blob: 2d8a4b2ee09224ea9e6509039ff4c1a2a0fa75f5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package flashx.textLayout.conversion
import flash.text.engine.FontPosture;
import flash.text.engine.FontWeight;
import flash.text.engine.Kerning;
import flash.text.engine.TabAlignment;
import flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName;
import flashx.textLayout.debug.assert;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.*;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.Direction;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.Float;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.FormatValue;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.LeadingModel;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.TabStopFormat;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.TextAlign;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat;
import flashx.textLayout.tlf_internal;
use namespace tlf_internal;
* @private
* Export converter for HTML format.
public class TextFieldHtmlExporter extends ConverterBase implements ITextExporter
/** @private */
tlf_internal static var _config:ImportExportConfiguration;
public function TextFieldHtmlExporter()
if (!_config)
_config = new ImportExportConfiguration();
_config.addIEInfo(null, DivElement, null, exportDiv);
_config.addIEInfo(null, ParagraphElement, null, exportParagraph);
_config.addIEInfo(null, LinkElement, null, exportLink);
_config.addIEInfo(null, TCYElement, null, exportTCY);
_config.addIEInfo(null, SubParagraphGroupElement, null, exportSPGE);
_config.addIEInfo(null, SpanElement, null, exportSpan);
_config.addIEInfo(null, InlineGraphicElement, null, exportImage);
_config.addIEInfo(null, TabElement, null, exportTab);
_config.addIEInfo(null, BreakElement, null, exportBreak);
_config.addIEInfo(null, ListElement, null, exportList);
_config.addIEInfo(null, ListItemElement, null, exportListItem);
/** @copy ITextExporter#export()
public function export(source:TextFlow, conversionType:String):Object
var result:XML = exportToXML(source);
return conversionType == ConversionType.STRING_TYPE ? BaseTextLayoutExporter.convertXMLToString(result) : result;
/** Export text content of a TextFlow into HTML format.
* @param source the text to export
* @return XML the exported content
* @private
tlf_internal function exportToXML(textFlow:TextFlow) : XML
var html:XML = <HTML/>;
if (textFlow.numChildren != 0)
if (textFlow.getChildAt(0).typeName != "BODY")
var body:XML = <BODY/>;
return html;
/** create the XMl tag for an element. @private */
static tlf_internal function makeTaggedTypeName(elem:FlowElement,defaultTag:String):XML
if (elem.typeName == elem.defaultTypeName)
return <{defaultTag}/>;
return <{elem.typeName.toUpperCase()}/>;
/** export styleName and id @private */
tlf_internal static function exportStyling(elem:FlowElement, xml:XML):void
if ( != null)
xml.@["id"] =;
if (elem.styleName != null)
xml.@["class"] = elem.styleName;
/** export FlowGroupElement children into parentXML. @private */
tlf_internal function exportChildren(elem:FlowGroupElement,parentXML:XML):void
for (var idx:int = 0; idx < elem.numChildren; idx++)
var child:FlowElement = elem.getChildAt(idx);
/** Export a List @private */
tlf_internal function exportList(list:ListElement, parentXML:XML):void
var xml:XML;
if (list.isNumberedList())
xml = <OL/>;
xml = <UL/>;
exportStyling(list, xml);
exportChildren(list, xml);
if (list.typeName != list.defaultTypeName)
var typeNameXML:XML = <{list.typeName}/>;
/** Export a ListItem @private */
tlf_internal function exportListItem(li:ListItemElement, parentXML:XML):void
// WARNING: no solution for a listitem with a custom typeName - loose the typeName
var xml:XML = <LI/>;
exportStyling(li, xml);
exportChildren(li, xml);
// if we've got exactly one P promote its child directly into the LI. It causes TextField to add an extra paragraph. Ugly.
