blob: 6f230c030b03ebffca2e6f26f10d20a1b2170e42 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package flashx.textLayout.elements
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.text.engine.ContentElement;
import flash.text.engine.GraphicElement;
import flash.utils.Dictionary;
import flashx.textLayout.compose.TextFlowTableBlock;
import flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionFormat;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.FormatValue;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat;
import flashx.textLayout.tlf_internal;
use namespace tlf_internal;
* The TableElement class is used for grouping together items into a table.
* A TableElement's children must be of type TableRowElement, TableColElement, TableColGroupElement, TableBodyElement.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public class TableElement extends TableFormattedElement
private var _computedWidth:Number;
public var x:Number;
public var y:Number;
private var columns:Vector.<TableColElement> = new Vector.<TableColElement>();
private var rows:Vector.<TableRowElement> = new Vector.<TableRowElement>();
private var damagedColumns:Vector.<TableColElement> = new Vector.<TableColElement>();
private var damageRows:Vector.<TableRowElement> = new Vector.<TableRowElement>();
private var _hasCellDamage:Boolean = true;
private var _headerRowCount:uint = 0;
private var _footerRowCount:uint = 0;
private var _tableRowsComputed:Boolean;
private var _headerRows:Vector.< Vector.<TableCellElement> >;
private var _footerRows:Vector.< Vector.<TableCellElement> >;
private var _bodyRows:Vector.< Vector.<TableCellElement> >;
private var _composedRowIndex:uint = 0;
private var _tableBlocks:Vector.<TextFlowTableBlock>;
private var _tableBlockIndex:uint = 0;
private var _tableBlockDict:Dictionary;
private var _leaf:TableLeafElement;
public function TableElement()
/** @private */
override protected function get abstract():Boolean
{ return false; }
/** @private */
tlf_internal override function get defaultTypeName():String
{ return "table"; }
/** @private */
tlf_internal override function canOwnFlowElement(elem:FlowElement):Boolean
return (elem is TableCellElement) || (elem is TableRowElement) || (elem is TableColElement);// || (elem is TableBodyElement) || (elem is TableColGroupElement);
/** @private if its in a numbered list expand the damage to all list items - causes the numbers to be regenerated */
tlf_internal override function modelChanged(changeType:String, elem:FlowElement, changeStart:int, changeLen:int, needNormalize:Boolean = true, bumpGeneration:Boolean = true):void
if (changeType==ModelChange.ELEMENT_ADDED) {
else if (changeType==ModelChange.ELEMENT_REMOVAL) {
if (headerRowCount > 0 || footerRowCount > 0) {
override public function set cellSpacing(cellSpacingValue:*):void
hasCellDamage = true;
super.cellSpacing = cellSpacingValue;
public function get numRows():int
return rows.length;
public function get numColumns():int
return columns.length;
* Total number of cells
public function get numCells():int
return getCells().length;
* Total number of rows in the table. If set to a value lower than
* the current number of rows the rows at the end of the table are removed.
* If the set to a value greater than the current number of rows additional
* rows are added to the table.
public function set numRows(value:int):void
while(value < numRows){
var num:int = numRows;
for(var i:int = num;i<value;i++) {
var row:TableRowElement = createRowElement(i, defaultRowFormat);
* Total number of columns in the table. If set to a value lower than
* the current number of columns the columns at the end of the table are removed.
* If the set to a value greater than the current number of columns additional
* columns are added to the table.
public function set numColumns(value:int):void
while(value < numColumns){
var num:int = numColumns;
for(var i:int = num;i<value;i++) {
var column:TableColElement = createColumnElement(i, defaultColumnFormat);
private var _defaultRowFormat:ITextLayoutFormat;
* Gets the row format for new rows.
public function get defaultRowFormat():ITextLayoutFormat
_defaultRowFormat = new TextLayoutFormat(computedFormat);
return _defaultRowFormat;
public function set defaultRowFormat(value:ITextLayoutFormat):void
_defaultRowFormat = value;
private var _defaultColumnFormat:ITextLayoutFormat;
* Gets the column format for new columns.
public function get defaultColumnFormat():ITextLayoutFormat
_defaultColumnFormat = new TextLayoutFormat(computedFormat);
return _defaultColumnFormat;
public function set defaultColumnFormat(value:ITextLayoutFormat):void
_defaultColumnFormat = value;
* Adds a table cell element to the table.
