blob: 3cf15fb880a96d51cd1bb556c148df02c83b0d50 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package flashx.textLayout.compose
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.text.engine.TextBlock;
import flash.text.engine.TextLine;
import flash.text.engine.TextLineValidity;
import flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController;
import flashx.textLayout.debug.Debugging;
import flashx.textLayout.debug.assert;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.ContainerFormattedElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowGroupElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowLeafElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.OverflowPolicy;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.ParagraphElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.SubParagraphGroupElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.BaselineOffset;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.BlockProgression;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.Direction;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.TextAlign;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.VerticalAlign;
import flashx.textLayout.tlf_internal;
use namespace tlf_internal;
/** Keeps track of internal state during composition.
* This is the simpler version, used when there are no floats, no wraps, no columns.
* @private
public class ComposeState extends BaseCompose
/** Index of current line */
protected var _curLineIndex:int;
// for figuring out when to do VJ
protected var vjBeginLineIndex:int;
protected var vjDisableThisParcel:Boolean;
// a single ComposeState that is checked out and checked in
static private var _sharedComposeState:ComposeState;
/** @private */
static tlf_internal function getComposeState():ComposeState
var rslt:ComposeState = _sharedComposeState ? _sharedComposeState : new ComposeState();
_sharedComposeState = null;
return rslt;
/** @private */
static tlf_internal function releaseComposeState(state:ComposeState):void
if (_sharedComposeState == null)
_sharedComposeState = state;
if (_sharedComposeState)
/** Constructor. */
public function ComposeState()
/** @private */
protected override function createParcelList():IParcelList
return ParcelList.getParcelList();
/** @private */
protected override function releaseParcelList(list:IParcelList):void
/** @private */
public override function composeTextFlow(textFlow:TextFlow, composeToPosition:int, controllerEndIndex:int):int
_curLineIndex = 0;
vjBeginLineIndex = 0;
vjDisableThisParcel = false;
return super.composeTextFlow(textFlow, composeToPosition, controllerEndIndex);
protected override function initializeForComposer(composer:IFlowComposer,composeToPosition:int,controllerEndIndex:int):void
var controllerIndex:int = composer.findControllerIndexAtPosition(composer.damageAbsoluteStart);
if (controllerIndex == -1)
controllerIndex = composer.numControllers-1;
// if off the end in the overflow - find the last non-zero controller
while (controllerIndex != 0 && composer.getControllerAt(controllerIndex).textLength == 0)
// if damage is in overflow after last controller we could get smart about that
_startController = composer.getControllerAt(controllerIndex);
CONFIG::debug { assert(_startController != null,"Bad start start controller"); }
_startComposePosition = _startController.absoluteStart;
/** @private */
protected override function composeInternal(composeRoot:FlowGroupElement,absStart:int):void
// mark all overflow lines as not being in any container or column
if (_curElement)
CONFIG::debug { assert(_curLineIndex == _flowComposer.findLineIndexAtPosition(_curElementStart + _curElementOffset),"bad _curLineIndex"); }
while (_curLineIndex < _flowComposer.numLines)
override protected function doVerticalAlignment(canVerticalAlign:Boolean,nextParcel:Parcel):Boolean
var result:Boolean = false;
if (canVerticalAlign && _curParcel && vjBeginLineIndex != _curLineIndex && !vjDisableThisParcel && _curParcel.columnCoverage == Parcel.FULL_COLUMN)
var controller:ContainerController = _curParcel.controller;
var vjtype:String = controller.computedFormat.verticalAlign;
if (vjtype != VerticalAlign.TOP)
// Exclude overset lines
var end:int = _flowComposer.findLineIndexAtPosition(_curElementStart + _curElementOffset)
if (vjBeginLineIndex < end)
result = true; // lines were moved
// always reset these variables
vjDisableThisParcel = false;
vjBeginLineIndex = _curLineIndex;
return result;
/** Final adjustment on the content bounds. */
override protected function finalParcelAdjustment(controller:ContainerController):void
var minX:Number = TextLine.MAX_LINE_WIDTH;
var minY:Number = TextLine.MAX_LINE_WIDTH;
var maxX:Number = -TextLine.MAX_LINE_WIDTH;
var maxY:Number = -TextLine.MAX_LINE_WIDTH;
var verticalText:Boolean = _blockProgression == BlockProgression.RL;
var lineIndex:int = _flowComposer.findLineIndexAtPosition(controller.absoluteStart);
while (lineIndex < _curLineIndex)
var line:TextFlowLine = _flowComposer.getLineAt(lineIndex);
// Check the logical vertical dimension first
// If the lines have children, they may be inlines. The origin of the TextFlowLine is the baseline - ascent,
// which does not include the ascent of the inlines. So we have to factor that in.
