blob: 081f0cf3a4887f72f76e9aefbc42e11b9814c762 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package flashx.textLayout.compose
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.text.engine.TextBlock;
import flash.text.engine.TextLine;
import flash.text.engine.TextLineValidity;
import flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController;
import flashx.textLayout.debug.Debugging;
import flashx.textLayout.debug.assert;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.ContainerFormattedElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowGroupElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowLeafElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.OverflowPolicy;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.ParagraphElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.BaselineOffset;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.BlockProgression;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.Direction;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.TextAlign;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.VerticalAlign;
import flashx.textLayout.tlf_internal;
use namespace tlf_internal;
/** Keeps track of internal state during composition.
* This is the simpler version, used when there are no floats, no wraps, no columns.
* @private
public class SimpleCompose extends BaseCompose
// reusable scratch TextFlowLine
protected var workingLine:TextFlowLine = new TextFlowLine(null, null);
// resulting TextLines
public var _lines:Array;
// scratch aligns for VJ
private var _vjLines:Array;
// for figuring out when to do VJ
private var vjBeginLineIndex:int = 0;
private var vjDisableThisParcel:Boolean = false;
private var vjType:String;
// accumulator for absolute start computation to support truncation
private var _totalLength:Number;
/** Constructor. */
public function SimpleCompose()
_lines = new Array();
_vjLines = new Array();
/** @private */
protected override function createParcelList():ParcelList
return ParcelList.getParcelList();
/** @private */
protected override function releaseParcelList(list:ParcelList):void
protected override function initializeForComposer(composer:IFlowComposer, composeToPosition:int, controllerStartIndex:int, controllerEndIndex:int):void
// Always compose from the start of the flow
_startController = composer.getControllerAt(0);
_startComposePosition = 0;
super.initializeForComposer(composer, composeToPosition, 0, controllerEndIndex);
// vj support
vjBeginLineIndex = 0;
vjDisableThisParcel = false;
vjType =_startController.computedFormat.verticalAlign;
/** @private */
public override function composeTextFlow(textFlow:TextFlow, composeToPosition:int, controllerEndIndex:int):int
_flowComposer = textFlow.flowComposer as StandardFlowComposer;
_curLine = workingLine;
CONFIG::debug { assert (_curLine != null, "_curLine is null"); }
// empty out lines array
// accumulator initialization
_totalLength = 0;
return super.composeTextFlow(textFlow, composeToPosition, controllerEndIndex);
override protected function doVerticalAlignment(canVerticalAlign:Boolean,nextParcel:Parcel):void
var vjParcel:Parcel = parcelList.currentParcel;
if (canVerticalAlign && vjType != VerticalAlign.TOP && vjBeginLineIndex != _lines.length && !vjDisableThisParcel)
var controller:ContainerController = _curParcel.controller;
var beginFloatIndex:int = 0;
var endFloatIndex:int = 0;
if (controller.numFloats > 0)
beginFloatIndex = controller.findFloatIndexAtOrAfter(_curParcelStart);
endFloatIndex = controller.findFloatIndexAfter(_curElementStart + _curElementOffset);
applyVerticalAlignmentToColumn(vjParcel.controller,vjType,_vjLines,0,_vjLines.length, beginFloatIndex, endFloatIndex);
vjBeginLineIndex = _lines.length;
vjDisableThisParcel = false;
if (nextParcel)
vjType = nextParcel.controller.computedFormat.verticalAlign;
// all lines are visible in the factory
override protected function isLineVisible(textLine:TextLine):Boolean
{ return textLine != null; }
/** Called when we are finished composing a line. Handler for derived classes to override default behavior. */
override protected function endLine(textLine:TextLine):void
_curLine.createShape(_blockProgression, textLine);
if (textFlow.backgroundManager)
textLine.userData = _totalLength; // store absolute start position in the userData field
_totalLength += textLine.rawTextLength; // update length accumulator
if (vjType != VerticalAlign.TOP)
_vjLines.push(new VJHelper(textLine,_curLine.height));
public function get textFlow():TextFlow
{ return _textFlow; }
private var _resetLineHandler:Function;
/** Callback to the client to reset a line when its being rebroken */
public function get resetLineHandler():Function
{ return _resetLineHandler; }
public function set resetLineHandler(val:Function):void
{ _resetLineHandler = val; }
/** @private */
protected override function resetLine(textLine:TextLine):void
if (_resetLineHandler != null)
/** @private */
protected override function composeNextLine():TextLine
CONFIG::debug { assert(!_previousLine || _previousLine.validity == "valid","Bad prevline: "+Debugging.getIdentity(_previousLine)); }
var numberLine:TextLine;
// create numberLine if in a listElement
if (_listItemElement && _listItemElement.getAbsoluteStart() == _curElementStart+_curElementOffset)
var isRTL:Boolean = _curParaElement.computedFormat.direction == Direction.RTL;
numberLine = TextFlowLine.createNumberLine(_listItemElement, _curParaElement, _flowComposer.swfContext, isRTL ? _parcelList.rightMargin : _parcelList.leftMargin);
// space to palce a line?