* @inheritDoc
override public function addChild(child:FlowElement):FlowElement
if (child is TableFormattedElement) {
TableFormattedElement(child).table = this;
return child;
* Removes a table cell element from the table.
* @inheritDoc
override public function removeChild(child:FlowElement):FlowElement
if (child is TableFormattedElement) {
TableFormattedElement(child).table = null;
return child;
* Add a row at the end of the table. You would use this if you want to add a row
* without changing the table cells.
* @see addRowAt
* @see insertRow
* @see insertRowAt
public function addRow(format:ITextLayoutFormat=null):void{
* Add a row at the index specified.
* @see addRow
* @see insertRow
* @see insertRowAt
public function addRowAt(idx:int, format:ITextLayoutFormat=null):void{
if(idx < 0 || idx > rows.length)
throw RangeError(GlobalSettings.resourceStringFunction("badPropertyValue"));
var row:TableRowElement = createRowElement(idx, format);
rows.splice(idx, 0, row);
row.composedHeight = row.computedFormat.minCellHeight;
row.isMaxHeight = row.computedFormat.minCellHeight == row.computedFormat.maxCellHeight;
row.setParentAndRelativeStartOnly(this, 1);
* Adds a column. You would use this if you want to add a column without changing the table cells.
* The cells would reflow, so a cell in row 2 might move up to row 1.
* @see addColumnAt
* @see insertColumn
* @see insertColumnAt
public function addColumn(format:ITextLayoutFormat=null):void{
* Adds a column at the index specified.
* @see addColumn
* @see insertColumn
* @see insertColumnAt
public function addColumnAt(idx:int, format:ITextLayoutFormat=null):void{
if(idx < 0 || idx > columns.length)
throw RangeError(GlobalSettings.resourceStringFunction("badPropertyValue"));
if(!format) {
format = defaultColumnFormat;
var column:TableColElement = createColumnElement(idx, format);
columns.splice(idx, 0, column);
* Returns the column at the index specified or null if the index is out of range.
public function getColumnAt(columnIndex:int):TableColElement
if ( columnIndex < 0 || columnIndex >= numColumns )
return null;
return columns[columnIndex];
* Returns the row at the index specified or null if the index is out of range.
public function getRowAt(rowIndex:int):TableRowElement
if ( rowIndex < 0 || rowIndex >= numRows )
return null;
return rows[rowIndex];
* Return the index of the row provided or -1 if the row is not found.
public function getRowIndex(row:TableRowElement):int
for(var i:int=0;i<rows.length;i++)
if(rows[i] == row)
return i;
return -1;
* Returns a vector of the cells for the row specified.
public function getCellsForRow(row:TableRowElement):Vector.<TableCellElement>{
return getCellsForRowAt(row.rowIndex);
* Returns a vector of the cells for the row specified.
public function getCellsForRowArray(row:TableRowElement):Array {
return getCellsForRowAtArray(row.rowIndex);
* Returns a vector of the cells for the row at the specified index.
public function getCellsForRowAt(index:int):Vector.<TableCellElement>{
var cells:Vector.<TableCellElement> = new Vector.<TableCellElement>();
if (index < 0) {
return cells;
for each(var cell:TableCellElement in mxmlChildren){
if (cell.rowIndex == index) {
return cells;
* Returns an array of the cells for the row specified.
public function getCellsForRowAtArray(index:int):Array {
var cells:Array = [];
if (index < 0) {
return cells;
for each(var cell:TableCellElement in mxmlChildren){
if (cell.rowIndex == index) {
return cells;
* Returns a Vector of the TableCellElements for the column specified.
public function getCellsForColumn(column:TableColElement):Vector.<TableCellElement> {
if(columns.indexOf(column) < 0)
return null;
return getCellsForColumnAt(column.colIndex);
* Returns a Vector of the TableCellElements for the column at the specified index.
public function getCellsForColumnAt(index:int):Vector.<TableCellElement> {
var cells:Vector.<TableCellElement> = new Vector.<TableCellElement>();
if (index < 0) {
return cells;
for each(var cell:TableCellElement in mxmlChildren){
if (cell.colIndex == index) {
return cells;
* Convenience method for checking if table has merged cells
public function hasMergedCells():Boolean
var cell:TableCellElement;
var child:*;
if(mxmlChildren == null)
return false;
for each(child in mxmlChildren)
cell = child as TableCellElement;
if( cell && (cell.columnSpan > 1 || cell.rowSpan > 1) )
return true;
return false;
* Inserts a column at the end of the table. If a column is not provided one is created.
