lastCodeValue != key.charCodeAt(key.length-1)) ) continue;
sc = ngram( 3, _word,key,opt) + leftCommonSubString(_word, key, initCap, wordCapValue);
if ( sc > 0 ) {
if ( _guessSuggestions.size < InternalConstants.MAX_ROOTS ) {
if ( dict[key].affixFlagVector &&
(dict[key].testAffix( this._attributeMgr.forbiddenWord ) ||
dict[key].testAffix( this._attributeMgr.onlyInCompound) ||
dict[key].testAffix( this._attributeMgr.noSuggest ) ||
dict[key].testAffix( InternalConstants.ONLYUPCASEFLAG )
)) continue;
_guessSuggestions.insert( new SuggestionEntry(sc,key, dict[key] ) );
if ( _guessSuggestions.size == InternalConstants.MAX_ROOTS ) {
}else {
if ( sc > _guessSuggestions.front.score ) {
_guessSuggestions.front.score = sc;
_guessSuggestions.front.key = key;
_guessSuggestions.front.hashEntry = dict[key];
var thresh:int = 0;
var mw:String;
for ( var sp:int = 1; sp < 4; ++sp) {
mw = word;
for ( var k:int=sp; k<n; k+=4) {
mw = mw.substring(0,k) + "*" + mw.substring(k+1);
thresh = thresh + ngram( n, word, mw, InternalConstants.NGRAM_ANY_MISMATCH + InternalConstants.NGRAM_LOWERING);
thresh = thresh /3;
thresh --;
// now expand affixes on each of these root words and
// and use length adjusted ngram scores to select
// possible suggestions
//work arround for inconsitent ordered Dictionary table. bof
if ( _guessSuggestions.isEmpty() ) return result.length;
var lowestScore:int = _guessSuggestions.front.score;
var indexArr:Array;
if ( _guessSuggestions.size != _guessSuggestions.maxSize ){,_guessSuggestions.size).sortOn("key",Array.DESCENDING | Array.RETURNINDEXEDARRAY);
//work arround for inconsitent ordered Dictionary table. bof
// root list;
for each ( i in indexArr ) {
//work arround for inconsitent ordered Dictionary table. bof
if ( i==0 ||[i].score == lowestScore ) continue;
//work arround for inconsitent ordered Dictionary table. bof
var candList:Array = new Array();
var candOriginalList:Array = new Array();
expandRootWord(candList,candOriginalList, InternalConstants.MAX_WORDS,[i].key,[i].hashEntry, word );
for ( j=0; j < candList.length; ++j) {
sc = ngram ( n, word, candList[j], InternalConstants.NGRAM_ANY_MISMATCH + InternalConstants.NGRAM_LOWERING) + leftCommonSubString(word, candList[j],initCap, wordCapValue);
if ( (sc>thresh) ) {
if ( _guessWordList.size < InternalConstants.MAX_GUESS ) {
_guessWordList.insert( new GuessWord(sc,candList[j], null ) );
if ( _guessWordList.size == InternalConstants.MAX_GUESS ) {
}else {
if ( sc > _guessWordList.front.score ) {
_guessWordList.front.score = sc;
_guessWordList.front.key = candList[j];
_guessWordList.front.original = null;
// now we are done generating guesses
// sort in order of decreasing score
var guessArr:Array = _guessWordList.toArray().sortOn("score",Array.NUMERIC | Array.DESCENDING);
// weight suggestions with a similarity index, based on
// the longest common subsequent algorithm and resort
var refobj:RefObject = new RefObject(0);
var gl:String;
for ( i=guessArr.length-1;i>= 0; --i ) {
gl = guessArr[i].key.toLocaleLowerCase();
var _lcs:int = StringUtils.lcslen(word, gl);
// same characters with different casing
if ( (n==gl.length) && (n == _lcs) ) {
guessArr[i].score += 2000;
// heuristic weigthing of ngram scores
guessArr[i].score +=
// length of longest common subsequent minus length difference
