blob: 9b6cd8fc115acada712ed5d04d3ca58e551681b4 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<project name="ant_on_air_test" basedir="." default="build">
<!--load environment variables prefixed with env -->
<property environment="env"/>
<!--location of property file -->
<property file="${basedir}/../" description="Properties for Ant On AIR project" />
Properties are immutable so value frozen first time property is set.
If FLEX_HOME is not set with -DFLEX_HOME=/path/to/flex/sdk on the ant command line
use the environment variable, if it exists. Else if windows, use FLEX_HOME_WIN
else use FLEX_HOME_MAC, which are both defined in
<condition property="FLEX_HOME" value="${env.FLEX_HOME}">
<isset property="env.FLEX_HOME" />
<condition property="theOS" value="Windows">
<os family="windows"/>
<condition property="theOS" value="Mac">
<os family="mac"/>
<condition property="isMac" value="Mac">
<os family="mac"/>
<condition property="isWindows" value="Windows">
<os family="windows"/>
<target name="test" depends="copy-test,confirm-delete,delete-test,freespace-test,true-false-test">
<tstamp />
<exec executable="where.exe" osfamily="windows" outputproperty="java.executable" failonerror="true">
<arg value="java"/>
<exec executable="which" osfamily="mac" outputproperty="java.executable" failonerror="true">
<arg value="java"/>
<echo>java is at ${java.executable}</echo>
<ant dir="${basedir}" antfile="subant.xml" />
<echo>Test is complete</echo>
<target name="copy-test">
<echo>FLEX_HOME is ${FLEX_HOME}. DEBUG is ${DEBUG_FLAG}. The OS is ${theOS}</echo>
<mkdir dir="${basedir}/temp" />
<copy file="${basedir}/test.xml" tofile="${basedir}/temp/copied.xml" />
<available file="${basedir}/temp/copied.xml" property="copied.doesnt.exist" value="got copied" />
<fail message="test.xml was not copied to temp/copied.xml">
<available file="${basedir}/temp/copied.xml" />
<echo>copied ${copied.doesnt.exist}. Should say: got copied</echo>
<move file="${basedir}/temp/copied.xml" toFile="${basedir}/temp/moved.xml" />
<available file="${basedir}/temp/moved.xml" property="moved.doesnt.exist" value="got moved" />
<fail message="copied.xml was not moved to temp/moved.xml">
<available file="${basedir}/temp/moved.xml" />
<echo>moved ${moved.doesnt.exist}. Should say: got moved</echo>
<copy todir="${basedir}/temp">
<fileset dir="${basedir}/../src">
<include name="**/**" />
<exclude name="**/" />
<globmapper from="*" to="Z*" />
<available file="${basedir}/temp/Zorg/apache/flex/ant/" property="ant.doesnt.exist" value="got copied" />
<fail message=" was copied to temp">
<available file="${basedir}/temp/Zorg/apache/flex/ant/" />
<echo> ${ant.doesnt.exist}. Should NOT say: got copied</echo>
<available file="${basedir}/temp/Zorg/apache/flex/ant/tags/" property="project.doesnt.exist" value="got copied" />
<fail message=" was not copied to temp">
<available file="${basedir}/temp/Zorg/apache/flex/ant/tags/" />
<echo> ${project.doesnt.exist}. Should say: got copied</echo>
<delete file="${basedir}/temp/moved.xml" />
<available file="${basedir}/temp/moved.xml" property="moved.doesnt.exist.after.delete" value="didn't get deleted" />
<fail message="temp/moved.xml was not deleted">
<available file="${basedir}/temp/moved.xml" />
<echo>moved.xml ${moved.doesnt.exist.after.delete}. Should NOT say: didn't get deleted</echo>
<get src=""
dest="${basedir}/temp" />
<fail message=" was not copied to temp">
<available file="${basedir}/temp/" />
<get src=""
dest="${basedir}/temp" />
<fail message=" was not copied to temp">
<available file="${basedir}/temp/" />
<checksum file="${basedir}/temp/" todir="${basedir}/temp"
verifyproperty="rat.md5" />
<echo>rat checksum match = ${rat.md5}</echo>
<fail message="checksum did not match">
<equals arg1="${rat.md5}" arg2="false" />
<mkdir dir="${basedir}/temp/unzip" />
<unzip src="${basedir}/temp/" dest="${basedir}/temp/unzip">
<include name="apache-rat-0.10/pom.xml" />
<include name="apache-rat-0.10/RE*.txt" />
<exclude name="apache-rat-0.10/RELEASE_NOTES.txt" />
<fail message="unzip did not exclude expected files">
<available file="${basedir}/temp/unzip/apache-rat-0.10/RELEASE_NOTES.txt" />
<fail message="unzip did not include expected files">
<available file="${basedir}/temp/unzip/apache-rat-0.10/README.txt" />
