blob: 08f4a6884cb0fefa38382f353b6052a4c66ce7ed [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package flashx.textLayout.container
import flash.display.BlendMode;
import flash.display.DisplayObject;
import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer;
import flash.display.InteractiveObject;
import flash.display.Shape;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.geom.Matrix;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.text.engine.TextBlock;
import flash.text.engine.TextLine;
import flash.text.engine.TextLineValidity;
import flash.ui.ContextMenu;
import flash.ui.ContextMenuClipboardItems;
import flash.utils.Dictionary;
import flash.utils.Timer;
import flashx.textLayout.compose.FloatCompositionData;
import flashx.textLayout.compose.FlowComposerBase;
import flashx.textLayout.compose.FlowDamageType;
import flashx.textLayout.compose.IFlowComposer;
import flashx.textLayout.compose.TextFlowLine;
import flashx.textLayout.compose.TextFlowTableBlock;
import flashx.textLayout.compose.TextLineRecycler;
import flashx.textLayout.debug.Debugging;
import flashx.textLayout.debug.assert;
import flashx.textLayout.edit.EditingMode;
import flashx.textLayout.edit.IInteractionEventHandler;
import flashx.textLayout.edit.ISelectionManager;
import flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionFormat;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.BackgroundManager;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.CellCoordinates;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.CellRange;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.Configuration;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.ContainerFormattedElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowLeafElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowValueHolder;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.InlineGraphicElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.LinkElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.ParagraphElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.TableBlockContainer;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.TableCellElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.TableElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.TableRowElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.BlockProgression;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.Float;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.FormatValue;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat;
import flashx.textLayout.tlf_internal;
import flashx.textLayout.utils.Twips;
use namespace tlf_internal;
* The ContainerController class defines the relationship between a TextFlow object and a container.
* A TextFlow may have one or more rectangular areas that can hold text; the text is said to be flowing
* through the containers. Each container is a Sprite that is the parent DisplayObject for the TextLines.
* Each container has a ContainerController that manages the container; the controller holds the target
* width and height for the text area, populates the container with TextLines, and handles scrolling. A
* controller also has a format associated with it that allows some formatting attributes to be applied
* to the text in the container. This allows, for instance, a TextFlow to have one container where the
* text appears in a single column, and a second container in the same TextFlow with two column text. Not
* all formatting attributes that can be applied to the container will affect the text; only the ones that
* affect container-level layout. The diagram below illustrates the relationship between the TextFlow,
* its flowComposer, and the display list.
* <p><img src="../../../images/textLayout_multiController.gif" alt="IContainerController"></img></p>
* @includeExample examples\ -noswf
* @includeExample examples\ -noswf
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @see flashx.textLayout.compose.IFlowComposer
* @see flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow
* @see flash.text.engine.TextLine
public class ContainerController implements IInteractionEventHandler, ITextLayoutFormat, ISandboxSupport
static tlf_internal var usesDiscretionaryHyphens:Boolean = true;
private var _textFlowCache:TextFlow;
private var _rootElement:ContainerFormattedElement;
private var _absoluteStart:int;
private var _textLength:int;
private var _container:Sprite;
private var _mouseEventManager:FlowElementMouseEventManager;
// note must be protected - subclass sets or gets this variable but can't be public
/** computed container attributes. @private */
protected var _computedFormat:TextLayoutFormat;
// Generated column information
// Generated column information
private var _columnState:ColumnState;
/** Container size to be composed */
private var _compositionWidth:Number = 0;
private var _compositionHeight:Number = 0;
private var _measureWidth:Boolean; // true if we're measuring (isNaN(compositionWidth) optimization so we don't call isNaN too much
private var _measureHeight:Boolean; // true if we're measuring (isNaN(compositionHeight) optimization so we don't call isNaN too much
/* Text bounds after composition */
private var _contentLeft:Number;
private var _contentTop:Number;
private var _contentWidth:Number;
private var _contentHeight:Number;
private var _uncomposedTextLength:int; // 0 if composition was complete when contentHeight, etc registered, greater than one otherwise
private var _finalParcelStart:int;
// Scroll policy -- determines whether scrolling is enabled or not
private var _horizontalScrollPolicy:String;
private var _verticalScrollPolicy:String;
// x, y location of the text in the container relative to the underlying scrollable area
private var _xScroll:Number;
private var _yScroll:Number;
/** Are event listeners attached to the container */
private var _minListenersAttached:Boolean = false;
private var _allListenersAttached:Boolean = false;
private var _selectListenersAttached:Boolean = false;
tlf_internal var _mouseWheelListenerAttached:Boolean = false;
/** @private */
tlf_internal function get allListenersAttached():Boolean
{ return _allListenersAttached; }
/** Are the displayed shapes out of date? */
private var _shapesInvalid:Boolean = false;
private var _backgroundShape:Shape;
private var _scrollTimer:Timer = null;
* @private use this boolean to determine if container.scrollRect is set. Accessing scrollRect when null changes the rendering behavior of flash player.
protected var _hasScrollRect:Boolean;
private var _linesInView:Array; // lines that were in view according to the previous compose(). Empty if the lines have already been posted to the display list.
private var _updateStart:int;
private var _tableBlocksInView:Array; // // table blocks that were in view according to the previous compose(). Empty if the lines have already been posted to the display list.
private var _composedFloats:Array; // floats that were composed into the controller -- array of FloatCompositionData
private var _floatsInContainer:Array; // floats are currently in view -- array of DisplayObject
/** Interactive Objects **/
private var _interactiveObjects:Dictionary = new Dictionary(true);
private var _oldInteractiveObjects:Array = new Array();
tlf_internal function get interactiveObjects():Dictionary
return _interactiveObjects ;
tlf_internal function get oldInteractiveObjects():Array
return _oldInteractiveObjects ;
* @private
* <p>This property enables a client to test for a ScrollRect object without accessing
* the DisplayObject.scrollRect property, which can have side effects in some cases.</p>
* @return true if the controller has attached a ScrollRect instance.
tlf_internal function get hasScrollRect():Boolean
{ return _hasScrollRect; }
protected var id:String;
private static var contCount:int = 0;
private var _shapeChildren:Array;
private var _format:FlowValueHolder;
private var _containerRoot:DisplayObject;
/* Controller have a non-zero default width and height so that if you construct a text example with a container and don't
* specify width and height you will still see some text so that you can then have a clue what to do to correct its appearance.
* Constructor - creates a ContainerController instance. The ContainerController has a default <code>compositionWidth</code>
* and <code>compositionHeight</code> so that some text appears in the container if you don't specify its width
* height.
* @param container The DisplayObjectContainer in which to manage the text lines.
* @param compositionWidth The initial width for composing text in the container.
* @param compositionHeight The initial height for composing text in the container.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function ContainerController(container:Sprite,compositionWidth:Number=100,compositionHeight:Number=100)
private function initialize(container:Sprite,compositionWidth:Number,compositionHeight:Number):void
_container = container;
_containerRoot = null;
_textLength = 0;
_absoluteStart = -1;
_columnState = new ColumnState(null/*blockProgression*/, null/*columnDirection*/, null/*controller*/, 0/*compositionWidth*/, 0/*compositionHeight*/);
//_visibleRect = new Rectangle();
_xScroll = _yScroll = 0;
_contentWidth = _contentHeight = 0;
_uncomposedTextLength = 0;
// We have to set the flag so that we will get double click events. This
// is a change to the container we are given, but a minor one.
_container.doubleClickEnabled = true;
_horizontalScrollPolicy = _verticalScrollPolicy = String(ScrollPolicy.scrollPolicyPropertyDefinition.defaultValue);
_hasScrollRect = false;
CONFIG::debug { id = contCount.toString(); ++contCount; }
_shapeChildren = [ ];
_linesInView = [ ];
_tableBlocksInView = [];
setCompositionSize(compositionWidth, compositionHeight);
format = _containerControllerInitialFormat;
/** @private */
tlf_internal function get effectiveBlockProgression():String
return _rootElement ? _rootElement.computedFormat.blockProgression : BlockProgression.TB;
/** @private Determine containerRoot in case the stage is not accessible. Normally the root is the stage. */
tlf_internal function getContainerRoot():DisplayObject
// safe to test for stage existence
if (_containerRoot == null && _container && _container.stage)
// if the stage is accessible lets use it.
var x:int = _container.stage.numChildren;
_containerRoot = _container.stage;
// TODO: some way to find the highest level accessible root???
_containerRoot = _container.root;
return _containerRoot;
* Returns the flow composer object that composes and highlights text into the container that this
* controller manages.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @see flashx.textLayout.compose.IFlowComposer
public function get flowComposer():IFlowComposer
{ return textFlow ? textFlow.flowComposer : null; }
/** @private */
tlf_internal function get shapesInvalid():Boolean
{ return _shapesInvalid; }
/** @private */
tlf_internal function set shapesInvalid(val:Boolean):void
{ _shapesInvalid = val; }
* Returns a ColumnState object, which describes the number and characteristics of columns in
* the container. These values are updated when the text is recomposed, either as a result
* of <code>IFlowComposer.compose()</code> or <code>IFlowComposer.updateAllControllers()</code>.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @see ColumnState
public function get columnState():ColumnState
if (_rootElement == null)
return null;
if (_computedFormat == null)
return _columnState;
* Returns the container display object that holds the text lines for this ContainerController instance.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @see #ContainerController()
public function get container():Sprite
{ return _container; }
* Returns the horizontal extent allowed for text inside the container. The value is specified in pixels.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @see #setCompositionSize()
public function get compositionWidth():Number
{ return _compositionWidth; }
* Returns the vertical extent allowed for text inside the container. The value is specified in pixels.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @see #setCompositionSize()
public function get compositionHeight():Number
{ return _compositionHeight; }
/** @private */
tlf_internal function get measureWidth():Boolean
{ return _measureWidth; }
/** @private */
tlf_internal function get measureHeight():Boolean
{ return _measureHeight; }
* Sets the width and height allowed for text in the container. Width and height can be specified in pixels or <code>NaN</code> can be used for either value. <code>NaN</code> indicates measure that value.
* This can be used to find the widest line and/or the total height of all the content. When NaN is specified as the width lines are broken with a maximum width of <code>TextLine.MAX_LINE_WIDTH</code>.
* When <code>NaN</code> is specified as the height the container is assumed to have unlimited height. The actual measured values can be read back in <code>getContentBounds</code>.
* When the computed <code>blockProgression</code> property of <code>TextFlow</code>
* is <code>BlockProgression.RL</code> the meanings of width and height are exchanged.
* @param w The width in pixels that's available for text in the container. <code>NaN</code> indicates no specified width.
* @param h The height in pixels that's available for text in the container. <code>NaN</code> indicates no specified height.
* @includeExample examples\ -noswf
* @see flash.text.engine.TextLine#MAX_LINE_WIDTH
* @see flashx.textLayout.formats.BlockProgression
* @see #getContentBounds()
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function setCompositionSize(w:Number, h:Number):void
// trace("setCompositionSize(" + w + ", " + h + ")");
// note: NaN == NaN is always false
var widthChanged:Boolean = !(_compositionWidth == w || (isNaN(_compositionWidth) && isNaN(w)));
var heightChanged:Boolean = !(_compositionHeight == h || (isNaN(_compositionHeight) && isNaN(h)));
if (widthChanged || heightChanged)
_compositionHeight = h;
_measureHeight = isNaN(_compositionHeight);
_compositionWidth = w;
_measureWidth = isNaN(_compositionWidth);
// otherwise the reset will happen when the cascade is done
if (_computedFormat)
// Invalidate all the lines, forcing FTE rebuild if they changed in the logical width direction
if (effectiveBlockProgression == BlockProgression.TB ? widthChanged : heightChanged)
if (textFlow && _textLength)
textFlow.damage(absoluteStart, _textLength, TextLineValidity.INVALID, false);
invalidateContents(); // don't need to rebuild FTE lines, just reflow them
* Returns the TextFlow object whose content appears in the container. Either the <code>textFlow</code> and
* <code>rootElement</code> values are the same, or this is the root element's TextFlow object. For example,
* if the container's root element is a DivElement, the value would be the TextFlow object to which the
* DivElement belongs.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @see flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow TextFlow
public function get textFlow():TextFlow
if (!_textFlowCache && _rootElement)
_textFlowCache = _rootElement.getTextFlow();
return _textFlowCache;
// Reserve possibility for future use as a ContainerFormattedElement within the TextFlow.
* Returns the root element that appears in the container. The root element could be a DivElement or TextFlow
* instance, for example.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @see flashx.textLayout.elements.ContainerFormattedElement
* @see flashx.textLayout.elements.DivElement
* @see flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow
public function get rootElement():ContainerFormattedElement
{ return _rootElement; }
/** Protected method used when updating the rootElement.
* @param value new container to be controlled
* @private
tlf_internal function setRootElement(value:ContainerFormattedElement):void
if (_rootElement != value)
if (_mouseEventManager)
if (!value)
_mouseEventManager = null;
else if (!_mouseEventManager)
// Currently, the manager listens to all events itself.
// TODO: forward at least mouseOver and mouseDown events without
// causing side effects
_mouseEventManager = new FlowElementMouseEventManager(container, null);
// [MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT,
// KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP]);
_rootElement = value;
_textFlowCache = null;
_textLength = 0;
_absoluteStart = -1;
if (_rootElement)
if (_container && Configuration.playerEnablesSpicyFeatures)
_container["needsSoftKeyboard"] = (interactionManager && interactionManager.editingMode == EditingMode.READ_WRITE);
* @copy flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow#interactionManager
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @see flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow#interactionManager
public function get interactionManager():ISelectionManager
return textFlow ? textFlow.interactionManager : null;
/** @private */
tlf_internal function get uncomposedTextLength():int
{ return _uncomposedTextLength; }
/** @private */
tlf_internal function get finalParcelStart():int
{ return _finalParcelStart; }
/** @private */
tlf_internal function set finalParcelStart(val:int):void
{ _finalParcelStart = val; }
// Start and length
* Returns the first character in the container. If this is not the first container in the flow,
* this value is updated when the text is composed, that is when the IFlowComposer's <code>compose()</code> or
* <code>updateAllControllers()</code> methods are called.
* @see flashx.textLayout.compose.IFlowComposer
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function get absoluteStart():int
if (_absoluteStart != -1)
return _absoluteStart;
var rslt:int = 0;
var composer:IFlowComposer = flowComposer;
if (composer)
var stopIdx:int = composer.getControllerIndex(this);
if (stopIdx != 0)
var prevController:ContainerController = composer.getControllerAt(stopIdx-1);
rslt = prevController.absoluteStart + prevController.textLength;
_absoluteStart = rslt;
return rslt;
/** Returns the total number of characters in the container. This can include text that is not currently in view,
* if the container is scrollable. This value is updated when the text is composed (when the IFlowComposer's <code>compose()</code>
* or <code>updateAllControllers()</code> methods are called).
* @see flashx.textLayout.compose.IFlowComposer
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function get textLength():int
return _textLength;
/** @private */
tlf_internal function setTextLengthOnly(numChars:int):void
if (_textLength != numChars)
_textLength = numChars;
_uncomposedTextLength = 0;
// all following containers must have absoluteStart invalidated
if (_absoluteStart != -1)
var composer:IFlowComposer = flowComposer;
if (composer)
var idx:int = composer.getControllerIndex(this)+1;
while (idx < flowComposer.numControllers)
var controller:ContainerController = composer.getControllerAt(idx++);
if (controller._absoluteStart == -1)
controller._absoluteStart = -1;
controller._uncomposedTextLength = 0;
/** @private */
tlf_internal function setTextLength(numChars:int):void
CONFIG::debug { assert(numChars >= 0,"bad set textLength"); }
// If its a scrollable container, and it is the last one, then it gets all the characters even though we might not have composed them all
var uncomposedTextLength:int = 0;
if (textFlow)
var verticalText:Boolean = effectiveBlockProgression == BlockProgression.RL;
var flowComposer:IFlowComposer = textFlow.flowComposer;
if (numChars != 0 && flowComposer.getControllerIndex(this) == flowComposer.numControllers - 1 &&
((!verticalText && _verticalScrollPolicy != ScrollPolicy.OFF)||
(verticalText && _horizontalScrollPolicy != ScrollPolicy.OFF)))
var containerAbsoluteStart:int = absoluteStart;
CONFIG::debug { assert(textFlow.textLength >= containerAbsoluteStart,"ContainerController.setTextLength bad absoluteStart"); }
uncomposedTextLength = textFlow.textLength-(numChars+containerAbsoluteStart);
// _composeCompleteRatio = (textFlow.textLength-containerAbsoluteStart) == numChars ? 1 : 1.1;
// var scaledContentHeight:Number = _composeCompleteRatio * _contentHeight;
// trace("composeCompleteRatio:",_composeCompleteRatio,"composedContentHeight",_contentHeight,"scaledContentHeight",scaledContentHeight,"textLength",textFlow.textLength,"numChars",numChars);
// include all remaining characters in this container when scroll enabled
numChars = textFlow.textLength - containerAbsoluteStart;
// this call clears uncomposedTextLength - set it immediately afterwards
_uncomposedTextLength = uncomposedTextLength;
if (Debugging.debugOn && textFlow)
assert(Math.min(textFlow.textLength, absoluteStart)+_textLength <= textFlow.textLength, "container textLength may not extend past end of root element!");
* Determines whether the container has text that requires composing.
* @return true if the container requires composing.
* @includeExample examples\ -noswf
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function isDamaged():Boolean
return flowComposer.isDamaged(absoluteStart + _textLength);
/** called whenever the container attributes are changed. Mark computed attributes and columnstate as out of date.
* @private
tlf_internal function formatChanged():void
// The associated container, if there is one, inherits its container
// attributes from here. So we need to tell it that these attributes
// have changed.
_computedFormat = null;
/** This gets called when an element has changed its style selection related attributes. This may happen because an
* ancestor element changed it attributes.
