blob: 5e401c9c01f599e66ee4e30fa179ef4600395837 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package UnitTest.Tests
import UnitTest.ExtendedClasses.VellumTestCase;
import UnitTest.Fixtures.TestConfig;
import flash.display.DisplayObject;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.system.*;
import flash.text.engine.*;
import flashx.textLayout.compose.IFlowComposer;
import flashx.textLayout.compose.StandardFlowComposer;
import flashx.textLayout.compose.TextFlowLine;
import flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController;
import flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager;
import flashx.textLayout.conversion.TextConverter;
import flashx.textLayout.edit.EditManager;
import flashx.textLayout.edit.EditingMode;
import flashx.textLayout.edit.IEditManager;
import flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionState;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.*;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat;
import flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat;
import flashx.textLayout.utils.NavigationUtil;
import mx.containers.Canvas;
import org.flexunit.asserts.assertTrue;
public class ContainerTypeTest extends VellumTestCase
private var TestCanvas:Canvas = null;
private var ItemsToRemove:Array;
private var hostFormat:TextLayoutFormat;
private var markup:String;
public function ContainerTypeTest()
super("", "ContainerTypeTest2", TestConfig.getInstance());
//super(methodName, testID, testConfig, testCaseXML);
//reset containerType and ID
containerType = "custom";
metaData = {};
// Note: These must correspond to a Watson product area (case-sensitive)
metaData.productArea = "Text Container";
markup = getTestMarkup();
override public function setUpTest():void
ItemsToRemove = [];
TestDisplayObject = testApp.getDisplayObject();
if (TestDisplayObject)
TestCanvas = Canvas(TestDisplayObject);
fail("Did not get a blank canvas to work with");
override public function tearDownTest():void
* Have a single TextLine on the canvas instead of a vellum container
public function singleTextLine():void
var cf:ElementFormat = new ElementFormat();
cf.fontSize = 24
var fd:FontDescription = new FontDescription("Times New Roman")
cf.fontDescription = fd
var te:TextElement = new TextElement("A TextLine on the Canvas", cf);
var tb:TextBlock = new TextBlock();
tb.content = te;
var tl1:TextLine = tb.createTextLine(null, 400);
tl1.x = 50;
tl1.y = 50;
//need to keep track of what I've added in order to remove at teardown?
System.gc(); //garbage collect at end so we can compare memory usage versus static lines
* Have ten TextLines on the canvas instead of a vellum container
public function tenTextLines():void
for (var i:int = 0; i < 10; i++)
var cf:ElementFormat = new ElementFormat();
cf.fontSize = 24
var fd:FontDescription = new FontDescription("Times New Roman")
cf.fontDescription = fd
var te:TextElement = new TextElement("TextLine " + i, cf);
var tb:TextBlock = new TextBlock();
tb.content = te;
var tl1:TextLine = tb.createTextLine(null, 400);
tl1.x = 40;
tl1.y = 40 + (40 * i);
//need to keep track of what I've added in order to remove at teardown?
System.gc(); //garbage collect at end so we can compare memory usage versus static lines
* Have one hundred TextLines on the canvas instead of a vellum container
public function oneHundredTextLines():void
for (var i:int = 0; i < 100; i++)
var cf:ElementFormat = new ElementFormat();
cf.fontSize = 2.4
var fd:FontDescription = new FontDescription("Times New Roman")
cf.fontDescription = fd
var te:TextElement = new TextElement("TextLine " + i, cf);
var tb:TextBlock = new TextBlock();
tb.content = te;
var tl1:TextLine = tb.createTextLine(null, 400);
tl1.x = 40;
tl1.y = 40 + (4 * i);
//need to keep track of what I've added in order to remove at teardown?
System.gc(); //garbage collect at end so we can compare memory usage versus static lines
public function singleTextLineStatic():void
TextLine(ItemsToRemove[0]).validity = TextLineValidity.STATIC;
System.gc(); //garbage collect at end so we can compare memory usage versus static lines
public function tenTextLinesStatic():void
for (var i:int = 0; i < ItemsToRemove.length; i++)
TextLine(ItemsToRemove[i]).validity = TextLineValidity.STATIC;
System.gc(); //garbage collect at end so we can compare memory usage versus static lines
public function oneHundredTextLinesStatic():void
for (var i:int = 0; i < ItemsToRemove.length; i++)
TextLine(ItemsToRemove[i]).validity = TextLineValidity.STATIC;
System.gc(); //garbage collect at end so we can compare memory usage versus static lines
public function clickLinkedContainerTest():void
var posOfSelection:int = TestData.posOfSelection;
var format:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
format = new TextLayoutFormat();
format.paddingLeft = 20;
format.paddingRight = 20;
format.paddingTop = 20;
format.paddingBottom = 20;
var textFlow:TextFlow = TextConverter.importToFlow(markup, TextConverter.TEXT_LAYOUT_FORMAT);
textFlow.flowComposer = new StandardFlowComposer();
var editManager:IEditManager = new EditManager();
textFlow.interactionManager = editManager;
format.firstBaselineOffset = "auto";
editManager.applyFormatToElement(editManager.textFlow, format);
editManager.selectRange(0, 0);
//create two containers
var container1:Sprite = new Sprite();
var container2:Sprite = new Sprite();
var controllerOne:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container1, 200, 250);
var controllerTwo:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container2, 150, 300);
container1.x = 25;
container1.y = 50;
container2.x = 280;
container2.y = 50;
// add the controllers to the text flow and update them to display the text
var tfl:TextFlowLine = textFlow.flowComposer.findLineAtPosition(posOfSelection);
var adjustedPosOfSelection:int = posOfSelection - tfl.absoluteStart;
var tl:TextLine = tfl.getTextLine();
var bounds:Rectangle = tl.getAtomBounds(adjustedPosOfSelection);
var mouseX:Number = 0;
var mouseY:Number = 0;
if ( == "clickLeftToLinkedContainer")
mouseX = bounds.x - 1;
mouseY = tl.y;
else if ( == "clickRightToLinkedContainer")
mouseX = bounds.x + 1;
mouseY = tl.y;
else if ( == "clickTopLinkedContainer")
mouseX = bounds.x;
mouseY = tl.y - 1;
else if ( == "clickBottomLinkedContainer")
mouseX = bounds.x;
mouseY = tl.y + 1;
var mEvent:MouseEvent;
mEvent = new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, true, false, mouseX, mouseY);
var posAfterClick:int = editManager.activePosition;
assertTrue("Position changed after click." + " Position of selected is: " + posOfSelection
+ " Position of after Click: " + posAfterClick,
posOfSelection == posAfterClick);
* linked containers, check if attribute changed after texts insertion
public function checkContainerAttributesAfterTextInsertion():void
var textFlow:TextFlow = TextConverter.importToFlow(markup, TextConverter.TEXT_LAYOUT_FORMAT);
textFlow.flowComposer = new StandardFlowComposer();
var editManager:IEditManager = new EditManager();
textFlow.interactionManager = editManager;
//create two linked containers containers
