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<title>Spark DataGrid and Grid controls</title>
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<h1 class="topictitle1">Spark DataGrid and Grid controls</h1>
<p>The Spark <a href="" target="_blank">DataGrid</a> control
displays a row of column headings above a scrollable grid. The grid
consists of a collection of individual cells arranged in rows and columns.
The DataGrid control is designed to support smooth scrolling through a
large number of rows and columns. </p>
<p>The Spark DataGrid control is implemented as a skinnable wrapper
around the Spark <a href="" target="_blank">Grid</a> control.
The Grid control defines the columns of the data grid, and much
of the functionality of the DataGrid control itself. </p>
<p>The DataGrid skin is responsible for laying out the grid, the
column headers, and the scroller. The skin also configures the graphic
elements used to render visual elements used as indicators, separators,
and backgrounds. The DataGrid skin defines a default item renderer
used to display the contents of each cell.</p>
<div class="p">
<div class="note"><span class="notetitle">Note:</span> Because the DataGrid control is implemented as a wrapper
on the Grid control, they share much of the same functionality.
Therefore, many of the examples below are for the DataGrid control,
but can be easily modified to apply to the Grid control. </div>
<p>The Spark DataGrid control provides the following features:</p>
<p>Interactive column width resizing</p>
<p>Control of column visibility</p>
<p>Cell and row selection </p>
<p>Single item and multiple item selection modes</p>
<p>Customizable column headers</p>
<p>Cell editing</p>
<p>Column sorting</p>
<p>Custom item renderers and item editors</p>
<p>Custom skins to control all aspects of the appearance of
the DataGrid control</p>
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<h2 class="topictitle2">Creating a Spark DataGrid control</h2>
<p>You use the <samp class="codeph">&lt;s:DataGrid&gt;</samp> tag to
define a Spark <a href="" target="_blank">DataGrid</a> control
in MXML. Specify an <samp class="codeph">id</samp> value if you intend to refer
to a component elsewhere in your MXML, either in another tag or
in an ActionScript block. </p>
<p>The DataGrid control uses a list-based data provider to supply
the data to display. The data provider consists of a list of objects
called <em>items</em>. Each item corresponds to one row of the DataGrid
control. Each grid column typically corresponds to one property
of each row item. For more information, see <a href="flx_about_dataproviders_ab.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7fb8_verapache">Data
providers and collections</a>.</p>
<div class="p">You can specify data in several different ways. In the simplest
case, use the <samp class="codeph">&lt;s:ArrayList&gt;</samp> and <samp class="codeph">&lt;fx:Object&gt;</samp> tags
to define the entries. Each Object defines a row of the DataGrid
control. The properties of each Object define the column entries
for the row, as the following example shows: <pre class="codeblock">&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt;
&lt;!-- dpcontrols\sparkdpcontrols\SparkDGSimple.mxml --&gt;
&lt;s:Application xmlns:fx=""
&lt;fx:Album&gt;Slanted and Enchanted&lt;/fx:Album&gt;
&lt;fx:Album&gt;Brighten the Corners&lt;/fx:Album&gt;
<div class="note"><span class="notetitle">Note:</span> You do not have to specify the <samp class="codeph">dataProvider</samp> tag
in MXML because <samp class="codeph">dataProvider</samp> is the default property
of the DataGrid control. </div>
<p>By default, each column displays one property from each data
provider item. Each column heading displays the name of the associated
property in the data provider item. </p>
<p>The index of rows in the DataGrid control is zero-based, meaning
values are 0, 1, 2, ... , <em>n</em> ‑ 1, where <em>n</em> is the total
number of items in the data provider. Column indexes are also zero-based.
Therefore, if you select the first cell in the second row, the row
index is 1 and the column index is 0. </p>
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<h3 class="topictitle3">Passing data to a DataGrid control </h3>
<p>Specify the data provider for the <a href="" target="_blank">DataGrid</a> control
by using the <samp class="codeph">dataProvider</samp> property. The data type
of the <samp class="codeph">dataProvider</samp> property is <a href="" target="_blank">IList</a>. That
lets you use an <a href="" target="_blank">ArrayList</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">ArrayCollection</a>,
or any other class that implements IList as the data provider.</p>
<p>ArrayList is a lightweight implementation of IList that is useful
if you do not support row sorting in the DataGrid control. To support
row sorting, use a class that implements the ICollectionView interface,
such as ListCollectionView. Typically, you use a subclass of <a href="" target="_blank">ListCollectionView</a>,
such as ArrayCollection or <a href="" target="_blank">XMLListCollection</a>,
as the data provider to support row sorting. </p>
<p>Each row in the data grid corresponds to one item in the data
provider. Data provider items can define their properties in differing
orders. By default, the order of the columns corresponds to the
order of the properties as defined in the first item in the data
provider. </p>
<p>If a data provider item omits a property or a value for a property,
the DataGrid control displays an empty cell in the corresponding
column for that row. </p>
<div class="p">Flex lets you populate a <a href="" target="_blank">DataGrid</a> control
from an ActionScript variable definition or from a Flex data model.
The following example populates a DataGrid control by using a variable: <pre class="codeblock">&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt;
&lt;!-- dpcontrols\sparkdpcontrols\SparkDGPassedData.mxml --&gt;
&lt;s:Application xmlns:fx=""
import mx.collections.*;
private var dgArray:Array = [
{Artist:'Pavement', Album:'Slanted and Enchanted', Price:11.99},
{Artist:'Pavement', Album:'Brighten the Corners', Price:11.99}];
public var initDG:ArrayCollection;
// Initialize initDG variable from the Array.
public function initData():void {
initDG = new ArrayCollection(dgArray);
&lt;s:DataGrid id="myGrid"
width="350" height="200"
<p>In this example, you bind the variable <samp class="codeph">initDG</samp> to
the <samp class="codeph">&lt;s:dataProvider&gt;</samp> property. </p>
<p>The following example populates the DataGrid control from XML
data. In this example, you define the XML data by using the XMLList
class. You then create an XMLListCollection object from the XMLList:</p>
<div class="p">
<pre class="codeblock">&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt;
&lt;!-- dpcontrols\sparkdpcontrols\SparkDGXMLData.mxml --&gt;
&lt;fx:XMLList id="employees"&gt;
&lt;name&gt;Joanne Wall&lt;/name&gt;
&lt;name&gt;Mary Jones&lt;/name&gt;
&lt;name&gt;Maurice Smith&lt;/name&gt;
&lt;name&gt;Dave Davis&lt;/name&gt;
&lt;name&gt;Tom Maple&lt;/name&gt;
&lt;s:XMLListCollection id="employees2" source="{employees}"/&gt;
&lt;s:DataGrid id="dg" width="500" dataProvider="{employees2}"&gt;
&lt;s:GridColumn dataField="name" headerText="Name"/&gt;
&lt;s:GridColumn dataField="phone" headerText="Phone"/&gt;
&lt;s:GridColumn dataField="email" headerText="Email"/&gt;
&lt;s:FormItem label="Name"&gt;
&lt;s:Label text="{}"/&gt;
&lt;s:FormItem label="Email"&gt;
&lt;s:Label text="{}"/&gt;
&lt;s:FormItem label="Phone"&gt;
&lt;s:Label text="{}"/&gt;
<p>You can use Flex data access components: <a href="" target="_blank">HTTPService</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">WebService</a>,
and <a href="" target="_blank">RemoteObject</a>,
to supply data to the DataGrid. To use a remote data source to provide
data, you represent the result of the remote service with the appropriate object,
as follows:</p>
<p>A RemoteObject component automatically returns an <a href="" target="_blank">ArrayCollection</a> for
any data that is represented on the server as a java.util.List object,
and you can use the returned object directly.</p>
<p>For HTTPService and WebService results, cast the result data
to a collection class if the data changes or if you use the same
result in multiple places (the latter case is more efficient). As
a rule, use an ArrayCollection for serialized (list-based) objects
and an <a href="" target="_blank">XMLListCollection</a> for
XML data.</p>
<p>The following code snippet shows this use, casting a list returned
by a web service to an ArrayCollection:</p>
<pre class="codeblock">  &lt;s:WebService id="employeeWS" wsdl=""
  &lt;s:operation name="getList"&gt;
  &lt;fx:ArrayCollection id="ac"
  &lt;s:DataGrid dataProvider="{ac}" width="100%"&gt;</pre>
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<h3 class="topictitle3">Configuring columns</h3>
<p>A <a href="" target="_blank">GridColumn</a> object
represents each column in a DataGrid control. By default, the <a href="" target="_blank">DataGrid</a> control
creates a column for every property in the first item of the data
provider. </p>
<p>Use the <samp class="codeph">DataGrid.columns</samp> property to explicitly
define the columns of the DataGrid. By explicitly defining the columns,
you can set the column order, set column visibility, and set additional
column properties.</p>
<p>The data type of the <samp class="codeph">columns</samp> property is IList.
