blob: d1fca708ea2eed8b84f634342530b8ab691db589 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package UnitTest.ExtendedClasses
import UnitTest.Fixtures.FileRepository;
import UnitTest.Fixtures.TestApp;
import UnitTest.Fixtures.TestConfig;
import UnitTest.Validation.LineSnapshot;
import UnitTest.Validation.MD5;
import UnitTest.Validation.StringSnapshot;
import UnitTest.Validation.TCMComposition;
import UnitTest.Validation.XMLSnapshot;
import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.display.DisplayObject;
import flash.display.IBitmapDrawable;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.utils.ByteArray;
import flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController;
import flashx.textLayout.container.ScrollPolicy;
import flashx.textLayout.conversion.ITextImporter;
import flashx.textLayout.conversion.TextConverter;
import flashx.textLayout.edit.EditManager;
import flashx.textLayout.edit.EditingMode;
import flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionFormat;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat;
import flashx.textLayout.tlf_internal;
import mx.containers.Canvas;
import mx.core.UIComponent;
import mx.skins.Border;
import org.flexunit.asserts.assertTrue;
use namespace tlf_internal;
public class VellumTestCase extends TestCaseBase
//public static var app:VellumUnit = Application.application as VellumUnit;
public static var testApp:TestApp;
public var TestID:String;
public var TestData:Object;
public var TestFrame:ContainerController;
public var TestDisplayObject:DisplayObject;
public var SelManager:EditManager;
public var containerType:String;
public var writingDirection:Array;
public var useEmbeddedFonts:Boolean;
public var baseURL:String; // baseURL for loading files
public var doBeforeAfterCompare:Boolean;
public var diffTolerance:Number;
public var bitmapBaseline:Bitmap;
public var lineBaseline:XML;
public var plaintextBaseline:String;
public var xflBaseline:XML;
public var htmlBaseline:XML;
//checksum for the baseline
public var bitmapBaselineChecksum:String = null;
public var lineBaselineChecksum:String = null;
public var plaintextBaselineChecksum:String = null;
public var xflBaselineChecksum:String = null;
public var htmlBaselineChecksum:String = null;
//checksum for the snapshot
public var bitmapSnapshotChecksum:String = null;
public var lineSnapshotChecksum:String = null;
public var plaintextSnapshotChecksum:String = null;
public var xflSnapshotChecksum:String = null;
public var htmlSnapshotChecksum:String = null;
//result link for the failed snapshot
public static var snapAdminServerUrl:String = "";
public var runID:Number;
public var fileName:String = null;
public var beforeData:BitmapData = null;
public var afterData:Bitmap = null;
public var bitmapSnapshot:Bitmap = null;
public var lineSnapshot:XML = null;
public var plaintextSnapshot:String = null;
public var xflSnapshot:XML = null;
public var htmlSnapshot:XML = null;
public var TCMCompositionResult:Boolean = true;
public var bitmapResult:Boolean = true;
public var lineResult:Boolean = true;
public var plaintextResult:Boolean = true;
public var xflResult:Boolean = true;
public var htmlResult:Boolean = true;
private var failString:String = "";
private var endOfSetupTime:Number;
protected var addDefaultTestSettings:Boolean;
private static var useRandom:Boolean = false;
private static var LineSnapshotUtils:LineSnapshot = new LineSnapshot();
private static var XMLSnapshotUtils:XMLSnapshot = new XMLSnapshot();
private static var StringSnapshotUtils:StringSnapshot = new StringSnapshot();
public function VellumTestCase(methodName:String = null, testID:String = null, testConfig:TestConfig = null, testCaseXML:XML = null)
TestData = {};
// set defaults to some items in TestData - these can be overridden
// in a specific test case's constructor or in an XML file
TestData.bitmapSnapshot = "false";
TestData.lineSnapshot = "false";
TestData.xflSnapshot = "false";
TestData.minimal = "true";
if (testCaseXML)
for each (var testDataXML:XML in testCaseXML.*)
TestData[testDataXML.@name] = testDataXML.toString();
if (TestData["bitmapSnapshotTolerance"] != null)
diffTolerance = TestData["bitmapSnapshotTolerance"];
diffTolerance = 0.001;
writingDirection = testConfig.writingDirection;
containerType = testConfig.containerType;
doBeforeAfterCompare = testConfig.doBeforeAfterCompare;
useEmbeddedFonts = testConfig.useEmbeddedFonts;
