blob: e50be8343baeaace70bb066cbf09875ec5cd8f61 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<mx:VBox xmlns:mx="" xmlns="*"
implements="flexunit.flexui.IFlexWriter" creationComplete="onCreationComplete()" xmlns:geom="flash.geom.*" currentState="StackTraceView">
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
import flexunit.framework.TestCase;
import flexunit.framework.Test;
import flexunit.framework.AssertionFailedError;
import flexunit.flexui.TestRunner;
import flexunit.flexui.IFlexWriter;
import mx.collections.ListCollectionView;
import flash.system.*;
public var beforeTest:Function;
public var afterTest:Function;
public var suiteMetaData:Object;
private static const END_OF_TEST_RUN : String = "<endOfTestRun/>";
private static const END_OF_TEST_ACK : String ="<endOfTestRunAck/>";
private var _totalTests:uint = 0;
private var _totalErrors:uint = 0;
private var _totalFailures:uint = 0;
private var _numTestsRun:uint = 0;
public var test:Test;
private var reports : Object = new Object();
private var socket : XMLSocket;
private var connectionTries : int = 0;
private var connectionTryMax : int = 10;
public var reportXML : Boolean = true;
public var port : uint = 1024;
public var server : String = "";
public function onCreationComplete():void
suiteMetaData = new Object();
public function startTest():void
flexunit.flexui.TestRunner.afterTest = afterTest;
flexunit.flexui.TestRunner.beforeTest = beforeTest;
if( test != null )
_totalTests = test.countTestCases();
progressBar.minimum = 0;
testFailures.dataProvider = new Array();
allTestsList.dataProvider = new Array();
updateLabels(); test, this );
private function updateLabels():void
runLabel.htmlText = "<b>Run:</b> "+_numTestsRun.toString()+"/"+_totalTests.toString();
errorsLabel.htmlText = "<b>Errors:</b> "+_totalErrors.toString();
failuresLabel.htmlText = "<b>Failures:</b> "+_totalFailures.toString();
private function updateProgress():void
progressBar.setProgress( _numTestsRun, _totalTests );
if( _totalErrors > 0 || _totalFailures > 0 )
private function addFailureToList( test:Test, error:Error ):void
var t:TestCase = test as TestCase;
if( t != null )
ListCollectionView(testFailures.dataProvider).addItem( {label: t.toString(), error:error} );
testFailures.selectedIndex = testFailures.dataProvider.length;
testFailures.verticalScrollPosition = testFailures.maxVerticalScrollPosition;
private function onTestSelected():void
var list:List = (testTabs.selectedIndex == 0) ? testFailures : allTestsList;
var errorString:String;
if( list.selectedItem != null )
if( list.selectedItem.error != null )
this.currentState = "StackTraceView";
errorString = list.selectedItem.error.getStackTrace();
if (errorString == null)
errorString = list.selectedItem.error.message;
stackTrace.text = errorString;
testDetails.text = "Stack Trace";
this.currentState = "ResultsView";
//testDetails.text = "Test Details";
var dp_TestResults:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
var dp_MemUsage:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
resultsGrid.dataProvider = dp_TestResults;
rawMemGrid.dataProvider = dp_MemUsage;
var setUpDuration : String = list.selectedItem.setUpDuration.toFixed(3);
var middleDuration : String = list.selectedItem.middleDuration.toFixed(3);
var tearDownDuration : String = list.selectedItem.tearDownDuration.toFixed(3);
dp_TestResults.addItem({stage: "SetUp", duration: setUpDuration, memUsage: list.selectedItem.setUpMemFinal - list.selectedItem.setUpMemInitial});
dp_TestResults.addItem({stage: "Middle", duration: middleDuration, memUsage: list.selectedItem.middleMemFinal - list.selectedItem.middleMemInitial});
dp_TestResults.addItem({stage: "TearDown", duration: tearDownDuration, memUsage: list.selectedItem.tearDownMemFinal - list.selectedItem.tearDownMemInitial});
dp_MemUsage.addItem({initialMem: list.selectedItem.setUpMemInitial, finalMem: list.selectedItem.tearDownMemFinal, memDifference: (list.selectedItem.tearDownMemFinal - list.selectedItem.setUpMemInitial)});
dp_TestResults = null;
dp_MemUsage = null;
private function addTestToList( success:Boolean, test:Test, error:Error = null ):void
var t:TestCase = test as TestCase;
if( t != null )
var label:String = ( success ) ? "[PASS] " : "[FAIL] ";
// get mem data from test here - don't add it to the data provider
ListCollectionView(allTestsList.dataProvider).addItem( {label:label+t.toString(),
} );
allTestsList.selectedIndex = allTestsList.dataProvider.length;
allTestsList.verticalScrollPosition = allTestsList.maxVerticalScrollPosition;
// IFlexWriter Methods
public function onTestStart( test:Test ) : void
titlePanel.title = "Test Runner (running: " + test.toString() + ")";
if (reportXML)
addMethod( test );
public function onTestEnd( test:Test ) : void
//only run if reportXML is enabled
if (reportXML)
if (test is TestCase)
var time : Number = TestCase(test).setUpDuration + TestCase(test).middleDuration + TestCase(test).tearDownDuration;
// Add time to the method.
