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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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package com.adobe.linguistics.spelling
import com.adobe.linguistics.spelling.UserDictionary;
import com.adobe.linguistics.spelling.framework.ResourceTable;
import com.adobe.linguistics.spelling.framework.SpellingConfiguration;
import com.adobe.linguistics.spelling.framework.SpellingService;
import com.adobe.linguistics.spelling.ui.framework.IHighlighter;
import com.adobe.linguistics.spelling.ui.framework.IWordProcessor;
import com.adobe.linguistics.spelling.ui.framework.TLFHighlighter;
import com.adobe.linguistics.spelling.ui.framework.TLFWordProcessor;
import com.adobe.linguistics.utils.TextFilter;
import com.adobe.linguistics.utils.TextTokenizer;
import com.adobe.linguistics.utils.Token;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.utils.Dictionary;
import flashx.textLayout.TextLayoutVersion;
import flashx.textLayout.compose.StandardFlowComposer;
import flashx.textLayout.compose.TextFlowLine;
import flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController;
import flashx.textLayout.conversion.TextConverter;
import flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionManager;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowLeafElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.ParagraphElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow;
import flashx.textLayout.tlf_internal;
use namespace tlf_internal;
* <p>A comprehensive convenience class that bundles a context menu UI,
* the spelling engine, the dictionary loader, and user dictionary support
* to enable a single-line integration of spell checking functionality into
* any custom UI component built around TLF TextFlow. </p>
* <p>For advanced text editing applications, more complex features are likely required.
* For those applications, we recommend bypassing this class and utilizing the <code>SpellChecker</code> class directly.</p>
* In order to display Squiggly custom right-click context menu, SpellUIForTLF extends TLF <code>ContainerController</code> class and overrides createContextMenu() method
* of <code>ContainerController</code>. This could have the following side-effects for a Squiggly client:
* <ul>
* <li>In case the Squiggly client application uses a derived controller that inherits from ContainerController class in order to show custom context menu items, Squiggly
* context menu will override that. That essentially means that after SpellUIForTLF.enableSpelling() is called, client's own custom right-click menu items, if any, will not be
* accessible. </li>
* <li>Incase any ContainerController api needs to be called after SpellUIForTLF.enableSpelling() has been called, the client application will need to get the controller objects afresh
* from the TextFlow's FlowComposer. This is needed since SpellUIForTLF replaces ContainerController objects with new SquigglyCustomContainerController(derived from ContainerController) objects. </li>
* </ul>
* <p><code>SpellUIForTLF</code> uses the SpellingConfig.xml file to lookup corresponding resource files for a given locale.
* The default location of SpellingConfig.xml is [yourapplicationDirectory]/SpellingConfig.xml. This could be customized using
* <code>spellingConfigUrl</code> property of <code>SpellUI</code>. You don't have to change the content of this file. However,
* if you want to add a new language, to use an alternative dictionary or to customize the location for your dictionaries, you can modify it.
* There's an known issue with IIS web server when loading dictionary files with unknown extensions, in which case you can modify the XML to work around it.</p><p>
* A sample SpellingConfig.xml will look as follows:
* <listing version="3.0">
* <pre class="preWrapper">
* &lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding='UTF-8'?&gt;
* &lt;SpellingConfig&gt;
* &lt;LanguageResource language=&quot;English&quot; languageCode=&quot;en_US&quot; ruleFile=&quot;dictionaries/en_US/en_US.aff&quot; dictionaryFile=&quot;dictionaries/en_US/en_US.dic&quot;/&gt;
* &lt;LanguageResource language=&quot;Spanish&quot; languageCode=&quot;es_ES&quot; ruleFile=&quot;dictionaries/es_ES/es_ES.aff&quot; dictionaryFile=&quot;dictionaries/es_ES/es_ES.dic&quot;/&gt;
* &lt;LanguageResource language=&quot;Portuguese&quot; languageCode=&quot;pt_PT&quot; ruleFile=&quot;dictionaries/pt_PT/pt_PT.aff&quot; dictionaryFile=&quot;dictionaries/pt_PT/pt_PT.dic&quot;/&gt;
* &lt;LanguageResource language=&quot;Italian&quot; languageCode=&quot;it_IT&quot; ruleFile=&quot;dictionaries/it_IT/it_IT.aff&quot; dictionaryFile=&quot;dictionaries/it_IT/it_IT.dic&quot;/&gt;
* &lt;/SpellingConfig&gt;</pre>
* </listing>
* Note: The languageCode can be an arbitrary value, as long as you are consistent when passing them to the Squiggly classes.