baseURL = testConfig.baseURL;
addDefaultTestSettings = true;
TestID = testID;
public static function suiteFromXML(testCaseClass:Class, testListXML:XML, testConfig:TestConfig, ts:TestSuiteExtended):void
var writingDirection:String = testConfig.writingDirection[0] + "_" + testConfig.writingDirection[1];
for each (var testCaseXML:XML in testListXML.*)
var testFile:String = testCaseXML.TestData.(@name == "testFile").toString();
if (testFile != "")
var extension:String = getExtension(testFile);
var folderName:String = "";
if (extension == "html")
folderName = "html/";
else if (extension == "txt")
folderName = "plainText/";
folderName = "tlf/";
FileRepository.readFile(testConfig.baseURL, "../../test/testFiles/markup/" + folderName + testFile);
if ((testCaseXML.TestData.(@name == writingDirection).toString() != "false") &&
(testCaseXML.TestData.(@name == testConfig.containerType).toString() != "false") &&
(testCaseXML.TestData.(@name == testConfig.flashVersion) != "false"))
ts.addTestDescriptor(new TestDescriptor(testCaseClass, testCaseXML.@functionName, testConfig, testCaseXML));
static public var defaultFileName:String = "simple.xml";
static private var DEFAULT_COMPOSITION_WIDTH:Number = 826;
static private var DEFAULT_COMPOSITION_HEIGHT:Number = 477;
/** start every test with nothing on the canvas
public function cleanUpTestApp():void
var canvas:Canvas = testApp.getDisplayObject();
// remove everything but the Border
for (var i:int = canvas.rawChildren.numChildren - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (!(canvas.rawChildren.getChildAt(i) is Border))
public function setUpTest():void
//trace("Beginning test: " + TestID);
// Make sure whatever was left from last test is cleared
testApp.changeContainerSetup("arrangeSideBySide", 0, 1);
// if (TestData.requiresLayout == "true")
// {
// trace ("-----------set up layout-enabled container here-----------");
// }
fileName = TestData.fileName == undefined ? defaultFileName : TestData.fileName;
TestFrame = TextFlow(testApp.getTextFlow()).flowComposer.getControllerAt(0);
TestDisplayObject = testApp.getDisplayObject();
// all of this should eventually go away, but some tests are depending
// on it at the moment. I'm assuming that:
// 1. Container attributes should either stay the default, or these
// attributes should get put into the default file.
// 2. Tests that depend on scrolling being off should do that themselves
// 3. Writing direction for the default file should be handled in loadTestFile.
if (fileName == defaultFileName && addDefaultTestSettings)
// set the container attributes to the same as those in the Flex TextContainer (see the flow:TextContaienr below)
var containerAttr:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat(TestFrame.format);
containerAttr.columnCount = 2;
containerAttr.columnGap = 10;
//containerAttr.paddingLeft = 4;
containerAttr.paddingRight = 4;
//containerAttr.paddingTop = 4;
TestFrame.horizontalScrollPolicy = ScrollPolicy.OFF;
TestFrame.verticalScrollPolicy = ScrollPolicy.OFF;
TestFrame.format = containerAttr;
containerAttr = null;
if (TestFrame.compositionWidth != DEFAULT_COMPOSITION_WIDTH || TestFrame.compositionHeight != DEFAULT_COMPOSITION_HEIGHT)
// Set the writing direction specified by the test
if (fileName == defaultFileName && TestFrame.rootElement)
TestFrame.rootElement.blockProgression = writingDirection[0];
TestFrame.rootElement.direction = writingDirection[1];
if (TestFrame.rootElement)
SelManager = EditManager(TestFrame.rootElement.getTextFlow().interactionManager);
if (SelManager)
//make sure there is never any blinking when running these tests
//endOfSetupTime = getTimer();
public function tearDownTest():void
// trace ("Beginning of teardown.");
if (TestFrame && TestFrame.flowComposer)
//middleDuration = (getTimer() - endOfSetupTime);
// generic validation
// note: why must the selectionmanager be active?
if (SelManager)
assertTrue("teardown assert for active SelectionManager failed", SelManager.hasSelection());
assertTrue("teardown assert for SelManager.debugCheckSelectionManager() failed", SelManager.debugCheckSelectionManager() == 0);
assertTrue("teardown assert for SelManager.textFlow.debugCheckTextFlow() failed", SelManager.textFlow.debugCheckTextFlow() == 0);
} */
if (containerType == "sprite")
assertTrue("TestFrame should be a Sprite, but is not", TestFrame.container is Sprite);
//Only run this test if VellumUnit is set to do it.
