blob: 2019c3cf31363698cdf92fd17fbef5697bf2a8e4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import flex2.compiler.CompilerAPI;
import flex2.compiler.common.Configuration;
import flex2.compiler.config.AdvancedConfigurationInfo;
import flex2.compiler.config.ConfigurationBuffer;
import flex2.compiler.config.ConfigurationInfo;
import flex2.compiler.config.ConfigurationValue;
import flex2.compiler.config.ConfigurationException;
import flex2.compiler.asdoc.PackagesConfiguration;
import flash.util.FileUtils;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* asdoc specific configuration.
public class ASDocConfiguration extends ToolsConfiguration
private PackagesConfiguration packagesConfig = new PackagesConfiguration();
public static Map<String, String> getAliases()
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
map.put( "o", "output" );
map.put( "dc", "doc-classes" );
map.put( "dn", "doc-namespaces" );
map.put( "ds", "doc-sources" );
return map;
public void validate( ConfigurationBuffer cfgbuf ) throws ConfigurationException
String appHome = cfgbuf.getToken( "flexlib" );
File templatesPathFile;
if (templatesPath != null)
templatesPathFile = new File(templatesPath);
templatesPathFile = new File(appHome, "asdoc" + File.separator + "templates");
if (! templatesPathFile.isDirectory())
templatesPathFile = new File(appHome, ".." + File.separator + "asdoc" + File.separator + "templates");
if (! templatesPathFile.isDirectory())
throw new ConfigurationException.NotDirectory( templatesPath, null, null, -1 );
templatesPath = getFileStr(templatesPathFile);
File outputFile;
if (output != null)
outputFile = new File(output);
outputFile = new File(appHome, "asdoc-output");
if (outputFile.exists() && !outputFile.isDirectory())
throw new ConfigurationException.NotDirectory( output, null, null, -1 );
output = getFileStr(outputFile);
if (getDocSources().isEmpty() && getClasses().isEmpty() && getNamespaces().isEmpty())
throw new ConfigurationException.NoASDocInputs();
if (! getDocSources().isEmpty() && excludeDependencies)
throw new ConfigurationException.BadExcludeDependencies();
private String getFileStr(File file)
String str = file.getAbsolutePath();
if (! str.endsWith(File.separator))
str += File.separator;
return str;
// FIXME: hide parameters from extended Configuration.
// rework CommandLineConfiguration (or ConfigurationInfo setup?) to allow 'hidden' to be the default
// FIXME: turn off warning/strict by default? Not really useful, thought there was some case where it
// was annoying when they were on. Would need to change common.Configuration to make CompilerConfiguration
// overridable (or change CompilerAPI.compileSwc?)
// 'doc-classes' option
private List classes = new LinkedList();
public List getClasses()
return classes;
public void cfgDocClasses(ConfigurationValue cv, List args) throws ConfigurationException
classes.addAll( args );
public static ConfigurationInfo getDocClassesInfo()
return new ConfigurationInfo( -1, new String[] { "class" } )
public boolean allowMultiple()
return true;
// 'doc-namespaces' option
private List namespaces = new LinkedList();
public List getNamespaces()
return namespaces;
public void cfgDocNamespaces(ConfigurationValue val, List DocNamespaces)
public static ConfigurationInfo getDocNamespacesInfo()
return new ConfigurationInfo( -1, new String[] { "uri" } )
public boolean allowMultiple()
return true;
// 'doc-sources' option
private List sources = new LinkedList();
public List getDocSources()
return sources;
public void cfgDocSources(ConfigurationValue cv, List args) throws ConfigurationException
sources.addAll( args );
public static ConfigurationInfo getDocSourcesInfo()
return new ConfigurationInfo( -1, new String[] { "path-element" } )
public boolean allowMultiple()
return true;
public boolean isPath()
return true;
// 'examples-path' option
private String examplesPath;
public String getExamplesPath()
return examplesPath;
public void cfgExamplesPath(ConfigurationValue cv, String str) throws ConfigurationException
File file = new File(str);
if (! file.isDirectory())
throw new ConfigurationException.NotDirectory( str, cv.getVar(), cv.getSource(), cv.getLine() );
examplesPath = file.getAbsolutePath().replace('\\', '/');
// 'exclude-classes' option
private List excludeClasses = new LinkedList();
public List getExcludeClasses()
return excludeClasses;
public void cfgExcludeClasses(ConfigurationValue cv, List args) throws ConfigurationException
excludeClasses.addAll( args );
public static ConfigurationInfo getExcludeClassesInfo()
return new ConfigurationInfo( -1, new String[] { "class" } )
public boolean allowMultiple()
return true;
// 'exclude-dependencies' option
private boolean excludeDependencies;
public boolean excludeDependencies()
return excludeDependencies;
public void cfgExcludeDependencies(ConfigurationValue val, boolean bool)
this.excludeDependencies = bool;
// 'footer' option
private String footer;
public String getFooter()
return footer;
public void cfgFooter(ConfigurationValue cv, String str) throws ConfigurationException
footer = str;
// 'help' option
// dummy, just a trigger for help text
public void cfgHelp(ConfigurationValue cv, String[] keywords)
// intercepted upstream in order to allow help text to be printed even when args are otherwise bad
public static ConfigurationInfo getHelpInfo()
return new ConfigurationInfo( -1, "keyword" )
public boolean isGreedy()
return true;
public boolean isDisplayed()
return false;
// 'keep-xml' option
private boolean keepXML;
public boolean keepXml()
return keepXML;
