blob: 8eaa1be9aba1c39c1199db3f1b9de094cd843170 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package flashx.textLayout.conversion
import flashx.textLayout.debug.assert;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.BreakElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.ContainerFormattedElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowGroupElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowLeafElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.GlobalSettings;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.IConfiguration;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.ParagraphElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.ParagraphFormattedElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.SpanElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.TabElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow;
import flashx.textLayout.tlf_internal;
use namespace tlf_internal;
* @private
* BaseTextLayoutImportFilter is a base class for handling the import/export of TextLayout text in the native format.
internal class BaseTextLayoutImporter implements ITextImporter
private var _ns:Namespace; // namespace of expected in imported/exported content
private var _errors:Vector.<String>;
private var _textFlowNamespace:Namespace; // namespace of the TextFlow element against which the namespaces of the following elements are validated
private var _throwOnError:Boolean;
protected var _config:ImportExportConfiguration;
protected var _textFlowConfiguration:IConfiguration;
// static private const anyPrintChar:RegExp = /[^\s]/g;
// Consider only tab, line feed, carriage return, and space as characters used for pretty-printing.
// While debatable, this is consistent with what CSS does.
static private const anyPrintChar:RegExp = /[^\u0009\u000a\u000d\u0020]/g;
public function BaseTextLayoutImporter(textFlowConfiguration:IConfiguration, nsValue:Namespace, config:ImportExportConfiguration)
_textFlowConfiguration = textFlowConfiguration;
_ns = nsValue;
_config = config;
protected function clear():void
if (errors)
errors.splice(0, errors.length);
_textFlowNamespace = null;
_impliedPara = null;
/** Import text content, from an external source, and convert it into a TextFlow.
* @param source source data to convert, may be string or XML
* @return TextFlow that was created from the source.
public function importToFlow(source:Object):TextFlow
clear(); // empty results of previous imports
if (_throwOnError)
return importToFlowCanThrow(source);
var rslt:TextFlow = null;
var savedErrorHandler:Function = Property.errorHandler;
Property.errorHandler = importPropertyErrorHandler;
rslt = importToFlowCanThrow(source);
catch (e:Error)
Property.errorHandler = savedErrorHandler;
return rslt;
/** @private */
protected function importPropertyErrorHandler(p:Property,value:Object):void
private function importToFlowCanThrow(source:Object):TextFlow
if (source is String)
return importFromString(String(source));
else if (source is XML)
return importFromXML(XML(source));
return null;
/** Parse and convert input data.
* @param source - a string which is in XFL format. String is applied to an XML object then passed
* to importFromXML to be processed. The source must be capable of being cast as an XML
* object (E4X).
protected function importFromString(source:String):TextFlow
var originalSettings:Object = XML.settings();
XML.ignoreProcessingInstructions = false;
XML.ignoreWhitespace = false;
var xmlTree:XML = new XML(source);
return importFromXML(xmlTree);
/** Parse and convert input data.
* xflSource is a XFL formated object which must be capable of being cast as an XML
* object (E4X).
protected function importFromXML(xmlSource:XML):TextFlow
// Parse an XFL hierarchy into a TextFlow, using the geometry supplied by a TextFrame
// to host child containers (e.g. tables). This is the main entry point into this class.
return parseContent(xmlSource[0]);
// This routine imports a TextFlow
protected function parseContent(rootStory:XML):TextFlow
// If the root element isn't a textFlow we know how to parse, keep descending the hierarchy.
var child:XML = rootStory..*::TextFlow[0];
if (child)
return parseTextFlow(this, rootStory);
return null;
/** Returns the namespace used in for writing XML/XFL
* @return the Namespace being used.
public function get ns(): Namespace
return _ns;
// Remove double spaces, tabs, and newlines.
// If I have a sequence of different sorts of spaces (e.g., en quad, hair space), would I want them converted down to one space? Probably not.
