blob: 2f19d0cac6fdf438f0568514a1c1cd8cc211cb40 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import flash.display.BlendMode;
import flash.text.engine.ElementFormat;
import flash.text.engine.FontDescription;
import flash.text.engine.LineJustification;
import flash.text.engine.SpaceJustifier;
import flash.text.engine.TextBlock;
import flash.text.engine.TextElement;
import flash.text.engine.TextLine;
import flash.text.engine.TextLineValidity;
import flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName;
import flashx.textLayout.TextLayoutVersion;
import flashx.textLayout.container.ScrollPolicy;
import flashx.textLayout.conversion.TextConverter;
import flashx.textLayout.debug.Debugging;
import flashx.textLayout.debug.assert;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.Configuration;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow;
import flashx.textLayout.factory.TextFlowTextLineFactory;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.BlockProgression;
import flashx.textLayout.tlf_internal;
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
import mx.controls.Text;
import mx.core.ByteArrayAsset;
import org.flexunit.asserts.assertTrue;
use namespace tlf_internal;
private static var factory:TextFlowTextLineFactory = new TextFlowTextLineFactory();
private var resultText:Text;
// embed alice - this simplifies things - don't need to trust the swf and pass the xml around with it
private var AliceClass : Class;
private var checkMemoryIntervalID:uint = setInterval(checkMemoryUsage,1000);
public var reportString:String = "";
public function checkMemoryUsage():void
reportString = currIteration.toString() + " " + Math.round(System.totalMemory/1000000).toString() + " " + totalTextLines.toString();
private function setDebugFlag():void
var e:Error = new Error();
var s:String = e.getStackTrace();
// trace(s);
var i:int = s.indexOf("setDebugFlag");
if (s.charAt(i + 14) == '[')
debugMode = true;
public var debugMode:Boolean = false;
public function handleCreationComplete(): void
// last parse time
private var parseTime:Number;
private function parseStringIntoFlow(source:String, format:String):TextFlow
var beginParseTime:Number = getTimer();
var tf:TextFlow = TextConverter.importToFlow(source, format);
parseTime = getTimer() - beginParseTime;
//trace("PARSE TIME:",parseTime.toString());
return tf;
// data for the current run
private var textFlow:TextFlow;
private var numberOfIterations:int = 0;
private var minWidthVal:Number;
private var maxWidthVal:Number;
private var widthStepVal:Number;
private var currIteration:int = -1;
private var currWidthVal:Number;
private var beginThisRender:int;
private var timingRendering:Boolean = false;
// timers
private var beginTestTime:int;
public var totalCreationTime:int;
public var totalRenderTime:int;
private var totalTextLines:int;
public function runTheTest():void
if (textFlow == null)
var alice:ByteArrayAsset = new AliceClass();
var aliceData:String = alice.readMultiByte(alice.length,"utf-8");
textFlow = parseStringIntoFlow(aliceData, TextConverter.TEXT_LAYOUT_FORMAT);
// clear the previous run
if (resultText)
resultText = null;
// number of iterations to run
numberOfIterations = int(iterationsInput.text);
minWidthVal = Number(minWidthInput.text);
maxWidthVal = Number(maxWidthInput.text);
widthStepVal = Number(widthStep.text);
currWidthVal = minWidthVal;
runButton.enabled = false;
currIteration = 0;
totalCreationTime = 0;
totalRenderTime = 0;
totalTextLines = 0;
beginTestTime = getTimer();
private function createOneStep():void
while (lineHolder.rawChildren.numChildren)
assertTrue(lineHolder.rawChildren.numChildren == 0,"bad test");
//CONFIG::debug { assert(lineHolder.rawChildren.numChildren == 0,"bad test"); }
var begTime:int = getTimer();
var example:DisplayObject = buildVellumFactory(currWidthVal);
//var example:DisplayObject = buildVellumFactoryMeasure(currWidthVal);