2 * _lcs - Math.abs((int) (n - guessArr[i].key.length)) +
// weight length of the left common substring
leftCommonSubString(word, gl,initCap, wordCapValue) +
// weight equal character positions
((_lcs == StringUtils.commonCharacterPositions(word, gl, refobj)) ? 1: 0) +
// swap character (not neighboring)
((refobj.ref) ? 1000 : 0);
guessArr = guessArr.sortOn("score", Array.NUMERIC | Array.DESCENDING);
// copy over
var oldnsug:int = nsug;
var same:int = 0;
for ( i=0;i< guessArr.length; ++i ) {
if ( (nsug < this._maxSug) && (result.length < (oldnsug + this._maxngramsugs)) && (!same || (guessArr[i].score > 1000)) ) {
var unique:int = 1;
// leave only excellent suggestions, if exists
if ( guessArr[i].score > 1000 ) same = 1;
// don't suggest previous suggestions or a previous suggestion with prefixes or affixes
for ( j=0;j< result.length; ++j) {
if ( ( guessArr[i].key.indexOf(result[j]) != -1) || !checkWord(guessArr[i].key) ) unique = 0;
if ( unique ) {
result.push( guessArr[i].key );
var endTime:Number = getTimer();
return nsug;
private function testValidSuggestion(element:*, gw:GuessWord):Boolean {
if ( gw.key.indexOf( element ) )
return false;
if ( !checkWord(element) ) return false;
return true;
private function expandRootWord(guessWordList:Array, guessOriginalList:Array, maxn:int, root:String, he:HashEntry, badWord:String) :void {
// first add root word to list
var nh:int = 0, i:int, j:int;
var sfx:SuffixEntry;
var pfx:PrefixEntry;
var newWord:String;
var crossFlagArray:Array = new Array();
if ( (guessWordList.length < maxn) &&
!( (he.affixFlagVector != null) &&
( (this._attributeMgr.needAffix && he.testAffix(this._attributeMgr.needAffix)) || ( this._attributeMgr.onlyInCompound && he.testAffix(this._attributeMgr.onlyInCompound))))
guessWordList[nh] = root;
guessOriginalList[nh] = root;
crossFlagArray[nh] = false;
// handle suffixes
for ( i=0; (he.affixFlagVector !=null) && (i<he.affixFlagVector.length);++i) {
sfx= this._attributeMgr.suffixFlagTable[he.affixFlagVector.charAt(i)];
while( sfx ) {
var index:int = badWord.lastIndexOf(sfx.affixKey);
if ( (index != -1) && ( index== (badWord.length-sfx.affixKey.length)) ) {
newWord = sfx.add(root);
if ( newWord) {
guessWordList[nh] = newWord;
guessOriginalList[nh] = root;
crossFlagArray[nh] = sfx.permissionToCombine;
sfx = sfx.nextElementWithFlag;
// handle cross products of prefixes and suffixes
var n:int = nh;
for ( j=1;j<n;++j) {
if( crossFlagArray[j] ) {
for ( i=0;(he.affixFlagVector !=null) && (i<he.affixFlagVector.length);++i) {
pfx = this._attributeMgr.prefixFlagTable[he.affixFlagVector.charAt(i)];
while( pfx ) {
if ( badWord.indexOf(pfx.affixKey)== 0 ) {
newWord = pfx.add(guessWordList[j]);
if ( newWord) {
guessWordList[nh] = newWord;
guessOriginalList[nh] = root;
crossFlagArray[nh] = pfx.permissionToCombine;
pfx = pfx.nextElementWithFlag;
// now handle pure prefixes
for ( i=0; (he.affixFlagVector !=null) && (i<he.affixFlagVector.length);++i) {
pfx= this._attributeMgr.prefixFlagTable[he.affixFlagVector.charAt(i)];
while( pfx ) {
if ( badWord.indexOf(pfx.affixKey) == 0 ) {
newWord = pfx.add(root);
if ( newWord) {
guessWordList[nh] = newWord;
guessOriginalList[nh] = root;
crossFlagArray[nh] = pfx.permissionToCombine;
pfx = pfx.nextElementWithFlag;
* ToDo: Since this is a generic algorithm, we might want move this code to StringUtils class.
