blob: adee3630f6ec7c990eda3e9a2aec72da67531461 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package flashx.textLayout.elements
import flash.display.CapsStyle;
import flash.display.Graphics;
import flash.display.Shape;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.text.engine.TextBlock;
import flash.text.engine.TextLine;
import flash.utils.Dictionary;
import flashx.textLayout.compose.IFlowComposer;
import flashx.textLayout.compose.Parcel;
import flashx.textLayout.compose.ParcelList;
import flashx.textLayout.compose.StandardFlowComposer;
import flashx.textLayout.compose.TextFlowLine;
import flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController;
import flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager;
import flashx.textLayout.debug.assert;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.TabElement;
import flashx.textLayout.factory.FactoryDisplayComposer;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.BackgroundColor;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.BorderColor;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat;
import flashx.textLayout.tlf_internal;
use namespace tlf_internal;
/** @private Manages bounds calculation and rendering of backgroundColor character format. */
public class BackgroundManager
public static var BACKGROUND_MANAGER_CACHE:Dictionary = null;
public static var TOP_EXCLUDED:String = "topExcluded";
public static var BOTTOM_EXCLUDED:String = "bottomExcluded";
public static var TOP_AND_BOTTOM_EXCLUDED:String = "topAndBottomExcluded";
protected var _lineDict:Dictionary;
protected var _blockElementDict:Dictionary;
protected var _rectArray:Array;
public function BackgroundManager()
_lineDict = new Dictionary(true);
_blockElementDict = new Dictionary(true);
_rectArray = new Array();
//clear _rectArray, at the beginning of compose TextFlow
public function clearBlockRecord():void
_rectArray.splice(0, _rectArray.length);
//insert the background or border rectangle into the front of _rectArray, to make sure the elements that have
//larger z-index will be drawn later
public function addBlockRect(elem:FlowElement, r:Rectangle, cc:ContainerController = null, style:String = null):void
var rect:Object = new Object();
rect.r = r;
rect.elem = elem; = cc; = style;
//register the elements that have background or border to _blockElementDict
public function addBlockElement(elem:FlowElement):void
//register the elements that have never been registered
var format:ITextLayoutFormat = elem.computedFormat;
var record:Object = new Object();
record.backgroundColor = format.backgroundColor;
record.backgroundAlpha = format.backgroundAlpha;
record.borderLeftWidth = format.borderLeftWidth;
record.borderRightWidth = format.borderRightWidth;
record.borderTopWidth = format.borderTopWidth;
record.borderBottomWidth = format.borderBottomWidth;
record.borderLeftColor = format.borderLeftColor;
record.borderRightColor = format.borderRightColor;
record.borderTopColor = format.borderTopColor;
record.borderBottomColor = format.borderBottomColor;
_blockElementDict[elem] = record;
public static function collectBlock(_textFlow:TextFlow, elem:FlowGroupElement, _parcelList:ParcelList = null, tableComposeNotFromBeginning:Boolean = false, tableOutOfView:Boolean = false):void
var bb:BackgroundManager;
var r:Rectangle;
var controller:ContainerController;
var composer:IFlowComposer;
//The height of TableDataCellElement can only be identified after all the cells in the row are composed.
