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<title>Communicating with the wrapper</title>
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<h1 class="topictitle1">Communicating with the wrapper</h1>
You exchange
data between an Flex application and the
HTML page that embeds that application in several ways, depending
on the type of integration that your application requires. </p>
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<h2 class="topictitle2">About exchanging data with applications</h2>
<p>Applications built with Flex generally exist inside larger
web applications that control everything from security to state
management to the overall look and feel of the website. In this
scenario it is important that the application is able to communicate
with the surrounding environment, providing a deeper integration
with the larger web application. Enabling the application to communicate
with the environment provides a method of integration with other technologies
such as Ajax.</p>
<p>Often, an application is loaded in a browser within a wrapper.
This wrapper is often an HTML page that can include JavaScript or
other client-side logic that the application can interact with. </p>
<p>There are several ways to communicate between the surrounding
environment and the application; depending on the type of integration
required, any combination of <samp class="codeph">flashVars </samp>properties,
query string parameters, the <samp class="codeph">navigateToURL()</samp> method,
and the ExternalInterface class can be employed. In addition, you
can communicate between two applications on the same page by using
<p>To pass request data into your applications, you can define <samp class="codeph">flashVars</samp> properties
inside your HTML wrapper and access their values using the <samp class="codeph">FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.parameters</samp>.
For more information, see <a href="flx_passingarguments_pa.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7f5e_verapache">Passing
request data with flashVars properties</a>. Using these techniques,
you can personalize an application without requiring a recompilation.</p>
<p>Use the methods of the <a href="" target="_blank">ExternalInterface</a> API
to call the methods of your applications and vice versa. The <a href="" target="_blank">addCallback()</a> method
exposes methods of your application to the wrapper. The <a href="" target="_blank">call()</a> method
invokes a method within the wrapper and returns any results. If
the wrapper is HTML, the <samp class="codeph">addCallback()</samp> and <samp class="codeph">call()</samp> methods
enable method invocation between your application and the hosted
scripting language running within the browser. For more information,
see <a href="flx_passingarguments_pa.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7ea8_verapache">About
the ExternalInterface API</a>.</p>
<p>In some situations, you want to open a new browser window or
navigate to a new location. You can do this with the <a href="" target="_blank">navigateToURL()</a> global
function. Although it is not part of the ExternalInterface API,
this method is flexible enough to let you write JavaScript inside
it, and invoke JavaScript functions on the resulting HTML page.
The <samp class="codeph">navigateToURL()</samp> method is a global function
in the package. </p>
<div><div class="relinfo"><strong>Related information</strong><br/>
<div><a href="flx_wrapper_wr.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7ecf_verapache">Creating a wrapper</a></div>
<div class="nested2" id="WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf626ae-7ff4_verapache"><a name="WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf626ae-7ff4_verapache"><!-- --></a>
<h3 class="topictitle3">Determining the application’s URL</h3>
<p>Flex provides some simple mechanisms for getting information
about the browser and the environment in which the application runs.
From within the application, you can get the URL to the SWF file
by using the <samp class="codeph">FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.url</samp> property.
To access properties of the FlexGlobals class, you must import mx.core.FlexGlobals.</p>
<p>The following example gets the SWF file’s URL and extracts the
host name from the URL:</p>
<pre class="codeblock">&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt;
&lt;!-- wrapper/GetURLInfo.mxml --&gt;
xmlns:s="library://" creationComplete="getHostName()"&gt;
import mx.core.FlexGlobals;
public var g_HostString:String;
public var g_ContextRoot:String;
public var g_BaseURL:String;
private function getHostName():void {
g_BaseURL = FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.url;
var pattern1:RegExp = new RegExp("http://[^/]*/");
if (pattern1.test(g_BaseURL) == true) {
g_HostString = pattern1.exec(g_BaseURL).toString();
} else{
g_HostString = "http://localhost/"
&lt;mx:FormItem label="Base URL:"&gt;
&lt;mx:Label text="{g_BaseURL}"/&gt;
&lt;mx:FormItem label="Host Name:"&gt;
&lt;mx:Label text="{g_HostString}"/&gt;
<p>You can also use the flash.system.Capabilities class to access
information about the client, such as Operating System, Player version,
and language. </p>
<p>You can access more information about the browser and the application’s environment
using the ExternalInterface. For more information, see <a href="flx_passingarguments_pa.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7ea8_verapache">About
the ExternalInterface API</a>.</p>
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<h3 class="topictitle3">About the ExternalInterface API</h3>
use the <a href="" target="_blank">ExternalInterface</a> API
to let your application call methods in the wrapper and to allow
the wrapper to call functions in your application. The ExternalInterface
API consists primarily of the <a href="" target="_blank">call()</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">addCallback()</a> methods
in the flash.external package. </p>
<p>The following browsers support the ExternalInterface API:</p>
<p>All versions of Internet Explorer for Windows (5.0 and
<p>Embedded custom ActiveX containers, such as a desktop application embedding
the Adobe<sup>®</sup> Flash<sup>®</sup> Player
ActiveX control</p>
<p>Any browser that supports the NPRuntime interface (which
currently includes the following browsers):</p>
1.0 and later</p>
<p>Mozilla 1.7.5 and later</p>
<p>Netscape 8.0 and later</p>
<p>Safari 1.3 and later</p>
<p>Before you execute code that uses the ExternalInterface API,
you should check whether the browser supports it. You do this by
using the <samp class="codeph">available</samp> property of the ExternalInterface
object in your application. The <samp class="codeph">available</samp> property
is a Boolean value that is <samp class="codeph">true</samp> if the browser
supports the ExternalInterface API and <samp class="codeph">false</samp> if
the browser does not. It is a read-only property.</p>
<p>The following example uses the <samp class="codeph">available</samp> property
to detect support for the ExternalInterface API before executing
methods that use the class:</p>
<pre class="codeblock">&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt;
&lt;!-- wrapper/CheckExternalInterface.mxml --&gt;
public var eiStatus:String;
private function checkEI():void {
eiStatus = ExternalInterface.available.toString();
&lt;s:Label id="l1" text="External Interface supported? {eiStatus}"/&gt;
&lt;/s:Application&gt; </pre>
<p>The <samp class="codeph">available</samp> property determines only if the
browser can support the <a href="" target="_blank">ExternalInterface</a> API,
based on its version and manufacturer. If JavaScript is disabled
in the browser, the <samp class="codeph">available</samp> property still returns <samp class="codeph">true</samp>.</p>
<p>For examples of using the ExternalInterface API with applications,
see <a href="flx_passingarguments_pa.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7f31_verapache">Using
the ExternalInterface API to access JavaScript</a> and <a href="flx_passingarguments_pa.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7e92_verapache">Accessing
