blob: ff457b0b752b24d8b94df54f520e3f172bf1d3cf [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
* "lintWarningGen" is an AS3 script which reads an
* XML file containing (localized) warning messages, descriptions of
* depricated methods and properties, and descriptions of
* event handlers which are no longer automatically invoked,
* and creates .cpp, .h and .java files which
* describe the same data.
* Chris Nuuja
* December 30, 2004
import avmplus.*
const CONFIG_FILE:String = "lintConfig.xml";
const SCRIPT_NAME:String = "lintWarningGen";
var config:XML = XML(;
var IFDEF:String = String(config.Ifdef);
var XML_INPUT_BASE:String = String(config.InputFileBase);
var XML_INPUT_FILE:String = String(config.XmlInputFile);
var OUTPUT_CPP_FILE:String = String(config.OutputCppFile);
var OUTPUT_JAVA_FILE:String = String(config.OutputJavaFile);
var OUTPUT_H_FILE:String = String(config.OutputHFile);
var ARRAY_NAME:String = String(config.ArrayName);
var LANG_COUNT_NAME:String = String(config.LangCountName);
var COUNT_NAME:String = String(config.CountName);
var STRUCT_NAME:String = String(config.NamespaceName);
var MAIN_INCLUDE:String = String(config.MainInclude);
class LocalizedLanguage // one of these per localzed .xml file
public var language:String; // language name
public var sourceXML:XML; // original .xml file
public var messages:Array; // array of WarningMessages, indexed by the WarningMessage's id.
class WarningMessage // one of these per message in the an .xml file
public var id:Number;
public var label:String;
public var message:String;
public var language:String;
public function toString():String { return(" " + id + " " + label + " " + message + " " + language); }
var localizedMessages:Object = new Object(); // holds all LocalizedLanguages, indexed by the LocalizedLanguage's language (i.e. localizedMessages["EN"] for english)
var languageNames:Array = []; // holds all language names, indexed from 0 to numLanguages-1
var numLanguages:int;
var numWarnings:int; // The number of WarningMessages in the master "EN" LocalizedLanguage
var maxStringLength:int=0; // maximum length of any warning string. Used when generating padding white space for pretty output
for each ( var language:XML in config..Language )
var languageRec:LocalizedLanguage = new LocalizedLanguage();
var languageName:String = String(language);
languageRec.language = languageName;
languageRec.sourceXML = XML( + language + XML_INPUT_FILE));
languageRec.messages = [];
for each (var warning:XML in (languageRec.sourceXML)..warning)
// Remove IMD's <description> elements
delete warning.description;
// skip removed elements (for english only. Don't skip elements which were removed in past but have been re-added)
if (languageName == "EN" && warning.@removed == true)
var message:WarningMessage = new WarningMessage();
//print("About to dump id: " + warning.@id + " = " + warning); = Number(warning.@id);
message.language= languageName;
message.label = String(warning.@label);
message.message = String(warning);
languageRec.messages[] = message;
maxStringLength = Math.max(maxStringLength, message.label.length);
// english is the reference language
if (languageName == "EN")
localizedMessages[languageName] = languageRec;
numLanguages = languageNames.length;
print("Number of Languages="+languageNames.length);
print("got XML");
print("warnings: " + numWarnings);
class WarningTypeRec {
var label:String;
var base:String;
var name:String;
var isStatic:String;
var properties:Array = [];
var sourceXML:XML = localizedMessages["EN"].sourceXML;
var propList:XMLList =;
for each (var warningProp:XML in propList)
var obj:WarningTypeRec = new WarningTypeRec();
obj.label = String(warningProp.@label);
obj.base = String(warningProp.baseType); = String(warningProp.propName);
