blob: 6b88cc229aad608bd2c1b79ae3001d48e08c2767 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package flashx.textLayout.conversion
import flash.system.System;
import flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName;
import flashx.textLayout.TextLayoutVersion;
import flashx.textLayout.debug.assert;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.Configuration;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.ContainerFormattedElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowGroupElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.GlobalSettings;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.LinkElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.ParagraphFormattedElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.SpanElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.TextRange;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.WhiteSpaceCollapse;
import flashx.textLayout.tlf_internal;
use namespace tlf_internal;
* @private
* Export converter for TextLayout format.
internal class BaseTextLayoutExporter extends ConverterBase implements ITextExporter
private var _config:ImportExportConfiguration;
private var _rootTag:XML;
private var _ns:Namespace;
public function BaseTextLayoutExporter(ns:Namespace, rootTag:XML, config:ImportExportConfiguration)
_config = config;
_ns = ns;
_rootTag = rootTag;
/** @copy ITextExporter#export()
public function export(source:TextFlow, conversionType:String):Object
var result:XML = exportToXML(source);
return conversionType == ConversionType.STRING_TYPE ? convertXMLToString(result) : result;
/** Export text content of a TextFlow into XFL format.
* @param source the text to export
* @return XML the exported content
protected function exportToXML(textFlow:TextFlow) : XML
var result:XML;
if (_rootTag)
result = new XML(_rootTag);
result = XML(exportTextFlow(this, textFlow));
return result;
/** Export text content as a string
* @param xml the XML to convert
* @return String the exported content
* @private
static tlf_internal function convertXMLToString(xml:XML):String
var result:String;
// Adjust settings so that leading and trailing spaces in the XML don't get dropped when it is converted to a string
var originalSettings:Object = XML.settings();
XML.ignoreProcessingInstructions = false;
XML.ignoreWhitespace = false;
XML.prettyPrinting = false;
result = xml.toXMLString();
if (Configuration.playerEnablesArgoFeatures)
return result;
/** Base functionality for exporting a FlowElement.
* @param exporter Root object for the export
* @param flowElement Element to export
* @return XMLList XML for the element
static public function exportFlowElement(exporter:BaseTextLayoutExporter, flowElement:FlowElement):XMLList
return exporter.exportFlowElement(flowElement);
/** Overridable worker method for exporting a FlowElement. Creates the XMLList.
* @param flowElement Element to export
* @return XMLList XML for the element
protected function exportFlowElement (flowElement:FlowElement):XMLList
var className:String = flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName(flowElement);
var elementName:String = _config.lookupName(className); // NO PMD
var output:XML = <{elementName}/>;
return XMLList(output);
static public function exportSpanText(destination:XML, span:SpanElement, replacementRegex:RegExp, replacementXMLCallback:Function):void
//get the text for this span
var spanText:String = span.text;
// Check to see if it has text that needs to be converted
var matchLocation:Array = spanText.match(replacementRegex);
var dummy:XML;
// We have text that has characters to be converted. Break it up into runs of text interspersed with elements corresponding to match these characters
while(matchLocation != null)
var ix:int = matchLocation.index;
var tempStr:String = spanText.substr(0, ix);
//if we have some text which does not need to be replaced, then write it now
if(tempStr.length > 0)
// output[0].appendChild(tempStr); // extraneous tags can appear around a string child added after an XML element: see bug 1852072
// workaround for above-mentioned bug
dummy = <dummy/>;
dummy.appendChild(tempStr); // no extraneous tags here since there is no preceding XML element sibling
var replacementXML:XML = replacementXMLCallback(spanText.charAt(ix));
CONFIG::debug{ assert(replacementXML != null, "Specified match regex, but provided null replacement XML"); }
//remove the text up to this point
spanText = spanText.slice(ix + 1, spanText.length);
//look for another character to be replaced
matchLocation = spanText.match(replacementRegex);
//if we don't have any more matches, but there is still text, write that out as the last span
if(!matchLocation && spanText.length > 0)
// output[0].appendChild(spanText); // extraneous tags can appear around a string child added after an XML element: see bug 1852072
// workaround for above-mentioned bug
dummy = <dummy/>;
dummy.appendChild(spanText); // no extraneous tags here since there is no preceding XML element sibling
//this is the simple case where we don't have a character to replace
/** Base functionality for exporting a Span. Exports as a FlowElement,
* and exports the text of the span.
* @param exporter Root object for the export
* @param span Element to export
* @return XMLList XML for the element
static public function exportSpan(exporter:BaseTextLayoutExporter, span:SpanElement):XMLList
var output:XMLList = exportFlowElement(exporter, span);
exportSpanText(output[0], span, exporter.spanTextReplacementRegex, exporter.getSpanTextReplacementXML);
return output;
static private const brRegEx:RegExp = /\u2028/;
/** Gets the regex that specifies characters in span text to be replaced with XML elements
* Note: Each match is a single character
protected function get spanTextReplacementRegex():RegExp
return brRegEx;
/** Gets the xml element used to represent a character in the export format
protected function getSpanTextReplacementXML(ch:String):XML
CONFIG::debug {assert(ch == '\u2028', "Did not recognize character to be replaced with XML"); }
var breakXML:XML = <br/>;
return breakXML;
/** Base functionality for exporting a FlowGroupElement. Exports as a FlowElement,
* and exports the children of a element.