* @private
tlf_internal function styleSelectorChanged():void
_computedFormat = null;
/** @private */
tlf_internal function modelChanged(changeType:String, element:ContainerController, changeStart:int, changeLen:int, needNormalize:Boolean = true, bumpGeneration:Boolean = true):void
var tf:TextFlow = _rootElement.getTextFlow();
if (tf)
tf.processModelChanged(changeType, element, absoluteStart+changeStart, changeLen, needNormalize, bumpGeneration);
/** @private */
tlf_internal function gatherVisibleLines(wmode:String, createShape:Boolean):void
CONFIG::debug { assert(_linesInView.length == 0,"gatherVisibleLines: bad _linesInView"); }
if (_textLength != 0)
// Similar computations also done in BaseCompose.getControllerVisibleBounds
var width:Number = _measureWidth ? _contentWidth : _compositionWidth;
var height:Number = _measureHeight ? _contentHeight : _compositionHeight;
var adjustX:Number = (wmode == BlockProgression.RL) ? _xScroll - width : _xScroll;
var adjustY:Number = _yScroll;
var scrollAdjustXTW:int = Twips.roundTo(adjustX);
var scrollAdjustYTW:int = Twips.roundTo(adjustY);
var scrollAdjustWidthTW:int =;
var scrollAdjustHeightTW:int =;
var flowComposer:IFlowComposer = this.flowComposer;
// Iterate over the lines in the container, setting the x and y positions and
// adding them to the list to go into the container. Keep track of the width
// and height of the actual text in the container.
var firstLine:int = flowComposer.findLineIndexAtPosition(absoluteStart);
var lastLine:int = flowComposer.findLineIndexAtPosition(absoluteStart + _textLength - 1);
var curLine:TextFlowLine;
var textLine:TextLine;
var lineIndex:int;
var testRslt:*;
//Use binary search when there is one single column
if(columnCount == 1)
// First just test the firstLine - normal unscrolled case
var testPos:int = firstLine;
curLine = flowComposer.getLineAt(testPos++);
while(curLine && curLine is TextFlowTableBlock)
curLine = flowComposer.getLineAt(testPos++);
testRslt = testLineVisible(wmode, scrollAdjustXTW, scrollAdjustYTW, scrollAdjustWidthTW, scrollAdjustHeightTW, curLine, null)
textLine = testRslt as TextLine;
firstLine++; // its been tested
if (textLine)
if (createShape)
curLine.createShape(wmode, textLine);
var hi:int = lastLine;
while (firstLine <= hi)
var mid:int = (firstLine+hi)/2;
CONFIG::debug { assert(mid != 0,"ContainerController:gatherVisibleLines: bad mid"); }
curLine = flowComposer.getLineAt(mid);
testRslt = testLineVisible(wmode, scrollAdjustXTW, scrollAdjustYTW, scrollAdjustWidthTW, scrollAdjustHeightTW, curLine, null);
if (testRslt && testRslt is TextLine)
textLine = testRslt as TextLine;
// note that we tested firstLine above so going to mid-1 is always valid
var tempLine:TextFlowLine = flowComposer.getLineAt(mid-1);
if (!(testLineVisible(wmode, scrollAdjustXTW, scrollAdjustYTW, scrollAdjustWidthTW, scrollAdjustHeightTW, tempLine, null) is TextLine))
// Got the start
if (createShape)
curLine.createShape(wmode, textLine);
firstLine = mid+1;
testRslt = -1; // past the start
// need to deal with TextFlowTableBlocks
if (testRslt < 0 || testRslt == 2)
hi = mid-1;
firstLine = mid+1;
for (lineIndex = firstLine; lineIndex <= lastLine; lineIndex++)
curLine = flowComposer.getLineAt(lineIndex);
testRslt = testLineVisible(wmode, scrollAdjustXTW, scrollAdjustYTW, scrollAdjustWidthTW, scrollAdjustHeightTW, curLine, null);
if(testRslt is TableBlockContainer)
textLine = testRslt as TextLine;
if (!textLine)
if (createShape)
curLine.createShape(wmode, textLine);
else //multiple columns
for (lineIndex = firstLine; lineIndex <= lastLine; lineIndex++)
curLine = flowComposer.getLineAt(lineIndex);
if (curLine == null || curLine.controller != this)
textLine = oldTestLineVisible(wmode, scrollAdjustXTW, scrollAdjustYTW, scrollAdjustWidthTW, scrollAdjustHeightTW, curLine, null);
if (textLine)
if (createShape)
curLine.createShape(wmode, textLine);
_updateStart = absoluteStart; // we collected all lines from the start of the container
/** determines the shapechildren in the container and applies VJ. @private */
tlf_internal function fillShapeChildren():void
if (_textLength == 0)
return; // none
var wmode:String = effectiveBlockProgression;
if (_linesInView.length == 0) // no preexisting concpetion of what lines are in view: recalculate
gatherVisibleLines(wmode, true);
// If scrolling is turned off, and flow is vertical, then we need to adjust the positions of all the lines. With
// scrolling turned on, we don't need to do this because the adjustment is done in the Player when the scrollRect
// is set up correctly. But with the scrollRect, we also get clipping, and if scrolling is turned off we want to
// have the clipping turned off as well. So in this case we do the adjustment manually so the scrollRect can be null.
// NOTE: similar adjustments are made in TextContainerManager
var adjustLines:Boolean = (wmode == BlockProgression.RL) &&
(_horizontalScrollPolicy == ScrollPolicy.OFF &&
_verticalScrollPolicy == ScrollPolicy.OFF);
if (adjustLines)
var width:Number = _measureWidth ? _contentWidth : _compositionWidth;
var height:Number = _measureHeight ? _contentHeight : _compositionHeight;
var adjustX:Number = _xScroll - width; // vertical text: blockProgression is rl
var adjustY:Number = _yScroll;
// Iterate over the lines in the container, setting the x and y positions. Keep track of the width
// and height of the actual text in the container.
if (adjustX != 0 || adjustY != 0)
for each (var textLine:TextLine in _linesInView)
if (!textLine)
if (adjustLines)
textLine.x -= adjustX;
textLine.y -= adjustY;
_contentLeft -= adjustX;
_contentTop -= adjustY;
// Scrolling
* Specifies the horizontal scrolling policy, which you can set by assigning one of the constants of
* the ScrollPolicy class: ON, OFF, or AUTO.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @see ScrollPolicy
public function get horizontalScrollPolicy():String
return _horizontalScrollPolicy;
public function set horizontalScrollPolicy(scrollPolicy:String):void
var newScrollPolicy:String = ScrollPolicy.scrollPolicyPropertyDefinition.setHelper(_horizontalScrollPolicy, scrollPolicy) as String;
if (newScrollPolicy != _horizontalScrollPolicy)
_horizontalScrollPolicy = newScrollPolicy;
if (_horizontalScrollPolicy == ScrollPolicy.OFF)
horizontalScrollPosition = 0;
formatChanged(); // scroll policy affects composition
/** @private */
tlf_internal function checkScrollBounds():void
var newHeight:Number;
var visibleHeight:Number;
var measuring:Boolean;
// If we've either grown the content past the composition bounds in the logical vertical direction,
// or shrunk it down under the composition bounds, signal a scrolling change
// If we're measuring we never scroll.
if (effectiveBlockProgression == BlockProgression.RL)
newHeight = _contentWidth;
visibleHeight = compositionWidth;
measuring = _measureWidth;
newHeight = _contentHeight;
visibleHeight = compositionHeight;
measuring = _measureHeight;
// Called when the bounds have changed and they now exceed the composition area, to see if we need to attach a mouse wheel listener for scrolling
if (textFlow && _container && !_minListenersAttached)
var needToScroll:Boolean = !measuring && newHeight > visibleHeight;
if (needToScroll != _mouseWheelListenerAttached)
if (_mouseWheelListenerAttached)
/** Specifies the vertical scrolling policy, which you can set by assigning one of the constants of the ScrollPolicy
* class: ON, OFF, or, AUTO.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @see ScrollPolicy
public function get verticalScrollPolicy():String
return _verticalScrollPolicy;
public function set verticalScrollPolicy(scrollPolicy:String):void
var newScrollPolicy:String = ScrollPolicy.scrollPolicyPropertyDefinition.setHelper(_verticalScrollPolicy, scrollPolicy) as String;
if (newScrollPolicy != _verticalScrollPolicy)
_verticalScrollPolicy = newScrollPolicy;
if (_verticalScrollPolicy == ScrollPolicy.OFF)
verticalScrollPosition = 0;
formatChanged(); // scroll policy affects composition
/** Specifies the current horizontal scroll location on the stage. The value specifies the number of
* pixels from the left.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function get horizontalScrollPosition():Number
return _xScroll;
public function set horizontalScrollPosition(x:Number):void
if (!_rootElement)
if (_horizontalScrollPolicy == ScrollPolicy.OFF)
_xScroll = 0;
var oldScroll:Number = _xScroll;
var newScroll:Number = computeHorizontalScrollPosition(x,true);
if (newScroll != oldScroll)
_shapesInvalid = true;
_xScroll = newScroll;
updateForScroll(ScrollEventDirection.HORIZONTAL, newScroll - oldScroll);
static private function pinValue(value:Number, minimum:Number, maximum:Number):Number
return Math.min(Math.max(value, minimum), maximum);
private function computeHorizontalScrollPosition(x:Number,okToCompose:Boolean):Number
var wmode:String = effectiveBlockProgression;
var curEstimatedWidth:Number = contentWidth;
var newScroll:Number = 0;
if (curEstimatedWidth > _compositionWidth && !_measureWidth)
// Pin the lower and upper bounds of _x. If we're doing vertical text, then the right edge is 0 and the left edge is negative
// We may not have composed all the way to the indicated position. If not, force composition so that we can be sure we're at
// a legal position.
if (wmode == BlockProgression.RL)
newScroll = pinValue(x, _contentLeft + _compositionWidth, _contentLeft + curEstimatedWidth);
if (okToCompose && _uncomposedTextLength != 0 && newScroll != _xScroll)
// in order to compose have to set _xScroll
_xScroll = x;
if (_xScroll > _contentLeft + _contentWidth)
_xScroll = _contentLeft + _contentWidth;
newScroll = pinValue(x, _contentLeft + _compositionWidth, _contentLeft + _contentWidth);
newScroll = pinValue(x, _contentLeft, (_contentLeft + curEstimatedWidth) - _compositionWidth);
return newScroll;
/** Specifies the current vertical scroll location on the stage. The value specifies the number of
* pixels from the top.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function get verticalScrollPosition():Number
return _yScroll;
public function set verticalScrollPosition(y:Number):void
if (!_rootElement)
if (_verticalScrollPolicy == ScrollPolicy.OFF)
_yScroll = 0;
var oldScroll:Number = _yScroll;
var newScroll:Number = computeVerticalScrollPosition(y,true);
if (newScroll != oldScroll)
_shapesInvalid = true;
_yScroll = newScroll;
updateForScroll(ScrollEventDirection.VERTICAL, newScroll - oldScroll);
private function computeVerticalScrollPosition(y:Number,okToCompose:Boolean):Number
var newScroll:Number = 0;
var curcontentHeight:Number = contentHeight;
var wmode:String = effectiveBlockProgression;
// Only try to scroll if the content height is greater than the composition height, then there is text that is not visible to scroll to
if (curcontentHeight > _compositionHeight)
// new scroll value is somewhere between the topmost content, and the top of the last containerfull
newScroll = pinValue(y, _contentTop, _contentTop + (curcontentHeight - _compositionHeight));
// if we're not composed to the end, compose further so we can scroll to it. Sets the scroll position and then
// recomposes the container, which will compose through the end of the screenfull that starts at the requested position.
if (okToCompose && _uncomposedTextLength != 0 && wmode == BlockProgression.TB)
_yScroll = y;
if (_yScroll < _contentTop)
_yScroll = _contentTop;
newScroll = pinValue(y, _contentTop, _contentTop + (curcontentHeight - _compositionHeight));
return newScroll;
* Returns the area that the text occupies, as reflected by the last compose or update operation.
* The width and the height might be estimated, if the container is scrollable and the text exceeds the
* visible area.
* @return describes the area that the text occupies.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @includeExample examples\ -noswf
* @see flash.geom.Rectangle Rectangle
public function getContentBounds():Rectangle
return new Rectangle(_contentLeft, _contentTop, contentWidth, contentHeight);
* @private
tlf_internal function get contentLeft():Number
return _contentLeft;
* @private
tlf_internal function get contentTop():Number
return _contentTop;
/** @private */
tlf_internal function computeScaledContentMeasure(measure:Number):Number
CONFIG::debug { assert(_finalParcelStart != -1 && _finalParcelStart >= this.absoluteStart && _finalParcelStart <= textFlow.textLength-_uncomposedTextLength,"computeScaledContentMeasure bad _finalParcelStart"); }
var charsInFinalParcel:int = textFlow.textLength-_finalParcelStart;
var composeCompleteRatio:Number = charsInFinalParcel / (charsInFinalParcel-_uncomposedTextLength);
// trace(measure*composeCompleteRatio,charsInFinalParcel,_uncomposedTextLength,measure,composeCompleteRatio);
return measure * composeCompleteRatio;
* @private
* Returns the vertical extent of the text. For horizontal text, it includes space taken for descenders on the last line.
* If not all the text is composed, this returns an estimated value based on how much text is already composed; the
* more text that is composed, the more accurate s the estimate. To get a completely accurate value, recompose
* with the rootElement's flowComposer before accessing contentHeight.
* You can get the composed bounds of the text by getting the contentLeft, contentTop, contentWidth, contentHeight properties.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
tlf_internal function get contentHeight():Number
if (_uncomposedTextLength == 0 || effectiveBlockProgression != BlockProgression.TB)
return _contentHeight;
return computeScaledContentMeasure(_contentHeight);
* @private
* Returns the horizontal extent of the text. For vertical text, it includes space taken for descenders on the last line.
* If not all the text is composed, this returns an estimated value based on how much text is already composed; the
* more text that is composed, the more accurate is the estimate. To get a completely accurate value, recompose
* with the rootElement's flowComposer before accessing contentWidth.
* You can get the composed bounds of the text by getting the contentLeft, contentTop, contentWidth, contentHeight properties.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
tlf_internal function get contentWidth():Number
if (_uncomposedTextLength == 0 || effectiveBlockProgression != BlockProgression.RL)
return _contentWidth;
return computeScaledContentMeasure(_contentWidth);
/** @private */
tlf_internal function setContentBounds(contentLeft:Number, contentTop:Number, contentWidth:Number, contentHeight:Number):void
_contentWidth = contentWidth;
_contentHeight = contentHeight;
_contentLeft = contentLeft;
_contentTop = contentTop;
private function updateForScroll(direction:String, delta:Number):void
_linesInView.length = 0; // zero out array of previously gathered up lines; its invalid because we've changed the visible area
var flowComposer:IFlowComposer = textFlow.flowComposer;
// notify client that we scrolled.
if (textFlow.hasEventListener(TextLayoutEvent.SCROLL))
textFlow.dispatchEvent(new ScrollEvent(TextLayoutEvent.SCROLL, false, false, direction, delta));
// trace("contentHeight", contentHeight, "contentWidth", contentWidth);
// trace("contentHeight", contentHeight, "contentWidth", contentWidth);
/** @private */
CONFIG::debug tlf_internal function validateLines():void
if (!Debugging.containerLineValidation)
// Optimally we would recalculate which lines are in view and make sure they are parented
// to the container... but that causes side-effects (like creating TextLines) that affect
// regular execution. So we don't try that.
// Check all the children of the container. Verify that adornments go before or after lines, that lines are at the expected z-order position
// And that extraneous lines are not parented to the container.
var firstLineIndex:int = -1;
var lastLineIndex:int = -1;
var numChildren:int = _container.numChildren;
for (var childIndex:int = 0; childIndex < numChildren; ++childIndex)
var child:DisplayObject = _container.getChildAt(childIndex);
if (_shapeChildren.indexOf(child) < 0 && (!_floatsInContainer || _floatsInContainer.indexOf(child) < 0))
// the very last thing can be the selection sprite
if (childIndex == numChildren - 1)
assert(child == getSelectionSprite(false),"expected selectionsprite but not found");
assert(firstLineIndex == -1 || lastLineIndex == childIndex - 1, "Found adornment in the middle of TextLine children");
continue; // it's an adornment: skip
if (firstLineIndex == -1)
firstLineIndex = childIndex;
lastLineIndex = childIndex;
if (_floatsInContainer && _floatsInContainer.indexOf(child) >= 0) // it's a float
assert(child is TextLine, "Expected child to be a TextLine");
// Check that the line comes after previous lines, in z-order
var lineIndex:int = _shapeChildren.indexOf(child);
if (lineIndex > 0)
assert(_container.getChildIndex(_shapeChildren[lineIndex - 1]) < childIndex, "Line is visible but not at expected z-order position: earlier line is later in z-order");
else if (lineIndex < 0)
assert(false, "Found line that should not be in the container (its not considered visible)");
private function get containerScrollRectLeft():Number
var rslt:Number;
if (horizontalScrollPolicy == ScrollPolicy.OFF && verticalScrollPolicy == ScrollPolicy.OFF)
rslt = 0;
rslt= effectiveBlockProgression == BlockProgression.RL ? horizontalScrollPosition - compositionWidth : horizontalScrollPosition;
//CONFIG::debug { assert(container.scrollRect == null && rslt == 0 || int(rslt) == container.scrollRect.left,"Bad containerScrollRectLeft"); }
return rslt;
private function get containerScrollRectRight():Number
var rslt:Number = containerScrollRectLeft+compositionWidth;
//CONFIG::debug { assert(container.scrollRect == null && rslt == compositionWidth || int(rslt) == container.scrollRect.right,"Bad containerScrollRectRight"); }
return rslt;
private function get containerScrollRectTop():Number
var rslt:Number;
if (horizontalScrollPolicy == ScrollPolicy.OFF && verticalScrollPolicy == ScrollPolicy.OFF)
rslt = 0;
rslt = verticalScrollPosition;
//CONFIG::debug { assert(container.scrollRect == null && rslt == 0 || int(rslt) ==,"Bad containerScrollRectTop"); }
return rslt;
private function get containerScrollRectBottom():Number
var rslt:Number = containerScrollRectTop+compositionHeight;
//CONFIG::debug { assert(container.scrollRect == null && rslt == compositionHeight || int(rslt) == container.scrollRect.bottom,"Bad containerScrollRectBottom"); }
return rslt;
* Scrolls so that the text range is visible in the container.
* @param activePosition The end of the selection that is changed when you extend the selection. It can be
* either the start or the end of the selection, expressed as an offset from the start of the text flow.