if (doBeforeAfterCompare)
var tempSelManager:EditManager = new EditManager();
var fFormat:SelectionFormat = SelManager.focusedSelectionFormat;
var nfFormat:SelectionFormat = SelManager.unfocusedSelectionFormat;
var inFormat:SelectionFormat = SelManager.inactiveSelectionFormat;
tempSelManager.focusedSelectionFormat = new SelectionFormat(fFormat.rangeColor, fFormat.rangeAlpha, fFormat.rangeBlendMode, fFormat.pointColor, fFormat.pointAlpha, fFormat.pointBlendMode, 1000);
tempSelManager.unfocusedSelectionFormat = new SelectionFormat(nfFormat.rangeColor, nfFormat.rangeAlpha, nfFormat.rangeBlendMode, nfFormat.pointColor, nfFormat.pointAlpha, nfFormat.pointBlendMode, 1000);
tempSelManager.inactiveSelectionFormat = new SelectionFormat(inFormat.rangeColor, inFormat.rangeAlpha, inFormat.rangeBlendMode, inFormat.pointColor, inFormat.pointAlpha, inFormat.pointBlendMode, 1000);
var TestCanvas:Canvas = testApp.getDisplayObject();
var curTextFlow:TextFlow = TextFlow(testApp.getTextFlow());
var TCMCompositionUtils:TCMComposition = new TCMComposition(TestCanvas, curTextFlow);
TCMCompositionUtils.Height = testApp.getDisplayObject().height;
TCMCompositionUtils.Width = testApp.getDisplayObject().width;
TCMCompositionResult =;
if (!TCMCompositionResult)
failString += " TextContainerManager composition: " + TCMCompositionUtils.ErrorString;
SelManager = tempSelManager;
if (TestData.bitmapSnapshot == true)
// Create the afterData snapshot.
if (TestDisplayObject is UIComponent)
var bits:BitmapData = new BitmapData(TestDisplayObject.width, TestDisplayObject.height);
bits.draw(TestDisplayObject as IBitmapDrawable);
bitmapSnapshot = new Bitmap(bits);
bits = null;
var pixels:ByteArray = bitmapSnapshot.bitmapData.getPixels(bitmapSnapshot.bitmapData.rect);
pixels.position = 0;
bitmapSnapshotChecksum = MD5.hashBinary(pixels);
// If there is a baseline, then run a compare. If not, (gcai) we'll report an error about what's wrong there.
//bitmapResult = true;
if (bitmapBaseline != null)
if (bitmapSnapshotChecksum != bitmapBaselineChecksum)
// If the checksum is different, do the bitmap compare of the two bitmaps to make the diffTolerance enabled.
bitmapBaseline.bitmapData.draw(bitmapSnapshot, null, null, "difference");
var diffPixels:ByteArray = bitmapBaseline.bitmapData.getPixels(bitmapBaseline.bitmapData.rect);
diffPixels.position = 0;
var pixelCount:uint = diffPixels.bytesAvailable;
var diffCount:uint = 0;
var redDiff:uint = 0;
var greenDiff:uint = 0;
var blueDiff:uint = 0;
var componentTolerance:uint = 20;
while (diffPixels.bytesAvailable > 0)
// throw away alpha
redDiff = diffPixels.readUnsignedByte();
greenDiff = diffPixels.readUnsignedByte();
blueDiff = diffPixels.readUnsignedByte();
// only count pixels where the difference is visible
if (redDiff > componentTolerance || greenDiff > componentTolerance || blueDiff > componentTolerance)
// previously we'd count the number of pixels that were different
//diffCount ++;
// now we're summing the amount of the differences - so a small number of very different
// pixels will error, but only a large number of slightly different pixels will error
diffCount += redDiff + greenDiff + blueDiff
redDiff = 0;
greenDiff = 0;
blueDiff = 0;
// If this is larger than the tolerance, then something changed and it is a bug.
