blob: a6ea842a1e49ab03bc9b9de0f4a8e1dc39eb231d [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package flashx.textLayout.elements
import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer;
import flash.text.engine.ContentElement;
import flash.text.engine.GroupElement;
import flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName;
import flashx.textLayout.compose.FlowDamageType;
import flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController;
import flashx.textLayout.debug.assert;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.FormatValue;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat;
import flashx.textLayout.tlf_internal;
use namespace tlf_internal;
* The FlowGroupElement class is the base class for FlowElement objects that can have an array of children. These classes include
* TextFlow, ParagraphElement, DivElement, and LinkElement.
* <p>You cannot create a FlowGroupElement object directly. Invoking <code>new FlowGroupElement()</code> throws an error
* exception.</p>
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @see DivElement
* @see LinkElement
* @see ParagraphElement
* @see TextFlow
public class FlowGroupElement extends FlowElement
/** children of the FlowGroupElement. They must all be FlowElements. Depending on _numChildren either store a single child in _singleChild or multiple children in the array. */
private var _childArray:Array;
private var _singleChild:FlowElement;
private var _numChildren:int;
/** Base class - invoking <code>new FlowGroupElement()</code> throws an error exception.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function FlowGroupElement()
_numChildren = 0;
/** @private */
public override function deepCopy(startPos:int = 0, endPos:int = -1):FlowElement
if (endPos == -1)
endPos = textLength;
var retFlow:FlowGroupElement = shallowCopy(startPos, endPos) as FlowGroupElement;
var newFlowElement:FlowElement;
for (var idx:int = 0; idx < _numChildren; idx++)
var child:FlowElement = getChildAt(idx);
if (((startPos - child.parentRelativeStart) < child.textLength) && ((endPos - child.parentRelativeStart) > 0))
//child is in Selected area
newFlowElement = child.deepCopy(startPos - child.parentRelativeStart, endPos - child.parentRelativeStart);
if (retFlow.numChildren > 1)
var possiblyEmptyFlowElement:FlowElement = retFlow.getChildAt(retFlow.numChildren - 2);
if (possiblyEmptyFlowElement.textLength == 0)
retFlow.replaceChildren(retFlow.numChildren - 2, retFlow.numChildren - 1);
return retFlow;
/* @private */
public override function getText(relativeStart:int=0, relativeEnd:int=-1, paragraphSeparator:String="\n"):String
var text:String = super.getText();
if (relativeEnd == -1 || relativeEnd > textLength)
relativeEnd = textLength;
if (relativeStart < 0)
relativeStart = 0;
var pos:int = relativeStart;
for (var idx:int = findChildIndexAtPosition(relativeStart); idx >= 0 && idx < _numChildren && pos < relativeEnd; idx++)
var child:FlowElement = getChildAt(idx);
var copyStart:int = pos - child.parentRelativeStart;
var copyEnd:int = Math.min(relativeEnd - child.parentRelativeStart, child.textLength);
text += child.getText(copyStart, copyEnd, paragraphSeparator);
pos += copyEnd - copyStart;
if (paragraphSeparator && child is ParagraphFormattedElement && pos < relativeEnd)
text += paragraphSeparator;
return text;
// ****************************************
// Begin TextLayoutFormat Related code
// ****************************************
/** @private */
tlf_internal override function formatChanged(notifyModelChanged:Boolean = true):void
for (var idx:int = 0; idx < _numChildren; idx++)
var child:FlowElement = getChildAt(idx);
/** This gets called when an element has changed its style selection related attributes. This may happen because an
* ancestor element changed it attributes.
* @private
tlf_internal override function styleSelectorChanged():void
// ****************************************
// End TLFFormat Related code
// ****************************************
// ****************************************
// Begin import helper code
// ****************************************
* Appends an array of children to this object. Uses the <code>replaceChildren()</code> method to append each
* element in the array. Intended for use during an mxml compiled import.
