blob: 6117cf6eecc50cb67dcd964ae51deed50407273d [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package mx.charts.chartClasses
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.display.DisplayObject;
import flash.geom.Matrix;
* private - This interface has been made public for documentation requirements to not to show broken links
* for classes which implement this interface.
* This interface is for internal use only.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public interface IDataCanvas
* @private
* The function parameter names used by the implementing classes are
* different in order to make the names more suggestive.
* <p>For example, <code>lineTo(x:*, y:*)</code> in CartesianDataCanvas is
* <code>lineTo(angle:*, radial :*)</code> in PolarDataCanvas.</p>
function set dataChildren(value:Array /* of DisplayObject */):void
* @private
function get dataChildren():Array /* of DisplayObject */
* @private
function addDataChild(child:DisplayObject,left:* = undefined, top:* = undefined, right:* = undefined,
bottom:* = undefined , hCenter:* = undefined, vCenter:* = undefined):void
* @private
function removeAllChildren():void
* @private
function updateDataChild(child:DisplayObject,left:* = undefined, top:* = undefined, right:* = undefined,
bottom:* = undefined, hCenter:* = undefined, vCenter:* = undefined):void
* @private
function clear():void
* @private
function beginFill(color:uint , alpha:Number = 1):void
* @private
function beginBitmapFill(bitmap:BitmapData, x:* = undefined,
y:* = undefined, matrix:Matrix = null,
repeat:Boolean = true, smooth:Boolean = true):void
* @private
function curveTo(controlX:*, controlY:*, anchorX:*, anchorY:*):void
* @private
function drawCircle(x:*, y:*, radius:Number):void
* @private
function drawEllipse(left:*, top:*, right:*, bottom:*):void
* @private
function drawRect(left:*, top:*, right:*, bottom:*):void
* @private
function drawRoundedRect(left:*, top:*, right:*, bottom:*, cornerRadius:Number):void
* @private
function endFill():void
* @private
function lineStyle(thickness:Number, color:uint = 0, alpha:Number = 1.0,
pixelHinting:Boolean = false, scaleMode:String = "normal",
caps:String = null, joints:String = null, miterLimit:Number = 3):void
* @private
function lineTo(x:*, y:*):void
* @private
function moveTo(x:*, y:*):void