var container1:Sprite = new Sprite();
var container2:Sprite = new Sprite();
var controllerOne:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container1, 200, 250);
var controllerTwo:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container2, 150, 300);
container1.x = 25;
container1.y = 50;
container2.x = 280;
container2.y = 50;
// add the controllers to the text flow and update them to display the text
editManager.selectRange(0, 0);
var format:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
format = new TextLayoutFormat();
format.paddingLeft = 20;
format.paddingRight = 20;
format.paddingTop = 20;
format.paddingBottom = 20;
format.firstBaselineOffset = "auto";
editManager.applyFormatToElement(editManager.textFlow, format);
//get container attributes before insertion
var containerAtts_before:ITextLayoutFormat = controllerOne.format;
var paddingLeft_before:Number = containerAtts_before.paddingLeft;
var paddingRight_before:Number = containerAtts_before.paddingRight;
var paddingTop_before:Number = containerAtts_before.paddingTop;
var paddingBottom_before:Number = containerAtts_before.paddingBottom;
var firstContStart:int = controllerOne.absoluteStart;
var firstContLen:int = controllerOne.textLength;
var firstContEnd:int = firstContStart + firstContLen;
//get the insertion position
if ( == "insertionEndOf1stContainer")
editManager.selectRange(firstContEnd - 1, firstContEnd - 1);
else if ( == "insertionBeginOf2ndContainer")
editManager.selectRange(firstContEnd, firstContEnd);
//check attributes after insertion
var containerAtts_after:ITextLayoutFormat = controllerOne.format;
var paddingLeft_after:Number = containerAtts_after.paddingLeft;
var paddingRight_after:Number = containerAtts_after.paddingRight;
var paddingTop_after:Number = containerAtts_after.paddingTop;
var paddingBottom_after:Number = containerAtts_after.paddingBottom;
//check if attributes changed after insertion
assertTrue("Attributes have been changed after insertion to end of 1st container.",
paddingLeft_before === paddingLeft_after &&
paddingRight_before === paddingRight_after &&
paddingTop_before === paddingTop_after &&
paddingBottom_before === paddingBottom_after);
private var firstFlow:TextFlow;
private var secondFlow:TextFlow;
private var firstController:ContainerController;
private var secondController:ContainerController;
private function resizeHandler(event:Event):void
const verticalGap:Number = 25;
const stagePadding:Number = 16;
var stageWidth:Number = TestCanvas.width - stagePadding;
var stageHeight:Number = TestCanvas.height - stagePadding;
var firstContaierWidth:Number = stageWidth;
var firstContaierHeight:Number = stageHeight;
// Initial compose to get height of headline after resize
firstController.setCompositionSize(firstContaierWidth, firstContaierHeight);
var rect:Rectangle = firstController.getContentBounds();
firstContaierHeight = rect.height;
// Resize and place headline text container
// Call setCompositionSize() again with updated headline height
firstController.setCompositionSize(firstContaierWidth, firstContaierHeight);
firstController.container.x = stagePadding / 2;
firstController.container.y = stagePadding / 2;
// Resize and place second text container
var secondContainerHeight:Number = (stageHeight - verticalGap -
secondController.setCompositionSize(stageWidth, secondContainerHeight);
secondController.container.x = (stagePadding / 2);
secondController.container.y = (stagePadding / 2) + firstContaierHeight +
public function SelectionChangeFocusTest():void
const firstMarkup:String = "<flow:TextFlow xmlns:flow=''>" +
"<flow:p>" + "<flow:span fontSize='14'>first text flow: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA</flow:span>" +
"</flow:p>" +
const secondMarkup:String = "<flow:TextFlow xmlns:flow='' fontSize='14'> " +
"<flow:p>" +
"<flow:span>second text flow: " +
"as it proved in the case of Ethan Brand, who had mused to such " +
"strange purpose, in days gone by, while the fire in this very kiln was burning.</flow:span>" +
"</flow:p>" +
var posOfSelection1:int = TestData.posOfSelection1;
var posOfSelection2:int = TestData.posOfSelection2;
TestCanvas.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, resizeHandler);
//create first text flow, import first text, and assign composer
firstFlow = new TextFlow();
firstFlow = TextConverter.importToFlow(firstMarkup, TextConverter.TEXT_LAYOUT_FORMAT);
firstFlow.flowComposer = new StandardFlowComposer();
//create second text flow, import second text, and assign flow composer
secondFlow = new TextFlow();
secondFlow = TextConverter.importToFlow(secondMarkup, TextConverter.TEXT_LAYOUT_FORMAT);
secondFlow.flowComposer = new StandardFlowComposer();
// create first container, add controller, position container and add to stage
var firstContainer:Sprite = new Sprite();
firstController = new ContainerController(firstContainer, 300, 50);
var editManager1:IEditManager = new EditManager();
firstFlow.interactionManager = editManager1;
firstContainer.x = 120;
firstContainer.y = 20;
// create container for second text and position it
var secondContainer:Sprite = new Sprite();
secondController = new ContainerController(secondContainer, 300, 200);
secondContainer.x = 125;
secondContainer.y = 185;
var editManager2:IEditManager = new EditManager();
secondFlow.interactionManager = editManager2;
// add controller, add container to stage, and display second text
//get focus for first flow
editManager1.selectRange(posOfSelection1, posOfSelection1);
assertTrue("Selection Focus doesn't change after selection change from Text Flow 1 to Text Flow 2. ",
posOfSelection1 == editManager1.activePosition);
//get focus for second flow
editManager2.selectRange(posOfSelection2, posOfSelection2);
assertTrue("Selection Focus doesn't change properly after selection change from Text Flow 1 to Text Flow 2. "
+ ". The expected focus poisiton should be in second text flow at: " + posOfSelection2
+ " and the actual text flow focus poisiton is: " + editManager2.activePosition,
posOfSelection2 == editManager2.activePosition);
public function clickMultiLinkedContainerTest():void
var posOfSelection:int = TestData.posOfSelection;
var format:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
format = new TextLayoutFormat();
format.paddingLeft = 20;
format.paddingRight = 20;
format.paddingTop = 20;
format.paddingBottom = 20;
var textFlow:TextFlow = TextConverter.importToFlow(markup, TextConverter.TEXT_LAYOUT_FORMAT);
textFlow.flowComposer = new StandardFlowComposer();
var editManager:IEditManager = new EditManager();
textFlow.interactionManager = editManager;
format.firstBaselineOffset = "auto";
editManager.applyFormatToElement(editManager.textFlow, format);
editManager.selectRange(0, 0);
//create five containers
var container1:Sprite = new Sprite();
var container2:Sprite = new Sprite();
var container3:Sprite = new Sprite();
var container4:Sprite = new Sprite();
var container5:Sprite = new Sprite();
var controller1:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container1, 200, 200);
var controller2:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container2, 200, 200);