if (verticalText)
maxX = Math.max(line.x + line.ascent, maxX);
minX = Math.min(line.x, minX);
minY = Math.min(line.y, minY);
var textLine:TextLine = line.getTextLine();
// this is a test for an inline graphic
if (textLine.hasGraphicElement)
var leafElement:FlowLeafElement = _textFlow.findLeaf(line.absoluteStart);
var adjustedAscent:Number = line.getLineTypographicAscent(leafElement, leafElement.getAbsoluteStart());
if (!verticalText)
minY = Math.min(line.y + line.ascent - adjustedAscent, minY);
maxX = Math.max(line.x + adjustedAscent, maxX);
// Now check the logical horizontal dimension
var edgeAdjust:Number;
var curParaFormat:ITextLayoutFormat = line.paragraph.computedFormat;
if (curParaFormat.direction == Direction.LTR)
edgeAdjust = Math.max(line.lineOffset, 0);
edgeAdjust = curParaFormat.paragraphEndIndent;
if (verticalText)
minY = Math.min(line.y - edgeAdjust, minY);
minX = Math.min(line.x - edgeAdjust, minX);
if (_blockProgression == BlockProgression.RL)
minX -= _lastLineDescent;
// Don't make adjustments for tiny fractional values.
if (minX != TextLine.MAX_LINE_WIDTH && Math.abs(minX-_parcelLeft) >= 1)
_parcelLeft = minX;
if (maxX != -TextLine.MAX_LINE_WIDTH && Math.abs(maxX-_parcelRight) >= 1)
_parcelRight = maxX;
if (minY != TextLine.MAX_LINE_WIDTH && Math.abs(minY-_parcelTop) >= 1)
_parcelTop = minY;
if (maxY != -TextLine.MAX_LINE_WIDTH && Math.abs(maxY-_parcelBottom) >= 1)
_parcelBottom = maxY;
private function finalizeLine(useExistingLine:Boolean,curLine:TextFlowLine):void
if ( !useExistingLine )
commitLastLineState (curLine);
protected override function composeParagraphElement(elem:ParagraphElement, absStart:int):Boolean
_curParaElement = elem;
_curParaStart = absStart;
_curParaFormat = elem.computedFormat;
CONFIG::debug { assert(_curParaStart == elem.getAbsoluteStart(),"composeParagraphElement: bad start"); }
if (_startComposePosition == 0)
_curElement = elem.getFirstLeaf();
_curElementStart = _curParaStart;
CONFIG::debug { assert(absStart <= _startComposePosition && absStart+elem.textLength > _startComposePosition,"bad call to composeParagraphElement"); }
_curElement = elem.findLeaf(_startComposePosition-absStart);
_curElementStart = _curElement.getAbsoluteStart();
_curElementOffset = _startComposePosition-_curElementStart;
_curLineIndex = _flowComposer.findLineIndexAtPosition(_curElementStart + _curElementOffset);
// next time we are all postioned
_startComposePosition = 0;
return composeParagraphElementIntoLines();
/** @private */
protected override function composeNextLine():TextFlowLine
CONFIG::debug { assert(_curLineIndex == _flowComposer.findLineIndexAtPosition(_curElementStart + _curElementOffset),"bad _curLineIndex"); }
// Check to see if there's an existing line that is composed up-to-date
var line:TextFlowLine = _curLineIndex < _flowComposer.numLines ? _flowComposer.lines[_curLineIndex] : null;
var useExistingLine:Boolean = line && (!line.isDamaged() || line.validity == FlowDamageType.GEOMETRY);
var curLine:TextFlowLine = useExistingLine ? line : null;
var startCompose:int = _curElementStart + _curElementOffset - _curParaStart;
var prevLine:TextFlowLine;
if (startCompose != 0)
prevLine = _flowComposer.lines[_curLineIndex - 1];
if (prevLine.absoluteStart < _curParaStart) // is the previous line in the previous paragraph?