private function ngram(n:int, s1:String, s2:String, opt:int):int {
var i:int,j:int,k:int,m:int,n:int;
var nscore:int = 0, ns:int, l1:int, l2:int;
l1 = s1.length;
l2 = s2.length;
if ( opt & InternalConstants.NGRAM_LOWERING ) s2=s2.toLowerCase();
for ( i = 0; i<l1; i++ ) {
if ( s2.indexOf( s1.charAt(i) ) != -1 ) ns++;
nscore = nscore + ns;
if ( ns >= 2 ) {
for ( j = 2; j<=n; j++ ) {
ns = 0;
for ( i = 0; i <=(l1-j); i++ ) {
// var tmp:String = s1.substr(i,i+j);
// tmp = s1.substring(i,i+j);
if ( s2.indexOf( s1.substring(i,i+j) ) != -1 ) ns++; // it could be signaficantly optimized If we can avoid to use substr() function....
nscore = nscore + ns;
if (ns < 2) break;
ns = 0;
if (opt & InternalConstants.NGRAM_LONGER_WORSE) ns = (l2-l1)-2;
if (opt & InternalConstants.NGRAM_ANY_MISMATCH) ns = Math.abs(l2-l1)-2;
ns = (nscore - ((ns > 0) ? ns : 0));
return ns;
return 1;
* Deprecated function for now...
* History:
* A pre-version of implementation for error correction. After I optimized the code for performance,
* I drop this function by that time, but you know performance meassuring is a tricky problem...
* ToDo: Need a revisit when we implementing complex-affix support and compound-word support.
private function ngram1(n:int, s1:String, s2:String, opt:int):int {
var nscore:int = 0, ns:int, l1:int, l2:int;
var i:int,j:int,k:int,m:int,n:int;
l1 = s1.length;
l2 = s2.length;
if ( opt & InternalConstants.NGRAM_LOWERING ) s2=s2.toLowerCase();
for ( j = 1; j<=n; j++ ) {
ns = 0;
for ( i = 0; i <=(l1-j); i++ ) {
// var tmp:String = s1.substr(i,i+j);
// tmp = s1.substring(i,i+j);
if ( s2.indexOf( s1.substring(i,i+j) ) != -1 ) ns++; // it could be signaficantly optimized If we can avoid to use substr() function....
nscore = nscore + ns;
if (ns < 2) break;
ns = 0;
if (opt & InternalConstants.NGRAM_LONGER_WORSE) ns = (l2-l1)-2;
if (opt & InternalConstants.NGRAM_ANY_MISMATCH) ns = Math.abs(l2-l1)-2;
ns = (nscore - ((ns > 0) ? ns : 0));
return ns;
return 1;
* ToDo: since this is a generic algorithm, we might want to move this function to StringUtils class.