var children:XMLList = xml.children();
if (children.length() == 1)
var child:XML = children[0];
if ( == "P")
var paraChildren:XMLList = child.children();
if (paraChildren.length() == 1)
xml = <LI/>;
/** Export a DIV element */
tlf_internal function exportDiv(div:DivElement, parentXML:XML):void
var xml:XML = makeTaggedTypeName(div,"DIV");
exportStyling(div, xml);
exportChildren(div, xml);
/** Export a paragraph
* @private
tlf_internal function exportParagraph(para:ParagraphElement, parentXML:XML):void
// Exported as a <P/>
// Some paragraph-level formats (such as textAlign) are exported as attributes of <P/>,
// Others (such as textIndent) are exported as attributes of the <TEXTFORMAT/> parent of <P/>
// Some character-level formats (such as fontSize) are exported as attributes of the <FONT/> child of <P/>
// Children of the ParagraphElement are nested inside the <FONT/>
var xml:XML = makeTaggedTypeName(para,"P");
exportStyling(para, xml);
var fontXML:XML = exportFont(para.computedFormat);
CONFIG::debug { assert(fontXML != null, "Expect exportFont to return non-null xml if second parameter (ifDifferentFromFormat) is null"); }
exportSubParagraphChildren(para, fontXML);
nest(xml, fontXML);
parentXML.appendChild(exportParagraphFormat(xml, para));
/** Export a link
* @private
tlf_internal function exportLink(link:LinkElement, parentXML:XML):void
// Exported as an <A/> with HREF and TARGET attributes
// Children of the LinkElement are nested inside the <A/>
// If the computed values of certain character-level formats differ from the corresponding computed values for the
// containing paragraph, these are exported as attributes of a <FONT/> which (in this case) parents the <A/>.
var xml:XML = <A/>;
if (link.href)
xml.@HREF= link.href;
if (
xml.@TARGET =;
// TextField uses _self as the default target
// while TLF uses null (funcionally identical to _blank). Account for this difference.
xml.@TARGET = "_blank";
exportSubParagraphElement(link, xml, parentXML);
/** Export a tcy element
* @private
tlf_internal function exportTCY(tcy:TCYElement, parentXML:XML):void
// make it a custom element - this will round trip it
// note if the element has a custom typeName that typeName is going to be built as a parent
var xml:XML = <TCY/>;
exportSubParagraphElement(tcy, xml, parentXML);
/** Export a SubParagraphGroupElement
* @private
tlf_internal function exportSPGE(spge:SubParagraphGroupElement, parentXML:XML):void
var xml:XML = spge.typeName != spge.defaultTypeName ? <{spge.typeName}/> : <SPAN/>;
exportSubParagraphElement(spge, xml, parentXML, false);
tlf_internal function exportSubParagraphElement(elem:SubParagraphGroupElementBase, xml:XML, parentXML:XML, checkTypeName:Boolean=true):void
exportStyling(elem, xml);
exportSubParagraphChildren(elem, xml);
var format:ITextLayoutFormat = elem.computedFormat;
var ifDifferentFromFormat:ITextLayoutFormat = elem.parent.computedFormat;
var font:XML = exportFont(format, ifDifferentFromFormat);
var childXML:XML = font ? nest(font, xml) : xml;
if (checkTypeName && elem.typeName != elem.defaultTypeName)
var typeNameXML:XML = <{elem.typeName}/>;
/** @private */
static tlf_internal const brRegEx:RegExp = /\u2028/;
/** Gets the xml element used to represent a character in the export format
* @private
static tlf_internal function getSpanTextReplacementXML(ch:String):XML
CONFIG::debug {assert(ch == '\u2028', "Did not recognize character to be replaced with XML"); }
return <BR/>;
/** Export a span
* @private
tlf_internal function exportSpan(span:SpanElement, parentXML:XML):void
// Span text is exported as a text node (or text nodes delimited by <BR/> elements for any occurences of U+2028)
// These text nodes and <BR/> elements are optionally nested in formatting elements
var xml:XML = makeTaggedTypeName(span, "SPAN");
exportStyling(span, xml);
BaseTextLayoutExporter.exportSpanText(xml, span, brRegEx, getSpanTextReplacementXML);
// for brevity, do not export attribute-less <span> tags; export just their children
if ( == null && span.styleName == null && span.typeName == span.defaultTypeName)
var children:Object = xml.children();
// Workaround for bug 1852072 : extraneous tags can appear around a string child added after an XML element
if (children.length() == 1 && children[0].nodeKind() == "text")
children = xml.text()[0];
parentXML.appendChild(exportSpanFormat(children, span));
parentXML.appendChild(exportSpanFormat(xml, span));
/** Export an inline graphic
* @private
tlf_internal function exportImage(image:InlineGraphicElement, parentXML:XML):void
// Exported as an <IMG/> with SRC, WIDTH, HEIGHT and ALIGN attributes
var xml:XML = <IMG/>;
exportStyling(image, xml);
if (image.source)
xml.@SRC = image.source;
if (image.width !== undefined && image.width != FormatValue.AUTO)
xml.@WIDTH = image.width;
// xml.@WIDTH = image.actualWidth;
if (image.height !== undefined && image.height != FormatValue.AUTO)
xml.@HEIGHT = image.height;
// xml.@HEIGHT = image.actualHeight;
if (image.computedFloat != Float.NONE)
xml.@ALIGN = image.float;
if (image.typeName != image.defaultTypeName)
var typeNameXML:XML = <{image.typeName}/>;
/** Export a break
* Is this ever called: BreakElements are either merged with adjacent spans or become spans?