var controller3:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container3, 200, 200);
var controller4:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container4, 200, 200);
var controller5:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container5, 200, 200);
container1.x = 25;
container1.y = 50;
container2.x = 280;
container2.y = 50;
container3.x = 535;
container3.y = 50;
container4.x = 790;
container4.y = 50;
container5.x = 1045;
container5.y = 50;
// add the controllers to the text flow and update them to display the text
var tfl:TextFlowLine = textFlow.flowComposer.findLineAtPosition(posOfSelection);
var adjustedPosOfSelection:int = posOfSelection - tfl.absoluteStart;
var tl:TextLine = tfl.getTextLine();
var bounds:Rectangle = tl.getAtomBounds(adjustedPosOfSelection);
var mouseX:Number = 0;
var mouseY:Number = 0;
if ( == "clickLeftToMultiLinkedContainer")
mouseX = bounds.x - 1;
mouseY = tl.y;
else if ( == "clickRightToMultiLinkedContainer")
mouseX = bounds.x + 1;
mouseY = tl.y;
else if ( == "clickTopMultiLinkedContainer")
mouseX = bounds.x;
mouseY = tl.y - 1;
else if ( == "clickBottomMultiLinkedContainer")
mouseX = bounds.x;
mouseY = tl.y + 1;
var mEvent:MouseEvent;
mEvent = new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, true, false, mouseX, mouseY);
var posAfterClick:int = editManager.activePosition;
assertTrue("Position changed after click." + " Position of selected is: " + posOfSelection
+ " Position of after Click: " + posAfterClick,
posOfSelection == posAfterClick);
Drag selection using mouse events and verify the selected range.
//two text flows, two containers
public function draggingSelectioinMultiFlows():void
//create the first text flow, import texts from markups, and assign flow composer to a container
var flow_1:TextFlow = new TextFlow();
flow_1 = TextConverter.importToFlow(markup, TextConverter.TEXT_LAYOUT_FORMAT);
flow_1.flowComposer = new StandardFlowComposer();
var container_1:Sprite = new Sprite();
var controller_1:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container_1, 300, 250);
container_1.x = 25;
container_1.y = 25;
//Create EditManager to manage edting changes in TextFlow
var eManager_1:IEditManager = new EditManager();
flow_1.interactionManager = eManager_1;
eManager_1.selectRange(0, 0);
//add controllers to the first text flow and update all controller to display texts
//set points for the selection beginning and end
var startFlowLine:TextFlowLine = flow_1.flowComposer.getLineAt(2);
var startLine:TextLine = startFlowLine.getTextLine();
var endFlowLine:TextFlowLine = flow_1.flowComposer.getLineAt(10);
var endLine:TextLine = endFlowLine.getTextLine();
var endRect:Rectangle = endLine.getAtomBounds(54);
var startPoint:Point = new Point(startLine.x, startLine.y);
var endPoint:Point = new Point(endRect.x, endLine.y);
var x_point:Number;
var y_point:Number;
x_point = startPoint.x;
y_point = startPoint.y;
//selection start point in the first text flow
var downPoint:MouseEvent = new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, true, false, x_point, y_point, container_1);
var startInt:int = startFlowLine.absoluteStart;
var activeInt:int = eManager_1.activePosition;
var charCount:int = endLine.atomCount;
var endLineStart:int = endFlowLine.absoluteStart;
var endInt:int = (endLineStart + charCount) - 1;
if (startInt == activeInt)
x_point = endPoint.x;
y_point = endPoint.y;
//dragging selection
var movePoint:MouseEvent =
new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, true, false, x_point, y_point, container_1, false, false, false, true);
//dragging is done
var upPoint:MouseEvent =
new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, true, false, x_point, y_point, container_1);
fail("Mouse down event in the first text flow didn't happen!");
//create the second text flow, import texts from markups, and assign flow composer to a container
var flow_2:TextFlow = new TextFlow();
flow_2 = TextConverter.importToFlow(markup, TextConverter.TEXT_LAYOUT_FORMAT);
flow_2.flowComposer = new StandardFlowComposer();
//Create EditManager to manage edting changes in TextFlow
var eManager_2:IEditManager = new EditManager();
flow_2.interactionManager = eManager_2;
eManager_2.selectRange(0, 0);
var container_2:Sprite = new Sprite();
var controller_2:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container_2, 300, 250);
container_2.x = 350;
container_2.y = 25;
//add controllers to the second text flow and update all controller to display texts
//set points for the selection beginning and end
var startFlowLine2:TextFlowLine = flow_2.flowComposer.getLineAt(5);
var startLine2:TextLine = startFlowLine.getTextLine();
var endFlowLine2:TextFlowLine = flow_2.flowComposer.getLineAt(13);
var endLine2:TextLine = endFlowLine2.getTextLine();
var endRect2:Rectangle = endLine2.getAtomBounds(54);
var startPoint2:Point = new Point(startLine2.x, startLine2.y);
var endPoint2:Point = new Point(endRect2.x, endLine2.y);
var x_point2:Number;
var y_point2:Number;
x_point2 = startPoint2.x;
y_point2 = startPoint2.y;
//selection start point in the sencond text flow
var downPoint2:MouseEvent = new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, true, false, x_point2, y_point2, container_2);
x_point2 = endPoint2.x;
y_point2 = endPoint2.y;
//dragging selection
var movePoint2:MouseEvent =
new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, true, false, x_point2, y_point2, container_2, false, false, false, true);
//dragging is done
var upPoint2:MouseEvent =
new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, true, false, x_point2, y_point2, container_2);
var charCount2:int = endLine2.atomCount;
var startInt2:int = startFlowLine2.absoluteStart;
var endLineStart2:int = endFlowLine2.absoluteStart;
var endInt2:int = (endLineStart2 + charCount2) - 1;
var start:int = 101;
var end:int = 573;
assertTrue("Selection range for the first text flow should have been from ".concat(start, " to ", end, " but it was from ",
startInt, " to ", endInt, startInt == start && endInt == end));
var start2:int = 252;
var end2:int = 733;
assertTrue("Selection range for the second text flow should have been from ".concat(start2, " to ", end2,
" but it was from ", startInt2, " to ", endInt2, startInt2 == start2 && endInt2 == end2));
* two text flows, two containers, select from one flow to another
public function DraggingSelectionOneFlowToAnotherTest():void
const firstMarkup:String = "<flow:TextFlow xmlns:flow=''>" +
"<flow:p>" + "<flow:span fontSize='14'>AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA</flow:span>" +
"</flow:p>" +
const secondMarkup:String = "<flow:TextFlow xmlns:flow='' fontSize='14'> " +
"<flow:p>" +
"<flow:span>second text flow: " +
"as it proved in the case of Ethan Brand, who had mused to such " +
"strange purpose, in days gone by, while the fire in this very kiln was burning.</flow:span>" +
"</flow:p>" +
var posOfSelection1:int = TestData.posOfSelection1;
var posOfSelection2:int = TestData.posOfSelection2;
//create first text flow, import first text, and assign composer
