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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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* @exampleText The following GetSuggestion MXML demonstrates how to get the suggestion list for a mispelled word by using Squiggly API.
* Note that the results from this example may differ based on dictionary file.
* The following steps are taken:
* <ol>
* <li>A <code>SpellingDictionary</code> object is created </li>
* <li>A <code>SpellChecker</code> object is created </li>
* <li>In the mx:application tag, add a functon call to <code>init</code> for <code>applicationComplete</code> </li>
* <li>Create <code>init</code> function body: in the body, add a event listener for <code>SpellingDictionary</code> object.
* Then create a <code>URLRequest</code> object to specify the url of dictionary file. Then call the <code>SpellingDictionary</code>
* object <code>load</load> method to load the dictionary from disk or remote URL.</li>
* <li> Finish the <code>handleLoadComplete</code> function to attach the <code>SpellingDictionary</code> object to a <code>SpellChecker</code> object</li>
* <li> Add a function to call the <code>CheckWord</code> method of <code>SpellChecker</code> object to verify the correctness of a word. </li>
* </li>
* <li> For the mispelled word from last step, call the <code>getSuggestions</code> method of <code>SpellChecker</code> object to query the suggestion list
* </li>
* <li>Add related MXML component tag and related property.
* </li>
* </ol>
* Note: to make this example work properly, please make sure you have the proper dictionary file in the specified folder
* and put the Squiggly library(AdobeSpellingEngine.swc) in you libs folder. Please see the reference "How to generate Squiggly dictionary".
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="vertical" applicationComplete="init()" horizontalAlign="left">
import com.adobe.linguistics.spelling.*;
private var _newdict:HunspellDictionary = new HunspellDictionary();
private var sp:SpellChecker;
private function init():void {
_newdict.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, handleLoadComplete);
_newdict.load("dictionaries/en_US/en_US.aff", "dictionaries/en_US/en_US.dic");
private function handleLoadComplete(evt:Event):void
sp = new SpellChecker(_newdict);
private function checkWord():void {
suggestions.text= "";
if( sp.checkWord( inputWord.text ) ) {
result.text = "Result:correct";
else {
result.text = "Result:wrong";
var sugeestionArr:Array= sp.getSuggestions(inputWord.text);
if (sugeestionArr != null) {
for ( var i:int=0;i< sugeestionArr.length; i++ ) {
suggestions.text= suggestions.text + sugeestionArr[i] + "\n";
<mx:TextInput id="inputWord" text ="test" keyUp="checkWord()"/>
<mx:Button id="check" label="Check Word" click="checkWord()" />
<mx:Label id ="result" text="Result:"/>
<mx:TextArea id="suggestions" height="300" width="100"/>