blob: b448338f956209dc9fe12b73fd55c6d31cbf4944 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package com.adobe.linguistics.spelling.core.rule
import com.adobe.linguistics.spelling.core.HashEntry;
import com.adobe.linguistics.spelling.core.env.InternalConstants;
public class OptimizedPrefixEntry extends AffixEntry
private var _flagNext:OptimizedPrefixEntry;
private var _keyNext:OptimizedPrefixEntry;
private var _flags:Array;
private var _pfxTable:Array;
public function OptimizedPrefixEntry(pfxEntry:PrefixEntry)
super(pfxEntry.flag,pfxEntry.stripValue,pfxEntry.affixKey,pfxEntry.conditionString,pfxEntry.morphologicalFields, pfxEntry.permissionToCombine, 0,pfxEntry.contclass);
_flags = new Array();
this._pfxTable = new Array();
this.nextElementWithFlag = null;
this.nextElementWithKey = null;
this.flag = -1;
this.conditionString = "";
public function isSimilarObject(pfxEntry:PrefixEntry):Boolean {
var chkString:String=this.contclass+pfxEntry.contclass;
if(chkString)chkString=chkString.split('').sort().join('').replace(/(.)\1+/gi,'$1');//this pattern removes any repetition from strings. this will work only because we are converting n' or q' to Long numbers in decode flags
if ( (this.stripValue == pfxEntry.stripValue) && (this.affixKey == pfxEntry.affixKey) && (this.permissionToCombine == pfxEntry.permissionToCombine) && (this.morphologicalFields == pfxEntry.morphologicalFields)&&(this.contclass==chkString) ) return true;
return false;
public function extendObject( pfxEntry:PrefixEntry ):Boolean {
if ( !isSimilarObject(pfxEntry) ) {
return false;
_flags.push( pfxEntry.flag);
this._pfxTable.push( pfxEntry );
var newConditionString:String;
newConditionString = this.conditionPattern.source + "|" + "^"+pfxEntry.conditionString+".*"+"$";
this.conditionPattern = new RegExp ( newConditionString);
return true;
public function get nextElementWithKey():OptimizedPrefixEntry {
return this._keyNext;
public function set nextElementWithKey(pfxEntry:OptimizedPrefixEntry):void {
this._keyNext = pfxEntry;
public function get nextElementWithFlag():OptimizedPrefixEntry {
return this._flagNext;
public function set nextElementWithFlag(pfxEntry:OptimizedPrefixEntry):void {
this._flagNext = pfxEntry;
public function get flags():Array {
return this._flags;
* Deprecated function for now...
* History:
* A pre-version of implementation for error detection. After I optimized the code for performance,
* I drop this function by that time, but you know performance meassuring is a tricky problem...
* ToDo: Need a revisit when we implementing complex-affix support and compound-word support.
// check if this prefix entry matches
public function checkWord( word:String, sfxopts:int, ppfx:AffixEntry, inCompound:int, needFlag:int):HashEntry {
var disLen:int = word.length - this.affixKey.length;
var he:HashEntry = null;
var i:int;
// if this suffix is being cross checked with a prefix
// but it does not support cross products skip it
if ( (sfxopts& InternalConstants.aeXPRODUCT) != 0 && this.permissionToCombine != true ) return null;
// on entry prefix is 0 length or already matches the beginning of the word.