//So, pick it out of the common process
if(elem is TableRowElement)
var tabRow:TableRowElement = elem as TableRowElement;
//for table cells
var cell:TableDataCellElement;
var cellParcel:Parcel;
for(var cIdx:Number = 0; cIdx < elem.numChildren; cIdx++)
cell = elem.getChildAt(cIdx) as TableDataCellElement;
if(BackgroundManager.hasBorderOrBackground(cell) || BackgroundManager.hasBorderOrBackground(elem))
//mark the paragraph that has border or background
bb = _textFlow.backgroundManager;
//BackgroundManager should not be null here
CONFIG::debug { assert(_textFlow.backgroundManager != null ,"BackgroundManager should not be null"); }
cellParcel = _parcelList.getParcelAt(cell.parcelIndex);
r = new Rectangle(cell.x, cell.y, cell.width, tabRow.height);
bb.addBlockRect(cell, r, cellParcel.controller);
//for table rows
//mark the paragraph that has border or background
bb = _textFlow.backgroundManager;
//BackgroundManager should not be null here
CONFIG::debug { assert(_textFlow.backgroundManager != null ,"BackgroundManager should not be null"); }
var parentTable:TableElement = elem.parent as TableElement;
var rowParcel:Parcel = _parcelList.getParcelAt(tabRow.parcelIndex);
if(parentTable && rowParcel){
r = new Rectangle(parentTable.x + rowParcel.x, tabRow.y + rowParcel.y, parentTable.computedWidth, tabRow.height);
bb.addBlockRect(elem, r, rowParcel.controller);
//for the other elements
else if(BackgroundManager.hasBorderOrBackground(elem))
//mark the paragraph that has border or background
bb = _textFlow.backgroundManager;
//BackgroundManager should not be null here
CONFIG::debug { assert(_textFlow.backgroundManager != null ,"BackgroundManager should not be null"); }
composer = _textFlow.flowComposer;
if(composer && elem.textLength > 1)
if(elem is TableElement)
var tab:TableElement = elem as TableElement;
var parcel:Parcel;
if(tab.numAcrossParcels == 0)
r = new Rectangle();
parcel = _parcelList.getParcelAt(tab.originParcelIndex);
r.x = parcel.x;
r.y = parcel.y;
r.x = tab.x;
r.y = tab.y;
r.width = tab.computedWidth;
r.height = tab.height;
bb.addBlockRect(elem, r, parcel.controller);
for(var tIdx:Number = 0; tIdx <= tab.numAcrossParcels; tIdx++)
r = new Rectangle();
parcel = _parcelList.getParcelAt(tab.originParcelIndex + tIdx);
if(tIdx == 0 && !tableComposeNotFromBeginning)
r.x = tab.x;
r.y = tab.y;
r.width = tab.computedWidth;
r.height = tab.heightArray[tIdx];
bb.addBlockRect(elem, r, parcel.controller, BackgroundManager.BOTTOM_EXCLUDED);
}else if (tIdx == tab.numAcrossParcels && !tableOutOfView)
r.x = parcel.x + tab.computedFormat.marginLeft;
r.y = parcel.y;
r.width = tab.computedWidth;
r.height = tab.totalRowDepth;
bb.addBlockRect(elem, r, parcel.controller, BackgroundManager.TOP_EXCLUDED);
r.x = parcel.x + tab.computedFormat.marginLeft;
r.y = parcel.y;
r.width = tab.computedWidth;
r.height = tab.heightArray[tIdx];
bb.addBlockRect(elem, r, parcel.controller, BackgroundManager.TOP_AND_BOTTOM_EXCLUDED);
else //for elements like ParagraphElement, DivElement, ListItemElement, ListElement, TextFlow
var tb:TextBlock = null;
var p:ParagraphElement = elem.getFirstLeaf().getParagraph();
tb = p.getTextBlock();
while(!tb && p)
p = p.getNextParagraph();
tb = p.getTextBlock();
if(composer is StandardFlowComposer && composer.numLines > 0)
//get the first line and the last line
var firstLine:TextFlowLine = null;
var lastLine:TextFlowLine = null;
if(tb && tb.firstLine)
firstLine = tb.firstLine.userData;
tb = p.getTextBlock();
if(tb && tb.lastLine)
lastLine = tb.lastLine.userData;
var leaf:FlowLeafElement = p.getLastLeaf().getNextLeaf(elem);
p = leaf.getParagraph();
p = null;
if(firstLine && lastLine)
var startColumnIndex:int = firstLine.columnIndex;
var startController:ContainerController = firstLine.controller;