Flex from JavaScript</a>.</p>
<p>In addition to requiring that browsers meet certain version requirements,
the ExternalInterface API requires that JavaScript is enabled in
the browser. You can use the <samp class="codeph">&lt;noscript&gt;</samp> tag
in the HTML page to handle a browser with disabled JavaScript. For
more information, see <a href="flx_passingarguments_pa.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7e9a_verapache">Handling
browsers that disable JavaScript</a>.</p>
<p>The ExternalInterface API is restricted by the security sandbox
in which the SWF file is running. Its use relies on the domain-based
security restrictions that the <samp class="codeph">allowScriptAccess</samp> and <samp class="codeph">allowNetworking</samp> parameters
define. You set the values of the <samp class="codeph">allowScriptAccess</samp> and <samp class="codeph">allowNetworking</samp> parameters in
the SWF file’s wrapper. </p>
<div><div class="relinfo"><strong>Related information</strong><br/>
<div><a href="flx_wrapper_wr.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7ecf_verapache">Creating a wrapper</a></div>
<div><a href="flx_security2_se.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7f9b_verapache">Security</a></div>
<div><a href="flx_passingarguments_pa.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7ea6_verapache">About ExternalInterface API security in Flex</a></div>
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<h3 class="topictitle3">Enabling Netscape connections</h3>
<p>In some versions of Netscape browsers, you must set the
value of the <samp class="codeph">swliveconnect</samp> property to <samp class="codeph">true</samp> in
your HTML wrapper to enable the application to connect with the
page’s scripting language (usually JavaScript).</p>
<div class="p">If you are using SWFObject 2 to embed your application, then
set the value of the <samp class="codeph">swliveconnect</samp> property on
the params object to <samp class="codeph">true</samp>, as the following example
shows:<pre class="codeblock">var params = {};
params.swfliveconnect = "true";
params.quality = "high";
params.bgcolor = "#ffffff";
params.allowscriptaccess = "sameDomain";</pre>
<p>If your wrapper uses the <samp class="codeph">&lt;object&gt;</samp> and <samp class="codeph">&lt;embed&gt;</samp> syntax,
include <samp class="codeph">swliveconnect=true</samp> in the <samp class="codeph">&lt;embed&gt;</samp> tag
in your wrapper, as the following example shows:</p>
<pre class="codeblock"> &lt;embed pluginspage=''
<p>You are not required to set the value of <samp class="codeph">swliveconnect</samp> to <samp class="codeph">true</samp> in
the <samp class="codeph">&lt;object&gt;</samp> tag because the <samp class="codeph">&lt;object&gt;</samp> tag
is used by Microsoft Internet Explorer, and not by Netscape browsers.</p>
<div class="nested1" id="WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf626ae-7feb_verapache"><a name="WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf626ae-7feb_verapache"><!-- --></a>
<h2 class="topictitle2">Passing request data with flashVars properties</h2>
<p>You pass request data to applications built with Flex by
defining the <samp class="codeph">flashVars</samp> properties in the wrapper.
You can also access URL fragments by using the BrowserManager. For
more information, see <a href="flx_deep_linking_dl.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7e9c_verapache">Passing
request data with URL fragments</a>.</p>
<p>The <samp class="codeph">flashVars</samp> properties and URL fragments are
read in the application at run time. As a result, changing <samp class="codeph">flashVars</samp> properties
or URL fragments does not require you to recompile the application.</p>
<div class="nested2" id="WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7f5e_verapache"><a name="WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7f5e_verapache"><!-- --></a>
<h3 class="topictitle3">Passing request data with flashVars
<p>You add <samp class="codeph">flashVars</samp> variables by creating
an object called flashvars, setting properties on that object, and
then passing that object to the <samp class="codeph">swfobject.embedSWF()</samp> method
of SWFObject 2.</p>
<div class="p">The following example sets the <samp class="codeph">firstname</samp> and <samp class="codeph">lastname</samp> properties
of the flashvars object, and then passes that object to the <samp class="codeph">embedSWF()</samp> method:<pre class="codeblock">&lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt;
var swfVersionStr = "10.0.0";
var xiSwfUrlStr = "playerProductInstall.swf";
var flashvars = {};
flashvars.firstname = "Nick";
flashvars.lastname = "Danger";
var params = {};
params.quality = "high";
params.bgcolor = "#ffffff";
params.allowscriptaccess = "sameDomain";
var attributes = {}; = "TestProject"; = "TestProject";
attributes.align = "middle";
"FlashVarTest.swf", "flashContent", "100%", "100%", swfVersionStr,
xiSwfUrlStr, flashvars, params, attributes);
swfobject.createCSS("#flashContent", "display:block;text-align:left;");
If your wrapper uses the <samp class="codeph">&lt;object&gt;</samp> and <samp class="codeph">&lt;embed&gt;</samp> tags,
you can pass variables to your applications by using the <samp class="codeph">flashVars</samp> properties
in the <samp class="codeph">&lt;object&gt;</samp> and <samp class="codeph">&lt;embed&gt;</samp> tags
in your wrapper. You do this by adding ampersand-separated sets of
name-value pairs to these properties.</p>
<p>The following example sets the values of the <samp class="codeph">firstname</samp> and <samp class="codeph">lastname</samp> in
the <samp class="codeph">flashVars</samp> properties inside the <samp class="codeph">&lt;object&gt;</samp> and <samp class="codeph">&lt;embed&gt;</samp> tags
in a simple wrapper:</p>
<pre class="codeblock">&lt;html&gt;
body {
margin: 0px;
&lt;body scroll='no'&gt;
&lt;table width='100%' height='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'&gt;&lt;tr&gt;&lt;td valign='top'&gt;
&lt;h1&gt;Simplest FlashVarTest Wrapper&lt;/h1&gt;
&lt;object id='mySwf' classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' height='100%' width='100%'&gt;
&lt;param name='src' value='FlashVarTest.swf'/&gt;
&lt;param name='flashVars' value='firstname=Nick&amp;lastname=Danger'/&gt;
&lt;embed name='mySwf' src='FlashVarTest.swf' height='100%' width='100%' flashVars='firstname=Nick&amp;lastname=Danger'/&gt;
<p>The value of the <samp class="codeph">flashVars</samp> properties do not
have to be static. If you use JSP to return the wrapper, for example,
you can use any JSP expression for the value of the <samp class="codeph">flashVars</samp> properties
that can be evaluated to a String.</p>
<p>The following example uses the values stored in the HttpServletRequest
object (in this case, you can use form or query string parameters):</p>
<pre class="codeblock">&lt;!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""&gt;
&lt;!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet --&gt;
String fName = (String) request.getParameter("firstname");
String lName = (String) request.getParameter("lastname");
&lt;html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en"&gt;
&lt;script type="text/javascript" src="swfobject.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
&lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt;
var swfVersionStr = "0";
var xiSwfUrlStr = "";
var flashvars = {};
flashvars.firstname = "&lt;%= fName %&gt;";
flashvars.lastname = "&lt;%= lName %&gt;";
var params = {};
params.quality = "high";
params.bgcolor = "#ffffff";
params.allowscriptaccess = "sameDomain";
var attributes = {}; = "FlashVarTest"; = "FlashVarTest";
attributes.align = "middle";
"FlashVarTest.swf", "flashContent",
"100%", "100%",
swfVersionStr, xiSwfUrlStr,
flashvars, params, attributes);
&lt;div id="flashContent"/&gt;
&lt;/html&gt; </pre>
<div class="p">You can also PHP expressions to pass query string parameters
in a wrapper, as the following example shows:<pre class="codeblock">&lt;!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet --&gt;
&lt;html lang="en"&gt;
@ $fName = $_GET['firstname'];