obj.isStatic = String(warningProp.isStatic);
var methods:Array = [];
var methodList:XMLList = sourceXML.methods.unsupported;
for each (var warningMethod:XML in methodList)
var obj:WarningTypeRec = new WarningTypeRec();
obj.label = String(warningMethod.@label);
obj.base = String(warningMethod.baseType); = String(warningMethod.methodName);
obj.isStatic = String(warningMethod.isStatic);
var events:Array = [];
var eventList:XMLList =;
for each (var warningEvent:XML in eventList)
var obj:WarningTypeRec = new WarningTypeRec();
obj.label = String(warningEvent.@label);
obj.base = String(warningEvent.baseType); = String(warningEvent.methodName);
obj.isStatic = "false";
//print("Inited: " + events.length + " " + methods.length + " " + properties.length);
function compare(a:Object, b:Object):Number
if (a.label < b.label) {
return -1;
} else if (a.label > b.label) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
var s:String;
s = "\
* Use the script '" + SCRIPT_NAME + "' to generate this file.\n\
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more\n\
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with\n\
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.\n\
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0\n\
* (the \"License\"); you may not use this file except in compliance with\n\
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at\n\
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n\
* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n\
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n\
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n\
* limitations under the License.\n\
/* \n\
* defines the ID's of error messages output\n\
* by the compiler. Localized tables of strings exist for\n\
* each language supported. These ids are used to reference \n\
* the error message without regard to language \n\
s += "package macromedia.asc.embedding;\n";
s += "public class WarningConstants\n";
s += "{\n";
s += " static final int kNumWarningConstants = " + numWarnings + ";\n";
s += " static final int kNumPropertyWarnings = " + properties.length + ";\n";
s += " static final int kNumMethodWarnings = " + methods.length + ";\n";
s += " static final int kNumEventWarnings = " + events.length + ";\n";
s += "\n";
s += "\n";
for each (var w:WarningMessage in localizedMessages["EN"].messages)
if (w != null)
s += " public static final int " + w.label + " = " + + ";\n";
// else its a BUG!!!!
s += " \n";
s += " \n";
s += " \n";
s += " // enum for common types we need to lookup quickly\n";
s += " public static final int kVoidType = 0;\n";
s += " public static final int kObjectType = 1;\n";
s += " public static final int kFunctionType = 2;\n";
s += " public static final int kStringType = 3;\n";
s += " public static final int kNumberType = 4;\n";
s += " public static final int kBooleanType = 5;\n";
s += " public static final int kArrayType = 6;\n";
s += " public static final int kDateType = 7;\n";
s += " public static final int kMathType = 8;\n";
s += " public static final int kErrorType = 9;\n";
s += " public static final int kRegExpType = 10;\n";
s += " public static final int kDisplayObjectType = 11;\n";
s += " public static final int kMovieClipType = 12;\n";
s += " public static final int kTextFieldType = 13;\n";
s += " public static final int kTextFormatType = 14;\n";
s += " public static final int kMicrophoneType = 15;\n";
s += " public static final int kSimpleButtonType = 16;\n";
s += " public static final int kVideoType = 17;\n";
s += " public static final int kStyleSheetType = 18;\n";
s += " public static final int kSelectionType = 19;\n";
s += " public static final int kColorType = 20;\n";
s += " public static final int kStageType = 21;\n";