var endColumnIndex:int = lastLine.columnIndex;
var endController:ContainerController = lastLine.controller;
if(startController && endController)
if(startController == endController && endColumnIndex == startColumnIndex)
r = startController.columnState.getColumnAt(startColumnIndex); = firstLine.y;
r.bottom = lastLine.y + lastLine.height;
bb.addBlockRect(elem, r, startController);
//start part
if(startController != endController)
for(var sIdx:int = startController.columnCount - 1; sIdx > startColumnIndex; sIdx--)
r = startController.columnState.getColumnAt(sIdx);
bb.addBlockRect(elem, r, startController);
if(endColumnIndex != startColumnIndex)
r = startController.columnState.getColumnAt(startColumnIndex); = firstLine.y;
bb.addBlockRect(elem, r, startController);
//center part, all parcel should be painted
var passFirstController:Boolean = false;
for(var aidx:Number = 0; aidx < composer.numControllers; aidx++)
var cc:ContainerController = composer.getControllerAt(aidx);
for(var cidx:int = 0; cidx < cc.columnCount; cidx++)
r = cc.columnState.getColumnAt(cidx);
bb.addBlockRect(elem, r, cc);
if(cc == endController)
if(cc == startController)
passFirstController = true;
//end part
if(startController != endController)
for(var eIdx:int = 0; eIdx < endColumnIndex; eIdx++)
r = endController.columnState.getColumnAt(eIdx);
bb.addBlockRect(elem, r, endController);
r = endController.columnState.getColumnAt(endColumnIndex);
r.bottom = lastLine.y + lastLine.height;
bb.addBlockRect(elem, r, endController);
//the first time display for TCM
else if(composer is FactoryDisplayComposer)
var fLine:TextLine = null;
var lLine:TextLine = null;
if(tb && tb.firstLine)
fLine = tb.firstLine;
tb = p.getTextBlock();
if(tb && tb.lastLine)
lLine = tb.lastLine;
var leafF:FlowLeafElement = p.getLastLeaf().getNextLeaf(elem);
p = leafF.getParagraph();
p = null;
if(fLine && lLine)
if((composer as Object).hasOwnProperty("tcm"))
var tcm:TextContainerManager = (composer as Object).tcm;
r = new Rectangle(0, fLine.y - fLine.height, tcm.compositionWidth, lLine.y - fLine.y + fLine.height);
bb.addBlockRect(elem, r, composer.getControllerAt(0));
public static function hasBorderOrBackground(elem:FlowElement):Boolean
var format:ITextLayoutFormat = elem.computedFormat;
if(format.backgroundColor != BackgroundColor.TRANSPARENT)
return true;
if(format.borderLeftWidth != 0 || format.borderRightWidth != 0 ||
format.borderTopWidth != 0 || format.borderBottomWidth != 0)
if(format.borderLeftColor != BorderColor.TRANSPARENT ||
format.borderRightColor != BorderColor.TRANSPARENT || format.borderTopColor != BorderColor.TRANSPARENT ||
format.borderBottomColor != BorderColor.TRANSPARENT )
return true;
return false;
public function addRect(tl:TextLine, fle:FlowLeafElement, r:Rectangle, color:uint, alpha:Number):void
var entry:Array = _lineDict[tl];
if (entry == null)
entry = _lineDict[tl] = new Array();
var record:Object = new Object();
record.rect = r;
record.fle = fle;
record.color = color;
record.alpha = alpha;
var fleAbsoluteStart:int = fle.getAbsoluteStart();
for (var i:int = 0; i < entry.length; ++i)
var currRecord:Object = entry[i];
if (currRecord.hasOwnProperty("fle") && currRecord.fle.getAbsoluteStart() == fleAbsoluteStart)
// replace it
entry[i] = record;
public function addNumberLine(tl:TextLine, numberLine:TextLine):void
var entry:Array = _lineDict[tl];
if (entry == null)
entry = _lineDict[tl] = new Array();
public function finalizeLine(line:TextFlowLine):void
{ return; } // nothing to do here
/** @private */
tlf_internal function getEntry(line:TextLine):*
return _lineDict ? _lineDict[line] : undefined;
// This version is used for the TextLineFactory
public function drawAllRects(textFlow:TextFlow,bgShape:Shape,constrainWidth:Number,constrainHeight:Number):void