firstFlow = new TextFlow();
firstFlow = TextConverter.importToFlow(firstMarkup, TextConverter.TEXT_LAYOUT_FORMAT);
firstFlow.flowComposer = new StandardFlowComposer();
//create second text flow, import second text, and assign flow composer
secondFlow = new TextFlow();
secondFlow = TextConverter.importToFlow(secondMarkup, TextConverter.TEXT_LAYOUT_FORMAT);
secondFlow.flowComposer = new StandardFlowComposer();
// create first container, add controller, position container
var firstContainer:Sprite = new Sprite();
firstController = new ContainerController(firstContainer, 300, 50);
var editManager1:IEditManager = new EditManager();
firstFlow.interactionManager = editManager1;
firstContainer.x = 120;
firstContainer.y = 20;
// create container for second text and position it
var secondContainer:Sprite = new Sprite();
secondController = new ContainerController(secondContainer, 300, 200);
secondContainer.x = 125;
secondContainer.y = 185;
var editManager2:IEditManager = new EditManager();
secondFlow.interactionManager = editManager2;
// add controller, add container to stage, and display second text
// make selection in first flow and second flow
editManager1.selectRange(0, 0);
var tfl1:TextFlowLine = firstFlow.flowComposer.findLineAtPosition(posOfSelection1);
var adjustedPosOfSelection1:int = posOfSelection1 - tfl1.absoluteStart;
var tl1:TextLine = tfl1.getTextLine();
var bounds1:Rectangle = tl1.getAtomBounds(adjustedPosOfSelection1);
var tfl2:TextFlowLine = secondFlow.flowComposer.findLineAtPosition(posOfSelection2);
var adjustedPosOfSelection2:int = posOfSelection2 - tfl2.absoluteStart;
var tl2:TextLine = tfl2.getTextLine();
var bounds2:Rectangle = tl2.getAtomBounds(adjustedPosOfSelection2);
var mouseX:Number = 0;
var mouseY:Number = 0;
mouseX = bounds1.x;
mouseY = tl1.y;
// mouse down in first container
var mEventD1:MouseEvent = new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, true, false, mouseX, mouseY, firstContainer);
// mouse move to second container and mouse up
mouseX = bounds2.x;
mouseY = tl2.y;
editManager2.selectRange(0, 0);
var mEventM1:MouseEvent = new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, true, false, mouseX, mouseY, secondContainer, false, false, false, true);
var mEventU1:MouseEvent = new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, true, false, mouseX, mouseY, secondContainer);
var activePos:Number = editManager2.activePosition;
assertTrue("Selection should not extend to second container. ",
activePos == 0);
public function addRemoveMulitiLinkedContainerTest():void
var format:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
format = new TextLayoutFormat();
format.paddingLeft = 20;
format.paddingRight = 20;
format.paddingTop = 20;
format.paddingBottom = 20;
var textFlow:TextFlow = TextConverter.importToFlow(markup, TextConverter.TEXT_LAYOUT_FORMAT);
textFlow.flowComposer = new StandardFlowComposer();
var editManager:IEditManager = new EditManager();
textFlow.interactionManager = editManager;
format.firstBaselineOffset = "auto";
editManager.applyFormatToElement(editManager.textFlow, format);
editManager.selectRange(0, 0);
//create five containers and hid two
var container1:Sprite = new Sprite();
var container2:Sprite = new Sprite();
var container3:Sprite = new Sprite();
var container4:Sprite = new Sprite();
var container5:Sprite = new Sprite();
var controller1:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container1, 100, 100);
var controller2:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container2, 200, 200);
var controller3:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container3, 300, 300);
var controller4:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container4, 400, 400);
var controller5:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container5, 500, 500);
container1.x = 25;
container1.y = 50;
container2.x = 280;
container2.y = 50;
container3.x = 535;
container3.y = 50;
container4.x = 790;
container4.y = 50;
container5.x = 1045;
container5.y = 50;
container4.visible = false;
container5.visible = false;
// add the controllers to the text flow and update them to display the text
var containerNumAfterRemove:int = textFlow.flowComposer.numControllers;
assertTrue("Container has not been removed correctly ", containerNumAfterRemove == 4);
containerNumAfterRemove = textFlow.flowComposer.numControllers;
assertTrue("Container has not been removed correctly ", containerNumAfterRemove == 3);
var c1:ContainerController = textFlow.flowComposer.getControllerAt(0);
var c2:ContainerController = textFlow.flowComposer.getControllerAt(1);
var c3:ContainerController = textFlow.flowComposer.getControllerAt(2);
var w1:int = c1.compositionWidth;
var w2:int = c2.compositionWidth;
var w3:int = c3.compositionWidth;
//check if removed correct containers
assertTrue("Wrong container has been removed ", w1 == 100 && w2 == 200 && w3 == 400);
var containerNumAfterAdd:int = textFlow.flowComposer.numControllers;
assertTrue("Container has not been added correctly ", containerNumAfterAdd == 4);
//check if correct container added
var c4:ContainerController = textFlow.flowComposer.getControllerAt(3);
var w4:int = c4.compositionWidth;
assertTrue("Wrong container has been removed ", w4 == 500);
textFlow.flowComposer.addControllerAt(controller3, 3);
containerNumAfterAdd = textFlow.flowComposer.numControllers;
assertTrue("Container has not been added correctly ", containerNumAfterAdd == 5);
//check if correct container added at correct position
var c5:ContainerController = textFlow.flowComposer.getControllerAt(3);
var w5:int = c5.compositionWidth;
assertTrue("Container has not been added at corrent position ", w5 == 300);
c4 = textFlow.flowComposer.getControllerAt(4);
w4 = c4.compositionWidth;
assertTrue("Container has not been added at corrent position ", w4 == 500);
public function containerRecomposeAndConsistenceTest():void
var textFlow:TextFlow = TextConverter.importToFlow(markup, TextConverter.TEXT_LAYOUT_FORMAT);
textFlow.flowComposer = new StandardFlowComposer();
var editManager:IEditManager = new EditManager();
textFlow.interactionManager = editManager;
editManager.selectRange(0, 0);
//create five containers and hid two
var container1:Sprite = new Sprite();
var container2:Sprite = new Sprite();
var container3:Sprite = new Sprite();
var container4:Sprite = new Sprite();
var container5:Sprite = new Sprite();
var controller1:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container1, 200, 200);
var controller2:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container2, 200, 200);
var controller3:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container3, 200, 200);
var controller4:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container4, 200, 200);
var controller5:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container5, 200, 200);
container1.x = 25;
container1.y = 50;
container2.x = 280;
container2.y = 50;
container3.x = 535;
container3.y = 50;
container4.x = 790;
container4.y = 50;
container5.x = 1045;
container5.y = 50;
container4.visible = false;
container5.visible = false;
