blob: c029e88a7b99c134eb36f245d06d1675db3c32e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package flashx.textLayout.conversion
import __AS3__.vec.Vector;
import flash.display.Shape;
import flash.text.engine.TextRotation;
import flash.utils.Dictionary;
import flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController;
import flashx.textLayout.debug.assert;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.BreakElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.DivElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowGroupElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.GlobalSettings;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.IConfiguration;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.InlineGraphicElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.LinkElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.ParagraphElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.SpanElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.SubParagraphGroupElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.TCYElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.TabElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormatValueHolder;
import flashx.textLayout.tlf_internal;
use namespace tlf_internal;
* @private
* TextLayoutImporter converts from XML to TextLayout data structures and back.
public class TextLayoutImporter extends BaseTextLayoutImporter
private static var _defaultConfiguration:ImportExportConfiguration;
/** Default ImportExportConfiguration to use when none specified
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public static function get defaultConfiguration():ImportExportConfiguration
// The first call will force the import/export to include the standard components
if (!_defaultConfiguration)
_defaultConfiguration = new ImportExportConfiguration();
// shared by TextLayout and FXG markup
_defaultConfiguration.addIEInfo("TextFlow", TextFlow, BaseTextLayoutImporter.parseTextFlow, BaseTextLayoutExporter.exportTextFlow, true);
_defaultConfiguration.addIEInfo("br", BreakElement, BaseTextLayoutImporter.parseBreak, BaseTextLayoutExporter.exportFlowElement, false);
_defaultConfiguration.addIEInfo("p", ParagraphElement, BaseTextLayoutImporter.parsePara, BaseTextLayoutExporter.exportParagraphFormattedElement, true);
_defaultConfiguration.addIEInfo("span", SpanElement, BaseTextLayoutImporter.parseSpan, BaseTextLayoutExporter.exportSpan, false);
_defaultConfiguration.addIEInfo("tab", TabElement, BaseTextLayoutImporter.parseTab, BaseTextLayoutExporter.exportFlowElement, false);
// shared by TextLayoutMarkup only
_defaultConfiguration.addIEInfo("tcy", TCYElement, TextLayoutImporter.parseTCY, TextLayoutExporter.exportTCY, false);
_defaultConfiguration.addIEInfo("a", LinkElement, TextLayoutImporter.parseLink, TextLayoutExporter.exportLink, false);
_defaultConfiguration.addIEInfo("div", DivElement, TextLayoutImporter.parseDivElement, TextLayoutExporter.exportDiv, true);
_defaultConfiguration.addIEInfo("img", InlineGraphicElement, TextLayoutImporter.parseInlineGraphic, TextLayoutExporter.exportImage, false);
// customized link formats
_defaultConfiguration.addIEInfo(LinkElement.LINK_NORMAL_FORMAT_NAME,null,TextLayoutImporter.parseLinkNormalFormat,null, false);
_defaultConfiguration.addIEInfo(LinkElement.LINK_ACTIVE_FORMAT_NAME,null,TextLayoutImporter.parseLinkActiveFormat,null, false);
_defaultConfiguration.addIEInfo(LinkElement.LINK_HOVER_FORMAT_NAME, null,TextLayoutImporter.parseLinkHoverFormat, null, false);
return _defaultConfiguration;
/** Set the default configuration back to its original value
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public static function restoreDefaults():void
_defaultConfiguration = null;
protected var bindingsArray:Array;
static private const _formatImporter:TLFormatImporter = new TLFormatImporter(TextLayoutFormatValueHolder,TextLayoutFormat.description);
static private const _idImporter:SingletonAttributeImporter = new SingletonAttributeImporter("id");
static private const _styleNameImporter:SingletonAttributeImporter = new SingletonAttributeImporter("styleName");
static private const _customFormatImporter:CustomFormatImporter = new CustomFormatImporter();
static private const _flowElementFormatImporters:Array = [ _formatImporter,_idImporter,_styleNameImporter,_customFormatImporter ];
/** Constructor */
public function TextLayoutImporter(textFlowConfiguration:IConfiguration)
super(textFlowConfiguration, flowNS, defaultConfiguration);
override protected function clear():void
bindingsArray = null;
private static function get flowNS():Namespace
return new Namespace("flow", "");
/** @private */
override protected function parseContent(rootStory:XML):TextFlow
// Capture all the top-level tags of interest that can be "bound"
// We have to do this because the attributes are applied at the point
// of calling something like:
// span.charAttrs = characterAttrs;
// At one time, we just set the variable to the parameter (in the setter),
// but now we're copying the data into a new object. This change does
// not allow for us to parse the bindings in any order. Hence, we
// will process the potential bindings objects first, then the
// TextFlow objects.