//draw background or border for block elements
var block:Object;
var rec:Rectangle;
var style:Object;
for(var idx:int = 0; idx < _rectArray.length; idx++)
block = _rectArray[idx];
rec = block.r;
style = _blockElementDict[block.elem];
if(rec && style)
var g:Graphics =;
//draw background
if(style.backgroundColor != BackgroundColor.TRANSPARENT)
g.lineStyle(0, style.backgroundColor, style.backgroundAlpha, true);
g.drawRect(rec.x, rec.y, rec.width, rec.height);
//draw top border
g.moveTo(rec.x + Math.floor(style.borderLeftWidth/2), rec.y + Math.floor(style.borderTopWidth/2));
if(( != BackgroundManager.TOP_EXCLUDED && != BackgroundManager.TOP_AND_BOTTOM_EXCLUDED) &&
style.borderTopWidth != 0 && style.borderTopColor != BorderColor.TRANSPARENT)
g.lineStyle(style.borderTopWidth, style.borderTopColor, style.backgroundAlpha, true, "normal", CapsStyle.SQUARE);
g.lineTo(rec.x + rec.width - Math.floor(style.borderLeftWidth/2), rec.y + Math.floor(style.borderTopWidth/2));
//draw right border
g.moveTo(rec.x + rec.width - Math.floor(style.borderRightWidth/2), rec.y + Math.floor(style.borderTopWidth/2));
if(style.borderRightWidth != 0 && style.borderRightColor != BorderColor.TRANSPARENT)
g.lineStyle(style.borderRightWidth, style.borderRightColor, style.backgroundAlpha, true, "normal", CapsStyle.SQUARE);
g.lineTo(rec.x + rec.width - Math.floor(style.borderRightWidth/2), rec.y + rec.height- Math.floor(style.borderTopWidth/2));
//draw bottom border
g.moveTo(rec.x + rec.width - Math.floor(style.borderLeftWidth/2), rec.y + rec.height - Math.floor(style.borderBottomWidth/2));
if(( != BackgroundManager.BOTTOM_EXCLUDED && != BackgroundManager.TOP_AND_BOTTOM_EXCLUDED) &&
style.borderBottomWidth != 0 && style.borderBottomColor != BorderColor.TRANSPARENT)
g.lineStyle(style.borderBottomWidth, style.borderBottomColor, style.backgroundAlpha, true, "normal", CapsStyle.SQUARE);
g.lineTo(rec.x + Math.floor(style.borderLeftWidth/2), rec.y + rec.height - Math.floor(style.borderBottomWidth/2));
//draw left border
g.moveTo(rec.x + Math.floor(style.borderLeftWidth/2), rec.y + rec.height - Math.floor(style.borderTopWidth/2));
if(style.borderLeftWidth != 0 && style.borderLeftColor != BorderColor.TRANSPARENT)
g.lineStyle(style.borderLeftWidth, style.borderLeftColor, style.backgroundAlpha, true, "normal", CapsStyle.SQUARE);
g.lineTo(rec.x + Math.floor(style.borderLeftWidth/2), rec.y + Math.floor(style.borderTopWidth/2));
//draw background for span
for (var line:Object in _lineDict)
var entry:Array = _lineDict[line];
if (entry.length)
var columnRect:Rectangle = entry[0].columnRect; // set in TextLineFactoryBase.finalizeLine
var r:Rectangle;
var record:Object;
for(var i:int = 0; i<entry.length; ++i)
record = entry[i];
if (record.hasOwnProperty("numberLine"))
var numberLine:TextLine = record.numberLine;
var backgroundManager:BackgroundManager = TextFlowLine.getNumberLineBackground(numberLine);
var numberEntry:Array = backgroundManager._lineDict[numberLine];
for (var ii:int = 0; ii < numberEntry.length; ii++)
var numberRecord:Object = numberEntry[ii];
r = numberRecord.rect;
r.x += line.x + numberLine.x;
r.y += line.y + numberLine.y;
TextFlowLine.constrainRectToColumn(textFlow, r, columnRect, 0, 0, constrainWidth, constrainHeight), numberRecord.alpha);,r.y,r.width,r.height);;
r = record.rect;
r.x += line.x;
r.y += line.y;
TextFlowLine.constrainRectToColumn(textFlow, r, columnRect, 0, 0, constrainWidth, constrainHeight), record.alpha);,r.y,r.width,r.height);;
public function removeLineFromCache(tl:TextLine):void
delete _lineDict[tl];
// This version is used for the TextFlow/flowComposer standard model
public function onUpdateComplete(controller:ContainerController):void
var container:Sprite = controller.container;
