blob: a7d2bedec70ddacc587f277c3df1865a07c0e47d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import flash.localization.LocalizationManager;
import flash.localization.ResourceBundleLocalizer;
import flash.localization.XLRLocalizer;
import flash.util.Trace;
import flex2.compiler.CompilerAPI;
import flex2.compiler.common.CompilerConfiguration;
import flex2.compiler.common.Configuration;
import flex2.compiler.common.DefaultsConfigurator;
import flex2.compiler.config.ConfigurationBuffer;
import flex2.compiler.config.ConfigurationException;
import flex2.compiler.config.ConfigurationInfo;
import flex2.compiler.config.ConfigurationValue;
import flex2.compiler.swc.SwcException;
import flex2.compiler.util.SwcDependencyInfo;
import flex2.compiler.util.SwcDependencyUtil;
import flex2.compiler.util.SwcExternalScriptInfo;
import flex2.compiler.util.ThreadLocalToolkit;
* SwcDependencies is the entry point for a command line tool to list a set of SWC dependencies on each other.
* This tool accepts all the command line options that mxmlc does but only uses the options to gather SWCs, it does
* not modify the file system in any way.
public class SwcDependencies extends Tool
public static void main(String[] args)
public static void swcDependencies(String[] args)
// setup the path resolver
// set up for localizing messages
LocalizationManager l10n = new LocalizationManager();
l10n.addLocalizer( new XLRLocalizer() );
l10n.addLocalizer( new ResourceBundleLocalizer() );
// setup the console logger. the configuration parser needs a logger.
// process configuration
ConfigurationBuffer cfgbuf = new ConfigurationBuffer(DependencyRootConfiguration.class, Configuration.getAliases());
DefaultsConfigurator.loadDefaults( cfgbuf );
DependencyRootConfiguration configuration = (DependencyRootConfiguration) Mxmlc.processConfiguration(
l10n, "swcdepends", args, cfgbuf, DependencyRootConfiguration.class, "no-default-arg");
// well, setup the logger again now that we know configuration.getWarnings()???
CompilerAPI.useConsoleLogger(true, true, configuration.getWarnings(), true);
CompilerConfiguration compilerConfig = configuration.getCompilerConfiguration();
VirtualFile[] virtualFiles = new VirtualFile[0];
VirtualFile[] moreFiles = compilerConfig.getLibraryPath();
if (moreFiles != null)
virtualFiles = moreFiles; // first one, just assign reference
moreFiles = Configuration.getAllExcludedLibraries(compilerConfig, configuration);
if (moreFiles != null)
virtualFiles = (VirtualFile[])CompilerConfiguration.merge(virtualFiles, moreFiles, VirtualFile.class);
moreFiles = compilerConfig.getThemeFiles();
if (moreFiles != null)
// remove the css files and keep the swcs
List<VirtualFile> themeSwcs = new ArrayList<VirtualFile>(moreFiles.length);
for (int i = 0; i < moreFiles.length; i++)
if (moreFiles[i].getName().endsWith(".swc"))
if (themeSwcs.size() > 0)
virtualFiles = (VirtualFile[])CompilerConfiguration.merge(virtualFiles,
themeSwcs.toArray(new VirtualFile[themeSwcs.size()]),
moreFiles = compilerConfig.getIncludeLibraries();
if (moreFiles != null)
virtualFiles = (VirtualFile[])CompilerConfiguration.merge(virtualFiles, moreFiles, VirtualFile.class);
DependencyConfiguration dependencyConfig = configuration.getDependencyConfiguration();
List<String> types = dependencyConfig.getDesiredScriptDependencyTypes();
SwcDependencyInfo depInfo = SwcDependencyUtil.getSwcDependencyInfo(virtualFiles,
types.size() == 0 ? null :
types.toArray(new String[types.size()]),
List<String> depOrder = depInfo.getSwcDependencyOrder();
List<String> showSwcs = dependencyConfig.getShowSwcs();
// list the swc dependencies
for (String swcLocation : depOrder)
// filter the swcs that are shown
if (showSwcs.size() != 0)
boolean skip = true;
for (String showSwc : showSwcs)
if (swcLocation.equals(showSwc) || swcLocation.endsWith(showSwc))
skip = false;
if (skip)
System.out.println(swcLocation + ":");
// list of swc dependencies on swcLocation
Set<String> depends = depInfo.getDependencies(swcLocation);
for (String swcDepName : depends)
System.out.println("\t" + swcDepName);
// list the external scripts that caused the dependencies between
// swcLocation and swcDepName.