* @param anchorPosition The stable end of the selection when you extend the selection. It can be either
* the start or the end of the selection.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function scrollToRange(activePosition:int,anchorPosition:int):void
// return if we're not scrolling, or if it's not the last controller
if (!_hasScrollRect || !flowComposer || flowComposer.getControllerAt(flowComposer.numControllers-1) != this)
// clamp values to range absoluteStart,absoluteStart+_textLength
var controllerStart:int = absoluteStart;
var lastPosition:int = Math.min(controllerStart+_textLength, textFlow.textLength - 1);
activePosition = Math.max(controllerStart,Math.min(activePosition,lastPosition));
anchorPosition = Math.max(controllerStart,Math.min(anchorPosition,lastPosition));
var verticalText:Boolean = effectiveBlockProgression == BlockProgression.RL;
var begPos:int = Math.min(activePosition,anchorPosition);
var endPos:int = Math.max(activePosition,anchorPosition);
// is part of the selection in view?
var begLineIndex:int = flowComposer.findLineIndexAtPosition(begPos,(begPos == textFlow.textLength));
var endLineIndex:int = flowComposer.findLineIndexAtPosition(endPos,(endPos == textFlow.textLength));
// no scrolling if any part of the selection is in view
var scrollRectLeft:Number = containerScrollRectLeft;
var scrollRectTop:Number = containerScrollRectTop;
var scrollRectRight:Number = containerScrollRectRight;
var scrollRectBottom:Number = containerScrollRectBottom;
if (flowComposer.damageAbsoluteStart <= endPos)
endPos = Math.min(begPos + 100, endPos + 1);
begLineIndex = flowComposer.findLineIndexAtPosition(begPos,(begPos == textFlow.textLength));
endLineIndex = flowComposer.findLineIndexAtPosition(endPos,(endPos == textFlow.textLength));
var rect:Rectangle = rangeToRectangle(begPos, endPos, begLineIndex, endLineIndex);
if (rect)
var lastVisibleLine:TextFlowLine;
var horizontalScrollOK:Boolean;
var verticalScrollOK:Boolean;
// vertical scroll
if (verticalText) {
// horizontal scroll
horizontalScrollOK = (rect.left < scrollRectLeft || rect.right > scrollRectLeft);
if (horizontalScrollOK)
if (rect.left < scrollRectLeft)
horizontalScrollPosition = rect.left + _compositionWidth;
if (rect.right > scrollRectRight)
horizontalScrollPosition = rect.right;
// If we're showing a blinking insertion point, we need to scroll far enough that
// we can see the insertion point, and it comes just after the character.
if ( < scrollRectTop)
verticalScrollPosition =;
if (activePosition == anchorPosition)
rect.bottom += 2;
// vertical scroll
if (rect.bottom > scrollRectBottom)
verticalScrollPosition = rect.bottom - _compositionHeight;
// vertical scroll
// Don't scroll if the range extends both above and below
verticalScrollOK = ( > scrollRectTop || rect.bottom < scrollRectBottom);
// vertical scroll
if (verticalScrollOK)
if ( < scrollRectTop)
verticalScrollPosition =;
if (rect.bottom > scrollRectBottom)
verticalScrollPosition = rect.bottom - _compositionHeight;
// horizontal scroll
// If we're showing a blinking insertion point, we need to scroll far enough to see the
// insertion point, and it comes up to the right
if (activePosition == anchorPosition)
rect.right += 2;
// Don't scroll if range extends both to the left and right
horizontalScrollOK = (rect.left > scrollRectLeft || rect.right < scrollRectRight);
if (horizontalScrollOK && rect.left < scrollRectLeft)
horizontalScrollPosition = rect.left - _compositionWidth / 2;
if (horizontalScrollOK && rect.right > scrollRectRight)
horizontalScrollPosition = rect.right - _compositionWidth / 2;
private function rangeToRectangle(start:int, end:int, startLineIndex:int, endLineIndex:int):Rectangle
var bbox:Rectangle;
var blockProgression:String = effectiveBlockProgression;
var flowComposer:IFlowComposer = textFlow.flowComposer;
if (!container || !flowComposer)
return null;
if (startLineIndex == endLineIndex)
var line:TextFlowLine = flowComposer.getLineAt(startLineIndex);
if (line.isDamaged())
return null;
var textLine:TextLine = line.getTextLine(true);
var paragraphStart:int = line.paragraph.getAbsoluteStart();
var isTCY:Boolean = false;
if (blockProgression == BlockProgression.RL)
var leafElement:FlowLeafElement = _rootElement.getTextFlow().findLeaf(start);
isTCY = leafElement.getParentByType(flashx.textLayout.elements.TCYElement) != null;
var minAtomIndex:int = textLine.atomCount;
var maxAtomIndex:int = 0;
if (start == end)
minAtomIndex = textLine.getAtomIndexAtCharIndex(start - paragraphStart);
maxAtomIndex = minAtomIndex;
var atomIndex:int;
var lastPosition:int = end - paragraphStart;
for (var pos:int = start - paragraphStart; pos < lastPosition; ++pos)
atomIndex = textLine.getAtomIndexAtCharIndex(pos);
if (atomIndex < minAtomIndex)
minAtomIndex = atomIndex;
if (atomIndex > maxAtomIndex)
maxAtomIndex = atomIndex;
bbox = atomToRectangle(minAtomIndex, line, textLine, blockProgression, isTCY);
if (minAtomIndex != maxAtomIndex)
bbox = bbox.union(atomToRectangle(maxAtomIndex, line, textLine, blockProgression, isTCY));
bbox = new Rectangle(_contentLeft, _contentTop, _contentWidth, _contentHeight);
var startLine:TextFlowLine = flowComposer.getLineAt(startLineIndex);
var endLine:TextFlowLine = flowComposer.getLineAt(endLineIndex);
if (blockProgression == BlockProgression.TB)
{ = startLine.y;
bbox.bottom = endLine.y + endLine.textHeight;
bbox.right = startLine.x + startLine.textHeight;
bbox.left = endLine.x;
return bbox;
private function atomToRectangle(atomIdx:int, line:TextFlowLine, textLine:TextLine, blockProgression:String, isTCY:Boolean):Rectangle
var atomBounds:Rectangle;
CONFIG::debug { assert(atomIdx > -1, "How'd we get here?"); }
if (atomIdx > -1)
atomBounds = textLine.getAtomBounds(atomIdx);
// special handling for TCY - no line height adjustments TCY is perpendicular to the height direction
if (blockProgression == BlockProgression.RL)
if (isTCY)
return new Rectangle(line.x+atomBounds.x,line.y+atomBounds.y,atomBounds.width,atomBounds.height);
return new Rectangle(line.x, line.y + atomBounds.y, line.height, atomBounds.height);
return new Rectangle(line.x + atomBounds.x, line.y-line.height+line.ascent, atomBounds.width, line.height+textLine.descent);
* @private
tlf_internal function resetColumnState():void
if (_rootElement)
_columnState.updateInputs(effectiveBlockProgression, _rootElement.computedFormat.direction, this, _compositionWidth, _compositionHeight);
* Marks all the text in this container as needing composing.
* @includeExample examples\ -noswf
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function invalidateContents():void
if (textFlow)
textFlow.damage(absoluteStart, Math.min(_textLength, 1), FlowDamageType.GEOMETRY, false);
/** @private */
private var _transparentBGX:Number;
/** @private */
private var _transparentBGY:Number;
/** @private */
private var _transparentBGWidth:Number;
/** @private */
private var _transparentBGHeight:Number;
/** No mouse clicks or moves will be generated for the container unless it has a background covering its area. Text Layout Framework
* wants those events so that clicking on a container will select the text in it. This code
* adds or updates (on size change) that background for Sprite containers only. This may cause clients problems
* - definitely no hits is a problem - add this code to explore the issues - expect feedback.
* We may have to make this configurable. @private */
tlf_internal function attachTransparentBackgroundForHit(justClear:Boolean):void
if ((_minListenersAttached || _mouseWheelListenerAttached) && attachTransparentBackground)
var s:Sprite = _container;
if (s)
if (justClear)
CONFIG::debug { Debugging.traceFTECall(null,s,"clearTransparentBackground()"); }
_transparentBGX = _transparentBGY = _transparentBGWidth = _transparentBGHeight = NaN;
var bgwidth:Number = _measureWidth ? _contentWidth : _compositionWidth;
var bgheight:Number = _measureHeight ? _contentHeight : _compositionHeight;
var adjustHorizontalScroll:Boolean = effectiveBlockProgression == BlockProgression.RL && _horizontalScrollPolicy != ScrollPolicy.OFF;
var bgx:Number = adjustHorizontalScroll ? _xScroll - bgwidth : _xScroll;
var bgy:Number = _yScroll;
CONFIG::debug { assert(!isNaN(bgx) && !isNaN(bgy) && !isNaN(bgwidth) && ! isNaN(bgheight),"Bad background rectangle"); }
if (bgx != _transparentBGX || bgy != _transparentBGY || bgwidth != _transparentBGWidth || bgheight != _transparentBGHeight)
CONFIG::debug { Debugging.traceFTECall(null,s,"clearTransparentBackground()"); }
if (bgwidth != 0 && bgheight != 0 )
{, 0);, bgy, bgwidth, bgheight);;
CONFIG::debug { Debugging.traceFTECall(null,s,"drawTransparentBackground",bgx, bgy, bgwidth, bgheight); }
_transparentBGX = bgx;
_transparentBGY = bgy;
_transparentBGWidth = bgwidth;
_transparentBGHeight = bgheight;
/** @private */
tlf_internal function interactionManagerChanged(newInteractionManager:ISelectionManager):void
if (!newInteractionManager)
// Need to forward whether the Ctrl key is needed to have
// hit-tested FlowElements emit events
if (_mouseEventManager)
_mouseEventManager.needsCtrlKey =
(interactionManager != null && interactionManager.editingMode == EditingMode.READ_WRITE);
// We have to tell the Player to bring up the soft keyboard on a
// keyboard edit gesture. Note that needsSoftKeyboard is new with 10.2, so
// have to check for it. This is a change to the container, but unavoidable
if (_container && Configuration.playerEnablesSpicyFeatures)
_container["needsSoftKeyboard"] = (interactionManager && interactionManager.editingMode == EditingMode.READ_WRITE);
// Event handlers for editing
// Listeners are attached on first compose
/** @private */
tlf_internal function attachContainer():void
if (!_minListenersAttached && textFlow && textFlow.interactionManager)
_minListenersAttached = true;
if (_container)
_container.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, requiredFocusInHandler);
_container.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, requiredMouseOverHandler);
// If the container already has focus, we have to attach all listeners
if (_container.stage && _container.stage.focus == _container)
/** @private */
tlf_internal function attachInteractionHandlers():void
// the receiver is either this or another class that is going to handle the methods.
var receiver:IInteractionEventHandler = getInteractionHandler();
// the required handlers are implemented here and forwarded to the receiver
_container.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, requiredMouseDownHandler);
_container.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, requiredFocusOutHandler);
_container.addEventListener(MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, receiver.mouseDoubleClickHandler);
_container.addEventListener(Event.ACTIVATE, receiver.activateHandler);
_container.addEventListener(FocusEvent.MOUSE_FOCUS_CHANGE, receiver.focusChangeHandler);
_container.addEventListener(FocusEvent.KEY_FOCUS_CHANGE, receiver.focusChangeHandler);
_container.addEventListener(TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT, receiver.textInputHandler);
_container.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, receiver.mouseOutHandler);
_container.addEventListener(Event.DEACTIVATE, receiver.deactivateHandler);
// attach by literal event name to avoid Argo dependency
// normally this would be IMEEvent.START_COMPOSITION
_container.addEventListener("imeStartComposition", receiver.imeStartCompositionHandler);
if (_container.contextMenu)
_container.contextMenu.addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_SELECT, receiver.menuSelectHandler);
_container.addEventListener(Event.COPY, receiver.editHandler);
_container.addEventListener(Event.SELECT_ALL, receiver.editHandler);
_container.addEventListener(Event.CUT, receiver.editHandler);
_container.addEventListener(Event.PASTE, receiver.editHandler);
_container.addEventListener(Event.CLEAR, receiver.editHandler);
/** @private */
tlf_internal function removeInteractionHandlers():void
var receiver:IInteractionEventHandler = getInteractionHandler();
_container.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, requiredMouseDownHandler);
_container.removeEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, requiredFocusOutHandler);
_container.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, receiver.mouseDoubleClickHandler);
_container.removeEventListener(Event.ACTIVATE, receiver.activateHandler);
_container.removeEventListener(FocusEvent.MOUSE_FOCUS_CHANGE, receiver.focusChangeHandler);
_container.removeEventListener(FocusEvent.KEY_FOCUS_CHANGE, receiver.focusChangeHandler);
_container.removeEventListener(TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT, receiver.textInputHandler);
_container.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, receiver.mouseOutHandler);
_container.removeEventListener(Event.DEACTIVATE, receiver.deactivateHandler);
// _container.removeEventListener(IMEEvent.IME_START_COMPOSITION, receiver.imeStartCompositionHandler);
// attach by literal event name to avoid Argo dependency
_container.removeEventListener("imeStartComposition", receiver.imeStartCompositionHandler);
if (_container.contextMenu)
_container.contextMenu.removeEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_SELECT, receiver.menuSelectHandler);
_container.removeEventListener(Event.COPY, receiver.editHandler);
_container.removeEventListener(Event.SELECT_ALL, receiver.editHandler);
_container.removeEventListener(Event.CUT, receiver.editHandler);
_container.removeEventListener(Event.PASTE, receiver.editHandler);
_container.removeEventListener(Event.CLEAR, receiver.editHandler);
/** @private */
private function detachContainer():void
if (_minListenersAttached)
if (_container)
_container.removeEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, requiredFocusInHandler);
_container.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, requiredMouseOverHandler);
_allListenersAttached = false;
_minListenersAttached = false;
private function attachAllListeners():void
if (!_allListenersAttached && textFlow && textFlow.interactionManager)
CONFIG::debug { assert(_minListenersAttached,"Bad call to attachAllListeners - won't detach"); }
_allListenersAttached = true;
if (_container)
/** @private */
tlf_internal function addMouseWheelListener():void
if (!_mouseWheelListenerAttached)
_container.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, getInteractionHandler().mouseWheelHandler);
_mouseWheelListenerAttached = true;
/** @private */
tlf_internal function removeMouseWheelListener():void
if (_mouseWheelListenerAttached)
_container.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, getInteractionHandler().mouseWheelHandler);
_mouseWheelListenerAttached = false;
/** @private */
tlf_internal function attachContextMenu():void
{ _container.contextMenu = createContextMenu(); }
/** @private */
tlf_internal function removeContextMenu():void
{ _container.contextMenu = null; }
/** @private
* Shared so that TextContainerManager can create the same ContextMenu.
static tlf_internal function createDefaultContextMenu():ContextMenu
var contextMenu:ContextMenu = new ContextMenu();
contextMenu.clipboardMenu = true;
contextMenu.clipboardItems.clear = true;
contextMenu.clipboardItems.copy = true;
contextMenu.clipboardItems.cut = true;
contextMenu.clipboardItems.paste = true;
contextMenu.clipboardItems.selectAll = true;
return contextMenu;
* Creates a context menu for the ContainerController. Use the methods of the ContextMenu class to
* add items to the menu.
* <p>You can override this method to define a custom context menu.</p>
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @see flash.ui.ContextMenu ContextMenu
protected function createContextMenu():ContextMenu
return createDefaultContextMenu();
/** @private */
tlf_internal function scrollTimerHandler(event:Event):void
// trace("BEGIN scrollTimerHandler");
if (!_scrollTimer)
// shut it down if not in this container
if (textFlow.interactionManager == null || textFlow.interactionManager.activePosition < absoluteStart || textFlow.interactionManager.activePosition > absoluteStart+textLength)
event = null;
// We're listening for MOUSE_UP so we can cancel autoscrolling
if (event is MouseEvent)
_scrollTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, scrollTimerHandler);
CONFIG::debug { assert(_container.stage == null || getContainerRoot() == event.currentTarget,"scrollTimerHandler bad target"); }
event.currentTarget.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, scrollTimerHandler);
_scrollTimer = null;
else if (!event)
_scrollTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, scrollTimerHandler);
if (getContainerRoot())
getContainerRoot().removeEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, scrollTimerHandler);
_scrollTimer = null;
else if (_container.stage)
var containerPoint:Point = new Point(_container.stage.mouseX, _container.stage.mouseY);
containerPoint = _container.globalToLocal(containerPoint);
var scrollChange:int = autoScrollIfNecessaryInternal(containerPoint);
if (scrollChange != 0 && interactionManager) // force selection update if we actually scrolled and we have a selection manager
var mouseEvent:MouseEvent = new PsuedoMouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE,false,false,_container.stage.mouseX, _container.stage.mouseY,_container.stage,false,false,false,true);
var stashedScrollTimer:Timer = _scrollTimer;
_scrollTimer = null;
catch (e:Error)
_scrollTimer = stashedScrollTimer;
// trace("AFTER scrollTimerHandler");
* Handle a scroll event during a "drag" selection.
* @param mouseX The horizontal position of the mouse cursor on the stage.
* @param mouseY The vertical position of the mouse cursor on the stage.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function autoScrollIfNecessary(mouseX:int, mouseY:int):void
if (flowComposer.getControllerAt(flowComposer.numControllers-1) != this)
var verticalText:Boolean = (effectiveBlockProgression == BlockProgression.RL);
var lastController:ContainerController = flowComposer.getControllerAt(flowComposer.numControllers - 1);
if ((verticalText && _horizontalScrollPolicy == ScrollPolicy.OFF) ||
(!verticalText && _verticalScrollPolicy == ScrollPolicy.OFF))
var r:Rectangle = lastController.container.getBounds(_container.stage);
if (verticalText)
if (mouseY >= && mouseY <= r.bottom)
lastController.autoScrollIfNecessary(mouseX, mouseY);
if (mouseX >= r.left && mouseX <= r.right)
lastController.autoScrollIfNecessary(mouseX, mouseY);
// even if not the last container - may scroll if there are explicit linebreaks
if (!_hasScrollRect)
var containerPoint:Point = new Point(mouseX, mouseY);
containerPoint = _container.globalToLocal(containerPoint);
* Handle a scroll event during a "drag" selection.
* @param mouseX The horizontal position of the mouse cursor on the stage.
* @param mouseY The vertical position of the mouse cursor on the stage.
* @returns positive number if scroll went forward in reading order, negative number if it went backwards, and 0 if no scroll
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
private function autoScrollIfNecessaryInternal(extreme:Point):int
assert(_hasScrollRect, "internal scrolling function called on non-scrollable container");
var scrollDirection:int = 0;
if (extreme.y - containerScrollRectBottom > 0) {
verticalScrollPosition += textFlow.configuration.scrollDragPixels;
scrollDirection = 1;
else if (extreme.y - containerScrollRectTop < 0) {
verticalScrollPosition -= textFlow.configuration.scrollDragPixels;
scrollDirection = -1;
if (extreme.x - containerScrollRectRight > 0) {
horizontalScrollPosition += textFlow.configuration.scrollDragPixels;
scrollDirection = -1;
else if (extreme.x - containerScrollRectLeft < 0) {
horizontalScrollPosition -= textFlow.configuration.scrollDragPixels;
scrollDirection = 1;
// we need a timer so that the mouse doesn't have to continue moving when the mouse is outside the content area
if (scrollDirection != 0 && !_scrollTimer)
_scrollTimer = new Timer(textFlow.configuration.scrollDragDelay); // 35 ms is the default auto-repeat interval for ScrollBars.
_scrollTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, scrollTimerHandler, false, 0, true);
if (getContainerRoot())
getContainerRoot().addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, scrollTimerHandler, false, 0, true);
beginMouseCapture(); // TELL CLIENTS WE WANT mouseUpSomewhere events
return scrollDirection;
/** @private */
tlf_internal function getFirstVisibleLine():TextFlowLine
{ return _shapeChildren.length ? _shapeChildren[0].userData : null; }
/** @private */
tlf_internal function getLastVisibleLine():TextFlowLine
{ return _shapeChildren.length ? _shapeChildren[_shapeChildren.length-1].userData : null; }
* Figure out the scroll distance required to scroll up or down by the specified number of lines.
* Negative numbers scroll upward, bringing more of the top of the TextFlow into view. Positive numbers
* scroll downward, bringing the next line from the bottom into full view.
* <p>When scrolling up, for example, the method makes the next line fully visible. If the next line is partially
* obscured and the number of lines specified is 1, the partially obscured line becomes fully visible.</p>
* @param nLines The number of lines to scroll.