if (!_parcelList.getLineSlug(_lineSlug, 0, 0, _textIndent, _curParaFormat.direction == Direction.LTR))
return null;
var textLine:TextLine;
for (;;)
for (;;)
// generate new line
CONFIG::debug { assert(!_parcelList.atEnd(), "failing to stop"); }
CONFIG::debug { assert(_curElement is FlowLeafElement, "element must be leaf before calling composeLine"); }
textLine = createTextLine(_lineSlug.width, !_lineSlug.wrapsKnockOut /* don't allow emergency breaks next to floats or padded elements */);
if (textLine)
// force advance within the parcel to the next wider slug, or (if there are no more) to the next parcel
var newDepth:Number = _curParcel.findNextTransition(_lineSlug.depth);
if (newDepth < Number.MAX_VALUE)
_parcelList.addTotalDepth(newDepth - _lineSlug.depth);
_parcelList.getLineSlug(_lineSlug, 0, 1, _textIndent, _curParaFormat.direction == Direction.LTR);
if (!_parcelList.atEnd())
if (_parcelList.getLineSlug(_lineSlug, 0, 1, _textIndent, _curParaFormat.direction == Direction.LTR))
return null;
// updates _lineSlug
if (fitLineToParcel(textLine, true, numberLine)) // TODO!!!!!!
break; // we have a good line
if (resetLineHandler != null)
if (_parcelList.atEnd()) // keep going
return null;
CONFIG::debug { assert(textLine != null, "textLine != null"); }
return textLine;
/** @private */
tlf_internal function swapLines(lines:Array):Array
var current:Array = _lines;
_lines = lines;
return current;
/** Final adjustment on the content bounds. */
override protected function finalParcelAdjustment(controller:ContainerController):void
CONFIG::debug { assert(controller.absoluteStart == 0,"SimpleCompose: multiple controllers not supported"); }
var minX:Number = TextLine.MAX_LINE_WIDTH;
var minY:Number = TextLine.MAX_LINE_WIDTH;
var maxX:Number = -TextLine.MAX_LINE_WIDTH;
var verticalText:Boolean = _blockProgression == BlockProgression.RL;
if (!isNaN(_parcelLogicalTop))
if (verticalText)
maxX = _parcelLogicalTop;
minY = _parcelLogicalTop;
if (!_measuring)
if (verticalText)
minY = _accumulatedMinimumStart;
minX = _accumulatedMinimumStart;
var textLine:TextLine;
var startPos:int = 0;
var firstLineAdjust:Number;
var effectiveIndent:Number;
var edgeAdjust:Number;
var curPara:ParagraphElement;
var curParaFormat:ITextLayoutFormat;
var paddingVerticalAdjust:Number = 0; // logical vertical adjustment due to padding on paragraph & divs
var paddingHorizontalAdjust:Number = 0; // logical horizontal adjustment due to padding on paragraph & divs
var previousParagraph:ParagraphElement = null;
for each (textLine in _lines)
var leaf:FlowLeafElement = controller.textFlow.findLeaf(startPos);
var para:ParagraphElement = leaf.getParagraph();
if (para != previousParagraph)
// Recalculate padding values for the new paragraph
paddingVerticalAdjust = 0;
paddingHorizontalAdjust = 0;
var fge:FlowGroupElement = para;
while (fge && fge.parent)
if (verticalText)
paddingVerticalAdjust += fge.getEffectivePaddingRight();
paddingHorizontalAdjust += fge.getEffectivePaddingTop();
paddingVerticalAdjust += fge.getEffectivePaddingTop();
paddingHorizontalAdjust += fge.getEffectivePaddingLeft();
fge = fge.parent;
previousParagraph = para;
// Check the logical vertical dimension first
// If the lines have children, they may be inlines. The origin of the TextLine is the baseline,
// which does not include the ascent of the inlines or the text. So we have to factor that in.
