blob: c576e72d7f637686eca544ab339b12431e50e9a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package flashx.textLayout.accessibility
import flash.accessibility.Accessibility;
import flash.accessibility.AccessibilityImplementation;
import flash.accessibility.AccessibilityProperties;
import flash.display.DisplayObject;
import flashx.textLayout.edit.EditingMode;
import flashx.textLayout.edit.ISelectionManager;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowLeafElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.GlobalSettings;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.ParagraphElement;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow;
import flashx.textLayout.tlf_internal;
use namespace tlf_internal;
//TODO this is in text_edit... which violates MVC yet again... what to do?
//TODO handle selectable text when FP implements the new selection API:
// To catch the selection changes reliably, listen for SelectionEvent,
// which is dispatched on the TextFlow whenever the selection changes.
//TODO handle scrolling? might need to expose scrolling in here
//TODO handle hyperlinks? I don't know if MSAA has a concept for this
// (what other text advanced features must be accessible? graphics?)
//TODO what if there is HTML in it? strip it, or read it? we don't have an
// htmlText property, do we?
// TODO Do we want to read the contents of each sprite and stop, even if the
// text flows into other sprite, meaning we read text in taborder; or do we
// want to read the entire model and not worry about the presentation
// (simpler)? Not sure if I can get the contents of each sprite separately.
// * Test that JAWS reads when setting the focus programmatically.
// * Tests for changing every part of the model programmatically -- role
// and state should update accordingly, visibility, and text contents.
// * Test that setting tabOrder reads as expected. What happens if you set
// tabOrder on multiple flowComposers?
//TODO update this comment after integration
* @private
* The TextAccImpl class adds accessibility for text components.
* This hooks into DisplayObjects when TextFlow.container is set.
public class TextAccImpl extends AccessibilityImplementation
//TODO might want to put these constants in a new class if they are
// used anywhere else.
/** Default state */
protected static const STATE_SYSTEM_NORMAL:uint = 0x00000000;
/** Read-only text */
protected static const STATE_SYSTEM_READONLY:uint = 0x00000040;
/** Inivisible text */
//TODO unused, but supported state for text in MSAA
protected static const STATE_SYSTEM_INVISIBLE:uint = 0x00008000;
/** Default role -- read-only, unselectable text. */
protected static const ROLE_SYSTEM_STATICTEXT:uint = 0x29;
/** Editable OR read-only, selectable text. */
protected static const ROLE_SYSTEM_TEXT:uint = 0x2a;
/* When the name changes (name is the text conent in STATICTEXT). */
protected static const EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE:uint = 0x800c;
/* When the value changes (value is the text content in TEXT). */
protected static const EVENT_OBJECT_VALUECHANGE:uint = 0x800e;
* A reference to the DisplayObject that is hosting accessible text.
//TODO for now this assumes only the first DO in a flow is accessible
// in the future each flow DO should host its own accimpl and read
// the text only for its own box.
// Or... perhaps we use getChildIDArray to manage all the text
// flows if they are linked below some master component (but I don't
// think this is the way it will happen).
protected var textContainer:DisplayObject;
* A reference to the TextFlow where our text originates.
protected var textFlow:TextFlow;
* Constructor.
* @param textContainer The DisplayObject instance that this
* TextAccImpl instance is making accessible.
* @param textFlow The TextFlow that is hosting the textContainer.
public function TextAccImpl(textCont:DisplayObject, textFlow:TextFlow)
this.textContainer = textCont;
this.textFlow = textFlow;
// stub is true when you are NOT providing an acc implementation
// reports to reader as graphic
stub = false;
if (textCont.accessibilityProperties == null)
textCont.accessibilityProperties =
new AccessibilityProperties();
// setup event listeners for text selection and model changes
// eventHandler);
textFlow.addEventListener(CompositionCompleteEvent.COMPOSITION_COMPLETE, eventHandler);
public function detachListeners():void
textFlow.removeEventListener(CompositionCompleteEvent.COMPOSITION_COMPLETE, eventHandler);
* Returns the system role for the text.
* @param childID uint.
* @return Role associated with the text.
override public function get_accRole(childID:uint):uint
// trace("get_accRole()");
const iManager:ISelectionManager = textFlow.interactionManager;
if (iManager == null)
// non-selectable, non-editable text is STATICTEXT
else // iManager is an IEditManager and/or ISelectionManager
// read-only selectable or editable selectable text are TEXT
* Returns the state of the text.
* @param childID uint.
* @return Role associated with the text.
override public function get_accState(childID:uint):uint
// trace("get_accState()");
const iManager:ISelectionManager = textFlow.interactionManager;
//TODO handle STATE_SYSTEM_INVISIBLE for all cases below
// and add an event to detect changes--does Flash support this?
//TODO handle STATE_SYSTEM_PROTECTED for all cases below
// if vellum gets a concept of password fields, then it needs to
// emit this value if the field is converted to a password;
// otherwise the Flex framework will need to be sure to emit
// this state in a text input component.