// previous pixel count threshold
//bitmapResult = (((diffCount/(pixelCount/4))*100) < diffTolerance);
// new summed differences threshold
bitmapResult = diffCount < (pixelCount / 4) * diffTolerance * 255 * 3;
//trace (" TestID: " + TestID + " count: "+ diffCount + " threshold: " + (pixelCount/4)*diffTolerance*255);
if (!bitmapResult)
failString += "Bitmap data snapshot differed from the baseline. Detail:" + getUrl("Bitmap");
failString += " Bitmap compare failed by " + ((diffCount / pixelCount) * 100) + " percent of pixels compared.";
bitmapResult = false;
failString += "Don't have any bitmap baseline for current case. Detail:" + getUrl("Bitmap");
if (TestData.lineSnapshot == true)
lineSnapshot = LineSnapshotUtils.takeSnapshot(TestFrame.rootElement.getTextFlow());
var lineDataBytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
lineSnapshot = new XML(lineDataBytes.readObject());
lineSnapshotChecksum = getChecksum(lineSnapshot);
// Do a compare as long as there is a baseline.
if (lineBaseline != null)
if (lineSnapshotChecksum != lineBaselineChecksum)
lineResult = XMLSnapshotUtils.compareAdvanced(lineBaseline, lineSnapshot);
if (!lineResult)
failString += " , Line data snapshot differed from the baseline. Detail:" + getUrl("Line");
lineResult = false;
failString += " , Don't have any line baseline for current case. Detail:" + getUrl("Line");
if (TestData.plaintextSnapshot == true)
plaintextSnapshot = StringSnapshotUtils.takeSnapshot(TestFrame.rootElement.getTextFlow(), TextConverter.PLAIN_TEXT_FORMAT);
plaintextSnapshotChecksum = MD5.hash(plaintextSnapshot);
// Do a compare as long as there is a baseline.
if (plaintextBaseline != null)
if (plaintextSnapshotChecksum != plaintextBaselineChecksum)
plaintextResult =, plaintextSnapshot);
if (!plaintextResult)
failString += " , PlainText data snapshot differed from the baseline. Detail:" + getUrl("PlainText");
plaintextResult = false;
failString += " , Don't have any PlainText baseline for current case. Detail:" + getUrl("PlainText");
if (TestData.xflSnapshot == true)
xflSnapshot = XMLSnapshotUtils.takeSnapshot(TestFrame.rootElement.getTextFlow(), TextConverter.TEXT_LAYOUT_FORMAT);
xflSnapshotChecksum = getChecksum(xflSnapshot);
// Do a compare as long as there is a baseline.
if (xflBaseline != null)
if (xflSnapshotChecksum != xflBaselineChecksum)
xflResult = XMLSnapshotUtils.compareAdvanced(xflBaseline, xflSnapshot);
if (!xflResult)
failString += " , XFL data snapshot differed from the baseline. Detail:" + getUrl("XFL");
xflResult = false;
failString += " , Don't have any xfl baseline for current case. Detail:" + getUrl("XFL");
if (TestData.htmlSnapshot == true)
htmlSnapshot = XMLSnapshotUtils.takeSnapshot(TestFrame.rootElement.getTextFlow(), TextConverter.TEXT_FIELD_HTML_FORMAT);
htmlSnapshotChecksum = getChecksum(htmlSnapshot);
// Do a compare as long as there is a baseline.
if (htmlBaseline != null)
if (htmlBaselineChecksum != htmlSnapshotChecksum)
htmlResult = XMLSnapshotUtils.compareAdvanced(htmlBaseline, htmlSnapshot);
if (!htmlResult)
failString += " , HTML data snapshot differed from the baseline. Detail:" + getUrl("HTML");
htmlResult = false;
failString += " , Don't have any HTML baseline for current case. Detail:" + getUrl("HTML");
// Comment this code in to enable bounds checking on each test.
/* if (TestFrame && TestFrame.textFlow)
var s:Sprite = new Sprite();
BoundsChecker.boundsValidation(TestFrame.textFlow, s);
} */
// trace ("Ending test: " + TestID);
if (SelManager)
//turn caret blinking back on
// Nulls for garbage collection
TestFrame = null;
SelManager = null;
// trace ("End of teardown.");
// This code breaks snapshotting of XML - need to move the disposeXML calls somewhere else
/*if (Configuration.playerEnablesArgoFeatures)
lineSnapshot = null;
plaintextSnapshot = null;
if (Configuration.playerEnablesArgoFeatures)
xflSnapshot = null;
if (Configuration.playerEnablesArgoFeatures)
htmlSnapshot = null;*/
// The assert makes it end the test, so we need to put that at the very
// end of everything, so that all snapshot tests get a chance to run.