// add the controllers to the text flow and update them to display the text
if ( == "recomposeContainerTest") //to test if container will be re-composed correctly after some container update
//recompose controller3
controller3.setCompositionSize(250, 250);
var comp0:Boolean = textFlow.flowComposer.composeToController(0);
var comp1:Boolean = textFlow.flowComposer.composeToController(1); // shoud be true since last line before first damaged line will be re-composed
var comp2:Boolean = textFlow.flowComposer.composeToController(2); // should be true - controller3
var comp3:Boolean = textFlow.flowComposer.composeToController(3); // should be true
var comp4:Boolean = textFlow.flowComposer.composeToController(4); // true due to overflow bydesign
assertTrue("composeToController returns wrong flag after re-composite.",
comp0 == false && comp1 == true && comp2 == true && comp3 == true && comp4 == true);
else if ( == "containerConsistenceTest")
var posOfSelection:int = TestData.posOfSelection;
var tfl:TextFlowLine = textFlow.flowComposer.findLineAtPosition(posOfSelection);
var tfl_abs:Number = tfl.absoluteStart;
var tfl_textLen:Number = tfl.textLength;
var controller:ContainerController = tfl.controller;
var index:int = textFlow.flowComposer.getControllerIndex(controller);
var con_abs:Number = controller.absoluteStart;
var con_textLen:Number = controller.textLength;
var idx:Number = textFlow.flowComposer.findControllerIndexAtPosition(posOfSelection);
assertTrue("abs start and text length are not consistent for textFlowLines in the container and the container",
con_abs <= tfl_abs <= con_textLen && tfl_textLen <= con_textLen && index == idx);
private function findFirstAndLastVisibleLine(flowComposer:IFlowComposer, controller:ContainerController):Array
var firstLine:int = flowComposer.findLineIndexAtPosition(controller.absoluteStart);
var lastLine:int = flowComposer.findLineIndexAtPosition(controller.absoluteStart + controller.textLength - 1);
var lastColumn:int = 0;
var firstVisibleLine:int = -1;
var lastVisibleLine:int = -1;
for (var lineIndex:int = firstLine; lineIndex <= lastLine; lineIndex++)
var curLine:TextFlowLine = flowComposer.getLineAt(lineIndex);
if (curLine.controller != controller)
// skip until we find the lines in the last column
if (curLine.columnIndex != lastColumn)
if (curLine.textLineExists && curLine.getTextLine().parent)
if (firstVisibleLine < 0)
firstVisibleLine = lineIndex;
lastVisibleLine = lineIndex;
return [firstVisibleLine, lastVisibleLine];
public function autoAndDragScrollingTest():void
var textFlow:TextFlow = TextConverter.importToFlow(markup, TextConverter.TEXT_LAYOUT_FORMAT);
textFlow.flowComposer = new StandardFlowComposer();
var editManager:IEditManager = new EditManager();
textFlow.interactionManager = editManager;
editManager.selectRange(0, 0);
//create three containers
var container1:Sprite = new Sprite();
var container2:Sprite = new Sprite();
var container3:Sprite = new Sprite();
var controller1:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container1, 200, 200);
var controller2:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container2, 200, 200);
var controller3:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container3, 200, 200);
container1.x = 25;
container1.y = 50;
container2.x = 280;
container2.y = 50;
container3.x = 535;
container3.y = 50;
// add the controllers to the text flow and update them to display the text
//check first and last visible line in container1 before scrolling
var beforePosition1:Array = findFirstAndLastVisibleLine(textFlow.flowComposer, controller1);
var beforeFirstVisibleLine1:int = beforePosition1[0];
var beforeLastVisibleLine1:int = beforePosition1[1];
var position1:int = controller1.textLength - 1;
//try to scroll to end of the container
controller1.scrollToRange(position1, position1);
// verify that the first and last visible lines no change after scroll
var afterPosition1:Array = findFirstAndLastVisibleLine(textFlow.flowComposer, controller1);
var afterFirstVisibleLine1:int = afterPosition1[0];
var afterLastVisibleLine1:int = afterPosition1[1];
assertTrue("the container is scrollable. Expected not scrollable.",
beforeFirstVisibleLine1 == afterFirstVisibleLine1 &&
beforeLastVisibleLine1 == afterLastVisibleLine1);
//check first and last visible line in last container container3 before scrolling
var beforePosition3:Array = findFirstAndLastVisibleLine(textFlow.flowComposer, controller3);
var beforeFirstVisibleLine3:int = beforePosition3[0];
var beforeLastVisibleLine3:int = beforePosition3[1];
var position3:int = textFlow.textLength - 1;
var pos_start_container3:int = controller1.textLength + controller2.textLength;
if ( == "dragScrollingTest")
editManager.selectRange(position3 - 20, position3);
controller3.scrollToRange(position3 - 20, position3);
// verify that the first and last visible lines changed after scroll
var afterPosition3:Array = findFirstAndLastVisibleLine(textFlow.flowComposer, controller3);
var afterFirstVisibleLine3:int = afterPosition3[0];
var afterLastVisibleLine3:int = afterPosition3[1];
assertTrue("the last container is not scrollable. Expected scrollable.",
beforeFirstVisibleLine3 < afterFirstVisibleLine3 &&
beforeLastVisibleLine3 < afterLastVisibleLine3);
public function navigateByLineTest():void
var textFlow:TextFlow = TextConverter.importToFlow(markup, TextConverter.TEXT_LAYOUT_FORMAT);
textFlow.flowComposer = new StandardFlowComposer();
var editManager:IEditManager = new EditManager();
textFlow.interactionManager = editManager;
editManager.selectRange(0, 0);
//create three containers
var container1:Sprite = new Sprite();
var container2:Sprite = new Sprite();
var container3:Sprite = new Sprite();
var controller1:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container1, 200, 200);
var controller2:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container2, 200, 200);
var controller3:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container3, 200, 200);
container1.x = 25;
container1.y = 50;
container2.x = 280;
container2.y = 50;
container3.x = 535;
container3.y = 50;
// add the controllers to the text flow and update them to display the text
//try to use previousLine to get to first container and nextLine to get to third container
var posSecondControllerBegin:int = controller2.absoluteStart;
var posSecondControllerEnd:int = posSecondControllerBegin + controller2.textLength;
if ( == "navigateByPreviousLine")
//to get the selection range at beginning of second container then previousLine should go to the first container
editManager.selectRange(posSecondControllerBegin, posSecondControllerBegin + 10);
else if ( == "navigateByNextLine")
//to get the selection range at end of second container then nextLine should go to the third container
editManager.selectRange(posSecondControllerEnd - 10, posSecondControllerEnd);
var selRange:SelectionState = editManager.getSelectionState();
if ( == "navigateByPreviousLine")
NavigationUtil.previousLine(selRange, true);
else if ( == "navigateByNextLine")
NavigationUtil.nextLine(selRange, true);
//composes all the text up-to date.
