blob: aac9503b23067a02435c2204582b0aee7809f28a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package mustella;
import utils.*;
import utils.FileUtils;
import utils.ArgumentParser;
import java.util.regex.*;
import java.util.*;
* User: bolaghlin, derived from a dschaffer piece
* Date: Sep 21 2006 / Threaded 5/22/07
public class CompileMustellaSwfs extends Thread {
* distributed related vars here
public static boolean distributed = false;
* pmd vars
public static boolean pmd = false;
public static String compile_dir = null;
public static int compile_id= -1;
public static int directory_result = 0;
public static int hostId = 0;
private ArrayList defaultArgs;
private static String mobileConfigArg = null;
private static String exclude_filename = null;
private static String run_this_script = null;
private static String include_list = null;
private static boolean use_include_file = false;
private static boolean debugDump = false;
private static boolean skip_exclude = false;
private static boolean fork_compile = true;
private static boolean use_browser = false;
private static boolean save_failures = false;
private static boolean exit_on_compile_error = false;
private static String socket_mixin = "";
private static String mustella_dir = null;
private static HashMap swfs = new HashMap();
private static HashMap extraArgs = new HashMap();
public static int run_id = -1;
public static int exit_with = 0;
private static ArrayList survivors = new ArrayList();
private static boolean use_apollo = false;
private static boolean apollo_transform = false;
private static String apollo_transform_template = "air_transform/template.mxml";
private static String apollo_transform_prefix = "zzaird_";
private static String apollo_transform_prefix2 = "wwaird_";
private static boolean use_mustella_framework_dir = false;
private static String mustella_framework_dir = null;
private static String mustella_test_dir = null;
private static String apollo_location = "";
private static String file_of_tests = "";
private static String user_args = "";
public static double flex_version = 0.0;
public static int build_version = 0;
public static String height = "375";
public static String width = "500";
/// some mixins we may be using:
public static final String resultCollectorMixinName = "SendResultsToRunner";
public static String excludeListMixinName = "ExcludeFileLocation";
public static final String includeListMixinName = "CurrentIncludeList";
public static String htmlDir = "/templates/client-side-detection-with-history/";
private static String resultInclude =" -includes+=SendFormattedResultsToLog";
private static String exitInclude = " -includes+=ExitWhenDone";
public static int allowedCount = 1;
private static boolean run_mobile_tests = false;
private static String device_name = "";
private static String target_os_name = "";
private static String os_version = "";
static {
// Mobile settings
try {
exclude_filename = System.getProperty ("exclude_filename");
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Didn't get an exclude_filename.");
} finally{
System.out.println ("exclude_filename: " + exclude_filename);
try {
os_version = System.getProperty ("os_version");
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Didn't get an os_version.");
} finally{
System.out.println ("os_version: " + os_version);
try {
target_os_name = System.getProperty ("target_os_name");
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Didn't get a target_os_name.");
} finally{
System.out.println ("target_os_name: " + target_os_name);
try {
device_name = System.getProperty ("device_name");
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Didn't get a device_name.");
} finally{
System.out.println ("device_name: " + device_name);
try {
run_mobile_tests = new Boolean (System.getProperty ("run_mobile_tests")).booleanValue();
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Didn't get run_mobile_tests.");
run_mobile_tests = false;
try {
use_apollo = new Boolean (System.getProperty ("use_apollo")).booleanValue();
// System.out.println ("use_apollo: " + use_apollo);
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
apollo_transform = new Boolean (System.getProperty ("apollo_transform")).booleanValue();
// System.out.println ("apollo_transform: " + apollo_transform);
} catch (Exception e) {
// pmd distributed:
try {
pmd = new Boolean (System.getProperty ("pmd")).booleanValue();
} catch (Exception e) {
// distributed:
try {
distributed = new Boolean (System.getProperty ("distributed")).booleanValue();
} catch (Exception e) {
// distributed:
try {
compile_dir = System.getProperty ("compile_dir");
} catch (Exception e) {
// distributed:
try {
compile_id = Integer.parseInt (System.getProperty ("compile_id"));
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
hostId = Integer.parseInt (System.getProperty ("hostId"));
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
apollo_transform_template = System.getProperty ("apollo_transform_template");
// System.out.println ("apollo_transform_template: " + apollo_transform_template);
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
apollo_transform_prefix = System.getProperty ("apollo_transform_prefix");
// System.out.println ("apollo_transform_prefix: " + apollo_transform_prefix);
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
apollo_transform_prefix2 = System.getProperty ("apollo_transform_prefix2");
/// System.out.println ("apollo_transform_prefix2: " + apollo_transform_prefix2);
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
use_browser = new Boolean (System.getProperty ("use_browser")).booleanValue();
// System.out.println ("use_browser raw: " + System.getProperty("use_browser"));
// System.out.println ("use_browser: " + use_browser);
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
fork_compile = new Boolean (System.getProperty ("fork_compile")).booleanValue();
// System.out.println ("fork_compile: " + fork_compile);
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
apollo_location = System.getProperty ("apollo_location");
// System.out.println ("apollo: " + apollo_location);
} catch (Exception e) {
// result_include is set in build.xml, then it gets overridden depending on if it's a local
// or server run.