* However, we highly encourage you to follow the two part Unicode language identifier format.
* For more information, please consult the latest Unicode Technical Standard that can be found at:</p>
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @langversion 3.0
public class SpellUIForTLF
private var hh:IHighlighter;
private var hw:IWordProcessor;
private var _checkLastWord:Boolean = true;
private var _spellingEnabled:Boolean;
private var _actualParent:*;
//New Added below
private var mTextFlow:TextFlow;
private var _dictname:String = new String();
private var _userdict:UserDictionary = null;
private var _sharedobj:SharedObject = null;
//For filtering unwanted character
private var _textFilter:TextFilter= null;
// private var scm:SpellingContextMenuForTLF;
//private var _newchecker:SpellChecker = null;
// private var _resource_locale:Object = null;
private var _thirdPatyResourceLocation:String= null;
private var _spellingservice:SpellingService = null;
private static var _contextMenuEntries:Object = {enable:"Enable Spelling", disable:"Disable Spelling", add:"Add to dictionary"};
private static var _spellingConfigUrl:String = "SpellingConfig.xml";
private static var _UITable:Dictionary= new Dictionary();
private static var _parentTable:Dictionary= new Dictionary();
private static var _cacheDictTable:Dictionary= new Dictionary();
private static var _configXML:XML = null;
private static var _configXMLLoading:Boolean = false;
private static var _configXMLLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
// Work around for the memory usage problem, ideally a better fix is to provide a dicitonary unload function
private static var _cache:Object = new Object();
* Enables the spell checking feature for a TLF TextFlow. Once a TextFlow is spell checking enabled, misspelled words will be highlighted with a squiggly line. Users can
* right click on a misspelled word to see the suggestions in the context menu.
* @param comp A TLF TextFlow object
* @param lang The language code used for spell checking, for example <code>en_US</code>. it will lookup the SpellingConfig.xml file to access corresponding resource files.
* SpellingConfig.xml should located at the same folder as your main mxml source file. You don't have to change the content of this file. However,
* if you want to add a new language, to use an alternative dictionary or to customize the location for your dictionaries, you can modify it. There's an known issue with
* IIS web server when loading dictionary files with unknown extensions, in which case you can modify the XML to work around it.
* @includeExample Examples/ActionScript/SquigglyTLFExample/src/
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @langversion 3.0
public static function enableSpelling(comp:TextFlow, lang:String):void
if ( lang == null ) return;
if ( comp==null || _UITable[comp]!=undefined )
// TODO: dangerous, is garbage collection going to clear this?
_UITable[comp]=new SpellUIForTLF(comp, lang);
_parentTable[comp] = comp;
* Set the spelling context menu entries. This uses the ActionScript Object class as an associative array for extensibility.
* <code>entries</code> should have all the customized contextMenu entries including <code>enable (spelling),
* disable (spelling) and add (to dictionary)</code>. To ensure a consistent contextMenu within your application,
* the spelling context menu entries you provide here are applied to all UI components. We recommend you use this API
* to localize the context menu strings.
* @param entries A Object that looks like <code>entries:Object = {enable:"Enable Spelling", disable:"Disable Spelling",
* add:"Add to dictionary"}</code>. If you don't customize the contextMenu, the default contextMenu in English will be used.
