blob: 6fb4cae17c43d8763188ccb6f96b5c7caf80ff40 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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<!-- Demonstrate some example controls. This example does not attempt to create a control for every property in the TextLayoutFramework -->
<mx:VBox xmlns:mx="" label="Text Editor Example" initialize="init()" backgroundColor="#FFFFFF" horizontalScrollPolicy="off" verticalScrollPolicy="off">
import flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController;
import flashx.textLayout.conversion.TextConverter;
import flashx.textLayout.edit.EditManager;
import flashx.textLayout.edit.IEditManager;
import flashx.textLayout.edit.ElementRange;
import flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionState;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.Configuration;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.ParagraphElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.SpanElement;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.TextAlign;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.VerticalAlign;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.BlockProgression;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.Direction;
import flashx.textLayout.operations.ApplyElementIDOperation;
import flashx.textLayout.operations.ApplyElementStyleNameOperation;
import flashx.textLayout.operations.FlowOperation;
import flashx.textLayout.tlf_internal;
use namespace tlf_internal;
import flashx.undo.UndoManager;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.system.Capabilities;
// the textFlow being worked on
private var _textFlow:TextFlow = null;
// container to hold the text
private var _container:Sprite = null;
// ///////////////////////////////////////
// data providers for enumerated list boxes
// ///////////////////////////////////////
static private const textAlignData:Array = [
{ label:"Justify", data:TextAlign.JUSTIFY},
{ label:"Left", data:TextAlign.LEFT},
{ label:"Right", data:TextAlign.RIGHT},
{ label:"Center", data:TextAlign.CENTER},
{ label:"End", data:TextAlign.END},
{ label:"Start", data:TextAlign.START}
static private const verticalAlignData:Array = [
{ label:"Bottom", data:VerticalAlign.BOTTOM },
{ label:"Justify", data:VerticalAlign.JUSTIFY },
{ label:"Middle", data:VerticalAlign.MIDDLE },
{ label:"Top", data:VerticalAlign.TOP }
static private const blockProgressionData:Array = [
{ label:"TopToBottom", data:BlockProgression.TB },
{ label:"RightToleft", data:BlockProgression.RL }
static private const directionData:Array = [
{ label:"LeftToRight", data:Direction.LTR },
{ label:"RightToleft", data:Direction.RTL }
static private const styleLevelData:Array = [
{ label:"TextFlow", data:TextFlow },
{ label:"Paragraph", data:ParagraphElement},
{ label:"Span", data:SpanElement}
* initialization
private function init():void
// create a sprite to hold the TextLines
_container = new Sprite();
fontFamily.dataProvider = populateFontFamily();
versionInfo.text = "Vellum: " + flashx.textLayout.TextLayoutVersion.BUILD_NUMBER + (Configuration.tlf_internal::debugCodeEnabled ? " Debug" : " Release")
+ ", Flex: " + mx_internal::VERSION
+ ", Player: " + Capabilities.version;
* Create an array of available font families
static private function populateFontFamily():Array
// really this returns an array of fonts - would be nice to strip it down to just the families
var fonts:Array = Font.enumerateFonts(true);
var fontfamily:Array = new Array();
fonts.sortOn("fontName", Array.CASEINSENSITIVE);
for(var i:int = 0; i< fonts.length; i++)
// trace(fonts[i].fontName);
fontfamily.push({label: fonts[i].fontName, data: fonts[i].fontName});
return fontfamily;
/** called to set the size of this panel */
public function setSize(w:int,h:int):void
this.width = w;
this.height = h;
textArea.width = width;
textArea.height = height > bottomTabs.height ? this.height-bottomTabs.height : 0;
if (_textFlow)
/** called when the bottom tabs finally gets sized. */
private function bottomTabsResize():void
/** The TextFlow to edit. */
public function get textFlow():TextFlow
{ return _textFlow; }
public function set textFlow(newFlow:TextFlow):void
// clear any old flow if present
if (_textFlow)
_textFlow.flowComposer = null;
_textFlow = null;
_textFlow = newFlow;
if (_textFlow)
_textFlow.flowComposer.addController(new ContainerController(_container,textArea.width,textArea.height));
// setup event listeners for selection changed and ILG loaded
// make _textFlow editable with undo
_textFlow.interactionManager = new EditManager(new UndoManager());
// initialize with a selection before the first character
// compose the new textFlow and give it focus
/** Receives an event any time an ILG with a computed size finishes loading. */
private function graphicStatusChangeEvent(evt:StatusChangeEvent):void
// recompose if the evt is from an element in this textFlow
if (_textFlow && evt.element.getTextFlow() == _textFlow)
/** Receives an event any time the selection is changed. Update the UI */
private function selectionChangeListener(e:SelectionEvent):void
var selectionState:SelectionState = e.selectionState;
var selectedElementRange:ElementRange = ElementRange.createElementRange(selectionState.textFlow, selectionState.absoluteStart, selectionState.absoluteEnd);
// set display according to the values at the beginning of the selection range. For point selection/characterFormat use getCommonCharacterFormat as that tracks pending attributes waiting for the next character
