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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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* @exampleText The following SpellingServiceEsg MXML demonstrates the use of SpellingService class.
* Note that the results from this example may differ based on dictionary file.
* The following steps are taken:
* <ol>
* <li>A <code>ResourceTable</code> object is created and locales are mapped to file URLs.</li>
* <li><code>SpellingService</code> object is created and initialized</li>
* <li><code>SpellingServicecheckWord</code> method is used to check word and output is displayed</li>
* <li>A <code>UserDictionary</code> object is created and a word is added to it.</li>
* <li>A word is added to the user dictionary which in turn is added to SpellingService Object using <code>SpellingService.addUserDictionary</code> method.</li>
* <li> <code>SpellingService.checkWord</code> API is again called.</li>
* <li>The userDictionary is removed using <code>SpellingService.removeUserDictionary</code> method.</li>
* </ol>
* Note: to make this example work properly, please make sure you have the proper dictionary file in the specified folder
* and put the Squiggly library(AdobeSpellingEngine.swc) in your libs folder. Please see the reference "How to generate Squiggly dictionary".
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""
xmlns:mx="library://" minWidth="955" minHeight="600" initialize="init();">
<!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
import com.adobe.linguistics.spelling.framework.*;
import com.adobe.linguistics.spelling.*;
private var spellingService:SpellingService = null;
private function init():void {
result.text += "AdobeSpellingServiceFramework tests\n===================\n";
result.text += "Setting SpellingConfiguration and initializing SpellingService ...\n";
var resourceTable:ResourceTable = new ResourceTable();
resourceTable.setResource("en_US", {rule:"data/en_US.aff", dict:"data/en_US.dic"});
SpellingConfiguration.resourceTable = resourceTable;
spellingService = new SpellingService("en_US");
spellingService.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, spellingServiceReady);
private function spellingServiceReady(e:Event):void {
result.text += "SpellingService ready for use\n";
result.text += "Checking \"hello\" ... " + spellingService.checkWord("hello") + "\n";
result.text += "Checking \"heello\" ... " + spellingService.checkWord("heello") + "\n";
result.text += "Getting suggestions for \"heello\" ... " + spellingService.getSuggestions("heello") + "\n";
var ud:UserDictionary = new UserDictionary();
result.text += "Adding \"heello\" to UserDictionary ..." + ud.addWord("heello") + "\n";
result.text += "Adding UserDicitonary to SpellingService ..." + spellingService.addUserDictionary(ud) +"\n";
result.text += "Checking \"heello\" again, expect true ..." + spellingService.checkWord("heello") + "\n";
result.text += "Removing \"heello\" from UserDictionary ..." + ud.removeWord("heello") + "\n"
result.text += "Checking \"heello\" again, expect false ..." + spellingService.checkWord("heello") + "\n";
result.text += "Number of UserDictionary, expect 1 ..." + spellingService.userDictionaries.length + "\n";
var ud2:UserDictionary = new UserDictionary();
result.text += "Adding UserDicitonary 2 to SpellingService ..." + spellingService.addUserDictionary(ud2) +"\n";
result.text += "Adding \"heello\" to UserDictionary 2 ..." + ud2.addWord("heello") + "\n";
result.text += "Checking \"heello\" again, expect true ..." + spellingService.checkWord("heello") + "\n";
result.text += "Number of UserDictionary, expect 2 ..." + spellingService.userDictionaries.length + "\n";
result.text += "Checking \"heello\" again after removing all UserDictionaries, expect false ..." + spellingService.checkWord("heello") + "\n";
result.text += "Number of UserDictionary, expect 0 ..." + spellingService.userDictionaries.length + "\n";
<mx:Text id="result"/>