* @see addColumn
* @see addColumnAt
* @see insertColumnAt
public function insertColumn(column:TableColElement=null,cells:Array = null):Boolean{
return insertColumnAt(numColumns,column,cells);
* Inserts a column at the column specified. If the column is not provided it
* creates a new column containing the cells supplied or creates the cells
* based on the number of rows in the table.
* @see addColumn
* @see addColumnAt
* @see insertColumn
public function insertColumnAt(idx:int,column:TableColElement=null,cells:Array = null):Boolean{
if (idx < 0 || idx > columns.length) {
throw RangeError(GlobalSettings.resourceStringFunction("badPropertyValue"));
if (!column) {
column = createColumnElement(idx, defaultColumnFormat);
var blockedCoords:Vector.<CellCoords> = getBlockedCoords(-1,idx);
var cellIdx:int = getCellIndex(0,idx);
if(cellIdx < 0)
cellIdx = numChildren;
var rowIdx:int = 0;
if (cells==null) cells = [];
while(cells.length < numRows){
cells.push(new TableCellElement());
for each(var cell:TableCellElement in cells){
while(blockedCoords.length && blockedCoords[0].row == rowIdx){
cellIdx = getCellIndex(rowIdx,idx);
if(cellIdx < 0)
cellIdx = getCellIndex(rowIdx,idx-1);
if(rowIdx < numRows){
return true;
* Inserts a row at the end of the table. If a row is not provided one is created.
* @see insertRowAt
public function insertRow(row:TableRowElement=null,cells:Array = null):Boolean{
return insertRowAt(numRows,row,cells);
* Inserts a row at the index specified. If the row is not provided it
* creates a new row containing the cells supplied or creates the cells
* based on the number of columns in the table.
public function insertRowAt(idx:int,row:TableRowElement=null,cells:Array = null):Boolean{
if (idx < 0 || idx > rows.length) {
throw RangeError(GlobalSettings.resourceStringFunction("badPropertyValue"));
if (!row) {
row = createRowElement(idx, defaultRowFormat);
row.composedHeight = row.computedFormat.minCellHeight;
row.isMaxHeight = row.computedFormat.minCellHeight == row.computedFormat.maxCellHeight;
var cellIdx:int = getCellIndex(idx,0);
if(cellIdx < 0)
cellIdx = numChildren;
var colIdx:int = 0;
if (cells==null) cells = [];
var cell:TableCellElement;
// create more cells while tracking occupied columns of merged cells
var occupiedColumns:int = 0;
for each(cell in cells)
occupiedColumns += cell.columnSpan;
while(occupiedColumns < numColumns)
cells.push(new TableCellElement());
for each(cell in cells)
if(colIdx < numColumns)
colIdx += (cell.columnSpan-1);
return true;
* Removes the row
public function removeRow(row:TableRowElement):TableRowElement {
var i:int = rows.indexOf(row);
if(i < 0)
return null;
return removeRowAt(i);
* Removes the row and the cells it contains.
public function removeRowWithContent(row:TableRowElement):Array
var i:int = rows.indexOf(row);
if(i < 0)
return null;
return removeRowWithContentAt(i);
* Removes the row at the index specified.
* @see removeRowWithContentAt
public function removeRowAt(idx:int):TableRowElement {
if(idx < 0 || idx > rows.length - 1)
return null;
var row:TableRowElement = TableRowElement(rows.splice(idx,1)[0]);
hasCellDamage = true;
return row;
* Removes the row at the index specified and the cells it contains.
public function removeRowWithContentAt(idx:int):Array
var removedCells:Array = [];
for (var i:int = mxmlChildren.length-1;i>=0;i--){
var child:* = mxmlChildren[i];
if(!(child is TableCellElement))
var cell:TableCellElement = child as TableCellElement;
if(cell.rowIndex == idx){
return removedCells;
* Removes all the rows and the cells.
public function removeAllRowsWithContent():void
var rowCount:int;
var cellCount:int;
if (numRows>-1) {
rowCount = numRows-1;
for (;rowCount>-1;) {
* Removes all the rows. Does not remove the cells.
