blob: dc561811ab5c643ccdffab32a0efe3ec8325b995 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package UnitTest.Tests
import UnitTest.ExtendedClasses.TestDescriptor;
import UnitTest.ExtendedClasses.TestSuiteExtended;
import UnitTest.ExtendedClasses.VellumTestCase;
import UnitTest.Fixtures.TestConfig;
import flash.display.DisplayObject;
import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer;
import flash.display.Graphics;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.text.engine.TextLine;
import flash.utils.Dictionary;
import flashx.textLayout.*;
import flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController;
import flashx.textLayout.conversion.TextConverter;
import flashx.textLayout.edit.*;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.*;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.*;
import flashx.textLayout.utils.GeometryUtil;
import mx.containers.Canvas;
import org.flexunit.asserts.assertTrue;
use namespace tlf_internal;
public class LinkTest extends VellumTestCase
private var direction:String="";
public function LinkTest(methodName:String, testID:String, testConfig:TestConfig, testXML:XML = null)
super(methodName, testID, testConfig);
// Note: These must correspond to a Watson product area (case-sensitive)
metaData.productArea = "Links";
var customConfig:TestConfig = testConfig.copyTestConfig();
if ( customConfig.writingDirection[0] == "rl")
direction = "vertical";
else direction = "honrizontal";
public static function suite(testConfig:TestConfig, ts:TestSuiteExtended):void
ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "performLinkTest", testConfig ) ); //HBS
ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "changeLinkColor", testConfig ) );
ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "changeHoverColor", testConfig ) );
ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "changeActiveColor", testConfig ) );
ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "splitRejoinLinkTest", testConfig ) );
ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "splitRejoinTargetTest", testConfig ) );
ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "extendToOverlappingLinksTest", testConfig ) );
ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "removeLinkTest", testConfig ) );
ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "adjacentLinkAttributesTest", testConfig ) );
ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "nestedLinkAttributesTest", testConfig ) );
ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "splitLinkAttributesTest", testConfig ) );
ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "defaultConfigAttributesTest", testConfig ) );
ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "textAdditionTest", testConfig ) );
ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "nestedLinkTargetTest", testConfig ) );
ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "nestedLinkMergeTest", testConfig ) );
ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "linkCrossingParagraphTest", testConfig ) );
ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "linkWithCustomListenerTest", testConfig ) );
ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "applyLinkAndRemoveAllTest", testConfig ) );
ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "applyLinkAndRemoveFormerTest", testConfig ) );
ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "applyLinkAndRemoveLatterTest", testConfig ) );
ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "applyLinkAndRemoveMiddleTest", testConfig ) );
// the descriptors added above should have a testConfig with a containerType of "sprite"
// When the TestDescriptor is created it makes a new testConfig and copies over the
// properties, so changing the containerType here should not affect the TestDescriptors
// already created. But it does - when the tests above run it goes through the "custom" code.
var customTestConfig:TestConfig = testConfig.copyTestConfig();
customTestConfig.containerType = "custom";
ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "linkWithInlineTest", customTestConfig ) );
ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "linkWithNullInlineTest", customTestConfig ) );
ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "linkWithDisplayObjectTest", customTestConfig ) );
ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "launchLinkTest", customTestConfig ) );
ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "linkEventMirrorTest", customTestConfig ) );
ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "spanMouseDownEventMirrorTest", customTestConfig ) );
ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "spanMouseClickEventMirrorTest", customTestConfig ) );
ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "spanMouseMoveEventMirrorTest", customTestConfig ) );
ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "spanMouseUpEventMirrorTest", customTestConfig ) );
ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "spanRollOverEventMirrorTest", customTestConfig ) );
ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "spanRollOutEventMirrorTest", customTestConfig ) );
ts.addTestDescriptor (new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "spanMouseEventMirrorTest", customTestConfig ) );
ts.addTestDescriptor(new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "interactiveObjectCount", customTestConfig ) );
ts.addTestDescriptor(new TestDescriptor (LinkTest, "partlyComposingTest", customTestConfig ) );
override public function setUpTest() : void
if (containerType == "custom")
* Selects the characters between the 30th and 50th characters and turns the selected area into a link.
* Verifies that the 40th character is underneath a link.
* Selects the 40th character and splits at that location.
* Verifies that the first character in the new paragraph is underneath a link with the proper uri.
* Undo the split operation.
* Verfifies that the link is recreated in the first paragraph and is of length 20 with the proper uri.
* Undo the "make link" operation.
* Verifies that the 40th character is no longer underneath a link.
public function performLinkTest():void // HBS
var startIndx:int = 30;
var endIndx:int = 50;
SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
var fl:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
var linkEl:LinkElement = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
assertTrue("link element is null", (linkEl != null));
assertTrue("expected link length of " + (endIndx - startIndx) + " but found " +
linkEl.textLength, (linkEl.textLength == (endIndx - startIndx)));
assertTrue("expected, but found " +
linkEl.href, (linkEl.href == ""));
//if down here, the link element was created correctly.