* @throws TypeError if array element is not a FlowElement or String
* @param array - array of children to attach. Each element of the array must be a FlowElement object or a String.
* @see FlowGroupElement#replaceChildren()
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function get mxmlChildren():Array
return _numChildren == 0 ? null : (_numChildren == 1 ? [ this._singleChild ] : _childArray.slice() );
public function set mxmlChildren(array:Array):void
/* NOTE: all FlowElement implementers and overrides of mxmlChildren must specify [RichTextContent] metadata */
// remove all existing children
// In the text model, non-ParagraphFormattedElements (i.e. spans, images, links, TCY) cannot be children of a ContainerFormattedElement (TextFlow, DivElement etc.)
// They can only be children of paragraphs or subparagraph blocks.
// In XML, however, <p> elements can be implied (for example, a <span> may appear as a direct child of <flow>).
// So, while parsing the XML, if we enounter a non-ParagraphFormattedElement child of a ContainerFormattedElement
// 1. an explicitly created paragraph is used as the parent instead
// 2. such explicitly created paragraphs are shared by adjacent flow elements provided there isn't an intervening ParagraphFormattedElement
var effectiveParent:FlowGroupElement = this;
// append them on the end
for each (var child:Object in array)
if (child is FlowElement)
if (child is ParagraphFormattedElement)
// Reset due to possibly intervening FlowParagrpahElement; See note 2. above
effectiveParent = this;
else if (effectiveParent is ContainerFormattedElement)
// See note 1. above
effectiveParent = new ParagraphElement(); // NO PMD
effectiveParent.impliedElement = true;
replaceChildren(_numChildren, _numChildren, effectiveParent);
if ( (child is SpanElement) || (child is SubParagraphGroupElementBase))
child.bindableElement = true;
effectiveParent.replaceChildren(effectiveParent.numChildren, effectiveParent.numChildren, FlowElement(child) );
else if (child is String)
var s:SpanElement = new SpanElement(); // NO PMD
s.text = String(child);
s.bindableElement = true;
s.impliedElement = true;
if (effectiveParent is ContainerFormattedElement)
// See note 1. above
effectiveParent = new ParagraphElement(); // No PMD
replaceChildren(_numChildren, _numChildren, effectiveParent);
effectiveParent.impliedElement = true;
effectiveParent.replaceChildren(effectiveParent.numChildren, effectiveParent.numChildren, s);
else if (child != null)
throw new TypeError(GlobalSettings.resourceStringFunction("badMXMLChildrenArgument",[ getQualifiedClassName(child) ])); // NO PMD
// ****************************************
// End import helper code
// ****************************************
// ****************************************
// Begin tree navigation code
// ****************************************
* Returns the number of FlowElement children that this FlowGroupElement object has.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function get numChildren(): int
return _numChildren;
* Searches in children for the specified FlowElement object and returns its index position.
* @param child The FlowElement object item to locate among the children.
* @return The index position of the specified chilc. If <code>child</code> is not found, returns -1.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function getChildIndex(child:FlowElement):int
var hi:int = _numChildren-1;
// one hole here - if child is null and this has no children then we'll return 0
if (hi <= 0)
return _singleChild == child ? 0 : -1;
var lo:int = 0;
while (lo <= hi)
var mid:int = (lo+hi)/2;
var p:FlowElement = _childArray[mid];
if (p.parentRelativeStart == child.parentRelativeStart)
// during intermediate caluclations there are zero length elements lurking about
if (p == child)
CONFIG::debug { assert(_childArray.indexOf(child) == mid,"Bad getChildIndex"); }
return mid;
var testmid:int;
if (p.textLength == 0)
// look forward for a match
for (testmid = mid; testmid < _numChildren; testmid++)
p = _childArray[testmid];
if (p == child)
CONFIG::debug { assert(_childArray.indexOf(child) == testmid,"Bad getChildIndex"); }
return testmid;
if (p.textLength != 0)
// look backwards
while (mid > 0)
p = _childArray[mid];
if (p == child)
CONFIG::debug { assert(_childArray.indexOf(child) == mid,"Bad getChildIndex"); }
return mid;
if (p.textLength != 0)
CONFIG::debug { assert(_childArray.indexOf(child) == -1,"Bad getChildIndex"); }
return -1;
if (p.parentRelativeStart < child.parentRelativeStart)
lo = mid+1;
hi = mid-1;
CONFIG::debug { assert(_childArray.indexOf(child) == -1,"Bad getChildIndex"); }
return -1;
* Returns the FlowElement child at the specified index.