@ $lName = $_GET['lastname'];
&lt;script type="text/javascript" src="swfobject.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
&lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt;
var swfVersionStr = "";
var xiSwfUrlStr = "";
var flashvars = {};
flashvars.fName = "&lt;?php echo $fName; ?&gt;"
flashvars.lName = "&lt;?php echo $lName; ?&gt;"
var params = {};
params.quality = "high";
params.bgcolor = "#ffffff";
params.allowscriptaccess = "sameDomain";
var attributes = {}; = "FlashVarTest"; = "FlashVarTest";
attributes.align = "middle";
"FlashVarTest.swf", "flashContent",
"100%", "100%",
swfVersionStr, xiSwfUrlStr,
flashvars, params, attributes);
swfobject.createCSS("#flashContent", "display:block;text-align:left;");
&lt;body &gt;
&lt;div id="flashContent"&gt;
<p>For more information about the HTML wrapper, see <a href="flx_wrapper_wr.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7ecf_verapache">Creating
a wrapper</a>.</p>
<p>If your user requests the SWF file directly in the browser, without
a wrapper, you can access variables on the query string without
providing additional code in the wrapper (because there is no wrapper).
The following URL passes the name Nick and the hometown San Francisco
to the application:</p>
<pre class="codeblock"><strong>http://localhost:8100/flex/myApp.swf?myName=Nick&amp;myHometown=San%20Francisco</strong></pre>
<div class="section" id="WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7f5e_verapache__WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf626ae-7ff7_verapache"><a name="WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7f5e_verapache__WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf626ae-7ff7_verapache"><!-- --></a><h4 class="sectiontitle">About
flashVars properties encoding</h4>
The values of the <samp class="codeph">flashVars</samp> properties
must be URL encoded. The format of the string is a set of name-value
pairs separated by an ampersand (&amp;). You can escape special
and nonprintable characters with a percent symbol (%) followed by
a two-digit hexadecimal value. You can represent a single blank
space by using the plus sign (+).</p>
encoding for <samp class="codeph">flashVars</samp> properties is the same as
the page. Internet Explorer provides UTF-16-compliant strings on
the Windows platform. Netscape sends a UTF-8-encoded string to Flash
<p>Most browsers support a <samp class="codeph">flashVars</samp> string
or query string up to 64 KB (65535 bytes) in length. They can include
any number of name-value pairs. </p>
<div class="section" id="WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7f5e_verapache__WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf626ae-7ff6_verapache"><a name="WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7f5e_verapache__WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf626ae-7ff6_verapache"><!-- --></a><h4 class="sectiontitle">Using
the SWF file path to pass request data</h4>
<p>You can append
the values of properties to the application’s SWF file path in the wrapper.
The <samp class="codeph">swfUrlStr</samp>
<samp class="codeph"/> property identifies
the location of the application’s SWF file. It is the first argument
in the <samp class="codeph">swfobject.embedSWF()</samp> method call.</p>
<div class="p">The
following example appends query string parameters to the <samp class="codeph">swfUrlStr</samp> properties
in the custom wrapper:<pre class="codeblock">&lt;!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""&gt;
&lt;!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet --&gt;
&lt;html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en"&gt;
&lt;script type="text/javascript" src="swfobject.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
&lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt;
var swfVersionStr = "0";
var xiSwfUrlStr = "";
var flashvars = {};
var params = {};
params.quality = "high";
params.bgcolor = "#ffffff";
params.allowscriptaccess = "sameDomain";
var attributes = {}; = "FlashVarTest"; = "FlashVarTest";
attributes.align = "middle";
"flashContent", "100%", "100%",
swfVersionStr, xiSwfUrlStr,
flashvars, params, attributes);
&lt;div id="flashContent"/&gt;
<p>Variables you define in this manner
are accessible in the same way as <samp class="codeph">flashVars</samp> properties.
For more information, see <a href="flx_passingarguments_pa.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7e99_verapache">Accessing
the flashVars properties</a>.</p>
<div class="nested2" id="WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7e99_verapache"><a name="WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7e99_verapache"><!-- --></a>
<h3 class="topictitle3">Accessing the flashVars properties</h3>
<p>To access the values of the <samp class="codeph">flashVars</samp> properties,
you use the FlexGlobals object’s <samp class="codeph">topLevelApplication.parameters</samp> property.
This property points to a dynamic object that stores the parameters
as name-value pairs. You can access variables on the parameters
object by specifying <samp class="codeph">parameters.<em>variable_name</em>
</samp>. </p>
<p>In your application, you typically assign the values of the run-time
properties to local variables. You assign the values of these properties
after the Application’s <samp class="codeph">creationComplete</samp> event
is dispatched. Otherwise, the run-time properties might not be available
when you try to assign their values to local variables.</p>
<p>The following example defines the <samp class="codeph">myName</samp> and <samp class="codeph">myHometown</samp> variables
and binds them to the text of <a href="" target="_blank">Label</a> controls
in the <samp class="codeph">initVars()</samp> method:</p>
<pre class="noswf">&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt;
&lt;!-- wrapper/ApplicationParameters.mxml --&gt;
xmlns:s="library://" creationComplete="initVars()"&gt;
import mx.core.FlexGlobals;
/* Declare bindable properties in Application scope. */
public var myName:String;
public var myHometown:String;
/* Assign values to new properties. */
private function initVars():void {
myName = FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.parameters.myName;
myHometown = FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.parameters.myHometown;
&lt;s:Label text="Name: "/&gt;
&lt;s:Label text="{myName}" fontWeight="bold"/&gt;
&lt;s:Label text="Hometown: "/&gt;
&lt;s:Label text="{myHometown}" fontWeight="bold"/&gt;
&lt;/s:Application&gt; </pre>
<p>When a user requests this application with the <samp class="codeph">myName</samp> and <samp class="codeph">myHometown</samp> parameters
defined as <samp class="codeph">flashVars</samp> properties or as query string
parameters, Flex displays their values in the Label controls. </p>
<div class="p">To view all the <samp class="codeph">flashVars</samp> properties, you can
iterate over the <samp class="codeph">FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.parameters</samp> properties,
as the following example shows:<pre class="noswf">&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt;
&lt;!-- wrapper/FlashVarTest.mxml --&gt;
&lt;s:Application xmlns:fx=""
import mx.core.FlexGlobals;
private function init():void {
for (var i:String in FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.parameters) {
ta1.text += i + ":" + FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.parameters[i] + "\n";
&lt;s:Label text="flashVars"/&gt;
&lt;s:RichText id="ta1" width="300" height="200"/&gt;
<div class="nested1" id="WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf626ae-7fe8_verapache"><a name="WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf626ae-7fe8_verapache"><!-- --></a>
<h2 class="topictitle2">Accessing JavaScript functions</h2>
can call JavaScript functions in the enclosing HTML page from your
application. By allowing Flex to communicate with the browser, you
can change style settings, invoke remote processes, or perform any
other action that you can normally do from within the page’s scripts. </p>
<p>You can even pass data from the application to the enclosing
HTML page, process it, and then pass it back to the application.