* @return <code>True</code> if the spelling menu is successfully customized, <code>false</code> if it fails. Possible failure
* reasons include passing the wrong object or missing some required entries. If the function fails, the contextMenu is left unchanged.
* @IncludeExample Examples/Flex/CustomContextMenu/src/CustomContextMenu.mxml
* @IncludeExample Examples/Flex/ContextMenuWithResource/src/ContextMenuWithResource.mxml
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @langversion 3.0
public static function setSpellingMenuEntries(entries:Object):Boolean
if (entries.enable && entries.disable && entries.add && (entries.enable != "") && (entries.disable != "") && (entries.add != ""))
_contextMenuEntries = entries;
return true;
return false;
* Get the spelling context menu entries.
* @return A actionScript <code>Object</code> containing the spelling context menu entries. If you haven't customized the entries, you get the default associative array <code>{enable:"Enable Spelling", disable:"Disable Spelling", add:"Add to dictionary"}</code>
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @langversion 3.0
public static function getSpellingMenuEntries():Object
return _contextMenuEntries;
* The URL for the spelling config xml file. If you haven't specify it, the default URL is [applicationDirectory]/SpellingConfig.xml. Note that we don't validate the URL, if the file doesn't exist, you will get an error when calling enableSpelling() function.
* @example The following code customize the spellingConfigUrl before enabling spell checking.
* <listing version="3.0">
* SpellUIForTLF.spellingConfigUrl = "./config/MySpellingConfig.xml";
* SpellUIForTLF.enableSpelling(textFlow, "en_US");
* </listing>
public static function get spellingConfigUrl():String
return _spellingConfigUrl;
public static function set spellingConfigUrl(url:String):void
if (url == null) throw new Error("URL can't be null");
_spellingConfigUrl = url;
* Disable the spell checking feature for a TLF TextFlow.
* @param comp TLF TextFlow object on which to disable spell check.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @langversion 3.0
public static function disableSpelling(comp:TextFlow):void{
if ( _UITable[comp] == undefined )
var _ui:SpellUIForTLF = _UITable[comp];
if ( _ui != null) _ui.cleanUp();
var dictName:String = _cacheDictTable[comp];
var cleanUPDictionaryCount:int = 0;
for each ( var _dictName:String in _cacheDictTable ) {
if ( _dictName == dictName )
if ( cleanUPDictionaryCount == 1 ) {
_cache[dictName] = undefined;
delete _UITable[comp];
delete _cacheDictTable[comp];
(This property is for Squiggly Developer use only.)
public static function get UITable():Dictionary {
return _UITable;
(This property is for Squiggly Developer use only.)
public function set spellingEnabled(value:Boolean):void {
_spellingEnabled = value;
public function get spellingEnabled():Boolean{
return _spellingEnabled;
(This property is for Squiggly Developer use only.)
public static function get parentComp():Dictionary {
return _parentTable;
* Constructs a SpellUI object.
* @private
* @param textFiled A Flex UI component to include spell-check capability
* @param dict A URL for Squiggly spelling dictionary.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @langversion 3.0
public function SpellUIForTLF(textModel:TextFlow, lang:String)
_actualParent = textModel;
mTextFlow = textModel;
//mTextFlow.addEventListener(, spellCheckScreen,false, 0,true);
mTextFlow.addEventListener( , spellCheckScreen, false, 0, true);
//mTextFlow.addEventListener(, spellCheckScreen);
_dictname = lang;
_textFilter= new TextFilter();
private function spellCheckScreen(event:Event):void
(This property is for Squiggly Developer use only.)