//Now, split the linkElement in the middle, which should be
//at position 40
SelManager.selectRange((startIndx + endIndx)/2, (startIndx + endIndx)/2);
//get the next paragraph and then get the first FlowElement of that paragraph. It
//should be a link element
var curPar:ParagraphElement = fl.getParagraph();
var curParIndex:int = curPar.parent.getChildIndex(curPar);
assertTrue(true, ((curParIndex + 1) < curPar.parent.numChildren));
//if here, the split occurred fine.
var newPar:ParagraphElement = curPar.parent.getChildAt(curParIndex + 1) as ParagraphElement;
assertTrue(true, newPar != null);
var firstFlEl:FlowElement = newPar.getChildAt(0);
assertTrue(true, firstFlEl is LinkElement);
var newLinkEl:LinkElement = firstFlEl as LinkElement;
var expectedLength:int = (endIndx - startIndx) / 2;
//check to see if new link element is expected length or expected length + 1 (since
//a newline could have been appended to it.
assertTrue(true, ((expectedLength == newLinkEl.textLength) || (expectedLength == newLinkEl.textLength - 1)));
assertTrue(true, (newLinkEl.href == ""));
//undoing the split operation.
assertTrue(true, (linkEl != null));
assertTrue(true, (linkEl.textLength == (endIndx - startIndx)));
assertTrue(true, (linkEl.href == ""));
//undo the make link operation.
fl = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
linkEl = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
assertTrue(true, (linkEl == null));
* Selects the text between 30 and 50 and makes it a link to google.
* Then inverts the link's color.
public function changeLinkColor():void
var startIndx:int = 30;
var endIndx:int = 50;
SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
var fl:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
var linkEl:LinkElement = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
var newColor:uint = ~(linkEl.effectiveLinkElementTextLayoutFormat.color as uint) as uint;
var d:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
d[] = newColor;
linkEl.linkNormalFormat = d;
assertTrue(linkEl.linkNormalFormat != null && linkEl.linkNormalFormat[] == newColor);
* Selects the text between 30 and 50 and makes it a link to google.
* Then inverts the link's hover color.
public function changeHoverColor():void
var startIndx:int = 30;
var endIndx:int = 50;
SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
var fl:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
var linkEl:LinkElement = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
var newColor:uint = ~(linkEl.effectiveLinkElementTextLayoutFormat.color as uint) as uint;
var d:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
d[] = newColor;
linkEl.linkHoverFormat = d;
assertTrue(linkEl.linkHoverFormat != null && linkEl.linkHoverFormat[] == newColor);
* Selects the text between 30 and 50 and makes it a link to google.
* Then inverts the link's active color.
public function changeActiveColor():void
var startIndx:int = 30;
var endIndx:int = 50;
SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
var fl:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
var linkEl:LinkElement = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
var newColor:uint = ~(linkEl.effectiveLinkElementTextLayoutFormat.color as uint) as uint;
var d:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
d[] = newColor;
linkEl.linkActiveFormat = d;
assertTrue(linkEl.linkActiveFormat != null && linkEl.linkActiveFormat[] == newColor);
* Creates a link in the first line, then turns a portion of that link
* into a different link. Then splits the two links on the border between them
* and undoes the opperation. Subsequently checks to see that both link
* exist and point to their respective destinations.
public function splitRejoinLinkTest():void
var startIndx:int = 10;
var endIndx:int = 50;
SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
SelManager.selectRange(startIndx + 15, endIndx - 15);
SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
SelManager.selectRange(startIndx + 16, startIndx + 16);
//undoing the split operation.
var first:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf(startIndx);
var second:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + endIndx) / 2);
var linkOne:LinkElement = first.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
var linkTwo:LinkElement = second.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
assertTrue(linkOne != linkTwo);
assertTrue(linkOne.href != linkTwo.href);
* Creates a link in the first line, then changes a portion of the link to
* have a different target. Then splits the two links on the border between
* them and undoes the opperation. Subsequently checks to see that both link
* exist and point to their respective destinations.
public function splitRejoinTargetTest():void
var startIndx:int = 10;
var endIndx:int = 50;
SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
SelManager.selectRange(startIndx + 15, endIndx - 15);
SelManager.applyLink("", "_top", false);
SelManager.selectRange(startIndx + 16, startIndx + 16);
//undoing the split operation.
var first:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf(startIndx);
var second:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + endIndx) / 2);
var linkOne:LinkElement = first.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
var linkTwo:LinkElement = second.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
assertTrue(linkOne != linkTwo);
assertTrue( !=;
* Selects the characters between the 30th and 50th characters and turns the selected area into a link.
* Selects the characters between the 35th and 45th charactets and applies a new link with extendToOverlappingLinks set to true
* Verifies that the 30th character is underneath a link with the second URL
* Undo the "make link" operations.
* Turns the selected area into a link.
* Selects the characters between the 35th and 45th charactets and applies a new link (blank target, extendToOverlappingLinks set to true)
* Verifies that the 30th character is no longer underneath a link.
public function extendToOverlappingLinksTest():void // HBS
var startIndx:int = 30;
var endIndx:int = 50;
SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
SelManager.selectRange(startIndx+5, endIndx-5);
SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", true);
var fl:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf(startIndx) as FlowElement;
var linkEl:LinkElement = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
assertTrue("link element is null", (linkEl != null));
assertTrue("expected link length of " + (endIndx - startIndx) + " but found " +
linkEl.textLength, (linkEl.textLength == (endIndx - startIndx)));
assertTrue("expected, but found " +
linkEl.href, (linkEl.href == ""));
//undo the make link operations.
SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
SelManager.selectRange(startIndx+5, endIndx-5);
SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", true);
fl = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf(startIndx) as FlowElement;
linkEl = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
assertTrue(true, (linkEl == null));
* Determines where there is a paragraph break and tries to create a link
* across it. Since links are sub paragraph blocks, this shouldn't happen.