* @see removeAllRowsWithContent
public function removeAllRows():void
var rowCount:int;
var cellCount:int;
if (numRows>-1) {
rowCount = numRows;
for (var i:int; i < rowCount; i++) {
* Removes the column
public function removeColumn(column:TableColElement):TableColElement {
var i:int = columns.indexOf(column);
if(i < 0)
return null;
return removeColumnAt(i);
* Removes the column and the cells it contains.
public function removeColumnWithContent(column:TableColElement):Array
var i:int = columns.indexOf(column);
if(i < 0)
return null;
return removeColumnWithContentAt(i);
* Removes the column at the index specified
public function removeColumnAt(idx:int):TableColElement {
if(idx < 0 || idx > columns.length - 1)
return null;
var col:TableColElement = columns.splice(idx,1)[0];
hasCellDamage = true;
return col;
* Removes the column at the index specified and the cells it contains.
public function removeColumnWithContentAt(idx:int):Array
var removedCells:Array = [];
for (var i:int = mxmlChildren.length-1;i>=0;i--){
var child:* = mxmlChildren[i];
if(!(child is TableCellElement))
var cell:TableCellElement = child as TableCellElement;
if(cell.colIndex == idx){
return removedCells;
* Remove all cells
* @inheritDoc
override tlf_internal function removed():void
hasCellDamage = true;
* @private
* Gets table coordinates which represents the space occupied by cells spanning rows or columns
private function getBlockedCoords(inRow:int = -1, inColumn:int = -1):Vector.<CellCoords>{
var coords:Vector.<CellCoords> = new Vector.<CellCoords>();
if(mxmlChildren) {
for each(var child:* in mxmlChildren){
var cell:TableCellElement = child as TableCellElement;
if (cell==null) continue;
if(cell.columnSpan == 1 && cell.rowSpan == 1)
var curRow:int = cell.rowIndex;
if(inRow >= 0 && curRow != inRow)
if(inColumn >= 0 && inColumn != curColumn)
var curColumn:int = cell.colIndex;
var endRow:int = curRow + cell.rowSpan - 1;
var endColumn:int = curColumn + cell.columnSpan -1;
for(var rowIdx:int = curRow;rowIdx <= endRow;rowIdx++){
for(var colIdx:int = curColumn;colIdx <=endColumn;colIdx++){
if(rowIdx == curRow && colIdx == curColumn){
coords.push( new CellCoords(colIdx, rowIdx) );
return coords;
* Sets the row and column indices of the cells in the table to match their logical position as described by the table columns and rows
public function normalizeCells():void
var i:int;
var blockedCoords:Vector.<CellCoords> = new Vector.<CellCoords>();
if (!mxmlChildren) {
var curRow:int = 0;
var curColumn:int = 0;
for each(var child:* in mxmlChildren) {
if (!(child is TableCellElement)) {
var cell:TableCellElement = child as TableCellElement;
if (cell.rowIndex != curRow || cell.colIndex != curColumn) {
cell.rowIndex = curRow;
cell.colIndex = curColumn;
// add blocked coords if the cell spans rows or columns
var endRow:int = curRow + cell.rowSpan - 1;
var endColumn:int = curColumn + cell.columnSpan -1;
for(var rowIdx:int = curRow;rowIdx <= endRow;rowIdx++){
for(var colIdx:int = curColumn;colIdx <=endColumn;colIdx++){
if(rowIdx == curRow && colIdx == curColumn){
blockedCoords.push(new CellCoords(colIdx,rowIdx) );
// advance coordinates while checking blocked ones from spans
do {
if (curColumn >= numColumns){
curColumn = 0;
var advanced:Boolean = true;
for (i=0;i<blockedCoords.length;i++){
if(blockedCoords[i].column == curColumn && blockedCoords[i].row == curRow){
advanced = false;
if (advanced) {
} while(1);
* Set the width of the specified column. The value can be a number or percent.
public function setColumnWidth(columnIndex:int, value:*):Boolean
//TODO: changing the column width probably requires a recompose of all cells in that column. Mark the cells in that row damaged.
var tableColElement:TableColElement = getColumnAt(columnIndex);
if ( ! tableColElement )
return false;
tableColElement.tableColumnWidth = value;
return true;
* Set the height of the specified row. The value can be a number or percent.
public function setRowHeight(rowIdx:int, value:*):Boolean{
//TODO: setting the row height might change the composition height of the cells. We'll need to do some housekeeping here.