That lets you use an ArrayList, ArrayCollection, or any other class
that implements IList as the data provider. Most of the applications
in this document use ArrayList to set the <samp class="codeph">columns</samp> property. </p>
<p>To support column sorting, use a class that implements the ICollectionView interface,
such as ListCollectionView. Typically, you use a subclass of ListCollectionView,
such as ArrayCollection, as the data provider.</p>
<div class="p">
<div class="note"><span class="notetitle">Note:</span> You can only sort the columns of the DataGrid programmatically
by sorting the IList passed to the <samp class="codeph">columns</samp> property.
That is, you cannot use the mouse to drag a column to rearrange
the columns. </div>
<p>Use the <samp class="codeph">GridColumn.dataField</samp> property to specify
the property of the data provider items displayed in a column, as
the following example shows:</p>
<div class="p">
<pre class="codeblock">&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt;
&lt;!-- dpcontrols\sparkdpcontrols\SparkDGSpecifyColumns.mxml --&gt;
&lt;s:Application xmlns:fx=""
&lt;fx:Object Artist="Pavement" Price="11.99"
Album="Slanted and Enchanted"/&gt;
&lt;fx:Object Artist="Pavement"
Album="Brighten the Corners" Price="11.99"/&gt;
&lt;s:GridColumn dataField="Album"/&gt;
&lt;s:GridColumn dataField="Price"/&gt;
<p>When you use the <samp class="codeph">&lt;s:columns&gt;</samp> tag, the
DataGrid only displays the columns corresponding to the specified
GridColumn objects. In this example, you only define columns for
the Album and Price properties of the data provider. Therefore,
the DataGrid does not display a column for the Price property. </p>
<p>You can reorder the columns by changing the order of the GridColumn
objects, as the following example shows:</p>
<pre class="codeblock"> &lt;s:columns&gt;
  &lt;s:GridColumn dataField="Price"/&gt;
  &lt;s:GridColumn dataField="Album"/&gt;
<p>In this example, you specify that the Price column is the first
column in the DataGrid control, and that the Album column is the
second. </p>
<p>You can also use the <samp class="codeph">&lt;s:GridColumn&gt;</samp> tag
to set other options. The following example uses the <samp class="codeph">headerText</samp> property
to set the name of the column to a value different from the default
name of Album, and uses the <samp class="codeph">width</samp> property to set
an explicit column width:</p>
<pre class="codeblock"> &lt;s:columns&gt;
    &lt;s:GridColumn dataField="Album" width="200"/&gt;
  &lt;s:GridColumn dataField="Price" headerText="List Price"/&gt;
<div class="p">Rather than explicitly set the width of a column, you can define
a typical item for the DataGrid control. The DataGrid uses the typical
item, and any item renderer associated with a column, to compute
the initial width of each column that does not specify an explicit
width. Use the <samp class="codeph">typicalItem</samp> property to specify
the data item, as the following example shows: <pre class="codeblock">&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt;
&lt;!-- dpcontrols\sparkdpcontrols\SparkDGTypicalItem.mxml --&gt;
&lt;s:Application xmlns:fx=""
&lt;s:DataGrid requestedRowCount="5"&gt;
&lt;s:DataItem key="9999999" name="Typical name length"
price="1234.56" call="false"/&gt;
&lt;s:ArrayCollection id="items"&gt;
&lt;s:DataItem key="1000" name="Abrasive" price="100.11" call="false"/&gt;
&lt;s:DataItem key="1001" name="Brush" price="110.01" call="true"/&gt;
&lt;s:DataItem key="1002" name="Clamp" price="120.02" call="false"/&gt;
&lt;s:DataItem key="1003" name="Drill" price="130.03" call="true"/&gt;
&lt;s:DataItem key="1004" name="Epoxy" price="140.04" call="false"/&gt;
&lt;s:DataItem key="1005" name="File" price="150.05" call="true"/&gt;
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<h3 class="topictitle3">Sorting the columns of the Spark
DataGrid control</h3>
<p>By default, the <a href="" target="_blank">DataGrid</a> control
displays rows in the order specified in the data items passed to
its <samp class="codeph">dataProvider</samp> property. The control lets you
sort data based on the cell value of a single column. To sort ascending
order of a column, select the column header. Select it again to
sort in descending order. </p>
<p>To disable sorting for the control, set the <samp class="codeph">DataGrid.sortableColumns</samp> property
to <samp class="codeph">false</samp>. To disable sorting for an individual
column, set the <samp class="codeph">GridColumn.sortable</samp> property to <samp class="codeph">false</samp>.</p>
<p>Create a custom sort by implementing a sort compare function.
You can define a different sort compare function for each column
of the control. For more information, see <a href="flx_spark_datagrid_sdg.html#WS8b1c39bd7e9fc3647f39ab2512d530e9965-8000_verapache">Create
a custom sort for the Spark DataGrid control</a>.</p>
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<h3 class="topictitle3">Hiding and displaying columns</h3>
<div class="p">If you display a column at some times, but not at others,
you can specify the <a href="" target="_blank">GridColumn</a> class <samp class="codeph">visible</samp> property
to hide or show the column. The following example lets you hide
or show the album price by clicking a button: <pre class="codeblock">&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt;
&lt;!-- dpcontrols\sparkdpcontrols\SparkDGVisibleColumn.mxml --&gt;
&lt;s:Application xmlns:fx=""
&lt;s:DataGrid id="myDG" width="350"&gt;
&lt;fx:Object Artist="Pavement" Price="11.99"
Album="Slanted and Enchanted"/&gt;
&lt;fx:Object Artist="Pavement"
Album="Brighten the Corners" Price="11.99"/&gt;
&lt;s:GridColumn dataField="Artist"/&gt;
&lt;s:GridColumn dataField="Album"/&gt;
&lt;s:GridColumn id="price" dataField="Price" visible="false"/&gt;
&lt;!-- The column id property specifies the column to show.--&gt;
&lt;s:Button label="Toggle Price Column"
click="price.visible = !price.visible;" /&gt;
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<h2 class="topictitle2">The Spark Grid control</h2>
<p>The Spark <a href="" target="_blank">DataGrid</a> control
is a skinnable component that uses a <a href="" target="_blank">Grid</a> control
as a skin part. The Grid control displays a list of data items in
a two-dimensional grid of cells. Each object in the data provider
of the Grid control defines a single row. Individual properties
of each object define each cell of the row.</p>
<p>A <a href="" target="_blank">GridColumn</a> object
represents each column of the Grid control. The GridColumn object
is responsible for displaying a cell value for each row of the grid.
To display a cell, the GridColumn object specifies an item renderer.
To edit a cell, the GridColumn object specifies an item editor.</p>
<p>The Grid control only creates as many item renderers as are required
to display the currently visible cells. For example, you define
a Grid control with hundreds or thousands of rows. Flex only creates
enough item renderers to display the currently visible cells, but
not for the cells that are currently off the screen. </p>
<p>When a cell is moved off the visible area of the screen, its
item renderer is recycled. That means the item renderer can be reused
when a new cell moves onto the visible area of the screen. Recycling
item renderers greatly reduces the overhead required to use the
Grid control.</p>
<p>The following list describes some other differences between the
DataGrid and Grid controls:</p>
<div class="p">
<p>Unlike the DataGrid control, the Grid control is not
<p>By default, the Grid control does not display scroll bars.
To add scroll bars, wrap the Grid control in the Scroller component.</p>
<p>The Grid control does not provide default mouse or keyboard
event handling. You must add support for those events yourself. </p>
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<h2 class="topictitle2">Handling events in a Spark DataGrid control</h2>
<p>The <a href="" target="_blank">DataGrid</a> control
defines event types that let you respond to user interaction. Many
of these events are similar to events used by other Spark controls.