You do this by using the <a href="" target="_blank">ExternalInterface</a> API
or the <a href="" target="_blank">navigateToURL()</a> method.
For more information, see <a href="flx_passingarguments_pa.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7f31_verapache">Using the
ExternalInterface API to access JavaScript</a> and <a href="flx_passingarguments_pa.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7ea7_verapache">Using
the navigateToURL() method in Flex</a>.</p>
<p>Whenever you communicate with the enclosing page, you must determine
if the browser can handle the kinds of actions that you want to
perform. Therefore, you should first determine if the browser supports
the objects that you want to use. For some general guidelines for
determining browser support, see <a href="flx_passingarguments_pa.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7f31_verapache">Using
the ExternalInterface API to access JavaScript</a>.</p>
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<h3 class="topictitle3">Using the ExternalInterface API
to access JavaScript</h3>
<p>The easiest way to call JavaScript functions from your
application is to use the <a href="" target="_blank">ExternalInterface</a> API.
You can use this API to call any JavaScript method on the wrapper,
pass parameters, and get a return value. If the method call fails,
Flex returns an exception. </p>
<p>The ExternalInterface API encapsulates checks for browser support,
so you are not required to do that when using its methods. However,
you can check whether the browser supports the interface by using
its <samp class="codeph">available</samp> property. For more information, see <a href="flx_passingarguments_pa.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7ea8_verapache">About
the ExternalInterface API</a>.</p>
<p>The ExternalInterface API consists of a single class, flash.external.ExternalInterface.
This class has the <a href="" target="_blank">call()</a> static
method that you use to facilitate the JavaScript to Flash communication.
You can also call methods in your application from the wrapper by
using the ExternalInterface API’s <a href="" target="_blank">addCallback()</a> method.
For more information, see <a href="flx_passingarguments_pa.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7eaa_verapache">About
the addCallback() method</a>.</p>
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<h4 class="topictitle4">Calling JavaScript methods from
<p>The <a href="" target="_blank">ExternalInterface</a> API
makes it very simple to call methods in the enclosing wrapper. You
use the static <a href="" target="_blank">call()</a> method,
which has the following signature:</p>
<pre class="codeblock"><em>function_name</em>:String[, <em>arg1</em>, ...]):Object;</pre>
<p>The <em>function_name</em> is the name of the function in the HTML
page’s JavaScript. The arguments are the arguments that you pass
to the JavaScript function. You can pass one or more arguments in
the traditional way of separating them with commas, or you can pass
an object that is deserialized by the browser. The arguments are
<p>The following example <samp class="codeph">&lt;fx:Script&gt;</samp> block
calls the JavaScript <samp class="codeph">changeDocumentTitle()</samp> function
in the enclosing wrapper by using the <samp class="codeph">call()</samp> method:</p>
<pre class="noswf">&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt;
&lt;!-- wrapper/WrapperCaller.mxml --&gt;
import flash.external.*;
public function callWrapper():void {
var s:String;
if (ExternalInterface.available) {
var wrapperFunction:String = "changeDocumentTitle";
s =,ti1.text);
} else {
s = "Wrapper not available";
&lt;mx:FormItem label="New Title:"&gt;
&lt;mx:TextInput id="ti1"/&gt;
&lt;s:Button label="Change Document Title" click="callWrapper()"/&gt;
&lt;/s:Application&gt; </pre>
<p>In your HTML wrapper, you define a function as you would any
other JavaScript function. You can return a value, as the following
example shows:</p>
<pre class="noswf">&lt;!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""&gt;
&lt;!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet --&gt;
&lt;html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en"&gt;
&lt;title&gt;Wrapper Being Called&lt;/title&gt;
&lt;script type="text/javascript" src="swfobject.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
&lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt;
var swfVersionStr = "0";
var xiSwfUrlStr = "";
var flashvars = {};
var params = {};
params.quality = "high";
params.bgcolor = "#ffffff";
params.allowscriptaccess = "sameDomain";
var attributes = {}; = "WrapperCaller"; = "WrapperCaller";
attributes.align = "middle";
"WrapperCaller.swf", "flashContent",
"100%", "100%",
swfVersionStr, xiSwfUrlStr,
flashvars, params, attributes);
&lt;SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"&gt;
function changeDocumentTitle(a) {
return "successful";
&lt;div id="flashContent"/&gt;
<p>Using the ExternalInterface's <samp class="codeph">call()</samp> method
requires that the embedded application have a name in the wrapper;
you must set the <samp class="codeph"></samp> and <samp class="codeph"></samp> properties
to the name of the SWF file. If you are using the <samp class="codeph">&lt;object&gt;</samp> and <samp class="codeph">&lt;embed&gt;</samp> tags
in your wrapper, you must define an <samp class="codeph">id</samp> attribute on
the <samp class="codeph">&lt;object&gt;</samp> tag and a <samp class="codeph">name</samp> attribute
on the <samp class="codeph">&lt;embed&gt;</samp> tag. Without these, no call
to or from your application will succeed. In addition, these properties cannot
contain periods or other special characters.</p>
<p>The <samp class="codeph">call()</samp> method accepts zero or more arguments,
which can be ActionScript types. Flex serializes the ActionScript
types as JavaScript numbers and strings. If you pass an object,
you can access the properties of that deserialized object in the
JavaScript, as the following example shows:</p>
<pre class="noswf">&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt;
&lt;!-- wrapper/DataTypeSender.mxml --&gt;
import flash.external.*;
public function callWrapper():void {
var s:String;
if (ExternalInterface.available) {
var o:Object = new Object();
o.fname = "Nick";
o.lname = "Danger";
var wrapperFunction:String = "receiveComplexDataTypes";
s =, o);
} else {
s = "Wrapper not available";
&lt;s:Button label="Send" click="callWrapper()"/&gt;
<p>Flex only serializes public, nonstatic variables and read-write
properties of ActionScript objects. You can pass numbers and strings
as properties on objects, simple objects such as primitive types
and arrays, or arrays of simple objects.</p>
<p>The JavaScript code can then access properties of the object,
as the following example shows:</p>
<pre class="codeblock">&lt;!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""&gt;
&lt;!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet --&gt;
&lt;html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en"&gt;
&lt;title&gt;Data Type Sender Test&lt;/title&gt;
&lt;script type="text/javascript" src="swfobject.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
&lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt;
var swfVersionStr = "0";
var xiSwfUrlStr = "";
var flashvars = {};
var params = {};
params.quality = "high";
params.bgcolor = "#ffffff";