* Instead there should be two different links with the same attributes.
public function linkCrossingParagraphTest():void
var startIndx:int = 30;
var endIndx:int = 50;
var splitIndx:int = 40;
SelManager.selectRange(splitIndx, splitIndx);
SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
var firstLinkCreated:LinkElement = SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
var start:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf(splitIndx-2) as FlowElement;
var linkStart:LinkElement = start.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
assertTrue("EditManager.applyLink not returning firstLinkCreated", firstLinkCreated == linkStart);
var end:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf(splitIndx+2) as FlowElement;
var linkEnd:LinkElement = end.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
assertTrue("Link not created correctly!",linkStart != null && linkEnd != null);
assertTrue("Link spans paragraph!",linkStart != linkEnd);
assertTrue("Link hrefs not identical!",linkStart.href == linkEnd.href);
assertTrue("Link targets not identical!", ==;
* First make a link, then shift the select and set the link to null. Verify
* that the link is removed in the new selection.
public function removeLinkTest():void
var startIndx:int = 30;
var endIndx:int = 50;
SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
var fl:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
var linkEl:LinkElement = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
assertTrue("Link not set! Value is " + linkEl.href, linkEl.href == "");
assertTrue("Target not set! Value is " +, == "_self");
startIndx = 40;
endIndx = 60;
SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
SelManager.applyLink(null, null, false); // remove by passing null
// Check that it was removed
fl = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
linkEl = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
assertTrue("Link not removed!", !linkEl);
SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
SelManager.applyLink("", null, false); // remove by passing empty string
// Check that it was removed
fl = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
linkEl = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
assertTrue("Link not removed!", !linkEl);
* Create two adjacent links with the same target then change their active color
* attributes to be different. Ensure that they don't get merged.
public function adjacentLinkAttributesTest():void
var startIndx:int = 30;
var midIndx:int = 40;
var endIndx:int = 50;
SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, midIndx);
SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
var fl:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + midIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
var linkEl:LinkElement = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
var d:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
d[] = 0x0000FF;
linkEl.linkActiveFormat = d;
SelManager.selectRange(midIndx, endIndx);
SelManager.applyLink("", "_parent", false);
var fl2:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((midIndx + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
var linkEl2:LinkElement = fl2.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
d = new Dictionary();
d[] = 0xFFFF00;
linkEl2.linkActiveFormat = d;
fl = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + midIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
linkEl = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
fl2 = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((midIndx + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
linkEl2 = fl2.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
assertTrue("Link elements with different active link formats were merged",
linkEl != linkEl2
var linkElColor:* = linkEl.linkActiveFormat == null ? undefined : linkEl.linkActiveFormat[];
var linkEl2Color:* = linkEl2.linkActiveFormat == null ? undefined : linkEl2.linkActiveFormat[];
assertTrue("Link elements with different active link colors did not preserve their colors",linkEl2Color === 0xFFFF00 && linkElColor === 0xff);
* Create two nested links with the same target then change their active color
* attributes to be different. Ensure that they don't get merged.
public function nestedLinkAttributesTest():void
var startIndx:int = 30;
var startIndx2:int = 35;
var endIndx2:int = 45;
var endIndx:int = 50;
SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
var fl:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
var linkEl:LinkElement = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
var firstCharForm:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
firstCharForm[] = 0x0000FF;
linkEl.linkActiveFormat = firstCharForm;
SelManager.selectRange(startIndx2, endIndx2);
SelManager.applyLink("", "_top", false);
var fl2:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx2 + endIndx2) / 2) as FlowElement;
var linkEl2:LinkElement = fl2.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
var secondCharForm:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
secondCharForm[] = 0xFFFF00;
linkEl2.linkActiveFormat = secondCharForm;
fl = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + startIndx2) / 2) as FlowElement;
linkEl = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
fl2 = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx2 + endIndx2) / 2) as FlowElement;
linkEl2 = fl2.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
var fl3:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((endIndx2 + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
var linkEl3:LinkElement = fl3.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
assertTrue("Link elements with different active link formats were merged",
(linkEl != linkEl2) && (linkEl2 != linkEl3)
var linkElColor:* = linkEl.linkActiveFormat == null ? undefined : linkEl.linkActiveFormat[];
var linkEl2Color:* = linkEl2.linkActiveFormat == null ? undefined : linkEl2.linkActiveFormat[];
assertTrue("Link elements with different active link colors did not preserve their colors",linkEl2Color === 0xFFFF00 && linkElColor === 0xff);
* Create a link, then set the color attributes.
* Split the link and change the color attributes of the first half.
* Ensure that the second half doesn't get the new attributes.
public function splitLinkAttributesTest():void
var startIndx:int = 30;
var midIndx:int = 40;
var endIndx:int = 50;
SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
var fl:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
var linkEl:LinkElement = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
var firstCharForm:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
firstCharForm[] = 0x0000FF;
linkEl.linkActiveFormat = firstCharForm;
SelManager.selectRange(midIndx, midIndx);
fl = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + midIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
linkEl = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
var fl2:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((midIndx + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
var linkEl2:LinkElement = fl2.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
var secondCharForm:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
secondCharForm[] = 0xFFFF00;
linkEl2.linkActiveFormat = secondCharForm;
assertTrue("Link elements with different active link formats were merged",
linkEl != linkEl2
var linkElColor:* = linkEl.linkActiveFormat == null ? undefined : linkEl.linkActiveFormat[];
var linkEl2Color:* = linkEl2.linkActiveFormat == null ? undefined : linkEl2.linkActiveFormat[];
assertTrue("Link elements with different active link colors did not preserve their colors",linkEl2Color === 0xFFFF00 && linkElColor === 0xff);
* Change the DefaultConfiguration in TextFlow.
* Create a new TextFlow.
