blob: 4ff436a7c4e4005d860d4450beb899779e10d338 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
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// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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import spark.layouts.supportClasses.LinearLayoutVector;
private var linearLayoutVectorTestingResults:String = "";
// This method serves as the entry point for Mustella test to call the set of tests in this file
public function runLinearLayoutVectorTests():Boolean {
// run these tests
// return true if no failures
return linearLayoutVectorTestingResults != "fail";
// The following code was written to perform some simple tests of the LinearLayoutVector class.
// Hans Muller wrote this chunk of code and will contribute additions/modifications to QA to update
// when needed.
// Note: Be sure to leave the line in fail() that sets the result string if you make changes below.
private function fail(s:String):void
// track that something failed
linearLayoutVectorTestingResults = "fail";
throw new Error("LinearLayoutVector test failed: " + s);
private function checkBounds(v:LinearLayoutVector, i:uint, r1:Rectangle):void
var r0:Rectangle = v.getBounds(i);
if (!r1.equals(r0))
fail(v + ".getBounds(" + i + ") " + r0 + " != " + r1);
private function testEmptyLLV():void
var llv:LinearLayoutVector = new LinearLayoutVector();
llv.length = 129;
llv.defaultMajorSize = 10;
llv.minorSize = 100; = 1;
if (llv.start(0) != 0)
fail("llv.start(0) != 0");
llv.majorAxis = LinearLayoutVector.VERTICAL;
checkBounds(llv, 0, new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 10));
llv.majorAxis = LinearLayoutVector.HORIZONTAL;
checkBounds(llv, 0, new Rectangle(0, 0, 10, 100));
if (llv.start(1) != 11)
fail("llv.start(1) != 11");
if (llv.indexOf(11) != 1)
fail("llv.index(11) != 1");
llv.majorAxis = LinearLayoutVector.VERTICAL;
checkBounds(llv, 1, new Rectangle(0, 11, 100, 10));
llv.majorAxis = LinearLayoutVector.HORIZONTAL;
checkBounds(llv, 1, new Rectangle(11, 0, 10, 100));
if (llv.start(127) != (1270 + 127))
fail("llv.start(127) != " + (1270 + 127));
if (llv.indexOf(1270 + 127) != 127)
fail("llv.indexOf(1270 + 127) != 127");
if (llv.start(128) != (1280 + 128))
fail("llv.start(128) != " + (1280 + 128));
if (llv.indexOf(1280 + 128) != 128)
fail("llv.indexOf(1280 + 128) != 128");
llv.majorAxis = LinearLayoutVector.VERTICAL;
checkBounds(llv, 128, new Rectangle(0, (1280 + 128), 100, 10));
llv.majorAxis = LinearLayoutVector.HORIZONTAL;
checkBounds(llv, 128, new Rectangle((1280 + 128), 0, 10, 100));
private function testLLV(llv:LinearLayoutVector):void
var distance:Number = 0;
var defaultMajorSize:Number = llv.defaultMajorSize;
var minorSize:Number = llv.minorSize;
var gap:Number =;
var lastIndex:int = llv.length - 1;
for(var i:int = 0; i < llv.length; i++)
if (llv.getMajorSize(i) != defaultMajorSize)
fail("getMajorSize(" + i + ") default, " + defaultMajorSize + " != " + llv.getMajorSize(i));
// check simple read/write
llv.setMajorSize(i, i);
if (llv.getMajorSize(i) != i)
fail("getMajorSize(" + i + ") => " + llv.getMajorSize(i));
// check the start() method
if (llv.start(i) != distance)
fail("start(" + i + ") => " + llv.start(i) + " != " + distance);
// Check the getBounds() method
llv.majorAxis = LinearLayoutVector.VERTICAL;
checkBounds(llv, i, new Rectangle(0, distance, minorSize, i));
llv.majorAxis = LinearLayoutVector.HORIZONTAL;
checkBounds(llv, i, new Rectangle(distance, 0, i, minorSize));
// check the indexof() method
// Note that if gap==0, indices 0 and 1 are indistinguishable, since
// distance is the *start* of the item
if ((i > 1) && (llv.indexOf(distance) != i))
fail("indexOf(" + distance + ") => " + llv.indexOf(distance) + " != " + i);
var distancePlus:Number = distance + 0.1;
if ((i > 0) && (llv.indexOf(distancePlus) != i))
fail("indexOf(" + distancePlus + ") => " + llv.indexOf(distancePlus) + " != " + i);
distance += i;
// check the end() method, distance is now the cumulative distance
// to the end of item i
if (llv.end(i) != distance)
fail("current end(" + i + ") => " + llv.end(i) + " != " + distance);
if (i < lastIndex)
distance += gap;
// check end(lastIndex) which requires summing the defaultSize
// elements that follow index i
var nDefaultItems:int = lastIndex - i;
var defaultItemsGap:Number = Math.max(0, (nDefaultItems - 1) * gap);
var totalDistance:Number = distance + (defaultMajorSize * nDefaultItems) + defaultItemsGap;
if (llv.end(lastIndex) != totalDistance)
fail("extreme end(" + lastIndex + ") => " + llv.end(lastIndex) + " != " + totalDistance);
* Test for a problem with the final statement in indexOf():
* return index + Math.floor(Number(distance - curDistance) / Number(_defaultMajorSize + _gap));
* At this point in the logic, the value of index == the first index in the block
* that is known to contain the index. The original code incorrectly used Math.ceil().
* Fixed in SVN 4984.
private function testIndexOf():void
var llv:LinearLayoutVector = createLLV(257, 15, 10);
llv.setMajorSize(0, 15); // force block 0 to be allocated
trace(" " + llv);
var y:Number = (128 * 25) + 10;
var index:int = llv.indexOf(y); // middle of elt 0, block #1
if (index != 128)
fail("indexOf(" + y + ") failed, index " + index + " expected 128");
y = (128 * 25);
index = llv.indexOf(y); // beginning of elt 0, block #1
if (index != 128)
fail("indexOf(" + y + ") failed, index " + index + " expected 128");
y = (255 * 25) + 10;
index = llv.indexOf(y); // middle of elt 255, block #1
if (index != 255)
fail("indexOf(" + y + ") failed, " + index + " + expected 255");
y = (256 * 25) + 10;
index = llv.indexOf(y); // middle of elt 256, block #2
if (index != 256)
fail("indexOf(" + y + ") failed, " + index + " + expected 256");
private function createLLV(l:uint, s:Number, g:Number):LinearLayoutVector
var llv:LinearLayoutVector = new LinearLayoutVector();
llv.length = l;
llv.defaultMajorSize = s;
llv.minorSize = 25; = g;
return llv;
private function test():void
trace("Check empty LinearLayoutVector, sizes are default.");
trace("Check LinearLayoutVector get/set/start with allocations ...");
var llv:LinearLayoutVector;
llv = createLLV(1000, 10, 1);
trace (" " + llv);
llv = createLLV(100, 0, 0);
trace (" " + llv);
llv = createLLV(128, 10, 1);
trace (" " + llv);
llv = createLLV(129, 10, 1);
trace (" " + llv);
llv = createLLV(512, 10, 1);
trace (" " + llv);
llv = createLLV(515, 10, 1);
trace (" " + llv);
trace("Check indexOf()");