blob: 73f730e01f96683b5a34955f324f0eaacf65fedc [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package {
import flash.display.DisplayObject;
import flash.system.Capabilities;
import flash.filesystem.File;
* Location of a hash table of tests not to run.
* This mixin should find the excludes written to one of two locations.
* Browsers runs are picky about where they find the excludes, so, we serve them
* up via http (in a sibling location to the tests).
* The file is one test per line of the form ScriptName$TestID
* The location of the file is assumed to be c:/temp on windows,
* or /tmp on Unix.
public class ExcludeFileLocationApollo
private static var loader:URLLoader;
private static var url:String;
private static var mustellaDir:String;
private static var frontURL:String;
private static var domain:String;
public static var excludeFile:String = "ExcludeList.txt";
* tell UnitTester it should wait for this load to complete
UnitTester.waitForExcludes = true;
public static var _root:DisplayObject;
public static var triedBrowser:Boolean = false;
public static var triedNormal:Boolean = false;
// we try the http spot, in case this is a browser run
public static function init(root:DisplayObject):void
trace ("Hello from excludes at: " + new Date());
var os:String = Capabilities.os;
// This seems to be a timing issue which pops up on some machines.
if( == null ){ = new ConditionalValue();
if( ( != null) && ( == DeviceNames.ANDROID.toLowerCase()) ){
mustellaDir = "..";
excludeFile = UnitTester.excludeFile;
trace("Doing Android style exclude. Checking in " + mustellaDir + "/" + excludeFile);
}else if( ( != null) && ( == DeviceNames.IOS.toLowerCase()) ){
mustellaDir = File.documentsDirectory.url;
excludeFile = UnitTester.excludeFile;
}else if (os.indexOf ("QNX") > -1) {
mustellaDir = "..";
excludeFile = UnitTester.excludeFile;
trace("Doing QNX style exclude. Checking in " + mustellaDir + "/" + excludeFile);
if (os.indexOf ("Windows") != -1)
excludeFile = "ExcludeListWinAIR.txt";
} else if (os.indexOf ("Mac") != -1)
excludeFile = "ExcludeListMacAIR.txt";
} else if (os.indexOf ("Linux") != -1)
excludeFile = "ExcludeListLinux.txt";
} else
trace ("Excludes: bad: we didn't see an OS we liked: " + os);
excludeFile = "ExcludeListWin.txt";
_root = root;
url = root.loaderInfo.url;
if (url.indexOf("app:")!=-1)
ApolloFilePath.init (root);
url = encodeURI2(ApolloFilePath.apolloAdjust(url));
trace ("Adjusting path for AIR to: " + url);
// url = adjustPath(url);
mustellaDir = url.substring (0, url.indexOf ("mustella/tests")+14);
frontURL = url.substring (0, url.indexOf (":"));
domain = url.substring (url.indexOf (":")+3);
domain = domain.substring (0, domain.indexOf ("/"));
private static function apolloAdjust(url:String):String
var swf:String = _root.loaderInfo.url;
var f:File = new File (swf);
// clean it up:
var myPattern:RegExp = /\\/g;
var path:String = f.nativePath;
path = path.replace (myPattern, "/");
path = path.replace (":", "|");
// yank off the swfs directory, which we're in
path = path.substr (0, path.lastIndexOf ("/")-1);
path = path.substr (0, path.lastIndexOf ("/"));
if (url.indexOf ("../")==0)
url = url.substring (2);
if (url.indexOf ("/..")==0)
url = url.substring (3);
path = path.substr (0, path.lastIndexOf ("/"));
/// create the final url
path = path + url;
return "file:///" + path;
public static var adjustPath:Function = function(url:String):String { return url; };
private static function encodeURI2(s:String):String
var pos:int = s.lastIndexOf("/");
if (pos != -1)
var fragment:String = s.substring(pos + 1);
s = s.substring(0, pos + 1);
fragment= encodeURIComponent(fragment);
s = s + fragment;
return s;
public static function loadTryBrowser():void
trace ("excludes loadTryBrowser at: " + new Date().toString());
triedBrowser = true;
var currentOS:String = Capabilities.os;
var useFile:String = "http://localhost/" + excludeFile;
trace ("try excludes from here: " + useFile);
var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest(useFile);
loader = new URLLoader();
loader.addEventListener("complete", completeHandler);
loader.addEventListener("securityError", errorHandler);
loader.addEventListener("ioError", errorHandler);
/// if it worked, all good
private static function completeHandler(event:Event):void
trace ("Excludes: from web server");
* A non-browser will get its results from the /tmp location.
* It should be a failure to get here; we try the browser case first
* because it throws a nasty seciry
public static function errorHandler(event:Event):void
trace ("Exclude: in the web read error handler");
if (!triedNormal)
public static function loadTryNormal():void
triedNormal = true;
trace ("excludes loadTryFile " + new Date().toString());
var currentOS:String = Capabilities.os;
var useFile:String;
useFile = mustellaDir +"/" + excludeFile;
trace ("Exclude: try load from: " + useFile);
var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest(useFile);
loader = new URLLoader();
loader.addEventListener("complete", completeHandler2);
loader.addEventListener("ioError", errorHandler2);
loader.addEventListener("securityError", errorHandler2);
private static function errorHandler2(event:Event):void
trace ("Exclude: error in the exclude file load " +event);
if (!triedBrowser)
private static function completeHandler2(event:Event):void
trace ("Excludes: Reading from file system at "+mustellaDir );
private static function postProcessData(event:Event):void
var data:String =;
// DOS end of line
var delimiter:RegExp = new RegExp("\r\n", "g");
data = data.replace(delimiter, ",");
// Unix end of line
delimiter = new RegExp("\n", "g");
data = data.replace(delimiter, ",");
UnitTester.excludeList = new Object();
var items:Array = data.split(",");
var n:int = items.length;
for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++)
var s:String = items[i];
if (s.length)
UnitTester.excludeList[s] = 1;
UnitTester.waitForExcludes = false;