try {
if (System.getProperty ("result_include") != null && !System.getProperty ("result_include").startsWith ("${")) {
resultInclude = System.getProperty ("result_include");
} else {
resultInclude =" -includes+=SendFormattedResultsToLog";
} catch (Exception e) {
resultInclude =" -includes+=SendFormattedResultsToLog";
System.out.println ("result_include: " + resultInclude);
try {
exitInclude = System.getProperty ("exit_include");
if (exitInclude != null && exitInclude.equals (""))
exitInclude = " -includes+=ExitWhenDone";
} catch (Exception e) {
exitInclude = " -includes+=ExitWhenDone";
try {
if (System.getProperty ("htmlDir")!=null && !System.getProperty ("htmlDir").equals(""))
htmlDir = System.getProperty ("htmlDir");
// System.out.println ("htmlDir: " + htmlDir);
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
save_failures = new Boolean (System.getProperty ("save_failures")).booleanValue();
// System.out.println ("save_failures: " + save_failures);
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
skip_exclude = new Boolean (System.getProperty ("skip_exclude")).booleanValue();
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
excludeListMixinName = System.getProperty ("exclude_mixin");
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
mustella_dir = System.getProperty ("mustella.dir");
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
mustella_test_dir = System.getProperty ("sdk.mustella.dir");
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
flex_version = Double.parseDouble(System.getProperty ("flex_version"));
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
build_version = Integer.parseInt (System.getProperty ("build_version"));
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
if (System.getProperty ("user_args")!=null) {
user_args += System.getProperty ("user_args");
// System.out.println ("saw a user arg: " + user_args);
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
allowedCount = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
} catch (Exception e) {
if (System.getProperty ("exit_on_compile_error")!=null) {
try {
exit_on_compile_error = new Boolean (System.getProperty ("exit_on_compile_error")).booleanValue();
// System.out.println ("exit_on_compile_error: " + exit_on_compile_error);
} catch (Exception e) {
exit_on_compile_error = false;
if (System.getProperty ("use_mustella_framework_dir")!=null && !System.getProperty ("use_mustella_framework_dir").equals ("") ) {
try {
use_mustella_framework_dir = new Boolean (System.getProperty ("use_mustella_framework_dir")).booleanValue();
} catch (Exception e) {
if (System.getProperty ("include_list")!=null && !System.getProperty ("include_list").equals ("") ) {
try {
include_list = System.getProperty ("include_list");
} catch (Exception e) {
if (System.getProperty ("use_include_file")!=null && !System.getProperty ("use_include_file").equals ("") ) {
try {
use_include_file = new Boolean (System.getProperty ("use_include_file")).booleanValue();
} catch (Exception e) {
if (System.getProperty ("mustella_framework_dir")!=null && !System.getProperty ("mustella_framework_dir").equals ("") ) {
try {
mustella_framework_dir = System.getProperty ("mustella_framework_dir");
} catch (Exception e) {
if (System.getProperty ("socket_mixin")!=null) {
socket_mixin = System.getProperty ("socket_mixin");
if (socket_mixin != null && !socket_mixin.equals (""))
socket_mixin = " -includes+=" + socket_mixin;
if (System.getProperty ("run_id")!=null) {
try {
run_id = Integer.parseInt (System.getProperty ("run_id"));
// System.out.println ("compile mustella swfs, have this run id: " + run_id);
} catch (Exception e) {
run_id = -1;
if (System.getProperty ("run_this_script")!=null) {
try {
run_this_script = System.getProperty ("run_this_script");
// System.out.println ("run script: " + run_this_script);
if (run_this_script.equals (""))
run_this_script = null;
} catch (Exception e) {
run_this_script = null;