// For now, u0020 is the only space character we consider for eliminating duplicates, though u00A0 (non-breaking space) is potentially eligible.
static private const dblSpacePattern:RegExp = /[\u0020]{2,}/g;
// Tab, line feed, and carriage return
static private const tabNewLinePattern:RegExp = /[\u0009\u000a\u000d]/g;
protected static function stripWhitespace(insertString:String):String
// Replace the newlines and tabs inside the element with spaces.
return insertString.replace(tabNewLinePattern, " ");
/** Parse XML and convert to TextFlow.
* @param importFilter parser object
* @param xmlToParse content to parse
* @param parent always null - this parameter is only provided to match FlowElementInfo.importer signature
* @return TextFlow the new TextFlow created as a result of the parse
static public function parseTextFlow(importFilter:BaseTextLayoutImporter, xmlToParse:XML, parent:Object=null):TextFlow
return importFilter.createTextFlowFromXML(xmlToParse, null);
/** Static method to parse the supplied XML into a paragrph. Parse the <p ...> tag and it's children.
* @param importFilter parser object
* @param xmlToParse content to parse
* @param parent the parent for the new content
static public function parsePara(importFilter:BaseTextLayoutImporter, xmlToParse:XML, parent:FlowGroupElement):void
var paraElem:ParagraphElement = importFilter.createParagraphFromXML(xmlToParse);
if (importFilter.addChild(parent, paraElem))
importFilter.parseFlowGroupElementChildren(xmlToParse, paraElem);
//if parsing an empty paragraph, create a Span for it.
if (paraElem.numChildren == 0)
paraElem.addChild(new SpanElement());
static protected function copyAllStyleProps(dst:FlowLeafElement,src:FlowLeafElement):void
dst.format = src.format;
dst.styleName = src.styleName;
dst.userStyles = src.userStyles; =;
/** Static method for constructing a span from XML. Parse the <span> ... </span> tag.
* Insert the span into its parent
* @param importFilter parser object
* @param xmlToParse content to parse
* @param parent the parent for the new content
static public function parseSpan(importFilter:BaseTextLayoutImporter, xmlToParse:XML, parent:FlowGroupElement):void
var firstSpan:SpanElement = importFilter.createSpanFromXML(xmlToParse);
var elemList:XMLList = xmlToParse[0].children();
if(elemList.length() == 0)
// Empty span, but may have formatting, so don't strip it out.
// Note: the normalizer may yet strip it out if it is not the last child, but that's the normalizer's business.
importFilter.addChild(parent, firstSpan);
for each (var child:XML in elemList)
var elemName:String = ? : null;
if (elemName == null) // span text
if (firstSpan.parent == null) // hasn't been used yet
firstSpan.text = child.toString();
importFilter.addChild(parent, firstSpan);
var s:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
s.text = child.toString();
importFilter.addChild(parent, s);
else if (elemName == "br")
var brElem:BreakElement = importFilter.createBreakFromXML(child); // may be null
if (brElem)
importFilter.addChild(parent, brElem);
importFilter.reportError(GlobalSettings.resourceStringFunction("unexpectedXMLElementInSpan",[ elemName ]));
else if (elemName == "tab")
var tabElem:TabElement = importFilter.createTabFromXML(child); // may be null
if (tabElem)
importFilter.addChild(parent, tabElem);
importFilter.reportError(GlobalSettings.resourceStringFunction("unexpectedXMLElementInSpan",[ elemName ]));
importFilter.reportError(GlobalSettings.resourceStringFunction("unexpectedXMLElementInSpan",[ elemName ]));
/** Static method for constructing a break element from XML. Validate the <br> ... </br> tag.
* Use "\u2028" as the text; Insert the new element into its parent
* @param importFilter parser object
* @param xmlToParse content to parse
* @param parent the parent for the new content
static public function parseBreak(importFilter:BaseTextLayoutImporter, xmlToParse:XML, parent:FlowGroupElement):void
var breakElem:BreakElement = importFilter.createBreakFromXML(xmlToParse);
importFilter.addChild(parent, breakElem);
/** Static method for constructing a tab element from XML. Validate the <tab> ... </tab> tag.