private function leftCommonSubString(s1:String,s2:String, initCap:Boolean, s1CapValue:int):int {
var res:int = 1;
if ( s1.charCodeAt(0) != s2.charCodeAt(0) && ( !initCap ) && (s1CapValue != s2.charCodeAt(0)) ) return 0;
for( var i:int=1; (i< s1.length) && (s1.charCodeAt(i) == s2.charCodeAt(i)); ++i ) {
return res;
public function suggest( result:Array, word:String, capType:int):int {
var nsug:int = 0;
// suggestions for an uppercase word (html -> HTML)
if ( (nsug < this._maxSug) && (nsug > -1 ) ) {
nsug = capchars(result,word,nsug);
// perhaps we made a typical fault of spelling
if ( (nsug < this._maxSug) && (nsug > -1 ) ) {
nsug = replchars( result, word, nsug );
// perhaps we made chose the wrong char from a related set
if ( (nsug < this._maxSug) && (nsug > -1 ) ) {
nsug = mapchars( result, word, nsug );
// did we swap the order of chars by mistake
if ( (nsug < this._maxSug) && (nsug > -1 ) ) {
nsug = swapchar( result, word, nsug );
// did we swap the order of non adjacent chars by mistake
if ( (nsug < this._maxSug) && (nsug > -1 ) ) {
nsug = longswapchar( result, word, nsug );
// did we just hit the wrong key in place of a good char (case and keyboard)
if ( (nsug < this._maxSug) && (nsug > -1 ) ) {
nsug = badcharkey( result, word, nsug );
// did we add a char that should not be there
if ( (nsug < this._maxSug) && (nsug > -1 ) ) {
nsug = extrachar( result, word, nsug );
// did we forgot a char
if ( (nsug < this._maxSug) && (nsug > -1 ) ) {
nsug = forgotchar( result, word, nsug, capType );
// did we move a char
if ( (nsug < this._maxSug) && (nsug > -1 ) ) {
nsug = movechar( result, word, nsug );
// did we just hit the wrong key in place of a good char
if ( (nsug < this._maxSug) && (nsug > -1 ) ) {
nsug = badchar( result, word, nsug, capType );
// did we double two characters
if ( (nsug < this._maxSug) && (nsug > -1 ) ) {
nsug = doubletwochars( result, word, nsug );
// perhaps we forgot to hit space and two words ran together
if ( (nsug < this._maxSug) && (nsug > -1 ) ) {
nsug = twowords( result, word, nsug );
return nsug;
private function mapchars( result:Array, word:String, nsug:int ) :int {
if (word.length < 2) return nsug;
if ( (nsug == this._maxSug) || (this._attributeMgr.mapFilterTable.length == 0) ) return nsug;
var mapTable:Array = this._attributeMgr.mapFilterTable;
var counter:int = 0;
nsug = map_related(result, word, nsug, 0 ,mapTable, counter);
return nsug;
private function map_related( result:Array, word:String, nsug:int, startIndex:int, mapTable:Array, counter:int) :int {
var totalCheckCount:int = 8; // for performance issue only... 8 means four level detection...
var candidate:String;
var in_map:int = 0;
var j:int;
if ( counter > totalCheckCount ) return nsug; // for performance issue only...
if ( nsug == this._maxSug ) return nsug;
if ( startIndex == word.length ) {
var cwrd:int = 1;
for ( j=0; j < result.length; ++j ) {
if ( result[j]== word ) cwrd=0;
if ( cwrd && checkWord(word) ) {
return nsug;
for ( var i:int = 0;i<mapTable.length ;++i ) {
if ( mapTable[i].mapCharSet.indexOf(word.charAt(startIndex)) != -1 ) {
in_map= 1;
for ( j =0; j< mapTable[i].mapCharSet.length; ++j ) {
candidate = word.substring(0,startIndex) +mapTable[i].mapCharSet.charAt(j)+word.substring(startIndex+1);
nsug = map_related(result,candidate,nsug,(startIndex+1),mapTable, counter);
if( !in_map) {
nsug = map_related(result,word,nsug,(startIndex+1),mapTable, counter);
return nsug;
private function twowords( result:Array, word:String, nsug:int ) :int {
var candidate:String;
var cwrd:int=1;
var count:int=0;
if (word.length < 3) return result.length;
if ( result.length >= this._maxSug ) return result.length;
for( var i:int=1;i<word.length;++i) {
candidate = word.substring(0,i);
if ( !checkWord(candidate) ) continue;
candidate = word.substring(i);
if ( checkWord(candidate) ) {
candidate = word.substring(0,i) +" " + word.substring(i);
for ( var j:int=0; j < result.length; ++j ) {
if ( result[j]== candidate ) cwrd=0;
if ( cwrd ) {
if ( result.length >= this._maxSug ) return result.length;
return nsug;
private function doubletwochars( result:Array, word:String, nsug:int ) :int {
var candidate:String;
var nstate:int=0;
if (word.length < 5) return nsug;
for (var i:int=2;i<word.length;++i) {
if( word.charCodeAt(i) == word.charCodeAt(i-2) ) {
if ( nstate==3) {
candidate = word.substring(0,i-1)+word.substring(i+1);
nsug = testSuggestion( result,candidate, nsug);
if ( nsug == -1 || nsug == this._maxSug ) return nsug;
nstate = 0;
}else {
return nsug;
private function badchar( result:Array, word:String, nsug:int, capType:int ) :int {
if ( this._cAllTry == null ) return nsug;
if (word.length < 2) return nsug;
var candidate:String;
var i:int, j:int;
switch(capType) {
case InternalConstants.NOCAP: {
// first for init capticalized case...