// I'm not sure this function makes sense. We need to handle both min and max values to allow for expanding cells.
var row:TableRowElement = getRowAt(rowIdx);
return false;
return true;
* Get the width of the column.
public function getColumnWidth(columnIndex:int):*
var tableColElement:TableColElement = getColumnAt(columnIndex) as TableColElement;
if ( tableColElement )
return tableColElement.tableColumnWidth;
return 0;
* Sizes and positions the cells in the table.
public function composeCells():void{
_composedRowIndex = 0;
// make sure the height that defines the row height did not change. If it did we might need to change the row height.
var damagedCells:Vector.<TableCellElement> = getDamagedCells();
var cell:TableCellElement;
for each(cell in damagedCells){
// recompose the cells while tracking row height if necessary
// set row heights to minimum
for each (var row:TableRowElement in rows){
var minH:Number = row.computedFormat.minCellHeight;
var maxH:Number = row.computedFormat.maxCellHeight;
row.totalHeight = row.composedHeight = minH;
if(maxH > minH)
row.isMaxHeight = false;
row.isMaxHeight = true;
// set column positions...
var xPos:Number = 0;
for each (var col:TableColElement in columns){
col.x = xPos;
xPos += col.columnWidth;
if (mxmlChildren) {
for(var i:int=0;i<mxmlChildren.length;i++){
if( !(mxmlChildren[i] is TableCellElement) )
cell = mxmlChildren[i] as TableCellElement;
while(rows.length < cell.rowIndex+1){
row = getRowAt(cell.rowIndex);
throw new Error("this should not happen...");
if(row.isMaxHeight) {
var cellHeight:Number = cell.getComposedHeight();
if(cell.rowSpan > 1)
// figure out the total height taking into account fixed height rows and the total span.
// for now, we're taking the easy way out assuming the rows are not fixed...
row.totalHeight = Math.max(row.totalHeight, cellHeight);
row.composedHeight = Math.max(row.composedHeight, cellHeight);
row.composedHeight = Math.min(row.composedHeight, row.computedFormat.maxCellHeight);
row.totalHeight = Math.max(row.composedHeight, row.totalHeight);
if(row.composedHeight == row.computedFormat.maxCellHeight)
row.isMaxHeight = true;
// create arrays or rows to make table composition simpler
// For now we're assuming all cells have the correct row and column indices.
// For this assumption to remain valid, the interaction manager will have to update all indices when inserting rows and columns.
// actually, it probably makes sense for TableElement to handle that when adding rows and columns.
// we need to think this through.