<fail message="unzip did not result in expected files">
<available file="${basedir}/temp/unzip/apache-rat-0.10/pom.xml" />
<get src=""
dest="${basedir}/temp" />
<fail message="apache-rat-0.10-src.tar.gz was not copied to temp">
<available file="${basedir}/temp/apache-rat-0.10-src.tar.gz" />
<antcall target="macunzip" />
<propertyfile file="${basedir}/temp/" >
<entry key="somekey" value="somevalue" />
<entry key="somekey1" value="somevalue1" />
<entry key="looptest" value="foo" />
<entry key="xml" value="&lt;test/&gt;" />
<fail message="propertyfile did not result in expected file">
<available file="${basedir}/temp/" />
<replace file="${basedir}/temp/" token="somekey" value="replacedkey" />
<replace file="${basedir}/temp/" token="foo" value="food" />
<replace file="${basedir}/temp/">
<replacefilter token="key" value="ky" />
<replace file="${basedir}/temp/">
<replace file="${basedir}/temp/">
<loadproperties srcFile="${basedir}/temp/" />
<fail message="replace did not work: found somekey">
<isset property="somekey" />
<fail message="replace did not work: did not find replacedkey">
<equals arg1="${replacedky}" arg2="somevalue" />
<fail message="replace did not work: found looptest">
<isset property="looptest" />
<fail message="replace did not work: did not find replacedkey1">
<equals arg1="${replacedky1}" arg2="somevalue1" />
<fail message="replace did not work: did not find food">
<equals arg1="${loptest}" arg2="food" />
<fail message="replace did not work: did not find &lt;cdata/&gt;">
<equals arg1="${xml}" arg2="&lt;cdata/&gt;" />
<echo file="${basedir}/temp/">echotest=good
<loadproperties srcFile="${basedir}/temp/" />
<fail message="echo to file did not work: missing property">
<isset property="echotest" />
<touch file="${basedir}/temp/touchtest.txt" />
<available file="${basedir}/temp/touchtest.txt" property="touch.test" value="passed" />
<fail message="touch test failed">
<available file="${basedir}/temp/touchtest.txt" />
<echo>Touch test ${touch.test}. Should say: passed</echo>
<target name="delete-test">
<fail message="you were supposed to hit 'y'" >
<equals arg1="n" arg2="${oktodelete}" />
<delete dir="${basedir}/temp" />
<available file="${basedir}/temp/Zorg/apache/flex/ant/tags/" property="project.doesnt.exist.after.delete" value="didn't get deleted" />
<fail message="temp/ was not deleted">
<available file="${basedir}/temp/Zorg/apache/flex/ant/tags/" />
<echo> ${project.doesnt.exist.after.delete}. Should NOT say: didn't get deleted</echo>
<xmlproperty file="${basedir}/test_data.xml" collapseAttributes="true" />
<fail message="xmlproperty did not work set property">
<isset property="" />
<fail message="xmlproperty did not work set property value">
<equals arg1="${}" arg2="env" />
<fail message="xmlproperty did not work for text node">
<equals arg1="${}" arg2="FLEX_HOME" />
<target name="true-false-test">
<fail message="istrue isn't true">
<istrue value="true" />
<istrue value="on" />
<istrue value="yes" />
<fail message="istrue is false">
<istrue value="false" />
<istrue value="off" />
<istrue value="no" />
<fail message="isfalse isn't false">
<isfalse value="false" />
<isfalse value="off" />
<isfalse value="no" />
<fail message="isfalse is true">
<isfalse value="true" />
<isfalse value="on" />
<isfalse value="yes" />
<echo>All istrue / isfalse tests pass</echo>
<target name="macunzip" unless="isWindows">
<mkdir dir="${basedir}/temp/untar" />
<untar compression="gzip" src="${basedir}/temp/apache-rat-0.10-src.tar.gz" dest="${basedir}/temp/untar" />
<fail message="untar did not result in expected files">
<available file="${basedir}/temp/untar/apache-rat-0.10/pom.xml" />
<target name="confirm-delete" unless="exitwhendone">
<input message="Ok to delete temp directory?"
addproperty="oktodelete" />
<target name="build" depends="init,compile"
description="Compiles SWC"/>
<target name="init" depends="clean"
description="Creates the deploy folders and sets app extension"/>
<target name="clean" description="Cleans up old files.">
<delete dir="${basedir}/temp" failOnError="false" includeEmptyDirs="true" />
<target name="compile"
description="Compiles the SWC.">
<target name="freespace-test" description="Runs the free sapce test">
<ant dir="${basedir}" antfile="freespace.xml" />