blob: c966d89b4486ee5f62f0f3c9926b6818a865db1c [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package bxf.ui.inspectors
import flash.accessibility.AccessibilityProperties;
import flash.display.DisplayObject;
import flash.system.IME;
import flash.system.IMEConversionMode;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
import flash.text.TextLineMetrics;
import mx.core.EdgeMetrics;
import mx.core.FlexVersion;
import mx.core.IDataRenderer;
import mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject;
import mx.core.IIMESupport;
import mx.core.IRectangularBorder;
import mx.core.IUITextField;
import mx.core.UIComponent;
import mx.core.UITextField;
import mx.core.mx_internal;
import mx.managers.IFocusManager;
import mx.managers.IFocusManagerComponent;
import mx.styles.ISimpleStyleClient;
use namespace mx_internal;
// Events
* Dispatched when text in the TextInput control changes
* through user input.
* This event does not occur if you use data binding or
* ActionScript code to change the text.
* <p>Even though the default value of the <code>Event.bubbles</code> property
* is <code>true</code>, this control dispatches the event with
* the <code>Event.bubbles</code> property set to <code>false</code>.</p>
* @eventType
[Event(name="change", type="")]
* Dispatched when the <code>data</code> property changes.
* <p>When you use a component as an item renderer,
* the <code>data</code> property contains the data to display.
* You can listen for this event and update the component
* when the <code>data</code> property changes.</p>
* @eventType
[Event(name="dataChange", type="")]
// Other metadata
[DataBindingInfo("editEvents", "&quot;focusIn;focusOut&quot;")]
[DefaultBindingProperty(source="text", destination="text")]
public class HotTextInput extends UIComponent
implements IDataRenderer,
IFocusManagerComponent, IIMESupport
// Constructor
* Constructor.
public function HotTextInput()
// InteractiveObject variables.
tabChildren = true;
height = 10;
public function get enableIME():Boolean
{ return false; }
// Variables
* The internal subcontrol that draws the border and background.
mx_internal var border:IFlexDisplayObject;
* @private
* Flag that will block default data/listData behavior.
private var textSet:Boolean;
* @private
* If true, pass calls to drawFocus() up to the parent.
* This is used when a TextInput is part of a composite control
* like NumericStepper or ComboBox;
mx_internal var parentDrawsFocus:Boolean = false;
* @private
* Previous imeMode.
private var prevMode:String = null;
* @private
private var errorCaught:Boolean = false;
// Overridden properties
// accessibilityProperties
* @private
* Storage for the accessibilityProperties property.
private var _accessibilityProperties:AccessibilityProperties;
* @private
private var accessibilityPropertiesChanged:Boolean = false;
* @private
* Storage for the accessibilityProperties property.
override public function get accessibilityProperties():
return _accessibilityProperties;
* @private
* Accessibility data.
* @tiptext
* @helpid 3199
override public function set accessibilityProperties(
if (value == _accessibilityProperties)
_accessibilityProperties = value;
accessibilityPropertiesChanged = true;
// baselinePosition
* @private
* The baselinePosition of a TextInput is calculated for its textField.
override public function get baselinePosition():Number
if (FlexVersion.compatibilityVersion < FlexVersion.VERSION_3_0)
var t:String = text;
if (t == "")
t = " ";
return (border && border is IRectangularBorder ?
IRectangularBorder(border) :
0) + measureText(t).ascent;
if (!validateBaselinePosition())
return NaN;
return textField.y + textField.baselinePosition;
// tabIndex
* @private
* Storage for the tabIndex property.
private var _tabIndex:int = -1;
* @private
private var tabIndexChanged:Boolean = false;
* @private
* Tab order in which the control receives the focus when navigating
* with the Tab key.
* @default -1
* @tiptext tabIndex of the component
* @helpid 3198
override public function get tabIndex():int
return _tabIndex;
* @private
override public function set tabIndex(value:int):void
if (value == _tabIndex)
_tabIndex = value;
tabIndexChanged = true;
// Properties
// data
* @private
* Storage for the data property.
private var _data:Object;
* Lets you pass a value to the component
* when you use it in an item renderer or item editor.
* You typically use data binding to bind a field of the <code>data</code>
* property to a property of this component.