// Also note the use of "..*" below. We are using this to traverse the
// XML structure looking for particular tags and at the same time allow for
// any namespace. So, you might see something like <flow:TextContainer> or
// <TextContainer> and this code will capture both cases.
var rootName:String =;
var textFlowElement:XML = rootName == "TextFlow" ? rootStory : rootStory..*::TextFlow[0];
if (!textFlowElement)
return null;
if (!checkNamespace(textFlowElement))
return null;
return parseTextFlow(this, textFlowElement);
private function parseStandardFlowElementAttributes(flowElem:FlowElement,xmlToParse:XML,importers:Array = null):void
if (importers == null)
importers = _flowElementFormatImporters;
// all the standard ones have to be in importers - some check needed
flowElem.format = extractTextFormatAttributesHelper(flowElem.format,_formatImporter) as ITextLayoutFormat; = _idImporter.result as String;
flowElem.styleName = _styleNameImporter.result as String;
flowElem.userStyles = _customFormatImporter.result as Dictionary;
override public function createTextFlowFromXML(xmlToParse:XML, textFlow:TextFlow = null):TextFlow
// allocate the TextFlow and set the TextContainer's rootElement to it.
var newFlow:TextFlow = null;
if (xmlToParse.@["id"] != undefined)
var flowName:String = null;
flowName = xmlToParse.@["id"];
newFlow = getBoundObjNamed(flowName, TextFlow) as TextFlow;
if (!checkNamespace(xmlToParse))
return newFlow;
// allocate the TextFlow and initialize the container attributes
if (!newFlow)
newFlow = new TextFlow(_textFlowConfiguration);
// TextFlow can have CharacterFormat, ParagraphFormat and ContainerFormat children. Filter them out here
parseFlowGroupElementChildren(xmlToParse, newFlow);
CONFIG::debug { newFlow.debugCheckNormalizeAll() ; }
return newFlow;
public function createDivFromXML(xmlToParse:XML):DivElement
// add the div element to the parent
var divElem:DivElement = new DivElement();
return divElem;
public override function createParagraphFromXML(xmlToParse:XML):ParagraphElement
var paraElem:ParagraphElement = new ParagraphElement();
return paraElem;
public function createTCYFromXML(xmlToParse:XML):TCYElement
var tcyElem:TCYElement = new TCYElement();
return tcyElem;
static internal const _linkDescription:Object = {
href : new StringProperty("href",null, false, null),
target : new StringProperty("target",null, false, null)
static private const _linkFormatImporter:TLFormatImporter = new TLFormatImporter(Dictionary,_linkDescription);
static private const _linkElementFormatImporters:Array = [ _linkFormatImporter, _formatImporter,_idImporter,_styleNameImporter,_customFormatImporter ];
/** Parse a LinkElement Block.