prevLine = null;
var finishLineSlug:Rectangle = _parcelList.currentParcel;
for (;;)
while (!curLine)
useExistingLine = false;
// generate new line
CONFIG::debug { assert(!_parcelList.atEnd(), "failing to stop"); }
CONFIG::debug { assert(_curElement is FlowLeafElement, "element must be leaf before calling composeLine"); }
curLine = createTextLine(prevLine, startCompose, _parcelList.getComposeXCoord(finishLineSlug), _parcelList.getComposeYCoord(finishLineSlug), _parcelList.getComposeWidth(finishLineSlug));
if (curLine != null)
// force advance to the next parcel
if (!
return null;
// updates _lineSlug
curLine = fitLineToParcel(curLine, !useExistingLine);
if (curLine)
if (_parcelList.atEnd())
return null;
finishLineSlug = _lineSlug;
// Clear up user_invalid
if (curLine.validity == FlowDamageType.GEOMETRY)
CONFIG::debug { assert(curLine != null, "curLine != null"); }
return curLine;
/** @private */
protected function createTextLine(prevLine:TextFlowLine, // previous line
lineStart:int, // text index of position to start from, relative to start of paragraph
x:Number, // left edge of the line
y:Number, // top of the line
targetWidth:Number // target width we're composing into
// trace("lineBreak: start", prevLine ? (prevLine.start+prevLine.textLength) : 0, "paraEnd", paraEnd, "(", x, y, ")", "targetWidth", targetWidth);
CONFIG::debug { validateLineStart(prevLine, lineStart, _curParaElement); }
var lineOffset:Number = Number(_curParaFormat.paragraphStartIndent); // indent to "beginning" of the line. Direction dependent (as is paragraphStartIndent)
if (prevLine == null) // first line indent
lineOffset += Number(_curParaFormat.textIndent);
var outerTargetWidth:Number = targetWidth;
targetWidth -= (Number(_curParaFormat.paragraphEndIndent) + lineOffset); // make room for offset and end indent
// TargetWidth must be between 0 and TextLine.MAX_LINE_WIDTH
if (targetWidth < 0)
targetWidth = 0;
else if (targetWidth > TextLine.MAX_LINE_WIDTH)
targetWidth = TextLine.MAX_LINE_WIDTH;
var textLine:TextLine = TextLineRecycler.getLineForReuse();
var textBlock:TextBlock = _curParaElement.getTextBlock();
if (textLine)
CONFIG::debug { assert(_textFlow.backgroundManager == null || _textFlow.backgroundManager.lineDict[textLine] === undefined,"Bad TextLine in recycler cache"); }
textLine = swfContext.callInContext(textBlock["recreateTextLine"],textBlock,[textLine, prevLine?prevLine.getTextLine(true):null, targetWidth, lineOffset, true]);
textLine = swfContext.callInContext(textBlock.createTextLine,textBlock,[prevLine?prevLine.getTextLine(true):null, targetWidth, lineOffset, true]);
// Unable to fit a new line
if (textLine == null)
return null;
//trace("LineBreak prevLineLength:",prevLine?prevLine.textLine.rawTextLength:0,"nextLineLength:",line?line.textLine.rawTextLength:0);
// outerTargetWidth, targetWidth, textIndent, start, textLength, textLine
CONFIG::debug { assert(_curParaStart == _curParaElement.getAbsoluteStart(),"bad _curParaStart"); }
var line:TextFlowLine = new TextFlowLine(textLine, _curParaElement, outerTargetWidth, lineOffset, lineStart + _curParaStart, textLine.rawTextLength);
CONFIG::debug { assert(line.targetWidth == targetWidth,"Bad targetWidth"); }
textLine.doubleClickEnabled = true; // allow line to be the target oif a double click event
// update spaceBefore & spaceAfter
var linePos:uint = line.location;
if (linePos & TextFlowLineLocation.FIRST)
if (linePos & TextFlowLineLocation.LAST)
return line;
/** @private */
CONFIG::debug private static function validateLineStart(prevLine:TextFlowLine, lineStart:int, paraNode:ParagraphElement):void
// If the lines have been released, don't validate
if (lineStart != 0 && paraNode.getTextBlock().firstLine == null)
var testStart:int = 0;
var testLine:TextLine = prevLine ? prevLine.getTextLine(true) : null;
while (testLine)
testStart += testLine.rawTextLength;
testLine = testLine.previousLine;
assert(testStart == lineStart, "Bad lines");
assert(paraNode is ParagraphElement,"composeLine: paraNode must be a para");
assert(!prevLine || !(prevLine.location & TextFlowLineLocation.LAST),"prevLine may not be from a different para");