* @private
tlf_internal function exportBreak(breakElement:BreakElement,parentXML:XML):void
/** Export a tab
* Is this ever called: TabElements are either merged with adjacent spans or become spans?
* @private
tlf_internal function exportTab(tabElement:TabElement, parentXML:XML):void
// Export as a span
exportSpan(tabElement, parentXML);
/** @private */
tlf_internal function exportTextFormatAttribute (textFormatXML:XML, attrName:String, attrVal:*):XML
if (!textFormatXML)
textFormatXML = <TEXTFORMAT/>;
textFormatXML.@[attrName] = attrVal;
return textFormatXML;
/** Exports the paragraph-level format for a paragraph
* @param xml xml to decorate with attributes or add nest in formatting elements
* @para the paragraph
* @return XML the outermost XML element after exporting
* @private
tlf_internal function exportParagraphFormat(xml:XML, para:ParagraphElement):XML
var paraFormat:ITextLayoutFormat = para.computedFormat;
var textAlignment:String;
case TextAlign.START:
textAlignment = (paraFormat.direction == Direction.LTR) ? TextAlign.LEFT : TextAlign.RIGHT;
case TextAlign.END:
textAlignment = (paraFormat.direction == Direction.LTR) ? TextAlign.RIGHT : TextAlign.LEFT;
textAlignment = paraFormat.textAlign;
xml.@ALIGN = textAlignment;
var textFormat:XML;
if (paraFormat.paragraphStartIndent != 0)
textFormat = exportTextFormatAttribute (textFormat, paraFormat.direction == Direction.LTR ? "LEFTMARGIN" : "RIGHTMARGIN", paraFormat.paragraphStartIndent);
if (paraFormat.paragraphEndIndent != 0)
textFormat = exportTextFormatAttribute (textFormat, paraFormat.direction == Direction.LTR ? "RIGHTMARGIN" : "LEFTMARGIN", paraFormat.paragraphEndIndent);
if (paraFormat.textIndent != 0)
textFormat = exportTextFormatAttribute(textFormat, "INDENT", paraFormat.textIndent);
if (paraFormat.leadingModel == LeadingModel.APPROXIMATE_TEXT_FIELD)
var firstLeaf:FlowLeafElement = para.getFirstLeaf();
if (firstLeaf)
var lineHeight:Number = TextLayoutFormat.lineHeightProperty.computeActualPropertyValue(firstLeaf.computedFormat.lineHeight,firstLeaf.getEffectiveFontSize());
if (lineHeight != 0)
textFormat = exportTextFormatAttribute(textFormat, "LEADING", lineHeight);
var tabStops:Array = paraFormat.tabStops;
if (tabStops)
var tabStopsString:String = "";
for each (var tabStop:TabStopFormat in tabStops)
if (tabStop.alignment != TabAlignment.START)
if (tabStopsString.length)
tabStopsString += ", ";
tabStopsString += tabStop.position;
if (tabStopsString.length)
textFormat = exportTextFormatAttribute(textFormat, "TABSTOPS", tabStopsString);
return textFormat ? nest(textFormat, xml) : xml;
/** Exports the character-level format for a span
* @param xml xml/xmlList to nest in formatting elements
* @span the span
* @return XML the outermost XML element after exporting
* @private
tlf_internal function exportSpanFormat(xml:Object, span:SpanElement):Object
// These are optionally nested in a <FONT/> with appopriate attributes ,
var format:ITextLayoutFormat = span.computedFormat;
var outerElement:Object = xml;
// Nest in <B/>, <I/>, or <U/> if applicable
if (format.textDecoration.toString() == flashx.textLayout.formats.TextDecoration.UNDERLINE)
outerElement = nest (<U/>, outerElement);
if (format.fontStyle.toString() == flash.text.engine.FontPosture.ITALIC)
outerElement = nest (<I/>, outerElement);
if (format.fontWeight.toString() == flash.text.engine.FontWeight.BOLD)
outerElement = nest (<B/>, outerElement);
// Nest in <FONT/> if the computed values of certain character-level formats
// differ from the corresponding computed values for the containing parent that's exported
// A span can be contained in a TCY, link, or paragraph. Of these, TCY is not exported, so only
// check link and paragraph.
