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<title>Deploying applications</title>
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<h1 class="topictitle1">Deploying applications</h1>
<p>When you deploy an application written in Flex, you make the application accessible to
your users. The process of deploying an application is dependent
on your application, your application requirements, and your deployment
environment. For example, the process of deploying an application
on an internal website that is only accessible by company employees
might be different from the process for deploying the same application
on a public website accessible by anyone.</p>
<p>Use the overview of the deployment process and the general checklist
as a guide when you deploy your application. This topic does not
attempt to define the exact set of steps that you use for deploying
all applications. Instead, it contains an overview of the deployment
process, and a general checklist that you might use when you deploy
your application. </p>
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<h2 class="topictitle2">About deploying an application</h2>
When you deploy an application,
you move the application from your development environment to your
deployment environment. After you deploy it, customers have full
access to the application.</p>
<p>The deployment process that your organization uses might only
require you to copy a application’s SWF file from your development
server to your deployment server. In many organizations however,
the deployment process is more complicated, and involves people
from groups outside the development organization. For example, you
might have an IT department that maintains your corporate website.
The IT department might be responsible for staging, testing, and
then deploying your application.</p>
<p>Your application architecture might also require you to deploy
more than just a single SWF file. For example, your application
might access Runtime Shared Libraries (RSLs) or other assets at
run time. You must make sure to copy all required files to your
deployment environment. </p>
<p>Deployment might also require you to perform operations other
than just copying application files to a deployment server. Your
application might access data services on your server, or on another
server. You must ensure that your data services are accessible by
a deployed Flex application that executes on a client’s computer. </p>
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<h2 class="topictitle2">Deployment options</h2>
following example shows a typical deployment environment for an
application: </p>
<div class="figborder">
<img src="images/inb_devenvironment_Fx_sdk2.png" alt="Typical deployment environment."/>
<p>Deploying an application for Flex SDK might require you to perform
some or all of the following actions:</p>
<p>Copy the application SWF file to your deployment server.
As the previous example shows, you copy the application to</p>
<p>Copy any asset files, such as icons, media files, or other
assets, to your deployment server. </p>
<p>Copy any custom RSLs to your web server or application server.
For more information, see <a href="flx_deployingoverview_dp.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7bc1_verapache">Deploying
RSLs with Flex SDK</a>.</p>
<p>Copy the framework RSLs to your deployment server. For more
information, see <a href="flx_rsl_rsl.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7add_verapache">Using
the framework RSLs</a>.</p>
<p>Copy any SWF files for your module to your deployment server
in the same directory structure as you used for your development
environment. <a href="flx_deployingoverview_dp.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7bbc_verapache">Deploying modules
with Flex SDK</a>.</p>
<p>Copy any SWF files required to support Flex features, such
as deep linking or runtime CSS. For more information, see <a href="flx_deployingoverview_dp.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7bc0_verapache">Deploying
additional Flex files</a>.</p>
<p>Write a wrapper for the SWF file if you access it from an
HTML, JSP, ASP, or another type of page. </p>
<p>A deployed SWF file
can encompass your entire web application, however it is often used
as a part of the application. Therefore, users do not typically request
the SWF file directly, but request a web page that references the
SWF file. For more information, see <a href="flx_wrapper_wr.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7ecf_verapache">Creating
a wrapper</a>.</p>
<p>Create a crossdomain.xml file on the server for data service,
if you directly access any data services outside of the domain that
serves the SWF file. For more information, see <a href="flx_deployingoverview_dp.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7bbe_verapache">Accessing
data services from a deployed application</a>
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<h3 class="topictitle3">Deploying RSLs with Flex SDK</h3>
your application uses custom RSLs, you must make sure to deploy
the RSL on your deployment server, in the same domain, unless you
are using cross-domain RSLs. You use the <samp class="codeph">runtime-shared-libraries</samp> option
of the Flex compiler to specify the directory location of the RSL
at compile time. Ensure that you copy the RSL to the same directory
that you specified with <samp class="codeph">runtime-shared-libraries</samp>. </p>
<p>By default, the Flex compilers dynamically link your application
against the framework RSLs. This means that classes in the SDK are
externally loaded at run time from the framework RSLs. The default
location of these RSLs is on the Adobe<sup>®</sup> web site. If you clients
do not have network connectivity, you must deploy the framework
RSLs to a local location, or disable framework RSLs. To customize
the location of framework RSLs, edit the flex-config.xml file. To
disable framework RSLs, set the <samp class="codeph">static-link-runtime-shared-libraries</samp> compiler option
to <samp class="codeph">true</samp>. </p>
<p>Flex also provides framework RSLs. These libraries are comprised
of the Flex class libraries and can be used with any application
built with Flex. The framework RSLs are precompiled libraries of
framework classes and components. If your client does not have internet
connectivity, be sure to deploy both the signed (*.SWZ) and unsigned
(*.SWF) RSLs. Flash<sup>®</sup> Player will first try to load the signed RSLs
from the Adobe web site, so you should not have to deploy them in
most cases.</p>
<p>For more information, see <a href="flx_rsl_rsl.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7fd1_verapache">Runtime
Shared Libraries</a>.</p>
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<h3 class="topictitle3">Deploying modules with Flex SDK</h3>
<p>Modules are SWF files that can be loaded and unloaded by
an application. They cannot be run independently of an application,
but any number of applications can share the modules. When your
application uses a module, you must make sure to deploy the module’s
SWF file on your deployment server in the same directory structure
as you used for your development environment. For more information,
see <a href="flx_modular_md.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7f22_verapache">Modular
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<h3 class="topictitle3">Deploying additional Flex files</h3>
<p>The implementation of some Flex features requires that
you deploy additional files along with your application’s SWF file.