var positionAfter:int = selRange.activePosition;
var curControllerIdx:int = textFlow.flowComposer.findControllerIndexAtPosition(positionAfter);
if ( == "navigateByPreviousLine")
assertTrue("The previousLine didn't get to correct container.", curControllerIdx == 0);
else if ( == "navigateByNextLine")
assertTrue("The previousLine didn't get to correct container.", curControllerIdx == 2);
public function defaultContextMenuOnTest():void
var textFlow:TextFlow = TextConverter.importToFlow(markup, TextConverter.TEXT_LAYOUT_FORMAT);
textFlow.flowComposer = new StandardFlowComposer();
var editManager:IEditManager = new EditManager();
textFlow.interactionManager = editManager;
editManager.selectRange(0, 0);
//create a container
var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
var controller:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container, 200, 200);
// add the controller to the text flow and update it to display the text and setFocus to attach contextMenu
assertTrue("The default Context Menu should be on when editMode=readWrite.", container.contextMenu != null);
* Check if the contectMenu is off when editMode=readOnly
public function contextMenuOffTest():void
var textFlow:TextFlow = TextConverter.importToFlow(markup, TextConverter.TEXT_LAYOUT_FORMAT);
textFlow.flowComposer = new StandardFlowComposer();
var editManager:IEditManager = new EditManager();
textFlow.interactionManager = editManager;
editManager.selectRange(0, 0);
//create a container
var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
var controller:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container, 200, 200);
editManager.setFocus(); //attach default contextMenu
textFlow.interactionManager = null; //make editMode=readOnly to disable contextMenu
assertTrue("The default Context Menu should be off when editMode=readOnly.", container.contextMenu == null);
public function overrideContextMenuTestNull():void
var s:Sprite = createInputManagerNull(hostFormat);
s.dispatchEvent(new FocusEvent(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN));
assertTrue("It should be no contextMenu with the override fuction.", s.contextMenu == null);
static private function createInputManagerNull(hostFormat:ITextLayoutFormat):Sprite
var s:Sprite = new Sprite();
var tcm:CustomTextContainerManagerNull = new CustomTextContainerManagerNull(s);
tcm.compositionWidth = 250;
tcm.compositionHeight = 100;
tcm.setText("Hello World");
tcm.hostFormat = hostFormat;
return s;
public function overrideContextMenuTestAll():void
var s:Sprite = createInputManagerAll(hostFormat);
s.dispatchEvent(new FocusEvent(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN));
assertTrue("The contextMenu should be all true.", s.contextMenu.customItems[0].caption == "PageUp"
&& s.contextMenu.customItems[1].caption == "PageDown")
static private function createInputManagerAll(hostFormat:ITextLayoutFormat):Sprite
var s:Sprite = new Sprite();
var tcm:CustomTextContainerManagerAll = new CustomTextContainerManagerAll(s);
tcm.compositionWidth = 250;
tcm.compositionHeight = 100;
tcm.setText("Hello World");
tcm.hostFormat = hostFormat;
return s;
* to test bug 2500307: TCM shouldn't have contextMenu when read-only
public function contextMenuReadOnly():void
var s:Sprite = new Sprite();
s.x = 0;
s.y = 0;
var tcm:TextContainerManager = new TextContainerManager(s);
tcm.compositionWidth = 250;
tcm.compositionHeight = NaN;
tcm.setText("Hello World, there should not be a context menu becasue field is read-only");
var format:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat(TextLayoutFormat.defaultFormat);
format.fontFamily = "Arial";
format.fontSize = 14;
tcm.hostFormat = format;
tcm.editingMode = EditingMode.READ_ONLY;
assertTrue("The default Context Menu should be off when editMode=readOnly.", tcm.container.contextMenu == null);
* to test bug 2504032: TCM contextMenu when using the factory and READ_SELECT should not enable the edit clipboard items such as cut and paste
public function contextMenuReadSelect():void
var s:Sprite = new Sprite();
s.x = 0;
s.y = 0;
var tcm:TextContainerManager = new TextContainerManager(s);
tcm.compositionWidth = 250;
tcm.compositionHeight = NaN;
tcm.setText("Hello World, TCM contextMenu when using the factory and READ_SELECT should not enable the edit clipboard items such as cut and paste");
var format:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat(TextLayoutFormat.defaultFormat);
format.fontFamily = "Arial";
format.fontSize = 14;
tcm.hostFormat = format;
//to make textMenu and clipboardMenu enabled
s.dispatchEvent(new FocusEvent(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN));
assertTrue("The edit clipboard items such as cut and paste were disabled when TCM contextMenu NOT using READ_SELECT", tcm.container.contextMenu.clipboardMenu == true);
//to make textMenu and clipboardMenu disabled
tcm.editingMode = EditingMode.READ_SELECT;
assertTrue("The edit clipboard items such as cut and paste were enabled when TCM contextMenu using READ_SELECT", tcm.container.contextMenu == null);
private function getTestMarkup():String
return "<flow:TextFlow xmlns:flow='' fontSize='14' " +
"textIndent='0' paragraphSpaceBefore='6' paddingTop='4' paddingBottom='4'>" +
"<flow:p paragraphSpaceAfter='15' >" +
"<flow:span>There are many </flow:span>" +
"<flow:span fontStyle='italic'>such</flow:span>" +
"<flow:span> lime-kilns in that tract of country, for the purpose of burning the white" +
" marble which composes a large part of the substance of the hills. Some of them, built " +
"years ago, and long deserted, with weeds growing in the vacant round of the interior, " +
"which is open to the sky, and grass and wild-flowers rooting themselves into the chinks " +
"of the stones, look already like relics of antiquity, and may yet be overspread with the" +
" lichens of centuries to come. Others, where the lime-burner still feeds his daily and " +
"nightlong fire, afford points of interest to the wanderer among the hills, who seats " +
"himself on a log of wood or a fragment of marble, to hold a chat with the solitary man. " +
"It is a lonesome, and, when the character is inclined to thought, may be an intensely " +
"thoughtful occupation; as it proved in the case of Ethan Brand, who had mused to such " +