s += " public static final int kMouseType = 22;\n";
s += " public static final int kKeyboardType = 23;\n";
s += " public static final int kSoundType = 24;\n";
s += " public static final int kSystemType = 25;\n";
s += " public static final int kXMLType = 26;\n";
s += " public static final int kXMLSocketType = 27;\n";
s += " public static final int kXMLListType = 28;\n";
s += " public static final int kQNameType = 29;\n";
s += " public static final int kLoadVarsType = 30;\n";
s += " public static final int kCameraType = 31;\n";
s += " public static final int kContextMenuType = 32;\n";
s += " public static final int kContextMenuItemType = 33;\n";
s += " public static final int kMovieClipLoaderType = 34;\n";
s += " public static final int kNetStreamType = 35;\n";
s += " public static final int kAccessibilityType = 36;\n";
s += " public static final int kActivityEventType = 37;\n";
s += " public static final int kByteArrayType = 38;\n";
s += " public static final int kColorTransformType = 39;\n";
s += " public static final int kDisplayObjectContainerType = 40;\n";
s += " public static final int kCustomActionsType = 41;\n";
s += " public static final int kDataEventType = 42;\n";
s += " public static final int kExternalInterfaceType = 43;\n";
s += " public static final int kErrorEventType = 44;\n";
s += " public static final int kEventType = 45;\n";
s += " public static final int kFocusEventType = 46;\n";
s += " public static final int kGraphicsType = 47;\n";
s += " public static final int kBitmapFilterType = 48;\n";
s += " public static final int kInteractiveObjectType = 49;\n";
s += " public static final int kKeyboardEventType = 50;\n";
s += " public static final int kLoaderType = 51;\n";
s += " public static final int kLoaderInfoType = 52;\n";
s += " public static final int kLocalConnectionType = 53;\n";
s += " public static final int kContextMenuEventType = 54;\n";
s += " public static final int kProductManagerType = 55;\n";
s += " public static final int kPointType = 56;\n";
s += " public static final int kProxyType = 57;\n";
s += " public static final int kProfilerType = 58;\n";
s += " public static final int kProgressEventType = 59;\n";
s += " public static final int kRectangleType = 60;\n";
s += " public static final int kSoundTransformType = 61;\n";
s += " public static final int kSocketType = 62;\n";
s += " public static final int kSharedObjectType = 63;\n";
s += " public static final int kSpriteType = 64;\n";
s += " public static final int kIMEType = 65;\n";
s += " public static final int kSWFLoaderInfoType = 66;\n";
s += " public static final int kTextSnapshotType = 67;\n";
s += " public static final int kURLLoaderType = 68;\n";
s += " public static final int kURLStreamType = 69;\n";
s += " public static final int kURLRequestType = 70;\n";
s += " public static final int kXMLDocumentType = 71;\n";
s += " public static final int kXMLNodeType = 72;\n";
s += " public static final int kNetConnectionType = 73;\n";
s += " public static final int kSyncEventType = 74;\n";
s += " public static final int kBitmapDataType = 75;\n";
s += " public static final int kXMLUIType = 76;\n";
s += " public static final int kFileReferenceListType = 77;\n";
s += " public static final int kFileReferenceType = 78;\n";
s += " public static final int kNumDefaultTypes = 79;\n";
s += " \n";
s += " public static class AscWarning\n";
s += " {\n";
s += " int code; // enum used to identify or lookup this message/problem\n";
s += " String pWarning; // a particular warning message '\n";
s += " AscWarning(int c, String s) { code = c; pWarning = s; }\n";
s += " } ;\n";
s += " \n";
s += " public static class AscWarningInstance\n";
s += " {\n";
s += " int code; // enum identifying the warning to use if we find a match for baseType and name\n";