For example, the DataGrid control dispatches a <samp class="codeph">gridClick</samp> event
when a user clicks any cell in the DataGrid control, similar to
the <samp class="codeph">click</samp> event used by other controls. Similarly,
use the <samp class="codeph">gridMouseDown</samp> and <samp class="codeph">gridMouseUp</samp> events
with the DataGrid control instead of the <samp class="codeph">mouseDown</samp> and <samp class="codeph">mouseUp</samp> events. </p>
<p>The DataGrid uses its own event types because it lets the DataGrid
pass additional information to event handlers in the event object.
For example, the DataGrid passes a <a href="" target="_blank"></a> object
to the event handler of a <samp class="codeph">gridClick</samp> event. The
GridEvent class includes the cell location, and other information
necessary to handle the event. </p>
<p>In your event handler, you often access properties of the DataGrid
control. For example, you can access the DataGrid control by using
the <samp class="codeph">event.currentTarget</samp> property, where <samp class="codeph">event</samp> is
the event object passed to the event handler. </p>
<p>However, most of the properties of the DataGrid control are just
references to properties of the underlying Grid control. Therefore,
it is more efficient to access the Grid control directly in your
event handler. You can access the Grid control by using the <samp class="codeph">grid</samp> skin
part of the DataGrid control, as shown below:</p>
<pre class="codeblock">event.currentTarget.grid</pre>
<p>The <samp class="codeph">grid</samp> property in many event objects, such
as event objects of type, also contains a
reference to the underlying Grid control. Therefore, in an event
handler where the event object contains a reference to the Grid
control, you can reference it as follows:</p>
<pre class="codeblock">event.grid</pre>
<div class="p">In the following example, you handle the <samp class="codeph">gridClick</samp> event.
In the event handler, you then reference the properties of the <samp class="codeph">event</samp> object,
in this case the class, and properties of
the underlying Grid control: <pre class="codeblock">&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt;
&lt;!-- dpcontrols\sparkdpcontrols\SparkDGEvents.mxml --&gt;
&lt;s:Application xmlns:fx=""
minWidth="450" minHeight="450"&gt;
private function gridClickEvent(event:GridEvent):void {
// Access the colunm index, row index, and event type
// by using the GridEvent object.
clickColumn.text = String(event.columnIndex);
clickRow.text = String(event.rowIndex);
eventType.text = event.type;
// Access the selection mode of the Grid control.
selectionType.text = String(event.grid.selectionMode);
&lt;s:DataGrid id="myGrid" width="350" height="150"
&lt;fx:Object Artist="Pavement" Price="11.99"
Album="Slanted and Enchanted" /&gt;
&lt;fx:Object Artist="Pavement" Album="Brighten the Corners"
Price="11.99" /&gt;
&lt;s:FormItem label="Column Index:"&gt;
&lt;s:Label id="clickColumn"/&gt;
&lt;s:FormItem label="Row Index:"&gt;
&lt;s:Label id="clickRow"/&gt;
&lt;s:FormItem label="Selection type:"&gt;
&lt;s:Label id="selectionType"/&gt;
&lt;s:FormItem label="Type:"&gt;
&lt;s:Label id="eventType"/&gt;
<p>In this example, you use the event handler to display the column
index, row index, event type, and selection mode. </p>
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<h2 class="topictitle2">Selecting cells and rows in the
Spark DataGrid control</h2>
<p>The <a href="" target="_blank">DataGrid</a> control
lets you configure how the user can select cells and rows. For example,
you can configure the control so that selection is disabled, or
so that the user can select multiple cells of the grid, or multiple
rows. </p>
<p>The following properties of the DataGrid control determine selection: </p>
<div class="p">
<samp class="codeph">selectionMode</samp> Specifies the selection
mode of the control. Possible values are: <samp class="codeph">none</samp> (selection
disabled), <samp class="codeph">singleCell</samp>, <samp class="codeph">singleRow</samp> (default), <samp class="codeph">multipleCells</samp>,
and <samp class="codeph">multipleRows</samp>. </p>
<samp class="codeph">requireSelection</samp> Specifies that a cell or
row must always be selected. The default value is <samp class="codeph">false</samp>.
If <samp class="codeph">true</samp>, and the <samp class="codeph">selectionMode</samp> property
is not <samp class="codeph">none</samp>, then the first cell or row is selected
by default until the user makes a selection, or until you set the
selection programmatically.</p>
<p>Use the keyboard or mouse to interact with the DataGrid control
and to change selection. For example, when using the keyboard, use
the Arrow keys to change the selected item. If you configure the
DataGrid control for multiple selection, select multiple items by
using the Shift and Arrow keys. For more information on keyboard
navigation, see <a href="flx_spark_datagrid_sdg.html#WS0ab2a460655f2dc3-427f401412c60d04dca-7fe8_verapache">Spark
DataGrid control keyboard shortcuts</a>.</p>
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<h3 class="topictitle3">Handling selection events</h3>
<div class="p">Interactive changes to selection performed with a mouse
or keyboard are processed in three steps: <ol>
<p>The <a href="" target="_blank">DataGrid</a> control
dispatches the <samp class="codeph">selectionChanging</samp> event. In the event
handler for the <samp class="codeph">selectionChanging</samp> event, you can
call the <samp class="codeph">preventDefault()</samp> method to cancel the
proposed selection change. </p>
<p>If the <samp class="codeph">selectionChanging</samp> event is not canceled,
the control dispatches a <samp class="codeph">selectionChange</samp> event
to indicate that the selection change has been committed. </p>
<p>If the selection change is committed, or if there was a change
to the caret with no change to the selected item, dispatch a <samp class="codeph">caretChange</samp> event. </p>
<p>You can change the selection programmatically by using methods
of the DataGrid control. The control dispatches a<samp class="codeph"> valueCommit</samp> event
on the change. Programmatic changes of selection are unconditionally
committed, meaning that you cannot cancel them by calling the <samp class="codeph">preventDefault()</samp> method. </p>
<div><div class="relinfo"><strong>Related information</strong><br/>
<div><a href="flx_spark_datagrid_sdg.html#WS0ab2a460655f2dc3-427f401412c60d04dca-7ff4_verapache">Working with the caret in the Spark DataGrid control</a></div>
<div class="nested2" id="WS0ab2a460655f2dc3-427f401412c60d04dca-7ff6_verapache"><a name="WS0ab2a460655f2dc3-427f401412c60d04dca-7ff6_verapache"><!-- --></a>
<h3 class="topictitle3">Handle single cell and single row
selection in the spark DataGrid control</h3>
<p>Several properties of the <a href="" target="_blank">DataGrid</a> and
Grid control handle cell and row selection in the control. These
properties include the following:</p>
<div class="p">
<samp class="codeph">selectedCell</samp> If the <samp class="codeph">selectionMode</samp> property
is <samp class="codeph">singleCell</samp>, this property contains the position
of the cell in the grid as represented by the <a href="" target="_blank">CellPosition</a> class.
