blob: a01afa00c48ae3d7121b0bdc4ef59845424a4dfa [file] [log] [blame]
<mx:Application width="800" height="600" backgroundColor="0xffffff"
xmlns:fx="" xmlns:mx="library://" xmlns:s="library://"
// Any test case could start out in any state, depending on how the
// previous test failed. Therefore, we cannot switch to a state and
// then wait, since we may already be in that state.
public function doManualReset():void{
if(currentState == "defaultState"){
dispatchEvent(new Event("manualResetComplete"));
addEventListener("currentStateChange", handleCurrentStateChange);
currentState = "defaultState";
private function handleCurrentStateChange(e:StateChangeEvent):void{
dispatchEvent(new Event("manualResetComplete"));
<!-- Embed fonts for cross platform compatibility of bitmap compares. -->
@namespace s "library://";
@namespace mx "library://";
@font-face {
src: url("../../../../Assets/Fonts/Open_Sans/OpenSans-Regular.ttf");
fontFamily: EmbeddedVerdana;
embedAsCFF: false;
@font-face {
src: url("../../../../Assets/Fonts/Open_Sans/OpenSans-Bold.ttf");
fontWeight: bold;
fontFamily: EmbeddedVerdana;
embedAsCFF: false;
@font-face {
src: url("../../../../Assets/Fonts/Open_Sans/OpenSans-Italic.ttf");
fontStyle: italic;
fontFamily: EmbeddedVerdana;
embedAsCFF: false;
fontFamily: EmbeddedVerdana;
fontAntiAliasType: normal;
<!-- This app. has various combinations of states in groups. -->
<mx:State name="defaultState" />
<mx:State name="state1" stateGroups="G1,G2,G3" /> <!-- stateGroups contains commas and no whitespace -->
<mx:State name="state2" stateGroups="G4, G5, G6" /> <!-- stateGroups contains commas and spaces -->
<mx:State name="state3" stateGroups="G7, G8, G9" /> <!-- stateGroups contains commas and tabs -->
<mx:State name="state4" stateGroups="G10, G11, G12" /> <!-- stateGroups contains a mix of whitespace combinations (a tab, and then a space) -->
<mx:State name="state5" stateGroups="[G13,G14,G15]" /> <!-- stateGroups contains array brackets -->
<mx:State name="state6" stateGroups="G16" /><!-- testing stateGroups and properties -->
<mx:State name="state7" stateGroups="G16" />
<mx:State name="state8" stateGroups="G17" />
<mx:State name="state9" />
<mx:State name="state10" stateGroups="G18" /><!-- testing stateGroups and styles -->
<mx:State name="state11" stateGroups="G18" />
<mx:State name="state12" stateGroups="G19" />
<mx:State name="state13" />
<mx:State name="state14" stateGroups="G20" /><!-- testing stateGroups and includeIn -->
<mx:State name="state15" stateGroups="G21" />
<mx:State name="state16" stateGroups="G21" />
<mx:State name="state17" stateGroups="G22" /><!-- testing stateGroups and excludeFrom -->
<mx:State name="state18" stateGroups="G23" />
<mx:State name="state19" stateGroups="G23" />
<mx:State name="state20" stateGroups="G24" /><!-- testing stateGroups and child node syntax -->
<mx:State name="state21" stateGroups="G25" />
<mx:State name="state22" />
<mx:State name="state23" stateGroups="G26" /><!-- testing stateGroups and @Clear() -->
<!-- These are controls for the stateGroups format tests. -->
<comps:DefinedButton id="btn1" label.G1="a" label.G4="b" label.G7="c" label.G10="d" label.G13="e" />
<comps:DefinedButton id="btn2" label.G2="f" label.G5="g" label.G8="h" label.G11="i" label.G14="j" />
<comps:DefinedButton id="btn3" label.G3="k" label.G6="l" label.G9="m" label.G12="n" label.G15="o" />
<!-- These are controls for the stateGroups property tests; some of them are covered by the format tests above. -->
<comps:DefinedButton id="btn4" label.G16="p" />
<comps:DefinedButton id="btn5" label.G17="q" label.state9="r" />
<!-- These are controls for the stateGroups style tests. -->
<comps:DefinedButton id="btn6" testStringStyle.G18="s" />
<comps:DefinedButton id="btn7" testStringStyle.G18="t" />
<comps:DefinedButton id="btn8" testStringStyle.G18="u" testStringStyle.G19="v" />
<comps:DefinedButton id="btn9" testStringStyle.G19="w" testStringStyle.state13="x" />
<!-- These are controls for the stateGroups includeIn tests. -->
<comps:DefinedButton id="btn10" includeIn="G20" />
<comps:DefinedButton id="btn11" includeIn="G20,G21" />
<comps:DefinedButton id="btn12" includeIn="state15,G21" />
<comps:DefinedButton id="btn13" includeIn="state14,G21" />
<!-- These are controls for the stateGroups excludeFrom tests. -->
<comps:DefinedButton id="btn14" excludeFrom="G22" />
<comps:DefinedButton id="btn15" excludeFrom="G22,G23" />
<comps:DefinedButton id="btn16" excludeFrom="G23,state19" />
<comps:DefinedButton id="btn17" excludeFrom="G22,state18" />
<!-- These are controls for the stateGroups child node syntax tests. -->
<comps:DefinedButton id="btn18" label.G24="y" label.G25="z" label.state22="a" />
<!-- These are controls for the stateGroups @Clear() syntax tests. -->
<comps:DefinedButton id="btn19" color="0x00ff00" color.G26="@Clear()" />