params.allowscriptaccess = "sameDomain";
var attributes = {}; = "DataTypeSender"; = "DataTypeSender";
attributes.align = "middle";
"DataTypeSender.swf", "flashContent",
"100%", "100%",
swfVersionStr, xiSwfUrlStr,
flashvars, params, attributes);
&lt;SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"&gt;
function receiveComplexDataTypes(o) {
alert("Welcome " + o.fname + " " + o.lname + "!");
return "successful";
&lt;div id="flashContent"/&gt;
&lt;/html&gt; </pre>
<p>You can also embed objects within objects, such as an Array within
an Object, as the following example shows:</p>
<pre class="noswf">&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt;
&lt;!-- wrapper/ComplexDataTypeSender.mxml --&gt;
import flash.external.*;
public function callWrapper():void {
var s:String;
if (ExternalInterface.available) {
var o:Object = new Object();
o.fname = "Nick";
o.lname = "Danger";
o.b = new Array("DdW","E&amp;T","LotR:TS");
var wrapperFunction:String = "receiveComplexDataTypes";
s =, o);
} else {
s = "Wrapper not available";
&lt;s:Button label="Send" click="callWrapper()"/&gt;
<p>The code triggers the <samp class="codeph">receiveComplexDataTypes()</samp> JavaScript
function in the following wrapper:</p>
<pre class="codeblock">&lt;!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""&gt;
&lt;!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet --&gt;
&lt;html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en"&gt;
&lt;title&gt;Complex Data Type Sender Test&lt;/title&gt;
&lt;script type="text/javascript" src="swfobject.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
&lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt;
var swfVersionStr = "0";
var xiSwfUrlStr = "";
var flashvars = {};
var params = {};
params.quality = "high";
params.bgcolor = "#ffffff";
params.allowscriptaccess = "sameDomain";
var attributes = {}; = "ComplexDataTypeSender"; = "ComplexDataTypeSender";
attributes.align = "middle";
"ComplexDataTypeSender.swf", "flashContent",
"100%", "100%",
swfVersionStr, xiSwfUrlStr,
flashvars, params, attributes);
&lt;SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"&gt;
function receiveComplexDataTypes(o) {
// Get value of fname and lname properties.
var s = ("Welcome " + o.fname + " " + o.lname + "!\n");
// Iterate over embedded object's properties.
for (i=0; i&lt;o.b.length; i++) {
s += i + ": " + o.b[i] + "\n";
&lt;div id="flashContent"/&gt;
<p>Flex and Flash Player have strict security in place to prevent
cross-site scripting. By default, you cannot call script on an HTML
page if the HTML page is not in the same domain as the application.
However, you can expand the sources from which scripts can be called.
For more information, see <a href="flx_passingarguments_pa.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7ea6_verapache">About
ExternalInterface API security in Flex</a>.</p>
<p>You cannot pass objects or arrays that contain circular references.
For example, you cannot pass the following object:</p>
<pre class="codeblock"> var obj = new Object();
 obj.prop = obj; // Circular reference.</pre>
<p>Circular references cause infinite loops in both ActionScript
and JavaScript.</p>
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<h3 class="topictitle3">Using the navigateToURL() method
in Flex</h3>
<p>The <a href="" target="_blank">navigateToURL()</a> method
loads a document from a specific URL into a window or passes variables
to another application at a defined URL. You can use this method
to call JavaScript functions in the HTML page that encloses an application.</p>
You should
not confuse the functionality of the <samp class="codeph">navigateToURL()</samp> method with
the <samp class="codeph">load()</samp> method of the <a href="" target="_blank">URLLoader</a> class.
The URLLoader class loads a specified URL into an object for manipulation
with ActionScript. The <samp class="codeph">navigateToURL()</samp> method navigates
to the specified URL with a browser.</p>
<p>In most cases, you should use the <a href="" target="_blank">ExternalInterface</a> API
to perform Flex-to-wrapper communication. However, the <samp class="codeph">navigateToURL()</samp> method
is not part of the ExternalInterface API and, therefore, does not
have as stringent a set of requirements for which browsers support
it. These requirements are described in <a href="flx_passingarguments_pa.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7ea8_verapache">About
the ExternalInterface API</a>.</p>
<p>The <samp class="codeph">navigateToURL()</samp> method is restricted by
the security sandbox in which the SWF file is running. Its use relies
on the domain-based security restrictions that the <samp class="codeph">allowScriptAccess</samp> and <samp class="codeph">allowNetworking</samp> parameters
define. You set the values of the <samp class="codeph">allowScriptAccess</samp> and <samp class="codeph">allowNetworking</samp> parameters
in the SWF file’s wrapper. </p>
<p>For more information on these parameters, see <a href="flx_wrapper_wr.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7ecf_verapache">Creating
a wrapper</a>. For more information on security restrictions,
see <a href="flx_security2_se.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7f9b_verapache">Security</a>.</p>
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<h4 class="topictitle4">The navigateToURL() method syntax</h4>
<p>The <a href="" target="_blank">navigateToURL()</a> method
is in the package. It has the following signature:</p>
<pre class="codeblock"> navigateToURL(<em>request</em>:URLRequest, <em>window</em>:String):void</pre>
<p>The <em>request</em> argument is a <a href="" target="_blank">URLRequest</a> object
that specifies the destination. The <em>window</em> argument specifies
whether to launch a new browser window or load the new URL into
the current window. The following table describes the valid values
for the <em>window</em> argument:</p>
<div class="tablenoborder"><table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" summary="" frame="border" border="1" rules="all">
<thead align="left">
<th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" id="d821534e1078">
<th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" id="d821534e1084">
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d821534e1078 ">
<div class="p">
<pre class="codeblock">_self</pre>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d821534e1084 ">
<p>Specifies the current frame in the current
window. </p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d821534e1078 ">
<div class="p">
<pre class="codeblock">_blank</pre>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d821534e1084 ">
<p>Specifies a new window. This new window
acts as a pop-up window in the client’s browser, so you must be
aware that a pop-up blocker could prevent it from loading.</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d821534e1078 ">
<div class="p">
<pre class="codeblock">_parent</pre>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d821534e1084 ">
<p>Specifies the parent of the current frame. </p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d821534e1078 ">
<div class="p">
<pre class="codeblock">_top</pre>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d821534e1084 ">
<p>Specifies the top-level frame in the current
window. </p>
<p>You pass a URLRequest object to the <samp class="codeph">navigateToURL()</samp> method.