* @param index the position at which to find the FlowElement object.
* @return the child FlowElement object at the specified position.
* @includeExample examples\ -noswf
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function getChildAt(index:int):FlowElement
if (_numChildren > 1)
return _childArray[index];
return index == 0 ? _singleChild : null;
/** @private */
tlf_internal function getNextLeafHelper(limitElement:FlowGroupElement,child:FlowElement):FlowLeafElement
var idx:int = getChildIndex(child);
if (idx == -1)
return null; // bug?
if (idx == _numChildren-1)
if (limitElement == this || !parent)
return null;
return parent.getNextLeafHelper(limitElement,this);
var childFlowElement:FlowElement = getChildAt(idx+1);
return (childFlowElement is FlowLeafElement) ? FlowLeafElement(childFlowElement) : FlowGroupElement(childFlowElement).getFirstLeaf();
/** @private */
tlf_internal function getPreviousLeafHelper(limitElement:FlowGroupElement,child:FlowElement):FlowLeafElement
var idx:int = getChildIndex(child);
if (idx == -1)
return null; // bug?
if (idx == 0)
if (limitElement == this || !parent)
return null;
return parent.getPreviousLeafHelper(limitElement,this);
var childFlowElement:FlowElement = getChildAt(idx-1);
return (childFlowElement is FlowLeafElement) ? FlowLeafElement(childFlowElement) : FlowGroupElement(childFlowElement).getLastLeaf();
* Given a relative text position, find the leaf element that contains the position.
* <p>Looks down the flow element hierarchy to find the FlowLeafElement that
* contains the specified position. The specified position
* is relative to this FlowElement object.</p>
* @param relativePosition relative text index to look up.
* @return the leaf element containing the relative position.
* @includeExample examples\ -noswf
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function findLeaf(relativePosition:int):FlowLeafElement
var found:FlowLeafElement = null;
var childIdx:int = findChildIndexAtPosition(relativePosition);
if (childIdx != -1)
// childIdx is index of the first child containing pos. Many of its following siblings
// may also contain pos if their respective previous siblings are zero-length.
// Check them all until a leaf containing pos is found.
var child:FlowElement = this.getChildAt(childIdx++);
if (!child)
var childRelativePos: int = relativePosition - child.parentRelativeStart;
if (child is FlowGroupElement)
found = FlowGroupElement(child).findLeaf(childRelativePos);
// if its not a FlowGroupElement than it must be a FlowLeafElement
CONFIG::debug { assert(child is FlowLeafElement,"Invalid child in FlowGroupElement.findLeaf"); }
if (childRelativePos >= 0 && childRelativePos < child.textLength || (child.textLength == 0 && _numChildren == 1))
found = FlowLeafElement(child);
} while (!found && !child.textLength);
return found;
* Given a relative text position, find the index of the first child FlowElement that contains the relative position.
* More than one child can contain relative position because of zero length FlowElements.