"strange purpose, in days gone by, while the fire in this very kiln was burning.</flow:span>" +
"</flow:p>" +
"<flow:p paragraphSpaceAfter='15'>" +
"<flow:span>" +
"The man who now watched the fire was of a different order, and troubled himself with no " +
"thoughts save the very few that were requisite to his business. At frequent intervals, " +
"he flung back the clashing weight of the iron door, and, turning his face from the " +
"insufferable glare, thrust in huge logs of oak, or stirred the immense brands with a " +
"long pole. Within the furnace were seen the curling and riotous flames, and the burning " +
"marble, almost molten with the intensity of heat; while without, the reflection of the " +
"fire quivered on the dark intricacy of the surrounding forest, and showed in the " +
"foreground a bright and ruddy little picture of the hut, the spring beside its door, the " +
"athletic and coal-begrimed figure of the lime-burner, and the halffrightened child, " +
"shrinking into the protection of his father's shadow. And when again the iron door was " +
"closed, then reappeared the tender light of the half-full moon, which vainly strove to " +
"trace out the indistinct shapes of the neighboring mountains; and, in the upper sky, " +
"there was a flitting congregation of clouds, still faintly tinged with the rosy sunset, " +
"though thus far down into the valley the sunshine had vanished long and long ago.</flow:span>" +
"</flow:p>" +
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.ui.ContextMenu;
import flash.ui.ContextMenuItem;
import flash.ui.Keyboard;
import flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.IConfiguration;
import flashx.textLayout.tlf_internal;
use namespace tlf_internal;
class CustomTextContainerManagerNull extends TextContainerManager
public function CustomTextContainerManagerNull(container:Sprite, configuration:IConfiguration = null)
super(container, configuration);
override protected function createContextMenu():ContextMenu
return null;
class CustomTextContainerManagerAll extends TextContainerManager
public function CustomTextContainerManagerAll(container:Sprite, configuration:IConfiguration = null)
super(container, configuration);
protected override function createContextMenu():ContextMenu
var menu:ContextMenu = super.createContextMenu();
var item:ContextMenuItem;
item = new ContextMenuItem("PageUp");
item.addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_ITEM_SELECT, menuItemSelectHandler);
item = new ContextMenuItem("PageDown");
item.addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_ITEM_SELECT, menuItemSelectHandler);
return menu;
private function menuItemSelectHandler(e:ContextMenuEvent):void
var key:KeyboardEvent;
switch (e.currentTarget.caption)
case "PageUp":
key = new KeyboardEvent(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, true, true, 0, Keyboard.PAGE_UP);
case "PageDown":
key = new KeyboardEvent(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, true, true, 0, Keyboard.PAGE_DOWN);
Truncation options test for truncation of text composed using TextlineFactory
This is temporary till creating indepndent test file for truncation options.
Most of functions are modification from
var lines:Array;
var textLength:int;
var bounds:Rectangle;
var contentTextLength:int = textLength;
var line0:TextLine = lines[0] as TextLine;
var line0Extent:Number = TextLineFactory.defaultConfiguration.overflowPolicy == OverflowPolicy.FIT_ANY ? line0.y - line0.ascent : line0.y + line0.descent;
var line0TextLen:int = line0.rawTextLength;
var line1:TextLine = lines[1] as TextLine;
var line1Extent:Number = TextLineFactory.defaultConfiguration.overflowPolicy == OverflowPolicy.FIT_ANY ? line1.y - line1.ascent : line1.y + line1.descent;
var contentHeight:Number = bounds.height;
var line:TextLine;
var lineExtent:Number;
var testTruncationIndicator:String
var testFactory:TextLineFactory = new TextLineFactory();
var originalContentPrefix:String;
var singleLineText:String = "A single text line for truncation options test.";
var rtlText:String =
var accentedText:String =
'\u0041\u030A\u0041\u030A\u0041\u030A\u0041\u030A\u0041\u030A\u0041\u030A\u0041\u030A\u0041\u030A\u0041\u030A\u0041\u030A\u0041\u030A\u0041\u030A' +
'\u0041\u030A\u0041\u030A\u0041\u030A\u0041\u030A\u0041\u030A\u0041\u030A\u0041\u030A\u0041\u030A\u0041\u030A\u0041\u030A\u0041\u030A\u0041\u030A' +
'\u0041\u030A\u0041\u030A\u0041\u030A\u0041\u030A\u0041\u030A\u0041\u030A\u0041\u030A\u0041\u030A\u0041\u030A\u0041\u030A\u0041\u030A\u0041\u030A' +
'\u0041\u030A\u0041\u030A\u0041\u030A\u0041\u030A\u0041\u030A\u0041\u030A\u0041\u030A\u0041\u030A\u0041\u030A\u0041\u030A\u0041\u030A\u0041\u030A' +
//function to display the text object
private function Callback(t1:TextLine):void
textLength += t1.rawTextLength ;
public function TruncationOptSingleLineCustom():void
var bounds:Rectangle = new Rectangle(40,40,100,NaN);
testTruncationIndicator = "@@@"
testFactory.text = singleLineText;
var atMark:String = "@@@"
var truncatedTxt:String = "A text line fo@@@";
var truncationIndicatorLength:int;
testFactory.textLinesFromString(Callback,bounds,new TruncationOptions(testTruncationIndicator,1));
truncationIndicatorLength = truncatedTxt.lastIndexOf(testTruncationIndicator);
assertTrue("Truncation indicator, was not @@@!", testTruncationIndicator == atMark);
assertTrue("Truncation indicator didn't appear at the end of sentence!", truncatedTxt.length == truncationIndicatorLength+testTruncationIndicator.length);
public function TruncationOptSingleLineDefault():void
lines.splice(0); textLength = 0;
bounds.width = 200; bounds.height = NaN; testFactory.text = singleLineText;
bounds.left = 0; = 0;
testFactory.textLinesFromString(Callback, bounds, new TruncationOptions(null, 2));
truncationIndicatorIndex = testFactory.truncatedText.lastIndexOf(TruncationOptions.HORIZONTAL_ELLIPSIS);
assertTrue("Default truncation indicator not present at the end of the truncated string",
truncationIndicatorIndex+TruncationOptions.HORIZONTAL_ELLIPSIS.length == testFactory.truncatedText.length);
originalContentPrefix = testFactory.truncatedText.slice(0, truncationIndicatorIndex);
assertTrue("Original content before truncation indicator mangled", singleLineText.indexOf(originalContentPrefix) == 0);
public function UnspecifiedWidthTruncation():void
lines.splice(0); textLength = 0;