assertTrue(failString, ((TCMCompositionResult) && (bitmapResult) && (lineResult) && (xflResult) && (htmlResult)));
// fail(failString);
private function getUrl(snapShotType:String):String
return snapAdminServerUrl + "runid=" + runID + ";caseid=" + TestID + ";snapshottype=" + snapShotType;
private function getChecksum(file:XML):String
var dataBytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
dataBytes.position = 0;
return MD5.hashBinary(dataBytes);
override public function toString():String
return TestID;
private function getRandomInteger(start:int, end:int):int
// Return a random number between start and end
var num:Number = Math.random();
return Math.ceil((num * (end - start)) + start);
private function setSelectionRange():void
if (useRandom)
var startIdx:int = getRandomInteger(0, SelManager.textFlow.textLength);
var endIdx:int = getRandomInteger(0, SelManager.textFlow.textLength);
if (startIdx > endIdx)
var tmp:int = startIdx;
startIdx = endIdx;
endIdx = tmp;
SelManager.selectRange(startIdx, endIdx);
if (SelManager.textFlow.textLength > 60)
SelManager.selectRange(22, 60);
SelManager.selectRange(0, SelManager.textFlow.textLength / 2);
public function setCaretBlinkRate(caretBlinkRate:int):void
var fFormat:SelectionFormat = SelManager.focusedSelectionFormat;
var nfFormat:SelectionFormat = SelManager.unfocusedSelectionFormat;
var inFormat:SelectionFormat = SelManager.inactiveSelectionFormat;
SelManager.focusedSelectionFormat = new SelectionFormat(fFormat.rangeColor, fFormat.rangeAlpha, fFormat.rangeBlendMode, fFormat.pointColor, fFormat.pointAlpha, fFormat.pointBlendMode, caretBlinkRate);
SelManager.unfocusedSelectionFormat = new SelectionFormat(nfFormat.rangeColor, nfFormat.rangeAlpha, nfFormat.rangeBlendMode, nfFormat.pointColor, nfFormat.pointAlpha, nfFormat.pointBlendMode, caretBlinkRate);
SelManager.inactiveSelectionFormat = new SelectionFormat(inFormat.rangeColor, inFormat.rangeAlpha, inFormat.rangeBlendMode, inFormat.pointColor, inFormat.pointAlpha, inFormat.pointBlendMode, caretBlinkRate);
protected function get importParser():ITextImporter
var extension:String = getExtension(fileName);
if (extension == "xml")
extension = TextConverter.TEXT_LAYOUT_FORMAT;
else if (extension == "txt")
extension = TextConverter.PLAIN_TEXT_FORMAT;
else if (extension == "html")
extension = TextConverter.TEXT_FIELD_HTML_FORMAT;
return TextConverter.getImporter(extension);
public static function getExtension(fileName:String):String
var dotPos:int = fileName.lastIndexOf(".");
if (dotPos >= 0)
return fileName.substring(dotPos + 1);
return fileName;
public function importContent(content:Object):void
var parser:ITextImporter = importParser;
var textFlow:TextFlow = parser.importToFlow(content);
public function setUpFlowForTest(textFlow:TextFlow):void
textFlow.flowComposer = null;
TestFrame = TextFlow(testApp.getTextFlow()).flowComposer.getControllerAt(0);
if (TestFrame.rootElement)
SelManager = EditManager(TestFrame.rootElement.getTextFlow().interactionManager);
if (SelManager) setSelectionRange();
if (textFlow.flowComposer)
public function getFileData(fileName:String):Object
var fileData:Object; // XML or String
var extension:String = getExtension(fileName);
if (extension == "html")
fileData = FileRepository.getFile(baseURL, "../../test/testFiles/markup/html/" + fileName);
else if (extension == "txt")
fileData = FileRepository.getFile(baseURL, "../../test/testFiles/markup/plainText/" + fileName);
fileData = FileRepository.getFileAsXML(baseURL, "../../test/testFiles/markup/tlf/" + fileName);
return fileData;
static private var cacheTestFile:TextFlow;
public function loadTestFile(fileName:String):void
if (fileName == defaultFileName && cacheTestFile != null)
var textFlow:TextFlow = cacheTestFile.deepCopy(0, cacheTestFile.textLength) as TextFlow;
var fileData:Object = getFileData(fileName); // XML or String
if (fileData is XML)
var flowNS:Namespace = fileData.namespace("flow");
if (writingDirection[0] != "tb" && writingDirection[1] != "ltr")
fileData.flowNS::TextFlow.@blockProgression = writingDirection[0];
fileData.flowNS::TextFlow.@direction = writingDirection[1];
if (useEmbeddedFonts)
fileData.flowNS::TextFlow.@fontLookup = "embeddedCff";
if (!cacheTestFile && fileName == defaultFileName)
var resultFlow:TextFlow = TestFrame.rootElement as TextFlow;
cacheTestFile = resultFlow.deepCopy() as TextFlow;