* <p>Examine the children to find the FlowElement that contains the relative position. The supplied relative position
* is relative to this FlowElement.</p>
* @param relativePosition the position relative to this element
* @return index of first child element containing <code>relativePosition</code>
* @includeExample examples\ -noswf
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function findChildIndexAtPosition(relativePosition:int):int
var lo:int = 0;
var hi:int = _numChildren-1;
while (lo <= hi)
var mid:int = (lo+hi)/2;
var child:FlowElement = getChildAt(mid);
if (child.parentRelativeStart <= relativePosition)
// always return the first zero length element in the list
if (child.parentRelativeStart == relativePosition)
while (mid != 0)
child = getChildAt(mid-1);
if (child.textLength != 0)
return mid;
if (child.parentRelativeStart + child.textLength > relativePosition)
return mid;
lo = mid+1;
hi = mid-1;
return -1;
* Returns the first FlowLeafElement descendant of this group.
* @return the first FlowLeafElement object.
* @includeExample examples\ -noswf
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function getFirstLeaf(): FlowLeafElement
if (_numChildren > 1)
for (var idx:int = 0; idx < _numChildren; idx++)
var child:FlowElement = _childArray[idx];
var leaf:FlowLeafElement = (child is FlowGroupElement) ? FlowGroupElement(child).getFirstLeaf() : FlowLeafElement(child);
if (leaf)
return leaf;
return null;
return _numChildren == 0 ? null : ((_singleChild is FlowGroupElement) ? FlowGroupElement(_singleChild).getFirstLeaf() : FlowLeafElement(_singleChild));
* Returns the last FlowLeafElement descendent of this group.
* @return the last FlowLeafElement object.
* @includeExample examples\ -noswf
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function getLastLeaf(): FlowLeafElement
if (_numChildren > 1)
for (var idx:int = _numChildren; idx != 0; idx--)
var child:FlowElement = _childArray[idx-1];
var leaf:FlowLeafElement = (child is FlowGroupElement) ? FlowGroupElement(child).getLastLeaf() : FlowLeafElement(child) ;
if (leaf)
return leaf;
return null;
return _numChildren == 0 ? null : ((_singleChild is FlowGroupElement) ? FlowGroupElement(_singleChild).getLastLeaf() : FlowLeafElement(_singleChild));
/** @private */
public override function getCharAtPosition(relativePosition:int):String
var leaf:FlowLeafElement = findLeaf(relativePosition);
return leaf ? leaf.getCharAtPosition(relativePosition-leaf.getElementRelativeStart(this)) : "";
/** @private apply func to all elements until func says stop */
tlf_internal override function applyFunctionToElements(func:Function):Boolean
if (func(this))
return true;
for (var idx:int = 0; idx < _numChildren; idx++)
if (getChildAt(idx).applyFunctionToElements(func))
return true;
return false;
// ****************************************
// End tree navigation code
// ****************************************
// ****************************************
// Begin tree modification support code
// ****************************************
/** @private */
tlf_internal function removeBlockElement(child:FlowElement, block:ContentElement):void
// when Image's are moved into ParagraphElement's this assertion should always fire
CONFIG::debug { assert(child is InlineGraphicElement,"invalid call to removeBlockElement"); }
/** @private */
tlf_internal function insertBlockElement(child:FlowElement, block:ContentElement):void
// when Image's are moved into ParagraphElement's this assertion should always fire
CONFIG::debug { assert(child is InlineGraphicElement,"invalid call to insertBlockElement"); }
/** @private
* True if there is a corresponding FTE data structure currently instantiated.