}// end static init block
public static String[] readIntoArray() {
BufferedReader br = null;
ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
String tmp = null;
String [] ret = null;
try {
br = new BufferedReader (new FileReader(file_of_tests));
while ( (tmp = br.readLine()) != null) {
al.add (tmp);
ret = new String[al.size()];
ret = (String[]) al.toArray((String[])ret);
return ret;
} catch (Exception e) {
return (String[])null;
public static ArrayList threads = new ArrayList();
public static synchronized void removeFromList (Object o) {
// System.out.println ("call to remove " + o );
threads.remove (o);
// System.out.println ("post thread look: " + threads);
static long compile_start=0;
static long compile_end=0;
public static void main(String args[]) {
/// This isn't necessarily an error anymore. allow it
if (args.length == 0) {
System.out.println("CompileTestSwfs no mxml files to compile.");
file_of_tests = args[0];
/// just debugging:
// System.out.println("args to compile: " + args[0]);
String basedir = System.getProperty("basedir", ".");
/* AJH
InsertMilestone im1 = null;
DistributedMilestone dins1 = null;
if (!distributed)
im1 = new InsertMilestone (run_id, "compile_start", System.currentTimeMillis());
dins1 = new DistributedMilestone (0, compile_id, compile_dir, -1, System.currentTimeMillis(),hostId);
compile_start = System.currentTimeMillis();
args = readIntoArray();
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
if (new File(mustella_dir + "/" + "testing.halt").exists()) {
System.out.println("SAW HALT NOTIFICATION, halting compile at " + new Date());
/// generate mustella args ADD survivor check into the extraArg creation check
if (args[i].endsWith (".mxml")) {
MustellaDirs.genHashMap (args[i], extraArgs, swfs, run_this_script);
// Write a mobile config class to mustella/tests/mobile.
// Note: this seems to be assuming use_mustella_framework_dir is true.
if( run_mobile_tests ){
mobileConfigArg = " -includes+=" + MobileConfigWriter.write( device_name, target_os_name, os_version, mustella_framework_dir, run_id, exclude_filename );
// System.out.println ("the hash: " + swfs);
/// mustella args iteration
Iterator it = extraArgs.entrySet().iterator();
String swfName = null;
String swfFile = null;
ArrayList al = null;
Map.Entry mes = null;
long begin0=0,end0=0;
// InsertErrorResult ier = null;
while (true) {
if (new File(mustella_dir + "/" + "testing.halt").exists()) {
System.out.println("SAW HALT NOTIFICATION, halting compile at " + new Date());
if (threads.size() < allowedCount) {
// System.out.println ("size vs. allowed: " + threads.size() + " " + allowedCount + " spawning another compile thread");
if (it.hasNext()) {
mes = (Map.Entry);
swfName = (String) mes.getKey();
// swfFile = (String) swfs.get (swfName);
swfFile = swfName;
al = (ArrayList)((ArrayList) extraArgs.get (swfName)).clone();
if (swfFile != null) {
// retryCount=0;
CompileMustellaSwfs tc = new CompileMustellaSwfs(swfFile, al);
threads.add (tc);
} else {
System.out.println ("COMPILE: busted for " + swfFile + " " + swfName + " references: " + al);
handleCompileError (swfName, al.toString(), "a testSWF Reference points to a swf that could not be found." );
} else {
System.out.println ("nothing left to do");
} else {
try {
Thread.sleep (200);
} catch (Exception e0) {
while (threads.size() > 0) {
try {
Thread.sleep (1000);
// System.out.println ("Waiting for threads to finish: active " + threads.size());
} catch (Exception e0) {
/// experiment, rather than waiting forever
if (threads.size() > 0) {
Thread t = null;
for (int i=0;i<threads.size();i++) {
try {
t = (Thread) threads.get(i);
t.join (360000); // six minutes to finish a compile before we give up
} catch (Exception ee) {
System.out.println ("All done with the compile");
if (debugDump) {
try { Thread.sleep (4500); } catch (Exception e) { }
/* AJH
DistributedMilestone dins2 = null;
InsertMilestone im2 = null;
if (!distributed)
