blob: 0b4b5b6701dc55bd865c45fbd693937f2c7bd52f [file] [log] [blame]
<!-- Test for whether TextLayoutFormat objects with ids can be reused as shorthand in the spans -->
<!-- windows only font names? -->
<TextFlow xmlns="" fontSize="14" textIndent="15" paddingTop="4" paddingLeft="4" fontFamily="Times New Roman">
<p paragraphSpaceAfter="15" ><span>This is some text which is </span><span backgroundColor="0x00FF00" lineThrough="true">supposed</span><span> to use the default font</span></p>
<p paragraphSpaceAfter="15" ><span locale="en" fontFamily="Minion Pro">This text is supposed to be in </span><span backgroundColor="0xFFFF00">Minion Pro</span><span> via a fontFamily attribute</span></p>