For example, if you use deep linking functionality in your application,
you must deploy the historyFrame.html, history.css, and history.js
files. If you use the Express Install version detection feature,
you also must deploy the playerProductInstall.swf file with your
SWF file. You typically deploy these files in the same location
that the default HTML wrapper looks for them. For example, the deep
linking files are typically in a sub directory called /history. </p>
<p>For a complete list of additional Flex files that you might deploy
with your application, see <a href="flx_deployingoverview_dp.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7f1a_verapache">Deployment
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<h3 class="topictitle3">Accessing data services from a
deployed application</h3>
a typical Flex development environment, you build and test your
application behind a corporate firewall, where security restrictions
are much less strict than when a customer runs the application on
their own computer. However, when you deploy the application, it
runs on a customers computer outside your firewall. That simple
change of location might cause the application to fail if you do
not correctly configure your data services to allow external access.</p>
<p>Most run-time accesses to application resources fall into one
of the following categories:</p>
<p>Direct access to asset files on a web server, such as
image files. </p>
<p>Direct access to resources on your J2EE application server. </p>
<p>Data services requests through a proxy. A proxy redirects
that request to the server that handles the data service request. </p>
<p>Direct access to a data service. </p>
<p>As part of deploying your application, ensure that all run-time
data access requests work correctly from the application that is
executing outside of your firewall.</p>
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<h2 class="topictitle2">Compiling for deployment</h2>
<p>When you create a deployable SWF file, ensure that you
compile the application correctly. Typically, you disable certain
compiler features, such as the generation of debug output, and enable
other options, such as the generation of accessible content.</p>
<p>This section contains an overview of some common compiler options
that you might use when you create a deployable SWF file. For a
complete list of compiler options, see <a href="flx_compilers_cpl.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7ffd_verapache">Flex
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<h3 class="topictitle3">Creating a release build of your
<p>To compile a release build on the command line, set the <samp class="codeph">debug</samp> compiler
option to <samp class="codeph">false</samp>. This prevents debug information
from being included in the final SWF file.</p>
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<h3 class="topictitle3">Enabling accessibility</h3>
Flex accessibility option lets you create applications that are
accessible to users with disabilities. By default, accessibility
is disabled. You enable the accessibility features of Flex components
at compile time by setting the <samp class="codeph">accessible</samp> option
to <samp class="codeph">true</samp> for the command-line compiler, or setting
the <samp class="codeph">&lt;accessible&gt;</samp> tag in the flex-config.xml
file to <samp class="codeph">true</samp>. </p>
<p>For more information on creating accessible applications, see <a href="flx_accessible_ac.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7f60_verapache">Accessible
applications </a>.</p>
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<h3 class="topictitle3">Disabling incremental compilation</h3>
can use incremental compilation to decrease the time it takes to
compile an application or component library with the Flex application
compilers. When incremental compilation is enabled, the compiler
inspects changes to the bytecode between revisions and only recompiles
the section of bytecode that has changed. </p>
<p>For more information, see <a href="flx_compilers_cpl.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7ffd_verapache">Flex
compilers</a>. </p>
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<h3 class="topictitle3">Using a headless server</h3>
A <em>headless server</em> is
one that is running UNIX or Linux and often does not have a monitor,
keyboard, mouse, or even a graphics card. Headless servers are most commonly
encountered in ISPs and ISVs, where available space is at a premium and
servers are often mounted in racks. Enabling the headless mode reduces
the graphics requirements of the underlying system and can allow
for a more efficient use of memory.</p>
<p>If you deploy a Flex application on a headless server, you must
set the <samp class="codeph">headless-server</samp> option of the compiler
to <samp class="codeph">true</samp>. Setting this option to <samp class="codeph">true</samp> is
required to support fonts and SVG images in a nongraphical environment. </p>
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<h2 class="topictitle2">Deployment checklist</h2>
deployment checklist contains some common system configuration issues that
customers have found when deploying Flex applications for production.