The <samp class="codeph">CellPosition.columnIndex</samp> and <samp class="codeph">CellPosition.rowIndex</samp> properties
contain the cell location. </p>
<samp class="codeph">selectedIndex</samp> If the <samp class="codeph">selectionMode</samp> property
is <samp class="codeph">singleRow</samp>, this property contains the index
of the currently selected row. </p>
<samp class="codeph">selectedItem</samp> The object from the data provider
corresponding to the currently selected data item. This object represents
the entire row of the grid. </p>
<div class="note"><span class="notetitle">Note:</span> While the <samp class="codeph">selectedCell</samp>, <samp class="codeph">selectedIndex</samp>,
and <samp class="codeph">selectedItem</samp> properties are all writable, it’s
best to use methods of the DataGrid to change selection programmatically. </div>
<p>In the following example, when you select a row in the control,
the event handler for the <samp class="codeph">selectionChange</samp> event
displays the row index and the lastName field of the data item in
TextArea controls: </p>
<div class="p">
<pre class="codeblock">&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt;
&lt;!-- dpcontrols\sparkdpcontrols\SparkDGSelection.mxml --&gt;
&lt;s:Application xmlns:fx=""
height="450" width="450"&gt;
import spark.components.Grid;
protected function selectionChangeHandler(event:GridSelectionEvent):void {
const eventGrid:Grid = event.currentTarget.grid;
var currentIndx:int = eventGrid.selectedIndex;
var currentDataItem:Object = eventGrid.selectedItem;
selIndex.text = String(currentIndx);
selLName.text = String(currentDataItem.lastName);
&lt;s:DataGrid id="myDG" width="100%"
&lt;fx:Object firstName="Bill" lastName="Smith" companyID="11233"/&gt;
&lt;fx:Object firstName="Dave" lastName="Jones" companyID="13455"/&gt;
&lt;fx:Object firstName="Mary" lastName="Davis" companyID="11543"/&gt;
&lt;fx:Object firstName="Debbie" lastName="Cooper" companyID="14266"/&gt;
&lt;s:Label text="Selected index:"/&gt;
&lt;s:TextArea id="selIndex" height="50"/&gt;
&lt;s:Label text="Selected Last Name:"/&gt;
&lt;s:TextArea id="selLName" height="50"/&gt;
<div class="nested2" id="WS0ab2a460655f2dc3-427f401412c60d04dca-7ff5_verapache"><a name="WS0ab2a460655f2dc3-427f401412c60d04dca-7ff5_verapache"><!-- --></a>
<h3 class="topictitle3">Handle multiple cell and multiple
row selection in the Spark DataGrid control</h3>
<p>Use the <samp class="codeph">selectionMode</samp> property of the <a href="" target="_blank">DataGrid</a> control
to configure it for multiple selection. The default value of the <samp class="codeph">selectionMode</samp> property
is <samp class="codeph">singleRow</samp>, which means that you can select only
a single row at a time. Set the <samp class="codeph">selectionMode</samp> property
to <samp class="codeph">multipleRows</samp> or to <samp class="codeph">multipleCells</samp> to select
multiple rows or cells.</p>
<p>Several properties of the DataGrid and Grid control multiple
selection. These properties include the following:</p>
<div class="p">
<samp class="codeph">selectedCells</samp> If the <samp class="codeph">selectionMode</samp> property
is <samp class="codeph">multipleCells</samp>, a Vector of <a href="" target="_blank">CellPosition</a> objects
containing the selected cell locations. </p>
<samp class="codeph">selectedIndices</samp> If the <samp class="codeph">selectionMode</samp> property
is <samp class="codeph">multipleRows</samp>, a Vector of integers containing
the indexes of the currently selected rows. </p>
<samp class="codeph">selectedItems</samp> If the <samp class="codeph">selectionMode</samp> property
is <samp class="codeph">multipleRows</samp>, a Vector of data provider items
corresponding to the currently selected rows. </p>
<div class="note"><span class="notetitle">Note:</span> While the <samp class="codeph">selectedCells</samp>, <samp class="codeph">selectedIndices</samp>,
and <samp class="codeph">selectedItems</samp> properties are all writable,
it’s best to use methods of the DataGrid to change selection programmatically. </div>
<p>For multiple selection, the set of selected cells or rows extends
from the selection <em>anchor</em> to the last selected row or cell.
The <samp class="codeph">Grid.anchorRowIndex</samp> and <samp class="codeph">Grid.anchorColumnIndex</samp> properties
represent the location of the selection anchor. </p>
<p>The <samp class="codeph">selectedIndex</samp> and <samp class="codeph">selectedItem</samp> properties
are valid in multiple selection mode. These properties contain information
about the first cell or row selected in the list of currently selected
items. </p>
<div class="section"><h4 class="sectiontitle">Select contiguous items in the control</h4>
<p>Click the first item, either a row or cell, to select it.</p>
<p>Hold down the Shift key as you select an additional item.</p>
<p>If the <samp class="codeph">selectionMode</samp> property is set to <samp class="codeph">multipleRows</samp>,
click any cell in another row to select multiple, contiguous rows.</p>
<p>If the <samp class="codeph">selectionMode</samp> property is set to <samp class="codeph">multipleCells</samp>,
click any cell to select multiple, contiguous cells.</p>
<div class="section"><h4 class="sectiontitle">Select discontiguous items in the control</h4>
<p>Click the first item, either a row or cell, to select it.</p>
<p>Hold down the Control key (Windows) or the Command key (OSX)
as you select an additional item.</p>
<p>If the <samp class="codeph">selectionMode</samp> property
is set to <samp class="codeph">multipleRows</samp>, click any cell in another
row to select that single row.</p>
<p>If the <samp class="codeph">selectionMode</samp> property is set to <samp class="codeph">multipleCells</samp>,
click any cell to select that single cell.</p>
<div class="note"><span class="notetitle">Note:</span> You
can also use the keyboard to select multiple contiguous or discontiguous items.
For information on keyboard navigation, see <a href="flx_spark_datagrid_sdg.html#WS0ab2a460655f2dc3-427f401412c60d04dca-7fe8_verapache">Spark
DataGrid control keyboard shortcuts</a>.</div>
<div class="section"><h4 class="sectiontitle">Example: Spark DataGrid using multiple selection</h4>
following example sets the <samp class="codeph">selectionMode</samp> property
to <samp class="codeph">multipleCells</samp>. This application uses an event
handler for the <samp class="codeph">keyUp</samp> event to recognize the Control+C
key combination and, if detected, copies the selected cells from
the DataGrid control to your system’s clipboard. </p>
<p>After you
copy the cells, you can paste the cells in another location in the
application, or paste them in another application. In this example,
you paste them to the TextArea control located at the bottom of
the application:</p>
<div class="p">
<pre class="codeblock">&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt;
&lt;!-- dpcontrols\sparkdpcontrols\SparkDGMultiSelect.mxml --&gt;
&lt;s:Application xmlns:fx=""
import flash.system.System;
import spark.components.gridClasses.CellPosition;
import flash.ui.Keyboard;
// Event handler to recognize when Ctrl-C is pressed,
// and copy the selected cells to the system clipboard.
private function myKeyUpHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void
if (event.ctrlKey &amp;&amp; event.keyCode == Keyboard.C)
// Separator used between Strings sent to clipboard
// to separate selected cells.
const separator:String = ",";
// The String sent to the clipboard
var dataString:String = "";
// Loop over the selectedCells property.
// Data in selectedCells is ordered so that
// the last selected cell is at the head of the list.
const selectedCells:Vector.&lt;CellPosition&gt; = event.currentTarget.selectedCells;
const n:int = selectedCells.length;
for (var i:int = 0; i &lt; n; i++)
// Get the cell position.
var cell:CellPosition = selectedCells[i];
// Get the row for the selected cell.
var data:Object =
// Get the name of the field for the selected cell.
var dataField:String =
// Get the cell data using the field name.
dataString = data[dataField] + separator + dataString;
// Remove trailing separator.
dataString =
dataString.substr(0, dataString.length - separator.length);
// Write dataString to the clipboard.
&lt;fx:Album&gt;Slanted and Enchanted&lt;/fx:Album&gt;
&lt;fx:Album&gt;Brighten the Corners&lt;/fx:Album&gt;
&lt;s:GridColumn dataField="Artist"/&gt;
&lt;s:GridColumn dataField="Album"/&gt;
&lt;s:GridColumn dataField="Price"/&gt;
&lt;s:TextArea id="myTA" text="Paste selected cells here ..."/&gt;
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<h3 class="topictitle3">Working with the caret in the Spark
DataGrid control</h3>
<p>Depending on the selection mode of the <a href="" target="_blank">DataGrid</a> control,
the <em>caret</em> is the row or cell that currently responds to keyboard
input. The caret can be the currently selected cell or row, or a
different cell or row. The <samp class="codeph">Grid.caretRowIndex</samp> and <samp class="codeph">Grid.caretColumnIndex</samp> properties
represent the caret location. </p>
<p>Change the caret with a combination of the Control and Arrow
keys. You can select the caret by pressing the Space key. If multiple
selection is enabled, press the Space key to add the caret to the
list of selected cells or rows. Toggle selection of the caret by
using the Control-Space keys.</p>
<p>The following example uses the <samp class="codeph">caretChange</samp> event
and the <samp class="codeph">selectionChange</samp> event to display the location
of the caret and of the selected row: </p>
<div class="p">
<pre class="codeblock">&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt;
&lt;!-- dpcontrols\sparkdpcontrols\SparkDGCaret.mxml --&gt;
&lt;s:Application xmlns:fx=""
height="450" width="450"&gt;
&lt;s:VerticalLayout paddingTop="5" paddingLeft="5"/&gt;
import spark.components.Grid;
protected function selectionChangeHandler(event:GridSelectionEvent):void {
const eventGrid:Grid = event.currentTarget.grid;
selLabel.text = "The selected row is: " +
caretLabel.text = "The caret row is: " +
protected function caretChangeHandler(event:GridCaretEvent):void {
const eventGrid:Grid = event.currentTarget.grid;
selLabel.text = "The selected row is: " +
caretLabel.text = "The caret row is: " +
&lt;s:Label id="selLabel"/&gt;
&lt;s:Label id="caretLabel"/&gt;
&lt;s:DataGrid id="myDG" width="100%"
&lt;fx:Object firstName="Bill" lastName="Smith" companyID="11233"/&gt;
&lt;fx:Object firstName="Dave" lastName="Jones" companyID="13455"/&gt;
&lt;fx:Object firstName="Mary" lastName="Davis" companyID="11543"/&gt;
&lt;fx:Object firstName="Debbie" lastName="Cooper" companyID="14266"/&gt;
<p>To see the difference between the <samp class="codeph">selectedIndex</samp> and
the <samp class="codeph">caretIndex</samp> properties:</p>
<div class="p">
<p>Select a row in the DataGrid control by clicking it.
