blob: 596481c07c9d71dcbd1d935dc6f812de76ba7406 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
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// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package com.adobe.linguistics.utils
import __AS3__.vec.Vector;
import flash.utils.Dictionary;
import flash.text.engine.TextBlock;
import flash.text.engine.TextElement;
import flash.text.engine.ElementFormat;
* <p>The <code>TextTokenizer</code> class locates the boundaries of words in a
* block of text.</p>
* Word boundary locations are found according to these general principles:
* <ul>
* <li> Be able to tokenize a block of text specified by start and end positions </li>
* <li> Default separator is Unicode white space character. Also break on newlines </li>
* <li> Tokens consist of either words or numbers in which case it may include commas, etc.. </li>
* <li> Apostrophes or hyphens within a word are kept with the word </li>
* <li> Punctuation, spaces and other characters that are not part of a token, are broken out separately </li>
* </ul>
* <p>In the future versions, this class would also provide a way for the developers to customize the separators used by the tokenizer. </p>
* @playerversion Flash 9.x
* @langversion 3.0
public class TextTokenizer implements ITokenizer
private var _textBlock:TextBlock;
private var _textHolder:String;
private var _startIndex:int;
private var _endIndex:int;
private var _firstToken:Token;
private var _lastToken:Token;
private var _ignoredCharactersDict:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
* The tokenizer for a String object.
* This class implements the ITokenizer interface.
* Constructs a new TextTokenizer object to break String to words by creating with a new piece of text.
* @param textHolder A <code>String</code> object to hold the text which will be processed by this tokenizer.
* @param startIndex A <code>int</code> type input to hold the starting index of input text should be scanned.
* @param endIndex A <code>int</code> type input to hold the ending index of input text should be scanned.
* <span class="hide"> TODO param requestedLocaleIDName The LocaleID name to be used by this TextTokenizer object. </span>
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @langversion 3.0
public function TextTokenizer(textHolder:String, startIndex:int=0, endIndex:int=int.MAX_VALUE)//, requestedLocaleIDName:String=null)
//requestedLocaleIDName parameter is useful for potential extension. won't handle it in the first round of implementation.
// same comments for API: requestedLocaleIDName()/actualLocaleIDName()/getAvailableLocaleIDNames()
var textElement:TextElement = new TextElement(textHolder, new ElementFormat());
var textBlock:TextBlock = new TextBlock();
textBlock.content = textElement;
/* init a tokenizer object */
this._textBlock = textBlock;
this._textHolder = textHolder;
this._startIndex = 0;
this._endIndex = this._textBlock.content.text.length;
private function setStartIndex(value:int):void {
if ( value <= 0 )
this._startIndex = 0;
else if ( value >= this._endIndex )
this._startIndex = this._endIndex;
// strange behaviour with String.substring() function... need more thinking....
private function setEndIndex(value:int):void {
if ( value >= this._textBlock.content.text.length )
this._endIndex = this._textBlock.content.text.length;
else if ( value <= this._startIndex )
this._endIndex = this._startIndex;
this._endIndex = value;
private function initDefaultIgnoredCharacters():void {
var ignoredCharsArray:Array = [
var ignoredChars:String = "";
for ( var i:int=0; i< ignoredCharsArray.length; ++i ) {
this.ignoredCharacters = ignoredChars;
private function getNextTokenByIndex( startPos:int ):Token{
var resultToken:Token = null;
/* calculate first token and return it. */
var i:int = (startPos > this._startIndex) ? startPos: this._startIndex;
while ( i< this._endIndex ) {
var begin:int = i;
i = this._textBlock.findNextWordBoundary(begin);
var end:int = ( i <= this._endIndex) ? i : this._endIndex;
if ( !isSingleSpecialCharacter( this._textHolder.substring(begin,end) ) ) {
resultToken = new Token(begin,end);
if ( resultToken==null ) resultToken = this.getLastToken();
return resultToken;
private function getPreviousTokenByIndex( endPos:int):Token {
var resultToken:Token = null;
/* calculate first token and return it. */
var i:int = (endPos < this._endIndex) ? endPos: this._endIndex;
/* special handling for last element in the word, bof */
var specialHandling:Boolean = false;
if ( i == this._endIndex ) {
specialHandling = true;
i = this._endIndex -1;
/* special handling for last element in the word, eof */
while ( i > this._startIndex ) {
var end:int = i;
i = this._textBlock.findPreviousWordBoundary(end);
var begin:int = ( i > this._startIndex) ? i : this._startIndex;
/* special handling for last element in the word, bof */
if ( specialHandling ) {
end = (this._textBlock.findNextWordBoundary(begin)<this._endIndex) ?this._textBlock.findNextWordBoundary(begin):this._endIndex;
if ( (end != this._endIndex) && !isSingleSpecialCharacter(this._textHolder.substring(this._endIndex-1,this._endIndex)) ) {
begin = this._endIndex-1;
end = this._endIndex;
/* special handling for last element in the word, eof */
if ( !isSingleSpecialCharacter( this._textHolder.substring(begin,end) ) ) {
resultToken = new Token(begin,end);
if ( resultToken==null ) resultToken = this.getFirstToken();
return resultToken;
private function isExceptionCharacter(word:String):Boolean {
if ( word.length != 1 ) return false;
if ( this._ignoredCharactersDict[word] == true ) return true;
return false;
private function getNextFilteredTokenByIndex(startPos:int):Token {
var token:Token = getNextTokenByIndex(startPos);
var firstToken:Token = token;
var cursor:int=token.last+1;
while ( (cursor < this._endIndex) ) {
if ( !isExceptionCharacter(this._textHolder.substring(cursor-1,cursor)) ) {
}else {
//another request from Harish about handling case abc\\abc abc\.abc case...not 100% sure about the correct behavior...