* <p>When you use the control as a drop-in item renderer or drop-in
* item editor, Flex automatically writes the current value of the item
* to the <code>text</code> property of this control.</p>
* <p>You do not set this property in MXML.</p>
* @default null
* @see mx.core.IDataRenderer
public function get data():Object
return _data;
* @private
public function set data(value:Object):void
var newText:*;
_data = value;
if (_data != null)
if (_data is String)
newText = String(_data);
newText = _data.toString();
if (newText !== undefined && !textSet)
text = newText;
textSet = false;
dispatchEvent(new FlexEvent(FlexEvent.DATA_CHANGE));
// editable
* @private
* Storage for the editable property.
private var _editable:Boolean = false;
* Indicates whether the user is allowed to edit the text in this control.
* If <code>true</code>, the user can edit the text.
* @default true
* @tiptext Specifies whether the component is editable or not
* @helpid 3196
public function get editable():Boolean
return _editable;
// imeMode
* @private
private var _imeMode:String = null;
* Specifies the IME (input method editor) mode.
* The IME enables users to enter text in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.
* Flex sets the specified IME mode when the control gets the focus,
* and sets it back to the previous value when the control loses the focus.
* <p>The flash.system.IMEConversionMode class defines constants for the
* valid values for this property.
* You can also specify <code>null</code> to specify no IME.</p>
* @default null
* @see flash.system.IMEConversionMode
public function get imeMode():String
return _imeMode;
* @private
public function set imeMode(value:String):void
_imeMode = value;
// We don't call IME.conversionMode here. We call it
// only on focusIn. Thus fringe cases like setting
// imeMode dynamically without moving focus, through
// keyboard events, wouldn't change the mode. Also
// getting imeMode asynch. from the server which gets
// delayed and set later after focusIn is not handled
// as having the text partly in one script and partly
// in another is not desirable.
// length
* The number of characters of text displayed in the TextArea.
* @default 0
* @tiptext The number of characters in the TextInput.
* @helpid 3192
public function get length():int
return text != null ? text.length : -1;
// maxChars
* @private
* Storage for the maxChars property.
private var _maxChars:int = 0;
* @private
private var maxCharsChanged:Boolean = false;
* Maximum number of characters that users can enter in the text field.
* This property does not limit the length of text specified by the
* setting the control's <code>text</code> or <code>htmlText</code> property.
* <p>The default value is 0, which is a special case
* meaning an unlimited number.</p>
* @tiptext The maximum number of characters
* that the TextInput can contain
* @helpid 3191
public function get maxChars():int
return _maxChars;
* @private
public function set maxChars(value:int):void
if (value == _maxChars)
_maxChars = value;
maxCharsChanged = true;
dispatchEvent(new Event("maxCharsChanged"));
// maxHorizontalScrollPosition
* @private
* Maximum value of <code>horizontalScrollPosition</code>.
* <p>The default value is 0, which means that horizontal scrolling is not
* required.</p>
* <p>The value of the <code>maxHorizontalScrollPosition</code> property is
* computed from the data and size of component, and must not be set by
* the application code.</p>
public function get maxHorizontalScrollPosition():Number
return textField ? textField.maxScrollH : 0;
// restrict
* @private
* Storage for the restrict property.
private var _restrict:String;
* @private
private var restrictChanged:Boolean = false;
* Indicates the set of characters that a user can enter into the control.
* If the value of the <code>restrict</code> property is <code>null</code>,
* you can enter any character. If the value of the <code>restrict</code>
* property is an empty string, you cannot enter any character.
* This property only restricts user interaction; a script
* can put any text into the text field. If the value of
* the <code>restrict</code> property is a string of characters,
* you may enter only characters in that string into the
* text field.
* <p>Flex scans the string from left to right. You can specify a range by
* using the hyphen (-) character.
* If the string begins with a caret (^) character, all characters are
* initially accepted and succeeding characters in the string are excluded
* from the set of accepted characters. If the string does not begin with a
* caret (^) character, no characters are initially accepted and succeeding
* characters in the string are included in the set of accepted characters.</p>
* <p>Because some characters have a special meaning when used
* in the <code>restrict</code> property, you must use
* backslash characters to specify the literal characters -, &#094;, and \.
* When you use the <code>restrict</code> property as an attribute
* in an MXML tag, use single backslashes, as in the following
* example: \&#094;\-\\.
* When you set the <code>restrict</code> In and ActionScript expression,
* use double backslashes, as in the following example: \\&#094;\\-\\\.</p>
* @default null
* @see flash.text.TextField#restrict
* @tiptext The set of characters that may be entered
* into the TextInput.
