blob: 84d7cb5fce05873d1cf3672f6c7788d3adf031ba [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package UnitTest.Tests
import UnitTest.ExtendedClasses.VellumTestCase;
import UnitTest.Fixtures.TestConfig;
import flash.text.FontStyle;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.ParagraphElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.SpanElement;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.TextAlign;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat;
import org.flexunit.asserts.assertTrue;
public class StyleTest extends VellumTestCase
private var formatResolver:TestFormatResolver;
public function StyleTest()
super("", "StyleTest", TestConfig.getInstance());
metaData = {};
// Note: These must correspond to a Watson product area (case-sensitive)
metaData.productArea = "Text Attributes";
metaData.productSubArea = "CSS - Styling";
public override function setUpTest():void
formatResolver = new TestFormatResolver();
TestFrame.textFlow.formatResolver = formatResolver;
public override function tearDownTest():void
formatResolver = null;
TestFrame.textFlow.formatResolver = null;
public function basicStyleTest():void
// Set up style resolver
var testFormat:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
testFormat.textAlign = TextAlign.CENTER;
formatResolver.addStyle("flowStyle", testFormat, TestFormatResolver.NAME_STYLE);
// Assign style and check for result
TestFrame.textFlow.getChildAt(0).styleName = "flowStyle";
var testPara:ParagraphElement = TestFrame.textFlow.getChildAt(0) as ParagraphElement;
assertTrue("Format 'flowStyle' was not applied to the first paragraph",
testPara.computedFormat.textAlign == TextAlign.CENTER);
public function styleNameInheritTest():void
// Set up style resolver
var testFormat:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
testFormat.fontStyle = FontStyle.ITALIC;
formatResolver.addStyle("fontStyle", testFormat, TestFormatResolver.NAME_STYLE);
// Assign style and check for result
TestFrame.textFlow.getChildAt(0).styleName = "fontStyle";
var testSpan:SpanElement = (TestFrame.textFlow.getChildAt(0) as ParagraphElement).getChildAt(0) as SpanElement;
assertTrue("Format 'fontStyle' was not inherited by the first span",
testSpan.computedFormat.fontStyle == FontStyle.ITALIC);
public function styleInvalidateTest():void
// Set up style resolver
var testFormat:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
testFormat.textAlign = TextAlign.CENTER;
formatResolver.addStyle("flowStyle", testFormat, TestFormatResolver.NAME_STYLE);
// Assign style and check for result
TestFrame.textFlow.getChildAt(0).styleName = "flowStyle";
var testPara:ParagraphElement = TestFrame.textFlow.getChildAt(0) as ParagraphElement;
assertTrue("Format 'flowStyle' was not applied to the first paragraph",
testPara.computedFormat.textAlign == TextAlign.CENTER);
testPara.styleName = "otherStyle";
assertTrue("Format 'flowStyle' was still applied after being invalidated",
testPara.computedFormat.textAlign != TextAlign.CENTER);
public function styleInvalidateAllTest():void
// Set up style resolver
var testFormat:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
testFormat.textAlign = TextAlign.CENTER;
formatResolver.addStyle("flowStyle", testFormat, TestFormatResolver.NAME_STYLE);
// Assign style and check for result
TestFrame.textFlow.getChildAt(0).styleName = "flowStyle";
var testPara:ParagraphElement = TestFrame.textFlow.getChildAt(0) as ParagraphElement;
assertTrue("Format 'flowStyle' was not applied to the first paragraph",
testPara.computedFormat.textAlign == TextAlign.CENTER);
testFormat.textAlign = TextAlign.RIGHT;
assertTrue("Format 'flowStyle' updated without being invalidated",
testPara.computedFormat.textAlign != TextAlign.RIGHT);
assertTrue("Format 'flowStyle' was still applied after being invalidated",
testPara.computedFormat.textAlign == TextAlign.RIGHT);
public function basicIdTest():void
// Set up resolver
var testFormat:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
testFormat.textAlign = TextAlign.CENTER;
formatResolver.addStyle("flowid", testFormat, TestFormatResolver.ID_STYLE);
// Assign id and check for result
TestFrame.textFlow.getChildAt(0).id = "flowid";
var testPara:ParagraphElement = TestFrame.textFlow.getChildAt(0) as ParagraphElement;
assertTrue("Format 'flowid' was not applied to the first paragraph",
testPara.computedFormat.textAlign == TextAlign.CENTER);
public function idInheritTest():void
// Set up resolver
var testFormat:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
testFormat.fontStyle = FontStyle.ITALIC;
formatResolver.addStyle("FontStyle", testFormat, TestFormatResolver.ID_STYLE);
// Assign id and check for result
TestFrame.textFlow.getChildAt(0).id = "FontStyle";
var testSpan:SpanElement = (TestFrame.textFlow.getChildAt(0) as ParagraphElement).getChildAt(0) as SpanElement;
assertTrue("Format 'FontStyle' was not inherited by the first span",
testSpan.computedFormat.fontStyle == FontStyle.ITALIC);
public function idInvalidateTest():void
// Set up resolver