public void cfgKeepXml(ConfigurationValue cv, boolean b) throws ConfigurationException
keepXML = b;
public static ConfigurationInfo getKeepXmlInfo()
return new ConfigurationInfo()
public boolean isHidden()
return true;
// 'left-frameset-width' option
private int leftFramesetWidth;
public int getLeftFramesetWidth()
return leftFramesetWidth;
public void cfgLeftFramesetWidth(ConfigurationValue val, int left)
this.leftFramesetWidth = left;
// 'load-config' p[topm
// dummy, ignored - pulled out of the buffer
public void cfgLoadConfig(ConfigurationValue cv, String filename) throws ConfigurationException
public static ConfigurationInfo getLoadConfigInfo()
return new ConfigurationInfo( 1, "filename" )
public boolean allowMultiple()
return true;
// 'main-title' option
private String mainTitle;
public String getMainTitle()
return mainTitle;
public void cfgMainTitle(ConfigurationValue cv, String str) throws ConfigurationException
mainTitle = str;
// 'output' option
private String output;
public String getOutput()
return output;
public String getTargetFile()
return null;
public void cfgOutput(ConfigurationValue val, String str) throws ConfigurationException
if (str != null && (str.startsWith(File.separator) || str.startsWith("/") || FileUtils.isAbsolute(new File(str))))
output = str;
else if (val.getContext() != null)
output = FileUtils.addPathComponents( val.getContext(), str, File.separatorChar );
output = str;
public static ConfigurationInfo getOutputInfo()
return new ConfigurationInfo(1, "filename")
// 'packages.*' options
public PackagesConfiguration getPackagesConfiguration()
return packagesConfig;
// 'package-description-file' option
private String packageDescriptionFile;
public String getPackageDescriptionFile()
return packageDescriptionFile;
public void cfgPackageDescriptionFile(ConfigurationValue cv, String str) throws ConfigurationException
File file = new File(str);
if (!file.exists() || file.isDirectory())
throw new ConfigurationException.NotAFile( str, cv.getVar(), cv.getSource(), cv.getLine() );
packageDescriptionFile = file.getAbsolutePath().replace('\\', '/');
// 'skip-xsl' option
private boolean skipXSL;
public boolean skipXsl()
return skipXSL;
public void cfgSkipXsl(ConfigurationValue cv, boolean b) throws ConfigurationException
skipXSL = b;
public static ConfigurationInfo getSkipXslInfo()
return new ConfigurationInfo()
public boolean isHidden()
return true;
// 'templates-path' option
private String templatesPath;
public String getTemplatesPath()
return templatesPath;
public void cfgTemplatesPath(ConfigurationValue val, String basedir) throws ConfigurationException
this.templatesPath = basedir;
// 'version' option
// dummy, just a trigger for version info
public void cfgVersion(ConfigurationValue cv, boolean dummy)
// intercepted upstream in order to allow version into to be printed even when required args are missing
// 'window-title' option
private String windowTitle;
public String getWindowTitle()
return windowTitle;
public void cfgWindowTitle(ConfigurationValue cv, String str) throws ConfigurationException
windowTitle = str;
// 'include-lookup-only' option
private boolean includeLookupOnly = false;
public boolean getIncludeLookupOnly()
return includeLookupOnly;
* include-lookup-only (hidden) if true, manifest entries with
* lookupOnly=true are included in SWC catalog. default is false.
* This exists only so that manifests can mention classes that
* come in from filespec rather than classpath, e.g. in
* playerglobal.swc.
* TODO could make this a per-namespace setting. Or, if we modify
* catalog-builder to handle defs from filespecs, could remove it
* entirely.
public void cfgIncludeLookupOnly(ConfigurationValue val, boolean includeLookupOnly)
this.includeLookupOnly = includeLookupOnly;
public static ConfigurationInfo getIncludeLookupOnlyInfo()
return new AdvancedConfigurationInfo();
// 'restore-builtin-classes' option
private boolean restoreBuiltinClasses;
public boolean restoreBuiltinClasses()
return restoreBuiltinClasses;
public void cfgRestoreBuiltinClasses(ConfigurationValue cv, boolean b) throws ConfigurationException
restoreBuiltinClasses = b;
// restore-builtin-classes is only for internal use
public static ConfigurationInfo getRestoreBuiltinClassesInfo()
return new ConfigurationInfo()
public boolean isHidden()
return true;
// 'lenient' option
private boolean lenient;
public boolean isLenient()
return lenient;
public void cfgLenient(ConfigurationValue cv, boolean b) throws ConfigurationException
lenient = b;
// 'exclude-sources' option
private List excludeSources = new LinkedList();
public List getExcludeSources()
return excludeSources;
public void cfgExcludeSources(ConfigurationValue cv, List args) throws ConfigurationException
excludeSources.addAll( args );
public static ConfigurationInfo getExcludeSourcesInfo()
return new ConfigurationInfo( -1, new String[] { "path-element" } )
public boolean allowMultiple()
return true;
public boolean isPath()
return true;
// 'date-in-footer' option
private boolean dateInFooter = true;
public boolean getDateInFooter()
return dateInFooter;
public void cfgDateInFooter(ConfigurationValue cv, boolean b) throws ConfigurationException
dateInFooter = b;
// 'include-all-for-asdoc' option
private boolean includeAllForAsdoc;
public boolean isIncludeAllForAsdoc()
return includeAllForAsdoc;
public void cfgIncludeAllForAsdoc(ConfigurationValue cv, boolean b) throws ConfigurationException
includeAllForAsdoc = b;
// include-all-only is only for internal use
public static ConfigurationInfo getIncludeAllForAsdoc()
return new ConfigurationInfo()
public boolean isHidden()
return true;