public function doSpellingJob():void
if (_spellingEnabled == false) return;
for (var idx:int = 0; idx < mTextFlow.flowComposer.numControllers; idx++)
var testController:ContainerController = mTextFlow.flowComposer.getControllerAt(idx);
//if (getValidFirstWordIndexTLF(testController) != -1)
spellCheckRangeTLF(getValidFirstWordIndexTLF(testController), getValidLastWordIndexTLF(testController));
private function spellCheckRangeTLF(start:uint, end:uint):void {
var tokenizer:TextTokenizer;
var tt:TextFlow = mTextFlow;
//var currentLeaf:FlowLeafElement = tt.getFirstLeaf();
var currentLeaf:FlowLeafElement = tt.findLeaf(start);
var currentParagraph:ParagraphElement = currentLeaf ? currentLeaf.getParagraph() : null;
while (currentParagraph) { // iterate over all paragraphs in the text flow
var paraStart:uint = currentParagraph.getAbsoluteStart();
if (paraStart > end)
//var offsetPoint:Point = new Point(currentParagraph.paddingLeft, currentParagraph.paddingTop);
//hh.offsetPoint = offsetPoint;
tokenizer = new TextTokenizer(currentParagraph.getText().substring());
//var tokens:Vector.<Token> = new Vector.<Token>();
var currentWord:String;
var filteredWord:String;
for ( var token:Token = tokenizer.getFirstToken(); token != tokenizer.getLastToken(); token= tokenizer.getNextToken(token) ) {
currentWord= currentParagraph.getText().substring(token.first, token.last);
filteredWord= _textFilter.filterWord(currentWord);
var result:Boolean=_spellingservice.checkWord(filteredWord);
if (!result){
//if (_checkLastWord || (token.last+paraStart != currentParagraph.getText().length))
//hh.highlightWord(token.first+start, token.last+start-1);
//tokens.push(new Token(token.first+start, token.last+start-1));
hh.drawSquiggleAt(new Token(token.first+paraStart, token.last+paraStart-1));
currentParagraph = currentParagraph.getNextParagraph();
//hh.postSpellCheckRange(start, end);
//hh.offsetPoint = offsetPoint;
private function getValidFirstWordIndexTLF(containerController:ContainerController):int{
var index:int;
// Check for computeSelectionIndexInContainer which throws when lineindex == 0
try {
//index = SelectionManager.computeSelectionIndex(mTextFlow, containerController.container, containerController.container, 0 + containerController.horizontalScrollPosition, 0 + containerController.verticalScrollPosition);
// SelectionManager.computeSelectionIndex() sometimes gives index as -1. in the same scenarios below logic works better
var tl:TextFlowLine = containerController.getFirstVisibleLine();
var firstVisiblePosition:int = tl.absoluteStart;
index = firstVisiblePosition;
} catch (err:Error)
//TODO: report error
index = 0;
return index;
private function getValidLastWordIndexTLF(containerController:ContainerController):int{
var index:int;
// Check for computeSelectionIndexInContainer which throws when lineindex == 0
try {
//index = SelectionManager.computeSelectionIndex(mTextFlow, containerController.container, containerController.container, containerController.container.width+containerController.horizontalScrollPosition, containerController.container.height+containerController.verticalScrollPosition);
var tl:TextFlowLine = containerController.getLastVisibleLine();
var lastVisiblePosition:int = tl.absoluteStart + tl.textLength;
index = lastVisiblePosition;
} catch (err:Error)
//TODO: report error
index = 0;
return index;
private function loadConfig():void{
_thirdPatyResourceLocation = SpellingConfiguration.resourceTable.thirdPatyResourceLocation;
if ((_thirdPatyResourceLocation != null) || (SpellUIForTLF._configXML != null))
else {
SpellUIForTLF._configXMLLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadConfigComplete);
if (SpellUIForTLF._configXMLLoading == false)
SpellUIForTLF._configXMLLoader.load(new URLRequest(_spellingConfigUrl));
SpellUIForTLF._configXMLLoading = true;