var methodObject : Object = getMethod( test );
methodObject.time = time;
methodObject.setuptime = TestCase(test).setUpDuration;
methodObject.setupmeminitial = TestCase(test).setUpMemInitial;
methodObject.setupmemfinal = TestCase(test).setUpMemFinal;
methodObject.middletime = TestCase(test).middleDuration;
methodObject.middlememinitial = TestCase(test).middleMemInitial;
methodObject.middlememfinal = TestCase(test).middleMemFinal;
methodObject.teardowntime = TestCase(test).tearDownDuration;
methodObject.teardownmeminitial = TestCase(test).tearDownMemInitial;
methodObject.teardownmemfinal = TestCase(test).tearDownMemFinal;
Security.loadPolicyFile("xmlsocket:\\" + server + ":" + port);
// If we have finished running all the tests send the results.
if ( (_numTestsRun+1) == _totalTests )
titlePanel.title = "Test Runner";
public function onAllTestsEnd() : void
if( _totalErrors == 0 && _totalFailures == 0 )
public function onSuccess( test:Test ):void
addTestToList( true, test );
public function onError( test:Test, error:Error ) : void
addFailureToList( test, error );
addTestToList( false, test, error );
if (reportXML)
addError( test, error);
public function onFailure( test:Test, error:AssertionFailedError ) : void
addFailureToList( test, error );
addTestToList( false, test, error );
if (reportXML)
addFailure( test, AssertionFailedError(error));
// JUnitRunner Methods
* Add the currently executing method on a Test to the internal report
* model.
* @param test the Test.
private function addMethod( test : Test ) : void
var reportObject : Object = getReport( test );
var methodName : String = TestCase(test).toString();
var methodsObject : Object = reportObject.methods;
var methodObject : Object = new Object();
methodsObject[ methodName ] = methodObject;
methodObject.classname = test.className;
methodObject.metaData = TestCase(test).metaData; = methodName;
methodObject.time = 0.0;
methodObject.setuptime = 0.0;
methodObject.setupmeminitial = 0.0;
methodObject.setupmemfinal = 0.0;
methodObject.middletime = 0.0;
methodObject.middlememinitial = 0.0;
methodObject.middlememfinal = 0.0;
methodObject.teardowntime = 0.0;
methodObject.teardownmeminitial = 0.0;
methodObject.teardownmemfinal = 0.0;
* Called when an error occurs.
* @param test the Test that generated the error.
* @param error the Error.
public function addError( test : Test, error : Error ) : void
// Increment error count.
var report : Object = getReport( test );
// Add the error to the method.
var methodObject : Object = getMethod( test );
var errorObject : Object = new Object();
methodObject.error = errorObject;
errorObject.type = getClassName( error );
errorObject.message = error.message;
* Called when a failure occurs.
* @param test the Test that generated the failure.
* @param error the failure.
public function addFailure( test : Test, error : AssertionFailedError ) : void
// Increment failure count.
var report : Object = getReport( test );
// Add the failure to the method.
var methodObject : Object = getMethod( test );
var failureObject : Object = new Object();
methodObject.failure = failureObject;
failureObject.type = getClassName( error );
failureObject.message = error.message;
* Return the fully qualified class name for an Object.
* @param obj the Object.
* @return the class name.
private function getClassName( obj : Object ) : String
var description : XML = describeType( obj );
var className : Object = description.@name;
return className[ 0 ];
* Return the method Object from the internal report model for the
* currently executing method on a Test.
* @param test the Test.
* @return the method Object.
private function getMethod( test : Test ) : Object
var reportObject : Object = getReport( test );
var methodsObject : Object = reportObject.methods;
var methodName : String = TestCase(test).toString()
return methodsObject[ methodName ];
* Return the report Object from the internal report model for the
* currently executing Test.