// note: focus-related states are handled by the player
if (iManager == null)
// non-selectable, non-editable text
// must check IEditManager before ISelectionManager (it can be both)
else if (iManager.editingMode == EditingMode.READ_WRITE)
// editable selectable text
else // if (iManager instanceof ISelectionManager)
// read-only selectable text
* Returns the name of the text.
* @param childID uint.
* @return Name of the text.
override public function get_accName(childID:uint):String
// trace("get_accName()");
switch (get_accRole(childID))
//TODO this SHOULD come from TextConverter, but then there is a
// circular build dependency since importExport builds
// against model, and it probably violates mvc
//return TextConverter.export(textFlow,
// TextConverter.PLAIN_TEXT_FORMAT);
//TODO this is probably expensive. is there a way to cache
// this and know when dirty?
//TODO look at the generation and determine when it's dirty
return exportToString(textFlow);
return null;
* Returns the value of the text.
* @param childID uint.
* @return Name of the text.
override public function get_accValue(childID:uint):String
// trace("get_accValue()");
switch (get_accRole(childID))
//TODO this SHOULD come from TextConverter, but then there is a
// circular build dependency since importExport builds
// against model, and it probably violates mvc
//return TextConverter.export(textFlow,
// TextConverter.PLAIN_TEXT_FORMAT);
// TODO this is probably expensive. is there a way to cache
// this and know when dirty?
//TODO look at the generation and determine when it's dirty
return exportToString(textFlow);
return null;
* updates the MSAA model.
protected function eventHandler(event:Event):void
switch (event.type)
// This updates the entire accessibility DOM.
// get_accName is probably expensive here, it happens ONLY if
// JAWS is running, otherwise Accessibility.* calls are NOOP.
// Event does NOT fire when interactionManager changes; ideally
// we'd want to tell MSAA the role changed, but apparently roles
// are typically static and that's not a supported workflow.
// instead, Flash occasionally polls the displaylist, e.g. when
// you mouseover. calling updateProperties() doesn't necessarily
// trigger role updates (calls to get_acc*()).
case CompositionCompleteEvent.COMPOSITION_COMPLETE:
// TODO change childID from 0 if we use getChildIDArray
// otherwise delete this comment
try {
Accessibility.sendEvent(textContainer, 0,
Accessibility.sendEvent(textContainer, 0,
} catch (e_err:Error) {
// generic error occurred.
// this can happen in the SA player since there is no
// Accessibility implementation.
//TODO when we have the FP selection APIs
// case SelectionEvent.SELECTION_CHANGE:
// {
// // this is just stubbed code, I don't know what *needs* to
// // be done for SELECTION_CHANGE
// Accessibility.sendEvent(textContainer, 0,
// Accessibility.updateProperties();
// break;
// }
* TODO HACK, remove and refactor.
* This is copied from PlainTextExportFilter, which I would prefer to
* access through TextConverter.export(textFlow,
* TextConverter.PLAIN_TEXT_FORMAT);
* But, PTEF is in importExport, which builds against text_model,
* which is a circular dependency.
* Also, it seems to be adding a trailing newline, which is bad for
* accessibility unless it is really there.
* Might want to export and strip out hyphens.
* Move it to the model?
private static function exportToString(source:TextFlow):String
var leaf:FlowLeafElement = source.getFirstLeaf();
var rslt:String = "";
var curString:String = "";
var discretionaryHyphen:String = String.fromCharCode(0x00AD);
while (leaf)
var p:ParagraphElement = leaf.getParagraph();
while (true)
curString = leaf.text;
//split out discretionary hyphen and put string back together
var temparray:Array = curString.split(discretionaryHyphen);
curString = temparray.join("");
rslt += curString;
leaf = leaf.getNextLeaf(p);
if (!leaf)
// we want newlines between paragraphs but not at the end
rslt += "\n";
leaf = p.getLastLeaf().getNextLeaf();
return rslt;
* The zero-based character index value of the first character in the current selection.
* Components which wish to support inline IME or Accessibility should call into this method.
* @return the index of the character at the anchor end of the selection, or <code>-1</code> if no text is selected.
* @playerversion Flash 10.0
* @langversion 3.0
public function get selectionActiveIndex():int
var selMgr:ISelectionManager = textFlow.interactionManager;
var selIndex:int = -1;
if(selMgr && selMgr.editingMode != EditingMode.READ_ONLY)
selIndex = selMgr.activePosition;
return selIndex;
* The zero-based character index value of the last character in the current selection.
* Components which wish to support inline IME or Accessibility should call into this method.
* @return the index of the character at the active end of the selection, or <code>-1</code> if no text is selected.
* @playerversion Flash 10.0
* @langversion 3.0
public function get selectionAnchorIndex():int
var selMgr:ISelectionManager = textFlow.interactionManager;
var selIndex:int = -1;
if(selMgr && selMgr.editingMode != EditingMode.READ_ONLY)
selIndex = selMgr.anchorPosition;
return selIndex;
/** Enable search index for Ichabod
* Returns the entire text of the TextFlow, or null if search index is not enabled
* @see GlobalSettings.searchIndexEnabled
public function get searchText():String
return GlobalSettings.enableSearch ? textFlow.getText() : null;