if (example)
example.x += 0;
example.y += 5; // testNum*5;
// increment total creation time
var thisIterTime:Number = getTimer()-begTime;
totalCreationTime += thisIterTime;
static private var _rslt:Sprite;
public function callback(tl:TextLine):void
// make them all visible
tl.y = tl.y % (this.height-5);
/** use the vellum factory via the callback */
static private var _bounds:Rectangle = new Rectangle(0,0,0,0);
public function buildVellumFactory(compositionWidth:Number):DisplayObject
_rslt = new Sprite();
_bounds.width = compositionWidth;
_bounds.height = NaN;
factory.compositionBounds = _bounds;
totalTextLines += _rslt.numChildren;
return _rslt;
/** use the vellum factory via the callback */
public function callback2(tl:TextLine):void
public function buildVellumFactoryMeasure(compositionWidth:Number):DisplayObject
_rslt = new Sprite();
var b:Rectangle = new Rectangle(0,0,0,0);
b.width = NaN;
b.height = 500;
textFlow.blockProgression = BlockProgression.RL;
factory.compositionBounds = b;
totalTextLines += _rslt.numChildren;
return _rslt;
// count of number of tests run this session
private var testCount:int = 0;
/** generate a report at the next enter frame */
public function handleEnterFrame(event:Event): void
if (timingRendering)
totalRenderTime += getTimer()-beginThisRender;
timingRendering = false;
// report results
if (currIteration == numberOfIterations)
var totalTestTime:int = getTimer()-this.beginTestTime;
flash.system.System.gc(); //mark
flash.system.System.gc(); //sweep
var memoryAllocated:Number = flash.system.System.totalMemory/1024;
trace("VellumAliceTest creation time (msecs)",totalCreationTime.toString(), "render time (msec)", totalRenderTime.toString(), "total time (msecs)",totalTestTime.toString(), " mem (K)", memoryAllocated);
var testDescription:String = testCount.toString() + ") iters: " + numberOfIterations.toString();
var playerType:String = this.debugMode ? "DEBUGGING PLAYER (not suitable for measuring performance)" : "RELEASE PLAYER "+Capabilities.version;
var vellumType:String = "Vellum build: " + flashx.textLayout.TextLayoutVersion.BUILD_NUMBER + "\n" + (Configuration.tlf_internal::debugCodeEnabled ? "DEBUG vellum engine (not suitable for measuring performance)" : "RELEASE vellum engine");
resultText = new Text();
resultText.text = "VellumAliceTest\n" + testDescription + "\nParseTime (msec): " + parseTime.toString() + "\nLineBreakTime (msecs): " + totalCreationTime.toString() + "\nRenderTime (msec): " + totalRenderTime.toString() + "\nTotalTestTime (msec): " + totalTestTime.toString()
+ " \nmem (K): " + memoryAllocated.toString() + "\ntextLines: " + totalTextLines.toString() + "\n" + playerType + "\n" + vellumType;
resultText.x = 80;
resultText.y = 100;
resultText.width = 400;
resultText.setStyle("fontFamily", "Minion Pro");
resultText.setStyle("fontSize", 16);
resultText.opaqueBackground = 0xFFFFFFFF;
currIteration = -1; // all done
this.dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE));
runButton.enabled = true; // start another test?
// prepare for the next iteration
currWidthVal += widthStepVal;
if (currWidthVal > maxWidthVal)
currWidthVal = minWidthVal;
// begin timing rendering
timingRendering = true;
beginThisRender = getTimer();
<mx:HBox id="controlBox" paddingLeft="4" paddingTop="4">
<mx:Label text="VellumAliceTest" fontWeight="bold"/>
<mx:Label text="Iterations:" fontWeight="bold"/>
<mx:TextInput id="iterationsInput" text="50" width="40"/>
<mx:Label text="MinWidth:" fontWeight="bold"/>
<mx:TextInput id="minWidthInput" text="450" width="60"/>
<mx:Label text="MaxWidth:" fontWeight="bold"/>
<mx:TextInput id="maxWidthInput" text="1000" width="60"/>
<mx:Label text="Step:" fontWeight="bold"/>
<mx:TextInput id="widthStep" text="100" width="60"/>
<mx:Button id="runButton" label="Run" click="runTheTest()"/>
<mx:Text text="{reportString}" height="20"/>
<mx:Canvas id="lineHolder"/>