Notice that the selected row is also the caret, and that the <samp class="codeph">selectedIndex</samp> and
the <samp class="codeph">caretIndex</samp> properties have the same value.</p>
<p>Use the Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys to move the selected
row. Notice that the <samp class="codeph">selectedIndex</samp> and the <samp class="codeph">caretIndex</samp> properties
have the same value.</p>
<p>With a row selected:</p>
<div class="p">
<p>(On Windows) Hold down
the Control key, and then use the Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys to
move the caret. </p>
<p>(On OSX) Hold down the Command key, and then use the Up Arrow
and Down Arrow keys to move the caret.</p>
that the control highlights the caret row, but the index of the
selected row does not change. Press the Space key to select the
caret row.</p>
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<h2 class="topictitle2">Handle data binding warnings for
the Spark DataGrid control</h2>
<p>The Spark <a href="" target="_blank">DataGrid</a> can
work with static data, meaning data that does not change at runtime.
For example, you can define static data as an <a href="" target="_blank">ArrayCollection</a> of
Objects. The following example defines static data in the DataGrid
<div class="p">
<pre class="codeblock">&lt;s:DataGrid&gt;
&lt;fx:Object Artist="Pavement" Album="Slanted and Enchanted"
Price="11.99" Cover="../assets/slanted.jpg"/&gt;
&lt;fx:Object Artist="Pavement" Album="Brighten the Corners"
Price="11.99" Cover="../assets/brighten.jpg"/&gt;
<p>Dynamic data is data that can change at runtime. When dynamic
data changes, you want to ensure that the DataGrid recognizes those
changes so that it updates its display accordingly. </p>
<p>The item renderer and item editor mechanism used by the Spark
DataGrid control relies on data binding to items in the data provider.
Data binding is event driven. That means an item in the data provider
must be able to dispatch events to indicate that the item has changed.
By using the data binding mechanism, the DataGrid control can update
its display at runtime when an item changes. </p>
<p>In the previous example that used static data, you used the Object
class to define the items of the data provider. The Object class
does not dispatch events when it changes and, therefore, does not
support data binding. The compiler recognizes this situation and
issues a warning when you compile the application. You can ignore
that warning for applications that use static data.</p>
<p>One way to add event support to items in the data provider is
to make sure the class that defines the items is a subclass of the class. Or, ensure that the class implements
the event mechanism. </p>
<p>Flex provides the <a href="" target="_blank">spark.utils.DataItem</a> class
that is a subclass of Object and supports events. Therefore, you
can rewrite the previous example to use DataItem and support data
binding, as shown below:</p>
<div class="p">
<pre class="codeblock">&lt;s:DataGrid&gt;
&lt;fx:DataItem Artist="Pavement" Album="Slanted and Enchanted"
Price="11.99" Cover="../assets/slanted.jpg"/&gt;
&lt;fx:DataItem Artist="Pavement" Album="Brighten the Corners"
Price="11.99" Cover="../assets/brighten.jpg"/&gt;
<p>Because the DataItem class can dispatch events when the data
changes, you can modify the data at runtime and have those changes
reflected in the DataGrid. </p>
<p>Alternatively, you can represent your data by creating a class
that includes the <samp class="codeph">[Bindable]</samp> metadata tag in the
class definition. When you include the <samp class="codeph">[Bindable]</samp> metadata
tag, Flex automatically adds support for event dispatching to the
class. </p>
<div class="p">For example, you create the following subclass of Object that
supports data binding by using the <samp class="codeph">[Bindable]</samp> metadata
tag: <pre class="noswf">package myComponents
public class MyBindableObj extends Object
public function MyBindableObj() {
public var Artist:String;
public var Album:String;
public var Price:Number;
public var Cover:String;
<p>By inserting the <samp class="codeph">[Bindable]</samp> metadata tag before
the class definition, you specify that all public properties support
data binding. You can then use your custom class to define the data
provider, as the following example shows:</p>
<div class="p">
<pre class="codeblock">&lt;?xml version="1.0"?&gt;
&lt;!-- binding/SparkDGBindingClass.mxml --&gt;
&lt;s:Application xmlns:fx=""
&lt;myComp:MyBindableObj Artist="Pavement"
Album="Slanted and Enchanted"
&lt;myComp:MyBindableObj Artist="Pavement"
Album="Brighten the Corners"
<div><div class="relinfo"><strong>Related information</strong><br/>
<div><a href="flx_databinding_db.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7fe7_verapache">Data binding</a></div>
<div><a href="flx_metadata_me.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7a2a_verapache">Bindable metadata tag</a></div>
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<h2 class="topictitle2">Creating item renderers and item
editors for the Spark DataGrid control </h2>
<p>You can create custom item renderers and item editors to
control the display of the cells of the Spark <a href="" target="_blank">DataGrid</a> and
Grid controls. You can also create custom item renderers for the
header cells of each column of the grid. </p>
<p>You set a custom renderer or editor for each column of the grid.
Use the <samp class="codeph">GridColumn.itemRenderer</samp>, <samp class="codeph">GridColumn.itemEditor</samp>,
and <samp class="codeph">GridColumn.headerRenderer</samp> properties to specify
your custom renderer or editor. </p>
<p>You typically create custom item renderers and item editors in
MXML. However, for the highest performance, create them in ActionScript. </p>
<div class="nested2" id="WS0ab2a460655f2dc3-427f401412c60d04dca-7ff2_verapache"><a name="WS0ab2a460655f2dc3-427f401412c60d04dca-7ff2_verapache"><!-- --></a>
<h3 class="topictitle3">The IGridItemRenderer and IGridItemEditor
interfaces </h3>
<p>Item and header renderers must implement the <a href="" target="_blank">IGridItemRenderer</a> interface. Item
editors must implement the <a href="" target="_blank">IGridItemEditor</a> interface.
The following table describes these interfaces: </p>
<div class="p">
<div class="tablenoborder"><table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" summary="" frame="border" border="1" rules="all">
<thead align="left">
<th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" id="d868494e1466">
<th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" id="d868494e1472">
<p>Implemented by</p>
<th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" id="d868494e1478">
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e1466 ">
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e1472 ">
<p>Custom item and header renderers</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e1478 ">
<p>All custom item and header renderers must
implement the IGridItemRenderer interface. The base interface of
IGridItemRenderer is IDataRenderer, the interface implemented by
item renderers for the Spark list-based controls.</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e1466 ">
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e1472 ">
<p>Custom item editors</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e1478 ">
<p>All custom item editors must implement the
IGridItemEditor interface. The base interface of IGridItemEditor
is IDataRenderer.</p>
<div class="nested2" id="WS0ab2a460655f2dc3-427f401412c60d04dca-7ff1_verapache"><a name="WS0ab2a460655f2dc3-427f401412c60d04dca-7ff1_verapache"><!-- --></a>
<h3 class="topictitle3">Using the predefined item renderers </h3>
<p>When using the <a href="" target="_blank">DataGrid</a> control,
you want to ensure the highest performance possible. One of the
main factors affecting performance is the time required to render
of each visible cell of the grid. Therefore, you want your item
renderers to perform at the highest level.</p>
<p>Flex defines several item renderers that you can use to achieve
high performance with the DataGrid control. By default, the DataGrid
control uses the DefaultGridItemRenderer renderer. This renderer
is written in ActionScript to provide good performance across all
platforms. </p>
<p>The following table describes the item renderer classes that
ship with Flex:</p>
<div class="p">
<div class="tablenoborder"><table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" summary="" frame="border" border="1" rules="all">
<thead align="left">
<th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" id="d868494e1575">
<p>Item Renderer</p>
<th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" id="d868494e1581">
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e1575 ">
<a href="" target="_blank">spark.skins.spark.DefaultGridItemRenderer</a>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e1581 ">
<p>The default item renderer that displays
the cell data in a text label using the UIFTETextField control.