var characterFormat:ITextLayoutFormat = _textFlow.interactionManager.activePosition == _textFlow.interactionManager.anchorPosition ? _textFlow.interactionManager.getCommonCharacterFormat() : selectedElementRange.characterFormat;
var paragraphFormat:ITextLayoutFormat = selectedElementRange.paragraphFormat;
var containerFormat:ITextLayoutFormat = selectedElementRange.containerFormat;
fontSize.text = characterFormat.fontSize.toString();
lineHeight.text = characterFormat.lineHeight.toString();
textIndent.text = paragraphFormat.textIndent.toString();
columnCount.text = containerFormat.columnCount.toString();
columnGap.text = containerFormat.columnGap.toString();
/** Helper function to update a comboBox in the UI */
private function updateComboBox(box:ComboBox,val:String):void
for (var i:int = 0; i < box.dataProvider.length; i++)
if (box.dataProvider[i].data == val)
box.selectedIndex = i;
box.text = val;
* These functions are helpers for the various widgets to actually perform the operations on the TextFlow
private function changeFontFamily(newFontFamily:String):void
if (_textFlow && _textFlow.interactionManager is IEditManager)
var cf:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
cf.fontFamily = newFontFamily;
private function changeFontSize(newFontSize:String):void
if (_textFlow && _textFlow.interactionManager is IEditManager)
var cf:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
cf.fontSize = newFontSize;
private function changeLeading(newLeading:String):void
if (_textFlow && _textFlow.interactionManager is IEditManager)
var cf:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
cf.lineHeight = newLeading;
private function changeTextAlign(newAlign:String):void
if (_textFlow && _textFlow.interactionManager is IEditManager)
var pf:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
pf.textAlign = newAlign;
private function changeTextIndent(newIndent:String):void
if (_textFlow && _textFlow.interactionManager is IEditManager)
var pf:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
pf.textIndent = newIndent;
private function changeColumnCount(newCount:String):void
if (_textFlow && _textFlow.interactionManager is IEditManager)
var cf:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
cf.columnCount = newCount;
private function changeColumnGap(newGap:String):void
if (_textFlow && _textFlow.interactionManager is IEditManager)
var cf:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
cf.columnGap = newGap;
private function changeVerticalAlign(newAlign:String):void
if (_textFlow && _textFlow.interactionManager is IEditManager)
var cf:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
cf.verticalAlign = newAlign;
private function changeBlockProgression(newProgression:String):void
if (_textFlow && _textFlow.interactionManager is IEditManager)
var cf:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
cf.blockProgression = newProgression;
/** Set direction on the rootElement. This effects both columnDirection and default reading order. */
private function changeDirection(newDirection:String):void
if (_textFlow && _textFlow.interactionManager is IEditManager)
var pf:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
pf.direction = newDirection;
/** Currently selected level to display */
private var currentStyleLevel:Class = TextFlow;
/** Returns the current FlowELement element at the currentStyleLevel */
private function currentStyleElement(absolutePosition:int):FlowElement
var e:FlowElement;
case TextFlow:
e = _textFlow;
case ParagraphElement:
e = _textFlow.findLeaf(absolutePosition).getParagraph();
e = _textFlow.findLeaf(absolutePosition);
return e;
/** Update the displayed styles. */
private function updateStyling():void
var e:FlowElement = currentStyleElement(_textFlow.interactionManager.anchorPosition);
styleId.text =;
styleName.text = e.styleName;
/** Sets the level for the current style element to view. */
private function changeStyleLevel(newLevel:Class):void
currentStyleLevel = newLevel;
/** Function to apply the id or styleName to a range. Its a bit tricker than I'd like it to be. */
private function performStyleOperation(newData:String,operationClass:Class):void
if (_textFlow && _textFlow.interactionManager is IEditManager)
var op:FlowOperation;
var target:FlowElement;
// if its a point selection change or TextFlow change the current element - else change the range
if (_textFlow.interactionManager.isRangeSelection() && currentStyleLevel != TextFlow)
// possibly multiple targets over the range
var targetList:Array = [];
var absStart:int = _textFlow.interactionManager.getSelectionState().absoluteStart;
var absEnd:int = _textFlow.interactionManager.getSelectionState().absoluteEnd;
while (absStart < absEnd)
target = currentStyleElement(absStart);
absStart = target.getAbsoluteStart() + target.textLength;
absStart = _textFlow.interactionManager.absoluteStart;
var selectionEndDelta:int = 0;
for each (target in targetList)
//if we are extending the style name then normalize which is called in doOp will cause the element to
//mergeToPrev. The result is an invalid index. Example:
//Initial State:
//<span styleID="a">foo</span><span styleID="b">bar</span><span>moreFooBar</span>
//Selection from "oo" of "foo" to "more" and new styleID="b"
//"foo" will be split:
//<span styleID="a">f</span><span styleID="b">oo</span>...
//During operation, normalize will merge "bar" into "oo":
//span styleID="a">f</span><span styleID="b">oobar</span>
//And most importantly, the element of "bar" is removed from the flow and ready for deletion.