s += " int baseType; // type of the base in the member expression we are looking for \n";
s += " boolean is_static; // is a static property or method\n";
s += " String name; // name of the property or method we are looking for\n";
s += " AscWarningInstance(int c, int b, String s, boolean isStatic) { code = c; baseType = b; name = s; is_static = isStatic; }\n";
s += " } ;\n";
s += " \n";
s += " \n";
s += " public static void initWarningConstants() \n";
s += " {\n";
for ( var i:int=0; i < languageNames.length; i++ )
s += " initWarningConstants"+languageNames[i]+"();\n";
s += " }\n\n";
var englishMessages:Array = localizedMessages["EN"].messages;
for ( i=0; i < languageNames.length; i++ )
s += " static final AscWarning[] warningConstants"+languageNames[i]+"= new AscWarning[kNumWarningConstants]; \n";
s += "\n";
s += " private static void initWarningConstants"+languageNames[i]+"() \n";
s += " {\n";
s += " int index=0;\n";
var thisLang:String = languageNames[i];
var messages:Array = localizedMessages[thisLang].messages;
if (thisLang == "EN")
for (var j:int = 0; j<messages.length; j++)
if (messages[j] != undefined)
s += " warningConstantsEN[index++] = new AscWarning(" + messages[j].label + ", \"" + quote(messages[j].message) + "\" );\n";
for (j=0; j<messages.length; j++)
if ( messages[j] != undefined && englishMessages[ messages[j].id ] != undefined ) // don't add if it was removed from the English list
s += " warningConstants"+languageNames[i]+"[index++] = new AscWarning(" + messages[j].label + ", \"" + quote(messages[j].message) + "\" );\n";
// add the new ones recently added to English but not yet translated
for (j=0;j<englishMessages.length; j++)
if (englishMessages[j] != undefined && messages[j] == undefined)
s += " warningConstants"+languageNames[i]+"[index++] = new AscWarning(" + englishMessages[j].label + ", \"" + quote(englishMessages[j].message) + "\" );\n";
s += " };\n\n";
s += " static final AscWarningInstance[] unsupportedProperties =\n";
s += " {\n";
for (var x:int=0; x<properties.length; x++)
s += " new AscWarningInstance(" + properties[x].label+ ", " + properties[x].base + ", \"" + quote(properties[x].name) + "\", " + properties[x].isStatic + " ),\n";
s += " };\n\n";
s += " static final AscWarningInstance[] unsupportedMethods =\n";
s += " {\n";
for (x=0; x<methods.length; x++)
s += " new AscWarningInstance(" + methods[x].label+ ", " + methods[x].base + ", \"" + quote(methods[x].name) + "\", " + methods[x].isStatic + " ),\n";
s += " };\n\n";
s += " static final AscWarningInstance[] unsupportedEvents =\n";
s += " {\n";
for (x=0; x<events.length; x++)
s += " new AscWarningInstance(" + events[x].label+ ", " + events[x].base + ", \"" + quote(events[x].name) + "\", false ),\n";
s += " };\n\n";
s += " public static final AscWarning[][] " + ARRAY_NAME + " =\n";
s += " {\n";
for (x=0; x < languageNames.length; x++ )
s += " warningConstants" + languageNames[x] + ",\n";
s += " };\n\n";
s += "};\n";
File.write(OUTPUT_JAVA_FILE, s);
// finally, update the enabledWarnings.xml file:
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var enabledWarnings:XML =
englishMessages = englishMessages.sort(compare);
for (var j:int = 0; j<englishMessages.length; j++)
if (englishMessages[j] != undefined)
var thisLabel:String = String(englishMessages[j].label);
if (thisLabel.indexOf("kWarning_") == 0 && thisLabel.indexOf("_specific") == -1 && thisLabel.indexOf("kWarning_Event") == -1)
enabledWarnings.warnings.warning +=
<warning id={englishMessages[j].id} enabled="true" label={englishMessages[j].label}>{englishMessages[j].message}</warning>;
s = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='no' ?>\n";
s += enabledWarnings.toXMLString()
File.write("EnabledWarnings.xml", s);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
