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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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<UnitTester testDir="resources/Locale/Properties/" xmlns:mx="" xmlns="*" testSWF="LocaleApp.mxml">
<!-- this set of lines form a template that must be in each unit test -->
public static function init(o:DisplayObject):void{}
<!-- end of set of lines that must be in each unit test -->
import mx.resources.Locale;
public var locale:Locale;
<TestCase frequency="all" testID="Locale_country_is_read_only" description="Confirm that 'country' property of Locale is read-only" keywords="[resources,Locale,country]">
<RunCode code="locale = new Locale('fr_FR_WIN')"/>
<SetProperty target="script:locale" propertyName="country" value="DE"/>
<AssertError errorArray="['ReferenceError: Error #1074:', 'country', 'mx.resources.Locale']"/>
<Pause timeout="1"/>
<TestCase frequency="all" testID="Locale_country_with_language_only" description="Confirm 'country' property of Locale when constructed with only language" keywords="[resources,Locale,country]">
<RunCode code="locale = new Locale('fr')"/>
<AssertPropertyValue target="script:locale" propertyName="country" value="null"/>
<Pause timeout="1"/>
<TestCase frequency="all" testID="Locale_country_with_language_and_country" description="Confirm 'country' property of Locale when constructed with only language and country" keywords="[resources,Locale,country]">
<RunCode code="locale = new Locale('fr_FR')"/>
<AssertPropertyValue target="script:locale" propertyName="country" value="FR"/>
<Pause timeout="1"/>
<TestCase frequency="all" testID="Locale_country_with_language_country_and_variant" description="Confirm 'country' property of Locale when constructed with language, country, and variant" keywords="[resources,Locale,country]">
<RunCode code="locale = new Locale('fr_FR_WIN')"/>
<AssertPropertyValue target="script:locale" propertyName="country" value="FR"/>
<Pause timeout="1"/>
<TestCase frequency="all" testID="Locale_country_with_language_country_and_extended_variant" description="Confirm 'country' property of Locale when constructed with language, country, and extended variant" keywords="[resources,Locale,country]">
<RunCode code="locale = new Locale('fr_FR_WIN_XP')"/>
<AssertPropertyValue target="script:locale" propertyName="country" value="FR"/>
<Pause timeout="1"/>