* @param - importFilter:BaseTextLayoutImporter - parser object
* @param - xmlToParse:XML - the xml describing the Link
* @param - parent:FlowBlockElement - the parent of the new Link
* @return LinkElement - a new LinkElement and its children
public function createLinkFromXML(xmlToParse:XML):LinkElement
var linkElem:LinkElement = new LinkElement();
if (_linkFormatImporter.result)
linkElem.href = _linkFormatImporter.result["href"] as String; = _linkFormatImporter.result["target"] as String;
return linkElem;
public override function createSpanFromXML(xmlToParse:XML):SpanElement
var spanElem:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
return spanElem;
static private const _imageDescription:Object = {
source: new StringProperty("source", null, false, null),
float: new StringProperty("float", null, false, null),
rotation: InlineGraphicElement.rotationPropertyDefinition }
static private const _ilgFormatImporter:TLFormatImporter = new TLFormatImporter(Dictionary,_imageDescription);
static private const _ilgElementFormatImporters:Array = [ _ilgFormatImporter, _formatImporter/*,_boundTextLayoutFormatImporter*/,_idImporter,_styleNameImporter,_customFormatImporter ];
public function createInlineGraphicFromXML(xmlToParse:XML):InlineGraphicElement
var imgElem:InlineGraphicElement = new InlineGraphicElement();
if (_ilgFormatImporter.result)
var source:String = _ilgFormatImporter.result["source"];
imgElem.source = source;
// if not defined then let InlineGraphic set its own default
imgElem.height = InlineGraphicElement.heightPropertyDefinition.setHelper(imgElem.height,_ilgFormatImporter.result["height"]);
imgElem.width = InlineGraphicElement.widthPropertyDefinition.setHelper(imgElem.width,_ilgFormatImporter.result["width"]);
/* We don't support rotation yet because of bugs in the player. */
// imgElem.rotation = InlineGraphicElement.heightPropertyDefinition.setHelper(imgElem.rotation,_ilgFormatImporter.result["rotation"]);
imgElem.float = InlineGraphicElement.floatPropertyDefinition.setHelper(imgElem.float,_ilgFormatImporter.result["float"]);
return imgElem;
public function extractTextFormatAttributesHelper(curAttrs:Object, importer:TLFormatImporter):Object
return extractAttributesHelper(curAttrs,importer);
protected function parseNamedFormatDefinition(xmlToParse:XML, importer:TLFormatImporter) : void
if (!checkNamespace(xmlToParse))
var idName:String = xmlToParse.@id.toString();
if (idName == null || idName.length == 0)
for each (var item:XML in xmlToParse.attributes())
if (!bindingsArray)
bindingsArray = new Array();
bindingsArray[idName] = importer.result ? importer.result : new importer.classType();
// Find string in array
static private function arrayHasString(arr:Array, str:String):Boolean
for each (var item:String in arr)
if (str == item)
return true;
return false;
// Return a "bindings" object. This method allows us to encounter a object via a binding
// (it appears within "{}" or we can encounter the actual tag (e.g, <CharacterFormat ... >). Either way
// this method will allocate an object with the given name, and assign the attributes as they become
// available in the BaseTextLayoutImportFilter.
internal function getBoundObjNamed(name:String, typeClass:Class):Object
CONFIG::debug {assert(name != null && name.length > 0, "null string for a bound object")}
if (!bindingsArray)
bindingsArray = new Array();
if (bindingsArray[name] == null)
if (typeClass == TextFlow)
bindingsArray[name] = new typeClass(this._textFlowConfiguration);
bindingsArray[name] = new typeClass();
return bindingsArray[name];
/** Parse a TCY Block.
* @param - importFilter:BaseTextLayoutImporter - parser object
* @param - xmlToParse:XML - the xml describing the TCY Block
* @param - parent:FlowBlockElement - the parent of the new TCY Block
* @return TCYBlockElement - a new TCYBlockElement and its children
static public function parseTCY(importFilter:BaseTextLayoutImporter, xmlToParse:XML, parent:FlowGroupElement):void
var tcyElem:TCYElement = TextLayoutImporter(importFilter).createTCYFromXML(xmlToParse);
if (importFilter.addChild(parent, tcyElem))
importFilter.parseFlowGroupElementChildren(xmlToParse, tcyElem);
//if parsing an empty tcy, create a Span for it.
if (tcyElem.numChildren == 0)
tcyElem.addChild(new SpanElement());
/** Parse a LinkElement Block.