* @helpid 3193
public function get restrict():String
return _restrict;
* @private
public function set restrict(value:String):void
if (value == _restrict)
_restrict = value;
restrictChanged = true;
dispatchEvent(new Event("restrictChanged"));
// selectable
* @private
* Used to make TextInput function correctly in the components that use it
* as a subcomponent. ComboBox, at this point.
private var _selectable:Boolean = true;
* @private
private var selectableChanged:Boolean = false;
* @private
mx_internal function get selectable():Boolean
return _selectable;
* @private
mx_internal function set selectable(value:Boolean):void
if (_selectable == value)
_selectable = value;
selectableChanged = true;
// text
* @private
* Storage for the text property.
* In addition to being set in the 'text' setter,
* it is automatically updated at another time:
* When the 'text' or 'htmlText' is pushed down into
* the textField in commitProperties(), this causes
* the textField to update its own 'text'.
* Therefore in commitProperties() we reset this storage var
* to be in sync with the textField.
private var _text:String = "";
* @private
private var textChanged:Boolean = false;
* Plain text that appears in the control.
* Its appearance is determined by the CSS styles of this Label control.
* <p>Any HTML tags in the text string are ignored,
* and appear as entered in the string.
* To display text formatted using HTML tags,
* use the <code>htmlText</code> property instead.
* If you set the <code>htmlText</code> property,
* the HTML replaces any text you had set using this propety, and the
* <code>text</code> property returns a plain-text version of the
* HTML text, with all HTML tags stripped out. For more information
* see the <code>htmlText</code> property.</p>
* <p>To include the special characters left angle bracket (&lt;),
* right angle bracket (&gt;), or ampersand (&amp;) in the text,
* wrap the text string in the CDATA tag.
* Alternatively, you can use HTML character entities for the
* special characters, for example, <code>&amp;lt;</code>.</p>
* <p>If you try to set this property to <code>null</code>,
* it is set, instead, to the empty string.
* The <code>text</code> property can temporarily have the value <code>null</code>,
* which indicates that the <code>htmlText</code> has been recently set
* and the corresponding <code>text</code> value
* has not yet been determined.</p>
* @default ""
* @tiptext Gets or sets the TextInput content
* @helpid 3190
public function get text():String
return _text;
* @private
public function set text(value:String):void
textSet = true;
// The text property can't be set to null, only to the empty string.
// If the getter returns null, it means that 'htmlText' was just set
// and the value of 'text' isn't yet known, because the 'htmlText'
// hasn't been committed into the textField and the 'text'
// hasn't yet been read back out of the textField.
if (!value)
value = "";
if (value == _text)
_text = value;
textChanged = true;
// Trigger bindings to 'text'.
dispatchEvent(new Event("textChanged"));
// commitProperties() will dispatch an "htmlTextChanged" event
// after the TextField determines the 'htmlText' based on the
// 'text'; this event will trigger any bindings to 'htmlText'.
dispatchEvent(new FlexEvent(FlexEvent.VALUE_COMMIT));
// textField
* The internal UITextField that renders the text of this TextInput.
protected var textField:IUITextField;
public function get internalTextField():UITextField {
return textField as UITextField;
// textHeight
* @private
private var _textHeight:Number;
* The height of the text.
* <p>The value of the <code>textHeight</code> property is correct only
* after the component has been validated.
* If you set <code>text</code> and then immediately ask for the
* <code>textHeight</code>, you might receive an incorrect value.
* You should wait for the component to validate
* or call the <code>validateNow()</code> method before you get the value.
* This behavior differs from that of the flash.text.TextField control,
* which updates the value immediately.</p>
* @see flash.text.TextField
public function get textHeight():Number
return _textHeight;
// textWidth
* @private
private var _textWidth:Number;
* The width of the text.
* <p>The value of the <code>textWidth</code> property is correct only
* after the component has been validated.
* If you set <code>text</code> and then immediately ask for the
* <code>textWidth</code>, you might receive an incorrect value.
* You should wait for the component to validate
* or call the <code>validateNow()</code> method before you get the value.