It also contains troubleshooting tips to diagnose common deployment
problems. </p>
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<h3 class="topictitle3">Application assets</h3>
<p>When deploying a Flex application, you must make sure you
also deploy all the assets that the application uses at run time.
These include files that are used by the wrapper to support features
such as deep linking and Express Install, as well as files that
are loaded by the application such as resource bundles or RSLs.</p>
<p>In the case of wrapper code, you will probably be cutting and
pasting it from the HTML template included with the SDK into your
JSP or ASP or PHP pages.</p>
<p>Check that the following assets are deployed with your application
if you use those assets in your Flex applications:</p>
<div class="tablenoborder"><table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" summary="" frame="border" border="1" rules="all">
<thead align="left">
<th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" id="d180706e520">
<th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" id="d180706e526">
<p>Assets to Deploy</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e520 ">
<p>Wrapper files</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e526 ">
<p>If you use a wrapper, be sure to include
it in the deployment process. The wrapper can be any file that returns
HTML, such as PHP, ASP, JSP, or ColdFusion. Typically, this file
uses the SWFObject 2 logic, or includes an <samp class="codeph">&lt;object&gt;</samp> or <samp class="codeph">&lt;embed&gt;</samp> tag
to embed the Flex application.</p>
<p>In addition, if you use dynamic
pages to query databases or perform other server-side actions for
your Flex application, be sure to deploy those as well. </p>
more information, see <a href="flx_wrapper_wr.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7ecf_verapache">Creating
a wrapper</a>. </p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e520 ">
<p>Version detection</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e526 ">
<p>To support version detection or Express
Install in your HTML wrapper, you must add the code based on the
Flex wrapper template to your wrapper, as well as deploy the swfobject.js
file. You must also deploy the playerProductInstall.swf file.</p>
more information, see <a href="flx_wrapper_wr.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7ecf_verapache">Creating
a wrapper</a>.</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e520 ">
<p>Deep linking</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e526 ">
<p>To support deep linking, you must include
the following files in your deployment:</p>
<div class="p">
<p>You must import the
first two files into your HTML wrapper, and store all of these files
in a /history subdirectory.</p>
<p>For more information, see <a href="flx_deep_linking_dl.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7bb5_verapache">Deep
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e520 ">
<p>Runtime shared libraries (RSLs)</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e526 ">
<p>For standard RSLs, deploy the RSL SWF files
with your Flex application. You must be sure to deploy the SWF files
to the same relative location that the compiler used. If you are
deploying an a custom RSL, be sure to optimize the RSL’s SWF file
prior to deployment.</p>
<p>For framework RSLs, if your client does
not have internet connectivity, be sure to deploy both the signed
(*.SWZ) and unsigned (*.SWF) RSLs. Flash Player will first try to
load the signed RSLs from the Adobe web site, so you should not
have to deploy them in most cases.</p>
<p>For framework and cross-domain
RSLs, be sure to deploy failover RSLs to the locations you specified
when you compiled the application. </p>
<p>For more information,
see <a href="flx_rsl_rsl.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7fd1_verapache">Runtime
Shared Libraries</a>.</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e520 ">
<p>Runtime stylesheets</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e526 ">
<p>If you use runtime stylesheets in your application,
you must deploy the SWF files so that they can be loaded. You can
load run-time stylesheet SWF files either locally or remotely. However, if
you load them locally, the stylesheets must be in the same relative
location that you specified in the application.</p>
<p>For more information,
see <a href="flx_styles_st.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7f8c_verapache">Loading
style sheets at run time</a>.</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e520 ">
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e526 ">
<p>If your application uses modules, you must
deploy the module SWF files so that they can be loaded.</p>
are SWF files that can be loaded and used by any number of applications.