tlf_internal function hasBlockElement():Boolean
CONFIG::debug { assert(false,"invalid call to hasBlockElement"); }
return false;
/** @private */
tlf_internal function createContentAsGroup(pos:int=0):GroupElement
CONFIG::debug { assert(false,"invalid call to createContentAsGroup"); }
return null;
/** @private This is only called from SpanElement.splitAtPosition */
tlf_internal function addChildAfterInternal(child:FlowElement, newChild:FlowElement):void
//this function was kept for efficiency purposes. It is used by splitForChange
//which in turn is used by applyCharacterFormat, when changing the
//attributes applied to characters. In the end, the length of the document
//will be the same. So, without this fnction, we would be creating a new
//span, updating the lengths, and then removing a part of the span and updating
//the lengths again (getting the same exact lengths we had before). This can be
//inefficient. So, this function does everything addChildAfter does, without
//updating the lengths. This is an internal function since the user really has
//to know what they're doing and will not be exposed as a public API
CONFIG::debug { assert(_numChildren != 0, "addChildAfter must have children"); }
CONFIG::debug { assert(getChildIndex(child) != -1, "addChildAfter: before child must be in array"); }
if (_numChildren > 1)
// TODO: binary search for indexOf child
CONFIG::debug { assert(_childArray.indexOf(child) != -1,"Bad call to addChildAfterInternal"); }
// not found returns above returns -1 so behave the same
CONFIG::debug { assert(_singleChild == child,"Bad call to addChildAfterInternal"); }
_childArray = [ _singleChild, newChild ];
_singleChild = null;
* Helper for replaceChildren. Determines if elem can legally be a child of this.
* @return true --> ok, false--> not a legal child
* @private
tlf_internal function canOwnFlowElement(elem:FlowElement):Boolean
return !(elem is TextFlow) && !(elem is FlowLeafElement) && !(elem is SubParagraphGroupElementBase) && !(elem is ListItemElement) && !(elem is TableElement);
/** @private */
private static function getNestedArgCount(obj:Object):uint
return (obj is Array) ? obj.length : 1;
/** @private */
private static function getNestedArg(obj:Object, index:uint):FlowElement
CONFIG::debug { assert(index < getNestedArgCount(obj),"bad index to getNestedArg"); }
return ((obj is Array) ? obj[index] : obj) as FlowElement;
* Replaces child elements in the group with the specified new elements. Use the <code>beginChildIndex</code> and
* <code>endChildIndex</code> parameters to govern the operation as follows:
* <p><ul>
* <li>To delete elements, do not pass any replacement elements.</li>
* <li>To insert elements, pass the same value for <code>beginChildIndex</code> and <code>endChildIndex</code>.
* The new elements is inserted before the specified index.</li>
* <li>To append elements, pass <code>numChildren</code> for <code>beginChildIndex</code> and <code>endChildIndex</code>.</li>
* </ul></p>
* <p>Otherwise, this method replaces the specified elements, starting with the element at <code>beginChildIndex</code>
* and up to but not including <code>endChildIndex</code>.</p>
* @param beginChildIndex The index value for the start position of the replacement range in the children array.
* @param endChildIndex The index value following the end position of the replacement range in the children array.
* @param rest The elements to replace the specified range of elements. Can be a sequence containing flow elements or
* arrays or vectors thereof.
* @throws RangeError The <code>beginChildIndex</code> or <code>endChildIndex</code> specified is out of range.
* @includeExample examples\ -noswf
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function replaceChildren(beginChildIndex:int, endChildIndex:int,
if (beginChildIndex > _numChildren || endChildIndex > _numChildren)
throw RangeError(GlobalSettings.resourceStringFunction("badReplaceChildrenIndex"));
var thisAbsStart:int = getAbsoluteStart();
var absStartIdx:int = thisAbsStart + (beginChildIndex == _numChildren ? textLength : getChildAt(beginChildIndex).parentRelativeStart);
var relStartIdx:int = beginChildIndex == _numChildren ? textLength : getChildAt(beginChildIndex).parentRelativeStart;
// deletion phase