This class is not intended to be extended. Create a custom item
renderer based on the GridItemRenderer class. </p>
<p>Because it
supports the Flash Text Engine (FTE), this item render also supports bidirectional
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e1575 ">
<a href="" target="_blank">spark.skins.spark.UITextFieldGridItemRenderer</a>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e1581 ">
<p>Optimized for deployment on Microsoft Windows.
For Windows, it provides improved performance over the DefaultGridItemRenderer.
For other operating systems, use DefaultGridItemRenderer for best
<p>Because it is based on the TextField component,
this item renderer does not support bidirectional text.</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e1575 ">
<a href="" target="_blank">spark.components.gridClasses.GridItemRenderer</a>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e1581 ">
<p>The base class for custom item renderers.
This class implements the IGridItemRenderer interface.</p>
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<h3 class="topictitle3">Creating an item renderer for a
Spark DataGrid</h3>
<p>Item renderers for the Spark list-based controls, such
as List, must implement the IDataRenderer interface. Item renderers
for the Spark <a href="" target="_blank">DataGrid</a> must
implement the <a href="" target="_blank">IGridItemRenderer</a> interface,
which is derived from the IDataRenderer interface. Therefore, the
process of creating an item renderer for the DataGrid is similar
to creating one for the List control. </p>
<p>An item renderer is associated with a column of the DataGrid
control. The item renderer then controls the appearance of each
cell in the column. However, each item renderer has access to the
data item for an entire row of the DataGrid control. Use the <samp class="codeph">data</samp> property
of the item renderer to access the data item.</p>
<p>By accessing the data item for the entire row, the item renderer
can display multiple data fields, or display a single value created
from multiple fields. For example, each row of the data provider
for the DataGrid control in the following example contains four
<div class="p">
<pre class="codeblock">&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt;
&lt;!-- dpcontrols\sparkdpcontrols\SparkDGComplexIR.mxml --&gt;
&lt;s:Application xmlns:fx=""
width="450" height="450"&gt;
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
// Data includes URL to album cover.
private var initDG:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
{Artist:'Pavement', Album:'Slanted and Enchanted',
Price:11.99, Cover:'assets/slanted.jpg'},
{Artist:'Pavement', Album:'Brighten the Corners',
Price:11.99, Cover:'assets/brighten.jpg'}
&lt;s:DataGrid id="myGrid"
&lt;s:GridColumn dataField="Artist"/&gt;
&lt;s:GridColumn dataField="Album" itemRenderer="myComponents.DGComplexIR"/&gt;
&lt;s:GridColumn dataField="Price"/&gt;
<div class="p">However, the DataGrid control only defines three columns. It
then uses the DGComplexIR.mxml item renderer to display the Album
and Cover fields in a single column. The item render is shown below: <pre class="noswf">&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt;
&lt;!-- dpcontrols\sparkdpcontrols\myComponents\DGComplexIR.mxml --&gt;
&lt;s:GridItemRenderer xmlns:fx=""
&lt;s:VGroup height="100" paddingTop="10"&gt;
&lt;s:Label id="albumName"
&lt;s:Image id="albumImage"
<p>Notice how the item renderer uses the <samp class="codeph">data</samp> property
of the item renderer to access the data item that corresponds to
the entire row of the DataGrid control. </p>
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<h4 class="topictitle4">Creating inline renderers </h4>
<p>In the previous example, the item renderer was defined
in a file separate from the main application file. You can define
inline item renderers for the <a href="" target="_blank">DataGrid</a> control.
By using an inline item renderer, your code can all be defined in
a single file. To define an inline item renderer, you use the <samp class="codeph">&lt;fx:Component&gt;</samp> tag.
For example using inline item renderers, see <a href="flx_spark_itemrenderers_sir.html#WSCE72ECF5-4631-436f-A821-D70693559F93_verapache">Defining
an inline item renderer for a Spark container</a>.</p>
<p>The following example creates an inline item renderer by using
the Spark Label control:</p>
<div class="p">
<pre class="codeblock">&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt;
&lt;!-- dpcontrols\sparkdpcontrols\SparkDGStyledIR.mxml --&gt;
&lt;s:Application xmlns:fx=""
width="450" height="450"&gt;
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
// Data includes URL to album cover.
private var initDG:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
{Artist:'Pavement', Album:'Slanted and Enchanted',
Price:11.99, Cover:'../assets/slanted.jpg'},
{Artist:'Pavement', Album:'Brighten the Corners',
Price:11.99, Cover:'../assets/brighten.jpg'}
&lt;s:DataGrid id="myGrid"
&lt;s:GridColumn dataField="Artist"&gt;
&lt;s:Label id="labelDisplay" fontSize="24"/&gt;
&lt;s:GridColumn dataField="Album"/&gt;
&lt;s:GridColumn dataField="Price"/&gt;
<div class="nested2" id="WS0ab2a460655f2dc3-427f401412c60d04dca-7fee_verapache"><a name="WS0ab2a460655f2dc3-427f401412c60d04dca-7fee_verapache"><!-- --></a>
<h3 class="topictitle3">Creating a header renderer for
a Spark DataGrid</h3>
<p>The <a href="" target="_blank">DataGridSkin</a> class
uses the <a href="" target="_blank">GridColumnHeaderGroup</a> component
to control the display of the column headers. The GridColumnHeaderGroup
component displays a row of headers cells, where the vertical edges
of the header cells are aligned with the grid columns. </p>
<p>The GridColumnHeaderGroup component arranges header renderer
instances in a row, where the left and right edge of each renderer
match the corresponding column. The renderers' height is the maximum
preferred height for all of the displayed header renderers. </p>
<p>Like the Grid control and item renderers, the GridColumnHeaderGroup
class only creates as many column header renderers and separators
as are visible. Renderers and separators that have been scrolled
out of view are recycled.</p>
<p>By default, the GridColumnHeaderGroup component uses the spark.skins.spark.DefaultGridHeaderRenderer
class as the header renderer. To create a custom header renderer,
define the renderer in MXML or ActionScript. Header renderers must
implement the <a href="" target="_blank">IGridItemRenderer</a> interface.</p>
<p>Then, use the <samp class="codeph">Grid.headerRenderer</samp> property to
specify to use the custom renderer for the column.</p>
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<h3 class="topictitle3">Creating an item editor for a Spark
<p>The <a href="" target="_blank">DataGrid</a> control
includes an <samp class="codeph">editable</samp> property that you set to <samp class="codeph">true</samp> to
let users edit grid cells. By default, the value of the <samp class="codeph">editable</samp> property
is <samp class="codeph">false</samp>, which means that you cannot edit the
<p>For a DataGrid control, setting the <samp class="codeph">editable</samp> property
to <samp class="codeph">true</samp> enables editing for all columns of the
grid. You can disable editing for any column by setting the <samp class="codeph">GridColumn.editable</samp> property
to <samp class="codeph">false</samp>. </p>
<p>Item editing is cell based. To edit a cell, first select the
cell or cell row, depending on the selection mode of the grid. Then
select the cell to edit. If editing is enabled, an item editor appears
over the selected cell. </p>
<div class="p">
<div class="note"><span class="notetitle">Note:</span> While an item editor is associated with a single cell,
the editor actually has access to the data provider element for
the entire row of the selected cell. Therefore, the item editor
can access and modify any data for the row. </div>
<p>All item editors must implement the <a href="" target="_blank">IGridItemEditor</a> interface.