print("lintWarningGen completed successfully");
function pad(s:Object, len:int):String
var s2:String = String(s);
while (s2.length < len) {
s2 += ' ';
return s2;
function quote(s:String):String
var r:String = "";
for (var i:int=0; i<s.length; i++) {
var c:String = s.charAt(i);
if (c == '"') {
r += "\\";
r += c;
return r;
s += "\n";
s += "#ifndef " + IFDEF + "\n";
s += "#define " + IFDEF + "\n";
s += "\n";
s += "namespace asc {\n";
s += "namespace v1 {\n\n";
s += "struct " + STRUCT_NAME + " {\n";
s += " static const int " + LANG_COUNT_NAME + " = " + numLanguages + ";\n";
s += " static const int kNumWarningConstants = " + numWarnings + ";\n";
s += " static const int kNumPropertyWarnings = " + properties.length + ";\n";
s += " static const int kNumMethodWarnings = " + methods.length + ";\n";
s += " static const int kNumEventWarnings = " + events.length + ";\n";
s += "\n";
s += " typedef enum\n";
s += " {\n";
var first = true;
for (var i=0; i<messages.length; i++)
if ( messages[i].language == "EN" )
if (!first) {
s += ",\n";
s += " " + pad(messages[i].label, maxStringLength) + " = " + messages[i].id;
first = false;
s += "\n";
s += " } WarningCode;\n\n";
//s += " }\n";
s += "\n";
s += " // enum for common types we need to lookup quickly\n";
s += " typedef enum {\n";
s += " kVoidType = 0,\n";
s += " kObjectType = 1,\n";
s += " kFunctionType = 2,\n";
s += " kStringType = 3,\n";
s += " kNumberType = 4,\n";
s += " kBooleanType = 5,\n";
s += " kArrayType = 6,\n";
s += " kDateType = 7,\n";
s += " kMathType = 8,\n";
s += " kErrorType = 9,\n";
s += " kRegExpType = 10,\n";
s += " kDisplayObjectType = 11,\n";
s += " kMovieClipType = 12,\n";
s += " kTextFieldType = 13,\n";
s += " kTextFormatType = 14,\n";
s += " kMicrophoneType = 15,\n";
s += " kSimpleButtonType = 16,\n";
s += " kVideoType = 17,\n";
s += " kStyleSheetType = 18,\n";
s += " kSelectionType = 19,\n";
s += " kColorType = 20,\n";
s += " kStageType = 21,\n";
s += " kMouseType = 22,\n";
s += " kKeyboardType = 23,\n";
s += " kSoundType = 24,\n";
s += " kSystemType = 25,\n";
s += " kXMLType = 26,\n";
s += " kXMLSocketType = 27,\n";
s += " kXMLListType = 28,\n";
s += " kQNameType = 29,\n";
s += " kLoadVarsType = 30,\n";
s += " kCameraType = 31,\n";
s += " kContextMenuType = 32,\n";
s += " kContextMenuItemType = 33,\n";
s += " kMovieClipLoaderType = 34,\n";
s += " kNetStreamType = 35,\n";
s += " kAccessibilityType = 36,\n";
s += " kActivityEventType = 37,\n";
s += " kByteArrayType = 38,\n";
s += " kColorTransformType = 39,\n";
s += " kDisplayObjectContainerType = 40,\n";
s += " kCustomActionsType = 41,\n";
s += " kDataEventType = 42,\n";
s += " kExternalInterfaceType = 43,\n";
s += " kErrorEventType = 44,\n";
s += " kEventType = 45,\n";
s += " kFocusEventType = 46,\n";
s += " kGraphicsType = 47,\n";
s += " kBitmapFilterType = 48,\n";
s += " kInteractiveObjectType = 49,\n";
s += " kKeyboardEventType = 50,\n";
s += " kLoaderType = 51,\n";
s += " kLoaderInfoType = 52,\n";
s += " kLocalConnectionType = 53,\n";
s += " kContextMenuEventType = 54,\n";
s += " kProductManagerType = 55,\n";
s += " kPointType = 56,\n";
s += " kProxyType = 57,\n";
s += " kProfilerType = 58,\n";
s += " kProgressEventType = 59,\n";
s += " kRectangleType = 60,\n";
s += " kSoundTransformType = 61,\n";
s += " kSocketType = 62,\n";
s += " kSharedObjectType = 63,\n";
s += " kSpriteType = 64,\n";
s += " kIMEType = 65,\n";
s += " kSWFLoaderInfoType = 66,\n";
s += " kTextSnapshotType = 67,\n";
s += " kURLLoaderType = 68,\n";
s += " kURLStreamType = 69,\n";
s += " kURLRequestType = 70,\n";
s += " kXMLDocumentType = 71,\n";
s += " kXMLNodeType= 72,\n";
s += " kNetConnectionType = 73,\n";
s += " kSyncEventType = 74,\n";
s += " kBitmapDataType = 75,\n";