if (dependencyConfig.getShowExterns())
SwcExternalScriptInfo swcExternalScriptInfo = depInfo.getSwcExternalScriptInfo(swcLocation);
for (String externalScriptName : swcExternalScriptInfo.getExternalScripts(swcDepName))
if (dependencyConfig.getShowTypes())
System.out.print("\t\t" + externalScriptName + "\t");
for (String type : swcExternalScriptInfo.getScriptDependencyTypes(externalScriptName))
System.out.print(type + " ");
System.out.println("\t\t" + externalScriptName);
catch (ConfigurationException ex)
Mxmlc.processConfigurationException(ex, "swcdepends");
catch (SwcException ex)
assert ThreadLocalToolkit.errorCount() > 0;
catch (Throwable t) // IOException, Throwable
if (Trace.error)
* Used to setup the "dependency." prefix for the options in DependencyConfiguration.
public static class DependencyRootConfiguration extends CommandLineConfiguration
public DependencyRootConfiguration()
dependencyConfiguration = new DependencyConfiguration();
* Since we are filtering out a lot of command line options, we need to override validate to
* keep it from throwing an exception.
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
public void validate(ConfigurationBuffer cfgbuf) throws ConfigurationException
catch (ConfigurationException.MustSpecifyTarget e)
// eat this error so we can run swcdepends without any args.
// 'dependency.*' options
private DependencyConfiguration dependencyConfiguration;
public DependencyConfiguration getDependencyConfiguration()
return dependencyConfiguration;
// 'version' option
// dummy, just a trigger for version info
public void cfgVersion(ConfigurationValue cv, boolean dummy)
// intercepted upstream in order to allow version into to be printed even when required args are missing
// 'help' option
// dummy, just a trigger for help text
public void cfgHelp(ConfigurationValue cv, String[] keywords)
public static ConfigurationInfo getHelpInfo()
return new ConfigurationInfo( -1, "keyword" )
public boolean isGreedy()
return true;
public boolean isDisplayed()
return false;
* dependency.* configuration options
public static class DependencyConfiguration
// 'show-external-classes' option
// Should we show the external scripts
private boolean showExterns = false;
public boolean getShowExterns()
return showExterns;
public void cfgShowExternalClasses(ConfigurationValue cv, boolean showExterns) throws ConfigurationException
this.showExterns = showExterns;
public static ConfigurationInfo getShowExternalClassesInfo()
return new ConfigurationInfo();
// 'show-types' option
// Should we show the external scripts
private boolean showTypes = false;
public boolean getShowTypes()
return showTypes;
public void cfgShowTypes(ConfigurationValue cv, boolean showTypes) throws ConfigurationException
this.showTypes = showTypes;
// if showTypes is set, then turn on show-external-classes show the types will be seen.
if (showTypes)
showExterns = true;
public static ConfigurationInfo getShowTypesInfo()
return new ConfigurationInfo()
public String[] getSoftPrerequisites()
return new String[] { "show-external-classes" };
// 'types' option
private List<String> desiredTypes = new LinkedList<String>();
public List<String> getDesiredScriptDependencyTypes()
return desiredTypes;
public void cfgTypes( ConfigurationValue cfgval, String[] types ) throws ConfigurationException
for (int i = 0; i < types.length; ++i)
desiredTypes.add( types[i] );
public static ConfigurationInfo getTypesInfo()
return new ConfigurationInfo( -1, new String[] { "type" } )
public boolean allowMultiple()
return true;
// 'show-swcs' option
// Filter which SWCs to show.
private List<String> showSwcs = new LinkedList<String>();
public List<String> getShowSwcs()
return showSwcs;
public void cfgShowSwcs( ConfigurationValue cfgval, String[] swcs ) throws ConfigurationException
for (int i = 0; i < swcs.length; ++i)
showSwcs.add( swcs[i] );
public static ConfigurationInfo getShowSwcsInfo()
return new ConfigurationInfo( -1, new String[] { "swc-name" } )
public boolean allowMultiple()
return true;
// 'minimize-dependency-set' option
// Removes a SWC from the dependency set if the scripts resolved in a SWC are a subset of the scripts resolved in another dependent SWC.
private boolean minimizeDependencySet = true;
public boolean getMinimizeDependencySet()
return minimizeDependencySet;
public void cfgMinimizeDependencySet(ConfigurationValue cv, boolean minimumSet) throws ConfigurationException
this.minimizeDependencySet = minimumSet;
public static ConfigurationInfo getMinimizeDependencySetInfo()
return new ConfigurationInfo();