* @param - importFilter:BaseTextLayoutImporter - parser object
* @param - xmlToParse:XML - the xml describing the Link
* @param - parent:FlowBlockElement - the parent of the new Link
* @return LinkElement - a new LinkElement and its children
static public function parseLink(importFilter:BaseTextLayoutImporter, xmlToParse:XML, parent:FlowGroupElement):void
var linkElem:LinkElement = TextLayoutImporter(importFilter).createLinkFromXML(xmlToParse);
if (importFilter.addChild(parent, linkElem))
importFilter.parseFlowGroupElementChildren(xmlToParse, linkElem);
//if parsing an empty link, create a Span for it.
if (linkElem.numChildren == 0)
linkElem.addChild(new SpanElement());
public function createDictionaryFromXML(xmlToParse:XML):Dictionary
var formatImporters:Array = [ _customFormatImporter ];
// parse the TextLayoutFormat child object
var formatList:XMLList = xmlToParse..*::TextLayoutFormat;
if (formatList.length() != 1)
reportError(GlobalSettings.resourceStringFunction("expectedExactlyOneTextLayoutFormat",[ ]));
var parseThis:XML = formatList.length() > 0 ? formatList[0] : xmlToParse;
var styleDictionary:Dictionary = _customFormatImporter.result as Dictionary;
// Link style property values may have been brought through as literal String values. We need to convert
// them into typed values, so they get output as canonical translation of the value type into String.
// The color property is an example, where it can get input in 3 different formats, but can only be output in one.
var description:Object = TextLayoutFormat.description;
for (var prop:String in description)
var val:* = styleDictionary[prop];
if (val !== undefined)
val = description[prop].setHelper(undefined,val)
if (val !== undefined)
styleDictionary[prop] = val;
return styleDictionary;
static public function parseLinkNormalFormat(importFilter:BaseTextLayoutImporter, xmlToParse:XML, parent:FlowGroupElement):void
{ parent.linkNormalFormat = TextLayoutImporter(importFilter).createDictionaryFromXML(xmlToParse); }
static public function parseLinkActiveFormat(importFilter:BaseTextLayoutImporter, xmlToParse:XML, parent:FlowGroupElement):void
{ parent.linkActiveFormat = TextLayoutImporter(importFilter).createDictionaryFromXML(xmlToParse); }
static public function parseLinkHoverFormat(importFilter:BaseTextLayoutImporter, xmlToParse:XML, parent:FlowGroupElement):void
{ parent.linkHoverFormat = TextLayoutImporter(importFilter).createDictionaryFromXML(xmlToParse); }
/** Parse the <div ...> tag and all its children
* @param - importFilter:BaseTextLayoutImportFilter - parser object
* @param - xmlToParse:XML - the xml describing the Div
* @param - parent:FlowBlockElement - the parent of the new Div
static public function parseDivElement(importFilter:BaseTextLayoutImporter, xmlToParse:XML, parent:FlowGroupElement):void
var divElem:DivElement = TextLayoutImporter(importFilter).createDivFromXML(xmlToParse);
if (importFilter.addChild(parent, divElem))
importFilter.parseFlowGroupElementChildren(xmlToParse, divElem);
// we can't have a <div> tag w/no children... so, add an empty paragraph
if (divElem.numChildren == 0)
divElem.addChild(new ParagraphElement());
/** Parse a leaf element, the <img ...> tag.
* @param - importFilter:BaseTextLayoutImporter - parser object
* @param - xmlToParse:XML - the xml describing the InlineGraphic FlowElement
* @param - parent:FlowBlockElement - the parent of the new image FlowElement
static public function parseInlineGraphic(importFilter:BaseTextLayoutImporter, xmlToParse:XML, parent:FlowGroupElement):void
var ilg:InlineGraphicElement = TextLayoutImporter(importFilter).createInlineGraphicFromXML(xmlToParse);
importFilter.addChild(parent, ilg);