* Verify that the new flow has the new default configuration.
public function defaultConfigAttributesTest():void
var actColor:uint = 0x0000FF;
var hovColor:uint = 0x00FF00;
var linkColor:uint = 0xFF0000;
/* var actFormat:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
actFormat[] = actColor;
var hovFormat:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
hovFormat[] = hovColor;
var linkFormat:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
linkFormat[] = linkColor; */
var actFormat:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
actFormat.color = actColor;
var hovFormat:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
hovFormat.color = hovColor;
var linkFormat:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
linkFormat.color = linkColor;
var testConfig:Configuration = new Configuration();
testConfig.defaultLinkActiveFormat = actFormat;
testConfig.defaultLinkNormalFormat = linkFormat;
testConfig.defaultLinkHoverFormat = hovFormat;
var newFlow:TextFlow = new TextFlow(testConfig);
assertTrue("Active format was not applied.",TextLayoutFormat.isEqual(newFlow.configuration.defaultLinkActiveFormat,actFormat));
assertTrue("Hover format was not applied.",TextLayoutFormat.isEqual(newFlow.configuration.defaultLinkHoverFormat,hovFormat));
assertTrue("Link format was not applied.",TextLayoutFormat.isEqual(newFlow.configuration.defaultLinkNormalFormat,linkFormat));
* Insert text at the end of a link.
* Verify that the new text is not a link.
public function textAdditionTest():void
var startIndx:int = 30;
var endIndx:int = 50;
SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
SelManager.selectRange(endIndx, endIndx);
SelManager.insertText("I should not be a link.");
var fl:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf(endIndx + 2) as FlowElement;
assertTrue("Inserted text became a link!",!(fl is LinkElement));
SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, startIndx);
SelManager.insertText("I should not be a link.");
fl = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf(startIndx + 2) as FlowElement;
assertTrue("Inserted text became a link!",!(fl is LinkElement));
* Create two nested links with the same target.
* Change the outer link's target.
* Verify that the inner link doesn't change it's target.
* Verify that both sides of the outer link change.
public function nestedLinkTargetTest():void
var startIndx:int = 30;
var startIndx2:int = 35;
var endIndx2:int = 45;
var endIndx:int = 50;
SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
var fl:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
var linkEl:LinkElement = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
SelManager.selectRange(startIndx2, endIndx2);
SelManager.applyLink("", "_none", false);
var fl2:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx2 + endIndx2) / 2) as FlowElement;
var linkEl2:LinkElement = fl2.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement; = "";
fl = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + startIndx2) / 2) as FlowElement;
linkEl = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
fl2 = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx2 + endIndx2) / 2) as FlowElement;
linkEl2 = fl2.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
var fl3:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((endIndx2 + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
var linkEl3:LinkElement = fl3.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
assertTrue("Link elements with different targets were merged.",
(linkEl != linkEl2) && (linkEl2 != linkEl3)
assertTrue("Link elements with different targets didn't preserve their targets",
( != &&
( != &&
( ==
* Create two nested links with the same target.
* Change the outer link's target.
* Verify that the inner link doesn't change it's target.
* Verify that both sides of the outer link change.
public function nestedLinkMergeTest():void
var startIndx:int = 30;
var startIndx2:int = 35;
var endIndx2:int = 45;
var endIndx:int = 50;
SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
var fl:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
var linkEl:LinkElement = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
SelManager.selectRange(startIndx2, endIndx2);
SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
var fl2:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx2 + endIndx2) / 2) as FlowElement;
var linkEl2:LinkElement = fl2.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement; = "";
fl = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + startIndx2) / 2) as FlowElement;
linkEl = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
fl2 = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx2 + endIndx2) / 2) as FlowElement;
linkEl2 = fl2.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
var fl3:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((endIndx2 + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
var linkEl3:LinkElement = fl3.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
assertTrue("Link elements were not merged.",
(linkEl === linkEl2)
private static function listener(e:Event):void
{ }
public function linkWithCustomListenerTest():void
var tf:TextFlow = new TextFlow();
tf.flowComposer.addController(new ContainerController(new Sprite()));
var p:ParagraphElement = new ParagraphElement();
// first link
var span1:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
span1.text = "span1";
var link1:LinkElement = new LinkElement();
// second link
var span2:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
span2.text = "span2";
var link2:LinkElement = new LinkElement();
assertTrue("Links with custom mirror events should not merge", link1.parent == p && link2.parent == p);
public function linkWithInlineTest():void
public function linkWithNullInlineTest():void
public function linkWithDisplayObjectTest():void
// Create a simple rectangular display object for the float
var displayObject:Sprite = new Sprite();
var g:Graphics =;
g.drawRect(0, 0, 100, 100);
private function doLinkWithInlineTest(source:Object):void
var s:Sprite = new Sprite();
var TestCanvas:Canvas = testApp.getDisplayObject();
var _textFlow:TextFlow = new TextFlow();
_textFlow.fontSize = 48;
var p:ParagraphElement = new ParagraphElement();
var span:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
span.text = "Hello ";
var link:LinkElement = new LinkElement(); link.href = "";
// graphic doesn't load
var inlineGraphic:InlineGraphicElement = new InlineGraphicElement();
if (source)
inlineGraphic.source = source;
inlineGraphic.width = 100;
inlineGraphic.height = 100;
var span2:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
span2.text = " World";
_textFlow.flowComposer.addController(new ContainerController(s,400,200));
// this call compose but the graphic hasn't been loaded from the source URL yet.