var exportedParent:FlowElement = span.getParentByType(LinkElement);
if (!exportedParent)
exportedParent = span.getParagraph();
var font:XML = exportFont(format, exportedParent.computedFormat);
if (font)
outerElement = nest(font, outerElement);
return outerElement;
/** @private */
tlf_internal function exportFontAttribute (fontXML:XML, attrName:String, attrVal:*):XML
if (!fontXML)
fontXML = <FONT/>;
fontXML.@[attrName] = attrVal;
return fontXML;
* Exports certain character level formats as a <FONT/> with appropriate attributes
* @param format format to export
* @param ifDifferentFromFormat if non-null, a value in format is exported only if it differs from the corresponding value in ifDifferentFromFormat
* @return XML the populated XML element
* @private
tlf_internal function exportFont(format:ITextLayoutFormat, ifDifferentFromFormat:ITextLayoutFormat=null):XML
var font:XML;
if (!ifDifferentFromFormat || ifDifferentFromFormat.fontFamily != format.fontFamily)
font = exportFontAttribute(font, "FACE", format.fontFamily);
if (!ifDifferentFromFormat || ifDifferentFromFormat.fontSize != format.fontSize)
font = exportFontAttribute(font, "SIZE", format.fontSize);
if (!ifDifferentFromFormat || ifDifferentFromFormat.color != format.color)
var rgb:String = format.color.toString(16);
while (rgb.length < 6)
rgb = "0" + rgb; // pad with leading zeros
rgb = "#" + rgb
font = exportFontAttribute(font, "COLOR", rgb);
if (!ifDifferentFromFormat || ifDifferentFromFormat.trackingRight != format.trackingRight)
font = exportFontAttribute(font, "LETTERSPACING", format.trackingRight);
if (!ifDifferentFromFormat || ifDifferentFromFormat.kerning != format.kerning)
font = exportFontAttribute(font, "KERNING", format.kerning == Kerning.OFF ? "0" : "1");
return font;
/** Exports the flow element by finding the appropriate exporter
* @param flowElement Element to export
* @return Object XML/XMLList for the flowElement
* @private
tlf_internal function exportElement(flowElement:FlowElement, parentXML:XML):void
var className:String = flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName(flowElement);
var info:FlowElementInfo = _config.lookupByClass(className);
if (info)
info.exporter(flowElement, parentXML);
CONFIG::debug { assert(flowElement is FlowGroupElement,"Bad element in HtmlExport.exportElement"); }
var xml:XML = <{flowElement.typeName.toUpperCase()}/>;
exportChildren(flowElement as FlowGroupElement, xml);
/** Exports the children of a flow group element
* @param xml XML to append children to
* @param flowGroupElement the flow group element
* @private
tlf_internal function exportSubParagraphChildren(flowGroupElement:FlowGroupElement, parentXML:XML):void
for(var i:int=0; i < flowGroupElement.numChildren; ++i)
/** Helper to establish a parent-child relationship between two xml elements
* and return the parent
* @param parent the intended parent
* @param children the intended children (XML or XMLList)
* @return the parent
* @private
static tlf_internal function nest (parent:XML, children:Object):XML
return parent;