blob: 3537a500a5e46b5bc036b7c59b579d9c26250e42 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import mx.collections.ArrayList;
import spark.collections.*;
import mx.controls.Button;
import spark.components.Button;
import spark.components.DataGroup;
import spark.layouts.*;
import spark.skins.spark.*;
// This is an optimization to workaround a Mustella performance bug. Some things don't get garbage collected
// so only instantiating the ArrayList once and then clearing and refilling it saves a ton of memory
public var cachedItemList:ArrayList = new ArrayList();
// Keeps track of number of renderers fired
public var rendererAddCounter:int = 0;
public function updateRendererCounter(event:Event):void {
public function setupVerticalVirtualizationTest(dg:DataGroup):Boolean {
dg.width = 100;
dg.height = 300;
dg.layout = new VerticalLayout();
dg.clipAndEnableScrolling = true;
dg.itemRendererFunction = virtualizationItemRendererFunction;
return true;
public function setupHorizontalVirtualizationTest(dg:DataGroup):Boolean {
dg.width = 300;
dg.height = 100;
dg.layout = new HorizontalLayout();
dg.clipAndEnableScrolling = true;
dg.itemRendererFunction = virtualizationItemRendererFunction;
return true;
public function setupTileLayoutVirtualizationTest(dg:DataGroup, orientation:String = 'rows'):Boolean {
dg.width = 500;
dg.height = 500;
dg.layout = new TileLayout();
dg.layout.useVirtualLayout = true;
(TileLayout(dg.layout)).orientation = orientation;
dg.clipAndEnableScrolling = true;
dg.itemRenderer = new ClassFactory(VirtualizationItemRenderer);
return true;
* Provide a generic method that returns an ArrayList of simple integers from 0 .. num
public function createSimpleIncreasingItems(num:int):ArrayList {
var ac:ArrayList = new ArrayList();
for (var i:int = 0; i < num; i++){
return ac;
public function createEvenOddItems(num:int):ArrayList {
return createSimpleIncreasingItems(num);
public function createRandomItems(nItems:int, axis:String):ArrayList {
var items:Array = new Array(nItems);
for(var i:int = 0; i < nItems; i++)
items[i] = {myItemIndex: i, majorAxis: axis, minorSize: 100, majorSize: int(Math.random() * (50) + 20)};
cachedItemList.source = items;
return cachedItemList;
public function createLargeSmallItems(nItems:int, axis:String):ArrayList {
var items:Array = new Array();
for (var i:int = 0; i < nItems; i++){
if (i % 2 == 0){
items.push({myItemIndex: i, majorAxis: axis, minorSize: 100, majorSize: 10});
items.push({myItemIndex: i, majorAxis: axis, minorSize: 100, majorSize: 10});
items.push({myItemIndex: i, majorAxis: axis, minorSize: 100, majorSize: 10});
items.push({myItemIndex: i, majorAxis: axis, minorSize: 100, majorSize: 10});
} else {
items.push({myItemIndex: i, majorAxis: axis, minorSize: 100, majorSize: 200});
items.push({myItemIndex: i, majorAxis: axis, minorSize: 100, majorSize: 200});
items.push({myItemIndex: i, majorAxis: axis, minorSize: 100, majorSize: 200});
items.push({myItemIndex: i, majorAxis: axis, minorSize: 100, majorSize: 200});
cachedItemList.source = items;
return cachedItemList;
public function createGroupedSmallLargeItems(nItems:int, groupSize:int, axis:String):ArrayList {
var items:Array = new Array();
var numBunches:int = nItems / groupSize;
var uniqueID:int = 0;
for (var i:int = 0; i < numBunches; i++){
if (i % 2 == 0){
for (var j:int = 0; j < groupSize; j++){
items.push({myItemIndex: uniqueID++, majorAxis: axis, minorSize: 100, majorSize: 10});
} else {
for (var k:int = 0; k < groupSize; k++){
items.push({myItemIndex: uniqueID++, majorAxis: axis, minorSize: 100, majorSize: 200});
cachedItemList.source = items;
return cachedItemList;
public function createMixedItems(nItems:int, axis:String):ArrayList {