var inline:DisplayObject = inlineGraphic.graphic;
if (inline.width > 0 && inline.height > 0) // try simulating a click
var eventCount:int = 0;
link.href = "event:customEvent";
var controller:ContainerController = _textFlow.flowComposer.getControllerAt(0);
var x:Number = inline.x + inline.width / 2;
var y:Number = inline.y + inline.height / 2;
var pt:Point = new Point(x, y);
pt = inline.localToGlobal(pt);
pt = controller.container.globalToLocal(pt);
controller.container.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, true, false, pt.x, pt.y));
controller.container.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, true, false, pt.x, pt.y));
assertTrue("Custom listener should have received click", eventCount == 1);
function listener(e:Event):void
{ eventCount++; }
private function applyLink(startIndx:int,endIndx:int):void
apply the link from startIndx to endIndx
then calling applyLink(null) to remove the selection
SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
SelManager.applyLink("", "_self", false);
var fl:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((startIndx + endIndx) / 2) as FlowElement;
var linkEl:LinkElement = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
//check that the link and target are set
assertTrue("Link not set! Value is " + linkEl.href, linkEl.href == "");
assertTrue("Target not set! Value is " +, == "_self");
private function removeLink(startIndx:int,endIndx:int):void
//remove the link from startIndx to endIndx
SelManager.selectRange(startIndx, endIndx);
SelManager.applyLink(null, null, false); // remove by passing null
public function applyLinkAndRemoveAllTest():void
//apply the link from 30 to 50
//remove the link from 30 to 50
// Check that it was removed
var fl:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf((30 + 50) / 2) as FlowElement;
var linkEl:LinkElement = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
assertTrue("Link not removed when applyLink(null) called!", !linkEl);
apply the link from 30 to 50
then remove the selection of 25, 40
check no link element parent for index 35, but the link remains at index 45
public function applyLinkAndRemoveFormerTest():void
//remove a selection of 25, 40
//Check that no link element parent for index 35, but the link remains at index 45
var fl:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf(35) as FlowElement;
var linkEl:LinkElement = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
assertTrue("Link element parent for index 35 not removed when applyLink(null) called",!linkEl );
fl = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf(45) as FlowElement;
linkEl = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
assertTrue("Link element parent for index 45 not remain when applyLink(null) called",linkEl );
apply the link from 30 to 50
then remove the selection of 40, 55
check the link remains at index 35, but is not present at index 45
public function applyLinkAndRemoveLatterTest():void
//remove a selection of 40, 55
//Check that the link remains at index 35, but is not present at index 45
var fl:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf(35) as FlowElement;
var linkEl:LinkElement = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
assertTrue("Link element parent for index 35 not ramain when applyLink(null) called",linkEl );
fl = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf(45) as FlowElement;
linkEl = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
assertTrue("Link element parent for index 45 not removed when applyLink(null) called",!linkEl );
apply the link from 30 to 50
then remove the selection of 35, 45
check no link at index 40, but there should be two separate link elements now
public function applyLinkAndRemoveMiddleTest():void
//remove a selection of 35, 45
//Check that no link at index 40, but there should be two separate link elements now
var fl:FlowElement = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf(40) as FlowElement;
var linkEl:LinkElement = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
assertTrue("Link element parent for index 40 not removed when applyLink(null) called",!linkEl );
fl = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf(30) as FlowElement;
linkEl = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
assertTrue("Link element parent for index 30 not remain when applyLink(null) called",linkEl );
fl = SelManager.textFlow.findLeaf(49) as FlowElement;
linkEl = fl.getParentByType(LinkElement) as LinkElement;
assertTrue("Link element parent for index 49 not remain when applyLink(null) called",linkEl );
private var tf:TextFlow = new TextFlow();
public function launchLinkTest():void
if (direction == "vertical")
var format:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
format.fontFamily = "Arial";
format.fontSize = 16;
format.direction = "ltr";
format.blockProgression = "rl";
tf.hostFormat = format;
var p:ParagraphElement = new ParagraphElement();
var link:LinkElement = new LinkElement();
link.href = "event:customEvent";
var span:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
span.text = "Hello world";
span.fontSize = 16;
var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
var TestCanvas:Canvas = testApp.getDisplayObject();
var cc:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container,100,50);
var editmanager:EditManager = new EditManager();
tf.interactionManager = editmanager;
editmanager.selectRange(2, 6);
// Get the bounds of the link in TextLine coordinates
var boundsInfo:Object = GeometryUtil.getHighlightBounds(editmanager.getSelectionState())[0];
var bounds:Rectangle = boundsInfo.rect as Rectangle;
var textLine:TextLine = boundsInfo.textLine;
//tf.addEventListener("customEvent", addAsync(checkEvent,2500,null),false,0,true);
tf.interactionManager = null;
textLine.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, true, false, (bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2, ( + bounds.bottom) / 2, textLine));
textLine.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, true, false, (bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2, ( + bounds.bottom) / 2, textLine));
tf.interactionManager = editmanager;
editmanager.selectRange(0, 0);
public function linkEventMirrorTest():void
if (direction == "vertical")
var format:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
format.fontFamily = "Arial";
format.fontSize = 16;
format.direction = "ltr";
format.blockProgression = "rl";
tf.hostFormat = format;
var p:ParagraphElement = new ParagraphElement();