* This behavior differs from that of the flash.text.TextField control,
* which updates the value immediately.</p>
* @see flash.text.TextField
public function get textWidth():Number
return _textWidth;
// Overridden methods
* @private
* Create child objects.
override protected function createChildren():void
* @private
override protected function commitProperties():void
if (hasFontContextChanged() && textField != null)
var childIndex:int = getChildIndex(DisplayObject(textField));
accessibilityPropertiesChanged = true;
maxCharsChanged = true;
restrictChanged = true;
tabIndexChanged = true;
textChanged = true;
if (accessibilityPropertiesChanged)
textField.accessibilityProperties = _accessibilityProperties;
accessibilityPropertiesChanged = false;
if (maxCharsChanged)
textField.maxChars = _maxChars;
maxCharsChanged = false;
if (restrictChanged)
textField.restrict = _restrict;
restrictChanged = false;
if (tabIndexChanged)
textField.tabIndex = _tabIndex;
tabIndexChanged = false;
if (textChanged)
// If the 'text' and 'htmlText' properties have both changed,
// the last one set wins.
textField.text = _text;
textFieldChanged(false, true);
textChanged = false;
* @private
override protected function measure():void
var bm:EdgeMetrics = border && border is IRectangularBorder ?
IRectangularBorder(border).borderMetrics :
var w:Number;
var h:Number;
// Start with a width of 160. This may change.
if (maxChars)
// Use the width of "W" and multiply by the maxChars
measuredWidth = Math.min(measuredWidth,
measureText("W").width * maxChars + bm.left + bm.right + 8);
if (!text || text == "")
h = measureText(" ").height + + bm.bottom + UITextField.TEXT_HEIGHT_PADDING;
if (FlexVersion.compatibilityVersion >= FlexVersion.VERSION_3_0)
h += getStyle("paddingTop") + getStyle("paddingBottom");
var lineMetrics:TextLineMetrics;
lineMetrics = measureText(text);
w = lineMetrics.width + bm.left + bm.right + 8;
h = lineMetrics.height + + bm.bottom + UITextField.TEXT_HEIGHT_PADDING;
if (FlexVersion.compatibilityVersion >= FlexVersion.VERSION_3_0)
w += getStyle("paddingLeft") + getStyle("paddingRight");
h += getStyle("paddingTop") + getStyle("paddingBottom");
measuredWidth = Math.max(w, measuredWidth);
measuredHeight = Math.max(h, DEFAULT_MEASURED_HEIGHT);
* @private
* Stretch the border and fit the TextField inside it.
override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number,
super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);
var bm:EdgeMetrics;
if (border)
border.setActualSize(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);
bm = border is IRectangularBorder ?
IRectangularBorder(border).borderMetrics : EdgeMetrics.EMPTY;
bm = EdgeMetrics.EMPTY;
var paddingLeft:Number = getStyle("paddingLeft");
var paddingRight:Number = getStyle("paddingRight");
var paddingTop:Number = getStyle("paddingTop");
var paddingBottom:Number = getStyle("paddingBottom");
var widthPad:Number = bm.left + bm.right;
var heightPad:Number = + bm.bottom + 1;
textField.x = bm.left;
textField.y =;
if (FlexVersion.compatibilityVersion >= FlexVersion.VERSION_3_0)
textField.x += paddingLeft;
textField.y += paddingTop;
widthPad += paddingLeft + paddingRight;
heightPad += paddingTop + paddingBottom;
textField.width = Math.max(0, unscaledWidth - widthPad);
textField.height = Math.max(0, unscaledHeight - heightPad);
* @private
* Focus should always be on the internal TextField.
override public function setFocus():void
* @private
override protected function isOurFocus(target:DisplayObject):Boolean
return target == textField || super.isOurFocus(target);
* @private
* Forward the drawFocus to the parent, if requested
override public function drawFocus(isFocused:Boolean):void
if (parentDrawsFocus)
* @private
override public function styleChanged(styleProp:String):void
var allStyles:Boolean = (styleProp == null || styleProp == "styleName");
// Replace the borderSkin
if (allStyles || styleProp == "borderSkin")
if (border)
border = null;
// Methods
* @private
* Creates the text field child and adds it as a child of this component.
* @param childIndex The index of where to add the child.
* If -1, the text field is appended to the end of the list.
mx_internal function createTextField(childIndex:int):void
if (!textField)
textField = IUITextField(createInFontContext(UITextField));
textField.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.NONE;
textField.enabled = enabled;
textField.ignorePadding = false;
textField.multiline = false;
textField.tabEnabled = true;
textField.wordWrap = false;
if (FlexVersion.compatibilityVersion < FlexVersion.VERSION_3_0)
textField.styleName = this;
textField.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, textField_changeHandler);
if (childIndex == -1)
addChildAt(DisplayObject(textField), childIndex);
* @private
* Removes the text field from this component.
mx_internal function removeTextField():void
if (textField)
textField.removeEventListener(Event.CHANGE, textField_changeHandler);
textField = null;
* Creates the border for this component.