im2 = new InsertMilestone (run_id, "compile_end", System.currentTimeMillis());
dins2 = new DistributedMilestone (0, compile_id, compile_dir, directory_result, System.currentTimeMillis(), hostId);
compile_end = System.currentTimeMillis();
/* AJH
try {
if (dins2 != null) {
dins2.join (4000);
} else if (im2 != null) {
im2.join (4000);
} catch (Exception ee) {
System.out.println ("leaving the compile, elapsed: " + ((compile_end-compile_start)/1000));
if (fork_compile) {
System.out.println ("...via exit");
System.exit (exit_with);
String swf_name = null;
ArrayList arg_list = null;
public CompileMustellaSwfs (String swf, ArrayList args) {
// System.out.println ("Compile constructor for " + swf);
this.swf_name = swf;
this.arg_list = args;
public void run () {
// System.out.println ("Calling run on Compile for " + this + " at: " + new Date() + " for: " + swf_name);
//// what if we cleaned the args HERE
ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
String tmp = null;
String tmp_fixed = null;
for (int i=0;i<arg_list.size();i++) {
tmp = (String) arg_list.get (i);
if ( tmp.trim().startsWith ("-includes+=") ) {
tmp_fixed = finalFixUp(tmp);
// System.out.println ("Would replace " + tmp + " with + " + tmp_fixed);
al.add (tmp_fixed);
} else {
// System.out.println ("Leaving as is: " + tmp);
al.add (tmp);
compileMxml(swf_name, al);
public String finalFixUp (String s) {
s = s.substring ("-includes+=".length()+1);
s = new File (s).getName();
if (s.indexOf (".mxml") != -1)
s = s.substring (0, s.indexOf (".mxml"));
/// System.out.println ("This is the filename I've fixed: " + s);
return "-includes+=" +s;
public static void handleCompileError (String swfName, String args, String desc) {
/* AJH
if (run_id != -1) {
System.out.println ("(handleCompileError: inserting a compile error)");
InsertErrorResult ier = new InsertErrorResult (run_id, swfName, args, desc);
threads.add (ier);
System.out.println ("(started the insert error)");
try { Thread.sleep (1250); } catch (Exception e) {}
} else if (distributed && compile_id != -1) {
System.out.println ("(handleCompileError: inserting a compile error)");
InsertErrorResult ier = new InsertErrorResult (compile_id, swfName, args, desc);
threads.add (ier);
System.out.println ("(started the insert error)");
try { Thread.sleep (1250); } catch (Exception e) {}
} */
if (exit_on_compile_error) {
System.out.println("Compile Error detected. Flag set to exit. bye");
System.exit (1);
} else {
exit_with = 1;
public void compileMxml(String mxml, ArrayList ermineArgs) {
* assemble compile flags
String dir = FileUtils.normalizeDir(mxml);
dir = dir.substring(0, dir.lastIndexOf("/"));
boolean coachMode = false;
if (System.getProperty("coach") != null && System.getProperty("coach").equals("true")) {
coachMode = true;
/// incremental
boolean incremental="true".equals(System.getProperty("incremental"));
/// additional as path
String asclasspath=System.getProperty("asclasspath");
/// additional frameworks
String frameworks=System.getProperty("frameworks",".");
if (frameworks.endsWith("/")==false) frameworks+="/";
String basedir=System.getProperty("basedir");
// var to apply them
String args="";
/// we need to get in this guy's brain
// Obsolete String librarypath=System.getProperty("librarypath",frameworks+"/libs/framework.swc");
String librarypath="";
/// add excludes to the lib path if present:
if (System.getProperty("excludelibrarypath") != null && !System.getProperty("excludelibrarypath").equals("")) {
System.out.println ("Sent to me as excludelibrarypath: " + System.getProperty("excludelibrarypath"));
librarypath+= System.getProperty("excludelibrarypath");
/// if we're excluding, add the ExcludeList mixin
} else if (System.getProperty("exclude_source_path") != null && !System.getProperty("exclude_source_path").equals("")) {
/// if not present, and not skip exclude, add that path
args+= " -source-path+=" + System.getProperty("exclude_source_path");
// NOTE: Put this before the excludeListMixinName!