var link:LinkElement = new LinkElement();
link.href = "event:customEvent";
var span:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
span.text = "Hello world";
span.fontSize = 16;
var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
var TestCanvas:Canvas = testApp.getDisplayObject();
var cc:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container,100,50);
//link.getEventMirror().addEventListener("customEvent", addAsync(checkEvent,2500,null),false,0,true);
var editmanager:EditManager = new EditManager();
tf.interactionManager = editmanager;
editmanager.selectRange(2, 6);
// Get the bounds of the link in TextLine coordinates
var boundsInfo:Object = GeometryUtil.getHighlightBounds(editmanager.getSelectionState())[0];
var bounds:Rectangle = boundsInfo.rect as Rectangle;
var textLine:TextLine = boundsInfo.textLine;
tf.interactionManager = null;
textLine.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, true, false, (bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2, ( + bounds.bottom) / 2, textLine));
textLine.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, true, false, (bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2, ( + bounds.bottom) / 2, textLine));
tf.interactionManager = editmanager;
editmanager.selectRange(0, 0);
public function spanMouseDownEventMirrorTest():void
if (direction == "vertical")
var format:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
format.fontFamily = "Arial";
format.fontSize = 16;
format.direction = "ltr";
format.blockProgression = "rl";
tf.hostFormat = format;
var p:ParagraphElement = new ParagraphElement();
var span:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
span.text = "Hello world";
span.fontSize = 16;
//span.getEventMirror().addEventListener(FlowElementMouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, addAsync(checkMouseDownEvent,2500,null),false,0,true);
var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
var TestCanvas:Canvas = testApp.getDisplayObject();
var cc:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container,100,50);
var editmanager:EditManager = new EditManager();
tf.interactionManager = editmanager;
editmanager.selectRange(2, 4);
tf.flowComposer.addController(new ContainerController(container,200,100));
// Get the bounds of the link in TextLine coordinates
var boundsInfo:Object = GeometryUtil.getHighlightBounds(editmanager.getSelectionState())[0];
var bounds:Rectangle = boundsInfo.rect as Rectangle;
var textLine:TextLine = boundsInfo.textLine;
tf.interactionManager = null;
textLine.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, true, false, (bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2, ( + bounds.bottom) / 2, textLine));
tf.interactionManager = editmanager;
editmanager.selectRange(0, 0);
public function spanMouseClickEventMirrorTest():void
if (direction == "vertical")
var format:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
format.fontFamily = "Arial";
format.fontSize = 16;
format.direction = "ltr";
format.blockProgression = "rl";
tf.hostFormat = format;
var p:ParagraphElement = new ParagraphElement();
var span:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
span.text = "Hello world";
span.fontSize = 16;
// span.getEventMirror().addEventListener(FlowElementMouseEvent.CLICK, addAsync(checkMouseClickEvent,2500,null),false,0,true);
var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
var TestCanvas:Canvas = testApp.getDisplayObject();
var cc:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container,100,50);
var editmanager:EditManager = new EditManager();
tf.interactionManager = editmanager;
editmanager.selectRange(2, 4);
tf.flowComposer.addController(new ContainerController(container,200,100));
// Get the bounds of the link in TextLine coordinates
var boundsInfo:Object = GeometryUtil.getHighlightBounds(editmanager.getSelectionState())[0];
var bounds:Rectangle = boundsInfo.rect as Rectangle;
var textLine:TextLine = boundsInfo.textLine;
tf.interactionManager = null;
//dispatch mouse events
textLine.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, true, false, (bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2, ( + bounds.bottom) / 2, textLine));
textLine.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, true, false, (bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2, ( + bounds.bottom) / 2, textLine));
textLine.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.CLICK, true, false, (bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2, ( + bounds.bottom) / 2, textLine));
tf.interactionManager = editmanager;
editmanager.selectRange(0, 0);
public function spanMouseMoveEventMirrorTest():void
if (direction == "vertical")
var format:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
format.fontFamily = "Arial";
format.fontSize = 16;
format.direction = "ltr";
format.blockProgression = "rl";
tf.hostFormat = format;
var p:ParagraphElement = new ParagraphElement();
var span:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
span.text = "Hello world";
span.fontSize = 16;
//span.getEventMirror().addEventListener(FlowElementMouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, addAsync(checkMouseMoveEvent,2500,null),false,0,true);
var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
var TestCanvas:Canvas = testApp.getDisplayObject();
var cc:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container,100,50);
var editmanager:EditManager = new EditManager();
tf.interactionManager = editmanager;
editmanager.selectRange(2, 4);
tf.flowComposer.addController(new ContainerController(container,200,100));
// Get the bounds of the link in TextLine coordinates
var boundsInfo:Object = GeometryUtil.getHighlightBounds(editmanager.getSelectionState())[0];
var bounds:Rectangle = boundsInfo.rect as Rectangle;
var textLine:TextLine = boundsInfo.textLine;
tf.interactionManager = null;
textLine.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, true, false, (bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2, ( + bounds.bottom) / 2, textLine));
tf.interactionManager = editmanager;
editmanager.selectRange(0, 0);
public function spanMouseUpEventMirrorTest():void
if (direction == "vertical")
var format:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
format.fontFamily = "Arial";
format.fontSize = 16;
format.direction = "ltr";
format.blockProgression = "rl";
tf.hostFormat = format;
var p:ParagraphElement = new ParagraphElement();
var span:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
