blob: 1cf10e7ff9c04ba0c672d45c148720c6c9344239 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package bxf.ui.controls
import flash.display.DisplayObject;
import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.geom.Point;
import mx.controls.Menu;
import mx.controls.listClasses.IListItemRenderer;
import mx.core.Application;
import mx.core.FlexGlobals;
* HUDImagePopupControl is an image control with the popup menu functionality. It allows specifying
* a separate control as the owner to be able to position the menu relative to that control.
* */
public class BxPopupMenu extends Menu {
public function BxPopupMenu(inParent:DisplayObjectContainer, inValues:Array=null, inMenuPositionOwner:DisplayObject=null):void {
/* Copied implementation of Menu.createMenu() */
this.tabEnabled = false;
this.owner = DisplayObjectContainer(FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication);
this.showRoot = true;
Menu.popUpMenu(this, inParent, inValues);
mMenuParent = inParent;
mMenuPositionOwner = inMenuPositionOwner;
mSelectedItem = null;
this.rowHeight = 19;
mNumItems = inValues ? inValues.length : 0;
this.addEventListener(MenuEvent.ITEM_CLICK, onItemSelected);
this.addEventListener(ResizeEvent.RESIZE, onResize);
override protected function initializationComplete():void {
if (this.getStyle("leftIconGap") != undefined)
mLeftMargin = this.getStyle("leftIconGap");
if (this.getStyle("rightIconGap") != undefined)
mRightMargin = this.getStyle("rightIconGap");
public function set values(inArray:Array):void {
Menu.popUpMenu(this, mMenuParent, inArray);
mNumItems = inArray ? inArray.length : 0;
public function set menuPositionOwner(inMenuPositionOwner:DisplayObject):void {
mMenuPositionOwner = inMenuPositionOwner;
/** Set to one of the MENU_LOCATION_XXX constants. If not set to a valid value,
* defaults to MENU_LOCATION_BELOW. */
public function set menuPosition(inPosition:String):void {
mMenuPosition = inPosition;
/** If true, align the left margin of the text in the menu to the owner's left edge.
* If false, align the left edge of themenu itself to the owner's left edge. */
public function set alignLeftMargin(inAlign:Boolean):void {
mAlignLeftMarginToOwner = inAlign;
public function get selectedItemData():Object {
return mSelectedItem;
public function get leftMargin():uint {
return mLeftMargin;
public function get rightMargin():uint {
return mRightMargin;
public function Open(inPos:Point=null):void {
var menuLocalPosition:Point;
var menuGlobalPosition:Point;
if (inPos)
menuLocalPosition = inPos;
else if (mMenuPositionOwner != null)
var left:Number = mMenuPositionOwner.x - (mAlignLeftMarginToOwner ? leftMargin : 0);
// Old set the specific location of the menu code, saving it until decided to strip out all associated code
//if (mMenuPosition == MENU_LOCATION_ABOVE)
// menuLocalPosition = new Point(left, mMenuPositionOwner.y - (mNumItems * rowHeight) - 2);
//else /* default is MENU_LOCATION_BELOW if no other valid value set */
// menuLocalPosition = new Point(left, mMenuPositionOwner.y + mMenuPositionOwner.height);
menuLocalPosition = new Point(left, mMenuPositionOwner.y + mMenuPositionOwner.height);
menuLocalPosition = new Point(0, 0);
menuGlobalPosition = mMenuParent.localToGlobal(menuLocalPosition);
// Check if the menu location will fit in the app, if not, put it above the menu.
if (menuGlobalPosition.y + (mNumItems * rowHeight) + 2 > this.owner.height) {
menuLocalPosition = new Point(menuLocalPosition.x, mMenuPositionOwner.y - (mNumItems * rowHeight) - 2);
menuGlobalPosition = mMenuParent.localToGlobal(menuLocalPosition);
if (menuGlobalPosition.y < 0)
// Menu is longer than the app, let as much of it fit as is possible by placing it at y=0
// A better solution is to put scroll bars in the menu, but that doesn't seem to work
menuGlobalPosition.y = 0;
}, menuGlobalPosition.y);
protected function onItemSelected(evt:MenuEvent):void {
if (evt.index >= 0)
mSelectedItem = evt.item;
this.dispatchEvent(new Event(SELECTION_CHANGED, true));
protected function onResize(evt:ResizeEvent):void {
if (evt.oldHeight != height && mMenuPosition == MENU_LOCATION_ABOVE && mMenuPositionOwner != null) {
var menuLocalPosition:Point = new Point(0, mMenuPositionOwner.y - height);
var menuGlobalPosition:Point = mMenuParent.localToGlobal(menuLocalPosition);
y = menuGlobalPosition.y;
override protected function drawHighlightIndicator(indicator:Sprite, x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number, color:uint, itemRenderer:IListItemRenderer):void
indicator.alpha = getStyle("rollOverAlpha");
super.drawHighlightIndicator(indicator, x, y, width, height, color, itemRenderer);
override protected function drawSelectionIndicator(indicator:Sprite, x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number, color:uint, itemRenderer:IListItemRenderer):void
// We do not want to draw the selection indicator over the rollover indicator, it seems to draw it
// completely white.
public static const SELECTION_CHANGED:String = "selectionChanged";
public static const MENU_LOCATION_ABOVE:String = "menuAbove";
public static const MENU_LOCATION_BELOW:String = "menuBelow";
private var mMenuParent:DisplayObjectContainer;
private var mMenuPositionOwner:DisplayObject;
private var mMenuPosition:String = MENU_LOCATION_BELOW;
private var mAlignLeftMarginToOwner:Boolean = false;
private var mNumItems:uint = 0;
private var mSelectedItem:Object;
private var mLeftMargin:uint = 5;
private var mRightMargin:uint = 20;