if ( CompileMustellaSwfs.run_mobile_tests )
args += mobileConfigArg;
if ( device_name.equalsIgnoreCase( "mac" ) ) {
args += " -includes+=DesktopMacSettings";
if ( device_name.equalsIgnoreCase( "win" ) ) {
args += " -includes+=DesktopWinSettings";
// NOTE: Put this after anything which sets something related to excludes,
// such as AndroidSettings!
if (!skip_exclude) {
args += " -includes+=" + excludeListMixinName;
if (use_apollo) {
args += " -includes+=ApolloFilePath";
if (use_include_file) {
args += " -includes+=IncludeFileLocation";
if (user_args != null)
args += " " +user_args;
// if (run_this_script != null && include_list != null) {
String extract = null;
if (include_list_file != null && !include_list_file.equals("")) {
/// read the file by line, each line is a test_file test_case identifier
try {
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(include_list_file));
// System.out.println ("noticed an include designation, adding it softly for " + mxml);
String front = null;
/// if we're excluding, add the ExcludeList mixin
ArrayList alinc = new ArrayList();
String tmp = null;
for (int i=0;i<ermineArgs.size();i++) {
tmp = (String)ermineArgs.get(i);
if (tmp.indexOf ("-includes+=")!= -1) {
extract = tmp.substring ("-includes+=".length());
} else if (tmp.indexOf ("-source-path+=")!= -1) {
front = tmp.substring ("-source-path+=".length());
front = front.substring (front.indexOf("mustella" + File.separator + "tests")+15);
front = front.replaceAll ("\\\\", "/") + "/";
alinc.add ("\"" + transformName( front + extract, "") + "\": 1,");
alinc.add ("\"" + transformName( front + extract, "") + "$" + include_list + "\": 1");
String whereToWrite= System.getProperty("mustella.dir") + File.separator + "classes";
// we thought it best to write these to a temp location
GetExcIncCase.writeToFile (alinc, whereToWrite + File.separator + includeListMixinName + ".as", false);
args += " -includes+=" + includeListMixinName;
args += " -source-path+="+whereToWrite;
if (include_list != null && !include_list.equals("")) {
// System.out.println ("noticed an include designation, adding it softly for " + mxml);
String front = null;
/// if we're excluding, add the ExcludeList mixin
ArrayList alinc = new ArrayList();
String tmp = null;
for (int i=0;i<ermineArgs.size();i++) {
tmp = (String)ermineArgs.get(i);
if (tmp.indexOf ("-includes+=")!= -1) {
extract = tmp.substring ("-includes+=".length());
} else if (tmp.indexOf ("-source-path+=")!= -1) {
front = tmp.substring ("-source-path+=".length());
front = front.replaceAll ("\\\\", "/") + "/";
int test_index = front.indexOf(mustella_test_dir);
int test_length = mustella_test_dir.length();
front = front.substring (test_index + test_length + 1);
alinc.add ("\"" + transformName( front + extract, "") + "\": 1,");
alinc.add ("\"" + transformName( front + extract, "") + "$" + include_list + "\": 1");
String whereToWrite= System.getProperty("mustella.dir") + File.separator + "classes";
// we thought it best to write these to a temp location
GetExcIncCase.writeToFile (alinc, whereToWrite + File.separator + includeListMixinName + ".as", false);
args += " -includes+=" + includeListMixinName;
args += " -source-path+="+whereToWrite;
/// if there's a mustella swc, use that.