* @param Test the test.
private function getReport( test : Test ) : Object
var reportObject : Object;
var className : String = test.className;
// Check we have a report Object for the executing Test, if not
// create a new one.
if ( reports[ className ] )
reportObject = reports[ className ];
reportObject = new Object(); = className;
reportObject.errors = 0;
reportObject.failures = 0;
reportObject.tests = 0;
reportObject.time = getTimer()/1000;
reportObject.methods = new Object();
reports[ className ] = reportObject;
return reportObject;
* Sends the results. This sends the reports back to the controlling Ant
* task using an XMLSocket.
public function sendResults() : void
// Open an XML socket.
socket = new XMLSocket();
socket.addEventListener( Event.CONNECT, handleConnect );
socket.addEventListener( DataEvent.DATA, dataHandler );
socket.addEventListener( IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, handleIOError );
socket.addEventListener( SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, handleSecurityError );
socket.connect( server, port );
private function handleSecurityError( event : Event ) : void
var e:SecurityErrorEvent = event as SecurityErrorEvent;
throw new Error("SecurityErrorEvent on Connect-> " + + ": " +
e.type + ". " + e.text + ".");
private function handleIOError( event : Event ) : void
if(connectionTries <= connectionTryMax){
var e:IOErrorEvent = event as IOErrorEvent;
throw new Error("IOErrorEvent on Connect-> " + + ": " +
e.type + ". " + e.text + ". " + socket.connected + " " + server + ":" + port);
* Event listener to handle data received on the socket.
* @param event the DataEvent.
private function dataHandler( event : DataEvent ) : void
var data : String =;
// If we received an acknowledgement finish-up.
if ( data == END_OF_TEST_ACK )
private function handleConnect( event : Event ) : void
for ( var className : String in reports )
// Create the XML report.
var xml : XML = createXMLReport( reports[ className ] );
// Send the XML report.
socket.send( xml.toXMLString() );
// Send the end of reports terminator.
socket.send( END_OF_TEST_RUN );
* Create the XML report.
* @param obj the report Object.
* @return the XML report.
private function createXMLReport( obj : Object ) : XML
// Create the test suite element.
var testSuite : XML = createTestSuite( obj );
// Create the test case elements.
var methodsObject : Object = obj.methods;
for ( var methodName : String in methodsObject )
var methodObject : Object = methodsObject[ methodName ];
var testCase : XML = createTestCase( methodObject );
// Create the failure element.
if ( methodObject.failure )
var failureObject : Object = methodObject.failure;
var failure : XML = createFailure( failureObject );
testCase = testCase.appendChild( failure );
// Create the error element.
if ( methodObject.error )
var errorObject : Object = methodObject.error;
var error : XML = createError( errorObject );
testCase = testCase.appendChild( error );
testSuite = testSuite.appendChild( testCase );
return testSuite;
* Create the test suite XML.
* @return the XML.
private function createTestSuite( obj : Object ) : XML
var name : String =;
var errors : uint = obj.errors;
var failures : uint = obj.failures;
var tests : uint = obj.tests;
var time : int = getTimer()/1000 - obj.time;
var methods : Object = obj.methods;
var flashVersion : String = Capabilities.version;
var flashLanguage : String = Capabilities.language;
var flashPlayerType : String = Capabilities.playerType;
var flashConfig : String;
if (debugMode)
flashConfig = "release debugger";
flashConfig = "release";
var xml : XML =
errors={ errors }
failures={ failures }
name={ formatQualifiedClassName( name ) }
tests={ tests }
time={ time }
flashversion={ flashVersion }
flashlanguage={ flashLanguage }
flashconfig={ flashConfig }
flashplayertype={ flashPlayerType }/>;
// Add any other meta-data
for (var attrib:Object in suiteMetaData)
xml.@[attrib] = suiteMetaData[attrib];
return xml;
* Create the test case XML.