if (beginChildIndex < endChildIndex)
var child:FlowElement; // scratch variable
var len:int = 0;
while (beginChildIndex < endChildIndex)
child = this.getChildAt(beginChildIndex);
this.modelChanged(ModelChange.ELEMENT_REMOVAL, child, child.parentRelativeStart, child.textLength);
len += child.textLength;
if (_numChildren == 1)
_singleChild = null;
_numChildren = 0;
if (_numChildren == 1)
_singleChild = _childArray[0];
_childArray = null;
if (len)
// TODO: this code should move into updateLengths. updateLengths needs a rewrite
// as it assumes that any element that is removed has its length set to zero and updateLengths
// is called on that element first. replaceChildren doesn't do that - it just removes the element
// until rewrite reuse endChildIndex and update start of all following elements
while (endChildIndex < _numChildren)
child = getChildAt(endChildIndex);
// update lengths
deleteContainerText(relStartIdx + len,len);
CONFIG::debug { assert(thisAbsStart == getAbsoluteStart(),"replaceChildren: Bad thisAbsStart"); }
var childrenToAdd:int = 0; // number of children to add
var flatNewChildList:Array; // stores number of children when > 1
var newChildToAdd:FlowElement; // stores a single child to add - avoids creating an Array for the 99% case
var newChild:FlowElement; // scratch
var idx:int; // scratch
for each (var obj:Object in rest)
if (!obj)
var numNestedArgs:int = getNestedArgCount(obj);
for (idx = 0; idx<numNestedArgs; idx++)
newChild = getNestedArg(obj, idx);
if (newChild)
var newChildParent:FlowGroupElement = newChild.parent;
if (newChildParent)
if (newChildParent == this)
// special handling in this case
var childIndex:int = getChildIndex(newChild);
thisAbsStart = getAbsoluteStart(); // is it in the same flow?
if (childIndex <= beginChildIndex)
absStartIdx = thisAbsStart + (beginChildIndex == _numChildren ? textLength : getChildAt(beginChildIndex).parentRelativeStart);
relStartIdx = beginChildIndex == _numChildren ? textLength : getChildAt(beginChildIndex).parentRelativeStart;
thisAbsStart = getAbsoluteStart(); // is it in the same flow?
absStartIdx = thisAbsStart + (beginChildIndex == _numChildren ? textLength : getChildAt(beginChildIndex).parentRelativeStart);
relStartIdx = beginChildIndex == _numChildren ? textLength : getChildAt(beginChildIndex).parentRelativeStart;
if (!canOwnFlowElement(newChild)) {
throw ArgumentError(GlobalSettings.resourceStringFunction("invalidChildType") + ". " + defaultTypeName + " cannot own " + newChild.defaultTypeName);
// manage as an array or a single child
if (childrenToAdd == 0)
newChildToAdd = newChild
else if (childrenToAdd == 1)
flatNewChildList = [ newChildToAdd, newChild ];
if (childrenToAdd)
// TODO-9/18/2008-ideally, do the following in one shot, but insertBlockElement
// called from setParentAndRelativeStart in the loop below has different behavior
// based on the size of _children (zero vs. non-zero)
var addedTextLength:uint = 0;
for (idx = 0; idx < childrenToAdd; idx++)
newChild = childrenToAdd == 1 ? newChildToAdd : flatNewChildList[idx];
if (_numChildren == 0)
_singleChild = newChild;
else if (_numChildren > 1)
_childArray = beginChildIndex == 0 ? [ newChild, _singleChild ] : [ _singleChild, newChild ];
_singleChild = null;
addedTextLength += newChild.textLength;
beginChildIndex++; // points to the next slot
CONFIG::debug { assert(thisAbsStart == getAbsoluteStart(),"replaceChildren: Bad thisAbsStart"); }
if (addedTextLength)
// update following elements - see comment above.
// it would be best if this loop only ran once
while (beginChildIndex < _numChildren)
child = getChildAt(beginChildIndex++);
var enclosingContainer:ContainerController = getEnclosingController(relStartIdx);
if (enclosingContainer)
ContainerController(enclosingContainer).setTextLength(enclosingContainer.textLength + addedTextLength);
for (idx = 0; idx < childrenToAdd; idx++)
newChild = childrenToAdd == 1 ? newChildToAdd : flatNewChildList[idx];
this.modelChanged(ModelChange.ELEMENT_ADDED, newChild, newChild.parentRelativeStart, newChild.textLength);
var tFlow:TextFlow = getTextFlow();
if (tFlow != null)
// beginChildIndex points to the next element
// use scratch idx as "damageStart"
if (beginChildIndex < _numChildren)
// first, look for the next element and damage the beginning.