* @return the delta amount of space to scroll
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function getScrollDelta(numLines:int):Number
var flowComposer:IFlowComposer = textFlow.flowComposer;
if (flowComposer.numLines == 0)
return 0;
// Now we want to calculate the top & bottom lines within the scrollRect. It's ok if they're just partially
// visible. Once we determine these lines, we figure out how much we need to scroll in order to bring the
// lines completely into view.
var firstVisibleLine:TextFlowLine = getFirstVisibleLine();
if (!firstVisibleLine)
return 0;
var lastVisibleLine:TextFlowLine = getLastVisibleLine();
CONFIG::debug { assert(lastVisibleLine != null,"Expect lastVisibleLine when there is a firstVisibleLine"); }
// trace(" // findFirstAndLastVisibleLine ",flowComposer.findLineIndexAtPosition(firstVisibleLine.absoluteStart),flowComposer.findLineIndexAtPosition(lastVisibleLine.absoluteStart));
var newLineIndex:int;
var lineIndex:int;
if (numLines > 0)
lineIndex = flowComposer.findLineIndexAtPosition(lastVisibleLine.absoluteStart);
// If the last visible line is only partly visible, don't count it as visible. But make sure it overlaps by
// at least two pixels, otherwise it doesn't look like its clipped.
var lastTextLine:TextLine = lastVisibleLine.getTextLine(true);
if (effectiveBlockProgression == BlockProgression.TB)
if ((lastTextLine.y + lastTextLine.descent) - containerScrollRectBottom > 2)
else if (containerScrollRectLeft - (lastTextLine.x - lastTextLine.descent) > 2)
// if we hit the end, force composition so that we get more lines - I picked a random amount to scroll forward, if its not enough, it will keep going
while (lineIndex + numLines > flowComposer.numLines - 1 && flowComposer.damageAbsoluteStart < textFlow.textLength)
var previousDamageStart:int = flowComposer.damageAbsoluteStart;
flowComposer.composeToPosition(flowComposer.damageAbsoluteStart + 1000);
// if we've made no progress, abort
if (flowComposer.damageAbsoluteStart == previousDamageStart)
return 0;
newLineIndex = Math.min(flowComposer.numLines-1, lineIndex + numLines);
if (numLines < 0)
lineIndex = flowComposer.findLineIndexAtPosition(firstVisibleLine.absoluteStart);
// If the first visible line is only partly visible, don't count it as visible. But make sure it overlaps by
// at least two pixels, otherwise it doesn't look like its clipped.
if (effectiveBlockProgression == BlockProgression.TB)
if (firstVisibleLine.y + 2 < containerScrollRectTop)
else if (firstVisibleLine.x + firstVisibleLine.ascent > containerScrollRectRight + 2)
newLineIndex = Math.max(0, lineIndex + numLines);
var line:TextFlowLine = flowComposer.getLineAt(newLineIndex);
if (line.absoluteStart < absoluteStart) // don't scroll past the start of this controller -- previous text is in previous controller
return 0;
if (line.validity != TextLineValidity.VALID)
var leaf:FlowLeafElement = textFlow.findLeaf(line.absoluteStart);
var paragraph:ParagraphElement = leaf.getParagraph();
textFlow.flowComposer.composeToPosition(paragraph.getAbsoluteStart() + paragraph.textLength);
line = flowComposer.getLineAt(newLineIndex);
CONFIG::debug { assert(line.validity == TextLineValidity.VALID, "expected valid line after recomposing"); }
var verticalText:Boolean = effectiveBlockProgression == BlockProgression.RL;
var newScrollPosition:Number;
if (verticalText)
newScrollPosition = numLines < 0 ? line.x + line.textHeight : line.x - line.descent + _compositionWidth;
return newScrollPosition - horizontalScrollPosition;
newScrollPosition = numLines < 0 ? line.y : line.y + line.textHeight - _compositionHeight;
return newScrollPosition - verticalScrollPosition;
* Processes the <code>MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER</code> event when the client manages events.
* @param event The MouseEvent object.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @includeExample examples\ -noswf
* @see MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER
public function mouseOverHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
if (interactionManager && !event.isDefaultPrevented())
/** @private Does required mouseOver handling. Calls mouseOverHandler. @see #mouseOverHandler */
tlf_internal function requiredMouseOverHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
/** Processes the <code>MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT</code> event when the client manages events.
* @param event The MouseEvent object.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @see MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT
public function mouseOutHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
if (interactionManager && !event.isDefaultPrevented())
/** Processes the <code>MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL</code> event when the client manages events.
* @param event The MouseEvent object.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @see MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL
public function mouseWheelHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
if (event.isDefaultPrevented())
// Do the scroll and call preventDefault only if the there is enough text to scroll. Otherwise
// we let the event bubble up and cause scrolling at the next level up in the client's container hierarchy.
var verticalText:Boolean = effectiveBlockProgression == BlockProgression.RL;
if (verticalText)
if (contentWidth > _compositionWidth && !_measureWidth)
horizontalScrollPosition += * textFlow.configuration.scrollMouseWheelMultiplier;
else if (contentHeight > _compositionHeight && !_measureHeight)
verticalScrollPosition -= * textFlow.configuration.scrollMouseWheelMultiplier;
/** Processes the <code>MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN</code> event when the client manages events.
* @param event The MouseEvent object.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @see MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN
public function mouseDownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
if (interactionManager && !event.isDefaultPrevented())
// grab the focus - alternative is to listen to keyevents on the Application
// is this necessary?
if ( interactionManager.hasSelection())
/** @private Does required mouseDown handling. Calls mouseDownHandler. @see #mouseDownHandler */
tlf_internal function requiredMouseDownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
if (!_selectListenersAttached)
var containerRoot:DisplayObject = getContainerRoot();
if (containerRoot)
containerRoot.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, rootMouseMoveHandler, false, 0, true);
containerRoot.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, rootMouseUpHandler, false, 0, true);
beginMouseCapture(); // TELL CLIENTS THAT WE WANT moueUpSomewhere EVENTS
_selectListenersAttached = true;
* Processes the <code>MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP</code> event when the client manages events.
* @param event The MouseEvent object.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @see MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP
public function mouseUpHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
if (interactionManager && event && !event.isDefaultPrevented())
/** @private */
tlf_internal function rootMouseUpHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
private function clearSelectHandlers():void
if (_selectListenersAttached)
CONFIG::debug { assert(getContainerRoot() != null,"No container root"); }
getContainerRoot().removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, rootMouseMoveHandler);
getContainerRoot().removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, rootMouseUpHandler);
endMouseCapture(); // TELL CLIENTS WE NO LONGER WANT mouseUpSomewhere EVENTS
_selectListenersAttached = false;
* Called to request clients to begin the forwarding of mouseup and mousemove events from outside a security sandbox.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function beginMouseCapture():void
var sandboxManager:ISandboxSupport = getInteractionHandler() as ISandboxSupport
if (sandboxManager && sandboxManager != this)
* Called to inform clients that the the forwarding of mouseup and mousemove events from outside a security sandbox is no longer needed.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function endMouseCapture():void
var sandboxManager:ISandboxSupport = getInteractionHandler() as ISandboxSupport
if (sandboxManager && sandboxManager != this)
/** Client call to forward a mouseUp event from outside a security sandbox. Coordinates of the mouse up are not needed.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function mouseUpSomewhere(event:Event):void
/** Client call to forward a mouseMove event from outside a security sandbox. Coordinates of the mouse move are not needed.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function mouseMoveSomewhere(event:Event):void
return; // do nothing right now
// What'd I hit???
private function hitOnMyFlowExceptLastContainer(event:MouseEvent):Boolean
if ( is TextLine)
var tfl:TextFlowLine = TextLine( as TextFlowLine;
if (tfl)
var para:ParagraphElement = tfl.paragraph;
if(para.getTextFlow() == textFlow)
return true;
else if ( is Sprite)
// skip the last container in the chain
for (var idx:int = 0; idx < textFlow.flowComposer.numControllers-1; idx++)
if (textFlow.flowComposer.getControllerAt(idx).container ==
return true;
return false;
* Processes the <code>MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE</code> event when the client manages events.
* @param event The MouseEvent object.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @see MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE
public function mouseMoveHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
if (interactionManager && !event.isDefaultPrevented())
// only autoscroll if we haven't hit something on the stage related to this particular TextFlow
if (event.buttonDown && !hitOnMyFlowExceptLastContainer(event))
autoScrollIfNecessary(event.stageX, event.stageY);
/** @private */
tlf_internal function rootMouseMoveHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
/** Processes the <code>MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK</code> event when the client manages events.
* @param event The MouseEvent object.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @includeExample examples\ -noswf
* @see MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK
public function mouseDoubleClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
if (interactionManager && !event.isDefaultPrevented())
// grab the focus - alternative is to listen to keyevents on the Application
// is this necessary?
if ( interactionManager.hasSelection())
/** Give focus to the text container. @private */
tlf_internal function setFocus():void
//trace("setFocus container", id);
if (_container.stage)
_container.stage.focus = _container;
/** @private */
tlf_internal function getContainerController(container:DisplayObject):ContainerController
while (container)
var flowComposer:IFlowComposer = flowComposer;
for (var i:int = 0; i < flowComposer.numControllers; i++)
var controller:ContainerController = flowComposer.getControllerAt(i);
if (controller.container == container)
return controller;
container = container.parent;
catch (e:Error)
{ }
return null;
* Processes the <code>FocusEvent.KEY_FOCUS_CHANGE</code> and <code>FocusEvent.MOUSE_FOCUS_CHANGE</code> events
* when the client manages events.
* @param event The FocusEvent object.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @see FocusEvent.KEY_FOCUS_CHANGE
* @see FocusEvent.MOUSE_FOCUS_CHANGE
public function focusChangeHandler(event:FocusEvent):void
// Figure out which controllers, if any, correspond to the DisplayObjects passed in the event.
// Disallow the focus change if it comes back to this controller again -- this prevents
// a focusOut followed by a focusIn, which we would otherwise get after clicking in the
// container that already has focus.
// This is the controller that currently has the focus
var focusController:ContainerController = getContainerController(DisplayObject(;
// This is the controller that is about to get the focus
var newFocusController:ContainerController = getContainerController(event.relatedObject);
/*trace("focusChange from controller",
focusController is ContainerControllerBase ? ContainerControllerBase(focusController).id : "unknownType",
newFocusController is ContainerControllerBase ? ContainerControllerBase(newFocusController).id : "unknownType");
if (newFocusController == focusController)
// trace("prevent focus change");
/** Processes the <code>FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN</code> event when the client manages events.
* @param event The FocusEvent object.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @includeExample examples\ -noswf
* @see FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN
public function focusInHandler(event:FocusEvent):void
var blinkRate:int = 0;
// trace("container", id, "focusIn");
if (interactionManager)
if (interactionManager.editingMode == EditingMode.READ_WRITE)
blinkRate = interactionManager.focusedSelectionFormat.pointBlinkRate;
/** @private - does whatever focusIn handling is required and cannot be overridden */
tlf_internal function requiredFocusInHandler(event:FocusEvent):void
// trace("ContainerController requiredFocusInHandler adding key handlers");
_container.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, getInteractionHandler().keyDownHandler);
_container.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, getInteractionHandler().keyUpHandler);
_container.addEventListener(FocusEvent.KEY_FOCUS_CHANGE, getInteractionHandler().keyFocusChangeHandler);
if (Configuration.playerEnablesSpicyFeatures && Configuration.hasTouchScreen)
_container.addEventListener("softKeyboardActivating", getInteractionHandler().softKeyboardActivatingHandler);
/** Processes the <code>FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT</code> event when the client manages events.
* @param event The FocusEvent object.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @see FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT
public function focusOutHandler(event:FocusEvent):void
if (interactionManager)
/** @private Does required focusOut handling. Calls focusOutHandler. @see #focusOutHandler */
tlf_internal function requiredFocusOutHandler(event:FocusEvent):void
// trace("ContainerController requiredFocusOutHandler removing key handlers");
_container.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, getInteractionHandler().keyDownHandler);
_container.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, getInteractionHandler().keyUpHandler);
_container.removeEventListener(FocusEvent.KEY_FOCUS_CHANGE, getInteractionHandler().keyFocusChangeHandler);
if (Configuration.playerEnablesSpicyFeatures && Configuration.hasTouchScreen)
_container.removeEventListener("softKeyboardActivating", getInteractionHandler().softKeyboardActivatingHandler);
/** Processes the <code>Event.ACTIVATE</code> event when the client manages events.
* @param event The Event object.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @includeExample examples\ -noswf
* @see Event.ACTIVATE
public function activateHandler(event:Event):void
if (interactionManager)
/** Processes the <code>Event.DEACTIVATE</code> event when the client manages events.
* @param event The Event object.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @see Event.DEACTIVATE
public function deactivateHandler(event:Event):void
if (interactionManager)
/** Processes the <code>KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN</code> event when the client manages events.
* @param The KeyboardEvent object.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @see KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN
public function keyDownHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void
if (interactionManager && !event.isDefaultPrevented())
/** Processes the <code>Keyboard.KEY_UP</code> event when the client manages events.
* @param event The KeyboardEvent object.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @includeExample examples\ -noswf
* @see KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP
public function keyUpHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void
if (interactionManager && !event.isDefaultPrevented())
/** Processes the <code>FocusEvent.KEY_FOCUS_CHANGE</code> event when the client manages events.
* @param event The FocusEvent object.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @see FocusEvent.KEY_FOCUS_CHANGE
public function keyFocusChangeHandler(event:FocusEvent):void
if (interactionManager)
/** Processes the <code>TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT</code> event when the client manages events.
* @param event The TextEvent object.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @includeExample examples\ -noswf
* @see TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT
public function textInputHandler(event:TextEvent):void
if (interactionManager && !event.isDefaultPrevented())
/** Processes the <code>SoftKeyboardEvent.SOFT_KEYBOARD_ACTIVATING</code> event when the client manages events.
* @param event The SoftKeyboardEvent object.
* @playerversion Flash 10.2
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function softKeyboardActivatingHandler(event:Event):void
if (interactionManager)
/** Processes the <code>IMEEvent.IME_START_COMPOSITION</code> event when the client manages events.
* @param event The IMEEvent object.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @see
public function imeStartCompositionHandler(event:IMEEvent):void
if (interactionManager)
* Processes the <code>ContextMenuEvent.MENU_SELECT</code> event when the client manages events.
* @param The ContextMenuEvent object.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @includeExample examples\ -noswf
* @see ContextMenuEvent.MENU_SELECT
public function menuSelectHandler(event:ContextMenuEvent):void
if (interactionManager)
var contextMenu:ContextMenu = _container.contextMenu;
if (contextMenu)
var cbItems:ContextMenuClipboardItems = contextMenu.clipboardItems;
cbItems.copy = false;
cbItems.cut = false;
cbItems.paste = false;
cbItems.selectAll = false;
cbItems.clear = false;
* Processes an edit event (CUT, COPY, PASTE, SELECT_ALL) when the client manages events.
* @param The Event object.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @includeExample examples\ -noswf
* @see Event
public function editHandler(event:Event):void
if (interactionManager && !event.isDefaultPrevented())
// re-enable context menu so following keyboard shortcuts will work
var contextMenu:ContextMenu = _container.contextMenu;
if (contextMenu)
contextMenu.clipboardItems.clear = true;
contextMenu.clipboardItems.copy = true;
contextMenu.clipboardItems.cut = true;
contextMenu.clipboardItems.paste = true;
contextMenu.clipboardItems.selectAll = true;
* Sets the range of selected text in a component implementing ITextSupport.
* If either of the arguments is out of bounds the selection should not be changed.
* Components which wish to support inline IME should call into this method.
* @param anchorIndex The zero-based index value of the character at the anchor end of the selection
* @param activeIndex The zero-based index value of the character at the active end of the selection.
* @playerversion Flash 10.0
* @langversion 3.0
public function selectRange(anchorIndex:int, activeIndex:int):void
if(interactionManager && interactionManager.editingMode != EditingMode.READ_ONLY)
interactionManager.selectRange(anchorIndex, activeIndex);
// Cursor blinking code
// TODO Want to evaluate whether there's a cleaner way to do this
private var blinkTimer:Timer;
private var blinkObject:DisplayObject;
* Starts a DisplayObject cursor blinking by changing its alpha value
* over time.
* @param obj The DisplayObject to use as the cursor.
private function startBlinkingCursor(obj:DisplayObject, blinkInterval:int):void
if (!blinkTimer)
blinkTimer = new Timer(blinkInterval,0);
blinkObject = obj;
blinkTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER,blinkTimerHandler, false, 0, true);
* Stops cursor from blinking
* @private
protected function stopBlinkingCursor():void
if (blinkTimer)
blinkObject = null;
private function blinkTimerHandler(event:TimerEvent):void
blinkObject.alpha = (blinkObject.alpha == 1.0) ? 0.0 : 1.0;
* Set the blink interval.
* @param intervalMS - number of microseconds between blinks
* @private
protected function setBlinkInterval(intervalMS:int):void
var blinkInterval:int = intervalMS;
if (blinkInterval == 0)
// turn off the blinking
if (blinkTimer)
if (blinkObject)
blinkObject.alpha = 1.0;
else if (blinkTimer)
blinkTimer.delay = blinkInterval;
if (blinkObject)
/** Draw the caret for a selection
* @param x x-location where caret is drawn
* @param y y-location where caret is drawn
* @param w width of caret
* @param h height of caret
* @private
tlf_internal function drawPointSelection(selFormat:SelectionFormat, x:Number,y:Number,w:Number,h:Number):void
var selObj:Shape = new Shape();
// Oh, this is ugly. If we are in right aligned text, and there is no padding, and the scrollRect is set,
// then in an empty line (or if the point is at the right edge of the line), the blinking cursor is not
// visible because it is clipped out. Move it in so we can see it.
if (_hasScrollRect)
if (effectiveBlockProgression == BlockProgression.TB)
if (x >= containerScrollRectRight)
x -= w;
else if (y >= containerScrollRectBottom)
y -= h;
CONFIG::debug { assert(interactionManager.activePosition == interactionManager.anchorPosition,"bad call to drawPointSelection"); };
// pixel snap - works for unscaled text - scaled text will have to accept fuzzy cursors,int(y),w,h);;
// make it blink. But we never blink unless the text is r/w
if (selFormat.pointBlinkRate != 0 && interactionManager.editingMode == EditingMode.READ_WRITE)
startBlinkingCursor(selObj, selFormat.pointBlinkRate);
/** Add cell selection shapes to the displaylist. @private */
tlf_internal function addCellSelectionShapes(color:uint, tableBlock:TextFlowTableBlock, startCoords:CellCoordinates, endCoords:CellCoordinates): void
if(!startCoords.isValid() || !endCoords.isValid())
var cells:Vector.<TableCellElement> = tableBlock.getCellsInRange(startCoords,endCoords);
var selObj:Shape = new Shape();;
for each( var cell:TableCellElement in cells)
var row:TableRowElement = cell.getRow();
var r:Rectangle = new Rectangle(cell.x, cell.y + tableBlock.y, cell.width, row.composedHeight);,r.y,r.width,r.height);
* Add cell selection shapes to the displaylist.
* */
tlf_internal function addCellSelections(cells:Array, color:uint, tableBlock:TextFlowTableBlock): void
var shape:Shape = new Shape();;
for each(var cell:TableCellElement in cells) {
var row:TableRowElement = cell.getRow();
var rectangle:Rectangle = new Rectangle(cell.x, cell.y + tableBlock.y, cell.width, row.composedHeight);, rectangle.y, rectangle.width, rectangle.height);
/** Add selection shapes to the displaylist. @private */
tlf_internal function addSelectionShapes(selFormat:SelectionFormat, selectionAbsoluteStart:int, selectionAbsoluteEnd:int): void
if (!interactionManager || _textLength == 0 || selectionAbsoluteStart == -1 || selectionAbsoluteEnd == -1)
var prevLine:TextFlowLine;
var nextLine:TextFlowLine;
if (selectionAbsoluteStart != selectionAbsoluteEnd)
// adjust selectionAbsoluteStart and selectionAbsoluteEnd to be within this controller
var absoluteControllerStart:int = this.absoluteStart;
var absoluteControllerEnd:int = this.absoluteStart+this.textLength;
if (selectionAbsoluteStart < absoluteControllerStart)
selectionAbsoluteStart = absoluteControllerStart;
else if (selectionAbsoluteStart >= absoluteControllerEnd)
return; // nothing to do
// backup one so that
if (selectionAbsoluteEnd > absoluteControllerEnd)
selectionAbsoluteEnd = absoluteControllerEnd;
else if (selectionAbsoluteEnd < absoluteControllerStart)
return; // nothing to do
CONFIG::debug { assert(selectionAbsoluteStart <= selectionAbsoluteEnd,"addSelectionShapes: bad range"); }
CONFIG::debug { assert(selectionAbsoluteStart >= absoluteControllerStart,"addSelectionShapes: bad range"); }
CONFIG::debug { assert(selectionAbsoluteEnd <= absoluteControllerEnd,"addSelectionShapes: bad range"); }
var begLine:int = flowComposer.findLineIndexAtPosition(selectionAbsoluteStart);
var endLine:int = selectionAbsoluteStart == selectionAbsoluteEnd ? begLine : flowComposer.findLineIndexAtPosition(selectionAbsoluteEnd);
// watch for going past the end
if (endLine >= flowComposer.numLines)
endLine = flowComposer.numLines-1;
var selObj:Shape = new Shape();
prevLine = begLine ? flowComposer.getLineAt(begLine-1) : null;
var line:TextFlowLine = flowComposer.getLineAt(begLine);
for (var idx:int = begLine; idx <= endLine; idx++)
nextLine = idx != flowComposer.numLines - 1 ? flowComposer.getLineAt(idx+1) : null;
// 9-1-14 Harbs Do we draw a selection rect for tables? If yes, this needs special handling in TextFlowTableBlock
line.hiliteBlockSelection(selObj, selFormat, this._container,
selectionAbsoluteStart < line.absoluteStart ? line.absoluteStart : selectionAbsoluteStart,
selectionAbsoluteEnd > line.absoluteStart+line.textLength ? line.absoluteStart+line.textLength : selectionAbsoluteEnd, prevLine, nextLine);
var temp:TextFlowLine = line;
line = nextLine;
prevLine = temp;
var lineIdx:int = flowComposer.findLineIndexAtPosition(selectionAbsoluteStart);
// TODO: there is ambiguity - are we at the end of the currentLine or the beginning of the next one?