private function loadConfigComplete(evt:Event):void{
if (_thirdPatyResourceLocation == null) {
if (SpellUIForTLF._configXML == null)
SpellUIForTLF._configXML= new XML(;
//New Added
_spellingservice = new SpellingService(_dictname);
_spellingservice.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadDictComplete);
private function loadDictComplete(evt:Event):void
//_newchecker = new SpellChecker(_hundict);
// Lazy loading the UD only when the main dict is loaded successfully
if ((SpellUIForTLF._cache["Squiggly_UD"] as UserDictionary) == null)
_sharedobj = SharedObject.getLocal("Squiggly_Muse");
var udMap:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
//var vec:Vector.<String> = new Vector.<String>();
if (
_userdict = new UserDictionary( as Array);
SpellUIForTLF._cache["Squiggly_SO"] = _sharedobj;
SpellUIForTLF._cache["Squiggly_UD"] = _userdict;
_sharedobj = SpellUIForTLF._cache["Squiggly_SO"];
_userdict = SpellUIForTLF._cache["Squiggly_UD"];
// Add the context menu, this might be not successful
/*Removing scm*/
//--> scm = null;
try {
catch (err:Error)
// TODO: error handling here
_actualParent.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, addContextMenu);
private function addContextMenu(event:Event):void
//--> if ( scm != null ) return;
hh = new TLFHighlighter( _actualParent);
hw = new TLFWordProcessor( _actualParent);
//--> scm = new SpellingContextMenuForTLF(hh, hw, _spellingservice, _actualParent, addWordToUserDictionary);
//scm.setIgnoreWordCallback( addWordToUserDictionary );
// Halo need this
//if (_actualParent.contextMenu == null)
//_actualParent.contextMenu = scm.contextMenu;
_spellingEnabled = true;
try {
catch (err:Error)
// If it fails here, it should later triggered by the render event, so no need to do anything
private function addWordToUserDictionary(word:String, language:String):void
_userdict=new UserDictionary();
// TODO: serialization here might affect ther performance = _userdict.wordListMap as Array;
private function removeWordFromUserDictionary(word:String, language:String):void
// TODO: serialization here might affect ther performance = _userdict.wordListMap;
private function getUDWordListForLanguage(language:String):Array
if(_userdict==null || _userdict.getWordList(language)==null)
return null;
return _userdict.getWordList(language).toArray();
* @private
private function cleanUp():void {
//--> scm.cleanUp();
//--> _actualParent.removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, addContextMenu);
//mTextFlow.removeEventListener(, spellCheckScreen);
mTextFlow.removeEventListener(, spellCheckScreen);
//mTextFlow.removeEventListener(, spellCheckScreen);
//retuns the Highlighter object for this text flow
public static function getHighlighter(textFlow:TextFlow):IHighlighter{
var spellUIObj:SpellUIForTLF= _UITable[textFlow];
return spellUIObj.hh;
//return the WordProcessor Object for this text flow
public static function getWordProcessor(textFlow:TextFlow):IWordProcessor{
var spellUIObj:SpellUIForTLF= _UITable[textFlow];
return spellUIObj.hw;
//return the SpellingService Object for this text flow
public static function getSpellingService(textFlow:TextFlow):SpellingService{
var spellUIObj:SpellUIForTLF= _UITable[textFlow];
return spellUIObj._spellingservice;
//return the SpellingService Object for this text flow
public static function getAddToDictionaryFunction(textFlow:TextFlow):Function{
var spellUIObj:SpellUIForTLF= _UITable[textFlow];
return spellUIObj.addWordToUserDictionary;
public static function getRemoveFromDictionaryFunction(textFlow:TextFlow):Function{
var spellUIObj:SpellUIForTLF= _UITable[textFlow];
return spellUIObj.removeWordFromUserDictionary;
public static function getWordListFunction(textFlow:TextFlow):Function{
var spellUIObj:SpellUIForTLF= _UITable[textFlow];
return spellUIObj.getUDWordListForLanguage;