* Normally the border is determined by the
* <code>borderStyle</code> and <code>borderSkin</code> styles.
* It must set the border property to the instance
* of the border.
protected function createBorder():void
if (!border)
var borderClass:Class = getStyle("borderSkin");
if (borderClass != null)
border = new borderClass();
if (border is ISimpleStyleClient)
ISimpleStyleClient(border).styleName = this;
// Add the border behind all the children.
addChildAt(DisplayObject(border), 0);
* Returns a TextLineMetrics object with information about the text
* position and measurements for a line of text in the control.
* The component must be validated to get a correct number.
* If you set the <code>text</code> or <code>htmlText</code> property
* and then immediately call
* <code>getLineMetrics()</code> you may receive an incorrect value.
* You should either wait for the component to validate
* or call <code>validateNow()</code>.
* This is behavior differs from that of the flash.text.TextField class,
* which updates the value immediately.
* @param lineIndex The zero-based index of the line for which to get the metrics.
* @see flash.text.TextField
* @see flash.text.TextLineMetrics
public function getLineMetrics(lineIndex:int):TextLineMetrics
return textField ? textField.getLineMetrics(lineIndex) : null;
* @private
* Setting the 'htmlText' of textField changes its 'text',
* and vice versa, so afterwards doing so we call this method
* to update the storage vars for various properties.
* Afterwards, the TextInput's 'text', 'htmlText', 'textWidth',
* and 'textHeight' are all in sync with each other
* and are identical to the TextField's.
private function textFieldChanged(styleChangeOnly:Boolean,
var changed1:Boolean;
if (!styleChangeOnly)
changed1 = _text != textField.text;
_text = textField.text;
// If the 'text' property changes, trigger bindings to it
// and conditionally dispatch a 'valueCommit' event.
if (changed1)
dispatchEvent(new Event("textChanged"));
if (dispatchValueCommitEvent)
dispatchEvent(new FlexEvent(FlexEvent.VALUE_COMMIT));
_textWidth = textField.textWidth;
_textHeight = textField.textHeight;
* @private
* Some other components which use a TextInput as an internal
* subcomponent need access to its UITextField, but can't access the
* textField var because it is protected and therefore available
* only to subclasses.
mx_internal function getTextField():IUITextField
return textField;
// Overridden event handlers: UIComponent
* @private
* Gets called by internal field so we draw a focus rect around us.
override protected function focusInHandler(event:FocusEvent):void
if ( == this)
systemManager.stage.focus = TextField(textField);
var fm:IFocusManager = focusManager;
if (fm)
fm.showFocusIndicator = true;
if (_imeMode != null)
IME.enabled = true;
prevMode = IME.conversionMode;
// When IME.conversionMode is unknown it cannot be
// set to anything other than unknown(English)
if (!errorCaught &&
IME.conversionMode != IMEConversionMode.UNKNOWN)
IME.conversionMode = _imeMode;
errorCaught = false;
// Once an error is thrown, focusIn is called
// again after the Alert is closed, throw error
// only the first time.
errorCaught = true;
var message:String = resourceManager.getString(
"controls", "unsupportedMode", [ _imeMode ]);
throw new Error(message);
* @private
* Gets called by internal field so we remove focus rect.
override protected function focusOutHandler(event:FocusEvent):void
if (_imeMode != null)
// When IME.conversionMode is unknown it cannot be
// set to anything other than unknown(English)
// and when known it cannot be set to unknown
if (IME.conversionMode != IMEConversionMode.UNKNOWN
&& prevMode != IMEConversionMode.UNKNOWN)
IME.conversionMode = prevMode;
IME.enabled = false;
dispatchEvent(new FlexEvent(FlexEvent.VALUE_COMMIT));
// Event handlers
* @private
private function textField_changeHandler(event:Event):void
textFieldChanged(false, false);
// Kill any programmatic change we might be looking at.
textChanged = false;
// Stop propagation of the original event
// and dispatch a new one that doesn't bubble.
dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE));
* @private
private function textField_textFieldStyleChangeHandler(event:Event):void
textFieldChanged(true, false);
* @private
private function textField_textFormatChangeHandler(event:Event):void
textFieldChanged(true, false);
* @private
private function textField_textModifiedHandler(event:Event):void
textFieldChanged(false, true);