The <a href="" target="_blank">GridItemEditor</a> class
implements the IGridItemEditor interface. GridItemEditor also adds the <samp class="codeph">value</samp> property
that you can use to pass data to and from the item editor. Most
custom item editors are created as subclasses of GridItemEditor.</p>
<p>The two most important questions when dealing with an item editor
are: </p>
<div class="p">
<p>How do you pass data to the item editor?</p>
the bindable <samp class="codeph">GridItemEditor.value</samp> property to pass
data to the item editor. The data type of the <samp class="codeph">value</samp> property
is Object, so you can use it to pass a single value to the item
editor, or you can use it to pass multiple items as fields of the
Object. </p>
<p>The GridItemEditor class implements the <samp class="codeph">value</samp> property
as a setter and a getter method. When the item editor is created,
Flex calls the setter method, passing the cell data from the data
provider item for the row. Typically, you override the setter method
in your item editor to initialize any items in the item editor from
the cell data. The <samp class="codeph">value</samp> property only exists while
the item editor is open. </p>
<p>To access the data provider element
for the entire row, use the <samp class="codeph">data</samp> property of the
item renderer. </p>
<p>How do you pass data back to the DataGrid control from the
item editor?</p>
<p>Use the <samp class="codeph">GridItemEditor.value</samp> property
to pass data back to the control. Typically, in your item editor
you override the getter method for the <samp class="codeph">value</samp> property
to return any results back to the DataGrid control. The DataGrid
control writes the returned value to the data field of the data provider
element for the row that corresponds to the edited cell.</p>
item editor uses the <samp class="codeph"></samp> method
to write the <samp class="codeph">value</samp> property to the data provider
of the DataGrid control. You can override the <samp class="codeph">save()</samp> method
to control how the <samp class="codeph">value</samp> property is written to
the data provider. For example, the item editor might return multiple
values that you want to write to multiple fields of the data provider
element for the row. Override the <samp class="codeph">save()</samp> method
in this situation to update the data provider.</p>
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<h4 class="topictitle4">Using the predefined item editors</h4>
<p>Flex ships with two item editors that you can use in your
application. The following table describes these item editor classes:</p>
<div class="p">
<div class="tablenoborder"><table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" summary="" frame="border" border="1" rules="all">
<thead align="left">
<th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" id="d868494e1967">
<p>Item Editor</p>
<th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" id="d868494e1973">
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e1967 ">
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e1973 ">
<p>Uses a Spark TextArea control to let you
edit the text value of a cell.</p>
<p>By default, the DataGrid control
uses the DefaultGridItemEditor class.</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e1967 ">
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e1973 ">
<p>Uses a Spark ComboBox control to display
a drop-down list of cell values. Select a value to set the new value
of the cell.</p>
<div class="p">The following example shows a <a href="" target="_blank">DataGrid</a> control
that uses the ComboBoxGridItemEditor class as the item editor: <pre class="codeblock">&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt;
&lt;!-- dpcontrols\sparkdpcontrols\SparkDGComboBoxIE.mxml --&gt;
&lt;s:Application xmlns:fx=""
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
private var myDP:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
{label1:"Order #2314", quant:3, color:'red'},
{label1:"Order #2315", quant:3, color:'red'}
&lt;s:DataGrid id="myDG" width="100%"
editable="true" &gt;
&lt;s:GridColumn dataField="label1" headerText="Order #"/&gt;
&lt;s:GridColumn dataField="quant" headerText="Qty"/&gt;
&lt;s:GridColumn dataField="color" headerText="Color"&gt;
&lt;/s:columns &gt;
<div class="nested3" id="WS0ab2a460655f2dc3-427f401412c60d04dca-7fec_verapache"><a name="WS0ab2a460655f2dc3-427f401412c60d04dca-7fec_verapache"><!-- --></a>
<h4 class="topictitle4">The item editing process</h4>
<p>The following steps describe the lifecycle of an item editor:</p>
<div class="p">
<p>An editing session begins in response to a user gesture,
such as the user clicking a selected cell. You can also make an
explicit call to the <samp class="codeph">DataGrid.startItemEditorSession()</samp> method
to start the editing session.</p>
<p>Before the item editor appears, the DataGrid dispatches the <samp class="codeph">gridItemEditorSessionStarting</samp> event. </p>
can cancel the editing session by calling the <samp class="codeph">preventDefault()</samp> method
in the event handler for the <samp class="codeph">gridItemEditorSessionStarting</samp> event.</p>
<p>Flex sets the <samp class="codeph">rowIndex</samp>, <samp class="codeph">column</samp>,
and <samp class="codeph">data</samp> properties of the item editor. The <samp class="codeph">data</samp> property
contains the data provider item for the entire row. </p>
sets the <samp class="codeph">value</samp> property of the item editor to the
value of the field in the data provider element that corresponds
to the cell being edited. </p>
<p>Flex calls the <samp class="codeph">IGridItemEditor.prepare()</samp> method. </p>
the <samp class="codeph">prepare()</samp> method is called, the editor's size
and location have been set and the editor's layout has been validated.
You can override the <samp class="codeph">prepare()</samp> method to make any
final modifications to the editor, such as modifying its visual
characteristics or attaching event handlers.</p>
<p>Flex makes the editor visible by setting its <samp class="codeph">visible</samp> property
to <samp class="codeph">true</samp>. </p>
<p>The DataGrid dispatches the <samp class="codeph">gridItemEditorStart</samp> event.</p>
<p>When the item editor is first displayed, it is given keyboard
focus and its <samp class="codeph">setFocus()</samp> method is called. You
typically override the <samp class="codeph">setFocus()</samp> method of the
item editor to shift the focus to a specific component in the item
editor. </p>
<p>The user interacts with the editor. </p>
<p>The edit session ends when the user presses the Enter key
to save the data, or the Escape key to cancel the edit. The session
also ends, and the data is saved, when the users clicks outside
the editor, or the editor loses keyboard focus. </p>
<p>If the editing
session is saved, Flex calls the <samp class="codeph">IGridtemEditor.saved()</samp> method
to write the <samp class="codeph">value</samp> property back to the data provider. </p>
can end the editing sessions programmatically by calling the <samp class="codeph">DataGrid.endEditorSession()</samp> method.</p>
<p>Flex calls the <samp class="codeph">IGridtemEditor.discard()</samp> method. </p>
the <samp class="codeph">discard()</samp> method to reverse any settings you
made in the <samp class="codeph">prepare()</samp> method, such as removing
event handles, or perform any other cleanup.</p>
<p>The DataGrid dispatches either the <samp class="codeph">gridItemEditorSessionSave</samp> or <samp class="codeph">gridItemEditorSessionCancel</samp> event.</p>
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<h4 class="topictitle4">Example custom item editor</h4>
<div class="p">The following example shows a <a href="" target="_blank">DataGrid</a> control
that uses and item editor to let the user change the value of the
quant field of the data provider. The second column of the control
specifies to use the DGNumStepperEditor.mxml item editor:<pre class="codeblock">&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt;
&lt;!-- dpcontrols\sparkdpcontrols\SparkDGItemEditor.mxml --&gt;
&lt;s:Application xmlns:fx=""
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
private var myDP:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
{label1:"Order #2314", quant:3, Sent:true},
{label1:"Order #2315", quant:3, Sent:false}
&lt;s:DataGrid id="myDG" width="100%"
editable="true" &gt;
&lt;s:GridColumn dataField="label1" headerText="Order #"/&gt;
&lt;s:GridColumn dataField="quant"
&lt;/s:columns &gt;
<p>The DGNumStepperEditor.mxml item editor defines a NumericStepper
control to set an integer value. The item editor overrides the setter
method for the <samp class="codeph">value</samp> property to initialize the
NumericStepper control with the current value of the cell. </p>
<div class="p">The override of the getter method for the <samp class="codeph">value</samp> property
returns the current value of the NumericStepper control. The <samp class="codeph">save()</samp> method
updates the data provider element for the row of the grid with this
value. The DGNumStepperEditor.mxml item editor is shown below: <pre class="noswf">&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt;
&lt;!-- dpcontrols\sparkdpcontrols\myComponents\DGNumStepperEditor.mxml --&gt;
&lt;s:GridItemEditor xmlns:fx=""
// Override the setter to initialize the NumericStepper control
// with the cell data.
override public function set value(newValue:Object):void {
ns.value = newValue as Number;
// Override the getter to return the current value of
// the NumericStepper control.