_bodyRows = new Vector.< Vector.<TableCellElement> >();
if (mxmlChildren) {
if ( !(mxmlChildren[i] is TableCellElement) ) {
cell = mxmlChildren[i] as TableCellElement;
while(cell.rowIndex >= _bodyRows.length)
_bodyRows.push(new Vector.<TableCellElement>());
var rowVec:Vector.<TableCellElement> = _bodyRows[cell.rowIndex] as Vector.<TableCellElement>;
rowVec = new Vector.<TableCellElement>();
_bodyRows[cell.rowIndex] = rowVec;
if(rowVec.length > cell.colIndex && rowVec[cell.colIndex]) {
throw new Error("Two cells cannot have the same coordinates");
if(headerRowCount > 0){
_headerRows = _bodyRows.splice(0,headerRowCount);
} else {
_headerRows = null;
if(footerRowCount > 0){
_footerRows = _bodyRows.splice(-footerRowCount,Number.MAX_VALUE);
} else {
_footerRows = null;
* returns the header rows for composition
public function getHeaderRows():Vector.< Vector.<TableCellElement> >{
return _headerRows;
* returns the footer rows for composition
public function getFooterRows():Vector.< Vector.<TableCellElement> >{
return _footerRows;
* returns the body rows (sans header and footer cells) for composition
public function getBodyRows():Vector.< Vector.<TableCellElement> >{
return _bodyRows;
* returns a vector of table cells in the next row during composition
public function getNextRow():Vector.<TableCellElement>{
if(_composedRowIndex >= _bodyRows.length)
return null;
return _bodyRows[_composedRowIndex++];
* Returns the next table cell after the supplied table cell
public function getNextCell(tableCell:TableCellElement):TableCellElement {
var cell:TableCellElement;
for each (var element:FlowElement in mxmlChildren) {
cell = element as TableCellElement;
if (cell) {
// get next cell in same row
if (cell.rowIndex==tableCell.rowIndex && cell.colIndex-1==tableCell.colIndex) {
return cell;
// get first cell in next row
if (cell.rowIndex-1==tableCell.rowIndex && cell.colIndex==0) {
return cell;
return null;
* Returns the previous table cell after the supplied table cell
public function getPreviousCell(tableCell:TableCellElement):TableCellElement {
var cell:TableCellElement;
var highestCellIndex:int = -1;
var rowIndex:int = -1;
for each (var element:FlowElement in mxmlChildren) {
cell = element as TableCellElement;
if (cell) {
// get previous cell in same row
if (cell.rowIndex==tableCell.rowIndex && cell.colIndex+1==tableCell.colIndex) {
return cell;
// get last cell in previous row
if (cell.rowIndex+1==tableCell.rowIndex) {
rowIndex = cell.rowIndex;
if (highestCellIndex<cell.colIndex) {
highestCellIndex = cell.colIndex;
if (rowIndex>-1 && highestCellIndex>-1) {
return getCellAt(rowIndex, highestCellIndex);
return null;
* Returns the table cell at the row and column specified.
public function getCellAt(rowIndex:int, columnIndex:int):TableCellElement {
var cell:TableCellElement;
for each (var element:FlowElement in mxmlChildren) {
cell = element as TableCellElement;
if (cell && cell.rowIndex==rowIndex && cell.colIndex==columnIndex) {
return cell;
return null;
* Computed height of the header cells
public function getHeaderHeight():Number{
//TODO: compute the header height from the header cells
return 0;
* Computed height of the footer cells
public function getFooterHeight():Number{
//TODO: compute the footer height from the footer cells
return 0;
* Accepts a suggested table width and calculates the column widths.
public function normalizeColumnWidths(suggestedWidth:Number = 600):void{
//TODO: before composition make sure all column widths are rational numbers
// We feed in a width to use if there's no width otherwise specified.
// quick and dirty...
var setCount:* = computedFormat.columnCount;
// we need to figure this out...
} else if(setCount == FormatValue.AUTO){
// figure out...
} else {
var cCount:Number = computedFormat.columnCount;
while (cCount > columns.length){
var w:Number;
case "number":
w = suggestedWidth;
case "string":
if(computedFormat.tableWidth.indexOf("%") > 0){
w = suggestedWidth / (parseFloat(computedFormat.tableWidth)/100);
w = suggestedWidth;
w = 600;
if(w > 20000)
w = 600;
_computedWidth = w;
var numNonsetColumns:int = numColumns;
var col:TableColElement;
for each(col in columns){
// simply stomp on the settings. (need to finesse this...)
if(typeof(col.columnWidth) == "number")
w-= col.columnWidth;
for each(col in columns)
// simply stomp on the settings. (need to finesse this...)
if(typeof(col.columnWidth) == "number")
col.columnWidth = w / numNonsetColumns;
* Returns a vector of all the damaged cells in the table.
private function getDamagedCells():Vector.<TableCellElement>{
var cells:Vector.<TableCellElement> = new Vector.<TableCellElement>();
for each (var cell:* in this.mxmlChildren){
if((cell is TableCellElement) && cell.isDamaged())
cells.push(cell as TableCellElement);
return cells;
* Marks all of the cells in the table as damaged.
private function markCellsDamaged():void {
if (!mxmlChildren) return;
for each (var cell:* in this.mxmlChildren){
if (cell is TableCellElement) {
* Returns a vector of all the table cell elements in the table.