for ( i = 0; i< this._cAllTry.length;++i) {
candidate = this._cAllTry.charAt(i)+word.substring(1);
nsug = testSuggestion( result,candidate, nsug);
if ( nsug == -1 || nsug == this._maxSug ) return nsug;
// for the rest of the word...
for ( i = 0; i< this._cLowerTry.length;++i) {
for ( j=1;j<word.length;++j) {
candidate = word.substring(0,j)+this._cLowerTry.charAt(i)+word.substring(j+1);
nsug = testSuggestion( result,candidate, nsug);
if ( nsug == -1 || nsug == this._maxSug ) return nsug;
case InternalConstants.INITCAP:{
// first for init capticalized case...
for ( i = 0; i< this._cAllTry.length;++i) {
candidate = this._cAllTry.charAt(i)+word.substring(1);
nsug = testSuggestion( result,candidate, nsug);
if ( nsug == -1 || nsug == this._maxSug ) return nsug;
// for the rest of the word...
for ( i = 0; i< this._cLowerTry.length;++i) {
for ( j=1;j<word.length;++j) {
candidate = word.substring(0,j)+this._cLowerTry.charAt(i)+word.substring(j+1);
nsug = testSuggestion( result,candidate, nsug);
if ( nsug == -1 || nsug == this._maxSug ) return nsug;
case InternalConstants.HUHCAP: {
case InternalConstants.HUHINITCAP:{
for ( i = 0; i< this._cAllTry.length;++i) {
for ( j=0;j<word.length;++j) {
candidate = word.substring(0,j)+this._cAllTry.charAt(i)+word.substring(j+1);
nsug = testSuggestion( result,candidate, nsug);
if ( nsug == -1 || nsug == this._maxSug ) return nsug;
case InternalConstants.ALLCAP: {
for ( i = 0; i< this._cUpperTry.length;++i) {
for ( j=0;j<word.length;++j) {
candidate = word.substring(0,j)+this._cUpperTry.charAt(i)+word.substring(j+1);
nsug = testSuggestion( result,candidate, nsug);
if ( nsug == -1 || nsug == this._maxSug ) return nsug;
return nsug;
// did we move a char
private function movechar( result:Array, word:String, nsug:int ) :int {
var candidate:String;
var i:int,j:int;
var char:String;
if (word.length < 3) return nsug;
for ( i=0;i<word.length-2;++i) {
char = word.charAt(i);
for ( j=i+2;j<word.length;++j) {
candidate = word.substring(0,i)+word.substring(i+1,j+1)+char+word.substring(j+1);
nsug = testSuggestion( result,candidate, nsug);
if ( nsug == -1 || nsug == this._maxSug ) return nsug;
for ( i=word.length-1;i>=2;--i) {
char = word.charAt(i);
for ( j=i-2;j>=0; --j) {
candidate = word.substring(0,j)+char+word.substring(j,i)+word.substring(i+1);
nsug = testSuggestion( result,candidate, nsug);
if ( nsug == -1 || nsug == this._maxSug ) return nsug;
return nsug;
private function forgotchar( result:Array, word:String, nsug:int, capType:int ) :int {
if ( this._cAllTry == null ) return nsug;
var candidate:String;
var i:int, j:int;
if (word.length < 2) return nsug;
switch(capType) {
case InternalConstants.NOCAP: {
for (i =0; i< this._cAllTry.length; ++i ) {
candidate= _cAllTry.charAt(i) + word.substring(0);
nsug = testSuggestion( result,candidate, nsug);
if ( nsug == -1 || nsug == this._maxSug ) return nsug;
for (i =0; i< this._cLowerTry.length; ++i ) {
for ( j=1; j< word.length;j++) {
candidate= word.substring(0,j)+_cLowerTry.charAt(i) + word.substring(j);
nsug = testSuggestion( result,candidate, nsug);
if ( nsug == -1 || nsug == this._maxSug ) return nsug;
candidate= word+_cLowerTry.charAt(i);