span.text = "Hello world";
span.fontSize = 16;
// span.getEventMirror().addEventListener(FlowElementMouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, addAsync(checkMouseUpEvent,2500,null),false,0,true);
var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
var TestCanvas:Canvas = testApp.getDisplayObject();
var cc:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container,100,50);
var editmanager:EditManager = new EditManager();
tf.interactionManager = editmanager;
editmanager.selectRange(2, 4);
var boundsInfo:Object = GeometryUtil.getHighlightBounds(editmanager.getSelectionState())[0];
var bounds:Rectangle = boundsInfo.rect as Rectangle;
var textLine:TextLine = boundsInfo.textLine;
tf.interactionManager = null;
textLine.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, true, false, (bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2, ( + bounds.bottom) / 2, textLine));
tf.interactionManager = editmanager;
editmanager.selectRange(0, 0);
public function spanRollOverEventMirrorTest():void
if (direction == "vertical")
var format:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
format.fontFamily = "Arial";
format.fontSize = 16;
format.direction = "ltr";
format.blockProgression = "rl";
tf.hostFormat = format;
var p:ParagraphElement = new ParagraphElement();
var span:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
span.text = "Hello world";
span.fontSize = 16;
// span.getEventMirror().addEventListener(FlowElementMouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, addAsync(checkMouseRollOverEvent,2500,null),false,0,true);
var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
var TestCanvas:Canvas = testApp.getDisplayObject();
var cc:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container,100,50);
var editmanager:EditManager = new EditManager();
tf.interactionManager = editmanager;
editmanager.selectRange(2, 4);
var boundsInfo:Object = GeometryUtil.getHighlightBounds(editmanager.getSelectionState())[0];
var bounds:Rectangle = boundsInfo.rect as Rectangle;
var textLine:TextLine = boundsInfo.textLine;
tf.interactionManager = null;
textLine.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, true, false, (bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2, ( + bounds.bottom) / 2, textLine));
textLine.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, true, false, (bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2, ( + bounds.bottom) / 2, textLine));
tf.interactionManager = editmanager;
editmanager.selectRange(0, 0);
public function spanRollOutEventMirrorTest():void
if (direction == "vertical")
var format:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
format.fontFamily = "Arial";
format.fontSize = 16;
format.direction = "ltr";
format.blockProgression = "rl";
tf.hostFormat = format;
var p:ParagraphElement = new ParagraphElement();
var span:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
span.text = "Hello world";
span.fontSize = 16;
// span.getEventMirror().addEventListener(FlowElementMouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, addAsync(checkMouseRollOutEvent,2500,null),false,0,true);
var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
var TestCanvas:Canvas = testApp.getDisplayObject();
var cc:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container,100,50);
var editmanager:EditManager = new EditManager();
tf.interactionManager = editmanager;
editmanager.selectRange(2, 4);
var boundsInfo:Object = GeometryUtil.getHighlightBounds(editmanager.getSelectionState())[0];
var bounds:Rectangle = boundsInfo.rect as Rectangle;
var textLine:TextLine = boundsInfo.textLine;
tf.interactionManager = null;
textLine.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, true, false, (bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2, ( + bounds.bottom) / 2, textLine));
textLine.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, true, false, bounds.right + 1, bounds.bottom + 1, textLine));
textLine.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, true, false, (bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2, ( + bounds.bottom) / 2, textLine));
tf.interactionManager = editmanager;
editmanager.selectRange(0, 0);
public function spanMouseEventMirrorTest():void
if (direction == "vertical")
var format:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
format.fontFamily = "Arial";
format.fontSize = 16;
format.direction = "ltr";
format.blockProgression = "rl";
tf.hostFormat = format;
var textFlow:TextFlow = new TextFlow();
textFlow.fontSize = 24;
var p:ParagraphElement = new ParagraphElement();
var span:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
span.text = "Hello world";
span.fontSize = 16;
var editmanager:EditManager = new EditManager();
textFlow.interactionManager = editmanager;
var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
var TestCanvas:Canvas = testApp.getDisplayObject();
textFlow.flowComposer.addController(new ContainerController(container,200,100));
//listen for all FlowElementMouseEvents
editmanager.selectRange(2, 4);
// Get the bounds of the link in TextLine coordinates
var boundsInfo:Object = GeometryUtil.getHighlightBounds(editmanager.getSelectionState())[0];
var bounds:Rectangle = boundsInfo.rect as Rectangle;
var textLine:TextLine = boundsInfo.textLine;
textFlow.interactionManager = null;
//dispatch all mouse events
textLine.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, true, false, (bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2, ( + bounds.bottom) / 2, textLine));
textLine.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, true, false, (bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2, ( + bounds.bottom) / 2, textLine));
textLine.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, true, false, (bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2, ( + bounds.bottom) / 2, textLine));
textLine.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, true, false, bounds.right + 1, bounds.bottom + 1, textLine));
textLine.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, true, false, (bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2, ( + bounds.bottom) / 2, textLine));
textLine.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, true, false, (bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2, ( + bounds.bottom) / 2, textLine));
textLine.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.CLICK, true, false, (bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2, ( + bounds.bottom) / 2, textLine));