// however must stick to the end of the last line
if (lineIdx == flowComposer.numLines)
if (flowComposer.getLineAt(lineIdx).controller == this)
prevLine = lineIdx != 0 ? flowComposer.getLineAt(lineIdx-1) : null;
nextLine = lineIdx != flowComposer.numLines-1 ? flowComposer.getLineAt(lineIdx+1) : null
flowComposer.getLineAt(lineIdx).hilitePointSelection(selFormat, selectionAbsoluteStart, this._container, prevLine, nextLine);
/** Remove all selection shapes. @private */
tlf_internal function clearSelectionShapes(): void
var selectionSprite:DisplayObjectContainer = getSelectionSprite(false);
if (selectionSprite != null)
if (selectionSprite.parent)
while (selectionSprite.numChildren > 0)
/** Add a selection child. @private */
tlf_internal function addSelectionChild(child:DisplayObject):void
// If there's no selectionSprite on this controller, we use the parent's.
// That means we have to translate the coordinates.
// TODO: this only supports one level of nesting
var selectionSprite:DisplayObjectContainer = getSelectionSprite(true);
if (selectionSprite == null)
var selFormat:SelectionFormat = interactionManager.currentSelectionFormat;
var curBlendMode:String = (interactionManager.activePosition == interactionManager.anchorPosition) ? selFormat.pointBlendMode : selFormat.rangeBlendMode;
var curAlpha:Number = (interactionManager.activePosition == interactionManager.anchorPosition) ? selFormat.pointAlpha : selFormat.rangeAlpha;
if (selectionSprite.blendMode != curBlendMode)
selectionSprite.blendMode = curBlendMode;
if (selectionSprite.alpha != curAlpha)
selectionSprite.alpha = 1;//curAlpha; testing remove this
if (selectionSprite.numChildren == 0)
/** Test for a selection child. @private */
tlf_internal function containsSelectionChild(child:DisplayObject):Boolean
var selectionSprite:DisplayObjectContainer = getSelectionSprite(false);
if (selectionSprite == null)
return false;
return selectionSprite.contains(child);
/** @private */
tlf_internal function getBackgroundShape():Shape
_backgroundShape = new Shape();
return _backgroundShape;
/* CONFIG::debug private function containsFloats(textFlow:TextFlow):Boolean
if (textFlow)
for (var leaf:FlowLeafElement = textFlow.getFirstLeaf(); leaf != null; leaf = leaf.getNextLeaf())
if (leaf is InlineGraphicElement && InlineGraphicElement(leaf).float != Float.NONE)
return true;
return false;
} */
/** @private */
tlf_internal function getEffectivePaddingLeft():Number
{ return computedFormat.paddingLeft == FormatValue.AUTO ? computedFormat.borderLeftWidth + computedFormat.marginLeft : computedFormat.paddingLeft + computedFormat.borderLeftWidth + computedFormat.marginLeft; }
/** @private */
tlf_internal function getEffectivePaddingRight():Number
{ return computedFormat.paddingRight == FormatValue.AUTO ? computedFormat.borderRightWidth + computedFormat.marginRight : computedFormat.paddingRight + computedFormat.borderRightWidth + computedFormat.marginRight; }
/** @private */
tlf_internal function getEffectivePaddingTop():Number
{ return computedFormat.paddingTop == FormatValue.AUTO ? computedFormat.borderTopWidth + computedFormat.marginTop : computedFormat.paddingTop + computedFormat.borderTopWidth + computedFormat.marginTop; }
/** @private */
tlf_internal function getEffectivePaddingBottom():Number
{ return computedFormat.paddingBottom == FormatValue.AUTO ? computedFormat.borderBottomWidth + computedFormat.marginBottom : computedFormat.paddingBottom + computedFormat.borderBottomWidth + computedFormat.marginBottom; }
/** @private */
tlf_internal function getTotalPaddingLeft():Number
{ return getEffectivePaddingLeft() + (_rootElement ? _rootElement.getEffectivePaddingLeft() : 0); }
/** @private */
tlf_internal function getTotalPaddingRight():Number
{ return getEffectivePaddingRight() + (_rootElement ? _rootElement.getEffectivePaddingRight() : 0); }
/** @private */
tlf_internal function getTotalPaddingTop():Number
{ return getEffectivePaddingTop() + (_rootElement ? _rootElement.getEffectivePaddingTop() : 0); }
/** @private */
tlf_internal function getTotalPaddingBottom():Number
{ return getEffectivePaddingBottom() + (_rootElement ? _rootElement.getEffectivePaddingBottom() : 0); }
private var _selectionSprite:Sprite;
/** @private */
tlf_internal function getSelectionSprite(createForDrawing:Boolean):DisplayObjectContainer
if (createForDrawing)
if (_selectionSprite == null)
_selectionSprite = new Sprite();
_selectionSprite.mouseEnabled = false;
_selectionSprite.mouseChildren = false;
return _selectionSprite;
static private function createContainerControllerInitialFormat():ITextLayoutFormat
var ccif:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
ccif.columnCount = FormatValue.INHERIT;
ccif.columnGap = FormatValue.INHERIT;
ccif.columnWidth = FormatValue.INHERIT;
ccif.verticalAlign = FormatValue.INHERIT;
return ccif;
static private var _containerControllerInitialFormat:ITextLayoutFormat = createContainerControllerInitialFormat();
* @private
* Specifies the initial format (ITextLayoutFormat instance) for a new ContainerController. The runtime
* applies this to the format property of all new containers on creation.
* By default, sets the column format values to "inherit"; all other format values are inherited.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @see flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow TextFlow
static public function get containerControllerInitialFormat():ITextLayoutFormat
{ return _containerControllerInitialFormat; }
static public function set containerControllerInitialFormat(val:ITextLayoutFormat):void
{ _containerControllerInitialFormat = val; }
/** @private */
protected function get attachTransparentBackground():Boolean
{ return true; }
/** @private */
tlf_internal function clearCompositionResults():void
for each (var line:* in _shapeChildren)
if(line is TextLine)
removeTextLine(line as TextLine);
removeTableBlock(line as TableBlockContainer);
CONFIG::debug { Debugging.traceFTECall(null,_container,"removeTextLine",line); }
_shapeChildren.length = 0;
_linesInView.length = 0;
if (_floatsInContainer)
_floatsInContainer.length = 0;
if (_composedFloats)
_composedFloats.length = 0;
// trace("clear composedFloats for container", flowComposer ? flowComposer.getControllerIndex(this) : 0);
private static var scratchRectangle:Rectangle = new Rectangle();
private function intersperseTableBlocks(targetArray:Array):void{
if(_tableBlocksInView.length == 0)
var blockIdx:int = 0;
var startLoc:int = (_tableBlocksInView[0] as TableBlockContainer).userData.parentTable.getAbsoluteStart();
for(var i:int=0;i<targetArray.length;i++){
if( targetArray[i].userData.absoluteStart < startLoc )
if(blockIdx == _tableBlocksInView.length)
while(blockIdx < _tableBlocksInView.length)
/** Add DisplayObjects that were created by composition to the container. @private */
tlf_internal function updateCompositionShapes():void
// reclamp vertical/horizontal scrollposition - addresses Watson 2380962
var originalYScroll:Number = _yScroll;
if (verticalScrollPolicy != ScrollPolicy.OFF && !_measureHeight)
_yScroll = computeVerticalScrollPosition(_yScroll,false);
var originalXScroll:Number = _xScroll;
if (horizontalScrollPolicy != ScrollPolicy.OFF && !_measureWidth)
_xScroll = computeHorizontalScrollPosition(_xScroll,false);
var scrolled:Boolean = (originalYScroll != _yScroll || originalXScroll != _xScroll); // true if scroll values were changed - we need to notify in this case
// If we've scrolled, force all lines to be regathered since lines may now be in view that
// previously were not.
if (scrolled)
_linesInView.length = 0;
// Post all the new TextLines to the display list, and remove any old TextLines left from last time. Do this
// in a non-destructive way so that lines that have not been changed are not touched. This reduces redraw time.
var newShapeChildren:Array = _linesInView;
// Add in table blocks
var childIdx:int = getFirstTextLineChildIndex(); // index where the first text line must appear at in its container
var newIdx:int = 0; // offset into newShapeChildren
var shapeChildrenStartIdx:int = 0; // starting offset into shapeChildren
// If we composed starting at the middle of the container, then _linesInView will contain only the lines that were
// in view and changed. In that case, we want to skip the lines in the beginning that weren't changed, and start
// the iteration from the point where the new lines start. So we get the first new line, go back one, and find where
// we are in the old list. If the line before the first new line was not displayed before, thenwe start from the
// beginning as usual. This can happen if we're scrolled forward, and then edit the first visible line.
if (_updateStart > absoluteStart && newShapeChildren.length > 0)
var firstLine:TextFlowLine = TextFlowLine(newShapeChildren[0].userData);
var prevLine:TextFlowLine = flowComposer.findLineAtPosition(firstLine.absoluteStart - 1);
if(prevLine is TextFlowTableBlock){
shapeChildrenStartIdx = _shapeChildren.indexOf((prevLine as TextFlowTableBlock).container);
} else {
var prevTextLine:TextLine = prevLine.peekTextLine();
shapeChildrenStartIdx = _shapeChildren.indexOf(prevTextLine);
if (shapeChildrenStartIdx >= 0)
childIdx += shapeChildrenStartIdx;
shapeChildrenStartIdx = 0;
var oldIdx:int = shapeChildrenStartIdx; // offset into shapeChildren
while (newIdx != newShapeChildren.length)
var newChild:* = newShapeChildren[newIdx];
if (newChild == _shapeChildren[oldIdx])
// Same shape is in both lists, no change necessary, advance to next item in each list
CONFIG::debug { assert(newChild.parent == _container, "updateCompositionShapes expected line was already a child of the container"); }
if(newChild is TableBlockContainer)
// update the contents in case cells were added or removed. (There might be a more efficient way to do this, but this works.)
(newChild as TableBlockContainer).userData.updateCompositionShapes();
var newChildIdx:int = _shapeChildren.indexOf(newChild);
if(newChild is TextLine){
if (newChildIdx == -1)
// Shape is in the new list, but not in the old list, add it to the display list at the current location, and advance to next item
addTextLine((newChild as TextLine), childIdx++);
CONFIG::debug { Debugging.traceFTECall(null,_container,"addTextLine",newChild); }
// The shape is on both lists, but there are several intervening "old" shapes in between. We'll remove the old shapes that
// come before the new one we want to insert.
removeAndRecycleTextLines (oldIdx, newChildIdx);
oldIdx = newChildIdx;
} else {// it's a table block
if (newChildIdx == -1)
// Shape is in the new list, but not in the old list, add it to the display list at the current location, and advance to next item
addTableBlock((newChild as TableBlockContainer), childIdx++);
CONFIG::debug { Debugging.traceFTECall(null,_container,"addTableBlock",newChild); }
// The shape is on both lists, but there are several intervening "old" shapes in between. We'll remove the old shapes that
// come before the new one we want to insert.
(newChild as TableBlockContainer).userData.updateCompositionShapes();
removeAndRecycleTextLines (oldIdx, newChildIdx);
oldIdx = newChildIdx;
// remove any trailing children no longer displayed
removeAndRecycleTextLines (oldIdx, _shapeChildren.length);
// Update shapeChildren to reflect all these changes
if (shapeChildrenStartIdx > 0)
// We only updated some of the lines. Remove the old versions off the end, and add in the new ones from _linesInView
_shapeChildren.length = shapeChildrenStartIdx; // truncate
//_shapeChildren = _shapeChildren.concat(_linesInView); // append _linesInView to end of _shapeChildren
_shapeChildren = _shapeChildren.concat(newShapeChildren); // append _linesInView to end of _shapeChildren
_linesInView.length = 0; // truncate
{ // We updated all of the lines.
_linesInView = _shapeChildren; // move the old array over to _linesInView, so we reuse its storage
_linesInView.length = 0;
_shapeChildren = newShapeChildren;
if ((_floatsInContainer && _floatsInContainer.length > 0) || (_composedFloats && _composedFloats.length > 0))
shapesInvalid = false;
// _textFrame.updateVisibleRectangle(this._visibleRect);
var tf:TextFlow = this.textFlow;
// Set the Ctrl key condition
var needsCtrlKey:Boolean = (interactionManager != null && interactionManager.editingMode == EditingMode.READ_WRITE);
// Generate the hit test area for the LinkElements of the visible lines
var firstVisibleLine:TextFlowLine = getFirstVisibleLine();
var lastVisibleLine:TextFlowLine = getLastVisibleLine();
scratchRectangle.left = _contentLeft; = _contentTop;
scratchRectangle.width = _contentWidth;
scratchRectangle.height = _contentHeight;
_mouseEventManager.updateHitTests(effectiveBlockProgression == BlockProgression.RL && _hasScrollRect ? _contentWidth : 0,
scratchRectangle, tf,
firstVisibleLine ? firstVisibleLine.absoluteStart : _absoluteStart,
lastVisibleLine ? lastVisibleLine.absoluteStart + lastVisibleLine.textLength - 1 : _absoluteStart,
_updateStart = _rootElement.textLength;
// If we're measuring, then the measurement values may have changed since last time.
// Force the transparent background to redraw, so that mouse events will work for the
// entire content area.
if (_measureWidth || _measureHeight)
if (tf.backgroundManager)
// If we updated the scroll values, we need to send an event
if (scrolled && tf.hasEventListener(TextLayoutEvent.SCROLL))
if (originalYScroll != _yScroll)
tf.dispatchEvent(new ScrollEvent(TextLayoutEvent.SCROLL, false, false, ScrollEventDirection.VERTICAL, _yScroll - originalYScroll));
if (originalXScroll != _xScroll)
tf.dispatchEvent(new ScrollEvent(TextLayoutEvent.SCROLL, false, false, ScrollEventDirection.HORIZONTAL, _xScroll - originalXScroll));
if (tf.hasEventListener(UpdateCompleteEvent.UPDATE_COMPLETE))
tf.dispatchEvent(new UpdateCompleteEvent(UpdateCompleteEvent.UPDATE_COMPLETE,false,false,tf, this));
// CONFIG::debug { validateLines(); }
CONFIG::debug private function updateGraphicsCheck(previousGraphics:Array):void
var graphicDisplayObject:DisplayObject;
var flowComposer:IFlowComposer = textFlow.flowComposer;
// correctness check
// iterate all graphics
// for each one: is it visible?
// if so, it should be a descendent of the container
// if not, it should NOT be a descendent of the container
// iterate all graphics previously visible
// for each one: is it in the composedGraphics list?
// if not, it should NOT be a descendent of the container
for each (graphicDisplayObject in previousGraphics)
if (getIndexOfFloat(graphicDisplayObject) < 0)
assert(!container.contains(graphicDisplayObject), "Previously visible graphic should have been removed from display list");
// Calculate the last possible anchor position for a visible float. The float can't be past the line *after* the last line.
// In case that's an uncomposed line with the entire rest of the TextFlow in it, we cap what we'll look at to 2000 chars
// past the last visible line end. This keeps us from iterating forever in a long text flow.
// var followingLineIndex:int = flowComposer.findLineIndexAtPosition(lastVisiblePosition) + 1;
var firstLine:TextFlowLine = getFirstVisibleLine();
var lastLine:TextFlowLine = getLastVisibleLine();
var firstVisiblePosition:int = firstLine ? firstLine.absoluteStart : this.absoluteStart;
var lastVisiblePosition:int = lastLine ? lastLine.absoluteStart + lastLine.textLength : this.absoluteStart + textLength;
var followingLine:TextFlowLine = flowComposer.findLineAtPosition(lastVisiblePosition);
var lastPossibleFloatPosition:int = followingLine ? followingLine.absoluteStart + followingLine.textLength : this.absoluteStart + textLength;
lastPossibleFloatPosition = Math.min(lastPossibleFloatPosition, this.absoluteStart + textLength);
lastPossibleFloatPosition = Math.min(lastPossibleFloatPosition, lastVisiblePosition + 2000);
lastPossibleFloatPosition = Math.min(lastPossibleFloatPosition, flowComposer.damageAbsoluteStart);
CONFIG::debug { assert(lastPossibleFloatPosition <= this.absoluteStart + textLength, "Expected lastPossibleFloatPosition to be before end of container"); }
// Get visible area
var wmode:String = effectiveBlockProgression;
var width:Number = _measureWidth ? _contentWidth : _compositionWidth;
var height:Number = _measureHeight ? _contentHeight : _compositionHeight;
var adjustX:Number = (wmode == BlockProgression.RL) ? _xScroll - width : _xScroll;
var adjustY:Number = _yScroll;
var numGraphics:int = _composedFloats.length;
for (var graphicIndex:int = 0; graphicIndex < numGraphics; ++graphicIndex)
var floatInfo:FloatCompositionData = _composedFloats[graphicIndex];
graphicDisplayObject = floatInfo.graphic;
var shouldDisplayGraphic:Boolean;
if (!graphicDisplayObject)
shouldDisplayGraphic = false;
if (floatInfo.floatType == Float.NONE)
shouldDisplayGraphic = floatInfo.absolutePosition >= firstVisiblePosition && floatInfo.absolutePosition < lastVisiblePosition;
shouldDisplayGraphic = floatIsVisible(wmode, adjustX, adjustY, width, height, floatInfo) && floatInfo.absolutePosition < lastPossibleFloatPosition && floatInfo.absolutePosition >= this.absoluteStart;
if (shouldDisplayGraphic)
assert(shouldDisplayGraphic == container.contains(graphicDisplayObject),
shouldDisplayGraphic ? "Graphic should be in view, but is not a descendent of the container" : "Graphic should not be in view, but is a descendent of the container");
tlf_internal function updateGraphics(updateStart:int):void
var inlineHolder:DisplayObjectContainer;
var visibleFloats:Array = [];
// If we have new floats that have been composed into container, we add them here.
// Also, we remove any that are no longer in the container. Only change those
// floats that are within the area that was recomposed.
var floatInfo:FloatCompositionData;
var float:DisplayObject;
var firstLine:TextFlowLine = getFirstVisibleLine();
var lastLine:TextFlowLine = getLastVisibleLine();
var firstVisiblePosition:int = firstLine ? firstLine.absoluteStart : this.absoluteStart;
var lastVisiblePosition:int = lastLine ? lastLine.absoluteStart + lastLine.textLength : this.absoluteStart + textLength;
// Calculate the last possible anchor position for a visible float. The float can't be past the line *after* the last line.