* Use "\t" as the text; Insert the new element into its parent
* @param importFilter parser object
* @param xmlToParse content to parse
* @param parent the parent for the new content
static public function parseTab(importFilter:BaseTextLayoutImporter, xmlToParse:XML, parent:FlowGroupElement):void
var tabElem:TabElement = importFilter.createTabFromXML(xmlToParse); // may be null
if (tabElem)
importFilter.addChild(parent, tabElem);
protected function checkNamespace(xmlToParse:XML):Boolean
var elementNS:Namespace = xmlToParse.namespace();
if (!_textFlowNamespace) // Not set yet; must be parsing the TextFlow element
// TextFlow element: allow only empty namespace and flow namespace
if (elementNS != ns)
reportError(GlobalSettings.resourceStringFunction("unexpectedNamespace", [elementNS.toString()]));
return false;
_textFlowNamespace = elementNS;
// Other elements: must match the namespace of the TextFlow element
// Specifically, can't be empty unless the TextFlow element's namespace is also empty
else if (elementNS != _textFlowNamespace)
reportError(GlobalSettings.resourceStringFunction("unexpectedNamespace", [elementNS.toString()]));
return false;
return true;
public function parseAttributes(xmlToParse:XML,formatImporters:Array):void
var importer:IFormatImporter;
// reset them all
for each (importer in formatImporters)
for each (var item:XML in xmlToParse.attributes())
var propertyName:String =;
var propertyValue:String = item.toString();
var imported:Boolean = false;
for each (importer in formatImporters)
if (importer.importOneFormat(propertyName,propertyValue))
imported = true;
if (!imported) // not a supported attribute
handleUnknownAttribute (, propertyName);}
static protected function extractAttributesHelper(curAttrs:Object, importer:TLFormatImporter):Object
if (curAttrs == null)
return importer.result;
if (importer.result == null)
return curAttrs;
var workAttrs:Object = new importer.classType(curAttrs);
return workAttrs;
/** Parse XML and convert to TextFlow.
* @param xmlToParse content to parse
* @param textFlow TextFlow we're parsing. If null, create or find a new TextFlow based on XML content
* @return TextFlow the new TextFlow created as a result of the parse
public function createTextFlowFromXML(xmlToParse:XML, newFlow:TextFlow = null):TextFlow
CONFIG::debug { assert(false,"missing override for createTextFlowFromXML"); }
return null;
public function createParagraphFromXML(xmlToParse:XML):ParagraphElement
CONFIG::debug { assert(false,"missing override for createParagraphFromXML"); }
return null;
public function createSpanFromXML(xmlToParse:XML):SpanElement
CONFIG::debug { assert(false,"missing override for createSpanFromXML"); }
return null;
public function createBreakFromXML(xmlToParse:XML):BreakElement
parseAttributes(xmlToParse,null); // no attributes allowed - reports errors
return new BreakElement();
public function createTabFromXML(xmlToParse:XML):TabElement
parseAttributes(xmlToParse,null); // reports errors
return new TabElement();
/** Parse XML, convert to FlowElements and add to the parent.
* @param xmlToParse content to parse
* @param parent the parent for the new content
public function parseFlowChildren(xmlToParse:XML, parent:FlowGroupElement):void
parseFlowGroupElementChildren(xmlToParse, parent);
/** Parse XML, convert to FlowElements and add to the parent.