If multiple applications use your modules, then you should deploy
them to a location that all applications can load them from rather
than deploy them multiple times across different domains.</p>
more information, see <a href="flx_modular_md.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7f22_verapache">Modular
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e520 ">
<p>Runtime localization</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e526 ">
<p>If your application uses run-time localization
(if it, for example, lets the user switch from English to Japanese
language at run time), then you might need to deploy resource module
SWF files. These modules can contain one or more resources bundles
for one or more locales.</p>
<p>For more information, see <a href="flx_l10n_ln.html#WS19f279b149e7481c-1c03f02c12bd00c4763-8000_verapache">Localization</a>.</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e520 ">
<p>Security files</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e526 ">
<p>If you use container-based security, then
be sure to update your security constraints to include your Flex
application. </p>
<p>In addition, if you load assets from multiple
domains, be sure to deploy any crossdomain.xml files that are required
by your applications.</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e520 ">
<p>Miscellaneous runtime assets</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e526 ">
<p>Not all assets are embedded at compile time.
For example, FLV and image files are usually loaded at run time
to keep the SWF file as small as possible. Be sure to check that
you deploy the following types of assets that are typically loaded
at run time with your Flex application:</p>
<div class="p">
<p>FLV files</p>
<p>SWF files</p>
<p>Sound files (such as MP3 files)</p>
<p>Images (such as GIF, JPG, and PNG files)</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e520 ">
<p>Data files</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e526 ">
<p>It is not uncommon for flat data files to
be used as a data provider in Flex applications. Be sure to deploy
any text files, which might appear in various formats such as XML,
that are loaded at run time.</p>
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<h3 class="topictitle3">Types of network access</h3>
<p>Deployed applications typically make several types of requests
to services within your firewall, as the following example shows:</p>
<div class="figborder">
<img src="images/dp_devenv_Fx_dtsv3_steps.png" alt="Requests to services within a firewall."/>
<p>Most of the deployment issues that customers report are related
to network security and routing, and fall into one of the following
<p>Direct access to resources on a web server, such as image
files. In the preceding example, the client directly accesses resources
<p>Direct access to resources on your application server. In
the preceding example, the client directly accesses resources on Ensure that deployed applications can access
the appropriate servers. </p>
<p>Web services requests through a proxy. A proxy redirects
a request to the server that handles the web service. In the preceding
example, the client accesses a resource on,
but that request is redirected to Ensure that
you configure the proxy server correctly so that deployed Flex applications
can access your web services, or other data services, through the
proxy. </p>
<p>Direct access of a web service. In the preceding example,
the client directly accesses a service on If
a deployed Flex application directly accesses web services, or other
data services, ensure that access is allowed. </p>
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<h3 class="topictitle3">Step 1. Create a list of server-side
<p>Before you start testing your network configuration, make
a list of the IP addresses and DNS names of all the servers that
a Flex application might access. A Flex application might directly
access these servers, for example by using a web service, or another
server might access them as part of handling a redirected request.</p>
<p>Enter the information about your servers in the following table:</p>
<div class="tablenoborder"><table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" summary="" frame="border" border="1" rules="all">
<thead align="left">
<th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" id="d180706e904">
<th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" id="d180706e910">
<p>DNS name</p>
<th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" id="d180706e916">
<p>IP address</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e904 ">
<p> </p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e910 ">
<p> </p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e916 ">
<p> </p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e904 ">
<p> </p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e910 ">
<p> </p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e916 ">
<p> </p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e904 ">
<p> </p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e910 ">
<p> </p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e916 ">
<p> </p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e904 ">
<p> </p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e910 ">
<p> </p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e916 ">
<p> </p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e904 ">
<p> </p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e910 ">
<p> </p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e916 ">
<p> </p>
<p>Enter information about the server hosting the web service proxy:</p>
<div class="tablenoborder"><table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" summary="" frame="border" border="1" rules="all">
<thead align="left">
<th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" id="d180706e1051">
<th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" id="d180706e1057">
<p>DNS Name</p>
<th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" id="d180706e1063">
<p>IP Address</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e1051 ">
<p> </p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e1057 ">
<p> </p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e1063 ">
<p> </p>
<p>Enter information about your web services or any other services
accessible from a deployed Flex application:</p>
<div class="tablenoborder"><table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" summary="" frame="border" border="1" rules="all">
<thead align="left">
<th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" id="d180706e1113">
<th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" id="d180706e1119">
<p>Location (URL)</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e1113 ">
<p> </p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e1119 ">
<p> </p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e1113 ">
<p> </p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e1119 ">
<p> </p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e1113 ">
<p> </p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e1119 ">
<p> </p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e1113 ">
<p> </p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e1119 ">
<p> </p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e1113 ">
<p> </p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d180706e1119 ">
<p> </p>
<div class="nested2" id="WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf662b6-7fef_verapache"><a name="WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf662b6-7fef_verapache"><!-- --></a>
<h3 class="topictitle3">Step 2. Verify access from server
to server within your firewall</h3>
some cases, an external request to one server can be redirected
to another server behind your firewall. A redirected request can
occur for a request to a web service or to any file, depending on
the system configuration. Where it is necessary, ensure that your
servers can communicate with each other so that a redirected request
can be properly handled. </p>
<p>To determine if one server, called Server A in this example,
can communicate with another server, called Server B, create a temporary
file called temp.htm on Server A in its web root directory. Then,
log in to Server B and ensure that it can access temp.htm on Server
A. Try to access the file by using Server A’s DNS name and also
its IP address. </p>
<p>Servers can have multiple NIC cards or multiple IP addresses.