public function getCells():Vector.<TableCellElement> {
var cells:Vector.<TableCellElement> = new Vector.<TableCellElement>();
for each (var cell:* in mxmlChildren){
if (cell is TableCellElement) {
cells.push(cell as TableCellElement);
return cells;
* Returns an array of all the table cells.
public function getCellsArray():Array {
var cells:Array = [];
for each (var cell:* in mxmlChildren){
if (cell is TableCellElement) {
cells.push(cell as TableCellElement);
return cells;
* Returns the table width
public function get width():Number
return _computedWidth;
* Sets the table width
public function set width(value:*):void
* Indicates elements in the table have been modified and the table must be recomposed.
public function get hasCellDamage():Boolean
return _hasCellDamage;
public function set hasCellDamage(value:Boolean):void
_hasCellDamage = value;
* Returns the number of header rows in the table
public function get headerRowCount():uint
return _headerRowCount;
* Sets the number of header rows in the table
public function set headerRowCount(value:uint):void
if(value != _headerRowCount)
_tableRowsComputed = false;
_headerRowCount = value;
* Returns the number of footer rows in the table
public function get footerRowCount():uint
return _footerRowCount;
* Sets the number of footer rows in the table
public function set footerRowCount(value:uint):void
if(value != _footerRowCount)
_tableRowsComputed = false;
_footerRowCount = value;
* Gets the first TextFlowTableBlock in the table.
public function getFirstBlock():TextFlowTableBlock{
if(_tableBlocks == null)
_tableBlocks = new Vector.<TextFlowTableBlock>();
if(_tableBlocks.length == 0)
_tableBlocks.push(new TextFlowTableBlock(0));
_tableBlockIndex = 0;
_tableBlocks[0].parentTable = this;
return _tableBlocks[0];
* Gets the next TextFlowTableBlock.
public function getNextBlock():TextFlowTableBlock{
if(_tableBlocks == null)
_tableBlocks = new Vector.<TextFlowTableBlock>();
while(_tableBlocks.length <= _tableBlockIndex){
_tableBlocks.push( new TextFlowTableBlock(_tableBlocks.length) );
_tableBlocks[_tableBlockIndex].parentTable = this;
return _tableBlocks[_tableBlockIndex];
* Gets the total atom length of this flow element in the text flow.
* @inheritDoc
override public function get textLength():int{
return 1;
* Returns the cell at the specified row and column.
private function getCellIndex(rowIdx:int,columnIdx:int):int{
if(rowIdx == 0 && columnIdx == 0)
return 0;
for (var i:int=0;i<mxmlChildren.length;i++){
var item:* = mxmlChildren[i];
if(!(item is TableCellElement))
var cell:TableCellElement = item as TableCellElement;
if(cell.rowIndex == rowIdx && cell.colIndex == columnIdx)
return i;
return -1;
* Returns a vector of table cell elements in the given cell range.
public function getCellsInRange(anchorCoords:CellCoordinates, activeCoords:CellCoordinates, block:TextFlowTableBlock=null):Vector.<TableCellElement>
var firstCoords:CellCoordinates = anchorCoords.clone();
var lastCoords:CellCoordinates = activeCoords.clone();
lastCoords.row < firstCoords.row ||
(lastCoords.row == firstCoords.row && lastCoords.column < firstCoords.column)
firstCoords = activeCoords.clone();
lastCoords = anchorCoords.clone();
// make sure the rectangle is not inversed
if(lastCoords.column < firstCoords.column)
var col:int = firstCoords.column;
firstCoords.column = lastCoords.column;
lastCoords.column = col;
var firstCell:TableCellElement = findCell(firstCoords);
var cells:Vector.<TableCellElement> = new Vector.<TableCellElement>();
if(!block || getCellBlock(firstCell) == block)
var idx:int = mxmlChildren.indexOf(firstCell);
while(++idx < mxmlChildren.length)
var nextCell:TableCellElement = mxmlChildren[idx];
if(nextCell.rowIndex > lastCoords.row || (nextCell.rowIndex == lastCoords.row && nextCell.colIndex > lastCoords.column))
// skip cells outside rectangle
if(nextCell.colIndex > lastCoords.column || nextCell.colIndex < firstCoords.column)
if(!block || getCellBlock(nextCell) == block)
return cells;
* Finds the cell at the specified cell coordinates or null if no cell is found.