idx = thisAbsStart + getChildAt(beginChildIndex).parentRelativeStart;
else if (beginChildIndex > 1)
// damage the end of the previous element
newChild = getChildAt(beginChildIndex-1);
idx = thisAbsStart + newChild.parentRelativeStart + newChild.textLength - 1;
// damage the very end of the textFlow
idx = thisAbsStart;
if (idx >= tFlow.textLength)
tFlow.damage(idx, 1, FlowDamageType.INVALID, false);
* Appends a child FlowElement object. The new child is added to the end of the children list.
* @param child The child element to append.
* @return the added child FlowElement
* @includeExample examples\ -noswf
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function addChild(child:FlowElement):FlowElement
replaceChildren(_numChildren, _numChildren, child);
return child;
* Adds a child FlowElement object at the specified index position.
* @param The index of the position at which to add the child element, with the first position being 0.
* @param child The child element to add.
* @throws RangeError The <code>index</code> is out of range.
* @return the added child FlowElement
* @includeExample examples\ -noswf
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function addChildAt(index:uint, child:FlowElement):FlowElement
replaceChildren(index, index, child);
return child;
* Removes the specified child FlowElement object from the group.
* @param child The child element to remove.
* @throws ArgumentError The <code>child</code> is not found.
* @return the removed child FlowElement object
* @includeExample examples\ -noswf
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function removeChild(child:FlowElement):FlowElement
var index:int = getChildIndex(child);
if (index == -1)
throw ArgumentError(GlobalSettings.resourceStringFunction("badRemoveChild"));
return child;
* Removes the child FlowElement object at the specified index position.
* @param index position at which to remove the child element.
* @throws RangeError The <code>index</code> is out of range.
* @return the child FlowElement object removed from the specified position.
* @includeExample examples\ -noswf
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function removeChildAt(index:uint):FlowElement
var childToReplace:FlowElement = getChildAt(index);
replaceChildren(index, index+1);
return childToReplace;
* Splits this object at the position specified by the <code>childIndex</code> parameter. If this group element has
* a parent, creates a shallow copy of this object and replaces its children with the elements up to the index. Moves
* elements following <code>childIndex</code> into the copy.
* @return the new FlowGroupElement object.
* @throws RangeError if <code>childIndex</code> is greater than the length of the children.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
public function splitAtIndex(childIndex:int):FlowGroupElement
if (childIndex > _numChildren)
throw RangeError(GlobalSettings.resourceStringFunction("invalidSplitAtIndex"));
var newSibling:FlowGroupElement = shallowCopy() as FlowGroupElement;
var numChildrenToMove:int = _numChildren-childIndex;
if (numChildrenToMove == 1)
else if (numChildrenToMove != 0)
var childArray:Array = _childArray.slice(childIndex);
newSibling.replaceChildren(0, 0, childArray);
if (parent)
var myidx:int = parent.getChildIndex(this);
// This causes errors in operations that assume zero children. Normalizing makes this assumption not valid.
return newSibling;
* Splits this object at the position specified by the <code>relativePosition</code> parameter, where
* the relative position is a relative text position in this element.
* @throws RangeError if relativePosition is greater than textLength, or less than 0.
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @langversion 3.0
* @private
public override function splitAtPosition(relativePosition:int):FlowElement
// Creates a shallowCopy of this and adds it to parent after this.