bounds.width = NaN; bounds.height = NaN;
bounds.left = 0; = 0;
TextLineFactory.createTextLinesFromString(Callback,singleLineText,bounds,null,null,null,new TruncationOptions(null, 0));
assertTrue("Caused truncation despite unspecified width", textLength == contentTextLength);
public function ExplicitLineBreakingTruncation():void
lines.splice(0); textLength = 0;
bounds.width = 200; bounds.height = NaN;
bounds.left = 0; = 0;
var format:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
format.lineBreak = LineBreak.EXPLICIT;
TextLineFactory.createTextLinesFromString(Callback,singleLineText,bounds,null,null, format,new TruncationOptions(null, 0));
assertTrue("Caused truncation despite explicit line breaks", textLength == contentTextLength);
public function ComposeHeightNoLine():void
lines.splice(0); textLength = 0;
bounds.width = 200; bounds.height = line0Extent/2;
bounds.left = 0; = 0;
TextLineFactory.createTextLinesFromString(Callback,singleLineText,bounds,null,null, null,new TruncationOptions());
assertTrue("Composed one or more lines when compose height allows none", lines.length == 0);
public function ZeroLineCountLimit():void
lines.splice(0); textLength = 0;
bounds.width = 200; bounds.height = contentHeight;
bounds.left = 0; = 0;
TextLineFactory.createTextLinesFromString(Callback, singleLineText, bounds, null, null, null,new TruncationOptions(null, 0));
assertTrue("Composed one or more lines when line count limit is 0", lines.length == 0);
public function UnfitTruncationIndicator():void
lines.splice(0); textLength = 0;
bounds.width = 200; bounds.height = contentHeight -1;
bounds.left = 0; = 0;
TextLineFactory.createTextLinesFromString(Callback,singleLineText,bounds,null, null, null,new TruncationOptions(singleLineText));
assertTrue("Composed one or more lines when compose height does not allow truncation indicator itself to fit", lines.length == 0);
public function ComposingFitToBounds():void
lines.splice(0); textLength = 0;
bounds.width = 200; bounds.height = NaN;
bounds.left = 0; = 0;
TextLineFactory.createTextLinesFromString(Callback,singleLineText,bounds,null, null, null,new TruncationOptions(null, 2));
assertTrue("Invalid truncation results when composing to fit in a line count limit", lines.length == 2);
public function CompostitngFitLineCountLimit():void
lines.splice(0); textLength = 0;
bounds.left = 0; = 0;
TextLineFactory.createTextLinesFromString(Callback,singleLineText,bounds,null, null, null,new TruncationOptions(null, 2));
assertTrue("Invalid truncation results when multiple truncation criteria provided",lines.length == 1);
line = lines[0] as TextLine;
lineExtent = TextLineFactory.defaultConfiguration.overflowPolicy == OverflowPolicy.FIT_ANY ? line.y - line.ascent : line.y + line.descent;
assertTrue("Invalid truncation results when multiple truncation criteria provided", lineExtent <= line0Extent);
public function ComposingFitBoundsAndLineCountLimit():void
lines.splice(0); textLength = 0;
bounds.width = 200; bounds.height = NaN;
bounds.left = 0; = 0;
TextLineFactory.createTextLinesFromString(Callback,singleLineText,bounds,null, null, null,new TruncationOptions(null, 2));
assertTrue("Invalid truncation results when composing to fit in a line count limit", lines.length == 2);
public function ComposingFitBoundsAndLineCountLimit_2():void
lines.splice(0); textLength = 0;
bounds.width = 200; bounds.height = line1Extent;
bounds.left = 0; = 0;
TextLineFactory.createTextLinesFromString(Callback,singleLineText,bounds,null, null, null,new TruncationOptions(null, 1));
assertTrue("Invalid truncation results when multiple truncation criteria provided", lines.length == 1);
line = lines[0] as TextLine;
lineExtent = TextLineFactory.defaultConfiguration.overflowPolicy == OverflowPolicy.FIT_ANY ? line.y - line.ascent : line.y + line.descent;
assertTrue("Invalid truncation results when multiple truncation criteria provided", lineExtent <= line1Extent);;
public function OriginalTextReplacement():void
lines.splice(0); textLength = 0;
bounds.width = 200; bounds.height = NaN; testFactory.text = singleLineText;
bounds.left = 0; = 0;
testTruncationIndicator = '\u200B';
testFactory.textLinesFromString(Callback, bounds, new TruncationOptions(testTruncationIndicator, 1));
assertTrue("Replacing more original content than is neccessary", testFactory.truncatedText.length == line0TextLen+customTruncationIndicator.length);
public function OriginalTextReplacementRTL():void
lines.splice(0); textLength = 0;
bounds.width = 200; bounds.height = NaN; testFactory.text = rtlText;
bounds.left = 0; = 0;
testTruncationIndicator = '\u200B';
testFactory.textLinesFromString(Callback, bounds, new TruncationOptions(testTruncationIndicator, 1));
public function TruncationAtomsBoundaries():void
lines.splice(0); textLength = 0;
bounds.width = 200; bounds.height = NaN; testFactory.text = accentedText;
bounds.left = 0; = 0;
testTruncationIndicator = '<' + '\u200A' + '>'; // what precedes and succeeds the hair space is irrelevant
testFactory.textLinesFromString(Callback, bounds, new TruncationOptions(testTruncationIndicator, 1));
assertTrue("[Not a code bug] Fix test case so that truncation indicator itself fits", lines.length == 1); // baseline
var initialTruncationPoint:int = testFactory.truncatedText.length - testTruncationIndicator.length;
assertTrue("[Not a code bug] Fix test case so that some of the original content is left behind on first truncation attempt", initialTruncationPoint > 0); // baseline
assertTrue("Truncation in the middle of an atom!", initialTruncationPoint % 2 == 0);
var nextTruncationPoint:int;
bounds.height = NaN;
// add another hair space in each iteration, making truncation indicator wider (ever so slightly)
testTruncationIndicator = testTruncationIndicator.replace('\u200A', '\u200A\u200A');
testFactory.textLinesFromString(Callback, bounds, new TruncationOptions(testTruncationIndicator, 1));
nextTruncationPoint = testFactory.truncatedText.length - testTruncationIndicator.length;
if (nextTruncationPoint != initialTruncationPoint)
assertTrue("Truncation in the middle of an atom!", nextTruncationPoint % 2 == 0);
assertTrue("Sub-optimal replacement of original content?", nextTruncationPoint == initialTruncationPoint-2);
initialTruncationPoint = nextTruncationPoint;
} while (nextTruncationPoint);