public function findCell(coords:CellCoordinates):TableCellElement
// get a guess of the cell location. If there's no holes (such as spans), it should theoretically pinpoint the index.
var idx:int = (coords.row+1) * (coords.column+1) -1;
if(idx >= numChildren)
idx = numChildren-1;
var cell:TableCellElement = mxmlChildren[idx];
// look ahead to see if we're short (not sure if this is needed).
if(idx == numChildren-1)
var nextCell:TableCellElement = mxmlChildren[idx+1];
if(nextCell.rowIndex > coords.row || (nextCell.rowIndex == coords.row && nextCell.colIndex > coords.column))
cell = nextCell;
// look behind accounting for spans
//check if the coords fall within the row and column span
cell.colIndex <= coords.column && cell.colIndex + cell.columnSpan - 1 >= coords.column &&
cell.rowIndex <= coords.row && cell.rowIndex + cell.rowSpan - 1 >= coords.row
//oops we hit the first cell without finding anything. At least return that...
if(cell.colIndex == 0 && cell.rowIndex == 0)
if(idx == 0)
var prevCell:TableCellElement = mxmlChildren[idx-1];
cell = prevCell;
return cell;
* Adds the table cell container to the table block specified.
public function addCellToBlock(cell:TableCellElement, block:TextFlowTableBlock):void
tableBlockDict[cell] = block;
* Returns the table block for the given table cell.
public function getCellBlock(cell:TableCellElement):TextFlowTableBlock
return tableBlockDict[cell];
* Keeps a reference to all the table blocks belonging to this table.
private function get tableBlockDict():Dictionary
if(_tableBlockDict == null)
_tableBlockDict = new Dictionary();
return _tableBlockDict;
* Returns a vector of the table blocks.
public function get tableBlocks():Vector.<TextFlowTableBlock>
return _tableBlocks;
* Returns a vector of the table blocks in the specified cell range.
public function getTableBlocksInRange(start:CellCoordinates,end:CellCoordinates):Vector.<TextFlowTableBlock>
var coords:CellCoordinates = start.clone();
if(end.column < start.column)
coords = end.clone();
end = start.clone();
var blocks:Vector.<TextFlowTableBlock> = new Vector.<TextFlowTableBlock>();
var block:TextFlowTableBlock = getCellBlock(findCell(coords));
if(coords.row > end.row)
if(getCellBlock(findCell(coords)) == block)
block = getCellBlock(findCell(coords));
return blocks;
/** @private */
tlf_internal override function getNextLeafHelper(limitElement:FlowGroupElement,child:FlowElement):FlowLeafElement
return parent.getNextLeafHelper(limitElement,this);
/** @private */
tlf_internal override function getPreviousLeafHelper(limitElement:FlowGroupElement,child:FlowElement):FlowLeafElement
return parent.getPreviousLeafHelper(limitElement,this);
private function getLeaf():TableLeafElement
if(_leaf == null)
_leaf = new TableLeafElement(this);
return _leaf;
public override function findLeaf(relativePosition:int):FlowLeafElement
return getLeaf();
public override function getLastLeaf(): FlowLeafElement
return getLeaf();
public override function getFirstLeaf():FlowLeafElement
return getLeaf();
tlf_internal override function createContentElement():void{}
/** @private
* Release the FTE data structure that corresponds to the FlowElement, so it can be gc'ed
tlf_internal override function releaseContentElement():void{}
* Creates and returns a default row
tlf_internal function createRowElement(index:int, defaultRowFormat:ITextLayoutFormat):TableRowElement {
var row:TableRowElement = new TableRowElement(defaultRowFormat);
row.rowIndex = index;
row.table = this;
return row;
* Creates and returns a default column
tlf_internal function createColumnElement(index:int, defaultColumnFormat:ITextLayoutFormat):TableColElement {
var column:TableColElement = new TableColElement(defaultColumnFormat);
column.colIndex = index;
column.table = this;
return column;
class CellCoords
public var column:int;
public var row:int;
public function CellCoords(colIdx:int,rowIdx:int)
column = colIdx;
row = rowIdx;