nsug = testSuggestion( result,candidate, nsug);
if ( nsug == -1 || nsug == this._maxSug ) return nsug;
case InternalConstants.INITCAP:{
// first for init capticalized case...
for (i =0; i< this._cAllTry.length; ++i ) {
candidate= _cAllTry.charAt(i) + word.substring(0);
nsug = testSuggestion( result,candidate, nsug);
if ( nsug == -1 || nsug == this._maxSug ) return nsug;
for (i =0; i< this._cLowerTry.length; ++i ) {
for ( j=1; j< word.length;j++) {
candidate= word.substring(0,j)+_cLowerTry.charAt(i) + word.substring(j);
nsug = testSuggestion( result,candidate, nsug);
if ( nsug == -1 || nsug == this._maxSug ) return nsug;
candidate= word+_cLowerTry.charAt(i);
nsug = testSuggestion( result,candidate, nsug);
if ( nsug == -1 || nsug == this._maxSug ) return nsug;
case InternalConstants.HUHCAP: {
case InternalConstants.HUHINITCAP:{
for (i =0; i< this._cAllTry.length; ++i ) {
for ( j=1; j< word.length;j++) {
candidate= word.substring(0,j)+_cAllTry.charAt(i) + word.substring(j);
nsug = testSuggestion( result,candidate, nsug);
if ( nsug == -1 || nsug == this._maxSug ) return nsug;
candidate= word+_cAllTry.charAt(i);
nsug = testSuggestion( result,candidate, nsug);
if ( nsug == -1 || nsug == this._maxSug ) return nsug;
case InternalConstants.ALLCAP: {
for (i =0; i< this._cUpperTry.length; ++i ) {
for ( j=0; j< word.length;j++) {
candidate= word.substring(0,j)+_cUpperTry.charAt(i) + word.substring(j);
nsug = testSuggestion( result,candidate, nsug);
if ( nsug == -1 || nsug == this._maxSug ) return nsug;
candidate= word+_cUpperTry.charAt(i);
nsug = testSuggestion( result,candidate, nsug);
if ( nsug == -1 || nsug == this._maxSug ) return nsug;
return nsug;
// error is word has an extra letter it does not need
private function extrachar( result:Array, word:String, nsug:int ) :int {
var candidate:String;
if (word.length < 2) return nsug;
for ( var i:int=0; i< word.length ; ++i ) {
candidate = word.substring(0,i) + word.substring(i+1);
nsug = testSuggestion( result,candidate, nsug);
if ( nsug == -1 || nsug == this._maxSug ) return nsug;
return nsug;
// error is wrong char in place of correct one (case and keyboard related version)
private function badcharkey( result:Array, word:String, nsug:int ) :int {
var candidate:String;
if (word.length < 2) return nsug;
var startIndex:int = 0;
// swap out each char one by one and try uppercase and neighbor
// keyboard chars in its place to see if that makes a good word
for ( var i:int =0; i<word.length; ++i) {
// check with uppercase letters
if ( word.charAt(i).toLocaleUpperCase() != word.charAt(i) ) {
candidate = word.substring(0,i)+word.charAt(i).toLocaleUpperCase()+word.substring(i+1);
nsug = testSuggestion( result,candidate, nsug);
if ( nsug == -1 || nsug == this._maxSug ) return nsug;
// check neighbor characters in keyboard string
if ( this._ckey == null ) continue;
startIndex = this._ckey.indexOf(word.charAt(i),startIndex);
while ( startIndex != -1 ) {
if ( (startIndex!=0) && (_ckey.charAt(startIndex-1) != "|" ) ) {
candidate = word.substring(0,i)+_ckey.charAt(startIndex-1)+word.substring(i+1);
nsug = testSuggestion( result,candidate, nsug);