* @return the XML.
private function createTestCase( obj : Object ) : XML
var classname : String = obj.classname;
var name : String =;
var time : Number = obj.time;
var setuptime : Number = obj.setuptime;
var setupmeminitial : Number = obj.setupmeminitial;
var setupmemfinal : Number = obj.setupmemfinal;
var middletime : Number = obj.middletime;
var middlememinitial : Number = obj.middlememinitial;
var middlememfinal : Number = obj.middlememfinal;
var teardowntime : Number = obj.teardowntime;
var teardownmeminitial : Number = obj.teardownmeminitial;
var teardownmemfinal : Number = obj.teardownmemfinal;
var xml : XML =
classname={ formatQualifiedClassName( classname ) }
name={ name }
time={ time.toFixed(3) }
setuptime={ setuptime.toFixed(3) }
setupmeminitial={ setupmeminitial }
setupmemfinal={ setupmemfinal }
middletime={ middletime.toFixed(3) }
middlememinitial={ middlememinitial }
middlememfinal={ middlememfinal }
teardowntime={ teardowntime.toFixed(3) }
teardownmeminitial={ teardownmeminitial }
teardownmemfinal={ teardownmemfinal }/>;
// Add any other meta-data
for (var attrib:Object in obj.metaData)
xml.@[attrib] = obj.metaData[attrib];
return xml;
* Create the failure XML.
* @return the XML.
private function createFailure( obj : Object ) : XML
var type : String = obj.type;
var message : String = obj.message;
var xml : XML =
<failure type={ formatQualifiedClassName( type ) }>
{ message }
return xml;
* Create the test error XML.
* @return the XML.
private function createError( obj : Object ) : XML
var type : String = obj.type;
var message : String = obj.message;
var xml : XML =
<error type={ formatQualifiedClassName( type ) }>
{ message }
return xml;
* Exit the test runner and close the player.
private function exit() : void
// Close the socket.
private function formatQualifiedClassName( className : String ) : String
var pattern : RegExp = /::/;
return className.replace( pattern, "." );
private function setDebugFlag(): void
var e:Error = new Error();
var s:String = e.getStackTrace();
var i:int = s.indexOf("setDebugFlag");
if (s.charAt(i + 14) == '[')
debugMode = true;
catch (err:Error) // error is thrown in release player
debugMode = false;
private var debugMode : Boolean = false;
<mx:State name="StackTraceView" basedOn="">
<mx:AddChild relativeTo="{stackTrace}" position="lastChild" creationPolicy="all" />
<mx:State name="ResultsView" basedOn="">
<mx:RemoveChild target="{stackTrace}" />
<mx:AddChild relativeTo="{vbox1}" position="lastChild">
<mx:DataGrid id="resultsGrid" rowCount="3" width="100%" draggableColumns="false" sortableColumns="false">
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Stage" dataField="stage"/>
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Duration (s)" dataField="duration"/>
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Memory Usage (MB)" dataField="memUsage"/>
<mx:AddChild relativeTo="{vbox1}" position="lastChild">
<mx:DataGrid id="rawMemGrid" editable="false" width="100%" rowCount="1" draggableColumns="false" sortableColumns="false">
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Initial Memory (MB)" dataField="initialMem"/>
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Final Memory (MB)" dataField="finalMem"/>
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Total Usage (MB)" dataField="memDifference"/>
<mx:Canvas width="100%" height="100%">
<mx:Panel id="titlePanel" backgroundAlpha="0.4" title="Test Runner" paddingBottom="10" width="100%" height="100%">
<mx:HBox width="100%">
<mx:HBox width="50%" height="20" horizontalAlign="left" paddingLeft="0" paddingRight="10">
<mx:ProgressBar width="100%" trackHeight="12" id="progressBar" labelPlacement="left" label="Running..." mode="manual" />
<mx:HBox width="50%" height="20" horizontalAlign="right">
<mx:Label id="runLabel" paddingRight="10" />
<mx:Label id="errorsLabel" text="Errors: 0" paddingRight="10" />
<mx:Label id="failuresLabel" text="Failures: 0" />
<mx:HDividedBox width="100%" height="100%">
<mx:TabNavigator id="testTabs" change="onTestSelected()" width="50%"
height="100%" paddingBottom="0" paddingLeft="0" paddingRight="0"
paddingTop="0" creationPolicy="all" >
<mx:Canvas label="Failures" width="100%" height="100%">
<mx:List id="testFailures" width="100%" height="100%" borderStyle="none" editable="true"
change="onTestSelected()" />
<mx:Canvas label="All Tests" width="100%" height="100%">
<mx:List id="allTestsList" width="100%" height="100%" borderStyle="none"
change="onTestSelected()" />
<mx:VBox width="50%" height="100%" id="vbox1">
<mx:HBox width="100%" height="15" paddingBottom="0"
paddingLeft="0" paddingRight="0" paddingTop="0">
<mx:Label id="testDetails"></mx:Label>
<mx:TextArea id="stackTrace" width="100%" height="100%" borderStyle="none" wordWrap="false" />