s += " kXMLUIType = 76,\n";
s += " kFileReferenceListType = 77,\n";
s += " kFileReferenceType = 78,\n";
s += " kNumDefaultTypes = kFileReferenceType+1\n"
s += " } TypeCode;\n";
s += "\n";
s += " typedef struct {\n";
s += " WarningCode code; // enum used to identify or lookup this message/problem\n";
s += " std::string pWarning; // a particular warning message \n";
s += " } AscWarning;\n";
s += "\n";
s += " typedef struct {\n";
s += " WarningCode code; // enum identifying the warning to use if we find a match for baseType and name\n";
s += " TypeCode baseType; // type of the base in the member expression we are looking for \n";
s += " std::string name; // name of the property or method we are looking for\n";
s += " bool is_static; // is a static property or method\n";
s += " } AscWarningInstance;\n";
s += "\n";
s += " static AscWarning* allWarningConstants[" + numLanguages + "]; // table of all language tables.\n";
for ( var i=0; i < languageNames.length; i++ )
s += " static AscWarning warningConstants"+ languageNames[i] + "[" + numWarnings + "];\n";
s += " static AscWarningInstance unsupportedProps[kNumPropertyWarnings]; // table of all unsupported AS2 properties\n";
s += " static AscWarningInstance unsupportedMethods[kNumMethodWarnings]; // table of all unsupported AS2 methods\n";
s += " static AscWarningInstance unsupportedEvents[kNumEventWarnings]; // table of all AS2 event handlers which no longer get called automatically.\n";
s += " };\n";
s += "}\n";
s += "}\n";
s += "#endif //" + IFDEF + "\n";
s += "\n";
File.write(OUTPUT_H_FILE, s);
s += "\n";
s += "#include \"" + MAIN_INCLUDE + "\"\n";
s += "\n";
s += "namespace asc {\n";
s += "namespace v1 {\n";
//s += "namespace " + STRUCT_NAME + "{\n"; // Uncomment if we want a new namespace for just the errors
for ( var i=0; i < languageNames.length; i++ )
s += " " + STRUCT_NAME + "::AscWarning " + STRUCT_NAME + "::" + "warningConstants"+ languageNames[i] + "[" + COUNT_NAME + "] =\n";
s += " {\n";
for (var j=0; j<messages.length; j++)
if ( messages[j].language == languageNames[i] && removedWarnings[messages[j].id] == undefined )
s += " { " + messages[j].label + ", \"" + quote(messages[j].message) + "\" },\n";
// If the current output language is not English add on each of the newly added error strings that have not been localized
for (var k=0; k < nonLocalizedLanguages.length; k++)
if ( languageNames[i] != "EN" )
s += " { " + nonLocalizedLanguages[k].label + ", \"" + quote(nonLocalizedLanguages[k].message) + "\" },\n";
s += " };\n\n";
s += " " + STRUCT_NAME + "::AscWarningInstance " + STRUCT_NAME + "::unsupportedProps[" + properties.length + "] =\n";
s += " {\n";
for (var x=0; x<properties.length; x++)
s += " { " + properties[x].label + ", " + properties[x].base + ", \"" + quote(properties[x].name) + "\", " + properties[x].isStatic + " },\n";
s += " };\n\n";
s += " " + STRUCT_NAME + "::AscWarningInstance " + STRUCT_NAME + "::unsupportedMethods[" + methods.length + "] =\n";
s += " {\n";
for (var x=0; x<methods.length; x++)
s += " { " + methods[x].label + ", " + methods[x].base + ", \"" + quote(methods[x].name) + "\", " + methods[x].isStatic + " },\n";
s += " };\n\n";
s += " " + STRUCT_NAME + "::AscWarningInstance " + STRUCT_NAME + "::unsupportedEvents[" + events.length + "] =\n";
s += " {\n";
for (var x=0; x<events.length; x++)
s += " { " + events[x].label + ", " + events[x].base + ", \"" + quote(events[x].name) + "\", false },\n";
s += " };\n\n";
s += " " + STRUCT_NAME + "::AscWarning* " + STRUCT_NAME + "::" + ARRAY_NAME + "[" + LANG_COUNT_NAME + "] =\n";
s += " {\n";
for ( var i=0; i < languageNames.length; i++ )
s += " " + STRUCT_NAME + "::warningConstants" + languageNames[i] + ",\n";
s += " };\n";
s += "}\n";
s += "}\n";
File.write(OUTPUT_CPP_FILE, s);