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<h4>Flash Player in the Browser support is ending!</h4>
Adobe, along with all the major browser vendors (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge) have announced that
they will <a href="" target="_blank"> no longer support the Adobe Flash Player™ runtime at the end of 2020.</a> If you are looking to output content
to the browser, you should check out our sister project <a href="">Apache Royale™</a>, which allows you to continue to use ActionScript and output native
JavaScript and HTML. Apache Flex output to mobile and desktop platforms through the <a href="" target="_blank">Adobe AIR runtime provided by Harman</a> is still supported.
<!-- Features Start -->
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<div class="headline margintop marginbottom"><h4>The open-source framework for building expressive web and mobile applications</h4></div>
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<div class="feature-image"><img src="images/support-icon.png"></div>
<p>Apache Flex® is completely open-source. Apache Flex® is an Apache project, and is released under the Apache License, version 2.0, so you know it is compatible with your business needs. Plus, it is backed by the Apache Community for updates, support and help.</p>
<a href="about-licensing.html" class="btn">Read More</a>
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<div class="featuresbox" >
<div class="feature-image-wide"><img src="images/desktop-mobile-icon.png"></div>
<h4>Desktop & Mobile Apps</h4>
<p>Build applications that target all browsers by leveraging the Adobe Flash Player and JavaScript, make desktop application by leveraging the Adobe Integrated Runtime (Adobe AIR)
or create powerful, cross-platform mobile applications that target Apple iPods, iPhones, iPads, Android based smartphones and tablets, and Blackberry Playbook devices.</p>
<a href="about-features.html" class="btn">Read More</a>
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<div class="feature-image"><img src="images/showcase-icon.png"></div>
<h4>Flex Showcase</h4>
<p>A selection of the many desktop and mobile applications written with Flex.</p>
<p>Proud of your Flex application? You can easily submit a request to have it shown here.</p>
<a href="community-showcase.html" class="btn">Read More</a>
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<div class="feature-image"><img src="images/tools-icon.png"></div>
<p>Utilize the tools you are already familar with. Apache Flex® utilizes MXML for layout and AS3 (an ECMAScript based language like JavaScript) for coding. Use the Eclipse-based IDEs like Adobe Flash Builder and FDT or use IntelliJ IDEA or any text editor to make your applications.</p>
<a href="about-features.html" class="btn">Read More</a>
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<!-- Who is using Flex section disabled until we get more releases.
<div class="headline margintop marginbottom"><h4>Who is using Flex?</h4></div>
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<li class="span2"><div class="thumbnail"><img src="images/companyLogos/Michigan_State_University_logo.png" class="client-logo" alt="Michigan State University"/></div></li>
<li class="span2"><div class="thumbnail"><img src="images/companyLogos/StackAndHeap.gif" class="client-logo" alt="Stack and Heap"/></div></li>
<li class="span2"><div class="thumbnail"><img src="images/companyLogos/systar-logo-300x70.png" class="client-logo" alt="Systar"/></div></li>
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<div class="footer-headline"><h4>About Us</h4></div>
<p>Apache Flex® is a highly productive, open source application framework for building and maintaining expressive web applications that deploy consistently on all major browsers, desktops and devices (including smartphones, tablets and tv). It provides a modern, standards-based language and programming model that supports common design patterns suitable for developers from many backgrounds. Flex applications can be deployed to the ubiquitous Adobe® Flash® Player in the browser, Adobe® AIR™ on desktop and mobile or to native Android™, IOS™, QNX®, Windows® or Mac® applications.</p>
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<p>We have two mailing lists, one for SDK developers, and one for SDK users.</p>
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<div class="footer-headline"><h4>Latest Releases</h4></div>
Apache Flex SDK : <a href="/download-binaries.html">4.16.1 (Nov 2017)</a><br />
Apache FlexJS SDK : <a href="/download-flexjs.html">0.8.0 (Jun 2017)</a><br />
Blaze DS : <a href="/download-blazeds.html">4.7.3 (Mar 2017)</a><br />
Flex SDK Converter : <a href=""> 1.1.0 (Feb 2023)</a><br />
FlexUnit : <a href="/download-flexunit.html">4.2.0 (Apr 2014)</a><br />
SDK Installer : <a href="/installer.html">3.3.2 (Jul 2018)</a><br />
Squiggly : <a href="/download-squiggly.html">1.1 (Oct 2014)</a><br />
Tour De Flex : <a href="/download-tourdeflex.html">1.2 (Nov 2014)</a><br />
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