// In case that's an uncomposed line with the entire rest of the TextFlow in it, we cap what we'll look at to 2000 chars
// past the last visible line end. This keeps us from iterating forever in a long text flow.
// var followingLineIndex:int = flowComposer.findLineIndexAtPosition(lastVisiblePosition) + 1;
var followingLine:TextFlowLine = flowComposer.findLineAtPosition(lastVisiblePosition);
var lastPossibleFloatPosition:int = followingLine ? followingLine.absoluteStart + followingLine.textLength : this.absoluteStart + textLength;
lastPossibleFloatPosition = Math.min(lastPossibleFloatPosition, this.absoluteStart + textLength);
lastPossibleFloatPosition = Math.min(lastPossibleFloatPosition, lastVisiblePosition + 2000);
lastPossibleFloatPosition = Math.min(lastPossibleFloatPosition, flowComposer.damageAbsoluteStart);
CONFIG::debug { assert(lastPossibleFloatPosition <= this.absoluteStart + textLength, "Expected lastPossibleFloatPosition to be before end of container"); }
// Get visible area
var wmode:String = effectiveBlockProgression;
var width:Number = _measureWidth ? _contentWidth : _compositionWidth;
var height:Number = _measureHeight ? _contentHeight : _compositionHeight;
var adjustX:Number = (wmode == BlockProgression.RL) ? _xScroll - width : _xScroll;
var adjustY:Number = _yScroll;
var floatIndex:int = findFloatIndexAtOrAfter(updateStart);
var containerListIndex:int = 0;
var childIdx:int = getFirstTextLineChildIndex(); // index where the first text line must appear at in its container
if (floatIndex > 0)
// starting from the middle, need to skip over the initial entries already in the
// container list that are not being changed. Add them to the list of visible graphics, so they don't get dropped off.
floatInfo = _composedFloats[floatIndex - 1];
containerListIndex = _floatsInContainer.indexOf(floatInfo.graphic);
while (containerListIndex == -1 && floatIndex > 0)
// Graphic anchor point appears earlier in the text, but the float isn't (or wasn't previously) visible
floatInfo = _composedFloats[floatIndex];
containerListIndex = _floatsInContainer.indexOf(floatInfo.graphic);
CONFIG::debug { assert(containerListIndex >= 0, "Can't find previously visible float"); }
for (var m:int = 0; m < floatIndex; ++m)
CONFIG::debug { assert(_composedFloats[m].absolutePosition >= this.absoluteStart, "Found float from previous container"); }
if (_composedFloats[m].absolutePosition >= this.absoluteStart)
var firstContainerListIndex:int = containerListIndex;
if (!_floatsInContainer)
_floatsInContainer = [];
var numContainerList:int = _floatsInContainer.length;
var oldChanges:Array = [];
var visibleAtEnd:Array = [];
oldUpdateGraphics(_updateStart, oldChanges, visibleAtEnd);
var changeIndex:int = 0;
var originalAlgorithmChange:Array;
var matrix:Matrix;
var oldMatrix:Matrix;
var changes:Array = [];
// Add in the floats from the last compose, at the composed location
var numFloats:int = _composedFloats.length;
for (; floatIndex < numFloats; )
floatInfo = _composedFloats[floatIndex];
float = floatInfo.graphic;
var parent:DisplayObjectContainer = floatInfo.parent;
var shouldDisplayGraphic:Boolean;
if (!float)
shouldDisplayGraphic = false;
if (floatInfo.floatType == Float.NONE)
shouldDisplayGraphic = floatInfo.absolutePosition >= firstVisiblePosition && floatInfo.absolutePosition < lastVisiblePosition;
shouldDisplayGraphic = floatIsVisible(wmode, adjustX, adjustY, width, height, floatInfo) && floatInfo.absolutePosition < lastPossibleFloatPosition && floatInfo.absolutePosition >= this.absoluteStart;
if (!shouldDisplayGraphic) // skip to the next
// Float may be after the last visible line and still visible if it is anchored to the following line because it was too wide for the column,
// so we don't stop iterating until we've gone at least one line past the last visible line.
if (floatInfo.absolutePosition >= lastPossibleFloatPosition)
// If we had to remove some no-longer visible graphics, we might have already gone past this graphic before. Only add once.
if (visibleFloats.indexOf(float) < 0)
// If it's an inline, the TextLine in the FloatCompositionData may have been replaced. Check for this and get a new line if necessary.
if (floatInfo.floatType == Float.NONE)
// Check to see if the TextLine has changed
var tl:TextLine = parent as TextLine;
if (tl)
var tfl:TextFlowLine = tl.userData as TextFlowLine;
if (!tfl || floatInfo.absolutePosition < tfl.absoluteStart || floatInfo.absolutePosition >= tfl.absoluteStart + tfl.textLength || tl.parent == null || tl.validity == TextLineValidity.INVALID)
// TextLine doesn't match TextFlowLine -- refetch the TextLine
tfl = flowComposer.findLineAtPosition(floatInfo.absolutePosition);
for (var i:int = 0; i < _shapeChildren.length; i++)
if ((_shapeChildren[i] as TextLine).userData == tfl) // if this is coded into the loop condition we get a warning
parent = (i < _shapeChildren.length) ? _shapeChildren[i] : null;
inlineHolder = float.parent;
// Float is already visible in the right place in the z-order, leave it but update its position
if (containerListIndex < numContainerList && floatInfo.parent == _container && inlineHolder && inlineHolder.parent == _container && float == _floatsInContainer[containerListIndex])
if (floatInfo.matrix)
inlineHolder.transform.matrix = floatInfo.matrix;
inlineHolder.x = 0;
inlineHolder.y = 0;
inlineHolder.alpha = floatInfo.alpha;
inlineHolder.x += floatInfo.x;
inlineHolder.y += floatInfo.y;
CONFIG::debug { assert(inlineHolder.contains(float), "expected float is already in display list"); }
CONFIG::debug { changes.push(["update", floatInfo.absolutePosition, inlineHolder.transform.matrix ? inlineHolder.transform.matrix.clone() : null, inlineHolder.alpha, inlineHolder.x, inlineHolder.y]); }
var index:int = _floatsInContainer.indexOf(float);
if (index > containerListIndex && parent == _container) // it's in the existing list, but not yet, remove the old items from the container
var floatToRemove:DisplayObject = _floatsInContainer[containerListIndex++];
if (floatToRemove.parent)
CONFIG::debug { changes.push(["remove", getIndexOfFloat(floatToRemove), floatToRemove, "going to add float", floatToRemove.parent.parent is TextLine ? "removing inline" : "removing float"]); }
removeInlineGraphicElement(floatInfo.parent, floatToRemove.parent);
if (containerListIndex < numContainerList && float == _floatsInContainer[containerListIndex]) // it was previously a Float.NONE; so we don't want to remove it later
inlineHolder = new Sprite();
if (floatInfo.matrix)
inlineHolder.transform.matrix = floatInfo.matrix;
inlineHolder.alpha = floatInfo.alpha;
inlineHolder.x += floatInfo.x;
inlineHolder.y += floatInfo.y;
CONFIG::debug { changes.push(["add", floatInfo.absolutePosition, parent, parent == _container ? childIdx : 0,
inlineHolder.transform.matrix ? inlineHolder.transform.matrix.clone() : null, inlineHolder.alpha, inlineHolder.x, inlineHolder.y]); }
if (parent == _container) // it's float - add to container
childIdx = Math.min(childIdx, _container.numChildren);
addInlineGraphicElement(_container, inlineHolder, childIdx++);
else // it's an inline - add to TextLine
addInlineGraphicElement(parent, inlineHolder, 0);
while (containerListIndex < _floatsInContainer.length) // remove trailing items
float = _floatsInContainer[containerListIndex++];
if (float.parent && visibleFloats.indexOf(float) < 0)
CONFIG::debug { changes.push(["remove", getIndexOfFloat(float), float, "removeTrailing", float.parent is TextLine ? "removing inline" : "removing float"]); }
removeInlineGraphicElement(float.parent.parent, float.parent);
CONFIG::debug { updateGraphicsCheck(_floatsInContainer); }
// Update the container list
_floatsInContainer = visibleFloats;
// CONFIG::debug { compareUpdateGraphicsResults(changes, oldChanges, _floatsInContainer, visibleAtEnd); }
tlf_internal function updateGraphics(updateStart:int):void
var inlineHolder:DisplayObjectContainer;
var visibleFloats:Array = [];
// If we have new floats that have been composed into container, we add them here.
// Also, we remove any that are no longer in the container. Only change those
// floats that are within the area that was recomposed.
var floatInfo:FloatCompositionData;
var float:DisplayObject;
var firstLine:TextFlowLine = getFirstVisibleLine();
var lastLine:TextFlowLine = getLastVisibleLine();
var firstVisiblePosition:int = firstLine ? firstLine.absoluteStart : this.absoluteStart;
var lastVisiblePosition:int = lastLine ? lastLine.absoluteStart + lastLine.textLength : this.absoluteStart + textLength;
// Calculate the last possible anchor position for a visible float. The float can't be past the line *after* the last line.
// In case that's an uncomposed line with the entire rest of the TextFlow in it, we cap what we'll look at to 2000 chars
// past the last visible line end. This keeps us from iterating forever in a long text flow.
// var followingLineIndex:int = flowComposer.findLineIndexAtPosition(lastVisiblePosition) + 1;
var followingLine:TextFlowLine = flowComposer.findLineAtPosition(lastVisiblePosition);
var lastPossibleFloatPosition:int = followingLine ? followingLine.absoluteStart + followingLine.textLength : this.absoluteStart + textLength;
lastPossibleFloatPosition = Math.min(lastPossibleFloatPosition, this.absoluteStart + textLength);
lastPossibleFloatPosition = Math.min(lastPossibleFloatPosition, lastVisiblePosition + 2000);
lastPossibleFloatPosition = Math.min(lastPossibleFloatPosition, flowComposer.damageAbsoluteStart);
CONFIG::debug { assert(lastPossibleFloatPosition <= this.absoluteStart + textLength, "Expected lastPossibleFloatPosition to be before end of container"); }
// Get visible area
var wmode:String = effectiveBlockProgression;
var width:Number = _measureWidth ? _contentWidth : _compositionWidth;
var height:Number = _measureHeight ? _contentHeight : _compositionHeight;
var adjustX:Number = (wmode == BlockProgression.RL) ? _xScroll - width : _xScroll;
var adjustY:Number = _yScroll;
var floatIndex:int = findFloatIndexAtOrAfter(updateStart);
var containerListIndex:int = 0;
var childIdx:int = getFirstTextLineChildIndex(); // index where the first text line must appear at in its container
if (floatIndex > 0)
// starting from the middle, need to skip over the initial entries already in the
// container list that are not being changed. Add them to the list of visible graphics, so they don't get dropped off.
floatInfo = _composedFloats[floatIndex - 1];
containerListIndex = _floatsInContainer.indexOf(floatInfo.graphic);
while (containerListIndex == -1 && floatIndex > 0)
// Graphic anchor point appears earlier in the text, but the float isn't (or wasn't previously) visible
floatInfo = _composedFloats[floatIndex - 1];
containerListIndex = _floatsInContainer.indexOf(floatInfo.graphic);
CONFIG::debug { assert(containerListIndex != -1, "Can't find previously visible float"); }
for (var m:int = 0; m < floatIndex; ++m)
CONFIG::debug { assert(_composedFloats[m].absolutePosition >= this.absoluteStart, "Found float from previous container"); }
if (_composedFloats[m].absolutePosition >= this.absoluteStart)
var firstContainerListIndex:int = containerListIndex;
if (!_floatsInContainer)
_floatsInContainer = [];
var numContainerList:int = _floatsInContainer.length;
var oldChanges:Array = [];
var visibleAtEnd:Array = [];
oldUpdateGraphics(_updateStart, oldChanges, visibleAtEnd);
var changeIndex:int = 0;
var originalAlgorithmChange:Array;
var matrix:Matrix;
var oldMatrix:Matrix;
var changes:Array = [];
// Add in the floats from the last compose, at the composed location
var numFloats:int = _composedFloats.length;
for (; floatIndex < numFloats; )
floatInfo = _composedFloats[floatIndex];
float = floatInfo.graphic;
var parent:DisplayObjectContainer = floatInfo.parent;
var shouldDisplayGraphic:Boolean;
if (!float)
shouldDisplayGraphic = false;
if (floatInfo.floatType == Float.NONE)
shouldDisplayGraphic = floatInfo.absolutePosition >= firstVisiblePosition && floatInfo.absolutePosition < lastVisiblePosition;
shouldDisplayGraphic = floatIsVisible(wmode, adjustX, adjustY, width, height, floatInfo) && floatInfo.absolutePosition < lastPossibleFloatPosition && floatInfo.absolutePosition >= this.absoluteStart;
if (!shouldDisplayGraphic) // skip to the next
// Float may be after the last visible line and still visible if it is anchored to the following line because it was too wide for the column,
// so we don't stop iterating until we've gone at least one line past the last visible line.
if (floatInfo.absolutePosition >= lastPossibleFloatPosition)
// If we had to remove some no-longer visible graphics, we might have already gone past this graphic before. Only add once.
if (visibleFloats.indexOf(float) < 0)
// If it's an inline, the TextLine in the FloatCompositionData may have been replaced. Check for this and get a new line if necessary.
if (floatInfo.floatType == Float.NONE)
// Check to see if the TextLine has changed
var tl:TextLine = parent as TextLine;
if (tl)
var tfl:TextFlowLine = tl.userData as TextFlowLine;
if (!tfl || floatInfo.absolutePosition < tfl.absoluteStart || floatInfo.absolutePosition >= tfl.absoluteStart + tfl.textLength || tl.parent == null || tl.validity == TextLineValidity.INVALID)
// TextLine doesn't match TextFlowLine -- refetch the TextLine
tfl = flowComposer.findLineAtPosition(floatInfo.absolutePosition);
for (var i:int = 0; i < _shapeChildren.length; i++)
if ((_shapeChildren[i] as TextLine).userData == tfl) // if this is coded into the loop condition we get a warning
parent = (i < _shapeChildren.length) ? _shapeChildren[i] : null;
inlineHolder = float.parent;
// Float is already visible in the right place in the z-order, leave it but update its position
if (containerListIndex < numContainerList && floatInfo.parent == _container && inlineHolder && inlineHolder.parent == _container && float == _floatsInContainer[containerListIndex])
if (floatInfo.matrix)
inlineHolder.transform.matrix = floatInfo.matrix;
inlineHolder.x = 0;
inlineHolder.y = 0;
inlineHolder.alpha = floatInfo.alpha;
inlineHolder.x += floatInfo.x;
inlineHolder.y += floatInfo.y;
CONFIG::debug { assert(inlineHolder.contains(float), "expected float is already in display list"); }
CONFIG::debug { changes.push(["update", floatInfo.absolutePosition, inlineHolder.transform.matrix ? inlineHolder.transform.matrix.clone() : null, inlineHolder.alpha, inlineHolder.x, inlineHolder.y]); }
var index:int = _floatsInContainer.indexOf(float);
if (index > containerListIndex && parent == _container) // it's in the existing list, but not yet, remove the old items from the container
var floatToRemove:DisplayObject = _floatsInContainer[containerListIndex++];
if (floatToRemove.parent)
CONFIG::debug { changes.push(["remove", getIndexOfFloat(floatToRemove), floatToRemove, "going to add float", floatToRemove.parent.parent is TextLine ? "removing inline" : "removing float"]); }
removeInlineGraphicElement(_container, floatToRemove.parent);
if (containerListIndex < numContainerList && float == _floatsInContainer[containerListIndex]) // it was previously a Float.NONE; so we don't want to remove it later
inlineHolder = new Sprite();
if (floatInfo.matrix)
inlineHolder.transform.matrix = floatInfo.matrix;
inlineHolder.alpha = floatInfo.alpha;
inlineHolder.x += floatInfo.x;
inlineHolder.y += floatInfo.y;
CONFIG::debug { changes.push(["add", floatInfo.absolutePosition, parent, parent == _container ? childIdx : 0,
inlineHolder.transform.matrix ? inlineHolder.transform.matrix.clone() : null, inlineHolder.alpha, inlineHolder.x, inlineHolder.y]); }
if (parent == _container) // it's float - add to container
childIdx = Math.min(childIdx, _container.numChildren);
addInlineGraphicElement(_container, inlineHolder, childIdx++);
else // it's an inline - add to TextLine
addInlineGraphicElement(parent, inlineHolder, 0);
while (containerListIndex < _floatsInContainer.length) // remove trailing items
float = _floatsInContainer[containerListIndex++];
if (float.parent)
CONFIG::debug { changes.push(["remove", getIndexOfFloat(float), float, "removeTrailing", float.parent is TextLine ? "removing inline" : "removing float"]); }
removeInlineGraphicElement(_container, float.parent);
// Update the container list
_floatsInContainer = visibleFloats;
// CONFIG::debug { compareUpdateGraphicsResults(changes, oldChanges, _floatsInContainer, visibleAtEnd); }
private function floatIsVisible(wmode:String, scrollX:Number, scrollY:Number, scrollWidth:Number, scrollHeight:Number, floatInfo:FloatCompositionData):Boolean
var inlineGraphicElement:InlineGraphicElement = textFlow.findLeaf(floatInfo.absolutePosition) as InlineGraphicElement;
return (wmode == BlockProgression.TB) ?