while( cursor < this._endIndex && isExceptionCharacter(this._textHolder.substring(cursor-1,cursor)) ) {
token = getNextTokenByIndex(cursor);
if ( token.first != cursor ) {
token = firstToken;
firstToken = token;
cursor = token.last+1;
return token;
private function getPreviousFilteredTokenByIndex(endPos:int):Token {
var token:Token = getPreviousTokenByIndex(endPos);
var lastToken:Token = token;
var cursor:int=token.first-1;
while ( ( cursor > this._startIndex ) ) {
if ( !isExceptionCharacter(this._textHolder.substring(cursor,cursor+1)) ) {
}else {
//another request from Harish about handling case abc\\abc abc\.abc case...not 100% sure about the correct behavior...
while( cursor > this._startIndex && isExceptionCharacter(this._textHolder.substring(cursor,cursor+1)) ) {
token = getPreviousTokenByIndex(cursor);
if ( token.last != cursor ) {
token = lastToken;
lastToken = token;
cursor = token.first-1;
return token;
private function isSingleSpecialCharacter(word:String):Boolean{
if ( word.length != 1 ) return false;
if ( word.toLocaleLowerCase() == word.toLocaleUpperCase() ) return true;
return false;
* Set all of ignored separators to this tokenizer class.
* A vector of int containing all of ignored separators code point which are used by this class.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @langversion 3.0
public function set ignoredSeparators(characters:Vector.<int>):void {
if ( characters == null || characters.length==0 ) return;
this._ignoredCharactersDict = new Dictionary();
for ( var i:int =0;i<characters.length;++i) {
* Get all of ignored separators used by this tokenizer class.
* A vector of int containing all of ignored separators code point which are used by this class.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @langversion 3.0
public function get ignoredSeparators():Vector.<int>{
var result:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>();
for ( var key:String in _ignoredCharactersDict) {
result.push(key.charCodeAt(0) );
return result;
private function set ignoredCharacters(value:String ) :void {
if( value == null || value == "" ) return;
var charArr:Array = value.split("");
this._ignoredCharactersDict = new Dictionary();
for ( var i:int = 0;i< charArr.length;++i) {
private function get ignoredCharacters():String {
var result:String = "";
for ( var key:String in _ignoredCharactersDict) {
result +=key;
return result;
* The name of the requested locale ID that was passed to the constructor of this TextTokenizer object.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @langversion 3.0
*/ /*
public function get requestedLocaleIDName():String {
return null;
* The name of the actual locale ID used by this TextTokenizer object.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @langversion 3.0
*/ /*
public function get actualLocaleIDName():String {
return null;
* Lists all of the locale ID names supported by this class.
* A vector of strings containing all of the locale ID names supported by this class.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @langversion 3.0
*/ /*
public static function getAvailableLocaleIDNames():Vector.<String>{ return null;}
* Return the first word in the text being scanned.
* <p> NOTE: In a special case when there are no valid tokens in text, it returns a pseudo token having first and last index set to int.MAX_VALUE. As a result<code> firstToken().first </code>equals int.MAX_VALUE and<code> firstToken().last </code>equals int.MAX_VALUE.</p>
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @langversion 3.0
public function getFirstToken():Token {
/* return the cached one. */
if ( this._firstToken != null )
return this._firstToken;
/* calculate first token and return it. */
//this._firstToken = getNextTokenByIndex(this._startIndex); // without any filter from LS, directly use FTE tokenizer...
this._firstToken = getNextFilteredTokenByIndex(this._startIndex);
return this._firstToken;
* @private
* Return the last word in the text being scanned.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @langversion 3.0
public function getLastToken():Token {
/* return the cached one. */
if ( this._lastToken != null )
return this._lastToken;
/* calculate last token and return it. */
this._lastToken = new Token(int.MAX_VALUE,int.MAX_VALUE);
return this._lastToken;
* Determine the next word following the current token.
* <p>Returns the token of the next word.</p><p> NOTE: When there are no more valid tokens, it returns a pseudo token having first and last index set to int.MAX_VALUE. As a result<code> getNextToken().first </code>equals int.MAX_VALUE and<code> getNextToken().last </code>equals int.MAX_VALUE.</p>
* @param token A <code>Token</code> object to be used for determining next word.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @langversion 3.0
public function getNextToken(token:Token):Token {
//return getNextTokenByIndex(token.last); // without any filter from LS, directly use FTE tokenizer...
return getNextFilteredTokenByIndex(token.last);
* Determine the word preceding the current token.
* <p>Returns the token of the previous word or<code> getFirstToken </code>object if there is no preceding word.</p>
* @param token A <code>Token</code> object to be used for determining previous word.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @langversion 3.0
public function getPreviousToken(token:Token):Token {
//return getPreviousTokenByIndex( token.first );// without any filter from LS, directly use FTE tokenizer...
return getPreviousFilteredTokenByIndex( token.first )