This object defines the URL target, variables, method (POST or GET),
window, and headers for the request. The following example defines
a simple URL to navigate to:</p>
<pre class="codeblock">&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt;
&lt;!-- wrapper/SimplestNavigateToURL.mxml --&gt;
public function openNewWindow(event:MouseEvent):void {
var u:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");
&lt;s:Button label="Open New Window" click="openNewWindow(event)"/&gt;
<p>The <samp class="codeph">navigateToURL()</samp> method URL encodes the value
of the <samp class="codeph">url</samp> argument.</p>
<p>To send data with a URLRequest object, you can append variables
to the request string. The following example launches a new window
and passes a search term to the URL:</p>
<pre class="codeblock">&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt;
&lt;!-- wrapper/SimpleNavigateToURL.mxml --&gt;
public function executeSearch(event:MouseEvent):void {
var u:URLRequest = new URLRequest(";q=" + ta1.text);
&lt;s:TextArea id="ta1"/&gt;
&lt;s:Button label="Search" click="executeSearch(event)"/&gt;
<p>In addition to appending strings, you can also use the <samp class="codeph">data</samp> property
of the URLRequest to add URL variables to a GET or POST request.
The query string parameters are of type <a href="" target="_blank">URLVariables</a>.
Flex adds ampersand delimiters for you in the URL request string.
The following example adds <samp class="codeph">name=fred</samp> to the URLRequest:</p>
<pre class="codeblock">&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt;
&lt;!-- wrapper/NavigateWithGetMethod.mxml --&gt;
public function openNewWindow(event:MouseEvent):void {
var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");
var uv:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
url.method = "GET";
uv.tickerSymbol = ti1.text; = uv;
&lt;mx:TextInput id="ti1" text="STRK"/&gt;
&lt;s:Button label="Open New Window" click="openNewWindow(event)"/&gt;
<p>To use POST data with the URLRequest object, set the value of
the URLRequest object’s <samp class="codeph">method</samp> property to POST.</p>
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<h4 class="topictitle4">Opening multiple windows with the
navigateToURL() method</h4>
<p>You can open any number of new browser windows with calls
to the <samp class="codeph">navigateToURL()</samp> method. However, because
ActionScript is asynchronous, if you tried a simple loop over the
method, Flash Player would only open the browser window for the
last call. To avoid this, you use the <samp class="codeph">callLater()</samp> method.
This method instructs Flash Player to open a new browser window
on each new frame in your application. The following example uses
the <samp class="codeph">callLater()</samp> method to open multiple browser
windows with the <samp class="codeph">navigateToURL()</samp> method:</p>
<pre class="codeblock">&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt;
&lt;!-- wrapper/NavigateToMultipleURLs.mxml --&gt;
private var listingData:Array=[
private function openWindows(n: Number):void {
if (n &lt; listingData.length) {
navigateToURL(new URLRequest(listingData[n]), '_blank');
callLater(callLater, [openWindows, [n+1]]);
&lt;s:Button label="Click Me to Open Multiple Windows"
<p>Some browsers block popups. You might need to disable popup blocking
to view this example. In some cases, you can also Control+click
the button to avoid the popup blocker behavior.</p>
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<h4 class="topictitle4">Calling JavaScript functions with
the URLRequest object</h4>
can use the<a href="" target="_blank">URLRequest</a> to
call a JavaScript function by embedding that function in the first
parameter of the method, as the following example shows:</p>
<pre class="codeblock"> public var u:URLRequest = new URLRequest("javascript:window.close()");</pre>
<p>The previous code does not work on all browsers. You should include
code that detects the browser type, and closes the window based
on the type of browser. Also, some browsers, such as Internet Explorer,
behave in unexpected ways when you invoke a URLRequest that contains
JavaScript. Here are some examples:</p>
<p>Executes the JavaScript URLs asynchronously. This means
that it is possible to have multiple calls to the <a href="" target="_blank">navigateToURL()</a> method
that is trying to execute JavaScript methods, and have only the
last one occur. Each one overwrites the next.</p>
<p>Stops all other navigation, such as loading of images and
IFRAMEs when you call a JavaScript URL.</p>
<p>Displays a security warning dialog box if the URL contains
ampersand (&amp;) or question mark (?) characters.</p>
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<h4 class="topictitle4">Invoking JavaScript with the navigateToURL()
<p>You can use the <samp class="codeph">navigateToURL()</samp> method
to invoke JavaScript functions on the HTML page in which the application
runs. However, when passing parameters by using the <samp class="codeph">navigateToURL()</samp> method,
you must enclose each parameter in quotation marks, as the following
example shows:</p>
<pre class="noswf">&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt;
&lt;!-- wrapper/CallingJavaScriptWithNavigateToURL.mxml --&gt;
&lt;s:Application xmlns:fx=""
public function callWrapper(e:Event):void {
var eType:String = String(e.type);
var eName:String = String(;
var u:URLRequest = new URLRequest("javascript:catchClick('" + eName + "','" + eType + "')");
&lt;s:Button id="b1" click="callWrapper(event)" label="Call Wrapper"/&gt;
<p>The enclosing HTML wrapper includes the JavaScript to process
this call, as the following example shows:</p>
<pre class="codeblock">&lt;!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""&gt;
&lt;!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet --&gt;
&lt;html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en"&gt;
&lt;title&gt;navigateToURL() Wrapper&lt;/title&gt;
&lt;script type="text/javascript" src="swfobject.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
&lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt;
var swfVersionStr = "0";
var xiSwfUrlStr = "";
var flashvars = {};
var params = {};
params.quality = "high";
params.bgcolor = "#ffffff";
params.allowscriptaccess = "sameDomain";
var attributes = {}; = "CallingJavaScriptWithNavigateToURL"; = "CallingJavaScriptWithNavigateToURL";
attributes.align = "middle";
"CallingJavaScriptWithNavigateToURL.swf", "flashContent",
"100%", "100%",
swfVersionStr, xiSwfUrlStr,
flashvars, params, attributes);
&lt;SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"&gt;
function catchClick(name, type) {
alert(name + " triggered the " + type + " event.");
&lt;div id="flashContent"/&gt;
<p>You can also use the <samp class="codeph">navigateToURL()</samp> method
with basic JavaScript functions in the URLRequest itself. For example,
you can launch the default e-mail client with a single line of code:</p>
<pre class="codeblock">&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt;
&lt;!-- wrapper/EmailWithNavigateToURL.mxml --&gt;
public function sendMail(e:Event):void {
var u:URLRequest = new URLRequest("mailto:" + ti1.text);
&lt;s:Button id="b1" click="sendMail(event)" label="Send Mail"/&gt;
&lt;mx:Label text="Email Address: "/&gt;
&lt;mx:TextInput id="ti1"/&gt;
<p>Not all browsers support invoking the <samp class="codeph">javascript</samp> protocol
with the <samp class="codeph">navigateToURL()</samp> method. If possible, you
should use the <a href="" target="_blank">call()</a> method
of the ExternalInterface API to invoke JavaScript methods in the
enclosing HTML page. For more information, see <a href="flx_passingarguments_pa.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7f31_verapache">Using
the ExternalInterface API to access JavaScript</a>.</p>
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<h2 class="topictitle2">Accessing Flex from JavaScript</h2>
<p>You can call Flex methods from your enclosing wrapper by
using the <a href="" target="_blank">ExternalInterface</a> API.