//In this case, skip to the next element.
//Watson 2291333. - gak 03.13.09
if(target.parent == null)
absStart += target.textLength;
// it using the anchhor position to find the style element. need to give it a range of just the first selected element. otherwise need to iterate over many
var operationEnd:int = absEnd < target.getAbsoluteStart()+target.textLength ? absEnd : target.getAbsoluteStart()+target.textLength;
var textFlowLength:int = _textFlow.textLength;
// parameters passed to operation class constructor
// selectionState - ending selection
// target - element to be modified
// newData - id or styleName
// relativeStart - target relative position to begin the modificaiton
// relativeEnd - target relative position to end the modification
op = new operationClass(_textFlow.interactionManager.getSelectionState(),target,newData,absStart-target.getAbsoluteStart(),operationEnd-target.getAbsoluteStart());
// new paragraphs might get created due to splitting so adjust for the additional paragraph terminators that were inserted
if (textFlowLength < _textFlow.textLength)
absStart += _textFlow.textLength-textFlowLength;
absEnd += _textFlow.textLength-textFlowLength;
operationEnd += _textFlow.textLength-textFlowLength;
selectionEndDelta += _textFlow.textLength-textFlowLength;
absStart = operationEnd;
// finally adjust the selection to include any extra chars added by split paragraphs
if (selectionEndDelta > 0)
var anchor:int = _textFlow.interactionManager.anchorPosition;
var active:int = _textFlow.interactionManager.activePosition;
if (anchor < active)
active += selectionEndDelta;
anchor += selectionEndDelta;
else // change the element containing the point selection
target = currentStyleElement(_textFlow.interactionManager.anchorPosition);
op = new operationClass(_textFlow.interactionManager.getSelectionState(),target,newData);
private function changeStyleId(newId:String):void
private function changeStyleStyleName(newStyleName:String):void
<!-- <mx:VBox horizontalScrollPolicy="off" verticalScrollPolicy="off" width="100%" height="100%"> -->
<mx:Canvas id="textArea" width="520" height="400"/>
<mx:TabNavigator id="bottomTabs" width="100%" creationPolicy="all" paddingLeft="4" paddingBottom="8" backgroundColor="#D9D9D9" color="#202020" horizontalScrollPolicy="off" verticalScrollPolicy="off" resize="bottomTabsResize()">
<mx:HBox label="Text" backgroundColor="#D9D9D9" width="496" horizontalScrollPolicy="off" verticalScrollPolicy="off" >
<mx:Label text="Font:"/>
<mx:ComboBox id="fontFamily" editable="true" enter="changeFontFamily(fontFamily.text)" close="changeFontFamily(fontFamily.text)" width="200"/>
<mx:Label text="Size:"/>
<mx:TextInput id="fontSize" enter="changeFontSize(fontSize.text)" width="40"/>
<mx:Label text="LineHeight:"/>
<mx:TextInput id="lineHeight" enter="changeLeading(lineHeight.text)" width="40"/>
<mx:HBox label="Para" backgroundColor="#D9D9D9" width="496">
<mx:Label text="Alignment:"/>
<mx:ComboBox id="textAlign" close="changeTextAlign(" dataProvider="{textAlignData}"/>
<mx:Label text="FirstLineIdent:"/>
<mx:TextInput id="textIndent" enter="changeTextIndent(textIndent.text)" width="40"/>
<mx:HBox label="Container" backgroundColor="#D9D9D9" width="496">
<mx:Label text="Columns:"/>
<mx:TextInput id="columnCount" toolTip="auto or a number" enter="changeColumnCount(columnCount.text)" width="40"/>
<mx:Label text="Gap:"/>
<mx:TextInput id="columnGap" toolTip="a number" enter="changeColumnGap(columnGap.text)" width="40"/>
<mx:Label text="VerticalAlignment:"/>
<mx:ComboBox id="verticalAlign" close="changeVerticalAlign(" dataProvider="{verticalAlignData}"/>
<mx:HBox label="Flow" backgroundColor="#D9D9D9" width="496">
<mx:Label text="Progression:"/>
<mx:ComboBox id="blockProgression" close="changeBlockProgression(" dataProvider="{blockProgressionData}"/>
<mx:Label text="Direction:"/>
<mx:ComboBox id="directionBox" close="changeDirection(" dataProvider="{directionData}"/>
<mx:HBox label="Style" backgroundColor="#D9D9D9" width="496">
<mx:Label text="Level:"/>
<mx:ComboBox id="styleLevel" close="changeStyleLevel(" dataProvider="{styleLevelData}" selectedIndex="0"/>
<mx:Label text="id:"/>
<mx:TextInput id="styleId" enter="changeStyleId(styleId.text)" width="40"/>
<mx:Label text="stlyleName:"/>
<mx:TextInput id="styleName" enter="changeStyleStyleName(styleName.text)" width="40"/>
<mx:HBox label="Version" backgroundColor="#D9D9D9" width="496">
<mx:TextInput id="versionInfo" editable="false" width="100%"/>
<!-- </mx:VBox> -->