var testFormat:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
testFormat.textAlign = TextAlign.CENTER;
formatResolver.addStyle("flowid", testFormat, TestFormatResolver.ID_STYLE);
// Assign id and check for result
TestFrame.textFlow.getChildAt(0).id = "flowid";
var testPara:ParagraphElement = TestFrame.textFlow.getChildAt(0) as ParagraphElement;
assertTrue("Format 'flowid' was not applied to the first paragraph",
testPara.computedFormat.textAlign == TextAlign.CENTER); = "otherid";
assertTrue("Format 'flowid' was still applied after being invalidated",
testPara.computedFormat.textAlign != TextAlign.CENTER);
public function idInvalidateAllTest():void
// Set up resolver
var testFormat:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
testFormat.textAlign = TextAlign.CENTER;
formatResolver.addStyle("flowid", testFormat, TestFormatResolver.ID_STYLE);
// Assign id and check for result
TestFrame.textFlow.getChildAt(0).id = "flowid";
var testPara:ParagraphElement = TestFrame.textFlow.getChildAt(0) as ParagraphElement;
assertTrue("Format 'flowid' was not applied to the first paragraph",
testPara.computedFormat.textAlign == TextAlign.CENTER);
testFormat.textAlign = TextAlign.RIGHT;
assertTrue("Format 'flowid' updated without being invalidated",
testPara.computedFormat.textAlign != TextAlign.RIGHT);
assertTrue("Format 'flowid' was still applied after being invalidated",
testPara.computedFormat.textAlign == TextAlign.RIGHT);
public function basicUserStyleTest():void
var formatObject:Object = {};
var styleObject:Object = {};
formatResolver.addStyle("myStyle", formatObject, TestFormatResolver.USER_STYLE);
assertTrue("UserStyle failed to return correct format object",
TestFrame.textFlow.getStyle("myStyle") == formatObject);
TestFrame.textFlow.setStyle("myStyle", styleObject);
assertTrue("UserStyle failed to return correct format object",
TestFrame.textFlow.getStyle("myStyle") == styleObject);
import flash.utils.Dictionary;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowGroupElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.IFormatResolver;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat;
class TestFormatResolver implements IFormatResolver
private var _styleCache:Dictionary;
private var _nameStyles:Dictionary;
private var _idStyles:Dictionary;
private var _userStyles:Dictionary;
private var _userCache:Dictionary;
public var userStyleReference:Dictionary;
public static const ID_STYLE:String = "id";
public static const NAME_STYLE:String = "class";
public static const USER_STYLE:String = "user";
public var getResolverCalled:Boolean = false;
public var lastOldFlow:TextFlow;
public var lastNewFlow:TextFlow;
public function TestFormatResolver()
_styleCache = new Dictionary();
_nameStyles = new Dictionary();
_idStyles = new Dictionary();
_userStyles = new Dictionary();
_userCache = new Dictionary();
userStyleReference = new Dictionary();
/** Adds a new style to the resolver. The resolve methods will return styleValue for styleName
* styleType can be one of TestFormatResolver.ID_STYLE, TestFormatResolver.NAME_STYLE, or
* TestFormatResolver.USER_STYLE */
public function addStyle(styleName:String, styleValue:Object, styleType:String):void
if (styleType == TestFormatResolver.ID_STYLE)
_idStyles[styleName] = styleValue;
else if (styleType == TestFormatResolver.NAME_STYLE)
_nameStyles[styleName] = styleValue;
else if (styleType == USER_STYLE)
_userStyles[styleName] = styleValue;
else throw new Error("TEST ERROR: TestStyleResolver.addStyle() called with unknown styleType");
public function resolveFormat(elem:Object):ITextLayoutFormat
// Add to the cache if it's not already there
if (!_styleCache[elem])
_styleCache[elem] = new TextLayoutFormat();
// If we have an ContainerController, give up
if (!(elem is FlowElement))
return undefined;
if (_nameStyles[elem.styleName])
if (_idStyles[])
return _styleCache[elem];
/** any cached styling information is now invalid and need recomputing */
public function invalidateAll(tf:TextFlow):void
_styleCache = new Dictionary();
_userCache = new Dictionary();
/** cached information on this element is now invalid (e.g. parent changed, id changed, styleName changed) */
public function invalidate(target:Object):void
delete _styleCache[target];
var blockElem:FlowGroupElement = target as FlowGroupElement;
if (blockElem)
for (var idx:int = 0; idx < blockElem.numChildren; idx++)
/** Given a FlowElement or ContainerController and the name of a style property return a style value or undefined*/
public function resolveUserFormat(elem:Object, userStyle:String):*
if (_userCache[userStyle])
return _userCache[userStyle];
else if (!_userStyles[userStyle])
return undefined;
_userCache[userStyle] = _userStyles[userStyle];
return _userCache[userStyle];
/** Called when the owning TextFlow is copied. One TestStyleResolver is used for all instances. */
public function getResolverForNewFlow(oldFlow:TextFlow, newFlow:TextFlow):IFormatResolver
getResolverCalled = true;
lastOldFlow = oldFlow;
lastNewFlow = newFlow;
return this;