if ( nsug == -1 || nsug == this._maxSug ) return nsug;
if ( (_ckey.charAt(startIndex+1)!="|") && (startIndex != _ckey.length - 1) ) {
candidate = word.substring(0,i)+_ckey.charAt(startIndex+1) + word.substring(i+1);
nsug = testSuggestion( result,candidate, nsug);
if ( nsug == -1 || nsug == this._maxSug ) return nsug;
startIndex = this._ckey.indexOf(word.charAt(i),startIndex+1);
return nsug;
private function longswapchar( result:Array, word:String, nsug:int ) :int {
var candidate:String;
if (word.length < 2) return nsug;
for ( var i:int =0 ; i< word.length-2; ++i ) {
for ( var j:int = i+2;j< word.length;++j) {
candidate = word.substring(0,i)+ word.charAt(j) + word.substring(i+1,j) + word.charAt(i) + word.substring(j+1);
nsug = testSuggestion( result,candidate, nsug);
if ( nsug == -1 || nsug == this._maxSug ) return nsug;
return nsug;
private function swapchar( result:Array, word:String, nsug:int ) :int {
var candidate:String;
if (word.length < 2) return nsug;
var i:int;
var wl:int = word.length;
// try swapping adjacent chars one by one
for (i=0;i< wl-1;++i) {
candidate = word.substring(0,i)+word.charAt(i+1)+word.charAt(i) + word.substring(i+2);
nsug = testSuggestion( result,candidate, nsug);
if ( nsug == -1 || nsug == this._maxSug ) return nsug;
if ( wl == 4 || wl == 5 ) {
candidate = word.charAt(1) + word.charAt(0);
if ( wl == 5) candidate +=word.charAt(2);
candidate += word.charAt(wl - 1) + word.charAt(wl - 2);
nsug = testSuggestion( result,candidate, nsug);
if ( nsug == -1 || nsug == this._maxSug ) return nsug;
if ( wl == 5 ) {
candidate = word.charAt(0) + word.charAt(2) + word.charAt(1) + candidate.substr(3);
nsug = testSuggestion( result,candidate, nsug);
if ( nsug == -1 || nsug == this._maxSug ) return nsug;
return nsug;
private function replchars( result:Array, word:String, nsug:int ) :int {
var candidate:String;
if (word.length < 2) return nsug;
var searchIndex:int=0;
if ( (this._attributeMgr.simpleFilterTable==null) || (this._attributeMgr.simpleFilterTable.length == 0) ) return nsug;
for ( var i:int = 0; i < this._attributeMgr.simpleFilterTable.length; ++i ) {
while ( (searchIndex = word.indexOf( this._attributeMgr.simpleFilterTable[i].matchString,searchIndex)) != -1 ){
searchIndex = searchIndex + this._attributeMgr.simpleFilterTable[i].matchString.length;
candidate = word.substr(0, searchIndex-this._attributeMgr.simpleFilterTable[i].matchString.length) +
this._attributeMgr.simpleFilterTable[i].replacement +
nsug = testSuggestion( result,candidate, nsug);
if ( nsug == -1 || nsug == this._maxSug ) return nsug;
return nsug;
private function capchars( result:Array, word:String, nsug:int) : int {
var candidate:String = word.toLocaleUpperCase();
return testSuggestion(result,candidate,nsug);
private function testSuggestion(result:Array, word:String, nsug:int):int {
var cwrd:int=1;
if ( result.length >= this._maxSug ) return nsug;
for ( var i:int=0; i < result.length; ++i ) {
if ( result[i]== word ) cwrd=0;
if ( (cwrd) && checkWord(word) ) {
return nsug;
// see if a candidate suggestion is spelled correctly
// needs to check both root words and words with affixes
// ToDo the following in next release...