textFlow.interactionManager = editmanager;
editmanager.selectRange(0, 0);
private function checkEvent(e:Event):void
assertTrue("mouseClickEvent is not fired when launch a link.", !(e is ErrorEvent));
tf.removeEventListener("customEvent", checkEvent);
public function traceEvent(e:FlowElementMouseEvent):void
assertTrue("mouseEvent not fired correctly", !(e is ErrorEvent));
tf.removeEventListener(FlowElementMouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, checkMouseDownEvent);
tf.removeEventListener(FlowElementMouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, checkMouseUpEvent);
tf.removeEventListener(FlowElementMouseEvent.CLICK, checkMouseClickEvent);
tf.removeEventListener(FlowElementMouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, checkMouseMoveEvent);
tf.removeEventListener(FlowElementMouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, checkMouseRollOverEvent);
tf.removeEventListener(FlowElementMouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, checkMouseRollOutEvent);
private function checkMouseDownEvent(e:Event):void
assertTrue("mouseDown event is not fired", !(e is ErrorEvent));
tf.removeEventListener(FlowElementMouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, checkMouseDownEvent);
private function checkMouseUpEvent(e:Event):void
assertTrue("mouseUp event is not fired", !(e is ErrorEvent));
tf.removeEventListener(FlowElementMouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, checkMouseUpEvent);
private function checkMouseClickEvent(e:Event):void
assertTrue("mouseClick event is not fired", !(e is ErrorEvent));
tf.removeEventListener(FlowElementMouseEvent.CLICK, checkMouseClickEvent);
private function checkMouseMoveEvent(e:Event):void
assertTrue("mouseMove event is not fired", !(e is ErrorEvent));
tf.removeEventListener(FlowElementMouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, checkMouseMoveEvent);
private function checkMouseRollOverEvent(e:Event):void
assertTrue("mouseRollOver event is not fired", !(e is ErrorEvent));
tf.removeEventListener(FlowElementMouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, checkMouseRollOverEvent);
private function checkMouseRollOutEvent(e:Event):void
assertTrue("mouseRollOut event is not fired", !(e is ErrorEvent));
tf.removeEventListener(FlowElementMouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, checkMouseRollOutEvent);
public function interactiveObjectCount():void
var markup:String = "<TextFlow xmlns=''>"
+"<list><li><div>" +
"<p>" +
"<span>before link</span>" +
"<tcy><a url=\"\"><span>the first link</span></a></tcy>" +
"<a url=\"\"><span>the second</span><span color=\"0xff0000\"> link</span></a>"+
"<tcy><span>after link</span></tcy>"+
"</p>" +
"<p><span>no link</span></p>" +
"<p><span>no link</span></p>"
var textFlow:TextFlow = TextConverter.importToFlow(markup,TextConverter.TEXT_LAYOUT_FORMAT);
var editmanager:EditManager = new EditManager();
textFlow.interactionManager = editmanager;
var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
var TestCanvas:Canvas = testApp.getDisplayObject();
textFlow.flowComposer.addController(new ContainerController(container,300,200));
//get the first paragraph
var span1:SpanElement = textFlow.getFirstLeaf() as SpanElement;
var para1:ParagraphElement = span1.parent as ParagraphElement;
assertTrue("The number of interactive children does not equal 2", para3::tlf_internal.interactiveChildrenCount == 2);
//get the second paragraph
var para2:ParagraphElement = para1.getNextSibling() as ParagraphElement;
assertTrue("The number of interactive children does not equal 0", para3::tlf_internal.interactiveChildrenCount == 0);
//get the third paragraph
var para3:ParagraphElement = textFlow.getChildAt(1) as ParagraphElement;
assertTrue("The number of interactive children does not equal 0", para3::tlf_internal.interactiveChildrenCount == 0);
editmanager.applyLink("", "_self", false, new SelectionState(textFlow, 0, 6));
assertTrue("The number of interactive children is incorrect after apply link", para3::tlf_internal.interactiveChildrenCount == 3);
editmanager.applyLink(null, null, false, new SelectionState(textFlow, 0, 6));
assertTrue("The number of interactive children is incorrect after cancel the link", para3::tlf_internal.interactiveChildrenCount == 2);
public function partlyComposingTest():void
var textFlow:TextFlow = new TextFlow();
var editmanager:EditManager = new EditManager();
textFlow.interactionManager = editmanager;
createLinkLine(textFlow, 7);
var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
var TestCanvas:Canvas = testApp.getDisplayObject();
var cc:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container,300,100);
var container1:Sprite = new Sprite();
container1.x = 310;
container1.y = 0;
var cc1:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container1,300,150);
cc.columnCount = 2;
cc1.columnCount = 2;
assertTrue("All interactive objects should be cleard", getLength(cc.interactiveObjects) == 7 && getLength(cc1.interactiveObjects) == 0);
createLinkLine(textFlow, 7);
assertTrue("The number of interactive objects is incorrect", getLength(cc.interactiveObjects) == 13 && getLength(cc1.interactiveObjects) == 1);
createLinkLine(textFlow, 7);
assertTrue("The number of interactive objects is incorrect", getLength(cc.interactiveObjects) == 13 && getLength(cc1.interactiveObjects) == 8);
var inserted:String = " Inserted Text Inserted Text Inserted Text Inserted Text Inserted Text Inserted Text" +
" Inserted Text Inserted Text Inserted Text Inserted Text Inserted Text Inserted Text" +
" Inserted Text Inserted Text Inserted Text Inserted Text Inserted Text Inserted Text" +
" Inserted Text Inserted Text Inserted Text Inserted Text Inserted Text Inserted Text";
editmanager.insertText(inserted, new SelectionState(textFlow, 55, 55));
assertTrue("The number of interactive objects is incorrect", getLength(cc.interactiveObjects) == 3);
private function getLength(dic:Dictionary):int
var length:int = 0;
for each(var o:Object in dic)
length ++;
return length;
private function createLinkLine(textFlow:TextFlow, times:int):void
for(var idx:int = 0; idx < times; idx++)
var p:ParagraphElement = new ParagraphElement();
var span:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
span.color = 0xCCCCCC;
span.text = '15:38 '
var a:LinkElement = new LinkElement();
a.href = '';
span = new SpanElement();
span.text = "KnuX";
span = new SpanElement();
span.text = " : ";
span = new SpanElement();
span.text = "Test test";