var bgShape:Shape;
if(container && container.numChildren)
bgShape = controller.getBackgroundShape();;
//draw background or border for block elements
var rec:Rectangle;
var style:Object;
var block:Object;
for(var idx:int = 0; idx < _rectArray.length; idx++)
block = _rectArray[idx];
if( == controller)
style = _blockElementDict[block.elem];
if(style != null)
rec = block.r;
var g:Graphics =;
//draw background
if(style.backgroundColor != BackgroundColor.TRANSPARENT)
g.lineStyle(0, style.backgroundColor, style.backgroundAlpha, true);
g.drawRect(rec.x, rec.y, rec.width, rec.height);
//draw top border
g.moveTo(rec.x + Math.floor(style.borderLeftWidth/2), rec.y + Math.floor(style.borderTopWidth/2));
if(( != BackgroundManager.TOP_EXCLUDED && != BackgroundManager.TOP_AND_BOTTOM_EXCLUDED) &&
style.borderTopWidth != 0 && style.borderTopColor != BorderColor.TRANSPARENT)
g.lineStyle(style.borderTopWidth, style.borderTopColor, style.backgroundAlpha, true, "normal", CapsStyle.SQUARE);
g.lineTo(rec.x + rec.width - Math.floor(style.borderLeftWidth/2), rec.y + Math.floor(style.borderTopWidth/2));
//draw right border
g.moveTo(rec.x + rec.width - Math.floor(style.borderRightWidth/2), rec.y + Math.floor(style.borderTopWidth/2));
if(style.borderRightWidth != 0 && style.borderRightColor != BorderColor.TRANSPARENT)
g.lineStyle(style.borderRightWidth, style.borderRightColor, style.backgroundAlpha, true, "normal", CapsStyle.SQUARE);
g.lineTo(rec.x + rec.width - Math.floor(style.borderRightWidth/2), rec.y + rec.height- Math.floor(style.borderTopWidth/2));
//draw bottom border
g.moveTo(rec.x + rec.width - Math.floor(style.borderLeftWidth/2), rec.y + rec.height - Math.floor(style.borderBottomWidth/2));
if(( != BackgroundManager.BOTTOM_EXCLUDED && != BackgroundManager.TOP_AND_BOTTOM_EXCLUDED) &&
style.borderBottomWidth != 0 && style.borderBottomColor != BorderColor.TRANSPARENT)
g.lineStyle(style.borderBottomWidth, style.borderBottomColor, style.backgroundAlpha, true, "normal", CapsStyle.SQUARE);
g.lineTo(rec.x + Math.floor(style.borderLeftWidth/2), rec.y + rec.height - Math.floor(style.borderBottomWidth/2));
//draw left border
g.moveTo(rec.x + Math.floor(style.borderLeftWidth/2), rec.y + rec.height - Math.floor(style.borderTopWidth/2));
if(style.borderLeftWidth != 0 && style.borderLeftColor != BorderColor.TRANSPARENT)
g.lineStyle(style.borderLeftWidth, style.borderLeftColor, style.backgroundAlpha, true, "normal", CapsStyle.SQUARE);
g.lineTo(rec.x + Math.floor(style.borderLeftWidth/2), rec.y + Math.floor(style.borderTopWidth/2));
//draw background for span
for(var childIdx:int = 0; childIdx<controller.textLines.length; ++childIdx)
var tl:TextLine = controller.textLines[childIdx];
var entry:Array = _lineDict[tl];
if (entry)
var r:Rectangle;
var tfl:TextFlowLine = tl.userData as TextFlowLine;
// assert we actually got a tlf from the userData
CONFIG::debug { assert(tfl != null, "BackgroundManager missing TextFlowLine!"); }
for(var i:int = 0; i < entry.length; i++)
var record:Object = entry[i];
// two kinds of records - numberLines and regular
if (record.hasOwnProperty("numberLine"))
var numberLine:TextLine = record.numberLine;
var backgroundManager:BackgroundManager = TextFlowLine.getNumberLineBackground(numberLine);
var numberEntry:Array = backgroundManager._lineDict[numberLine];
for (var ii:int = 0; ii < numberEntry.length; ii++)
var numberRecord:Object = numberEntry[ii];
r = numberRecord.rect.clone();
r.x += numberLine.x;
r.y += numberLine.y;
tfl.convertLineRectToContainer(r, true);, numberRecord.alpha);,r.y,r.width,r.height);;
r = record.rect.clone();
tfl.convertLineRectToContainer(r, true);, record.alpha);,r.y,r.width,r.height);;
public function getShapeRectArray():Array
return _rectArray;