* @param exporter Root object for the export
* @param flowBlockElement Element to export
* @return XMLList XML for the element
static public function exportFlowGroupElement(exporter:BaseTextLayoutExporter, flowBlockElement:FlowGroupElement):XMLList
var output:XMLList = exportFlowElement(exporter, flowBlockElement);
// output each child
for(var childIter:int = 0; childIter < flowBlockElement.numChildren; ++childIter)
var flowChild:FlowElement = flowBlockElement.getChildAt(childIter);
var childXML:XMLList = exporter.exportChild(flowChild);
if (childXML)
return output;
/** Base functionality for exporting a ParagraphFormattedElement. Exports as a FlowGroupElement,
* and exports paragraph attributes.
* @param exporter Root object for the export
* @param flowParagraph Element to export
* @return XMLList XML for the element
static public function exportParagraphFormattedElement(exporter:BaseTextLayoutExporter, flowParagraph:ParagraphFormattedElement):XMLList
return exporter.exportParagraphFormattedElement(flowParagraph);
/** Overridable worker method for exporting a ParagraphFormattedElement. Creates the XMLList.
* @param flowElement Element to export
* @return XMLList XML for the element
protected function exportParagraphFormattedElement(flowElement:FlowElement):XMLList
var rslt:XMLList = exportFlowElement(flowElement);
// output each child
for(var childIter:int = 0; childIter < ParagraphFormattedElement(flowElement).numChildren; ++childIter)
var flowChild:FlowElement = ParagraphFormattedElement(flowElement).getChildAt(childIter);
return rslt;
static public function exportList(exporter:BaseTextLayoutExporter, flowParagraph:ParagraphFormattedElement):XMLList
return exporter.exportList(flowParagraph);
protected function exportList(flowElement:FlowElement):XMLList
var rslt:XMLList = exportFlowElement(flowElement);
// output each child
for(var childIter:int = 0; childIter < FlowGroupElement(flowElement).numChildren; ++childIter)
var flowChild:FlowElement = FlowGroupElement(flowElement).getChildAt(childIter);
return rslt;
static public function exportListItem(exporter:BaseTextLayoutExporter, flowParagraph:ParagraphFormattedElement):XMLList
return exporter.exportListItem(flowParagraph);
protected function exportListItem(flowElement:FlowElement):XMLList
var rslt:XMLList = exportFlowElement(flowElement);
// output each child
for(var childIter:int = 0; childIter < FlowGroupElement(flowElement).numChildren; ++childIter)
var flowChild:FlowElement = FlowGroupElement(flowElement).getChildAt(childIter);
return rslt;
/** Base functionality for exporting a ContainerFormattedElement. Exports as a ParagraphFormattedElement,
* and exports container attributes.
* @param exporter Root object for the export
* @param container Element to export
* @return XMLList XML for the element
static public function exportContainerFormattedElement(exporter:BaseTextLayoutExporter, container:ContainerFormattedElement):XMLList
return exporter.exportContainerFormattedElement(container);
/** Overridable worker method for exporting a ParagraphFormattedElement. Creates the XMLList.
* @param flowElement Element to export
* @return XMLList XML for the element
protected function exportContainerFormattedElement(flowElement:FlowElement):XMLList
return exportParagraphFormattedElement(flowElement);
/** Base functionality for exporting a TextFlow. Exports as a ContainerElement,
* and exports container attributes.
* @param exporter Root object for the export
* @param textFlow Element to export
* @return XMLList XML for the element
static public function exportTextFlow(exporter:BaseTextLayoutExporter, textFlow:TextFlow):XMLList
var output:XMLList = exportContainerFormattedElement(exporter, textFlow);
// TextLayout will use PRESERVE on output
output.@[] = WhiteSpaceCollapse.PRESERVE;
// TextLayout adds version information
output.@["version"] = TextLayoutVersion.getVersionString(TextLayoutVersion.CURRENT_VERSION);
return output;
/** Exports the object. It will find the appropriate exporter and use it to
* export the object.
* @param exporter Root object for the export
* @param flowElement Element to export
* @return XMLList XML for the flowElement
public function exportChild(flowElement:FlowElement):XMLList
var className:String = flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName(flowElement);
var info:FlowElementInfo = _config.lookupByClass(className);
if (info != null)
return info.exporter(this, flowElement);
return null;
/** Helper function to export styles (core or user) in the form of xml attributes or xml children
* @param xml object to which attributes/children are added
* @param sortableStyles an array of objects (xmlName,xmlVal) members that is sorted and exported.
protected function exportStyles(xml:XMLList, sortableStyles:Array):void
// Sort the styles based on name for predictable export order
for each(var exportInfo:Object in sortableStyles)
var xmlVal:Object = exportInfo.xmlVal;
CONFIG::debug{ assert(useClipboardAnnotations || exportInfo.xmlName != ConverterBase.MERGE_TO_NEXT_ON_PASTE, "Found paste merge attribute in exported TextFlow"); }
/* Filter out paste attributes */
if (!useClipboardAnnotations && exportInfo.xmlName == ConverterBase.MERGE_TO_NEXT_ON_PASTE)
if (xmlVal is String)
xml.@[exportInfo.xmlName] = xmlVal; // as an attribute
else if (xmlVal is XMLList)
xml.appendChild(xmlVal); // as a child
internal function get flowNS():Namespace
return _ns;
protected function get formatDescription():Object
return null;