/// probably want to be able to TOGGLE THIS on the ant side FIX
String mustellaswc = "";
if (System.getProperty("mustellaswc") != null && !use_mustella_framework_dir) {
if (mustellaswc.length() > 0)
args+= " -library-path+="+mustellaswc;
if (use_apollo) {
if (run_mobile_tests)
args+=" +configname=airmobile";
args+=" +configname=air";
if (save_failures) {
if (!distributed && !pmd) {
System.out.println ("Choosing local runner bitmap save");
args+=" -includes+=SaveBitmapFailures";
} else if (distributed || pmd) {
System.out.println ("Choosing the Dist server bitmap save");
args+=" -includes+=SaveBitmapFailuresDistServer";
/// adding
if (librarypath != null && librarypath.length() > 0) {
args+=" -library-path+="+ librarypath;
String externallibrarypath=System.getProperty("external.librarypath",frameworks+"/libs/playerglobal.swc");
if (librarypath.indexOf(".swc")==-1) {
boolean strict=System.getProperty("strict")!=null && System.getProperty("strict").equals("true");
if (socket_mixin != null && !socket_mixin.equals("")) {
/// add mustella args to the arg string
// if somehow there are no ermine args, then there is no test to mixin; so no point in
// compiling it
if (ermineArgs.size() == 0) {
System.out.println ("Skipping compile on " + mxml + " no mustella includes survived");
for (int i=0;i<ermineArgs.size();i++) {
args+=" "+ (String)ermineArgs.get(i);
args+=" --allow-source-path-overlap=true ";
if (incremental)
args+="--incremental=true ";
if (coachMode==false)
args+="--show-coach-warnings="+coachMode+" ";
if (strict==false)
args+="--strict="+strict+" ";
/// if we're interactive, hang around; and send results correctly.
if (args.indexOf ("SendResultsToSnifferClient") == -1) {
// System.out.println ("keeping resultInclude and exitInclude");
args += " " + resultInclude;
args += " " + exitInclude;
String [] pieces = asclasspath.split (",");
for (int i=0;i<pieces.length;i++) {
if (pieces[i] != null && pieces[i].length() > 0)
args+=" -source-path+="+pieces[i];
if (use_mustella_framework_dir) {
// System.out.println ("Adding qa fwk dir: " + mustella_framework_dir);
// Now add the rest.
args+= " -source-path+="+mustella_framework_dir;
// If we're using android or iOS, use the CompareBitmap which handles file I/O. MXMLC will
// keep whichever CompareBitmap it encounters first.
if( target_os_name.equalsIgnoreCase( MobileUtil.ANDROID_OS ) ||
target_os_name.equalsIgnoreCase( MobileUtil.IOS ) ||
target_os_name.equalsIgnoreCase( MobileUtil.QNX ) )
//System.out.println("AIR files will override.");
args+= " -source-path+="+mustella_framework_dir+File.separator+"AIR";
/// this is the include for the fwk to send stuff to the Runner
String services = System.getProperty("services");
if (services!= null && !services.equals("")) {
args+=" --services="+services;
String antArgs=System.getProperty("mxmlc.args");
if (antArgs!=null && !antArgs.equals("")) {
args=antArgs+" "+args;
args = checkAndAddUserArgs (mxml, args);
// System.out.println ("ARGS: " + args);
* if this run is designated as an air_transform, do the dirty work here
* we save this for the end, because we need to shift the args.
if (apollo_transform) {
mxml = FileUtils.normalizeDirOS(mxml);
args = ApolloAppToWindow.doAll (args, apollo_transform_prefix, apollo_transform_prefix2, mxml, apollo_transform_template, dir);
mxml = ApolloAppToWindow.getNewMxmlName (dir, mxml, apollo_transform_prefix);
// ------- ArgumentParser -------------
ArgumentParser parser = new ArgumentParser(args);
defaultArgs = parser.parseArguments();
if( debugDump ) {
for(int i=0; i < defaultArgs.size(); i++) {
System.out.println("ARG "+i+": "+defaultArgs.get(i));
try {
// writeTag(mxml, "status=started");
// if compc is used to produce a swc, add it to the classpath
String compc = System.getProperty("compc");
if (compc != null && !compc.equals("")) {
defaultArgs = compc(mxml, defaultArgs);
// do a similar thing for rsl only do not put the rsl swc on the classpath
String rsl = System.getProperty("rsl");
if (rsl != null && !rsl.equals("")) {
System.out.println ("okey doke, going to compile " + mxml);
CompileMxmlUtils compiler = new CompileMxmlUtils();
System.out.println ("************");
System.out.println ("************");
String defaultArgsDebugString = new String();
for(int i = 0; i < defaultArgs.size(); ++i){
defaultArgsDebugString += defaultArgs.get(i);
System.out.println ("mxml: " + mxml);
System.out.println ("defaultArgs: " + defaultArgsDebugString);
compiler.compile(mxml, defaultArgs);
RuntimeExecHelper rh = compiler.getRuntimeExecHelper();
/// FIX collect these results / insert
// writeTag(mxml, "mxmlc=" + StringUtils.arrayToString(compiler.getExecArgs()) + "\ncompile time=" + StringUtils.formatTime(compiler.getLastRunTime()) + "\nexitvalue=" + rh.getExitValue() + "\nstdout=" + rh.getOutputText() + "\nstderr=" + rh.getErrorText());
// System.out.println("rh output: " + rh.getOutputText());
// System.out.println("rh error out: " + rh.getErrorText());
// System.out.println("exit value=" + rh.getExitValue());
String failedFile=null;
// InsertErrorResult ier = null;
if (rh.getExitValue() != 0) {
directory_result = 1;
failedFile = rh.getErrorText();
System.out.println("here's the failedFile; " + failedFile);
handleCompileError (mxml, args, failedFile);
/// insert failure into the database here.