// Moves elements from characterIndex forward into the copy
// returns the new shallowCopy
if ((relativePosition < 0) || (relativePosition > textLength))
throw RangeError(GlobalSettings.resourceStringFunction("invalidSplitAtPosition"));
var curElementIdx:int;
if (relativePosition == textLength)
curElementIdx = _numChildren;
curElementIdx = findChildIndexAtPosition(relativePosition);
var curFlowElement:FlowElement = getChildAt(curElementIdx);
if (curFlowElement.parentRelativeStart != relativePosition)
if (curFlowElement is FlowGroupElement)
FlowGroupElement(curFlowElement).splitAtPosition(relativePosition - curFlowElement.parentRelativeStart);
//I would imagine that it has to be a span. That's the only non-FlowGroupElement
//type that can take up more than a textLength of 1.
CONFIG::debug { assert(curFlowElement is SpanElement, "SpanElements are the only leaf elements that can currently have > 1 textLength"); }
SpanElement(curFlowElement).splitAtPosition(relativePosition - curFlowElement.parentRelativeStart);
//increase by one. It's the new element that we want to move over.
//increase by one. It's the new element that we want to move over.
return splitAtIndex(curElementIdx);
/** @private */
tlf_internal override function normalizeRange(normalizeStart:uint,normalizeEnd:uint):void
var idx:int = findChildIndexAtPosition(normalizeStart);
if (idx != -1 && idx < _numChildren)
// backup over zero length children
var child:FlowElement = getChildAt(idx);
normalizeStart = normalizeStart-child.parentRelativeStart;
CONFIG::debug { assert(normalizeStart >= 0, "bad normalizeStart in normalizeRange"); }
for (;;)
// watch out for changes in the length of the child
var origChildEnd:int = child.parentRelativeStart+child.textLength;
var newChildEnd:int = child.parentRelativeStart+child.textLength;
normalizeEnd += newChildEnd-origChildEnd; // adjust
// no zero length children
if (child.textLength == 0 && !child.bindableElement)
if (idx == _numChildren)
// next child
child = getChildAt(idx);
if (child.parentRelativeStart > normalizeEnd)
normalizeStart = 0; // for the next child
/** @private */
tlf_internal override function applyWhiteSpaceCollapse(collapse:String):void
if (collapse == null)
collapse = this.computedFormat.whiteSpaceCollapse; // top of the cascade?
var ffc:ITextLayoutFormat = this.formatForCascade;
var wsc:* = ffc ? ffc.whiteSpaceCollapse : undefined;
if (wsc !== undefined && wsc != FormatValue.INHERIT)
collapse = wsc;
for (var idx:int = 0; idx < _numChildren;)
var child:FlowElement = getChildAt(idx);
if (child.parent == this) // check to see if child was removed (could have been
// If the element was added automatically, it may now have no content and needs to be removed
// This can happen with whitespace between paragraphs that is added by set mxmlChildren
if (textLength == 0 && impliedElement && parent != null)
/** @private */
tlf_internal override function appendElementsForDelayedUpdate(tf:TextFlow,changeType:String):void
for (var idx:int = 0; idx < _numChildren; idx++)
var child:FlowElement = getChildAt(idx);
// ****************************************
// End tree modification support code
// ****************************************
// ****************************************
// Begin debug support code
// ****************************************
/** @private */
CONFIG::debug public override function debugCheckFlowElement(depth:int = 0, extraData:String = ""):int
var rslt:int = super.debugCheckFlowElement(depth,extraData);
// debugging function that asserts if the flow element is in an invalid state
var totalChildLength:int = 0;
if (_numChildren)
for (var childIndex:int = 0; childIndex < _numChildren; ++childIndex)
var child:FlowElement = getChildAt(childIndex);
rslt += assert(child.parent == this, "child doesn't point to parent");
// totalChildLength is relative offset to child
rslt += assert(child.parentRelativeStart == totalChildLength, "child start offset wrong");
rslt += child.debugCheckFlowElement(depth+1);
totalChildLength += child.textLength;
// only spans may own text
rslt += assert(this is SpanElement || textLength == 0, "only spans may have text");
totalChildLength = textLength;
assert(totalChildLength == textLength, "child total textLength wrong");
return rslt;
// ****************************************
// End debug support code
// ****************************************