Ensure that each server can communicate with all of the IP addresses
on your other servers.</p>
<p>Also, log in to the server that hosts your web service proxy
to make sure that it can access all web services on all other servers.
You can test the web service proxy by making an HTTP request to
the WSDL file for each web service. In the previous example, log
in to and ensure that it can access the WSDL
files on </p>
<p>If any server cannot access the other servers in your system,
an external request from a Flex application might also fail. For
more information, contact your system administrator. </p>
<div class="nested2" id="WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7bb0_verapache"><a name="WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7bb0_verapache"><!-- --></a>
<h3 class="topictitle3">Step 3. Verify access to your servers
from outside the firewall</h3>
<p>Some servers might have to be accessed from outside the
firewall to handle HTTP, SOAP, or AMF requests from clients. You
can use the following methods to determine if a deployed Flex application
can access your servers from outside the firewall:</p>
<p>On each server that can be accessed from outside the
firewall, create a temporary file, such as temp.htm, on the server
in its web root directory. From a computer outside the firewall,
use a browser to make an HTTP request to the temporary file to ensure
that an external computer can access it. </p>
<p>For example, for
a file named temp.htm, try accessing it by using the following URL:</p>
<samp class="codeph"></samp>
<p>From a computer outside the firewall, use a browser to make
an HTTP request to the WSDL file for each web service that can be
accessed from outside the firewall to ensure that the WSDL file
can be accessed.</p>
<p>For example, try accessing the WSDL file
for a web service by using the following URL: </p>
<samp class="codeph"></samp>
<p>You should be able to access the temp.htm file or the WSDL file
on all of your servers from outside the firewall. If these requests
fail, contact your IT department to determine why the files cannot
be accessed. </p>
<div class="nested2" id="WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf662b6-7fed_verapache"><a name="WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf662b6-7fed_verapache"><!-- --></a>
<h3 class="topictitle3">Step 4. Configure the proxy server</h3>
<p>In <a href="flx_deployingoverview_dp.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7bb0_verapache">Step
3. Verify access to your servers from outside the firewall</a>,
you ensure that you can directly access your servers and server
resources from outside the firewall. </p>
<p>After you configure your proxy server, ensure that the deployed
Flex application can access web services and other server-side resources
as necessary. </p>
<div class="nested2" id="WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf662b6-7fec_verapache"><a name="WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf662b6-7fec_verapache"><!-- --></a>
<h3 class="topictitle3">Step 5. Create a crossdomain policy
file </h3>
<p>Your system might be configured to allow a Flex application
to directly access server-side resources on different domains or
different computers without going through a proxy. These operations
fail under the following conditions:</p>
<p>When the Flex application’s SWF file references a URL,
and that URL is outside the exact domain of the SWF file that makes
the request</p>
<p>When the Flex application’s SWF file references an HTTPS
URL, and the SWF file that makes the request is not served over
<p>To make a data service or asset available to SWF files in different
domains or on different computers, use a crossdomain policy file
on the server that hosts the data service or asset. A <em>crossdomain policy file</em> is
an XML file that provides a way for the server to indicate that
its data services and assets are available to SWF files served from
certain domains, or from all domains. Any SWF file that is served from
a domain specified by the server’s policy file is permitted to access
a data service or asset from that server. By default, place the
crossdomain.xml at the root directory of the server that is serving
the data.</p>
<p>For more information on using a cross-domain policy file, see <a href="flx_security2_se.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7f2b_verapache">Using
cross-domain policy files</a>.</p>
<p>Adobe, Adobe ColdFusion, Adobe Flash and Adobe Flash Player are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries and are used by permission from Adobe. No other license to the Adobe trademarks are granted.</p>