//ier = new InsertErrorResult (run_id, failedFile, rh.getErrorText());
/// don't bother retrying anymore. No more Mr. Nice Guy
if (removeFromArgs (mxml, failedFile, ermineArgs) && retryCount < 4) {
System.out.println ("Compile: Calling again");
compileMxml (mxml, ermineArgs);
} else {
System.out.println("!!compile failed, but could not fix cmd line, sorry");
if (!exit_on_compile_error) {
System.out.println("Not set to exit on compile error, continue");
} else {
/// reachable?
System.out.println("getting out");
} else {
// System.out.println ("that was just ducky");
/// if (System.getProperty("html")==null || System.getProperty("html").equals("false")==false) {
} catch (Exception e) {
handleCompileError (mxml, args, e.toString());
private static final String compile_arg_ending = ".compile";
private static final String property_arg_ending = ".htmlvars";
// private Hashtable htmlVars = new Hashtable();
public String checkAndAddUserArgs (String mxml, String args) {
String comp_mxml = transformName(mxml, compile_arg_ending);
Map.Entry me = null;
if (new File(comp_mxml).exists()) {
// System.out.println ("Saw the .compile file");
Properties p = new Properties();
try {
// Since we may get duplicate compile key directives, we
// have to combine them.
// can't really use load
String line = null;
String key = null;
String val = null;
String tmp = null;
BufferedReader be = new BufferedReader (new FileReader (comp_mxml));
/// Simplified version: just throw the arg on there, as is
while ( (line=be.readLine()) != null) {
if (!line.startsWith ("#"))
args += " "+ doSubstitute(line);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println ("Exception on trying to load user .compile file, maybe ok");
// e.printStackTrace();
if (args.indexOf ("-debug") == -1){
args += " -debug";
return args;
public String doSubstitute (String line) {
String sdk_dir=System.getProperty("sdk.dir");
String fwk_dir=System.getProperty("framework.dir");
if (sdk_dir != null && !sdk_dir.equals("")) {
if ( line.indexOf ("${sdk.dir}") != -1) {
line = line.replaceAll ("\\$\\{sdk.dir\\}", FileUtils.normalizeDir(sdk_dir));
if (mustella_dir != null && !mustella_dir.equals("")) {
if ( line.indexOf ("${mustella.dir}") != -1) {
line = line.replaceAll ("\\$\\{mustella.dir\\}", FileUtils.normalizeDir(mustella_dir));
if (fwk_dir != null && !fwk_dir.equals("")) {
if ( line.indexOf ("${framework.dir}") != -1) {
line = line.replaceAll ("\\$\\{framework.dir\\}", FileUtils.normalizeDir(fwk_dir));
return line;
public static String transformName (String mxml, String addition) {
if (mxml.endsWith (".mxml")) {
mxml = mxml.substring (0, mxml.length()-5) + addition;
return mxml;
// counter to see if there's progress.
private int retryCount = 0;
private int lastCount = 0;
private int currentCount = 0;
private String lastRemove = null;
public boolean removeFromArgs (String mxml, String removeArg, ArrayList ermineArgs) {
HashMap theBroken = splitAndFix(removeArg);
currentCount = ermineArgs.size();
if (currentCount < lastCount) {
lastCount = currentCount;
} else if (currentCount == lastCount) {
// we're making no headway,
return false;
System.out.println ("broken files: " + theBroken);
int countOfIncludes= countIncludes (ermineArgs);
// note futility right away.