// So if the remaining root word has positive length
// and if there are enough chars in root word and added back strip chars
// to meet the number of characters conditions, then test it
if ( disLen > 0 || (disLen == 0 && this.attributeManager.fullStrip) ) {
// generate new root word by removing prefix and adding
// back any characters that would have been stripped
word = this.stripValue + word.substr(this.affixKey.length);
// now make sure all of the conditions on characters
// are met. Please see the appendix at the end of
// this file for more info on exactly what is being
// tested
// if all conditions are met then check if resulting
// root word in the dictionary
if ( this.conditionPattern.test( word ) ) {
// look word in hash table
for ( i=0; i < this.attributeManager.dictionaryManager.dictonaryList.length && !he; ++i ) {
he = this.attributeManager.dictionaryManager.dictonaryList[i].getElement(word);
while( he ) {
if ( he.testAffixs(this._flags) && ( (!needFlag) || he.testAffix(needFlag) ) ) {
return he;
he =;
return he;
// check if this prefix entry matches
public function checkWord2( word:String, inCompound:int, needFlag:int):HashEntry {
var disLen:int = word.length - this.affixKey.length;
var he:HashEntry = null;
var i:int,j:int;
// on entry prefix is 0 length or already matches the beginning of the word.
// So if the remaining root word has positive length
// and if there are enough chars in root word and added back strip chars
// to meet the number of characters conditions, then test it
if ( disLen > 0 || (disLen == 0 && this.attributeManager.fullStrip) ) {
// generate new root word by removing prefix and adding
// back any characters that would have been stripped
word = this.stripValue + word.substr(this.affixKey.length);
// now make sure all of the conditions on characters
// are met. Please see the appendix at the end of
// this file for more info on exactly what is being
// tested
// if all conditions are met then check if resulting
// root word in the dictionary
if ( this.conditionPattern.test( word ) ) {
// look word in hash table
for ( i=0; i < this.attributeManager.dictionaryManager.dictonaryList.length && !he; ++i ) {
he = this.attributeManager.dictionaryManager.dictonaryList[i].getElement(word);
while( he ) {
if ( he.testAffixs(this._flags) && ( (!needFlag) || he.testAffix(needFlag) ) ) {
for ( j=0;j<this._pfxTable.length;++j) {
if ( (this._pfxTable[j] ).conditionPattern.test(word) ) {
if ( he.testAffix(this._flags[j]) ){
return he;
he =;
//if ((opts & aeXPRODUCT) && in_compound)
if ( this.permissionToCombine ) {
for(i=0; j<this.flags[i];i++)
he = this.attributeManager.optSuffixCheck2(word, InternalConstants.aeXPRODUCT,this, needFlag, inCompound,this.flags[i]);
if (he)
for ( j=0;j<this._pfxTable.length;++j)
if ( (this._pfxTable[j] ).conditionPattern.test(word) && (this._pfxTable[j].flag ==this.flags[i]) )
return he;
he = null;
return he;
public function checkTwoWord( word:String, inCompound:int, needFlag:int):HashEntry {
var disLen:int = word.length - this.affixKey.length;
var he:HashEntry = null;
var i:int,j:int;
// on entry prefix is 0 length or already matches the beginning of the word.
// So if the remaining root word has positive length
// and if there are enough chars in root word and added back strip chars
// to meet the number of characters conditions, then test it
if ( disLen > 0 || (disLen == 0 && this.attributeManager.fullStrip) ) {
// generate new root word by removing prefix and adding
// back any characters that would have been stripped
word = this.stripValue + word.substr(this.affixKey.length);
// now make sure all of the conditions on characters
// are met. Please see the appendix at the end of
// this file for more info on exactly what is being
// tested
// if all conditions are met then check if resulting
// root word in the dictionary
if ( this.conditionPattern.test( word ) ) {
// do not look word in hash table
//if ((opts & aeXPRODUCT) && in_compound)
if ( this.permissionToCombine && inCompound!=1/*IN_CPD_BEGIN*/) {//TODO: figure this constant
for(i=0; j<this.flags[i];i++)
he = this.attributeManager.optTwoSuffixCheck(word, InternalConstants.aeXPRODUCT,this,needFlag,this.flags[i]);//this is the c2
if (he) {
for ( j=0;j<this._pfxTable.length;++j) { //Squiggly will handle undrinkables from here
if ( (this._pfxTable[j] ).conditionPattern.test(word)&& (this._pfxTable[j].flag ==this.flags[i]) )
return he;
he = null;
return he;