// obsolote MySpell-HU modifications:
// return value 2 and 3 marks compounding with hyphen (-)
// `3' marks roots without suffix
private function checkWord(word:String):int {
var rv:HashEntry = null;
var nosuffix:int =0;
if ( this._attributeMgr ) {
rv = _attributeMgr.lookup(word);
if ( rv ) {
if ( (rv.affixFlagVector) && ( rv.testAffix(this._attributeMgr.forbiddenWord) || rv.testAffix(this._attributeMgr.noSuggest) ) ){
return 0;
while ( rv ) {
if ( (rv.affixFlagVector) && ( rv.testAffix(this._attributeMgr.needAffix) || rv.testAffix(InternalConstants.ONLYUPCASEFLAG) || rv.testAffix(this._attributeMgr.onlyInCompound) ) ) {
rv =
}else break;
}else rv = _attributeMgr.optPrefixCheck2(word, 0,0) // only prefix, and prefix + suffix XXX
if ( rv ) {
nosuffix = 1;
}else {
rv = _attributeMgr.optSuffixCheck2(word,0,null,0,0);
//this is added after we have two level suffix stripping
if (!rv && this._attributeMgr.haveContClass) {
rv = this._attributeMgr.optTwoSuffixCheck(word, 0, null, 0);
if (!rv) rv = this._attributeMgr.optTwoPrefixCheck(word,1, 0);
// check forbidden words
if ( (rv) && (rv.affixFlagVector) && ( rv.testAffix(this._attributeMgr.forbiddenWord) || rv.testAffix(InternalConstants.ONLYUPCASEFLAG)
|| rv.testAffix(this._attributeMgr.noSuggest) || rv.testAffix(this._attributeMgr.onlyInCompound) ) ) {
return 0;
if ( rv ) {
//// XXX obsolote ToDo
return 1;
return 0;
import com.adobe.linguistics.spelling.core.HashEntry;
internal class GuessWord {
private var _score:int;
private var _key:String;
private var _original:String;
public function GuessWord(score:int, key:String, original:String){
this.key = key;
this.score = score;
this.original = original;
public function get score():int {
return this._score;
public function set score(value:int) :void {
this._score = value;
public function get key():String {
return this._key;
public function set key(value:String) :void {
this._key = value;
public function get original():String {
return this._original;
public function set original(value:String) :void {
this._original = value;
internal class SuggestionEntry {
private var _score:int;
private var _key:String;
private var _hashEntry:HashEntry;
public function SuggestionEntry(score:int, key:String, hashEntry:HashEntry) {
this.key = key;
this.score = score;
this.hashEntry = hashEntry;
public function get score():int {
return this._score;
public function set score(value:int) :void {
this._score = value;
public function get key():String {
return this._key;
public function set key(value:String) :void {
this._key = value;
public function get hashEntry():HashEntry {
return this._hashEntry;
public function set hashEntry(value:HashEntry ) :void {
this._hashEntry = value;