// var verticalAdjust:Number = verticalText ? textLine.descent : textLine.ascent;
var inlineAscent:Number = 0;
if (textLine.numChildren > 0) // adjustjust logical vertical coord to take into account inlines
var leafStart:int = leaf.getAbsoluteStart();
inlineAscent = TextFlowLine.getTextLineTypographicAscent(textLine, leaf, leafStart, startPos + textLine.rawTextLength);
// Figure out the logical horizontal adjustment
CONFIG::debug { assert(curPara != para, "found it"); }
if (curPara != para)
curParaFormat = para.computedFormat;
if (curParaFormat.direction == Direction.LTR)
firstLineAdjust = Math.max(curParaFormat.textIndent, 0);
effectiveIndent = curParaFormat.paragraphStartIndent;
firstLineAdjust = 0;
effectiveIndent = curParaFormat.paragraphEndIndent;
effectiveIndent += paddingHorizontalAdjust;
edgeAdjust = textLine.textBlockBeginIndex == 0 ? effectiveIndent + firstLineAdjust : effectiveIndent;
edgeAdjust = verticalText ? textLine.y - edgeAdjust : textLine.x - edgeAdjust;
var numberLine:TextLine = TextFlowLine.findNumberLine(textLine);
if (numberLine)
var numberLineStart:Number = verticalText ? numberLine.y+textLine.y : numberLine.x+textLine.x;
edgeAdjust = Math.min(edgeAdjust,numberLineStart);
if (verticalText)
minY = Math.min(edgeAdjust, minY);
maxX = Math.max(textLine.x + Math.max(inlineAscent,textLine.ascent) + paddingVerticalAdjust, maxX);
minX = Math.min(edgeAdjust, minX);
if (inlineAscent < textLine.ascent)
inlineAscent = textLine.ascent;
minY = Math.min(textLine.y - (inlineAscent + paddingVerticalAdjust), minY);
startPos += textLine.rawTextLength;
// Don't make adjustments for tiny fractional values.
/*if (minX != _parcelLeft && Math.abs(minX-_parcelLeft) >= 1)
_parcelLeft = minX;
if (maxX != _parcelRight && Math.abs(maxX-_parcelRight) >= 1)
_parcelRight = maxX;
if (minY != _parcelTop && Math.abs(minY-_parcelTop) >= 1)
_parcelTop = minY;*/
if (minX != TextLine.MAX_LINE_WIDTH && Math.abs(minX-_parcelLeft) >= 1)
_parcelLeft = minX;
if (maxX != -TextLine.MAX_LINE_WIDTH && Math.abs(maxX-_parcelRight) >= 1)
_parcelRight = maxX;
if (minY != TextLine.MAX_LINE_WIDTH && Math.abs(minY-_parcelTop) >= 1)
_parcelTop = minY;
tlf_internal override function releaseAnyReferences():void
resetLineHandler = null;
// parcelList.releaseAnyReferences();
import flash.text.engine.TextLine;
import flashx.textLayout.compose.IVerticalJustificationLine;
import flash.text.engine.TextLineCreationResult;
class VJHelper implements IVerticalJustificationLine
private var _line:TextLine;
private var _height:Number;
public function VJHelper(line:TextLine,h:Number)
_line = line;
_height = h;
public function get x():Number
{ return _line.x; }
public function set x(val:Number):void
{ _line.x = val; }
public function get y():Number
{ return _line.y; }
public function set y(val:Number):void
{ _line.y = val; }
public function get ascent():Number
{ return _line.ascent; }
public function get descent():Number
{ return _line.descent; }
public function get height():Number
{ return _height; }