(floatInfo.y + inlineGraphicElement.elementHeight >= scrollY) &&
(floatInfo.y <= scrollY + scrollHeight) :
(floatInfo.x + inlineGraphicElement.elementWidth >= scrollX) &&
(floatInfo.x <= scrollX + scrollWidth);
CONFIG::debug private function processResults(changes:Array):Array
var newProcessedResults:Array = [];
var newResults:Array;
for each (newResults in changes)
var i:int;
var result:Object = new Object();
result.absolutePosition = newResults[1];
result.state = newResults;
for (i = 0; i < newProcessedResults.length; ++i)
if (newProcessedResults[i].absolutePosition == newResults[1])
if (i < newProcessedResults.length)
newProcessedResults[i] = result;
return newProcessedResults;
CONFIG::debug private function compareUpdateGraphicsResults(newAlgorithmChanges:Array, originalAlgorithmChanges:Array, visibleFloats:Array, oldVisibleFloats:Array):void
// var newResults:Array;
var changeIndex:int = 0;
var oldMatrix:Matrix;
var matrix:Matrix;
var result:Object;
var newProcessedResults:Array = processResults(newAlgorithmChanges);
var oldProcessedResults:Array = processResults(originalAlgorithmChanges);
for each (result in newProcessedResults)
for (var i:int = 0; i < oldProcessedResults.length; ++i)
if (oldProcessedResults[i].absolutePosition == result.absolutePosition)
assert(i < oldProcessedResults.length, "Object at " + result.absolutePosition.toString() + "not changed by original algorithm is changed(" + result.state[0] + ") by new");
if (i < oldProcessedResults.length)
var oldResult:Object = oldProcessedResults[i];
var oldChanges:Array = oldResult.state;
var newChanges:Array = result.state;
assert (newChanges[0] == oldChanges[0], "New algorithm left object at " + newChanges[1].toString() + " in different state than old algorithm (now " + newChanges[0] + " was " + oldChanges[0]);
if (newChanges[0] != oldChanges[0])
switch (newChanges[0])
case 'update':
oldMatrix = oldChanges[2] as Matrix;
matrix = newChanges[2] as Matrix;
assert((matrix == null && oldMatrix == null) ||
(matrix.a == oldMatrix.a && matrix.b == oldMatrix.b &&
matrix.c == oldMatrix.c && matrix.d == oldMatrix.d &&
matrix.tx == oldMatrix.tx && matrix.ty == oldMatrix.ty), "Expected matrix of new alogorithm to match matrix of old");
assert(oldChanges[3] == newChanges[3], "Expected alpha of new alogirthm to match alpha of old");
assert(oldChanges[4] == newChanges[4], "Expected X of new alogirthm to match X of old on update");
assert(oldChanges[5] == newChanges[5], "Expected Y of new alogirthm to match Y of old on update");
case 'add':
assert(oldChanges[2] == newChanges[2], "After add new and old algorithm get different parent");
assert(oldChanges[3] == newChanges[3], "After add new and old algorithm get different child index");
matrix = oldChanges[4] as Matrix;
oldMatrix = newChanges[4] as Matrix;
assert((matrix == null && oldMatrix == null) ||
(matrix.a == oldMatrix.a && matrix.b == oldMatrix.b &&
matrix.c == oldMatrix.c && matrix.d == oldMatrix.d &&
matrix.tx == oldMatrix.tx && matrix.ty == oldMatrix.ty), "After add new and old algorithm get different matrix");
assert(oldChanges[5] == newChanges[5], "After add new and old algorithm get different alpha");
assert(oldChanges[6] == newChanges[6], "After add new and old algorithm get different X");
assert(oldChanges[7] == newChanges[7], "After add new and old algorithm get different Y");
case 'remove':
if (oldChanges[0] != "remove" && newChanges[3] == "going to add inline")
if (oldChanges[2] != newChanges[2])
for (var j:int = 0; j < oldProcessedResults.length; ++j)
if (oldProcessedResults[j].state[0] == "remove" && oldProcessedResults[j].state[2] == newChanges[2])
assert(j < oldProcessedResults.length, "Float at " + newChanges[1].toString() + " removed by new algorithm " + oldChanges[0] + " by the old");
var float:DisplayObject;
var floatPosition:int = -1;
for each (float in visibleFloats)
if (oldVisibleFloats.indexOf(float) < 0)
floatPosition = getIndexOfFloat(float);
assert (false, "new algorithm _floatsInContainer has visible graphic at " + floatPosition.toString() + " not in old algorithm in container " + flowComposer.getControllerIndex(this).toString());
for each (float in oldVisibleFloats)
if (visibleFloats.indexOf(float) < 0)
floatPosition = getIndexOfFloat(float);
assert (false, "old algorithm _floatsInContainer has visible graphic at " + floatPosition.toString() + " not in new algorithm" + flowComposer.getControllerIndex(this).toString());
CONFIG::debug private function getIndexOfFloat(float:DisplayObject):int
var floatPosition:int = -1;
for (var m:int = 0; m < _composedFloats.length; m++)
if (_composedFloats[m].graphic == float)
floatPosition = _composedFloats[m].absolutePosition;
return floatPosition;
// Add or remove graphis (floats or regular inlines) from the display list
CONFIG::debug private function oldUpdateGraphics(updateStart:int, changes:Array, visibleAtEnd:Array):void
var inlineHolder:DisplayObjectContainer;
// If we have new floats that have been composed into container, we add them here.
// Also, we remove any that are no longer in the container. Only change those
// floats that are within the area that was recomposed.
var floatInfo:FloatCompositionData;
var firstLine:TextFlowLine = getFirstVisibleLine();
var lastLine:TextFlowLine = getLastVisibleLine();
var firstVisiblePosition:int = firstLine ? firstLine.absoluteStart : this.absoluteStart;
var lastVisiblePosition:int = lastLine ? lastLine.absoluteStart + lastLine.textLength : this.absoluteStart + textLength;
var floatIndex:int = findFloatIndexAtOrAfter(updateStart);
var lastFloatIndex:int = findFloatIndexAtOrAfter(lastVisiblePosition);
var containerListIndex:int = 0;
var childIdx:int = getFirstTextLineChildIndex(); // index where the first text line must appear at in its container
if (floatIndex > 0)
// starting from the middle, need to skip over the initial entries already in the
// container list that are not being changed
floatInfo = _composedFloats[floatIndex - 1];
containerListIndex = _floatsInContainer.indexOf(floatInfo.graphic) + 1;
CONFIG::debug { assert(containerListIndex >= 0, "Can't find pre-existing float in container list"); }
if (!_floatsInContainer)
_floatsInContainer = [];
var numContainerList:int = _floatsInContainer.length;
// Add in the floats from the last compose, at the composed location
for (; floatIndex < lastFloatIndex; )
floatInfo = _composedFloats[floatIndex];
var float:DisplayObject = floatInfo.graphic;
var parent:DisplayObjectContainer = floatInfo.parent;
if (floatInfo.floatType == Float.NONE) // If the parent line is not in view, don't display the ILG
// Check to see if the TextLine has changed
var tl:TextLine = parent as TextLine;
if (tl)
var tfl:TextFlowLine = tl.userData as TextFlowLine;
if (!tfl || floatInfo.absolutePosition < tfl.absoluteStart || floatInfo.absolutePosition >= tfl.absoluteStart + tfl.textLength || tl.parent == null || tl.validity == TextLineValidity.INVALID)
// TextLine doesn't match TextFlowLine -- refetch the TextLine
tfl = flowComposer.findLineAtPosition(floatInfo.absolutePosition);
for (var i:int = 0; i < _shapeChildren.length; i++)
if ((_shapeChildren[i] as TextLine).userData == tfl) // if this is coded into the loop condition we get a warning
parent = (i < _shapeChildren.length) ? _shapeChildren[i] : null;
if (!floatInfo.matrix || _shapeChildren.indexOf(parent) < 0)
if (floatInfo.floatType == Float.NONE && (!floatInfo.matrix || _shapeChildren.indexOf(parent) < 0)) // If the parent line is not in view, don't display the ILG
if (float)
inlineHolder = float.parent;
if (containerListIndex < numContainerList && floatInfo.parent == _container && inlineHolder && inlineHolder.parent == _container && float == _floatsInContainer[containerListIndex]) // its in both lists, just skip over
var updateSprite:Sprite = new Sprite();
updateSprite.transform.matrix = inlineHolder.transform.matrix;
updateSprite.x = inlineHolder.x;
updateSprite.y = inlineHolder.y;
var updateAlpha:Number;
// Update in place
if (floatInfo.matrix)
updateMatrix = floatInfo.matrix;
updateSprite.x = 0;
updateSprite.y = 0;
updateAlpha = floatInfo.alpha;
updateSprite.x += floatInfo.x;
updateSprite.y += floatInfo.y;
var updateX:Number = updateSprite.x;
var updateY:Number = updateSprite.y;
var updateMatrix:Matrix = updateSprite.transform.matrix;
updateMatrix = updateMatrix.clone();
CONFIG::debug { assert(inlineHolder.contains(float), "expected float is already in display list"); }
changes.push(["update", floatInfo.absolutePosition, updateMatrix, updateAlpha, updateX, updateY]);
var index:int = _floatsInContainer.indexOf(float);
if (index > containerListIndex && parent == _container) // it's in the existing list, but not yet, remove the old items from the container
var floatToRemove:DisplayObject = _floatsInContainer[containerListIndex++];
if (floatToRemove.parent)
// removeInlineGraphicElement(_container, floatToRemove.parent);
changes.push(["remove", getIndexOfFloat(floatToRemove), floatToRemove, parent == _container ? "going to add float" : "going to add inline"]);
if (containerListIndex < numContainerList && float == _floatsInContainer[containerListIndex]) // it was previously a Float.NONE; so we don't want to remove it later
var addSprite:Sprite = new Sprite();
var addAlpha:Number = floatInfo.alpha;
if (floatInfo.matrix)
addSprite.transform.matrix = floatInfo.matrix;
addSprite.x += floatInfo.x; // addSprite x & y have values set up by matrix assignment - keep twip rounding same by assigning into Sprite
addSprite.y += floatInfo.y;
var addMatrix:Matrix = addSprite.transform.matrix;
var addX:Number = addSprite.x;
var addY:Number = addSprite.y;
addMatrix = addMatrix ? addMatrix.clone() : null;
if (parent == _container) // it's float - add to container
changes.push(["add", floatInfo.absolutePosition, _container, childIdx++, addMatrix, addAlpha, addX, addY]);
// addInlineGraphicElement(_container, inlineHolder, childIdx++);
else // it's an inline - add to TextLine
changes.push(["add", floatInfo.absolutePosition, parent, 0, addMatrix, addAlpha, addX, addY]);
// addInlineGraphicElement(parent, inlineHolder, 0);
while (containerListIndex < _floatsInContainer.length) // remove trailing items
float = _floatsInContainer[containerListIndex++];
if (float.parent)
changes.push(["remove", getIndexOfFloat(float), float, "removeTrailing"]);
// removeInlineGraphicElement(_container, float.parent);
// Update the container list
visibleAtEnd.length = 0;
for each (floatInfo in _composedFloats)
if (floatInfo.absolutePosition >= firstVisiblePosition && floatInfo.absolutePosition < lastVisiblePosition)
private function releaseLinesInBlock(textBlock:TextBlock):void
// run through the textBlock and if all lines are not in view,
// release the lines from the TextBlock, and release the TextBlock itself.
for (var textLine:TextLine = textBlock.firstLine; textLine && textLine.parent == null; textLine = textLine.nextLine)
{ // do nothing
if (!textLine && textBlock.firstLine) // no lines in paragraph are in the view
var para:ParagraphElement;
var line:TextFlowLine = textBlock.firstLine.userData as TextFlowLine;
if (line)
para = line.paragraph;
textBlock.releaseLines(textBlock.firstLine, textBlock.lastLine);
if (para)
private function removeAndRecycleTextLines (beginIndex:int, endIndex:int):void
var backgroundManager:BackgroundManager = textFlow.backgroundManager;
var child:TextLine;
var textBlock:TextBlock;
for (var index:int = beginIndex; index < endIndex; index++)
// we don't recycle table blocks
if( !(_shapeChildren[index] is TextLine) ){
child = null;
child = _shapeChildren[index];
CONFIG::debug { Debugging.traceFTECall(null,_container,"removeTextLine",child); }
// when we've removed all the lines in the paragraph in shapeChildren, run through the textBlock and if all lines are not in view,
// release the lines from the TextBlock, and release the TextBlock itself.
if (child.textBlock != textBlock)
if (textBlock)
textBlock = child.textBlock;
// To fix bug #2988783 -By Jin Huang
// releaseLinesInBlock() can only be called here when
// 1. the end of final container
// 2. the end line of TextBlock is the end line of the container
if (textBlock && (textBlock.lastLine == child || flowComposer.getControllerAt(flowComposer.numControllers - 1) == this))
// Recycle lines not in view and not in the TextBlock
if (TextLineRecycler.textLineRecyclerEnabled)
while (beginIndex < endIndex)
if( !(_shapeChildren[beginIndex] is TextLine) ){
child = _shapeChildren[beginIndex++];
// Recycle if its not displayed and not connected to the textblock
if (!child.parent)
if (child.userData == null)
if (backgroundManager)
var tfl:TextFlowLine = child.userData as TextFlowLine;
if (tfl && tfl.controller != this) // don't release lines that belong to other containers
if (child.validity == TextLineValidity.INVALID || (child.nextLine == null && child.previousLine == null && (!child.textBlock || child.textBlock.firstLine != child)))
child.userData = null;
if (backgroundManager)
* Gets the index at which the first text line must appear in its parent.
* The default implementation of this method, which may be overriden, returns the child index
* of the first <code>flash.text.engine.TextLine</code> child of <code>container</code>
* if one exists, and that of the last child of <code>container</code> otherwise.
* @return the index at which the first text line must appear in its parent.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @see flash.text.engine.TextLine
* @see #container
protected function getFirstTextLineChildIndex():int
// skip past any non-TextLine children below the text in the container,
// This also means that in a container devoid of text, we will always
// populate the text starting at index container.numChildren, which is intentional.
var firstTextLine:int;
for(firstTextLine = 0; firstTextLine<_container.numChildren; ++firstTextLine)
if(_container.getChildAt(firstTextLine) is TextLine)
if(_container.getChildAt(firstTextLine) is TableBlockContainer)
return firstTextLine;
* Adds a <code>flash.text.engine.TextLine</code> object as a descendant of <code>container</code>.
* The default implementation of this method, which may be overriden, adds the object
* as a direct child of <code>container</code> at the specified index.
* @param textLine the <code>flash.text.engine.TextLine</code> object to add
* @param index insertion index of the text line in its parent
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @see flash.text.engine.TextLine
* @see #container
protected function addTextLine(textLine:TextLine, index:int):void
if ( index > _container.numChildren )
index = _container.numChildren;
_container.addChildAt(textLine, index);
* Removes a <code>flash.text.engine.TextLine</code> object from its parent.
* The default implementation of this method, which may be overriden, removes the object
* from <code>container</code> if it is a direct child of the latter.
* This method may be called even if the object is not a descendant of <code>container</code>.
* Any implementation of this method must ensure that no action is taken in this case.
* @param textLine the <code>flash.text.engine.TextLine</code> object to remove
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @see flash.text.engine.TextLine
* @see #container
protected function removeTextLine(textLine:TextLine):void
if (_container.contains(textLine))
* Adds a <code>TableBlockContainer</code> object as a descendant of <code>container</code>.
* The default implementation of this method, which may be overriden, adds the object
* as a direct child of <code>container</code> at the specified index.
* @param textLine the <code>TableBlockContainer</code> object to add
* @param index insertion index of the text line in its parent
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @see #container
protected function addTableBlock(block:TableBlockContainer, index:int):void
if ( index > _container.numChildren )
index = _container.numChildren;
_container.addChildAt(block, index);
* Removes a <code>TableBlockContainer</code> object from its parent.
* The default implementation of this method, which may be overriden, removes the object
* from <code>container</code> if it is a direct child of the latter.
* This method may be called even if the object is not a descendant of <code>container</code>.
* Any implementation of this method must ensure that no action is taken in this case.
* @param textLine the <code>TableBlockContainer</code> object to remove
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @see #container
protected function removeTableBlock(block:TableBlockContainer):void
if (_container.contains(block))
* Adds a <code>flash.display.Shape</code> object on which background shapes (such as background color) are drawn.
* The default implementation of this method, which may be overriden, adds the object to <code>container</code>
* just before the first <code>flash.text.engine.TextLine</code> child, if one exists, and after the last exisiting
* child otherwise.
* @param shape <code>flash.display.Shape</code> object to add
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @see flash.display.Shape
* @see flash.text.engine.TextLine
* @see #container
protected function addBackgroundShape(shape:Shape):void // No PMD
_container.addChildAt(_backgroundShape, getFirstTextLineChildIndex());
* Removes a <code>flash.display.Shape</code> object on which background shapes (such as background color) are drawn.
* The default implementation of this method, which may be overriden, removes the object from its <code>parent</code>.
* @param shape <code>flash.display.Shape</code> object to remove
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @see flash.display.Shape
* @see flash.text.engine.TextLine
* @see #container
protected function removeBackgroundShape(shape:Shape):void
if (shape.parent)
* Adds a <code>flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer</code> object to which selection shapes (such as block selection highlight, cursor etc.) are added.
* The default implementation of this method, which may be overriden, has the following behavior:
* The object is added just before first <code>flash.text.engine.TextLine</code> child of <code>container</code> if one exists
* and the object is opaque and has normal blend mode.
* In all other cases, it is added as the last child of <code>container</code>.
* @param selectionContainer <code>flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer</code> object to add
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @see flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer
* @see flash.text.engine.TextLine
* @see #container
protected function addSelectionContainer(selectionContainer:DisplayObjectContainer):void
if (selectionContainer.blendMode == BlendMode.NORMAL && selectionContainer.alpha == 1)
// don't put selection behind background color or existing content in container, put it behind first text line
_container.addChildAt(selectionContainer, getFirstTextLineChildIndex());
* Removes the <code>flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer</code> object which contains selection shapes (such as block selection highlight, cursor etc.).
* The default implementation of this method, which may be overriden, removes the object from its parent if one exists.
* @param selectionContainer <code>flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer</code> object to remove
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @see flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer
* @see #container
protected function removeSelectionContainer(selectionContainer:DisplayObjectContainer):void
* Adds a <code>flash.display.DisplayObject</code> object as a descendant of <code>parent</code>.
* The default implementation of this method, which may be overriden, adds the object
* as a direct child of <code>parent</code> at the specified index. This is called to add
* InlineGraphicElements to the TextLine or container.
* @param parent the <code>flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer</code> object to add the inlineGraphicElement to
* @param inlineGraphicElement the <code>flash.display.DisplayObject</code> object to add
* @param index insertion index of the float in its parent
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 2.0
* @langversion 3.0
* @see flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer
* @see flash.display.DisplayObject
* @see #container
protected function addInlineGraphicElement(parent:DisplayObjectContainer, inlineGraphicElement:DisplayObject, index:int):void
// We're adding the inline holder -- the float it owns should not be in the visible list
CONFIG::debug { assert (parent != _container || !parent.contains(inlineGraphicElement), "Float already in container"); }
if (parent)
parent.addChildAt(inlineGraphicElement, index);
* Removes a <code>flash.display.DisplayObject</code> object from its parent.
* The default implementation of this method, which may be overriden, removes the object
* from <code>container</code> if it is a direct child of the latter.
* This method may be called even if the object is not a descendant of <code>parent</code>.
* Any implementation of this method must ensure that no action is taken in this case.
* @param float the <code>flash.display.DisplayObject</code> object to remove
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 2.0
* @langversion 3.0
* @see flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer
* @see flash.display.DisplayObject
* @see #container
protected function removeInlineGraphicElement(parent:DisplayObjectContainer, inlineGraphicElement:DisplayObject):void
// We're removing the inline holder -- the float it owns should be in the visible list
CONFIG::debug { assert (parent != _container || _floatsInContainer.indexOf(DisplayObjectContainer(inlineGraphicElement).getChildAt(0)) >= 0, "Float *not* already in container"); }
if (null != parent && inlineGraphicElement.parent == parent)
* @private
tlf_internal function get textLines():Array
return _shapeChildren;
* If scrolling, sets the scroll rectangle to the container rectangle so that any lines that are
* halfway in view are clipped to the scrollable region. If not scrolling, clear the
* scroll rectangle so that no clipping occurs.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
protected function updateVisibleRectangle() :void
if (horizontalScrollPolicy == ScrollPolicy.OFF && verticalScrollPolicy == ScrollPolicy.OFF)
if (_hasScrollRect)
_container.scrollRect = null;
_hasScrollRect = false;
var contentRight:Number = _contentLeft+contentWidth;
var contentBottom:Number = _contentTop+contentHeight;
var width:Number;
var compositionRight:Number;
if (_measureWidth)
width = contentWidth;
compositionRight = _contentLeft + width
width = _compositionWidth;
compositionRight = width;
var height:Number;
var compositionBottom:Number;
if (_measureHeight)
height = contentHeight;
compositionBottom = _contentTop + height;
height = _compositionHeight;
compositionBottom = height;
var xOrigin:Number = (effectiveBlockProgression == BlockProgression.RL) ? -width : 0;
var xpos:int = horizontalScrollPosition + xOrigin;
var ypos:int = verticalScrollPosition;
//Fix bug 2869747 textFlow.flowComposer.getControllerAt(0)
_container.scrollRect = null;
CONFIG::debug { Debugging.traceFTECall(null,_container,"clearContainerScrollRect()"); }
if (textLength == 0 || xpos == 0 && ypos == 0 && _contentLeft >= xOrigin && _contentTop >= 0 && contentRight <= compositionRight && contentBottom <= compositionBottom)
_container.scrollRect = null;
CONFIG::debug { Debugging.traceFTECall(null,_container,"clearContainerScrollRect()"); }
_hasScrollRect = false;
// don't look at hasScrollRect but do look at scrollRect - client may have messed with it; okay to touch it because about to set it
var rect:Rectangle = _container.scrollRect;
if (!rect || rect.x != xpos || rect.y != ypos || rect.width != width || rect.height != height)
_container.scrollRect = new Rectangle(xpos, ypos, width, height);
CONFIG::debug { Debugging.traceFTECall(null,_container,"setContainerScrollRect",xpos, ypos, width, height); }
_hasScrollRect = true;
//Fix for Watson 2347938 - re-add the transparent background as the dimension of the
//container are altered by sutting down the scrolls in vertical text.
include "../formats/";
/** Allows you to read and write user styles on a ContainerController object. Note that reading this property
* makes a copy of the userStyles set in the format of this element.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function get userStyles():Object
{ return _format ? _format.userStyles : null; }
public function set userStyles(styles:Object):void
var val:String;
// clear the existing userstyles
for (val in userStyles)
// set the new ones
for (val in styles)
/** Returns the <code>coreStyles</code> on this ContainerController. Note that the getter makes a copy of the core
* styles dictionary. The returned object includes the formats that are defined by TextLayoutFormat and are in TextLayoutFormat.description. The
* returned object consists of an array of <em>stylename-value</em> pairs.