You do this by adding a public method in your application to a list of
callable methods. In your application, you add a local Flex function
to the list by using the <a href="" target="_blank">addCallback()</a> method
of the ExternalInterface API. This method registers an ActionScript
method as callable from the JavaScript or VBScript in the wrapper.</p>
<div class="note"><span class="notetitle">Note:</span> This feature requires that the client is running
certain browsers. For more information, see <a href="flx_passingarguments_pa.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7ea8_verapache">About
the ExternalInterface API</a>.</div>
<p>The signature for the <samp class="codeph">addCallback()</samp> method is
as follows:</p>
<pre class="codeblock"> addCallback(<em>function_name</em>:String, <em>closure</em>:Function):void</pre>
<p>The <em>function_name</em> parameter is the name by which you call
the Flex function from your HTML page’s scripts. The <em>closure</em> parameter
is the local name of the function that you want to call. This parameter
can be a method on the application or an object instance.</p>
<p>The following example declares the <samp class="codeph">myFunc()</samp> function
to be callable by the wrapper:</p>
<pre class="noswf">&lt;?xml version="1.0"?&gt;
&lt;!-- wrapper/AddCallbackExample.mxml --&gt;
xmlns:s="library://" creationComplete="initApp()"&gt;
import flash.external.*;
public function initApp():void {
public function myFunc(s:String):void {
l1.text = s;
&lt;s:Label id="l1"/&gt;
<div class="p">To call the Flex method from the HTML wrapper, you get a reference
to the movie object. The name of the movie is the same value as
the <samp class="codeph"></samp> and <samp class="codeph"></samp> properties.
In this case, it is AddCallbackExample, as the following example
wrapper shows:<pre class="codeblock">&lt;!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""&gt;
&lt;!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet --&gt;
&lt;html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en"&gt;
&lt;title&gt;addCallback() Wrapper&lt;/title&gt;
&lt;script type="text/javascript" src="swfobject.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
&lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt;
var swfVersionStr = "0";
var xiSwfUrlStr = "";
var flashvars = {};
var params = {};
params.quality = "high";
params.bgcolor = "#ffffff";
params.allowscriptaccess = "sameDomain";
var attributes = {}; = "AddCallbackExample"; = "AddCallbackExample";
attributes.align = "middle";
"AddCallbackExample.swf", "flashContent",
"100%", "100%",
swfVersionStr, xiSwfUrlStr,
flashvars, params, attributes);
&lt;SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"&gt;
function callApp() {
window.document.title = document.getElementById("newTitle").value;
var AddCallbackExample = document.getElementById("AddCallbackExample");
&lt;form id="f1"&gt;
Enter a new title: &lt;input type="text" size="30" id="newTitle" onchange="callApp()"&gt;
&lt;div id="flashContent"/&gt;
<p>If your wrapper uses <samp class="codeph">&lt;object&gt;</samp> and <samp class="codeph">&lt;embed&gt;</samp> tags,
the movie object is the same value as the <samp class="codeph">id</samp> and <samp class="codeph">name</samp> properties
of the <samp class="codeph">&lt;object&gt;</samp> and <samp class="codeph">&lt;embed&gt;</samp> tags. You
then call the method on that object, passing whatever parameters
you want, as the following example shows:</p>
<pre class="codeblock">&lt;html&gt;
&lt;body scroll='no'&gt;
&lt;SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"&gt;
function callApp() {
window.document.title = document.getElementById("newTitle").value;
&lt;h1&gt;AddCallback Wrapper&lt;/h1&gt;
&lt;form id="f1"&gt;
Enter a new title: &lt;input type="text" size="30" id="newTitle" onchange="callApp()"&gt;
&lt;table width='100%' height='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'&gt;
&lt;td valign='top'&gt;
&lt;object id='mySwf' classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' height='200' width='400'&gt;
&lt;param name='src' value='AddCallbackExample.swf'/&gt;
&lt;param name='flashVars' value=''/&gt;
&lt;embed name='mySwf' src='AddCallbackExample.swf' height='100%' width='100%' flashVars=''/&gt;
<p>If there is no method with the appropriate name in the application
or that method hasn’t been made callable, the browser throws a JavaScript
error. </p>
<p>Getting a reference to the application object and other DOM objects
is not the same in Internet Explorer as it is in Chrome or FireFox.
If you do not know which browser your users will be using when they
request your application, you should make your wrapper’s script
browser independent. For some ideas on detecting the browser type,
you can look at the code in the swfobject.js file. To cover most cases,
you typically use the <samp class="codeph">getElementById()</samp> method.</p>
<p>Flash Player has strict security in place to prevent cross-site
scripting. By default, Flex methods are not callable by HTML scripts.