// The save() method updates the data provider element for the
// row of the grid with this value.
override public function get value():Object {
return ns.value;
// Override setFocus() to shift focus to the NumericStepper.
override public function setFocus():void {
&lt;s:NumericStepper id="ns" width="100%"
<div class="nested3" id="WS0ab2a460655f2dc3-427f401412c60d04dca-7fea_verapache"><a name="WS0ab2a460655f2dc3-427f401412c60d04dca-7fea_verapache"><!-- --></a>
<h4 class="topictitle4">Keyboard and mouse shortcuts with
item editors for the Spark DataGrid</h4>
<p>The following table describes how the item editor responds
to user interaction: </p>
<div class="p">
<div class="tablenoborder"><table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" summary="" frame="border" border="1" rules="all">
<thead align="left">
<th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" id="d868494e2287">
<p>User interaction</p>
<th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" id="d868494e2293">
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2287 ">
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2293 ">
<p>If cell selection mode is enabled, edit
the cell indicated by the caret. </p>
<p>If row selection mode is
enabled, and a cell has not been edited before, edit the first visible
cell in the row indicated by the caret. Otherwise edit the cell
in the last edited column in the caret row.</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2287 ">
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2293 ">
<p>Save the editor's value and close the editor.</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2287 ">
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2293 ">
<p>Cancel the editing session by closing the
editor without saving the value.</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2287 ">
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2293 ">
<p>Save the editor's value, close the editor,
and open the editor in the next column that is editable.</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2287 ">
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2293 ">
<p>Save the editor's value, close the editor,
and open the editor in the first previous column that is editable.</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2287 ">
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2293 ">
<p>Cancel the editing session by closing the
editor without saving the value.</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2287 ">
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2293 ">
<p>Save the editor's value, close the editor,
and move selection to the same column in the next row.</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2287 ">
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2293 ">
<p>Save the editor's value, close the editor,
and move selection to the same column in the previous row.</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2287 ">
<p>Single mouse click</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2293 ">
<p>Open the editor in response to a single
click on the selected cell. The cell must already be selected.</p>
the Shift or Ctrl key is pressed when the click occurs, then the
editor does not open because the Shift and Ctrl keys are used to
modify the selection.</p>
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<h2 class="topictitle2">Create a custom sort for the Spark DataGrid
<p>By default, users can sort the row of a <a href="" target="_blank">DataGrid</a> by
clicking the column headers. Clicking the column header initially
sorts the display in descending order of the entries in the selected
column, and clicking the header again reverses the sort order. For
an example, see <a href="flx_spark_datagrid_sdg.html#WS0ab2a460655f2dc3-427f401412c60d04dca-7ffd_verapache">Sorting
the columns of the Spark DataGrid control</a>.</p>
<p>The <a href="" target="_blank">GridColumn</a>
<samp class="codeph">sortCompareFunction</samp> property
lets you specify a custom comparison function used to sort the rows
by that column. This property sets the <samp class="codeph">compareFunction</samp> property
of the default Spark SortField class object used by the DataGrid. </p>
<p>The <samp class="codeph">sortCompareFunction</samp> property lets you specify
the function that compares two objects and determines which would
be higher in the sort order, without requiring you to explicitly
create a Sort object on your data provider. </p>
<p>The comparison function passed to the <samp class="codeph">sortCompareFunction</samp> property must
have the following signature:</p>
<div class="p">
<pre class="codeblock">function sortCompareFunction(obj1:Object, obj2:Object, gc:GridColumn):int {
// Sort logic
<p>The <samp class="codeph">obj1</samp> and <samp class="codeph">obj2</samp> arguments
specify the objects to compare, and <samp class="codeph">gc</samp> specifies the
column of the DataGrid control to sort.</p>
<p>Flex ships with two collator classes to help you write your comparison
function. The <a href="" target="_blank">spark.globalization.MatchingCollator</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">spark.globalization.SortingCollator</a> provide
locale-sensitive string comparison functions. </p>
<p>By default, the sorting used by the DataGrid control is case
sensitive. In the following example, you use the SortingCollator
class to perform a case-insensitive comparison of two cells to sort
the Name column of the DataGrid: </p>
<div class="p">
<pre class="codeblock">&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt;
&lt;!-- dpcontrols\sparkdpcontrols\SparkDGXMLSort.mxml --&gt;
&lt;s:Application xmlns:fx=""
width="500" height="600"&gt;
&lt;s:VerticalLayout paddingTop="10"/&gt;
&lt;fx:XMLList id="employees"&gt;
&lt;name&gt;Joanne Wall&lt;/name&gt;
&lt;name&gt;Mary Jones&lt;/name&gt;
&lt;name&gt;mary jones&lt;/name&gt;
&lt;name&gt;Maurice Smith&lt;/name&gt;
&lt;name&gt;Dave Davis&lt;/name&gt;
&lt;name&gt;Tom Maple&lt;/name&gt;
&lt;s:XMLListCollection id="employees2" source="{employees}"/&gt;
&lt;s:XMLListCollection id="employees3" source="{employees}"/&gt;
import spark.collections.Sort;
import spark.collections.SortField;
import spark.globalization.SortingCollator;
// Create an instance of the SortingCollator.
private var collator:SortingCollator = new SortingCollator();
// Define the sort compare function used by the first column.
private function sortCompareFunction(obj1:Object, obj2:Object, gc:GridColumn):int {
// Make the sort case insensitive. The default is case sensitive.
collator.ignoreCase = true;
return[gc.dataField], obj2[gc.dataField]);
&lt;s:Label text="Custom case insensitive sort of the Name colum"/&gt;
&lt;s:DataGrid id="dg" width="500" dataProvider="{employees2}"&gt;
&lt;s:GridColumn dataField="name" headerText="Name"
&lt;s:GridColumn dataField="phone" headerText="Phone"/&gt;
&lt;s:GridColumn dataField="email" headerText="Email"/&gt;
&lt;s:Label text="Default case sensitive sort of the Name colum"/&gt;
&lt;s:DataGrid width="500" dataProvider="{employees3}"&gt;
&lt;s:GridColumn dataField="name" headerText="Name"/&gt;
&lt;s:GridColumn dataField="phone" headerText="Phone"/&gt;
&lt;s:GridColumn dataField="email" headerText="Email"/&gt;
<div class="nested1" id="WS0ab2a460655f2dc3-427f401412c60d04dca-7fe8_verapache"><a name="WS0ab2a460655f2dc3-427f401412c60d04dca-7fe8_verapache"><!-- --></a>
<h2 class="topictitle2">Spark DataGrid control keyboard shortcuts</h2>
<p>A <a href="" target="_blank">DataGrid</a> control
displays a grid of rows and columns. Depending on the available
screen space, all rows and columns might not be currently visible. Paging
down through the data items displayed by a 10-row control shows
items 0-9, 10-19, 20-29, and so on.</p>
<p>The user clicks individual data items to select them. If the
DataGrid is configured for multiple selection, holds down Shift
key while clicking to select multiple items. </p>
control has the following default keyboard navigation features:</p>
<div class="tablenoborder"><table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" summary="" frame="border" border="1" rules="all">
<thead align="left">
<th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" id="d868494e2582">
<th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" id="d868494e2588">
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2582 ">
<p>Up Arrow</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2588 ">
<p>Moves selection up one item. Hold down the
Control key (Windows) or Command key (OSX) to only move the caret,
but not change selection.</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2582 ">
<p>Down Arrow</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2588 ">
<p>Moves selection down one item. Hold down
the Control key (Windows) or Command key (OSX) to only move the
caret, but not change selection.</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2582 ">
<p>Left Arrow</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2588 ">
<p>In cell selection mode, moves selection
one column to the left. Hold down the Control key (Windows) or Command
key (OSX) to only move the caret, but not change the selected cell. </p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2582 ">
<p>Right Arrow</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2588 ">
<p>In cell selection mode, moves selection
one column to the right. Hold down the Control key (Windows) or Command
key (OSX) to only move the caret, but not change the selected cell.</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2582 ">
<p>Page Up</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2588 ">
<p>Moves selection up one page.</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2582 ">
<p>Page Down</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2588 ">
<p>Moves selection down one page.</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2582 ">
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2588 ">
<p>Moves selection to the top of the grid.</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2582 ">
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2588 ">
<p>Moves selection to the bottom of the grid.</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2582 ">
<p>Control key (Windows) and Command key (OSX)
and a navigation key</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2588 ">
<p>Allows for multiple, noncontiguous selection
and deselection in multiple selection mode. Works with Arrow keys,
Page Up key, Page Down key, mouse click, and mouse drag.</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2582 ">
<p>Shift key and a navigation key</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2588 ">
<p>Allows for contiguous selection in multiple
selection mode. Works with keypresses, click selection, and drag selection.
Works with Arrow keys, Page Up key, Page Down key, mouse click,
and mouse drag.</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2582 ">
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2588 ">
<p>Select all grid items</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2582 ">
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2588 ">
<p>Adds the caret to the selection list</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2582 ">
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2588 ">
<p>Toggle the selection of the caret. </p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2582 ">
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d868494e2588 ">
<p>Extends selection from the anchor to the