* @see flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function get coreStyles():Object
{ return _format ? _format.coreStyles : null; }
/** Returns the styles on this ContainerController. Note that the getter makes a copy of the
* styles dictionary. The returned object includes all styles set in the format property including core and user styles. The
* returned object consists of an array of <em>stylename-value</em> pairs.
* @see flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function get styles():Object
{ return _format ? _format.styles : null; }
* Stores the ITextLayoutFormat object that contains the attributes for this container.
* The controller inherits the container properties from the TextFlow of which it is part.
* This property allows different controllers in the same text flow to have, for example,
* different column settings or padding.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @see flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat
public function get format():ITextLayoutFormat
{ return _format; }
public function set format(value:ITextLayoutFormat):void
if (value == _format)
var oldStyleName:String = this.styleName;
if (value == null)
if (oldStyleName != this.styleName)
private function writableTextLayoutFormat():FlowValueHolder
if (_format == null)
_format = new FlowValueHolder();
return _format;
/** Returns the value of the style specified by the <code>styleProp</code> parameter.
* @param styleProp The name of the style property whose value you want.
* @return The current value for the specified style.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function getStyle(styleProp:String):*
if (TextLayoutFormat.description.hasOwnProperty(styleProp))
return computedFormat.getStyle(styleProp);
var tf:TextFlow = _rootElement.getTextFlow();
if (!tf || !tf.formatResolver)
return computedFormat.getStyle(styleProp);
return getUserStyleWorker(styleProp);
/** @private worker function - any styleProp */
tlf_internal function getUserStyleWorker(styleProp:String):*
CONFIG::debug { assert(TextLayoutFormat.description[styleProp] === undefined,"bad call to getUserStyleWorker"); }
var userStyle:* = _format.getStyle(styleProp)
if (userStyle !== undefined)
return userStyle;
var tf:TextFlow = _rootElement ? _rootElement.getTextFlow() : null;
if (tf && tf.formatResolver)
userStyle = tf.formatResolver.resolveUserFormat(this,styleProp);
if (userStyle !== undefined)
return userStyle;
// or should it go to the container?
return _rootElement ? _rootElement.getUserStyleWorker(styleProp) : undefined;
* Sets the value of the style specified by the <code>styleProp</code> parameter to the value
* specified by the <code>newValue</code> parameter.
* @param styleProp The name of the style property whose value you want to set.
* @param newValue The value that you want to assign to the style.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function setStyle(styleProp:String,newValue:*):void
if (TextLayoutFormat.description[styleProp])
this[styleProp] = newValue;
/** Clears the style specified by <code>styleProp</code> from this FlowElement. Sets the value to
* <code>undefined</code>.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function clearStyle(styleProp:String):void
{ setStyle(styleProp,undefined); }
* Returns an ITextLayoutFormat instance with the attributes applied to this container, including the attributes inherited from its
* root element.
* @return object that describes the container's attributes.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @see #rootElement
public function get computedFormat():ITextLayoutFormat
if (!_computedFormat)
// TODO: revise cascade so it goes up through the container chain
var parentPrototype:TextLayoutFormat = _rootElement ? TextLayoutFormat(_rootElement.computedFormat): null;
_computedFormat = FlowElement.createTextLayoutFormatPrototype(formatForCascade,parentPrototype);
return _computedFormat;
/** @private */
tlf_internal function get formatForCascade():ITextLayoutFormat
if (_rootElement)
var tf:TextFlow = _rootElement.getTextFlow();
if (tf)
var elemStyle:TextLayoutFormat = tf.getTextLayoutFormatStyle(this);
if (elemStyle)
var localFormat:ITextLayoutFormat = _format;
if (localFormat == null)
return elemStyle;
var rslt:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat(elemStyle);
return rslt;
return _format;
/** @private
* @returns -1 BEFORE visible, TextLine visible, 1 AFTER visible, 2 AFTER visible by auto-size image(bug #2988852)
* */
tlf_internal function testLineVisible(wmode:String, scrollXTW:int, scrollYTW:int, scrollWidthTW:int, scrollHeightTW:int, textFlowLine:TextFlowLine, textLine:TextLine):*
// So this is another take on figuring out whether the line bounds intersects the visible area of the container.
// This code figures out the logical bounds of the line, and uses that for the intersection. There was a
// previous version of this code that uses the DisplayObject's getBounds function, which will include information
// about the children, and also the bounds of visible glyphs. We decided that the logical bounds is close enough,
// and is much faster to obtain. However, there may be some lines, that get a different result using the logical
// bounds than the getBounds. I've left the old code here for verification.
CONFIG::debug { assert(textFlowLine != null,"testLineVisible"); }
if(textFlowLine is TextFlowTableBlock)
if(textFlowLine.controller == this)
return TextFlowTableBlock(textFlowLine).container;
return null;
//Bug #2988852, scrolling in the application causes all text to disappear. When auto-size images make the line "after visible"
//It's "after visible", but it cannot return 1. Because if it were 1, the binary-search in gatherVisibleLines() would make all the lines invisible.
if(textFlowLine.controller == null)
var ilgs:Array = textFlow.getElementsByTypeName("img");
var ilg:InlineGraphicElement;
for(var idx:int = 0; idx < ilgs.length; idx++)
ilg = ilgs[idx] as InlineGraphicElement;
if(ilg && ilg.getAbsoluteStart() < textFlowLine.absoluteStart)
if(wmode == BlockProgression.TB)
if(ilg.height == undefined || ilg.height == "auto")
return 2;
if(ilg.width == undefined || ilg.width == "auto")
return 2;
// assume the same textFlow and that it's composed.
if (textFlowLine.controller != this)
return textFlowLine.absoluteStart < this.absoluteStart ? -1 : 1;
if (!textFlowLine.hasLineBounds())
if (!textLine)
textLine = textFlowLine.getTextLine(true);
textFlowLine.createShape(wmode, textLine);
if (textLine.numChildren == 0)
// Get it the new way
if (wmode == BlockProgression.TB)
textFlowLine.cacheLineBounds(wmode, textLine.x, textLine.y - textLine.ascent, textLine.textWidth, textLine.textHeight);
textFlowLine.cacheLineBounds(wmode, textLine.x - textLine.descent, textLine.y, textLine.textHeight, textLine.textWidth);
else // Phase this out after composition is updated to handle inline case correctly
var lineBounds:Rectangle = getPlacedTextLineBounds(textLine);
if (textLine.hasGraphicElement)
lineBounds = computeLineBoundsWithGraphics(textFlowLine, textLine, lineBounds);
textFlowLine.cacheLineBounds(wmode, lineBounds.x, lineBounds.y, lineBounds.width, lineBounds.height);
var rslt:* = (wmode == BlockProgression.TB ? _measureHeight : _measureWidth) ? 0 : textFlowLine.testLineVisible(wmode, scrollXTW, scrollYTW, scrollWidthTW, scrollHeightTW)
return (rslt == 0) ? (textLine ? textLine : textFlowLine.getTextLine(true)) : rslt;
/** @private
* function testLineVisible that was used in old algorithm of gatherVisibleLines()
* */
tlf_internal function oldTestLineVisible(wmode:String, scrollXTW:int, scrollYTW:int, scrollWidthTW:int, scrollHeightTW:int, textFlowLine:TextFlowLine, textLine:TextLine):TextLine
// So this is another take on figuring out whether the line bounds intersects the visible area of the container.
// This code figures out the logical bounds of the line, and uses that for the intersection. There was a
// previous version of this code that uses the DisplayObject's getBounds function, which will include information
// about the children, and also the bounds of visible glyphs. We decided that the logical bounds is close enough,
// and is much faster to obtain. However, there may be some lines, that get a different result using the logical
// bounds than the getBounds. I've left the old code here for verification.
if(textFlowLine is TextFlowTableBlock)
return null;
if (!textFlowLine.hasLineBounds())
if (!textLine)
textLine = textFlowLine.getTextLine(true);
textFlowLine.createShape(wmode, textLine);
if (textLine.numChildren == 0)
// Get it the new way
if (wmode == BlockProgression.TB)
textFlowLine.cacheLineBounds(wmode, textLine.x, textLine.y - textLine.ascent, textLine.textWidth, textLine.textHeight);
textFlowLine.cacheLineBounds(wmode, textLine.x - textLine.descent, textLine.y, textLine.textHeight, textLine.textWidth);
else // Phase this out after composition is updated to handle inline case correctly
var lineBounds:Rectangle = getPlacedTextLineBounds(textLine);
if (textLine.hasGraphicElement)
lineBounds = computeLineBoundsWithGraphics(textFlowLine, textLine, lineBounds);
textFlowLine.cacheLineBounds(wmode, lineBounds.x, lineBounds.y, lineBounds.width, lineBounds.height);
if ((wmode == BlockProgression.TB ? _measureHeight : _measureWidth) || textFlowLine.oldTestLineVisible(wmode, scrollXTW, scrollYTW, scrollWidthTW, scrollHeightTW))
return textLine ? textLine : textFlowLine.getTextLine(true);
return null;
/* This code may turn out to be useful for iterating through the floats and doing some function,
similar to applyFunctionToElements.
tlf_internal function applyFunctionToFloats(absoluteStart:int, absoluteEnd:int, func:Function):void
if (_composedFloats)
var floatIndex:int = findFloatIndexAtOrAfter(absoluteStart);
var lastFloatIndex:int = findFloatIndexAtOrAfter(absoluteEnd);
while (floatIndex < lastFloatIndex)
var floatInfo:FloatCompositionData = _composedFloats[floatIndex];
if (!func(floatInfo))
} */
private function computeLineBoundsWithGraphics(line:TextFlowLine, textLine:TextLine, boundsRect:Rectangle):Rectangle
if (_composedFloats)
var floatIndex:int = findFloatIndexAtOrAfter(line.absoluteStart);
var lastFloatIndex:int = findFloatIndexAtOrAfter(line.absoluteStart + line.textLength);
var inlineRect:Rectangle = new Rectangle();
var topLeft:Point = new Point();
while (floatIndex < lastFloatIndex)
var floatInfo:FloatCompositionData = _composedFloats[floatIndex];
if (floatInfo.floatType == Float.NONE)
var inlineGraphicElement:InlineGraphicElement = textFlow.findLeaf(floatInfo.absolutePosition) as InlineGraphicElement;
var inlineHolder:DisplayObject = inlineGraphicElement.placeholderGraphic.parent;
if (inlineHolder)
inlineRect.x = textLine.x + inlineHolder.x;
inlineRect.y = textLine.y + inlineHolder.y;
inlineRect.width = inlineGraphicElement.elementWidth;
inlineRect.height = inlineGraphicElement.elementHeight;
boundsRect = boundsRect.union(inlineRect);
return boundsRect;
/** @private */
tlf_internal function findCellAtPosition(point:Point):CellCoordinates
point = point.clone();
for each(var chld:Object in _shapeChildren)
if( !(chld is TableBlockContainer) )
var block:TableBlockContainer = chld as TableBlockContainer;
if(block.y > point.y)
if(block.x > point.x)
if(block.y + block.height < point.y)
if(block.x + block.getTableWidth() < point.x)
point.x -= block.x;
point.y -= block.y;
// the point falls out inside the block. Find the cell...
var cells:Vector.<TableCellElement> = block.userData.getTableCells();
for each (var cell:TableCellElement in cells)
if(cell.x + cell.width < point.x)
if(cell.y + cell.getRow().composedHeight < point.y)
if(cell.x > point.x)
if(cell.y > point.y)
return new CellCoordinates(cell.rowIndex,cell.colIndex,cell.getTable());
return null;
/** @private */
tlf_internal function getPlacedTextLineBounds(textLine:TextLine):Rectangle
var curBounds:Rectangle;
curBounds = textLine.getBounds(textLine);
curBounds.x += textLine.x;
curBounds.y += textLine.y;
CONFIG::debug { verifyPlacedTextLineBounds(textLine,curBounds); }
return curBounds;
import flash.system.Capabilities;
// OLD style calculation - lets make sure its the same.
static private var tempLineHolder:Sprite = new Sprite();
/** @private */
tlf_internal function verifyPlacedTextLineBounds(textLine:TextLine,newBounds:Rectangle):void
// But AIR has a bug so they don't match in AIR
if (Capabilities.playerType == "Desktop")
var curBounds:Rectangle;
if (!textLine.parent)
// Has to be in the container to get the bounds
curBounds = textLine.getBounds(_container);
removeTextLine(textLine); */
curBounds = textLine.getBounds(tempLineHolder);
CONFIG::debug { assert(textLine.parent == null,"Bad removeChild in getPlacedTextLineBounds"); }
// Note: Relative to its parent, which may not be _container
// but in all reasonable cases, should share its origin with _container -- really???
curBounds = textLine.getBounds(textLine.parent);
assert(Math.abs(newBounds.x-curBounds.x) <= .1 && Math.abs(newBounds.y-curBounds.y) <= .1 && Math.abs(newBounds.width-curBounds.width) <= .1 && Math.abs(newBounds.height-curBounds.height) <= .1,
"verifyPlacedTextLineBounds: Bounds are different: "+curBounds.toString()+" : "+newBounds.toString());
/** @private */
tlf_internal function addComposedLine(textLine:TextLine):void
/** @private */
tlf_internal function addComposedTableBlock(block:TableBlockContainer):void
var idx:int = _tableBlocksInView.indexOf(block);
if(idx >= 0)
/** @private Return the array. Client code may add lines to the array. */
tlf_internal function get composedLines():Array
if (!_linesInView)
_linesInView = [];
var arr:Array = _linesInView.slice();
return arr;
/** @private Empty out the linesInView, starting from the supplied text index. */
tlf_internal function clearComposedLines(pos:int):void
var index:int = 0;
for each (var textLine:TextLine in _linesInView)
var tfl:TextFlowLine = textLine.userData as TextFlowLine;
if (tfl.absoluteStart >= pos)
_linesInView.length = index;
index = 0;
for each (var tbc:TableBlockContainer in _tableBlocksInView)
var tftb:TextFlowTableBlock = tbc.userData;
if(tbc.userData.absoluteStart >= pos)
_tableBlocksInView.length = index;
_updateStart = Math.min(_updateStart, pos);
/** @private */
tlf_internal function get numFloats():int
return _composedFloats ? _composedFloats.length : 0;
/** @private */
tlf_internal function getFloatAt(index:int):FloatCompositionData
return _composedFloats[index];
/** @private */
tlf_internal function getFloatAtPosition(absolutePosition:int):FloatCompositionData
if (!_composedFloats)
return null;
var i:int = findFloatIndexAtOrAfter(absolutePosition);
return (i < _composedFloats.length) ? _composedFloats[i] : null;
/** Add new float info (called by composition when a float is composed into the container
* @private
tlf_internal function addFloatAt(absolutePosition:int, float:DisplayObject, floatType:String, x:Number, y:Number, alpha:Number, matrix:Matrix, depth:Number, knockOutWidth:Number, columnIndex:int, parent:DisplayObjectContainer):void
// trace("addFloatAt", absolutePosition, "for container", flowComposer.getControllerIndex(this));
if (!_composedFloats)
_composedFloats = [];
var floatInfo:FloatCompositionData = new FloatCompositionData(absolutePosition, float, floatType, x, y, alpha, matrix, depth, knockOutWidth, columnIndex, parent);
if (_composedFloats.length > 0 && _composedFloats[_composedFloats.length - 1] < absolutePosition)
var index:int = findFloatIndexAtOrAfter(absolutePosition);
_composedFloats.splice(index, 0, floatInfo);
CONFIG::debug { verifyComposedFloats(); }
/** Remove float info for all floats after the given text position
* @private
tlf_internal function clearFloatsAt(absolutePosition:int):void
// trace("clearFloatsAt", absolutePosition, "for container", flowComposer.getControllerIndex(this));
if (_composedFloats)
if (absolutePosition == this.absoluteStart)
_composedFloats.length = 0;
_composedFloats.length = findFloatIndexAtOrAfter(absolutePosition);
/** @private */
CONFIG::debug private function verifyComposedFloats():void
var previousPosition:int = -1;
for ( var i:int = 0; i < _composedFloats.length; ++i)
var floatInfo:FloatCompositionData = _composedFloats[i];
// Don't allow duplicate entries
for ( var j:int = i + 1; j < _composedFloats.length && _composedFloats[j].absolutePosition != floatInfo.absolutePosition; ++j) {/* do nothing */}
assert(j == _composedFloats.length, "Found duplicate entry in ContainerController _composedFloats list");
// Entries should be ordered
assert(floatInfo.absolutePosition > previousPosition, "Found out of order float in ContainerController _composedFloats list");
previousPosition = floatInfo.absolutePosition;
assert (floatInfo.floatType != Float.START && floatInfo.floatType != Float.END, "Unexpected float type in composed floats array");
* @private
* Returns the index in the array of a knockOut at the specified location, or the first knockOut index past that location.
tlf_internal function findFloatIndexAfter(absolutePosition:int):int
for (var i:int = 0; i < _composedFloats.length && _composedFloats[i].absolutePosition <= absolutePosition; ++i)
// do nothing
return i;
* @private
* Returns the index in the array of a knockOut at the specified location, or the first knockOut index past that location.
tlf_internal function findFloatIndexAtOrAfter(absolutePosition:int):int
for (var i:int = 0; i < _composedFloats.length && _composedFloats[i].absolutePosition < absolutePosition; ++i)
// do nothing
return i;
/** @private */
tlf_internal function getInteractionHandler():IInteractionEventHandler
{ return this; }
import flash.display.InteractiveObject;
class PsuedoMouseEvent extends MouseEvent
public function PsuedoMouseEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean = true, cancelable:Boolean = false, localX:Number = NaN, localY:Number = NaN, relatedObject:InteractiveObject = null, ctrlKey:Boolean = false, altKey:Boolean = false, shiftKey:Boolean = false, buttonDown:Boolean = false)
public override function get currentTarget():Object
{ return relatedObject; }
public override function get target():Object
{ return relatedObject; }