You must explicitly identify them as callable. You also cannot call
a Flex method from an HTML page if the HTML page is not in the same
domain as the application. However, it is possible to expand the
sources from which Flex methods are called. For more information, see <a href="flx_passingarguments_pa.html#WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7eaa_verapache">About
the addCallback() method</a>.</p>
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<h3 class="topictitle3">Handling browsers that disable
<p>In some cases, the client’s browser either does not support
JavaScript or the user has purposely disabled it. You can use the <samp class="codeph">&lt;noscript&gt;</samp> tag
in the wrapper to define what happens when this user tries to run
your applications. Most commonly, you use the <samp class="codeph">&lt;object&gt;</samp> and <samp class="codeph">&lt;embed&gt;</samp> tags
inside the wrapper’s <samp class="codeph">&lt;noscript&gt;</samp> block to
embed the application. However, without scripting, deep linking
and Express Install functionality is not available.</p>
<div class="p">The following is an example of a <samp class="codeph">&lt;noscript&gt;</samp> block
that embeds an application built with Flex:<pre class="codeblock">&lt;!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""&gt;
&lt;!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet --&gt;
&lt;html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en"&gt;
&lt;meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /&gt;
&lt;object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="100%" height="100%" id="AddCallbackExample"&gt;
&lt;param name="movie" value="TestProject.swf" /&gt;
&lt;param name="quality" value="high" /&gt;
&lt;param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" /&gt;
&lt;param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" /&gt;
&lt;!--[if !IE]&gt;
&lt;object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="TestProject.swf" width="100%" height="100%"&gt;
&lt;param name="quality" value="high" /&gt;
&lt;param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" /&gt;
&lt;param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" /&gt;
&lt;!--[if gte IE 6]&gt;
Either scripts and active content are not permitted to run or Adobe Flash Player version
10.0.0 or greater is not installed.
&lt;a href=""&gt;
&lt;img src="" alt="Get Adobe Flash Player" /&gt;
&lt;!--[if !IE]&gt;
<p>If your application <em>requires</em> functionality that is available
only to scripting-enabled browsers (such as deep linking or access
to the ExternalInterface API), then you can insert a message in
the <samp class="codeph">&lt;noscript&gt;</samp> block that warns the user against
accessing your application while JavaScript is disabled. The following example
warns users when someone with JavaScript disabled tries to run your application:</p>
<pre class="codeblock">&lt;!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""&gt;
&lt;!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet --&gt;
&lt;html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en"&gt;
&lt;script type="text/javascript" src="swfobject.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
&lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt;
var swfVersionStr = "0";
var xiSwfUrlStr = "";
var flashvars = {};
var params = {};
params.quality = "high";
params.bgcolor = "#ffffff";
params.allowscriptaccess = "sameDomain";
var attributes = {}; = "TestProject"; = "TestProject";
attributes.align = "middle";
"flashContent", "100%", "100%",
swfVersionStr, xiSwfUrlStr,
flashvars, params, attributes);
&lt;div id="flashContent"/&gt;
&lt;EM&gt;Your browser either does not support JavaScript or has disabled it.
Some features of this application require JavaScript.
Please enable JavaScript and reload this page.&lt;/EM&gt;
<div class="nested1" id="WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7ea6_verapache"><a name="WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7ea6_verapache"><!-- --></a>
<h2 class="topictitle2">About ExternalInterface API security
in Flex</h2>
applications built with Flex to call embedded scripts on HTML pages and
vice versa is subject to stringent security constraints. By default,
scripts on the HTML page can communicate only with ActionScript
in an application if the page and the application are in the same
domain. You can expand this restriction to include applications
outside of the domain. </p>
<div class="nested2" id="WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf626ae-7ff9_verapache"><a name="WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf626ae-7ff9_verapache"><!-- --></a>
<h3 class="topictitle3">About the call() method</h3>
<p>The success of the <a href="" target="_blank">call()</a> method
depends on the HTML page’s use of the <samp class="codeph">allowScriptAccess</samp> parameter.
This parameter is not an ActionScript mechanism; it is an HTML parameter.
Its value determines whether your application can call JavaScript
in the HTML page, and it applies to all functions on the page. The
default value of <samp class="codeph">allowScriptAccess</samp> only allows
communication if the application and the HTML page are in the same
<div class="p">In an HTML wrapper that uses SWFObject 2, you set the value of
the <samp class="codeph">allowscriptaccess</samp> property on the params object
that is passed to the <samp class="codeph">swfobject.embedSWF()</samp> method.
The following example sets the value of the <samp class="codeph">allowScriptAccess</samp> property
to <samp class="codeph">sameDomain</samp>:<pre class="codeblock">var params = {};
params.quality = "high";
params.bgcolor = "#ffffff";
params.allowscriptaccess = "sameDomain";</pre>
<p>The following table describes the valid values of the <samp class="codeph">allowScriptAccess</samp> parameter: </p>
<div class="tablenoborder"><table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" summary="" frame="border" border="1" rules="all">
<thead align="left">
<th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" id="d821534e1630">
<th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" id="d821534e1636">
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d821534e1630 ">
<samp class="codeph">never</samp>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d821534e1636 ">
<p>The <samp class="codeph">call()</samp> method fails.</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d821534e1630 ">
<samp class="codeph">sameDomain</samp>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d821534e1636 ">
<p>The <samp class="codeph">call()</samp> method succeeds
if the calling application is from same domain as the HTML page
that loaded the application. This is the default value.</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d821534e1630 ">
<samp class="codeph">always</samp>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="NaN%" headers="d821534e1636 ">
<p>The <samp class="codeph">call()</samp> method succeeds,
regardless of whether the calling application is in the same domain
as the HTML page that loaded the application.</p>
<p>If your HTML wrapper uses the <samp class="codeph">&lt;object&gt;</samp> and <samp class="codeph">&lt;embed&gt; </samp>tags,
you set the value of the <samp class="codeph">allowScriptAccess</samp> property
on the <samp class="codeph">&lt;object&gt;</samp> tag as follows:</p>
<pre class="codeblock"> &lt;object id='SendComplexDataTypes' classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' height='100%' width='100%'&gt;</pre>
<p>On the <samp class="codeph">&lt;embed&gt;</samp> tag, set the property as
<pre class="codeblock"> &lt;embed name='SendComplexDataTypes.mxml.swf' src='SendComplexDataTypes.mxml.swf' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' height='100%' width='100%' flashvars=''/&gt;</pre>
<div class="nested2" id="WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7eaa_verapache"><a name="WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7eaa_verapache"><!-- --></a>
<h3 class="topictitle3">About the addCallback() method</h3>
<p>Flex prevents JavaScript methods from calling just any
method in your application by requiring that you explicitly make
the method callable. The default for all methods is to not be callable
from JavaScript. The <a href="" target="_blank">ExternalInterface</a> API enables
a SWF file to expose a specific interface that JavaScript can call.</p>
<p>By default, an HTML page can only communicate with the ActionScript
in your application if it originates from the same domain. You allow
HTML pages outside of the application’s domain to call methods of
your application using the <a href="" target="_blank">allowDomain()</a> method.
For more information, see the <em>
<a href="" target="_blank">ActionScript 3.0 Reference for the Adobe
Flash Platform</a>
<p>Adobe and Adobe Flash are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries and are used by permission from Adobe. No other license to the Adobe trademarks are granted.</p>