if (countOfIncludes == 1) {
System.out.println ("include count is 1. There's no hope, returning false");
return false;
System.out.println ("include count: " + countOfIncludes);
String fixed = null;
/// how do we know if there's a test left?
boolean others= false;
int count = 0;
String tmp = null;
boolean tookAction = false;
for (int i=0;i<ermineArgs.size();i++) {
tmp = (String) ermineArgs.get (i);
if (tmp.indexOf ("-includes+=") != -1)
tmp = tmp.substring (11);
else {
System.out.println ("skipping arg: "+ tmp);
// if it's a busted one, remove
if (theBroken.put (tmp, new Integer (1)) != null) {
tookAction = true;
ermineArgs.remove (i);
if (lastRemove == null)
lastRemove= tmp;
else {
if (lastRemove.equals (tmp)) {
System.out.println ("Looks like we're trying again to remove: " + tmp);
} else {
System.out.println ("removed from the pile: " + tmp + " of: " + count);
System.out.println ("removed from the pile: " + tmp + " of: " + count);
} else {
System.out.println ("skipped removal of : " + tmp);
if (count == countOfIncludes) {
System.out.println ("count now == includeCount, futile, return false");
return false;
if (count < countOfIncludes && tookAction)
return true;
return false;
public int countIncludes (ArrayList al) {
String tmp = null;
int count= 0;
for (int i=0;i<al.size();i++) {
tmp = (String) al.get (i);
if ( tmp.indexOf ("-includes+=") != -1) {
if (tmp.length() <= "-includes+=".length())
/// unless includes are default ones, count
if (tmp.indexOf (resultCollectorMixinName) == -1 && tmp.indexOf (excludeListMixinName) ==-1) {
System.out.println ("counting this: " + tmp);
return count;
public static HashMap splitAndFix(String s){
String [] arr = s.split ("\n");
System.out.println ("This was the count: " + arr.length);
HashMap altmp = new HashMap();
for (int i=0;i<arr.length;i++) {
if (arr[i].indexOf ("Error:") != -1)
altmp.put ( fix (arr[i]), new Integer(1));
return altmp;
public static String fix(String s) {
s = MustellaDirs.cleanFile (s);
System.out.println ("This is a path sep: " + File.pathSeparator);
if (s.indexOf (File.separator) != -1)
s = s.substring (s.lastIndexOf (File.separator)+1);
System.out.println ("There ain't none in " + s);
return s;
/// derive compile output file.
public static String getTagName(String mxml) {
String tag;
if (mxml.indexOf(".") > -1) {
tag = mxml.substring(0, mxml.lastIndexOf(".")) + ".output";
} else {
tag = mxml + ".output";
return tag;
public static void writeTag(String mxml, String msg) {
String build = System.getProperty("build", "workspace");
String out = "hostname=" + StringUtils.getHostName() + "\n";
out += "date=" + StringUtils.getDate() + "\n";
out += "build=" + build + "\n";
out += msg;
String name = getTagName(mxml);
try {
FileUtils.writeFile(name, out);
} catch (Exception e) {
public static ArrayList compc(String mxml, ArrayList mxmlArgs) throws Exception {
System.out.println(">>>>> compc if necessary >>>>>>> " + mxml);
CompcUtils compc = new CompcUtils();
File argFile = null;
try {
argFile = compc.getCompcArgFile(mxml);
if (argFile.exists()) {
RuntimeExecHelper rh = compc.getRuntimeExecHelper();
mxmlArgs = compc.addSwcToClassPath(mxmlArgs);
// writeTag(mxml, "COMPC compile time=" + StringUtils.formatTime(compc.getLastRunTime()) + "\nexitvalue=" + rh.getExitValue() + "\nstdout=" + rh.getOutputText() + "\nstderr=" + rh.getErrorText());
System.out.println("compc exit value=" + rh.getExitValue());
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("compc argfile doesn't exist...carry on.");
return mxmlArgs;
public static void rsl(String mxml) throws Exception {
System.out.println(">>>>> building rsl(s)");
CompcUtils compc = new CompcUtils();
File argFile = null;
try {
argFile = compc.getRSLArgFile(mxml);
if (argFile.exists()) {
RuntimeExecHelper rh = compc.getRuntimeExecHelper();
System.out.println("compc exit value=" + rh.getExitValue());
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("rsl argfile doesn't exist...carry on.");