* @param xmlToParse content to parse
* @param parent the parent for the new content
* @param chainedParent whether parent actually corresponds to xmlToParse or has been chained (such as when xmlToParse is a formatting element)
public function parseFlowGroupElementChildren(xmlToParse:XML, parent:FlowGroupElement, exceptionElements:Object = null, chainedParent:Boolean=false):void
for each (var child:XML in xmlToParse.children())
if (child.nodeKind() == "element")
parseObject(, child, parent, exceptionElements);
// look for mixed content here
else if (child.nodeKind() == "text")
var txt:String = child.toString();
// Strip whitespace-only text appearing as a child of a container-formatted element
var strip:Boolean = false;
if (parent is ContainerFormattedElement)
strip = == -1;
if (!strip)
// note, we don't want to set the paraFormat so that we inherit them from the TextFlow
var span:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
span.text = txt;
addChild(parent, span);
// no implied paragraph should extend across container elements
if (!chainedParent && parent is ContainerFormattedElement)
public function createParagraphFlowFromXML(xmlToParse:XML, newFlow:TextFlow = null):TextFlow
CONFIG::debug { assert(false,"missing override for createParagraphFlowFromXML"); } // client must override
return null;
tlf_internal function parseObject(name:String, xmlToParse:XML, parent:FlowGroupElement, exceptionElements:Object=null):void
if (!checkNamespace(xmlToParse))
var info:FlowElementInfo = _config.lookup(name);
if (!info)
if (exceptionElements == null || exceptionElements[name] === undefined)
handleUnknownElement (name, xmlToParse, parent);
info.parser(this, xmlToParse, parent);
protected function handleUnknownElement(name:String, xmlToParse:XML, parent:FlowGroupElement):void
reportError(GlobalSettings.resourceStringFunction("unknownElement", [ name ]));
protected function handleUnknownAttribute(elementName:String, propertyName:String):void
reportError(GlobalSettings.resourceStringFunction("unknownAttribute", [ propertyName, elementName ]));
protected function getElementInfo(xmlToParse:XML):FlowElementInfo
return _config.lookup(;
protected function GetClass(xmlToParse:XML):Class
var info:FlowElementInfo = _config.lookup(;
return info ? info.flowClass : null;
// In the text model, non-FlowParagraphElements (i.e. spans, images, links, TCY) cannot be children of a ContainerElement (TextFlow, Div etc.)
// They can only be children of paragraphs or subparagraph blocks.
// In XML, however, <p> elements can be implied (for example, a <span> may appear as a direct child of <flow>).
// So, while parsing the XML, if we enounter a non-FlowParagraphElement child of a ContainerElement
// 1. an explicitly created paragraph is used as the parent instead
// 2. such explicitly created paragraphs are shared by adjacent flow elements provided there isn't an intervening FlowParagraphElement
private var _impliedPara:ParagraphElement = null;
/** @private */
tlf_internal function createImpliedParagraph():ParagraphElement
return createParagraphFromXML(<p/>);
* @private
* Helper function for adding a child flow element that honors throwOnError setting and uses the parent override
* NOTE: You MUST NOT call addChild directly unless you are sure
* - There is not possibility of an implied paragraph, and
* - Parent is of type that can contain child
tlf_internal function addChild(parent:FlowGroupElement, child:FlowElement):Boolean
if (child is ParagraphFormattedElement)
// Reset due to possibly intervening FlowParagrahElement; See note 2. above
else if (parent is ContainerFormattedElement)
// See note 1. above
if (!_impliedPara)
// Derived classes may have special behavior for <p> tags. Implied paragraphs may need the same behavior.
// So call createParagraphFromXML, don't just instantiate a ParagraphElement
_impliedPara = createImpliedParagraph();
parent = _impliedPara;
if (_throwOnError)
catch (e:*)
return false;
return true;
tlf_internal function resetImpliedPara():void
if (_impliedPara)
_impliedPara = null;
protected function onResetImpliedPara(para:ParagraphElement):void
/** Errors encountered while parsing.
* Value is a vector of Strings.
public function get errors():Vector.<String>
return _errors;
/** Errors will cause exceptions if throwOnError is true. */
public function get throwOnError():Boolean
return _throwOnError;
public function set throwOnError(value:Boolean):void
_throwOnError = value;
/** Register an error that was encountered while parsing. If throwOnError
* is true, the error causes an exception. Otherwise it is logged and parsing
* continues.
* @param error the String that describes the error
protected function reportError(error:String):void
if (_throwOnError)
throw new Error(error);
if (!_errors)
_errors = new Vector.<String>();