var items:Array = new Array();
var localMajorSize:int = 24;
var localMinorSize:int = 100;
var localWidth:int = 0;
var localHeight:int = 0;
if (axis == "vertical"){
localWidth = localMinorSize;
localHeight = localMajorSize;
if (axis == "horizontal"){
localWidth = localMajorSize;
localHeight = localMinorSize;
for (var i:int = 0; i < nItems; i++){
items.push({myItemIndex: i, majorAxis: axis, minorSize: localMinorSize, majorSize: localMajorSize});
var newBtn:spark.components.Button = new spark.components.Button();
if(axis == 'vertical')
newBtn.label = "btn"+i;
newBtn.height = localHeight;
newBtn.width = localWidth;
var haloBtn:mx.controls.Button = new mx.controls.Button();
if(axis == 'vertical')
haloBtn.label = "halobtn"+i;
haloBtn.height = localHeight;
haloBtn.width = localWidth;
cachedItemList.source = items;
return cachedItemList;
public function createIdenticalItems(numItems:int, objMinor:int, objMajor:int, axis:String):ArrayList {
var tempArray:Array = new Array(numItems);
for (var i:int = 0; i < numItems; i++){
tempArray[i] = ({myItemIndex: i, majorAxis: axis, minorSize: objMinor, majorSize: objMajor});
cachedItemList.source = tempArray;
return cachedItemList;
public function createGrowingItems(nItems:int, axis:String, sizeLimit:int = 1000):ArrayList {
var tempArray:Array = new Array();
for (var i:int = 0; i < nItems; i++){
tempArray[i] = ({myItemIndex: i, majorAxis: axis, minorSize: 100, majorSize: (i % sizeLimit)});
cachedItemList.source = tempArray;
return cachedItemList;
public function createVariableItems(nItems:int, axis:String):ArrayList {
var tempArray:Array = new Array(nItems);
for (var i:int = 0; i < nItems; i++){
tempArray[i] = ({myItemIndex: i, majorAxis: axis, minorSize: 100, majorSize: (20 + ((20 * i) % 100))});
cachedItemList.source = tempArray;
return cachedItemList;
public function createEstimationItems(nItems:int, axis:String):ArrayList {
var items:Array = new Array();
items.push({myItemIndex: 0, majorAxis: axis, minorSize: 100, majorSize: 1});
items.push({myItemIndex: 1, majorAxis: axis, minorSize: 100, majorSize: 100});
for (var i:int = 2; i < nItems; i++){
items.push({myItemIndex: i, majorAxis: axis, minorSize: 100, majorSize: 20});
cachedItemList.source = items;
return cachedItemList;
public function createLargeItems(nItems:int, axis:String):ArrayList {
var items:Array = new Array();
for (var i:int = 0; i < nItems; i++){
items.push({myItemIndex: i, majorAxis: axis, minorSize: 100, majorSize: 1000});
cachedItemList.source = items;
return cachedItemList;
public function createDuplicateItems(nItems:int, axis:String):ArrayList {
var items:Array = new Array();
var localMinorSize:int = 100;
var localMajorSize:int = 24;
var dupItem1:Object = {myItemIndex:-1, majorAxis: axis, minorSize: localMinorSize, majorSize: localMajorSize};
var dupItem2:Object = {myItemIndex:-2, majorAxis: axis, minorSize: localMinorSize, majorSize: localMajorSize};
for (var i:int = 0; i < nItems; i++){
items.push({myItemIndex: i, majorAxis: axis, minorSize: localMinorSize, majorSize: localMajorSize});
cachedItemList.source = items;
return cachedItemList;
public function virtualizationItemRendererFunction(item:*):IFactory {
if (item is DisplayObject)
return null;
return new ClassFactory(VirtualizationItemRenderer);
public function colorItemRendererFunction(item:*):IFactory {
if (item is DisplayObject)
return null;
return new ClassFactory(ColorItemRenderer);
public function fancyItemRendererFunction(item:*):IFactory {
if (item is DisplayObject)
return null;
return new ClassFactory(FancyItemRenderer);
public function stateItemRendererFunction(item:*):IFactory {
if (item is DisplayObject)
return null;
return new ClassFactory(StateItemRenderer);